Arcam DV79 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Arcam DV79, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Arcam DV79 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Arcam DV79. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Arcam DV79 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Arcam DV79
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Arcam DV79 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Arcam DV79 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Arcam DV79 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Arcam DV79, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Arcam service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Arcam DV79.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Arcam DV79 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    DV79 HANDBOOK/MANUEL/HANDBUCH/HANDLEIDING Ar ca m DV 79 D V D pl ay e r Le ct ur e de D V D Ar ca m DV 79 DV D- S p ie le r Ar ca m DV 79 Ar ca m DV 79 D V D- S pe le r English Français Deutsch Nederlands[...]

  • Page 2

    DV79 E-2 English DV79 E-3 RISQUE DE CHOC ELECTRIQUE NE P AS OUVRIR A TTENTION CA UTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN CAUTION: To reduce the risk of elec tric shock, d o not remove cover (or bac k). No user s erviceable par ts inside. Re fer servicing to quali ed service pe rsonnel. WARNING: To reduce the risk of re or electric s hock, do[...]

  • Page 3

    DV79 E-2 English DV79 E-3 Safety g uidelines ........ ........... ............ ........... ..... E-2 Importan t safety i nstructions ........... ........... ...... E-2 Safety compliance . ............ ........... ............ ....... E-2 Before y ou start! .............. ............ ........... ........... E-4 Using th is handbook .......... .....[...]

  • Page 4

    DV79 E-4 English DV79 E-5 Befo re y o u star t! Using this handbook This han dbook has b een designe d to give you all t he informati on you ne ed to instal l, connect, set-up and use the Arcam DiV A DV79. The remote control ha ndset suppli ed with the equipment is also desc ribed. It may be that th e DV79 has b een install ed and set -up as p art [...]

  • Page 5

    DV79 E-4 English DV79 E-5 Disc types supported The ARCA M DV79 DVD -player plays a r ange of d isc types. Discs enter ed into the DV79 shoul d bear one of the l ogos shown on the righ t. These dis c types in clude: n DVD -video ( single regi on, set at f actory); n DVD -audio; n CDDA (‘normal’ audio-CDs) including H DCD decodin g, CD-R, an d CD[...]

  • Page 6

    DV79 E-6 English DV79 E-7 Positioning the unit Place th e DV79 on a level,  rm surface and ensure that there is adequat e ventilat ion for the unit. Connecting the video output T o view t he pictures from the D VD playe r you nee d to connect one of it s video outp uts to yo ur display device (TV , monitor , proj ector , etc.). The DV7 9 has six[...]

  • Page 7

    DV79 E-6 English DV79 E-7 If you are using a SCAR T connecti on to your TV , and you do not wis h to listen to the audi o through it, then it is best to mute your TV’ s speakers as SCAR T also c arries stere o audio sig nals; muting the TV will prevent t his audio b eing heard. Note tha t the SCAR T outp ut has a con trol signal that switc hes yo[...]

  • Page 8

    DV79 E-8 English DV79 E-9 Bas i c use o f y ou r D VD pl a y er Introduction ‘Basic operatio n’ explains how to pla y a DVD , CD or o ther type o f disc. Not e that it m ay be nec essary to con gu re your p layer co rrectly for your syst em before o ptimum – or any – pla yback can be achiev ed. Play er con gu ration i s described begi[...]

  • Page 9

    DV79 E-8 English DV79 E-9 The H D M I i n te r f ac e If you have a HDMI- o r DVI-equ ipped monit or or displ ay , you can connect it t o the DV79 using a HDM I cable. T he HDMI con nector carr ies uncompre ssed digita l video, as well as digital au dio. About HDMI HDMI (H igh Denitio n Multimedi a Interface ) supports both video a nd audio on a[...]

  • Page 10

    DV79 E-10 English DV79 E-11 P MODE ST A TUS SRCH ZOOM ANGLE SUBT PL AUDIO TRIM TITLE RTN RPT CLEAR 0 PROG A–B 7 8 9 DISP 4 5 6 1 2 3 DVD CR-415 SETUP MENU MEM OK OPEN U si n g th e CR - 4 1 5 remo t e con t r ol DISP (di splay) Dims or turns the D V79’ s display on or off . T urning the dis play off g enerally gives a slight impro vement i n so[...]

  • Page 11

    DV79 E-10 English DV79 E-11 P MODE Press P MODE to togg le rand om playbac k P MODE ST A T US SRCH ZOOM ANGLE SUBT PL AUDIO TRIM TITLE RTN MEM SRCH (se arch) It is po ssible to g et access t o any poi nt on the dis c directly u sing the ‘S earch’ menu . Press SR CH to acces s the ‘Searc h’ menu. RTN (ret urn) Press RT N to mov e back thro u[...]

  • Page 12

    DV79 E-12 English DV79 E-13 Con  g u ri ng y ou r D VD pl a y er Introduction This sec tion of the document d escribes th e use of the ‘Set-u p’ menu, wh ich is used to con g ure your play er for you r system an d your per sonal prefe rences. Obtaining a picture T o view t he Set- up menu for the initial con gur ation, we recommend the[...]

  • Page 13

    DV79 E-12 E n g l i s h DV79 E-13 Operational set-up OSD Language This set ting contro ls the lang uage of the messages di splayed on the On- Screen Displa y (OSD). Th e default l anguage is English, wi th three oth er language s supporte d. Note tha t this sett ing does no t change the language o f any inf ormation dis played on the front panel, w[...]

