Alliance Laundry Systems DRY2035N manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Alliance Laundry Systems DRY2035N, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Alliance Laundry Systems DRY2035N one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Alliance Laundry Systems DRY2035N. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Alliance Laundry Systems DRY2035N should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Alliance Laundry Systems DRY2035N
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Alliance Laundry Systems DRY2035N item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Alliance Laundry Systems DRY2035N item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Alliance Laundry Systems DRY2035N alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Alliance Laundry Systems DRY2035N, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Alliance Laundry Systems service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Alliance Laundry Systems DRY2035N.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Alliance Laundry Systems DRY2035N item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    f or your fr ontload washer www .comlaundry .com Inside . . . Safety Information . . . 3 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Clothing Care . . . . . . . 18 Maintenance . . . . . . . 27 Troubleshooting . . . . 30 P ar a bajar una copia de estas instrucciones en español, visite www .comlaundry .com. P art No . 802753R2 May 2008[...]

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    -2- 8027 53 For your safety and to reduce the risk of fire or an explosion, do not sto re or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. W022 WA R N I N G[...]

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    -3- 8027 53 Safety Infor mation Explanation of Safety Messages Through out this manual and on machine decals , you will find pr ecautionary statements (“DANGER, ” “W ARNING, ” and “ CAUTION”) follow ed by specific instructions . These pr ecautions are intended for the per sonal safety of the operator , user , servicer , and those mainta[...]

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    -4- 8027 53 5. Under certain conditions , hydrogen gas may be produced in a hot wa ter system that has not been used for two w eeks or mor e. HYDR OGEN GAS IS EXPLOSIVE. If the hot water system has not been used for such a period, before using a washing machine or combination washer-dryer , turn on all ho t water faucets and let the water flow from[...]

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    -5- 8027 53 25. Always r ead and follow manufactur er’ s instructions on packages of laundry and cleaning aids . Heed all warnings or pr ecautions . T o r educe the risk of poisoning or chem ical bu rns , keep t hem out of the r e ach of childr en at all times (prefer ably in a locked ca binet). 26. Always follow t he fabric care instructions sup[...]

  • Page 6

    -6- 8027 53 Operation Before W ashing Prepare W ash Load Empty Pockets and Cuf fs Make sur e all pockets are empty and turn them inside out. One bobby pin, metal or plastic toy , nail or sharp o bject in a lo ad can catch laundry , cause tears and plug the pump . F acial tissue left in a pocket will produce extr eme “lint”. A cr ayon or lipstic[...]

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    -7- 8027 53 Loading the W asher Load Ar ticles • Load items by the amount of space they take up , not by their w eight. Mix lar ge and small items in a load to get the best washing r e sults . • Load items loosely into the wash drum. The bulk of the clothes ra ther than the weight will determine load size. Bulky Items • Use the HANDW ASH/DELI[...]

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    -8- 8027 53 Cold W ater The Cold W ash is ideal for delica te items . Although its cleaning abilities ar e not as great with hot or warm water , it is useful for c olors that bleed easily and for sensitive fabrics . The Cold Rinse is o ptional in ev ery cycle and is the most beneficial for fabrics . Cold rinses r educe wrinkling and color fading. I[...]

  • Page 9

    -9- 8027 53 Operating Y our W asher a. NOTE: Always f ollow manufactur er’ s car e labels . Determine Proper Cycle NOT E: The cy cle times migh t be longer if a Boosted Ho t Wash, if av ailable, is selected. Regular Cycle Use for stur dy items , like play or work clothes , towels , T -shirts , etc. Th is cycle includes a wash tumble for 24 minute[...]

  • Page 10

    -10- 8027 53 T o W ash Clothes IMP ORT ANT: Befor e using your new washer , make sur e the washer cor d is plugged into an appropriate ele ctrical out let that has th e proper grounding (earthing) and polarity . Refer to the washer nameplat e and Installa tion Instructions f or proper v olt age and Her t z the washer is designed to oper ate on. Ref[...]

