Arcam AV888 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Arcam AV888, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Arcam AV888 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Arcam AV888. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Arcam AV888 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Arcam AV888
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Arcam AV888 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Arcam AV888 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Arcam AV888 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Arcam AV888, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Arcam service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Arcam AV888.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Arcam AV888 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    A VR500 / A VR600 / A V888 HANDBOOK A VR surround amplier / A V proc essor MUTE ZONE DISPLAY DIRECT MODE INFO OK Ð INPUT + MENU Ð VOLUME + PHONES AUX POWER  POWER/ST ANDBY A VR600 English[...]

  • Page 2

    E-2 saf ety gu ide li nes Impor tant safety instructions is p rodu ct is desi gned an d man ufact ured t o meet strict q uality a nd sa fety sta ndar ds. H ow ever , yo u sho uld be aw are of the follo wing i nstalla tion a nd o peratio n pr ecau tions . 1. T ak e heed of wa rnings and ins tructions Y ou sho uld rea d all the sa fety a nd o pera[...]

  • Page 3

    Fr ançais F-1 c on si gne s de séc ur it é Instructions de sécurité impor tantes Cet ap par eil a ét é conçu et fab riqué conf orméme nt a ux norm es de q ualité et de sécuri té les plu s strictes . V o us devez ce pendan t observer l es pr écau tion s qui s uiven t lor s de son installa tion et de so n utili satio n. 1. A vertisse me[...]

  • Page 4


  • Page 5

    E-3 English w elc ome an k you a nd con gra tula tions f or pu rc hasin g you r Ar cam FMJ A VR500/A VR600 surr ound am pli er or A V888 A V pr oces sor . A rca m has been p rod ucin g specia list a udio pr oducts of rem ark abl e qual ity fo r over t hr ee decad es and t he new FMJ pr oducts a re t he la test i n a lon g lin e of aw ar d win[...]

  • Page 6

    E-4 e A V R500/A V R600 sur round ampli er and A V888 A V p rocessor are bo th designed t o pr oduce a level of perfo rmance that will truly brin g music and mo vies to l ife. e A VR500/A VR 600 is a high-qual ity a nd high- perform ance home -cinema pr ocessor and a mp lier b uilt to Ar cam ’ s quality design a nd ma nufa cturing sta[...]

  • Page 7

    E-5 English Placing the unit < Place th e unit on a level, rm surfac e, a voidi ng direct sunligh t and sour ces of heat or da mp . < Do not place th e uni t on t op o f a pow er am plier or other sour ce of h eat. < Do not place th e uni t in an enclosed space s uch as a bookca se or c losed cab inet u nless the re is good pr ovisi [...]

  • Page 8

    E-6 Dolby V olume Man ufactu red unde r license fr om Dol by Labora tories. Dolby and the double- D symbol are trademar ks of Do lby Labo rato ries. Dolby T rue HD , Digital, Digital P lus, PL IIx Man ufactu red unde r license fr om Dol by Labora tories. Dolby , Pr o Logic, a nd the doub le-D symbo l are trademar ks of Do lby Labora tories. D TS-HD[...]

  • Page 9

    E-7 English a udi o /video c on nectio ns Befor e con necting y our A VR500/A V R600 o r A V88 8 and power amp lier ( e.g. the Arca m P777) to yo ur sour ce com p on ents and s peakers, p lease r ead thro ugh the ne xt few pa ges whic h will exp lain all the in put and ou tpu t con nectivity that is a vailab le. e ‘S peakers ’ section e x[...]

  • Page 10

    E-8 NO TE Ple ase rea d th e ‘ Pla cin g th e u nit ’ , ‘P ow er’ an d ‘I nte rco nn ect c ab les ’ secti on s o n p age 5 befo r e co nnec ting u p y our A VR600 or A V 888 ! V oltage sele ct Ensu re the vol tage sel ected ma tches your local pow er su pply A VR600 A V888 re ar pa nel c on nectors        ?[...]

  • Page 11

    E-9 English         HDMI connectors A V , SA T , DVD, VCR, P VR Connect th e HDM I video o utp uts of yo ur sou rce eq uip ment to these corr espon ding HD MI in pu ts. OUT 1 Connect th is ou tpu t to the HD MI video i npu t of your main zone displa y device. OUT 2 [...]

