American Megatrends Super Voyager PCI-II manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of American Megatrends Super Voyager PCI-II, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of American Megatrends Super Voyager PCI-II one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of American Megatrends Super Voyager PCI-II. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of American Megatrends Super Voyager PCI-II should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of American Megatrends Super Voyager PCI-II
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the American Megatrends Super Voyager PCI-II item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the American Megatrends Super Voyager PCI-II item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of American Megatrends Super Voyager PCI-II alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of American Megatrends Super Voyager PCI-II, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the American Megatrends service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of American Megatrends Super Voyager PCI-II.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the American Megatrends Super Voyager PCI-II item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    American Megatrends, Inc. Super V oy ager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide MAN -724 4/21/95[...]

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    © Copy right 1995 A me rican Meg atrends , I nc. All rights reserved. Am erican Me gatrends, I nc. 6145F N orthbe lt Par kway Nor cros s, G A 30071 This publ ication contains proprie tary infor mation w hich is prote cted by copy rig ht. No part o f this publ ication may be re produce d, transcr ibed, store d in a retrie val sy stem , translate d [...]

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    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide iii Table of Contents 1 Sys tem Overv iew .......................................................................................................................................... 1 2 Installation .............................................................................................[...]

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    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 1 1 Sy stem Ov erv iew The Am erican Meg atrends S uper Voy ager PCI- II 486 ISA m otherboard h as: • 486  or upgrade CPU operat ing at u p to 100 Mhz int ernally and 25 or 33 Mhz ex ternally , • Four ISA expans ion slot s, and • thre e PCI e xpansio n slots. The motherboard con fo[...]

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    Chapter 1 System Overview 2 Overv iew, Conti nued Green PC Support The Super Voy ager PC I II moth erboard inclu des support for m onitor blan king on Green PC mon itors and IDE hard dis k drive s pin dow n. The m otherboard su pplies a TTL out put to control Green PC pow er suppli es. The Sy stem Managem ent Interrupt (SMI) and CPU Halt are suppor[...]

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    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 3 Overv iew, Conti nued Mai n S y st em Mem or y The motherboard requ ires Fast Page Mode SIMMs operatin g at 70 ns (R AS access time). The m otherboard supports up to 64 MB of on board sy stem mem ory via f our 32-bit 72-pin S IMMs (Sing le Inlin e Memory Modules ). Supported S IMM types i[...]

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    Chapter 1 System Overview 4 Overv iew , Conti nue d Hardware Reset Switch The Super Voy ager PCI-II 486 ISA mot herboard has a standard tw o-pin reset connector. Internal Cache Memory Differen t 486 CPUs hav e either 8 KB or 16 KB cache. This cach e mem ory m ode is set by WINBIOS automatically . Shadow RAM The sys tem BIOS ROM is alway s shadow ed[...]

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    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 5 Overv iew , Conti nue d CMOS RAM The Super Voy ager PCI-II 486 ISA motherboard h as 114 by tes of C MOS RA M. A batt ery i s not prov ided. An external 3.6V batt ery must be connected t o J18. Real Time Clock The motherboard h as a real time clock and CMOS RA M that stores sy stem conf ig[...]

  • Page 9

    Chapter 1 System Overview 6 Overv iew , Conti nue d IDE Features This m otherboard provi des: • IDE on the PCI local bus , • support f or IDE m odes 1, 2, 3, and 4, • tw o IDE connectors (u p to four IDE drives ), • 32-bit data transfer, • IDE prefetch read bu ffer, • Logi cal Block A ddress (L BA) su pport, and • fast ATA su pport. I[...]

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    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 7 Overv iew , Conti nue d Power M anagem ent This motherboard provides the followin g power m anagem ent services: a sign al to control Green PC-aw are pow er supplie s, autom atic pow er down of IDE drives and video m onitor and m onitor blan king (HSYNC, VSYNC, and S YNCEN). The SMI (Sy s[...]

