Alliance Laundry Systems LGS19A manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Alliance Laundry Systems LGS19A, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Alliance Laundry Systems LGS19A one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Alliance Laundry Systems LGS19A. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Alliance Laundry Systems LGS19A should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Alliance Laundry Systems LGS19A
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Alliance Laundry Systems LGS19A item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Alliance Laundry Systems LGS19A item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Alliance Laundry Systems LGS19A alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Alliance Laundry Systems LGS19A, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Alliance Laundry Systems service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Alliance Laundry Systems LGS19A.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Alliance Laundry Systems LGS19A item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    D311IE3A Part No. 504607R2 August 1998 Installation Instructions Home Laundry Automatic Dryers (Electric and Gas Models) KEEP THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. (If the dryer changes ownership, be sure this manual accompanies th e dryer .) NO T A: El manual en español aparece después del manual en inglés.[...]

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    504607 1 • Do not store or use gasol ine or oth er flammab le v apors and liquids in the vi cinity of this or an y other appliance. • WHA T T O DO IF Y OU SM ELL GAS: – Do not try to light an y appliance. – Do not touc h any elect rical s witch; do not use any phone in y our b uilding. – Clear the r oom, b uildin g or area of all occu pan[...]

  • Page 4

    2 504607 Replacement Parts . . . If repl acement pa rts are r equired, contac t the sour ce where you p urchased y our dryer , or cont act Alliance Laundry Systems LLC Shepard Str eet P .O. Bo x 990 Ripon, WI 54971- 0990 Phone: (920) 748 -3950 for the n ame and address of th e nearest aut horized par ts distri b utor . Table of Contents Replacement[...]

  • Page 5

    504607 3 Roughing In Dimensions . . . ELECTRIC DRYERS 7.7" (19.6 cm) 4.0" (10.2 cm) 23.5" (59.7 cm) 28" (71.1 cm) .4" (1.1 cm) 26.9" (68.3 cm) 4.0" (10.2 cm) 15.4" (39.1 cm) *36" (91.4 cm) *43" (109.2 cm) * WITH LEVELING LEGS TURNED INTO BASE D312IE3A GAS DRYERS 7.7" (19.6 cm) 4.0" (10.2 c[...]

  • Page 6

    4 504607 Before You Start . . . Tools F or most inst allations, t he basic to ols you wi ll need are : Exha ust Use rigi d metal duc t and e xhaust th e dryer t o the outside by the short est rout e possibl e. NOTE : For more detail ed i nform ation , ref er to Section on Dryer Ex haust Requir ements . Electri cal • ELECTRIC DR YER Dryer nee ds a[...]

  • Page 7

    504607 5 Installing the Dryer . . . Step 1: Position and Level the Dryer F or further ass istance ref er to Section on Locati on Requirement s . Instal l dryer b efore wa sher . This al lo ws room f or attach ing e xhaust d uct. Place th e dryer in posit ion, and adj ust th e legs until t he dryer is level. Step 2: Connect Dryer Exhaust S ystem F o[...]

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    6 504607 Step 3: (Gas Dr yer ONLY) Connect Gas Supply P ipe F or furth er assis tance, refer t o Section o n Gas Requiremen ts. 1. Make cer tain your dryer i s equipped f or use with the type of gas i n your lau ndry room. Drye r is equipped at the f actory for Natu ral Gas wi th a 3/8" NPT gas co nnect ion . 2. Remo ve the shi pping cap from [...]

  • Page 9

    504607 7 Step 4: (ELECTRI C DRYER ONLY) Connect Electri cal Plug F or furth er assis tance, refer t o Section o n Electric al Requirement s . IMPORTANT: Use only a new U.L. listed No. 10 (copper wi re only) t hree co nductor power s upply cord kit rated 240 Vol ts (minimum) 3 0 Amperes and la beled as suita ble for use in a cl othes dryer . NOTE : [...]