  • Page 12

    E-10              Digital audio connectors T APE, CD , A V , DVD , SA T , VCR, PVR Connect th ese in puts to the digital ou tpu ts of your ava ilable sourc e equi pmen t. OPTICA L, C OAX C[...]

  • Page 13

    E-11 English T rigger connectors e trigg er con nector s ( TR IG Z 1 , TRI G Z2 and TRI G Z3 ) pr ovide an electri cal signal wh enever th e am plie r is swit ched o n and the re levan t zon e ena bled. e trigg er signal can be u sed to swi tch on a nd o com patib le piece s of h ome e nterta inmen t equi pmen t, f or exa mp le, yo u co[...]

  • Page 14

    E-12                                                   ?[...]

  • Page 15

    E-13 English                                             ?[...]

  • Page 16

    E-14 NO TE Ple ase rea d th e ‘ Pla cin g th e u nit ’ , ‘P ow er’ an d ‘I nte rco nn ect c ab les ’ secti on s o n p age 5 befo r e co nnec ting u p y our A VR500! V oltage sele ct Ensu re the vol tage sel ected ma tches your local pow er su pply A VR500 re ar pa nel c on nectors VCR PVR AV SA T DVD 1 SUBWOOFER OUTPUT HDMI Fo r inf orm[...]

  • Page 17

    E-15 English         HDMI connectors A V , SA T , DVD, VCR, P VR Connect th e HDM I video o utp uts of yo ur sou rce eq uip ment to these corr espon ding HD MI in pu ts. OUT 1 Connect th is ou tpu t to the HD MI video i npu t of your main zone displa y device. OUT 2[...]

  • Page 18

    E-16 Digital audio connectors T APE, CD , A V , DVD , SA T , VCR, PVR Connect th ese in puts to the digital ou tpu ts of your ava ilable sourc e equi pmen t. POWER/ST ANDBY MUTE ZONE DISPLAY DIRECT MODE INFO OK Ð INPUT + MENU Ð VOLUME + POWER A VR600  PHONES AUX SUBWOOFER OUTPUT MCH input i s mu l tic ha [...]

  • Page 19

    E-17 English T rigger connectors e trigg er con nector s ( TR IG Z 1 & TRI G Z2 ) pro vide a n electrical s ignal when ever the amp lier i s swit ched o n and the re levan t zon e enab led. e trigg er signal can be u sed to swi tch on a nd o com patib le piece s of h ome e nterta inmen t equi pmen t, f or exa mp le, yo u could set u[...]

  • Page 20

    E-18 AV SA T DVD VIDEO OUT VCR C on necti on g uid e – A VR500 DVD p lay er e dia gram sh ows how t o make audi o and video conn ections from a typical DVD play er . e p refe rred video hook-u p , in or der o f pr efer ence i s: < use the HDMI connect or (i f HDMI out pu t is pr ovided by the pla yer), o therwise con nect the thr ee Comp[...]

  • Page 21

    E-19 English Co nnecting an iP od using the Ar cam rDo ck e co mbi natio n of the A VR500 and Arca m ’ s o ption al rDock o r rLead acces sory pro vides a grea t pla tfo rm for you r iP od. Connect th e rDock a s sho wn, pow er on the rDock , slot in yo ur iP o d a nd select IPOD as the so urce . Set the Audio In iP od ite m in the ‘Ge neral[...]

  • Page 22

    E-20 ra di o c on nectors SIRIUS AM DAB FM ETHERNET Z2 IR IR OUT TRIG Z1 Z1 IR Z3 IR TRIG Z2 TRIG Z3 rLead/rDock RS232 USB Aerial c onnectors – A VR500/A VR600 only e A VR500/A VR 600 is  tted with a n AM/FM receiv er module and S irius connect or o r a D AB/FM recei ver , dependin g on the re gion whe re i t was so ld. e type of aerial [...]

  • Page 23

    E-21 English FM Connecti ng an aer ial A sui table FM aerial m ust be conn ected to the A V R500/ A VR6 00 befo re FM radio ca n be recei ved. I n str ong signa l ar eas , the FM ribbon aerial su ppl ied can be used wi th reaso nabl e res ults. Mo un t this as high up as poss ible on a wall with the to p of the ‘T ’-ele ment s positio ned v ert[...]