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    Chapter 1 System Overview 8 Overv iew , Conti nue d PS/2 Mouse The motherboard h as a 10-pin berg header that can be attach ed via a cus tomized serial cable to a PS/2- type mou se. Contact A merican Megatrends f or cable and adapter inform ation. Speaker This moth erboard has a stan dard four-pin s peaker connector. I/O Address Spac e I/O address [...]

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    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 9 2 Installation[...]

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    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 10 Unpacking the Mot herboard Step Action 1 Inspect t he cardboard carton f or obvious dam age. If damag ed, call Am erican Megatrends Techn ical Support at 770-246-8645. L eave th e moth erboard in its origin al packing. 2 Perform all u npacking an d installation procedu res on a ground conn ected anti-static m at. W[...]

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    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 11 Motherboard Lay out[...]

  • Page 15

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 12 Installation Steps Step Action Turn to... 1 Set jum pers. Page 13 2 Install m emory . Page 22 3 Install CPU. Page 25 4 Install the m otherboard. Page 28 5 Conn ect the pow er supply . Page 29 6 Connect th e key board. Page 31 7 Connect th e cables. Page 32 8 Connect th e PS/2 mous e cable. Page 34 9 Conn ect onboar[...]

  • Page 16

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 13 Step 1 Set Jumpers Set all user-conf igurable jumpers, install SIMMs, and install th e CPU before installing the m otherboard in the chassis. The jum pers are: Jump ers Description J42, J44, J45 Cache Mem ory Config uration J2, J3, J6 , J8, J9 , J10, J1 1 , J12, J13, J14, J15 CP U Select[...]

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    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 14 Step 1 Set Jumpers, Continue d Installing a J umper The bergs (jumpers) on the m otherboard are used to select features. You will n eed two-pin sh orting bridges (shown below) to set a jum p er. A tw o-pin shorin g bridge, a tw o-pin berg , and a short ing bridg e (also called a ju mper) m o unted on th e tw o-pin [...]

  • Page 18

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 15 Step 1 Set Jumpers, Continued Cyrix CPU Support This moth erboard supports the C yrix DX4 and M1SC CPUs. If in stalling a Cyrix DX4 or M1SC, the J2, J3, J6, J8 , J 9, J10, J11, J12 , J13, J14, and J15 CPU jum per settings for the 100 MHz A M486 Plus usin g Write-back caching s hould be u[...]

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    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 16 Step 1 Set Jumpers, Continued The J30 Setti ng and CPU T ypes J30 is a three-pin single inlin e berg that controls the voltage for 3.3V CPUs. If... then ... Using an Intel or A MD 3.3V CPU, short Pins 1-2 of J30 to sele ct 3.45V out. This is the fac tory setting . Using a Cy rix CPU, short pins 2-3 to s elect 3.6V [...]

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    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 17 Step 1 Set Jumpers, Continued Setting the Internal Cache Memory Mode on the CPU The internal ccache memory mode is set automatically by WINB I O S to write- through o r w rite-back. Installed CPU Internal Cache m ode is set to Intel P24D or P24T, Cy rix M7 or M9, or AMD usin g writ e-bac[...]

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    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 18 Step 1 Set Jumpers, Continued J34 Serial Port 1 IR Q Select J34 is a th ree-pin s ingl e-inli ne berg. Sh ort pins 2-3 to select IRQ3 for seri al port 1. Short pins 1- 2 (the fact ory se tting ) to select IRQ4 for serial port 1. IRQ Port 1 J34 Select IRQ3 Short Pi n s 2-3 Sel ect I RQ4 (factor y se tting) Sho rt Pi[...]

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    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 19 Step 1 Set Jumpers, Continued J31 and J32 Ex tended Parall el Port DMA Select J31 and J32 are six-pin sing le-inline berg s that select th e EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port) DMA channels , show n below . DMA Chan nel J31 J32 DRQ0 Shor t Pins 1-2 Shor t Pins 1-2 DRQ1 Shor t Pins 2-3 Short P i[...]

