Alpine 68-21627Z10-A manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Alpine 68-21627Z10-A, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Alpine 68-21627Z10-A one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Alpine 68-21627Z10-A. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Alpine 68-21627Z10-A should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Alpine 68-21627Z10-A
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Alpine 68-21627Z10-A item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Alpine 68-21627Z10-A item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Alpine 68-21627Z10-A alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Alpine 68-21627Z10-A, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Alpine service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Alpine 68-21627Z10-A.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Alpine 68-21627Z10-A item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Designe d by ALPIN E Japa n 68-2162 7Z10- A • OWNE R ’S MANU AL Ple as e read b efore us ing t hi s equ ipment. • MODE D ’E MPLOI V euillez lire a van t d ’ u tiliser cet a ppar eil. • MANU AL DE OPERA CI Ó N Léalo ante s de utiliza r este eq uipo . ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF AM ERICA, INC. 19145 Gramercy Place, T orrance, California 90501[...]

  • Page 2

    ALPINE ELE CTRONICS MA RKETING , INC. 1-1-8 Nis hi Gotand a, Shinagawa-ku, T okyo 14 1-0031, Japa n Phone 03-54 96-8231 ALPINE ELECTRONICS FRANCE S.A.R.L. (RCS PONTO ISE B 338 101 280) 98, Rue de la Belle Etoile , Z.I. Pa ris Nord Il, B.P . 500 16, 95945 Rois sy Ch arles d e Gaulle Cedex, Franc e Phon e 01-4 86389 89 ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF AUSTRAL I[...]

  • Page 3

    3 -EN Contents EN GLIS H Op er at ing I n st ru c ti ons WA R N I N G W ARNING ......... ........ ............... ............... ........ 6 CA UTION . ...... ......... .............. ............... ........... 6 PRECA UTIONS ....... .............. ............... ........... 6 Ge tti ng St ar ted Accessor y List .......... ........ ........ .....[...]

  • Page 4

    4 -EN Contents EN GLIS H SETUP Sett ing ... ........ ............. ........ ........ ............. ........ ........ ..... 23 General Sett ing ....... ........ ........ ............. ........ ........ . 2 3 Setting the A UX SETUP Mod e ........ .... ...... .......... ....23 Setting the A UX NAME m ode ...... .... .... ...... .... .... ....23 Playin[...]

  • Page 5

    5 -EN Contents EN GLIS H F lash Memory (opti onal) Playing MP3/WM A/AAC F iles from Fl ash Memo r y (option al). ............ ........ ......... ............ ........ . 35 Flash Memor y Connec tion (opti onal) .. ............ . 3 6 Connec t Flash Memor y ............. ........ ........ ......... 36 Remove Flash M emor y ............. ........ .....[...]

  • Page 6

    6 -EN Opera ting Instruc tions  WA RN I N G This sym bol means impor ta nt instr uc tions. F a ilu re to he ed them can re sult in seri ous in jury or dea th. DO NOT OPERA TE ANY FUNC TION THA T TA KES YOUR A TTENTION AW AY FROM SAFE L Y DRIV ING Y OUR VEHICL E. Any fun c tio n t hat req uir es y our prolong e d atte ntio n sh ou ld only b e per[...]

  • Page 7

    7 -EN Inser ting Di scs Y ou r playe r acce pts on ly one dis c at a t ime for play ba ck. Do not attempt to load more than one di sc. Make sure the labe l side is facing up when you inser t the dis c. “ERROR” will b e d isplayed on your pl ayer if you inse rt a di sc incorrect ly . If “ERROR ” continues to b e displayed even though the dis[...]

  • Page 8

    8 -EN • S ome of th e follow ing CDs m ay not p lay on thi s un it: Fla wed CDs , CD s wit h fingerp rin ts, CDs ex posed to extr eme temperatures or sunlig ht (e.g. left in t he car or th is unit), CD s rec ord ed un de r unst ab l e c ondit i ons , C Ds o n w hi ch a re co rdi ng fa il ed or a re-recording was a ttemp ted, copy-pr otected CDs w[...]

  • Page 9

    9 -EN Accessor y List • Head Unit .......... ............. ........ ......... ............. ........ ......... ............ 1 • Power Cable .. ............ ......... ......... ............ ......... ............. ........ ....1 • Microp hone .. ............ ......... ......... ............ ......... ......... ............ ....1 • Mo unting [...]