  • Page 24

    E-22 ot her c on nectors Data connectors rLea d/rDock Fo r use wi th an Arcam rLead or rDock acc essory . See page 13 and the acc essory documen tati on fo r details . RS232 serial c onnecto r U se with co ntro l devices havi ng an RS 232 serial po rt (fo r exam ple , Cres tron and A MX to uch scr een con tro llers).  is co nnection is also used[...]

  • Page 25

    E-23 English spe ak ers Connecting speakers – A VR500 & A VR600 e A VR500/A VR 600 allo ws yo u to co nnect u p to seven s peakers a nd thr ee active sub woof ers in the mai n syste m. e o ut put c hann els co rrespo nd to speakers install ed in the fron t le, centr e, fr on t right, surro und le, s urrou nd righ t, surr ound back[...]

  • Page 26

    E-24         Fr ont l eft and rig ht P ositio n yo ur fro nt l e and right speakers to achiev e a good s tereo image for normal mus ical rep rodu ction as well a s fo r the m ultich anne l modes. I f they are placed t oo close t ogether there will be a la ck of spacio usness ; if they are placed too f[...]

  • Page 27

    E-25 English Operating y our A VR500 /A VR600 / A V888 Fo r inf orma tion di spla y we recom mend y ou use the OSD (On-Screen Displ ay) o n yo ur dis play device wheneve r possib le. Switching on Pr ess the fron t pan el pow er bu tto n in.  e pow er LED will glo w ora nge , the fro nt displ ay sh ows the wo rd ‘ ARCAM ’ , f ollow ed b y the[...]

  • Page 28

    E-26 the a udio will be down -mixed t o two c hann els (2. 0). e two-c hanne l dow n-mix is requ ired so th at th e cen tre cha nnel a nd surr ound info rmati on ca n be hear d via th e headp hon es. Using Z one2 and 3 Zone2 pro vides the op tion f or th e occupan ts of the mast er bedroo m, co nservato ry , ki tchen , etc. t o view o r li[...]

  • Page 29

    E-27 English Remo te co ntr ol receiv er . i s is posi tioned behind the dis pla y windo w , abo ve the MENU but ton on the fron t panel. Ensur e the r eceiv er is in a clea r line of sigh t from the r emote con trol for opera tion. If thi s is not possibl e, use a separa te senso r co nnected t o the Z1 I R in put on the rear panel . fro nt p a[...]

  • Page 30

    E-28 Inser ting batteries in to the remote c ontrol 1. Op en the bat tery com partmen t b y pr essing the bu tto n on th e back o f the h andset . 2. Insert fo ur ‘ AAA ’ ba tterie s int o the ba tte r y com partmen t – tw o facin g the t op o f the un it, and two faci ng the end, a s in the diagram. 3. L ow er the e nd ca p on to the plasti [...]

  • Page 31

    E-29 English In A V mode 0 issues the TV ‘ cha nnel d own ’ co mma nd. e CR1 02 rem ains in the la st select ed Device M ode so it is no t necessa ry to pr ess a Device M ode key bef or e every comm and k ey if all y ou a re do ing i s pla ying o r skip pin g tracks on a C D , fo r exam ple . Navi gation ke ys e N av igatio n keys steer t[...]

  • Page 32

    E-30 Con trolling other devic es Method 1 (Dire ct code s etup) is sectio n describes the sim ples t (pr eferr ed) wa y to pr ogram th e CR102’ s Device M ode keys to co ntro l the non- Arca m devices i n you r syst em.           < So me o f th e m od e s ar e lo ck ed to Ar [...]

  • Page 33

    E-31 English  AMP Device Mode e A Devic e Mode but ton cong ures th e CR102 to co ntr ol the A VR50 0/A VR6 00/A V8 88. Pr essin g this bu tto n does no t a ect the curr entl y selected inp ut o n the A VR5 00/A VR 600/A V 888. IMPOR T ANT : e CR102 m ust al so be in AMP Device Mod e to co ntr ol the follo wing source s: PHONO [...]