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    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 20 Step 1 Set Jumpers, Continued J43 CMOS RAM Drain J43 is a th ree-pin s ingl e-inli ne berg. Pin s 1-2 are sh orted in n ormal operation. Sh ort pins 2- 3 to drain th e CMOS R AM. CMOS RAM Drain J43 Normal Operation (factory setting) Short Pins 1- 2 Drai n CM OS RAM Short P ins 2-3 Caution Make sure t hat power is t[...]

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    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 21 Step 1 Set Jumpers, Continued J27 CPU Extern al Speed Sel ect J27 is a six- pin sing le-inlin e berg that controls selection of ex ternal speed. To select 33 MHz, short pins 3-4. To select 25 M Hz, sh ort pins 1- 2 and 3-4. External Speed Select J27 33 MHz S hort Pin s 3-4 25 MHz S hort [...]

  • Page 25

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 22 Step 2 Install Memory The main mem ory su bsy stem on the m otherboard includes f our 32-bit m emory banks th at house SIMM (Sing le Inline Mem o ry Module) DR AM pack ages. You can use 256 KB x 36, 512 KB x 36, 1 MB x 36, 2 MB x 36, 4 MB x 36, 8 MB x 36, or 16 MB x 36 SIMMs. The SIMMs can be si ngle- sided or doub[...]

  • Page 26

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 23 Step 2 Install Memory , Conti nued Motherboard Memory Configu rations if 3.3V CPU U sed Valid SIMMs wh en using a 3.3V CP U in the Su per Voyager PCI II motherboard include the f ollowing . When a 3.3V CPU is installed, you can hav e a max imu m of two DR AM loads. Two si ngle- sided or [...]

  • Page 27

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 24 Step 2 Install Memory , Conti nued Installing SIM M s Place the moth erboard on an anti- static m at. With the compon ent side of th e SIMM facing you, f irmly push th e card into the sock et at a 45 degree angle, then push it up to a vertical position. When properly inserted, the SIMM clicks into place as the latc[...]

  • Page 28

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 25 Step 3 Install CPU In m ost cases, the CPU is already installed in the m otherboard. Fo llo w the procedures in this step to install a different CPU. You can chan ge to a diff erent CPU by rem oving the ins talled CPU and installin g a new CPU. Make sure all jun pers are set correct ly .[...]

  • Page 29

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 26 Step 3 Install CPU, Conti nue d Installing the Upgra de Pro cesso r The CPU socket i s a 237-pin ZIF PGA socket in the back corn er. See the m o therboard figu re on page 11. Pin 1 of the s ocket is on a cham fered corner th at corresponds to pin 1 of the CPU, also on a ch amf ered corner. Ch eck for bent pin s on [...]

  • Page 30

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 27 Push the h andle down to secure the C PU in the socket. The WINBIOS System Config uration screen th at appears w hen the com puter starts indicates the CPU type. If the n ew CPU ty pe doe s not ap pear, reinstall as follows : Step Actio n 1 Turn the power off . 2 Check the co proce sso r[...]

  • Page 31

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 28 Step 4 Install the M otherboard The mou ntin g hole patt ern on th e Super Voy ager PC I-II 486 ISA m otherboard is the s ame as the m o unting hole pattern on any m ini Baby AT motherboard. Standoffs and mountin g screw s are not supplied with the motherboard. Install the m o therbo ard as follo ws: Step Action 1 [...]

  • Page 32

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 29 Step 5 Connect the Pow e r Supply The power s upply s hould m atch the phy sical configuration of the chas sis. Make su re that the pow er switch is Of f before assem b ly. Before attaching all com ponents, mak e sure that th e proper voltage has been selected. Power supplies often can r[...]