  • Page 10

    8 504607 Step 5: Wipe Out Inside Of Dryer Before us ing dry er for th e fi rst time, use an al l-purpos e cleaner , or a deter gent a nd water solution, and a damp cloth t o remov e shippi ng dust fr om inside dryer drum. Step 6: Plug in the Dryer Refe r to Se ction on Elec trica l Req uirem ents , and connect the dryer to an ele ctrical po wer sou[...]

  • Page 11

    504607 9 Heat Source Check . . . Electric Dry ers Close th e loading d oor and start the d ryer in a heat setti ng (refer t o the Ope rating Inst ructions suppli ed with the dryer). Af ter the d ryer has o perated f or three minutes, t he ex haust a ir or ex haust pipe shoul d be warm. Gas Dryers T o vi ew the burner fl ame, re move the lower fron [...]

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    10 504607 Reversing Door Procedure . . . The door on this dryer is completel y reversible. To reverse door proceed as follows: D271PE1B 1 Remove four hinge attaching screws. D272PE1A 2 Remove all nine screws. D268PE1A Pull bottom of door liner out, then pull down, removing door liner from door panel. 3 B A D273PE1C 4 Rotate door panel 180 degrees a[...]

  • Page 13

    504607 11 Manufactured (Mobile) Home Installation . . . The dryer can be ins talled i n a manuf actured (m obile) home b y foll o wing thes e instru ctions : 1. IMPOR T ANT : Gas dryers MUST be permanentl y attache d to the fl oor at t he time of instal lation. Order No. 526 P3 Dryer I nstallat ion Kit f or a manuf actur ed (mobile) home instal lat[...]

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    12 504607 Electrical Requirements . . . (Electric Dry ers) NOTE: The wiring diagram is loca ted inside the cont rol ho od. Groundin g Instructions This drye r must be co nnected to a g rounded me tal, permanent wiring sys tem; or an equipment- grounding conductor must be ru n with the circuit conductor s and connecte d to the equipment- grounding t[...]

  • Page 15

    504607 13 Electrical Plug Connection . . . Three-Wire Plug 4. T ight en all sc re ws and rein stall ac cess c ov er r em ove d i n S te p 1. D284IE0C 1. Remov e access cover fro m rear of dryer . D285IE0D 2. Use a st rain rel ief and insert end of po wer cord thro ugh po wer su pply hole. D286IE0B "L1" TERMINAL "L2" TERMINAL NEU[...]

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    14 504607 Four-Wire Pl ug 4. Attac h power cor d gro und (g reen ) wire to rear bu lkhead using grou nd scre w remo ved in Step 2. NOTE: When ins talling the white wir e, loop the free e yelet e nd of the ground wire (removed in Step 2) and att ach along wi th the white wir e to the neutral (center) termina l on the te rminal block . 6. T ighte n a[...]

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    504607 15 Electrical Requirements . . . (Gas Dryers) NOTE: The wiring diagram is loca ted inside the cont rol ho od. Groundin g Instructions The dryer must be gro unded. In th e e ve nt of malfunct ion or bre akdo wn, grou nding will re duce th e risk of electr ic shock b y pro viding a path of leas t resist ance for electri c curren t. The dr yer [...]

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    16 504607 Gas Requirements . . . (Gas Dryers) NOTE: The gas serv ice to a gas dryer must conf orm with the l ocal codes and o rdinances, o r in the absence of local co des and ordina nces, with t he latest edition of t he National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 o r the CAN/CGA-B149, Nat ional Gas I nsta llatio n Co de. Natura l Gas , 1,000 Btu /[...]

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    504607 17 Location Requirements . . . Select a loca tion with a solid fl oor . No other f uel b urning a ppliance should b e installe d in the same c loset with t he dryer . The dryer must not be installed or stored in an are a where it will be e xposed to wate r and/or we ather . Le v eling le gs can be adjuste d from insi de the dr yer with a 1/4[...]

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    18 504607 Dryer Exhaust Requirements . . . Ne ve r instal l fle xible duct in c oncealed s paces, suc h as a wall or ceil ing. Exhaust Sy stem Materi als Exhaust duc t must be fo ur inches (1 0.2 cm) in diamete r ha ving no o bstructi ons. Rigid metal duct is recommen ded. Non- comb ustible semi-rig id fle xibl e meta l duct is accep table . Do not[...]