  • Page 34

    E-32  DVD Devic e Mode e d Devic e Mode but ton cong ures th e CR102 to con tro l the D VD functio ns o f Ar cam D VD pla yer s, altho ugh this can be c hang ed (see pag e 25). P res sing thi s bu tto n also selects DV D as the A VR500/A VR600/A V8 88 sour ce. P T oggle s powe r between standb y an d on 0 … 9 Searc hes f or an d pl[...]

  • Page 35

    E-33 English   SA T Device Mode e z Devic e Mode but ton cong ures th e CR102 to co ntr ol the function s of a sat ellit e recei ver . Y ou will need to cong ure thi s Device M ode to wor k with y our equi pmen t. P ressi ng this but ton also selects SA T as the A VR5 00/A VR 600/A V 888 sour ce. P T oggle s powe r between standb [...]

  • Page 36

    E-34  VCR Device Mode e w Devic e Mode but ton cong ures th e CR102 to co ntr ol the function s of a video r ecor der o r similar device. Y ou will need t o con gure this Device M ode to wor k with your equip men t. Pr essin g this b ut ton al so selects VCR as the A VR500/A VR 600/A V 888 sour ce. P T oggle s powe r between stand[...]

  • Page 37

    E-35 English  CD Device Mode e c Devic e Mode but ton cong ures th e CR102 to co ntr ol the CD functio ns o f Ar cam CD p lay ers, altho ugh this can be c hang ed (see pag e 25). P res sing thi s bu tto n also selects CD as th e A VR5 00/A VR 600/A V 888 sour ce. P T oggle s powe r between standb y an d on. 0 … 9 Fu nction s as o rigi[...]

  • Page 38

    E-36 Befor e yo u use yo ur A VR500, A VR600 or A V888 it is essen tial tha t yo u en ter som e info rma tion in to th e Setu p men us abo ut y our s peaker co ngura tion. is allo ws the uni t to proces s an y surr oun d sound digital so urce to exa ctly ma tch your system and gi ve yo u the ul tima te surr ound so und ex perience. er e ar[...]

  • Page 39

    E-37 English a ut o s pea k er set up Auto speak er setup er e is a p ro prietary a uto mati c loud speaker set up functio n buil t in to yo ur A VR500, A V R600 or A V88 8. e Ar cam A uto S peaker Set up fun ction a tte mp ts to set all the e ssential speaker set tings for all the speak ers in you r syst em. I t also calculat es roo m equali[...]

  • Page 40

    E-38 set up m enu s e Setu p men us all ow y ou to congu re all a spects of y our A VR500 , A VR6 00 or A V888. e nex t few pages will go th rough the men u i tems a nd exp lain th eir functio n. e Set up me nus w ill pr obabl y look q uit e daun ting if yo u ar e new t o settin g up home cinema, but the ma jority o f them n eed onl y b[...]

  • Page 41

    E-39 English vid eo & a udi o c on nectio n setti ng s Each in pu t on th e A VR 500/A V R600/A V888 has m ulti ple conn ection pos sibili ties f or both audi o and video , incl uding HDMI, Compo nen t V ideo, di gital a udio a nd analo gue a udio . Whe n an i npu t is se lected, b y defa ult the A VR500/A VR 600/A V 888 will sca n all possi bl[...]

  • Page 42

    E-40 Input Config . e a udio a nd video setting s on thi s page of the Setup men u can be tailor ed spe cica lly and indepen dentl y to the c urren tly selecte d in put . When a di eren t in put is selected on th e In pu t line, all the in pu t-specic settings for that inp ut a re di spla yed below it.  ese settin gs ar e a ppli ed t[...]

  • Page 43

    E-41 English Sub St ereo – I f Le/Ri ght+S ub o r Sat +Sub is selected in Ste reo M ode a bove, this set ting ad jus ts the lev el of the sub woof er when th e sour ce is t wo ch annel ster eo. Brightn ess – Sets the video b rightn ess f or this inp ut. is set ting ca n be used t o com p ensa te f or a n ov erly dark or b right so urce pi[...]

  • Page 44

    E-42 Maximu m V olume – Limits the maxi mum v olu me settin g the sys tem ca n be turn ed up to in th e main zone . is is a useful f eat ure t o pr even t acciden tal over driving of l ow po wer -han dling s peakers (f or e xam ple). I t is sto red in memo r y a nd recall ed each tim e the un it is powe red u p. Max On V olume – Lim its th e[...]