  • Page 33

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 30 Step 5 Connect the Pow e r Supply, Continued Power Supply Connectors are K ey ed The power con nectors are key ed. T he conn ector key s mu st be cut to f it some pow er supplies, as sh own below . Important Make sure that the jumpers ar e configured correctly when you us e the 3.3V power connectors.[...]

  • Page 34

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 31 Step 6 Connect th e Key board Cable The key board connector is a f ive-pin DIN s ocket labeled KEYBD on the m otherboard. Attach a standard A T-compatible key board cable. A five- pin DIN to six- pin m iniDIN conv erter is needed to conn ect a PS/2-type k eyboard.[...]

  • Page 35

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 32 Step 7 Connect Cables When conn ecting chas sis conn ectors to the m otherboard, mak e sure to conn ect the correct conn ector end. Most conn ector wires are color- coded. Match the color of the w ires leaving the sw itch or LED to th e same pin on the conn ector end. There may be more than on e connector with the [...]

  • Page 36

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 33 Step 7 Connect Cables, Continue d J40 Speak er Connector J40 is a four-pin s ingle-in line berg that is attached via a cable to the s ystem speaker. J18 External Battery Connector J18 is a four-pin berg that attaches to an extern al battery. A battery is not supplied on this m otherboard[...]

  • Page 37

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 34 Step 8 Connect th e PS/2 Mouse Cable J19, the PS/2 mou se connector) is a ten -pin du al-inline berg . Attach a cu stom ized serial mou se cable from J19 to a standard DB9 port connector m o unted ex ternally on the chas sis. You can order th is cable (C able Assembl y DB9, Male, 10-Pin, par t number CBL SUB1- 10) [...]

  • Page 38

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 35 Step 9 Connect Onboard I/O, Continued Attaching the Parallel Port Cable A parallel port cable is supplied to connect J23 to the external parallel port connector, as shown below .[...]

  • Page 39

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 36 Step 10 Install Floppy Drive J25 is a 34-pi n dual- inlin e berg. Con nect the cabl e from the f loppy driv e to J25. The onboard fl oppy con troller cann ot be used if a hard disk adapter card w ith f loppy con troller is instal led. The cable and th e connector are s how n below : The mot herboard support s 3½&q[...]

  • Page 40

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 37 Step 11 Install Hard Disk Attach IDE Cab le to J22 J22 is the prim ary IDE (In tegrated Drive Electronics) h ard disk drive con nector. Both the prim ary m aster and the prim ary sl ave IDE drives mu st be conn ected by cable to J22, as sh ow n below .[...]

  • Page 41

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 38 J22 IDE Hard Disk Connector J22 is a 40-pin du al-inline berg that conn ects a hard disk driv e that has an IDE interface to the prim ary onboard IDE Cont rolle r. This mot herboard supports IDE Modes 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, pref etch, L BA (Log ical Block A ddress) m ode, hig h capacity drives (over 528 MB ), 32-bit da[...]

  • Page 42

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 39 Step 11 Install Hard Disk, Conti nue d Offboa rd IDE Controller If not u sing th e onboard IDE controller, y ou can u se either an ISA IDE controller card or a PCI IDE con troller card. IRQs 14 an d 15 are reserved f or the IDE primary and secondary IDE con trollers no m atter w hich IDE[...]

  • Page 43

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 40 Step 12 Install A dapter Cards You can in sert up to four ISA (AT-com patible) adapter cards and up to th ree PCI adapter cards into the expan sion slots on the m otherboard. See the graphi c on page 11 for th e location of the ex pansion s lots. PCI adapter cards are autom atically con figu red by WINBIOS. C R SCS[...]

  • Page 44

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 41 3 AMIBIOS and WINBIOS WINBIOS Setup has a graphical u ser interface th at permits m ouse access, and is so com pact that it can reside on the sam e ROM as the s ystem B IOS. The syst em conf iguration param eters are set via WINBIOS Setup. Since WINBIOS Setup resides in the ROM BIOS, it [...]

