AL-KO Classic 3.8 E manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of AL-KO Classic 3.8 E, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of AL-KO Classic 3.8 E one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of AL-KO Classic 3.8 E. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of AL-KO Classic 3.8 E should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of AL-KO Classic 3.8 E
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the AL-KO Classic 3.8 E item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the AL-KO Classic 3.8 E item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of AL-KO Classic 3.8 E alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of AL-KO Classic 3.8 E, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the AL-KO service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of AL-KO Classic 3.8 E.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the AL-KO Classic 3.8 E item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    CLASSIC 3.2E CLASSIC 3.8E Montageanleitung I N F O R M A T I O N I M A N U A L S I S E R V I C E QUALITY F OR LIFE Garden + Hobby 47 0 6 3 1_ a I 10/2 00 9[...]

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    5 3.2 E (32 E CL) 3.8 E (38 E CL) ca. 1090x380x910 ca. 1250x425x970 ca. 12 kg ca. 14,5 kg 32 cm 38 cm 2,3 – 6,2 cm 2,3 – 6,2 cm ca. 35 l ca. 43 l 230V / 50Hz 900 W /1000 W 1300 W 2800 min -1 / ± 100 L pa 80 dB (A) L pa 94 dB (A) a hv = vhw 8 m/s 2 (ISO 20643)[...]

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    a b c d e f Art. Nr . 1 12 544 , 112 545 E12544 54889101 46041802 460419 702853 (4) 704168 (4) 701909(4) 548944 (2) 336375 (4) 54889040 54890001 (2) 54890140 (2) 525518 (2) 54890201 (2) 54890340 (2) 470176 516747 702572(2) 460417 336375(2) 460441 548905 54889440 46042001 703481 (2) 700121 (2) 54889240 (2) 54891501 463033 349507(2) 54889501 336375 ([...]

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    a b c d e f Art. Nr . 1 12 546 E12546 3.8 E (38 E CL) 54893401 46041802 46041901 702853 (4) 704168 (4) 701006 (4) 460599 336375 (4) 54893540 46059801(2) 54890340 (2) 525518 (2) 54893601 (2) 54893740 (2) 513631 702572(2) 54889901 336375 460449 336375(2) 460441 548905 54891440 46042001 703481 (2) 700121 (2) 54889240 (2) 548523 (2) 463033 349507(2) 54[...]

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    D 1 470631_a Classic 3.2 E, Classic 3.8 E EG-Konformitätserklärung Hiermit erklären wir , dass dieses Produkt, in der von uns in V erkehr gebrachten Ausführung, den Anforderungen der harmonisierten EG-Richtlinien, EG-Sicherheitsstandards und den produktspezi fi schen Standards entspricht. Produkt Elektro-Rasenmäher Seriennummer G1001005 Herst[...]

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    GB 2 EC declaration of conformity We hereby declare that this product, in the form in which it is marketed, meets the requirements of the harmonised EU guidelines, EU safety standards, and the product-speci fi c standards. Product Electric lawnmower Serial number G1001005 Manufacturer AL-KO Geräte GmbH Ichenhauser Str . 14 89359 KOETZ DEUTSCHLAND[...]

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    F 3 470631_a Classic 3.2 E, Classic 3.8 E Déclaration de conformité CE Nous déclarons par la présente de la produit, dans la version mise en circulation par nos soins, es conforme aux exigences des Normes UE harmonisées, des normes de sécurité UE et aux normes spéci fi ques au produit. Produit T ondeuse électrique Numéro de série G10010[...]

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    I 4 Dichiarazione di conformità CE Con la presente si dichiara che il presente prodotto, nella versione da noi messa in commercio, è conforme ai requisiti delle direttive UEO armonizzate, degli standard di sicurezza UEO e gli standard speci fi ci del prodotto. Prodotto T osaerba elettrico Numero di serie G1001005 Costruttore AL-KO Geräte GmbH I[...]

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    NL 5 470631_a Classic 3.2 E, Classic 3.8 E EG-conformiteitsverklaring Hiermee verklaren wij, dat dit product, in de door ons in het verkeer gebrachte uitvoering, voldoet aan de eisen van de geharmoniseerde EU-richtlijnen, EU-veiligheidsnormen en de productspeci fi eke normen. Product Electro-Grasmaaier Serienummer G1001005 Fabrikant AL-KO Geräte [...]

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    E 6 Declaración dé conformidad CE Por la presente declaramos que este producto, en la versión que hemos comercializado, cumple los requisitos de las directivas europeas armonizadas, los estándares europeos de seguridad y los estándares especi fi dos del producto. Producto Cortacésped eléctrico Número de serie G1001005 Fabricante AL-KO Ger?[...]