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    -11- 8027 53 When washing bulky items such as blankets and comforters , use the HANDW ASH/DELICA TE cycle. The cycle includes 12 minu tes of gentle agitation to clean items delicately and thorough ly . The extra rinse cycle may be select ed to ensure complete r emov al of soap residue . A final spin extr acts the moistur e at a low speed to maintai[...]

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    -12- 8027 53 If items need to be added or remov ed after a cycle has started, turn the cyc le selector knob to t he OFF position. W ait until the DOOR light goes off (approx imately 45 seconds after cycle has be en stopped), open door , add or remov e items , and start the cycle again. Ther e is no agitator on th is washer . Instead, the clothing g[...]

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    -13- 8027 53 DOOR Light When the washer is started, the DOOR light will come on after a short delay . The light will turn off approximately 45 seconds af ter the cycle is complete . W ASH Light This light com es on during the wash par t of each cycle. RINSE Light This light com es on for the rinse portion of each cycle. FINAL SPIN Light This light [...]

  • Page 14

    -14- 8027 53 A vailable W ashing Cycles The cycles of your washer include sever al differ ent settings . Refer to the table below for what can be expected during the cycles that you select. Regula r Cycle Activity Wat e r T e m p e ra t u res Was h Fill & T umb le Boosted Hot (select models), Hot, W arm or Cold Spin P ulse Spin Rinse Fi ll &[...]

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    -15- 8027 53 Common W asher Sounds De l i c a t e C yc le Activity Wat e r T e m p e ra t u res Was h Fill & T umb le Boosted Hot (select models), Hot, W arm or Cold Spin P ulse Spin Rinse Fi ll & T umble Cold Spin P ulse Spin Extr a Rinse (Opt ional) Fill & T umble Cold Spin P ulse Spin Fi nal Rins e Fill & T umble W arm or Col d S[...]

  • Page 16

    -16- 8027 53 Using Y our Dispenser Drawer Detergent Compartment The deter gen t compartment is located on the right side of the dispenser d r awer . Refer to compartment 1 of illustr ation. Use low sudsing, high efficiency (HE) pow dered or liquid deter gents that are r ecommended for use with fro ntload washers . P owder ed bleach can also be used[...]

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    -17- 8027 53 Fabric Softener Compartment The fabric softener compartment is located in the left rear corner of the dispenser dr awer . Re fer to compartment 3 of illustr ation. Use no mor e than the maximum level indic ated for the fa bric softener co mpartment. Adding mor e than the maximum amount c ould result in early dispensing of the product a[...]

  • Page 18

    -18- 8027 53 Clothing Care Clothing Care Labels The symbols belo w appear on many clothing care labels . F ollowing the instructi ons on each label will help ensur e the best laundr y r e sults . WA S H BLEACH IR ON TL W2010N Mach ine Wash Cyc le Norma l TL W2011N Pe r m a n e n t P ress/ Wrinkle Resistan t TLW201 3 N Hand was h Wa r n i n g Sig ns[...]

  • Page 19

    -19- 8027 53 W ashing Special Items NOTE: Always F ollow Manufacturer’ s Car e Label Instructions . Bedding • W arm wash and w arm rinse. • Use DELICA TE cycl e. • P r etrea t heavily soiled areas before washi ng. • When washin g an electric blan ket, protect t he plug by stitching t he edge of the blanket ov er the plug. Only dry in dry [...]

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    -20 - 8027 53 NOTE: W e do not r ecommend star ching in this washer . Sweaters o f Manufactur ed Fibers • F ol low dir ections for compar able knits . • Button sw eaters and turn insi de out. • Str et ch to shape afte r washing. • Avoid pull ing w hen we t. Wool Items • Unless la beled “machine washable, ” wash by hand. P ermanent P r[...]

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    -21- 8027 53 Clothing Concerns T o kee p clothes looking white or bright, use go od washing pr actices at all times to pr event a gr adual build-up of soil or water har dness mine r als on them. If y ou notice that your clothes ar e not as bright as they should be, take co rrectiv e measures imm ediately. Pr o b l e m Ca use Solu t ion Gr ay or Din[...]