  • Page 45

    E-43 English U se the B and C nav igatio n bu tto ns o n the r emot e con tro l to sel ect the r elevan t speake r . Pres s O to enab le/disa ble the calibra tion noi se and the D an d E nav igatio n bu tto ns t o adj ust th e noi se level fr om ea ch speaker . Fro nt L eft – Centr e – Fro nt Right – Surr . Right – Surr . Back Right – Sur[...]

  • Page 46

    E-44 not sup ported b y the co nnected displ ay devic e at the abo ve r esol ution are greyed out and ca nnot be selected. < A uto : sets the OU T 2 frame ra te to be the pre ferred frame rate that is req uest ed by th e disp lay device fo r the curr entl y used r esolu tion. < F ollow I npu t fo rces the OU T 2 frame rate to the same as the [...]

  • Page 47

    E-45 English[...]

  • Page 48

    E-46 Introduction Y our A V R500/A VR600 rece iver o r A V888 pre -am p pr ovides all the k ey decoding and p roces sing m odes fo r analo gue an d digital signals, inclu ding th e lat est high deni tion a udio forma ts o ver H DMI. Modes f or dig ital sou rces Digital reco rding s ar e usuall y encoded t o inc lude info rmati on abo ut th eir f[...]

  • Page 49

    E-47 English High r esolution audio s ources Dolb y T rue-HD Pr ovides up t o 7.1 full c hanne l at 96kHz , 24bi t re solu tion, wi th pot entiall y no losses in the co mp ress ion p roces s. Data rat es can be up t o 18Mbp s. Dolb y Digi tal Plu s Pr ovides up t o 7.1 disc rete chann els o f au dio with less co mp res sion th an tradi tional Do lb[...]

  • Page 50

    E-48 Dol b y v ol ume Dolb y V o lume is a so phistic ated new techn ology tha t reso lves the pr oblem of dier en t vol ume lev els betw een pr ogramm e con ten t (e.g. a TV show and a dvert b reaks) and betw een sour ces (e.g. a rock radio s tatio n and DVD , or betw een two TV statio ns). I t lets th e list ener en joy everything a t the same[...]

  • Page 51

    E-49 English[...]

  • Page 52

    E-50 tu ner ope ra ti on T uner – A VR500/A VR600 only e A VR500/A VR 600 is  tted with a n in ternal AM /FM tune r . Depending on your locatio n a nd in stalled o ption s, it m ay al so be t ted with a D AB t uner (E urope) o r Siri us sat ellit e radio c onnectio n (Ame ricas; A VR600 onl y). Siri us req uires the pu rcha se of th e ?[...]

  • Page 53

    E-51 English an y que ries abo ut yo ur su bscrip tion, p lease co ntact Siri us. Opera tion In a dditio n to th e cha nnel a nd p reset se lection, pr eviousl y men tion ed, yo u can also cycle throu gh the cha nnel ca teg ories ( Rock, P op , Country , etc.) using the ] and [ keys.  e rs t cha nnel in each ca tego ry is disp layed . Y ou ca[...]

  • Page 54

    E-52 netw ork / usb ope ra ti on e A VR600 and A V888 are tt ed with a netwo rk a udio c lient which is ca pable of p layin g in ternet radio s tatio ns as well a s sto red mu sic on a netw ork s tora ge device s uch as a PC, o r fro m a USB ash dri ve.  e netwo rk aud io clie nt is an o ptio nal extra f or the A VR5 00, plea se con tac[...]

  • Page 55

    E-53 English XLR balanced line outputs – A V888 only e A V888 pr ocessor pro vides X LR con nector s fo r each of sev en cha nnels , to a n XLR -equip ped am plier (e.g. the Ar cam P 777). r ee XLR s ubw oofer out put s ar e pr ovided in addi tion. RIGHT , LEFT , CENTRE Connect th ese to th e equi valent (Right , Le an d Centr e) fron[...]