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    H 7 470632_a Classic 3.2 E, Classic 3.8 E EU megfelel ő ségi nyilatkozat Kijelentjük, hogy ez a termék jelen állapotában megfelel a harmonizált EU-orányelvekben, EU biztonsági szabványokban és a termékre vonatkozó szabványokban megfogalmazott követelményeknek. T ermék Elektromotoros f ű nyírógép Gyártási szám G1001005 Gyárt[...]

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    P 8 Declaração de conformidade CE Declaramos que o modelo deste produto por nós comercializado corresponde aos requisitos das directivas harmonizadas da UE, às normas de segurança da UE e às normas especí fi cas do produto. Produto cortar relva elétricos N.º de série G1001005 Fabricante AL-KO Geräte GmbH Ichenhauser Str . 14 89359 KOETZ[...]

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    PL 9 470631_a Classic 3.2 E, Classic 3.8 E Deklaracja zgodno ś ci EWG Niniejszym oznajmiamy , ż e ten produkt w wykonaniu dopuszczonym do obrotu odpowiada zharmonizowanym przepisom wytycznych UE, normom bezpiecze ń stwa UE i normom odnosz ą cym si ę do produktu. Produkt Kosiarka elektryczna Numer seryjny G1001005 Producent AL-KO Geräte GmbH I[...]

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    CZ 10 Prohlášení o shod ě ES Tímto prohlašujeme, že tento produkt, tato do ob ě hu daná verze, odpovídá požadavk ů m harmonizovaných sm ě rnic EU, bezpe č nostní standardy EU a standardy speci fi cké pro tento produktt. Produkt Elektrická seka č ka na trávu Sériové č íslo G1001005 Výrobce AL-KO Geräte GmbH Ichenhauser St[...]

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    SK 11 470631_a Classic 3.2 E, Classic 3.8 E V yhlásenie o zhode - ES Týmto vyhlasujeme, že tento výrobok v prevedení, ktoré sme uvedli do prevádzky , zodpovedá požiadavkám harmonizovaných smerníc EÚ, bezpe č nostných noriem EÚ a noriem platných pre tento výrobok. Výrobok Elektrická kosa č ka Výrobné č íslo G1001005 Výrobca[...]

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    N 12 EU-samsvarserklæring Vi erklærer med dette at dette produktet, som vi har brakt inn på markedet i denne utførelse, overholder kravene i de harmoniserte EU-forskriftene, EU-sikkerhetsstandardene og de produktspesi fi kke standardene. Produkt Elektrisk gressklipper Serienummer G1001005 Produsent AL-KO Geräte GmbH Ichenhauser Str . 14 89359[...]

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    S 13 470631_a Classic 3.2 E, Classic 3.8 E EG-försäkran om överensstämmelse Härmed försäkrar vi att denna produkt, i det utförande den tillverkats i, motsvarar de harmoniserade kraven för EU-direktiv , EU-säkerhetsstandarder och de produktspeci fi ka standarderna. Produkt Gräsklippare, elektrisk Serienummer G1001005 Tillverkare AL-KO Ge[...]

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    DK 14 EF-overensstemmelseserklæring Hermed erklærer vi, at dette produkt, i den af os markedsførte udførelse, opfylder kravene i de harmoniserede EU-direktiver , EU-sikkerhedsstandarderne og de produktspeci fi kke standarder. Produkt Elektrisk plæneklipper Serienummer G1001005 Producent AL-KO Geräte GmbH Ichenhauser Str . 14 89359 KOETZ DEUT[...]

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    FIN 15 470631_a Classic 3.2 E, Classic 3.8 E EY -vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus V akuutamme täten, että kysessä oleva tuote vastaa siinä tilassa, kuin valmistaja on sen markkinoille saattanut, harmonisoituja EU-direktiivejä, EU-turvastandardeja sekä tuotekohtaisia standardeja. T uote Sähköruohonleikkuri Sarjanumero G1001005 V almistaja AL-KO [...]

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    RUS 16 Декларация о соответ ствии стандартам ЕС Настоящим документом мы заявляем , что данный спроектированный нами продукт соответствует требованиям согласованных директив ЕС , стандартам бе[...]

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    SLO 17 470631_a Classic 3.2 E, Classic 3.8 E Izjava ES o skladnosti S to izjavo potrjujemo, da je ta izdelek v predstavljeni izvedbi, skladen z usklajenimi direktivami EU, varnostnimi standardi EU in upoštevnimi standardi za tovrstne izdelke. Izdelek V rtna kosilnica, elektri č na Serijska številka G1001005 Proizvajalec AL-KO Geräte GmbH Ichenh[...]