  • Page 10

    10 -EN 3 Press RE SET with a ballpoint pen or similar pointe d object. Adjusting V olume Tu r n th e Rotary enc oder unti l the desired sound is obtai ned . Set tin g Tim e 1 Press and hold AUD I O  SETUP for at least 2 s econds t o activate the SETUP selection mode . 2 Tu r n th e Rotary enc oder to select GENERAL, and then press  ENTER .[...]

  • Page 11

    11 -E N Presetting Stations Manuall y 1 Select the rad io band and t une in a desi red r adio st ation yo u wis h to stor e in t he pr eset mem ory . 2 Press and hold ( for a t least 2 seconds) an y one of the preset buttons (1 through 6) into which you wish to store the st ati on. The selected sta tion is sto red. The display shows the band, prese[...]

  • Page 12

    12 -EN Receiving a Multicast St ation (HD Radio mo de only) Multicasting is the ability to bro adcast multiple program streams over a singl e FM freq u ency . This incr eases the amo un t an d div ersi t y of con ten t choices. A maximum of eight multic ast station channels can be selec ted on thi s unit . Note • Make sur e LISTENMODE is set to o[...]

  • Page 13

    13 -E N About me dia th at c an b e pl ay ed The follo wing table shows whic h discs can be pla yed on which models. Pla yback 1 Insert a disc with the labe l side facing up . The disc will be pull ed into the unit auto matically . Note • When a disc is already inser ted, press SOU RCE  to swi tch to the DISC mode. 2 While playing back MP3/[...]

  • Page 14

    14 -EN F older/F ile Name Search (concerni ng MP3/WMA/ AAC) Folder a nd file names may be searc hed and disp lay ed during playback. 1 During MP3/WMA/AAC pla yback, press  ENTER to activate the search mode . The “  ” ind ica tor l igh ts u p. 2 Tu r n th e Rotary enc oder to select F older Name Search mode, an d the n pres s  ENT[...]

  • Page 15

    15 -E N Produci ng MP3 /WMA/ AA C discs MP3/WMA/AAC files are p repared, then written to a CD -R or CD -R W using CD-R writing software. A disc can hold up to 509 files/folde rs (including Root Folders), and the maximum number of folders is 255. Playback may not b e per formed if a disc exceeds the lim itations described above . Media supported The[...]

  • Page 16

    16 -EN Adjusting Su bw oofer Level/Bass L evel/ Middle Lev el/T reble Lev el/Bala nce (Between Left and Right)/Fader (Between Front and Rear)/Loudness/Def ea t 1 Press AUDI O  SETUP rep eatedly to choo se the desired mode . Each press changes the mode as follows: SUBWOOFE R *1  BA SS LEVEL *2  MID LEVEL *2/ *4  TRE L EVEL *2  BALA NC[...]

  • Page 17

    17 -E N 10 typ ical eq u alizer set ting s are pr eset at th e fact ory fo r a va riety o f musical sour ce material.  Set ti ng it em : F AC TOR Y EQ Sett ing con tents: USER / FLA T (Initial setting) / POPS / ROCK / NEWS / JAZZ / ELEC D ANCE / HIP HOP / EASY LI S / COUNTR Y / CLASSICAL Loudness in troduces a special low-a nd high-freque ncy em[...]

  • Page 18

    18 -EN The Setti ngs of 5 BAND P .EQ /7BAND G.EQ can b e stored i n the pr eset memory . 1 When the sett ings of P .EQ/G .EQ have bee n complete d, select any one of the preset buttons (1 through 6) in any adjusting item of 5BAND P .EQ /7BAND G.EQ (e.g. BAND), press and hold the desired preset butt ons f or at l east 2 seconds. 2 Tu r n th e Rotary[...]

  • Page 19

    19 -E N  Setting the Bass Center Fr eq uency (CENTE R FRQ) Tu r n th e Rotary enc oder to se lect the desire d bass c enter frequenc y . 60 (Hz)  80 (Hz)  100 (Hz)  120 (Hz) Emphasi ze the displ ayed bass freque ncy ranges.  Setting the Bass Level Tu r n th e Rotary enc oder to se lect the desi red bass l evel (−7 ~ +7) * . Y ou ca[...]

  • Page 20

    20 -EN When t he sub woofer is o n, you ca n adj ust the su bw oofe r ou tpu t level (refe r to “ Ad justing Subw oofer Level/Bass Level/Middle Level/ T rebl e Lev el/B al ance (B et ween Left and Ri ght) /Fader ( Bet ween Front and Rear)/Loudness/ Defeat ” on page 16).  Set ti ng it em : SUBWOOFER Sett ing con tents: SUBW OFF / SUBW ON (Ini[...]