  • Page 56

    E-54 Zone2 and 3 con trol outputs e A VR500, A VR600 a nd A V888 also allo w rem ote con tro l from remo te zo nes. Z2 IR a nd Z3 IR is allo ws the A VR500/A VR600/A V888 to be con tro lled rem otel y fro m Zone2 (or Zo ne3) via Infra- red r emo te co ntro l. Con nect a r emot e IR r eceiver in Zone2 (or Zo ne3) t o allow con t[...]

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    E-55 English                                            [...]

  • Page 58

    E-56 Code L earning e CR1 02 com es with a com plet e lib rary of pr epr ogrammed codes. A er yo u ha ve set u p the C R102 for you r device, you m ay  nd tha t ther e ar e one or mo re functio ns on your original remo te whi ch do n ot ha ve a place on the CR102 k eypad. F or c on venien ce, the CR102 oe rs a Code Lea rning f eatu re t[...]

  • Page 59

    E-57 English Exampl e: T o deassi gn the Macro a ssociat ed with t he h k ey 1. Press a nd ho ld S un til the po wer L ED blink s twice: * * . 2. Press 9 9 5 . 3. Press h . 4. Press a nd ho ld S un til the po wer L ED blink s twice: * * . V olume punch-through V olume punc h-thro ugh mea ns tha t, no mat ter whic h Device M ode is selected, the CR1[...]

  • Page 60

    E-58 Mode Mover If y our home ente rtainmen t set up co ntai ns device s of the sam e type (e .g. two TVs, perhap s fro m dier en t man ufactu rers ) you can still con trol both those devices with th e CR102. Y ou sim ply n eed to r eassign an un used Device M ode key . NO TE Befor e usin g M ode M over , make s ure bo th the sour ce and destina[...]

  • Page 61

    E-59 English De vi ce c odes e tab les tha t begin on pag e 58 (i n the nal section o f this H and book) lis t the f our -gur e codes f or di ere nt man ufactu rers ’ devices. U se these when set ting y our C R102 up to co ntr ol yo ur devices, as described in M ethod 1 (see page 25 ). If m or e than o ne code num ber is li sted, try [...]

  • Page 62

    E-60 tr ou ble- sh oot in g Pro blem Check that ... ere are n o lights on th e unit < the pow er co rd is plugg ed in to the unit a nd the mains socket i t is plugg ed int o is sw itch ed on. < the po wer b ut ton i s pr essed in. If a red LE D is p resen t, the unit i s in sta ndb y mode. Pres s an y bu tto n on the fron t panel o r rem o[...]

  • Page 63

    E-61 English Pro blem Check that ... Sound o nly co mes fro m some of th e speakers < yo u ha ve an ap pro pria te su rroun d sour ce select ed and playi ng. < the D VD di sc is enc oded in the app ro pria te fo rma t, and the co rrect fo rma t has been selected in the disc start me nu o f the D VD pl ayer (if a ppli cable) . < the D VD pl[...]

  • Page 64

    E-62 Contin uous pow er ou tpu t (20H z—20kHz at 0 .05% THD) , per cha nnel (A VR600) 2 cha nnels drive n 150W All cha nnel s drive n 120W THD a t full ra ted po wer <0.2% Resid ual noi se & h um <0.25mV unw eigh ted 20H z – 22kH z Contin uous pow er ou tpu t (20H z—20kHz at 0 .05% THD) , per cha nnel (A VR500) 2 cha nnels drive n 1[...]

  • Page 65

    E-63 English pro duct gu ar an t ee W orldwide Guarantee is en titles yo u to ha ve the uni t repa ired fr ee of char ge, d uring the rs t two y ears aer pur chase, at any au thorised Arca m distrib uto r p rovi ded tha t it w as ori ginally p urch ased from an a utho rised Ar cam deal er or d istrib uto r . is is e xtended by a further[...]

  • Page 66

    64 T V 888 0294 A.R. Sys tems 0067 0382 0586 0404 048 5 Acce nt 0039 006 7 0586 Aco ustic Resea rch 1299 Acura 0039 Adco m 0655 Addi son 0683 013 8 ADL 1247 Admi ral 0123 019 3 0448 0294 Ad vent 0906 Ad yson 0247 0246 AEA 0067 0586 AEG 0636 1193 Agash i 0246 029 4 0247 Aiko 0039 0067 0 586 0246 006 5 0463 0294 024 7 Aim 0067 058 6 0783 0238 073 6 A[...]