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    504607 19 Exha ust Sy stem IMPORTANT: Keep ex haust duct as sho rt as possibl e. NOTE: Be certa in old ducts are clean ed before instal ling your ne w dryer. F or best drying results, recommended maximum len gth of e xhaust sys tem is sho wn belo w . T o pre vent backd raft when d ryer is n ot in oper ation, outer e nd of e xhaust pip e must ha ve [...]

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    20 504607 Exha ust Syst em Mai nte nanc e The dryer interi or and the complete e xhaust system should be i nspected af ter one year of use and cleaned if necessa ry . Inspect and cle an exha ust duct e v ery one to two yea rs as re quired thereaf ter . The weathe r hood should be checke d freq uently to make su re the da mpers mov e freel y , dampe[...]

  • Page 23

    504607 21 User-Maintenance Instructions . . . Lubrication All mo ving pa rts are sea led in a permanent supply of lubric ant or ar e equipped wi th oill ess beari ngs. Addition al lubri cation will not be nece ssary . Care of You r Dryer Clea n the lint filte r after d rying each load . The lin t filter may be w ashed if needed. Occ asionally r emo[...]

  • Page 24

    22 504607 Information for Handy Reference . . . Alliance Laundry Systems LLC Shepard Str eet P .O. Box 990 Ripon, WI 54971- 0990 Date Purchas ed Model Numbe r Serial Number Deal er ’ s Name Deal er ’ s Address Phone Number Service Agency Service Agency Address Phone Number NOTE : Rec ord t he abo ve inf orma tion and ke ep yo ur sa les sli p. M[...]

  • Page 25

    D311IE3A Instrucciones para la instalación de secadoras automáticas de uso doméstico (eléctricas y a gas) GU ARDE ES T AS INSTR UCCIONES P ARA REF ERENCIA EN EL FUTUR O. (Si la secadora cambia de due ñ o, aseg ú rese de que vaya acompa ñ ada de estas instrucciones). Pieza No. 504607R2 Agosto 1998[...]

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    24 504607 (SP) • No almacene o utilice gasolina o ning ú n otro v apor o l í qui do inflamable cer ca de é sta o de cualquier otr a m á quina. • QU É HA CER SI SIENTE OLOR A GAS: – No intente encender ninguna m á quina. – No toque ning ú n in terrupt or el é ctrico; no utili ce ning ú n tel é f ono del edif icio. – Evacue l os o[...]

  • Page 27

    504607 (SP) 25 Piezas de repuesto . . . Si se neces itan pieza s de repuest o comun í quese co n el vend edor o con Alliance Laundry Systems LLC Shepard Str eet P .O. Box 990 Ripon, WI 54971- 0990 Te l é fono ( 920) 748-39 50 para obt ener el no mbre y la di recci ó n del distrib uidor autori zado de pie zas de rep uesto. Í ndice Piezas de repu[...]

  • Page 28

    26 504607 (SP) Dimensiones aproximadas . . . SECADORAS EL É CTRICAS 19.6 cm (7.7 plg) 10.2 cm (4.0 plg) 59.7 cm (23.5 plg) 71.1 cm (28 plg) 1.1 cm (.4 plg) 68.3 cm (26.9 plg) 10.2 cm (4.0 plg) 39.1 cm (15.4 plg) *91.4 cm (36 plg) *109.2 cm (43 plg) * CON LAS PATAS DE NIVELACI Ó N ENROSCADAS EN LA BASE. D312IS3A SECADORAS A GAS 19.6 cm (7.7")[...]

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    504607 (SP) 27 Antes de comenzar . . . Herramientas É stas s on las princ ipale s herr amie ntas q ue ne cesita r á en la mayor í a de las i nstalaci ones: Ducto de escape Utilic e un du cto met á lico r í gido y u se la ru ta m á s cor ta posible para el e scape de l a secador a. NOTA: Para obten er m á s det alles co nsulte la secci ó n R[...]