  • Page 21

    21 -E N Displ a ying th e T ext T ext informa tion, such as the disc name and the tr ack name, will be displa yed if pla ying a CD tex t compa t ible disc. I t is also possible to displ ay the fold er nam e, the f ile name and t he t ag, etc ., wh ile p laying MP3 files . Press VI EW k . The display wi ll change ever y tim e the button i s pressed.[...]

  • Page 22

    22 -EN Using the Front AUX In put T ermin al Connect a por tab le m us ic pl ay er , etc. b y simpl y connect ing it t o the inpu t on the fro nt panel. An optional adap ter cable is r e quired (standard RCA to 3.5ø mini-phono p lug or 3.5ø to 3.5ø mini ph ono pl ug). Press SOURCE  , and then sel ect the A UXILIA RY mod e to listen to the [...]

  • Page 23

    23 -E N Set tin g Y ou can f lexibl y c ustomize the unit to suit you r ow n preference s and usa ge. From th e SE TU P m enu, GE NE RA L S e tti ng , D ISPL A Y S ett in g, etc. , can be modified. 1 Press and hold AUD I O  SETUP for at least 2 s econds t o activat e the SETUP mode . 2 Tu r n th e Rotary enc oder to select the desired it em, and[...]

  • Page 24

    24 -EN Demonstra tion This unit has a demo nstratio n feature fo r the displa y .  Set ti ng it em : DEMO Sett ing con tents: DEMO OFF (Ini tial setting) / DEMO ON Note • T o qui t Demo mode, set to DEMO OFF. DISP LA Y is sel ected o n the set up main men u in step 2. Dim me r Control Set the Dimmer contr ol to A uto to decrease the illuminati[...]

  • Page 25

    25 -E N Setting the TUNER (FM) t one quality (FM SET) This unit can se t your preferred tonal quality for t he FM analog radio station s.  Set ti ng it em : FM S E T Sett ing con tents: HI-FI / NORMAL (Initial se tting) / ST ABLE HI-FI: High- quali ty se tting NORMAL: Standard setting ST ABLE: Control nois e Note • Noise may be m ore not iceab[...]

  • Page 26

    26 -EN 2 Input the new pass code as steps 1 to 4 in “How to input passcode?” . A confirm scr een (CNFIRM) will be displa yed and the new passcode must be entered ag ain for confirmation. When the pass code is changed successfully, the unit will display C ODE SA VED. Note • Keep a note of the numbe rs some where safe in cas e you shou ld forge[...]

  • Page 27

    27 -E N For details on the contr ol from a BLU ETOOTH compatible device, refer to the Ow ner’ s Manual of the BL UETOOTH compatib le device. Pairi ng a BL UET OO TH compa tible devic e with SSP (Secure Simple P airing) 1 Using your BL UETOOTH compatible device, select the “Alpine CD Re ceiver” for pairing. 2 Tu r n th e Rotary enc oder to cha[...]

  • Page 28

    28 -EN BL UET OOT H Pa ndo ra ® settin g (B T P ANDO R A) ON: Select when you want to use BL UE T OOTH P a ndora ® function. OFF: BT Pandora ® functi on is no t used. Note • BT P ANDORA setting i tem is adj usta bl e only when A UDIO i s set to ON. Select o ne o f 3 co nnect ed BL UETOOT H com pa tib le devic es th at y ou prev iously reg iste[...]

  • Page 29

    29 -E N Sou nd T ype set ti ng (TY PE SET ) Depe nding on your cal ling environment, choose one o f the settings below which giv es the best sound quality . Sett ing con tents: TYP E1 (In i tia l s ett in g) / TY PE 2 / TYP E3 / TY PE4 / TY P E5 TY PE 1 : Standard Mode (r ecommended) TY PE 2 : Enhance th e noise reduction TY PE 3 : Enhance th e ech[...]

  • Page 30

    30 -EN Choose th e speak er in y our v ehicl e fro m which y ou wa n t t o hea r th e call .  Set ti ng it em : SPEAKER SL Sett ing con tents: ALL (Initial setting) / FRONT -L / FRONT -R / FRONT -LR ALL: The sound be output from all of speakers in car . FRONT -L: The sound only be output from the front lef t speaker . FRONT -R: The sound only be[...]

  • Page 31

    31 -E N 5 Press  ENT ER . The selected te lephone number will be call ed. If one name h as severa l number s registered in the tel ephone book, pres s  ENTER after selecting the name * , the n turn the Rotary encoder to choo se the desired numb er and pres s  EN TER , the telephone will b e called. Pre ss and hold  EN TER fo[...]

