Alliance Laundry Systems FLW1525C manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Alliance Laundry Systems FLW1525C, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Alliance Laundry Systems FLW1525C one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Alliance Laundry Systems FLW1525C. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Alliance Laundry Systems FLW1525C should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Alliance Laundry Systems FLW1525C
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Alliance Laundry Systems FLW1525C item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Alliance Laundry Systems FLW1525C item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Alliance Laundry Systems FLW1525C alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Alliance Laundry Systems FLW1525C, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Alliance Laundry Systems service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Alliance Laundry Systems FLW1525C.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Alliance Laundry Systems FLW1525C item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    Installation/Operation www .comlaundry .co m Frontload W ashers Metered Commerc ial FLW1525C Part No. 802951R3 August 2 010 Keep These In struction s for Future Reference. (If thi s machine c hanges o wnership, t his manu al must accompany machi ne.) NOTA: Para bajar una copi a de esta s instrucci ones en español , visite[...]

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    802951 1 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T NOTE: The W ARNING and IMPOR T ANT i nstructions appe aring in this manual ar e not meant to cover all possibl e conditio ns and si tuations th at may occur . It must be u ndersto od that commo n sense, caut ion, and car efulness are f actors whi ch cannot be bui lt in[...]

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    © Copyrig ht 2010, Alliance Laundry S ystems LLC All rig hts reser ved. No pa rt of th e contents of th is book ma y be repro duced or tr ansmit ted in any form or by a ny means with out the expresse d written consen t of the pu blish er . 802951 2 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMI T Ta b l e o f Content s Safe [...]

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    3 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT Safe ty In formation Explanation of Safety Messages Throughout this manua l and o n machine dec als, you will fi nd precaut ionary s tatements (“ DANGER,” “W ARNING ,” an d “CAUTION”) followed by specific instru ction s. These pre cauti ons are i ntended [...]

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    Safety Information 802951 4 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT 1 1. Do not r epair or re place any part of the washer , o r attempt any serv icing unl ess s pecific ally recom men ded i n the u ser-mai nte na nce instru ction s or in publ ished user -repai r instru ction s that you understan d and have the ski[...]

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    5 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT Inst allation Dimensions and Specifications FL W2258N FLW2258N 2 in. (5.1 cm ) 42.25 in . (107.2 cm) S tai nle ss S tee l Mode ls Thro ug h Ser ial N o. 100 501 87 19 43 in. ( 109.2 cm) A ll Other Models 29.6 in . (75.1 cm) 28 in. (71 .1 cm ) 24 in. (61.0 cm ) 26.9 i[...]

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    Installation 802951 6 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT Before Y ou St art To o l s For most i nstalla tions , the basi c tools yo u will n eed are : Figure 1 NOTE: An 8 in. (20. 32 cm) coin drawer is r e quir e d for coin operate d models. NOTE: If the was her is del iver ed on a cold day (below fr eezing), [...]

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    Inst allation 7 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT Inst alling the W asher St ep 1: Pos ition W asher Near Inst allation Area Move washer so that i t is with in 4 feet (1.2 meters ) of the de sir ed area o f in st alla ti on. NOTE: For best performanc e and to mini mize vibrati on or movement, i nstall [...]

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    Installation 802951 8 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT NOTE: DO NOT slide washe r acr oss floor if the leveli ng legs have bee n extended, as legs a nd base could beco me damaged. Remove r ubber feet from access ories bag a nd place on all fo ur leveli ng legs. V erify that u nit doesn’ t rock. Figure 3 St[...]

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    Inst allation 9 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT T urn on th e water supply f aucets an d flush the li nes for approxi mately two mi nutes to r emove any for eign mate rials t hat co uld c log th e scre ens in the w at er mixing val ve. NOTE: When installi ng in newly c onstructed or re novated buildi[...]

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    Installation 802951 10 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT Risers Risers ( or air c ushion s) may ha ve to be in stall ed if th e pipes kn ock or pound wh en flo w of water s tops. The riser s are more e ffi cient when inst alled as c lose a s possibl e to the wa ter su pply fauce ts (ref er to Figur e 6 ). Fig[...]

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    Inst allation 11 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT S tandpipe Installation Place t he drain ho se int o the sta ndpipe. Remove the b eaded tie-down st rap from ac cessori es bag and pl ace ar ound stand pipe an d drain hos e and tighte n strap t o hold h ose to sta ndpipe. Ref er to Figur e 8 . This wi[...]