  • Page 30

    28 504607 (SP) Instalaci ó n de la secadora . . . Paso 1: Colocaci ó n y nivelaci ó n de la secadora Rem í tase a la secci ó n Requisitos del lugar para ob tener una me jor or ienta ci ó n. Instal e la seca dora ante s que la l av ador a. De esta manera tendr á esp acio para co nectar el ducto de es cape. Coloque l a secadora en la posici ó[...]

  • Page 31

    504607 (SP) 29 Paso 3: (S Ó LO para secadoras a gas) Conexi ó n del tubo de sumi nist ro de gas Rem í tase a la secci ó n Requisitos de gas para ob tener m á s in formaci ó n. 1. Aseg ú rese d e que l a secadora est é equipada para utili zar el tipo de gas di sponible e n el á rea d e la va nder í a. La secadora viene equipad a de f á br[...]

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    30 504607 (SP) Paso 4: (S Ó LO PARA SECA DORAS EL É CTRICAS) Conexi ó n del enchufe de suministro de energ í a el é ctri ca Rem í tase a la secci ó n Req uisit os el é ctricos para obtener m á s infor maci ó n. IMPORTANTE: Utilic e solamente un cord ó n de suminist ro de energ í a el é ctrica, en l ista de U.L., de tres con ductores de[...]

  • Page 33

    504607 (SP) 31 Paso 5: Limpi eza de la part e inter na de la secadora Antes de u tilizar l a secador a por primer a vez , aplique un limpia dor para t odo uso o una soluci ó n de a gua y deter gen te con un pa ñ o h ú medo, a f in de el iminar el polv o que pueda haber ca í do en el tambor de la secador a durante el embarque . Paso 6: Conexi ó[...]

  • Page 34

    32 504607 (SP) Revisi ó n de la fuente de calor . . . Secadoras el é ctr icas Cierre la compuert a de car ga y ponga a func ionar la secador a ajusta ndo ant es el gra do de calor (consul te las Instru cciones de operac i ó n suminist radas con l a secador a). Cuand o la secad ora haya f uncionado durante tres minut os, el tu bo de escape o de e[...]

  • Page 35

    504607 (SP) 33 Procedimiento para invertir la compuerta . . . La compuerta de la seca dora es totalmen te reversibl e. Para inv ertir la comp uerta, siga los pasos descri tos a co ntinua ci ó n: Retire los cuatro tornillos que fijan la bisagra. D271PS1A 1 D272PS1A 2 Saque los nueve tornillos. D268PS1C Tire de la parte inferior del revestimiento de[...]

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    34 504607 (SP) Instalaci ó n en viviendas prefabricadas (m ó viles) . . . La secad ora pue de insta larse en una casa prefab ricad a (m ó vil), sigui endo es tas inst rucciones: 1. IMPOR T ANT E: Las sec adoras a gas DEBER Á N f ijarse al pi so de manera permanente d urante l a instala ci ó n. Pida el Conjunto de instalaci ó n de secadora N ?[...]

  • Page 37

    504607 (SP) 35 Requisitos de energ í a el é ctrica (secadoras el é ctri cas) NOT A: El d iagr ama d e cab lead o se en cuen tra dentro de la campana de co ntrol. Instrucc iones para la conexi ó n a tierra Esta seca dora debe co nectarse a un sistema de cablea do permanent e que conec te las piezas met á lica s a tierra o, altern ati v amente, [...]

  • Page 38

    36 504607 (SP) Conexi ó n del enchufe de suministro de electricidad . . . Enchufe de tres conductores 4. Apriete t odos los t ornil los y rei nstale l a tapa de acceso que quit ó en e l Paso 1. D284IE0C 1. Saque la tapa de acceso ubi cada en la part e tra sera de la secad ora. D285IE0D 2. Utilice un pr otector con tra tirones e in serte el cord ?[...]

