Alliance Laundry Systems 907003062 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Alliance Laundry Systems 907003062, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Alliance Laundry Systems 907003062 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Alliance Laundry Systems 907003062. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Alliance Laundry Systems 907003062 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Alliance Laundry Systems 907003062
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Alliance Laundry Systems 907003062 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Alliance Laundry Systems 907003062 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Alliance Laundry Systems 907003062 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Alliance Laundry Systems 907003062, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Alliance Laundry Systems service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Alliance Laundry Systems 907003062.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Alliance Laundry Systems 907003062 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    Installation www .comlaundry .co m Part No . 70420 801R7EN Septemb er 201 1 Keep These In struction s for Future Reference. (If thi s machin e changes o wnershi p, this manu al must accompany machine.) T umble Dryers 120 Pound Capacity 170 Pound Capacity S tarting Serial No. 0907003062 Refer to Page 5 for Model Identification TMB1268 TMB1268C[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T 70420801 (EN) 1 Insta llati on m ust co nfor m wit h loc al cod es or , in th e abs ence o f loca l cod es, wi th: In the U.S.A. , install ati on mus t con form to the lates t edit ion of the A meric an Na tion al S t anda rd Z 223.1 / NFP A 54 “Nationa l Fuel Gas Code” and[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T 2 70420801 (EN) The foll owing i nformation appli es to the state of Massachu s etts , USA.  This appl iance can only be inst alled by a Massachu setts license d plumber or gas fi tter .  This appl iance must be install ed with a 36 inch ( 91 cm) lo ng flexib le gas conne[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T 70420801 (EN) 3 © Copyrig ht 2011, Alliance Laundry Syst ems LLC All rig hts reser ved. No pa rt of th e conte nts of th is book may be re produced or tran smitted i n any form or by any means with out the expresse d writ ten consen t of th e publish er. Ta b l e o f Content s[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T 4 70420801 (EN) Steam Requir ements ............................................ ............................... 43 Piping Recommenda tions .................... ........................... ...................... 43 Instal ling Stea m Trap and Making Cond ensate Return Connect i[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T 5 70420801 (EN) Introduction Model Identificatio n Informatio n in this manual is applicab le to these models . Inclu des mo dels w ith th e foll owing contr ol suffixe s: Customer Servic e If li teratu re or r eplac ement part s are r equir ed, c ontac t the sour ce fr om whic[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Introduction 70420801 (EN) 6 Serial Plate Locati on When calli ng or wr iting f or informa tion about your product , be sure t o mention model and se rial numbe rs. Model a nd serial numbers are loca ted on t he seria l plate a s shown. TMB228 8N 1 Serial Plate Conversion T abl[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T 7 70420801 (EN) Safe ty Information Precaut ionary st atements (“ DANGER,” “W ARNING ,” and “ CAUT ION” ), fo llowe d by s pecif ic ins tructi ons , are fou nd in t his manu al and on mac hine de cals. Thes e precaut ions a re intend ed for th e personal safet y of [...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Safe ty In form ation 70420801 (EN) 8 Save These Instr uctions Import ant Safety Instructions 1. Read all instr uctions before using the tumb le dryer . 2. Refer t o the Gr ounding Ins truct ions for the proper g rounding of the tumble dryer . 3. Do not dry arti cles that have [...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Safe ty In form ation 9 70420801 (EN) 22. Insta ll this tumble drye r acco rding to this Inst allati on Manual . All co nnections for electr ical power , grounding and gas supply mus t comply wit h loc al codes and be made by license d personne l when requi red. 23. Remove laun[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Syst ems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T 70420801 (EN) 10 S pecifications and Dimensions N/A = Not Applicable Specifications 120 Pound 170 P ound Noise level measured during operation at operator position of 3.3 feet (1 meter) in front of machine and 5.2 feet (1.6 meters ) from floor . 