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    -22- 8027 53 Laundr y P roducts Laundry Aids Use Commen ts Soak/P r et reat Pr o d u c t s • Use a pr etreati ng agent and soak overni ght to r emov e stains an d soils . • Always fol low manufacturer’ s ins tructions with any pr etreat product (Spray ‘N W ash, Shout*, etc.). • D o not use a pr etr eating agent with chlorine bleach. • D[...]

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    -23- 8027 53 Stain Removal • Many soils will not become stains if tr ea ted promptly . Older stains may be difficult or impossible to r emov e. Hot water will set som e stai ns , p articu lar ly pr otein bas ed stains . Use cold or warm water on these befor e washing in hot water . • Some stains ar e difficult to r e mov e. It might be necessar[...]

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    -24- 8027 53 Chew in g Gum Rub with ice and scr ape off excess gum . Place face down on paper tow els and spong e with a pr etreat prod uct. Chocol ate or Cocoa Rin se with cold wat er . Rub deter gent into stain and soak in cold water . If gr easy stain r emains , sponge face down on paper towels with a pret reat product. If tr aces of the stain r[...]

  • Page 25

    -25- 8027 53 J am, Jelly Scr ape off excess . Rinse with co ld water . Rub dampened stain wit h deter g ent. Apply a pr etrea t product a nd launder with an enzyme soaking pr oduct. If stai n rema ins , sponge with a m ild bleach, such as water an d white vinegar m ix (equal p arts) and wash ag ain. Ketchup , T omato-B ased P r oducts Scr ape off e[...]

  • Page 26

    -26- 8027 53 *Br a nd names ar e tra demarks of their r espective manufact urers . T obacco D ampen stain and rub with bar soap . Rinse . If necessary , soak in an all-fabric blea ch solution. If stain r emains , wash wi th chlorine bleach (i f safe for fabric). T oot hpaste Scr ape off excess . Blot stain wi th enzyme soaking product and col d wat[...]

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    -27- 8027 53 Maintenance Lubrication • All moving parts are sealed in a permanent supply of lubricant or are equipped with oilless bearings . Additional lubrication will not be necessary . Cold W eather Care • If the washer is deliv er ed on a cold day (below fr eezing), or is stor ed in an unheated r oom or ar ea during the cold months , do no[...]

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    -28- 8027 53 Filter Screens Check the filter scr eens in the fill hoses for debris or damage annually . Clean or replace them if necessary . If the washer is filling with water slower than normal, chec k the filter sc reens . Clean or replace them if necessary . Or der filter scr e en P art No . F270300 from the near est authorized p arts distribut[...]

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    -29- 8027 53 Preventative M aintenance F ollow these guidelines to ensure the washer oper ates properly . Call for ser vice if you observe any of the following: water of any amount on the floor , an increase i n operatin g noise or water r e maining in the wash basket after a cycle. F requenc y Mainte nance P rocedur e Monthly 1. Check all hoses an[...]

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    -30- 8027 53 T roubleshooting T ry these troubleshoo ting tips befor e making a service call. Y ou may save time and money! W asher Symptom P ossib le Cause / Solution Won’t Fi ll • Make sur e power cor d is plugged all the way in to the electrical outlet. • Make sur e hot and cold water faucets ar e turned on. • Make sur e that the fill ho[...]

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    -31- 8027 53 T oo Many So ap Suds • Laundry load may be ov ersudsing. Make sure you are using low sudsing, hig h efficiency (HE) d etergent. • Make sur e you are using the amount of deter gent r ecom mended on t he deter gent’s label. If using non-HE det er gent, use only 1/2 of the deter gent manufacturer's r ecommended amount. • Laun[...]

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    -32- 8027 53 Contact Information If service is r equired, c ontact the near e st F act ory Authorized Service Center . T o find the near est service center , visit us online at www .comlaundry .com. If you ar e unable to locate an authorized service center or are unsatisfied with the service performed on your unit, contact: Alliance Laundry Systems[...]