  • Page 39

    504607 (SP) 37 Enchufe de cuatro conductores 4. Conecte el conductor de tier ra (v erde) al tabique traser o utili zando los torn illo s de ti erra que retir ó en el P aso 2. NOTA: Cuando insta le el condu ctor blanco , enlace el extremo del ojete l ibre del c onductor de tierra (que sac ó en el Paso 2 ) y con é ctelo jun to co n el conducto r b[...]

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    38 504607 (SP) Requisitos de energ í a el é ct rica . . . (Secadoras a gas) NOT A: El d iagr ama d e cab lead o se en cuen tra dentro de la campana de co ntrol. Instrucciones pa ra la conexi ó n a tierra La secado ra deber á con ectarse a tierra . La cone xi ó n a tierr a reduce l os riesg os de cort ocircuit os en caso de mal funci onamiento [...]

  • Page 41

    504607 (SP) 39 Requisitos del suministro de gas . . . (Secadoras a gas) NOTA: El servi cio de gas para las se cadoras a gas debe cumplir con la s estipulac iones de los c ó digos y ordenanzas locales, y en ausencia de los mismos , deber á suminist rarse de acu erdo con la edi ci ó n m á s recient e del C ó digo na cional sobre ga s combusti bl[...]

  • Page 42

    40 504607 (SP) Requisitos del lugar . . . Selecci one un á rea don de el p iso sea f irme. No de be in stal ar otro apar ato de encen dido con comb ustible en el mismo mueble empotrado do nde se encu entra la seca dora . La secado ra no debe i nstalar se o coloc arse en un á rea donde est é e xpuesta al agua o a la intempe rie. Las pat as de n i[...]

  • Page 43

    504607 (SP) 41 Requisitos del sistema de escape de la secadora . . . Nunca inst ale el d ucto fle xible en espaci os oculto s, como por ej emplo una par ed o el t echo. Materiale s del sist ema de escape El ducto de escape d e la secad ora deber á tener cua tro pulg adas (10,2 cm) de di á metro y no tene r ning ú n tipo de obstr ucci ó n. Se r [...]

  • Page 44

    42 504607 (SP) Sistema de escape IMPORTANTE: Mantenga el ducto de escape l o m á s cort o po sibl e. NOTA: Aseg ú rese de que l os ductos vi ejos est é n limpios a ntes de ins talar su s ecadora nueva . Par a un mejor se cado, se r ecomienda no sobrepasar l a longit ud m á xima espe cif icada en el d iagrama par a el sist ema de escap e. A f in[...]

  • Page 45

    504607 (SP) 43 Mantenimiento del si stema de escape Despu é s de utiliz ar la sec adora dura nte un a ñ o, debe inspecc ionarse e l inter ior de la misma y el si stema de escape y limpiarl os si es n ecesario . En lo suces i v o, re vise y limpie el duct o de escap e cada uno o dos a ñ os, seg ú n sea nece sario. La t apa para i ntemperie de be[...]

  • Page 46

    44 504607 (SP) Instrucciones de mantenimiento para el usuario . . . Lubricaci ó n T odas las p iezas m ó viles est á n sell adas con un suminist ro permanent e de lubric ante o est á n equipadas con coji netes aut olubric antes. No se requie re lubric aci ó n ad icional . Cuidado de la secadora Saqu e las pelusa s de l filtro d espu é s de se[...]

  • Page 47

    504607 (SP) 45 Informaci ó n de referencia a la mano . . . Alliance Laundry Systems LLC Shepard Str eet P .O. Box 990 Ripon, WI 54971- 0990 Fech a de la compr a Modelo N º de ser ie Nom bre de l vende dor Direcci ó n de l vende dor Te l é fono de l ven dedor Agente de servici o Direcci ó n del age nte de s ervicio Te l é fono de l agente de s[...]

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  • Page 52

    504607 Installer Check . . . Lista de comprobaci ó n del i nstalador . . . Fast Track f or Instal ling the Drye r Gu í a r á pid a para in stalar l a sec adora (Refer to the manual for more detailed information) (V é ase el manual para una informaci ó n m á s detallada) ➊ CHECK REALIZADO • Positi on and Level the D ryer. • Colocaci ó n[...]