66 dB A 66 dB A Cylinder Siz e:[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Specifications a nd Dimensions 11 70420801 (EN) 120 Pound T umble Dryer Dimensions and Exhaust Outlet Locations Refer t o Position and Level t he T umble Dryer to tempo rarily redu ce the heigh ts of t hese m ode ls. TMB232 6N TMB2326N A B C D U V X H F Z Y W TOP VI EW OF EXHAU[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Spec ifications and Dimensions 70420801 (EN) 12 170 Pound T umble Dryer Dimensions and Exhaust Outlet Locations Refer t o Position and Level t he T umble Dryer to tempo rarily redu ce the heigh ts of t hese m ode ls. TMB232 7N TMB2327N A B C D W H F Y X V TOP VI EW OF EXHAUST D[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Specifications a nd Dimensions 13 70420801 (EN) Electri c and Gas Connection Locations for Gas Model s NOTE: These fi gures ar e appr oximate dimensions o nly . TMB225 5N A C C A D B B D 120L/N 170L/N Mod els Electrical Connection Gas Connection ABCD D i a m e t e r 120L/N 18.3[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Spec ifications and Dimensions 70420801 (EN) 14 Electri c and Steam Connection Locations for St eam Models TMB225 6N A1 B1 120S 170S A2 B2 D E F A1 B1 B2 A2 D E F C C Mod els Steam Inlet Diameter A1 A2 F 120S 3/4 in. N PT 35.875 i n. (91 1 mm) 13.375 i n. (340 mm) 82.75 i n. (2[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Specifications a nd Dimensions 15 70420801 (EN) Electri c Connection Location for Electri c Models TMB233 6N A B Models A B 120E 35. 81 in . (910 mm) 85.64 in. (2175 mm)[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Syst ems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T 70420801 (EN) 16 Inst allation Pre-Inst allation Inspection Upon deli very , visually insp ect th e crate, c arton and parts f or any visible shipping da mage. If th e crate, carton or cove r is damaged or signs of poss ible dama ge are eviden t, have th e carrie r note th e c[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Inst allation 17 70420801 (EN) IMP OR T A NT : Insta ll tum ble d ryers w ith su fficie nt clearanc e for s ervicing a nd operat ion. Ref er to Figure 1 . Figu re 1 T o re duce the risk of se rious i njury , inst all lockable door(s) to prevent public access to rear of tumble d[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Installation 70420801 (EN) 18 Position and Level the T umble Dryer The tumble dryer ma y be moved wit h or withou t the skid. T o remo ve the skid, unsc rew th e fou r ship ping bolts, a nd disc ard them. T o fit a 170 pound t umble dryer (with shi pping ski d) through an 8 foo[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Inst allation 19 70420801 (EN) 9. Check the airflow s witch o peration by openi ng the lin t pan el; be sure to remo ve sh ippin g tap e from airflo w swit ch pri or to o perat ion. T emporarily tape down the lint pane l saf ety swit ch located be hind the upper lef t corne r o[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Installation 70420801 (EN) 20 Installing CE Ga s Drying T umb le Dryers General Info rmation This inf ormation i s to be us ed when i nstalli ng gas tumb le dry ers in coun tries, a nd/ or on ga ses, differen t than the machine ’ s fact ory conf igurati on. T umble dryers are[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Inst allation 21 70420801 (EN) Gases and Co nfigur ations Burner orifice information at 0 -2000 feet (0-600 meters) altitude. * F or Natural G as, G rou p E+ ap plic ations , conv ert using L.P . Gas model an d replace bu rner orifi ces. ** Fo r L.P . Gas, Group B/P with 50 mba[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Installation 70420801 (EN) 22 Basic Con figur ation 1. Determine the ne cessar y convers ion oper ations to conver t fr om the fact ory-s upplied configu ratio n to th e desire d configur ation . 2. Perform the co nversions require d so t he machine is proper ly configu red for[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Inst allation 23 70420801 (EN) Spe cific Conversion P rocedures How to Convert Gas Valve from Regulated to Unre gulated NOTE: Conversio n fr om r egulate d to unr egulat ed is onl y nee ded w hen regu lated tum ble dry ers w ere order ed, but unr egulated tumble dry ers wer e n[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Installation 70420801 (EN) 24 Figu re 3 How to Adjust Gas V alve Governor/Regulator 1. C heck gas bu rne r orif ice ( mani fold) pre ssure as follo ws. Re fer to Figur e 3 . 