  • Page 45

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 42 Standard Setup Select the Standard Setup option from the WINBIOS Setup main m enu. Standard Setup allo ws you to specify b asic system paramet ers, such as tim e and date, an d disk driv e paramet ers. The Standard S etup options are described below . Date/Time Icon Select the Date and Tim e icon to chang e the dat[...]

  • Page 46

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 43 Standard Setup, Continue d Floppy A Floppy B Select th e Floppy A icon to choose th e type of floppy drive install ed as Drive A :. Select t he Floppy B icon to choose th e type of floppy drive installed as drive B:. The settin gs are 360 KB 5¼ inch , 1.2 MB 5¼ inch , 720 KB 3½ inch ,[...]

  • Page 47

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 44 A dvanced Setup, Conti nue d System Boot Up Num Lock This option turns the Num Lock key off wh en the com puter starts. The settin gs are On or Off. The Optimal default setting is On. Floppy Drive Seek At Boot When this option is set to Enabled, WINBIOS perf orms a Seek com man d on floppy drive A: bef ore booting [...]

  • Page 48

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 45 A dvanced Setup, Conti nue d Internal Cache This option enables caching for L1 in ternal cache m emory . The settings are Enabled or Disabled. The Optim al default setting is Enabled . Video Shadow When this option is set to Enabled, the con tents of th e video ROM area (C 0000h to C7FFF[...]

  • Page 49

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 46 Chipset Setu p The WINB IOS Setup options described in this section are displayed by choosing the Ch ipset Setup icon from the WINBIOS Setup main m enu. T he Chipset Setup options are: ISA Memory Ho le This option enables the ISA m emory hole. The ISA m emory hole is a mem ory area below 16 MB that can only be u se[...]

  • Page 50

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 47 Chipset Setup, Continued PCI Memory Hole Base Address This option sets the starting address of the PCI mem ory hole. The settings are an y m ultiple of the value of the PCI Memory Hole Size option betw een 2 MB and the multiple below 16 MB. PCI Lat e nc y Time Adjust This option allows y[...]

  • Page 51

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 48 Chipset Setup, Continued Assign IRQ 4 To Use this option to specify the bus that IR Q4 can be used on . The settings are PC I or ISA. The Optimal default setting is PC I. Assign IRQ 5 To Use this option to specify the bus that IR Q5 can be used on . The settings are PC I or ISA. The Optimal default setting is PC I.[...]

  • Page 52

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 49 Chipset Setup, Continued Assign IRQ 12 To Use this option to specify the bus th at IRQ12 can be used on . The settings are PC I or ISA. The Optimal default setting is PCI. Assign IRQ 14 To Use this option to specify the bus th at IRQ14 can be used on . The settings are PC I or ISA. The O[...]

  • Page 53

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 50 Pow e r Management Setup, Co ntinued Suspend Timer Value This optio n specifies the length of tim e all monitored activities can be inactive before the computer enters su spend state. The BIOS Power M anagem ent optio n m ust be set to Enabled before this option can be set. The settings are D isabled, 1 Min., 2 Min[...]

  • Page 54

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 51 Pow e r Management Setup, Co ntinued Event Monitoring WINBIOS Setup Pow er Managem ent Setup for th e Super Voy ager PCI-II m o therboard defines sy stem even ts that can be monitored for activity and suspended . W hen the BIOS Power Management option is set to Enabled, the follow ing op[...]

  • Page 55

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 52 Pow e r Management Setup, Co ntinued Serial Port Activity When this option is set to Monitor, the sy stem BIOS monitors all serial port activity and sends the com puter to suspend state if no serial port activity occurs f or the length of time specified in th e Suspend Tim er Value Po wer Mana gement op tion. T he [...]

  • Page 56

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 53 Peripheral Setup, Continue d OffB oard PC I IDE Ca rd Uses This option can only be selected if the Onboa rd IDE option is set to Disabled. You cann ot set this option if using the IDE controller on the m otherboard. T his op tio n allows y ou to specify th e PCI interrupt that the off bo[...]