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    Installation 802951 12 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT Step 6: Remo ve the Sh ock Sl eeves a nd Shipping Brace Remove front access panel by removi ng the two scre ws at the bot tom of the p anel. Remove the f ive bolt s and lockwa shers fr om shipping brace wit h 9/16 i n. wrench a nd remove br ace. Ref er [...]

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    Inst allation 13 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT Figure 12 A juncti on box on the rear panel h ouses a te rminal strip wh ich fu rnishes s upply outpu t signals for t he supply i njection pumps. Ref er to Figur e 13 for t he inje ction in terfa ce la bel. Figure 13 These te rminals may be used t o pr[...]

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    Installation 802951 14 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT St ep 9: Plug In the W asher Electrical Re quirements (120 V olt, 60 Hertz wi th 3-Pr ong Gr ounding Plug) NOTE: The wiring diagram is l ocated in t he cont rol cab i net . When pluggi ng in the wa sher:  DO NOT overloa d circuit s.  DO NOT use an[...]

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    Inst allation 15 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT Groun ding Ins tr uctions The washer must be grounded. In the ev ent of malfunct ion or bre akdown, groun ding wil l reduce the risk of electr ic shock by provid ing a pa th of lea st resist ance f or elect ric c urrent. The washer is equ ipped with a [...]

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    16 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSMIT Operation Opera tion In struc tions IMP O R T A N T : Prio r to fi rst wa sh, u s e an a ll- purpose cle aner , or a deter gent and wate r sol uti on, and a damp clot h to r emove shipping dus t fr om insid e of wash t ub. IMPOR T ANT : Remove all sharp object s fr o[...]

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    Operat ion 17 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT St ep 3: Add Laundry Supplies Open disp enser drawer . Measure a nd add l ow suds ing, high ef ficiency (H E) deter gent (1), bl each (2) a nd fabric softener (3) to t he dis penser dr awer (ref er to Figur e 17 ). Close di spens er draw er . IMPOR T ANT [...]

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    Oper ation 802951 18 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT St ep 6: Set Soil Leve l Push Soil Leve l to uchpad to se le ct LIGHT , MEDIUM or HEA VY . Light indi cates se lection. Figure 20 St ep 7: Insert Coin(s) or Card T o Insert Mon ey Insert coin(s) in coin slot. Chec k pricin g as see n on digita l disp lay [...]

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    Operat ion 19 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT Indicator Light s INSER T CO INS/CARD INSERT COINS/CARD is lit to p rompt the us er to insert coins or card t o satisf y the v end price. When INSERT COINS/CARD is lit, th e digits show the v en d price rema in ing to b e satis fied. WA S H WA S H is lit [...]

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    20 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSMIT Maintenance User-Maintenance In structions Lubrication All moving parts ar e sealed i n a per manent suppl y of lubric ant or ar e equip ped with oi lless bea rings. Addition al lubri cation wi ll not be n ecessary . Do not lub r icate the door hinge. If the hi nge m[...]

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    Maintenance 21 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT Reinst allation of Shipping Materials T o prevent damage while moving th e washer , the shippin g material s MUST be re installed.  Disc onne ct was her fr om el ectric al sup ply .  While supp orting t he front a ccess panel, remov e two scre ws f[...]

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    22 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSMIT T roubleshooting T ry these tro ubleshoot ing tips b efore ma king a ser vice cal l. They may sa ve time and money . W asher Symptom Possible Cause/Solut ion Won ’t Fi l l • Make sure power cor d is plugged all the way into the electrical outlet. • Make sure ho[...]

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    T roubleshooting 23 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT W asher Symptom Possible Cause/Solut ion Vibrates/Moves Slightly • Make sure washer is level. Un even leveling can cause vib ration. • Make sure washer is installed on a solid, sturdy and level floor . The washer should not be installed on carpe[...]

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    24 802951 © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSMIT Cont act Information If ser vice is r equired, c ontact the near est Facto ry Authoriz ed Serv ice Center . If you ar e unable to l ocate an authorized s ervic e center or are u nsati sfied wit h the ser vice pe rformed on your unit, co ntact : Alliance Laundry Syste[...]

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    © Copyright, Alliance Laundr y Systems LLC – DO NOT C OPY or TRANSM IT Inst aller Checklist Fast T rack for I nst alling the W asher (Refer to the m anual for more de taile d inform ation) CHECK • Position and Level the Washer. FLW2114N FL W21 14N CHECK • Po sition Washer Near Installation Area. • Connec t Fill Hoses.  CHECK CHECK CHECK[...]