2. Remove scre w plug from i nside pre ssure tap. 3. Connect a “U”-tu be manomete r (or si milar pre[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T 25 70420801 (EN) Exhaust Requirement s Layout Whereve r poss ible, install tumble dryers along an outside wall, where duct l ength can be kept to a minimum and make up air ca n be eas ily acces sed. Construc tion must not block the airf low at the top rear of the t umble dryer [...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Exhaust Requireme nts 70420801 (EN) 26 NOTE: Exhaust ducts mus t be const ructed of sheet metal or o ther noncombustibl e material. Suc h ducts must be equivale nt in str ength and corr osion re sista nce to du cts made of ga lvaniz ed sheet steel not less than 0.0 195 inch (0.[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Exhaust Requireme nts 27 70420801 (EN) Individual V enting For maximum ef ficiency and per formance, i t is prefer red to exhaust t umble dr yer(s) i ndividual ly to the outd oors. IMPOR T ANT : At no point may the cr oss sect ional are a of in stalled v enting be l ess than th[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Exhaust Requireme nts 70420801 (EN) 28 Figu re 7 NOTE: Do not ins tall wir e mesh or scr een in exhaust duc t openi ng to avoid l int build -up or impacting pr oper discha rge of a ir fr om tumble dryers. NOTE: Where exhaust duct pier ces a combustible wall or cei ling, th e op[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Exhaust Requireme nts 29 70420801 (EN) Figu re 8 TMB201 9N 1 NOTE: Wher e the exhau st duct p ierces a combustible wall or ce iling, the ope ning MUST be sized per local code s. 2 Outlet Duc t Diam eter 3 45° T ypical L K J I H G F E D C B A 3 1 2 ONE MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY Duct St[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Exhaust Requireme nts 70420801 (EN) 30 TMB201 8N 1 NOTE: Wher e the exhau st duct p ierces a combustible wall or ce iling, the ope ning MUST be sized per local code s. 2 Outlet Duc t Diam eter 3 45° T ypical Figu re 9 TMB2018N 1 2 3 L K J I L K J I CONTINUE TO A CONTINUE TO A [...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T 31 70420801 (EN) Gas Requirement s IMP ORT AN T : Any pr oduct r evis ion s or conv ersi ons must be made by the Manufac ture r’s Authoriz ed Dealers, Distri butors or l ocal s ervice personnel. IMPOR T ANT : The i nstalla tion must compl y with local code s or , in th e abs [...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Gas Requirement s 70420801 (EN) 32 Figure 10 T urn on gas and ch eck al l pipe conn ectio ns (inte rnal and ex ternal) for ga s leaks wi th a non -corrosi ve le ak detect ion fl uid. Pur ge ai r in gas servi ce line by operati ng the tumble dryer in t he dry ing mode. I f burne[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Gas Requirement s 33 70420801 (EN) Gas Suppl y Pipe Sizing and Loopin g Figure 1 1 TMB212 6N 1 Gas Furnac e (120,0 00 Btu/hr .) 8 25 f t. (7.6 m) 2 Gas W ater Heaters (40 0,000 Bt u/hr . each) 9 Ma in Regu lator 3 Gas S pace H eaters (7 0,000 Bt u/hr . each) 10 Gas M eter 4 Sed[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Gas Requirement s 70420801 (EN) 34 Gas Pip e Size Requir ed for 1 000 Btu Nat ural Gas — 0.64 Specific G ravity at 7 ± 1.5 inches ( 17.4 ± 4 mbar , 1.74 ± 0.37 kPa ) W ater Column Pressure Equivalent Length Gas Applian ces T otal Btu/hr . 25 feet (7.6 3 m ) 50 feet (15.25 [...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Gas Requirement s 35 70420801 (EN) High Altit ude Orifice Sizing For prope r oper ation at alti tudes abov e 2000 feet (610 mete rs), the gas orif ice size m ust be re duced to en sure comple te combus tion. Refer t o T able 8 . For CE mode ls, co nsult local gas suppli er . No[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Syst ems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T 70420801 (EN) 36 Electrical Requirement s NOTE: T o ensure pr otection against shock, this tumble drye r MUST be electr ically g r ounded in accordance with the local codes or , in the absence of local code s, with the la test e ditio n of th e Nati onal Electri cal Code ANSI/[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Electrical Requirement s 37 70420801 (EN) For CE