  • Page 57

    Chapter 3 AMIBIOS and W INBIOS 54 Peripheral Setup, Continue d Prim ary Master IDE LBA Mode Prim ary Slave LBA Mode Secondary Master LBA M ode Secondary Sla v e LBA M o de Set these options to Enabled to enable IDE LBA (Logical Block A ddress) Mode for th e primary master, prim ary sl ave, secondary mas ter, or secondary slave IDE drive. L BA Mode [...]

  • Page 58

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 55 Peripheral Setup, Continue d IDE Prefetch Read Buffer The IDE prefetch read buf fer allow s data from the h ard disk driv e to be read to a buffer bef ore being u sed, w hich im proves performance. Set this option to Enabled to enable th e prefetch read bu ffer. The setting s are Enabled[...]

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  • Page 60

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 57 4 Flash Programming The Am erican Meg atrends Su per Voyag er PCI-II 486 IS A m otherboard us es Flash EPROM to store t he sy stem BIOS. The advantag e of usin g a Flash EPROM is th at the EPROM chip does n ot have to be replaced to update the BIOS. The end u ser can actually reprogram t[...]

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    Chapter 4 Flash Program ming 58[...]

  • Page 62

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 59 A Upgrading Cache Memory L2 secondary (external) cache m em ory on th e Am erican Megatren ds Super Voy ager PCI- II 486 ISA m otherboard can be upgraded f rom 128 K B to 256 KB by addi ng f our 32 KB x 8 15 n s SRA Ms. You must use 5 V SRAM DIPs. Recomm ended Pa rt s Manuf acturers of t[...]

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    Appendix A Upgrading Cache Memory 60[...]

  • Page 64

    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 61 Index 3.3V CPU Sel ection 14 5V CPU Sel ection 15 Adv anced Se tup 37 As sign I RQ 10 To 42 As sign I RQ 11 To 42 As sign I RQ 12 To 43 As sign I RQ 14 To 43 As sign I RQ 15 To 43 As sign I RQ 3 To 41 As sign I RQ 4 To 42 As sign I RQ 5 To 42 As sign I RQ 7 To 42 As sign I RQ 9 To 42 Aux[...]

  • Page 65

    Index 62 Index, Continue d Fl oppy Disk See k at Boot 38 Hardw are Reset S witch 4 HDD/FDD Activit y 45 Heat S ink with F an 2 I DE A ctivity I ndicator L ED 30 IDE A u t od e t e c t 6 I DE Cable s 33 IDE F ea t u r e s 6 I DE Har d Disk Conne ctor 33 IDE P ower Down 4 4 IDE Prefetc h R ead B uff er 49 I nstalling Adapter Cards 34 I nstall ing the[...]

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    Super Voyager PCI-II 486 ISA Motherboard User's Guide 63 Index, Continue d Mothe rboard D imensio ns 1 Mother board L ayout 10 Mouse 31 Mouse Suppor t 37 NCR SCSI BIOS 34 OffBoard PC I IDE Card 46 OffBoard PC I I DE C a rd Uses 47 Onboar d Adapte rs 31 Onboar d FD C 46 Onboar d I /O 5 Onboar d I DE 46 Parallel Port IRQ Select 17 PCI Latency Ti[...]

  • Page 67

    Index 64 Index, Continue d Serial Ports 5 Shadow D800,16K 39 SI MMs Instal ling 23 Slave Disk 36 Slo t 1 L atency Time 41 Slo t 2 L atency Time 41 Slo t 3 L atency Time 41 Speake r Cable Conne ctor 30 Suspe nd Time r Val ue 44 Sw itch and Jumper Options 12 Sy stem Boo t Up Num L ock 38 Tab les BBS Phon e Numbers iv Cache me mory support 3 Pro cesso[...]