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    HR 18 EZ izjava o sukladnosti Ovim potvr đ ujemo da ovaj proizvod, u verziji koju smo mi pustili u promet, odgovara zahtjevima harmoniziranih EU smjernica, EU sigurnosnih standarda i standarda koji su speci fi č ni za proizvod. Proizvod Elektri č na kosilica za travu Serijski broj G1001005 Proizvo đ a č AL-KO Geräte GmbH Ichenhauser Str . 14[...]

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    SRB 19 470631_a Classic 3.2 E, Classic 3.8 E ЕЗ изјава о у склађености Овиме изјављујемо да овај производ , у верзији коју смо ставили на тржиште , одговара захтевима хармонизованих ЕЗ директива , ЕЗ стандарда бе?[...]

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    EST 20 EÜ vastavusdeklaratsioon Sellega teatame, et see toode, mis on meie poolt selles versioonis turustatud, vastab EÜ-direktiividele, EÜ-ohutusstandarditele ja tootespetsii fi listele normidele. T oode Elektriline muruniiduk Seerianumber G1001005 T ootja AL-KO Geräte GmbH Ichenhauser Str . 14 89359 KOETZ DEUTSCHLAND Esindaja Anton Eberle Ic[...]

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    LV 21 470631_a Classic 3.2 E, Classic 3.8 E EK atbilst ī bas deklar ā cija Ar šo m ē s apliecin ā m, ka šis izstr ā d ā jums t ā d ā izpild ī jum ā , k ā d ā tas ir nodots tirdzniec ī b ā , atbilst saska ņ oto ES-direkt ī vu, ES droš ī bas standartu un ar izstr ā d ā juma speci fi ku saist ī to standartu pras ī b ā m. Izst[...]

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    LT 22 ES atitikties pareiškimas Šiuo mes pareiškiama, kad šis produktas buvo sukurtas, suprojektuotas ir pagamintas laikantis harmozinuot ų ES-direktyv ų , ES saugos instrukcij ų ir gaminiui taikytin ų standart ų . Produktas Elektrin ė vejapjov ė Serijos Nr . G1001005 Gamintojas AL-KO Geräte GmbH Ichenhauser Str . 14 89359 KOETZ DEUTSCH[...]

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    UA 23 470631_a Classic 3.2 E, Classic 3.8 E Декларація про відповідність стандартам ЄС Цим документом ми заявляємо , що даний спроектований нами продукт відповідає вимогам погодженихдиректив ЄС , стандартам б?[...]

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    BG 24 EG- Декларация за съо тветствие С настоящото декларираме , че този продукт в нашето изпълнение отговаря на изискванията нахармонизираните европейски директиви , стандарти на ЕС и на специф[...]

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    RO 25 470631_a Classic 3.2 E, Classic 3.8 E Declara ţ ie de conformitate CE Prin aceasta garant ă m c ă acest produs, în varianta pus ă de noi în circula ţ ie, corespunde condi ţ iilor directivelor UE armonizate, standardelor UE UE precum ş i standardelor speci fi ce produsului. Produsul Ma ş in ă electric ă de tuns gazonul Num ă r se[...]

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    GR 26 Δήλωση συμμόρφωσης ΕΚ Διά της παρούσης βεβαιώνουμε ότι το παρόν προϊόν , στην έκδοση με την οποία το θέτουμε σε κυκλοφορία στηναγορά , συμμορφώνεται με τις απαιτήσεις των εναρμονισμένων ο?[...]

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    MK 27 470631_a Classic 3.2 E, Classic 3.8 E Изјава за усог ласеност за ЕУ Со ова изјавуваме дека овој производ , во изведбата која ние сме ја пуштиле во промет , ги задоволувабарањата на хармонизираните директив?[...]

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    TR 28 EG uygunluk aç ı klamas ı Bu vesileyle taraf ı m ı zdan piyasaya sunulan modeldeki bu ürünün AB standartlar ı , AB güvenlik standartlar ı ve ürüneözgü standartlar alt ı ndaki karma talepleri kar ş ı lad ı ğ ı n ı bilgilerinize sunmak isteriz. Ürün Elektrikli çim biçme makinesi Seri numaras ı G1001005 Üretici AL-KO [...]

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    AL-KO Geraete GmbH l Head Quarter l Ichenhauser Str . 14 l 89359 Koetz l Deutschland T elefon: (+49) 82 21/ 2 03 - 0 l T elefax: (+49) 82 21/ 20 3 - 1 38 l www Count r y Company T elephone Fax A AL - KO Kob er G es .m.b .H. (+ 4 3) 3 5 78 / 2 51 5 2 2 7 ( + 4 3 ) 3 5 7 8 / 2 5 15 3 8 AUS AL - KO Int er na t ion al P T Y . LTD (+ 6 1) 3 /[...]