Models Only All models are fact ory-equi pped wit h an emer gency stop but ton on the front panel. NOTE: Activat ion of the emergency stop switch stops al l machine con t r ol cir cuit functions, b ut DOES NOT remove all elec tri[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Electrical Requirement s 70420801 (EN) 38 Service/Ground Location Model Ground and T erminal Block Locations Non-CE Gas and Ste a m CE Gas and Ste a m Figure 1 2 (continue d) Ground TMB2269N Electrical Service Te r m i n a l Block Junction Box Ground TMB2247N Electrical Service[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Electrical Requirement s 39 70420801 (EN) Figure 1 2 (continue d) Model Ground and T erminal Block Locations Electr ic Figure 12 TMB2337N Ground Electri cal Service Te r m i n a l Block Conta ctor Box TMB233 7N[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Electrical Requirement s 70420801 (EN) 40 T o Connect El ectri cal Servic e to th e T umble Dryer NOTE: The wiring diagram is loca ted in t he junctio n or contact or box. 1. Instal l a ci rcuit br eaker as close to the tumble dryer as possibl e. If more t han one tumbl e dryer[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Electrical Requirement s 41 70420801 (EN) Jumper Configuration Instructions Changing t he tr ansformer configura tion j umper is requi red, PRIOR TO SUPPL YING POWER TO THE MACHINE , if a ny of the f ollow ing a pply : IMP OR T ANT : Fail ure to in stall t he proper configur at[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Electrical Requirement s 70420801 (EN) 42 Electri cal Requireme n t s Refer t o Ta b l e 9 . NOTE: Minimum wir e si zes ar e obta ined fr om Canadian Ele ctrical Code and a re i ntended for use as a guideli ne only . Electr ical co nnections sho uld be made only by a qualifie d[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T 43 70420801 (EN) S t eam Requirement s NOTE : Ma chin es requi re a cons tant 80 to 1 00 ps ig (5.62 to 7 .03 kg/s q. cm) steam se rvice for optimum operati on. The maximum allowabl e steam pr essure for use wi th 60 Her tz or 50 Hert z tumble drye rs is 125 psig ( 8.6 bar). In[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Steam Requirement s 70420801 (EN) 44 Inst alling Steam T rap and Making Condensate Return Connections The stea m trap mus t be inst alled and the coi l outle t connecti ons must be connect ed to the condens ate return line s. The fol lowing steps outlin e the procedure for ins [...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Steam Require ment s 45 70420801 (EN) 120 Pound T umble Dryers Figure 14 TMB2014N NOTE: Refer to T able 10 for sizing of steam lin es. Piping mu st also b e sized ac cordingly for le ngth of runs and number of elb ows. 1 Supply 8 18 in . (457 mm) Drop 2 12 in. (30 5 mm) Rise r [...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Steam Requirement s 70420801 (EN) 46 170 Pound T umble Dryers Figure 15 TMB202 4N NOTE: Refer to Tab l e 1 1 for sizi ng of steam l ines. Pip ing must als o be sized according ly for length of runs and number of elb ows. 1 Risers 12 in. (305 mm) 6 18 in. D rop (457 mm) 2 Shut-O[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T 47 70420801 (EN) Adjustment s Gas Burner Air Shutter NOTE: Air inle t shutter s on the burner must be adju ste d so suf ficien t air is mete red into th e syst em for pr oper combustion and max imum efficienc y . Befo re adjus ting the in let sh utter s, be sure tha t all lint [...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Adjustments 70420801 (EN) 48 Airflow Switc h The airf low swit ch is set at t he factor y for proper operati on. No adj ustment ne cessary . The airf low swit ch operat ion may b e af fecte d by shippin g tape still i n place, l ack of make-up a ir , or an obstruc tion in t he [...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Adjustments 49 70420801 (EN) Belt D rive The dri ve ass emblies co nsist of motors, b elts, eyebolts and a st ep pull ey . The pull ey diameter s are sized to p roduce a cylinde r speed of 37-39 RPM for 1 20 pound mod els or 29-31 RPM f or 170 poun d models. The step pulley ass[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Syst ems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T 70420801 (EN) 50 Removing T umble Dryer from Service If the tumb le dry er is to be rem ove d from s erv ice, perfo rm th e foll owin g ste ps whe re ap plic able:  T urn off elect rical su pply ex ternal t o machin e.  T urn off elect rical di sconnect on machin e.  [...]