  • Page 32

    32 -EN If a seco nd call is received du ring a cu rrent call, you c an have the first ca ller w ait mome ntarily whi le you tak e the seco nd ca ll. When you are finis hed wi t h o ne call , y ou ca n swi tc h to th e ot her o ne. If a second ca ll is rece ived during the current call (call1), the information of second caller (call2 ) is displayed [...]

  • Page 33

    33 -E N BLUET OOTH Audio O peration Audio in form ation of a B LUETO OTH c ompati ble m obile phone, a portable pla yer , etc., is cont rollab le/pl ayabl e wire lessly * from th is u nit. * T o play back audio, a mobile phone or a p ortable player conforming to A2DP (Advance d Audio Distribution Pr ofile) and A VRCP (Audi o/ V ideo Remote Control [...]

  • Page 34

    34 -EN Note s • T he operation to replay a prev ious s ong is not available. •P a n d o r a ® lim its the n umber of ski ps al lowed o n their service. If yo u attem pt to ski p songs beyond the limi t, “SKIP LIMIT” is displa yed. • CDE-HD138B T/CDE-HD137B T remem bers the sour ce just bef or e turni ng off the pow er . If Pa ndora ® is[...]

  • Page 35

    35 -E N Cre at ing a N e w Sta tio n Based on cu rrently pla ying track or artist, you can create a new station and save to your Pandora ® ac cou nt . 1 During playback, press n 4 (New Station). The Pandora ® Ne w Station scr een is di splaye d. 2 Tu r n th e Rotary enc oder to se lect “ TRACK ” or “AR TIST ” , and then pre ss  ENT [...]

  • Page 36

    36 -EN Flash Memor y Connec tion (opt ional) 1 Open the cover of the US B Port. 2 Connect the Fl ash Memory directly to the USB P or t, or via the U SB cab le . 1 Carefully, pull out the Flash M emor y Device from the USB cable o r the USB Por t. 2 Close the cover of the USB Por t. Note s • C hange to a so urce other t han the F lash Memor y mode[...]

  • Page 37

    37 -E N iP od with video: V er .1.3 iPod n ano (1st generatio n): V er .1.3.1 • Confirmed devices r egardin g Ma de fo r iPh one . Corr ect funct ion of earlier versions cannot be guaranteed. iPhone 4: V er .4.2.1 iPhone 3GS: V er .4.3 iPhone 3G: V er .4.2.1 iPhone: V er .3.1.3 • Fo r clarity in ide ntifying y our model of iP od, please see Ap [...]

  • Page 38

    38 -EN Note s • After pr essi ng a nd hold ing  ENTER for at least 2 seconds whil e in each hi erarchy (ex cept SON G and A UD IOB OOK hierarchy), all s ong s of the sele cted hi erar chy ar e pla yed back. • After selecti ng [ALL] in the sear ch mode with “ * ” (refer to the tab l e on previous page), press and hold  ENT ER for[...]

  • Page 39

    39 -E N Random Play S huffle (M.I.X. ) The S h uffle funct ion of the iP od/iPh on e i s dis pla yed as s on this unit. Shuffle Albums: The songs on each album are played back in the order they were recorded. Upon completion of all the songs on t he album, the nex t album is selected randomly . This contin ues until all albums have been played. Shu[...]

  • Page 40

    40 -EN St ori ng Ch ann el Pre se ts 1 Press BAND to selec t th e desire d ba nd you wa nt to store the preset in. There are 3 Satell ite Radio Preset bands. Each press of BAND changes the band: SXM1  SX M2  SXM3  SXM1 2 T une to the desir ed channel, and then pre ss and hold (for at least 2 sec onds) one of the preset but tons (1 th rough[...]

  • Page 41

    41 -E N 1 Tu r n th e Ro tar y encode r to select MY MUSIC * after ste p 1, and then pre ss  ENT ER . The artist names and song na mes that yo u hav e stored and are currently playin g will be displa yed in a list . * Displayed onl y when the store d song or artist is broadcasting . 2 Tu r n th e Rotary enc oder to selec t the de sired ar tis[...]

  • Page 42

    42 -EN Storing iT unes T agging information iT u nes T agging lets you tag song s heard on S iriusXM cha nnels. U sing this unit in conjunction with an o ptional SiriusXM T uner and a T ag ging compatib le iP od/iPhone, you can tag the music that you listen to, then transfer the tag information to your iP od/iPhone, and la ter , when your iP od/iPh[...]