  • Page 67

    65 Inno va 0067 Inno vatio n 0067 0586 Inno wert 0895 1328 inotec h 0803 085 0 In teractive 0067 058 6 0542 0357 019 3 0400 0139 In terbuy 0039 006 7 0294 0542 058 6 In terfunk 0067 0193 0 586 0542 035 7 0400 0139 023 0 In ternal 0067 058 6 0529 0404 193 9 In ternatio nal 0246 In tervision 0067 024 7 0485 0294 040 7 0516 0400 042 4 0517 0193 003 9 [...]

  • Page 68

    66 T V (c ont.) RFT 0400 0294 0067 0586 051 6 Rhapsody 0246 Ricoh 0 067 0586 Rinex 0803 0448 Roadstar 0039 1067 029 4 0448 006 7 0586 0744 069 8 1219 Rodex 0067 0586 Rover 0907 Rowa 0067 029 4 0728 0039 024 7 0742 0246 061 7 0586 Royal L ux 0400 0365 Ruko pir 0586 0067 Saba 0139 0655 0193 0590 036 5 0373 0578 068 0 0744 Sagem 0640 0485 0860 1343 06[...]

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    67 VCR Acce nt 0102 Admi ral 0078 Ad vent ura 0030 Ad yson 0102 Aiko 0308 Aim 0308 0672 0378 Aiwa 0030 0378 0 382 0067 077 2 1167 0062 Akai 0067 0136 0345 0672 038 2 0270 0378 Akashi 0102 Akiba 0102 Akura 0102 Alba 0308 0102 0382 0030 034 5 0378 0111 Allorg an 0270 Allstar 0111 America A ction 0308 Amstrad 0030 0308 0102 Anam 0067 0256 0270 0308 An[...]

  • Page 70

    68 T andy 0062 T eac 0423 T echnics 0333 00 59 Thor ens 0187 Thule Aud io 0187 T raxdata 0656 U nivers um 0187 V ictor 0102 W ards 0187 Y amaha 0066 0520 006 2 Zonda 0187 TUNER AEG 1420 AFK 1419 Aiwa 0151 0219 1088 1188 128 8 1652 Akai 0639 1250 1420 All-T el 1420 Anam 0639 Arca m 0219 1119 1219 1299 131 9 2009 ASCOMTE C 1419 A udiolab 1119 1 219 1[...]

  • Page 71

    69 Bush 0743 0725 0 863 1725 076 0 0861 0747 080 8 0546 0848 075 3 1195 1466 144 9 1513 1170 C-T ech 0798 1182 Camb ridge A udio 1139 0 781 Campo matic Digital 1081 CA T 0819 Celestial 0702 cello 1760 Centre x 0702 1034 Centrum 0743 0819 08 09 1035 CGV 0800 0781 Cinea 0871 Cineral 0760 Cinetec 0743 0902 CineV ision 0899 0863 Classic 0760 1760 Clatr[...]

  • Page 72

    70 SA T @sat 1330 @Sky 1364 ABsat 1353 0743 ADB 0672 0917 1289 1397 150 3 1521 Adco m 0230 Akai 0230 Alba 0743 1314 Allsat 0230 1047 Allsonic 0399 Alltech 0743 Allvisio n 1262 Alpha 0230 Amitr onica 0743 Amper e 0162 Amstrad 0877 1205 0743 0162 114 3 Anglo 0743 Ankar o 0399 0743 1309 AntS at 1047 Arco n 1309 0162 1105 Armstr ong 0230 Arnion 1330 AS[...]

  • Page 73

    71 Smart 1303 0162 0329 1143 126 2 0743 1443 Soniq 1597 Sony 0877 1588 0312 0883 SR 0162 Star Sat 0162 Starl and 0743 Strea m 1878 Stro ng 0155 1397 1 439 1656 039 9 0909 0883 118 9 1330 1503 131 4 Sunn y 1330 Sunn y Sound 0399 Sunsa t 0743 Suns tar 0399 0162 0672 Superm ax 1313 Syst ec 0162 1364 T arbs 1255 TBoston 1487 T eac 1257 1255 13 52 T eca[...]

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