  • Page 43

    43 -E N • The CD is being im properl y inserted. – M ake sur e the CD is being inserted f ollo wing instructio ns in the CD Player Op eration s ect ion. Un able t o fast f orward o r backwa rd the CD . • The C D has b een d amaged. – E je ct the CD and discard it; using a damaged CD in your unit can cause damage to the mechanism. CD playbac[...]

  • Page 44

    44 -EN • A sampling rat e/bit rate not supported by the unit is used. – Use a sampling rate/bi t rate that is supported by the unit. • T ex t in format ion t hat is not re cog ni zable by t he un it is b ei ng u sed . – Change the text information to text that is supported by the unit. • C ommu ni cati on e rror. – T urn the ig nition k[...]

  • Page 45

    45 -E N • Y our su bs cript ion has b een up date d. – Press any bu tton to c lear this message. • A locked channe l is selected. – Input the passcode. On how to inp ut passcode, refer to “Setting the Parent a l Co ntrol” on pag e 25. Note • If wrong passcode i s input, “WRONG CODE” wi ll be displayed and the un it wil l r evert t[...]

  • Page 46

    46 -EN Specific ations FM T UN E R S EC TI ON AM TUNER SECTION CD PLA YER SECTI ON PICKUP USB SECTI ON BLUET O OTH SECTION GENERAL * Prima ry amp li fier r at in gs per CEA -2006 S ta ndar d • Power output: measured at 4 Ohms and ≤ 1% TH D+N • S/N: 80 dBA (ref erence: 1 W int o 4 Ohms) CHASSIS SIZE NOSEPIECE SIZE Note • D ue to con tinuous [...]

  • Page 47

    47 -E N Installation and C onnec t ions Before installi ng or connecting the unit, please rea d the follow ing and refer to “Oper ating Instructions” on p age 6 for proper use.  WA RN I N G MAKE TH E CORR ECT CONNEC TIONS. Failure to make th e proper conne ctions m ay result in fi re or produ ct dama ge. USE ONL Y IN CARS WITH A 12 VOL T NEG[...]

  • Page 48

    48 -EN Installat ion  Cau t i on When you install this unit in your car , do not remov e the detachable front panel. If the detachable front p anel is removed during installation, you might press too hard and warp the metal p late that h olds it in plac e. The main unit must be mounted wi thin 35 degrees of the horizontal plane, back to front. 1[...]

  • Page 49

    49 -E N 3 Pull the unit out, keep ing it unlocked as you do so. JAP ANESE CAR Note • Secure the ground lead of the unit to a clean metal spot using a screw ( *3 ) alre a dy att ach ed t o the vehi cle’ s ch as si s. Moun ting the M icrophone Fo r the sa ke of saf ety , m ou n t th e mi cro pho ne in the fo llo wing loc a tio n. • In a stable [...]

  • Page 50

    50 -EN Connec tions ILLUMINA TION GND B A TTERY REMOTE TURN-ON AUDIO I NTE RRUPT IN IGNITION POWER ANT Amplier Amplier Amplier Antenna (Blue) To power antenna (Blue/White) To amplier (Pink/Black) Not used (Orange) To the instrument cluster illumination lead (Red) Ignition Key (Yellow) (Black) Battery (Gray) Speakers SPEAKER RIGHT FRONT [...]

  • Page 51

    51 -E N  Antenna Receptacle  Po wer Antenna Lead (Blu e) Connect this lead to the +B terminal of your power antenn a, if applicable. Note • This lead should be used only for controlling the vehicle ’ s power antenna. Do not use this lead to tur n on an amplifier or a signal processor , etc.  Remote T urn-On Lead (Blue/White) Connect th[...]

  • Page 52

    LIMITED W ARRANTY ALPINE ELEC TRONICS OF AM ERICA, INC. AND ALPINE OF CANA DA INC. (“ Alpine ”), are dedicated to quality craftsman ship and are please d to offer this W arr anty . W e suggest tha t you r ead it thor oughly . Should you ha ve any questions , please co ntact your De aler or con tact Alp ine at one of the telephon e numbers liste[...]

  • Page 53

    About th e Rules of Blueto oth Ele ctrom agneti c Radiat ion Regu lation USA/ Canada Th is device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and RSS- Gen of IC Ru les. Operation is subjec t to the following two condit ions: (1) this devi ce ma y not caus e inte rferenc e, and (2) this device must accept any int er ference , in cluding inter ference tha[...]