  • Page 14

    DV79 E-14 English DV79 E-15 Video set-up If you r display device is HDMI-comp liant, the DV79 can re ad the capa bilities of the dis play devic e directly; the informa tion allows the DV79 t o con gur e its output automati cally and o ptimally fo r the attac hed device. This is kno wn as ‘plug and play’ . The DV7 9 can be con  g ured for [...]

  • Page 15

    DV79 E-14 English DV79 E-15 Analogue Video This set ting contro ls the typ e of video given out on the Comp onent and S CART v ideo output s. It is set at the factory to b e appropria te for the type of dis play devi ce used in y our count ry , so it is bes t not to chan ge it. If i t gets set incorrectly then the pi cture shown on the disp lay dev[...]

  • Page 16

    DV79 E-16 English DV79 E-17 Compression Allows c ompression of the audi o stream to be turned o n or off , where ‘On’ is intended for ‘late night’ listenin g when larg e volume changes are not desir able. T urning com pression on increases t he volume of the qui et passages and decreas es the vol ume of the louder passages, i. e. , the t ot[...]

  • Page 17

    DV79 E-16 English DV79 E-17 Stereo+Sub This set ting is rel evant t o 2-channel source mate rial only (s uch as CDs) . It contro ls whether the low fre quency infor mation is r edirected to the subwoo fer , or not. T his item ca n be changed only if a subwoo fer is spec i ed as prese nt in the s ystem. None No re direction of l ow-frequenc y inf[...]

  • Page 18

    DV79 E-18 English DV79 E-19 Access set-up Password The pass word settin g works in conjunction with the r ating set ting (the n ext menu it em) to pro vide a mean s of limitin g content p layback by children ( parental control) . Y ou wi ll see there are four d ashes and a padlock sy mbol. Normal ly the padl ock symbol w ill be open and this m eans[...]

  • Page 19

    DV79 E-18 E n g l i s h DV79 E-19 A dv an ced D VD a nd V CD fea tu r es This sec tion explai ns the more sophisticat ed DVD and VCD feature s, such as special pla yback mode s. The oper ations described he re are not exactly the same for DV Ds and VCD s, but are s imilar enou gh to make it appropri ate to group them toget her . Note tha t many VC [...]

  • Page 20

    DV79 E-20 English DV79 E-21 Programmed playback (DVD-video) Press PR OG on the r emote contro l to open t he ‘Progr amme’ menu . Note that playba ck must be stopped  r st. The bott om of the s creen shows the number of titles p resent on t he disc, tog ether with the number of chapters in the title selected cur rently (or the  rst title i[...]

  • Page 21

    DV79 E-20 English DV79 E-21 A dv an ced M P 3 /W MA / JP EG a n d a ud io - CD fe a tu res The DV7 9 DVD play er has th e ability to handle MP 3, WMA and JPEG  les , when these are burned on to a CD-R or CD-RW di sc. Picture/ Photo CDs a re also pla yable. These  l e types ma y be mix ed together , i f desired. This sec tion explai ns the mor[...]

  • Page 22

    DV79 E-22 English DV79 E-23 Browsin g the disc (Browse m ode) By defa ult, the dis c navigat or is in ‘B rowse’ mode . In this m ode, the us er can nav igate aroun d the disc (using the cursor p ad for dire ction and ‘O K’ to selec t an option ). When a  le/tra ck is highli ghted, the tag informat ion for tha t  le (if avail able) is [...]

  • Page 23

    DV79 E-22 English DV79 E-23 Shufe and Repeat Note tha t this sect ion is v alid for a udio-CDs onl y . Repeat Press t he RPT butto n on the re mote control to cycle throught th e repeat op tions. ‘T rack’ or ‘ Disc’ (i.e. a ll) repeat a re ava ilable. When a track re peat is sel ected, the l oop symbol on the front panel disp lay is ill [...]

  • Page 24

    DV79 E-24 English DV79 E-25 R em ot e - con t r ol cod es Power c ommands Command Decimal Code Pow er toggle 25–12 Pow er-on 25–12 3 Pow er-off 25–1 24 Playback control co mmands Command Decimal Code T rack n umber ‘n’ , (e.g. , 1) 25–n (e. g. , 25–1) T rack f orward 25–32 T rack b ack 25–33 F ast forw ard 25–52 F ast rewi nd 25[...]

  • Page 25

    DV79 E-24 English DV79 E-25 T echn ica l speci ca ti o ns General Pow er Req uirements 100/115V or 23 0V AC, set by voltage se lector swit ch on rear panel Pow er consumpt ion < 35 V A Dimensi ons 435mm x 80mm x 350m m W eight net: 5. 2kg; packe d: 8.0kg Video o utputs Composit e video 1 x gold plated pho no. 1V pk -pk in 75Ω S-V ideo 1 x 4[...]

  • Page 26

    DV79 E-26 English DV79 E-27 Gu ara nt ee Worldwide Guarantee This ent itles you to have the unit r epaired fre e of charge, during the rst two y ears afte r purchase, at any au thorised Ar cam distrib utor provi ded that it was origi nally purch ased from a n authorised Arcam dealer or distribut or . The manufa cturer can take no r esponsibili t[...]

  • Page 27

    DV79 E-26 English DV79 E-27 Ap pen d i x : Seri a l p rog ra m m i n g i n ter fa ce Introduction This sec tion of the document d escribes th e remote con trol protoc ol for cont rolling the DV79 via t he RS232 in terface. Conventions n The remote cont roller is r eferred to as the ‘RC’ , with the DV79 called the ‘DV79’ . n All values in th[...]

  • Page 28

    DV79 E-28 English DV79 E-29 Status codes The fol lowing statu s codes are dened: MSB CODES: n Stand- by ‘0’ (0x 30): The DV7 9 is in stan d-by state. n Disc l oading ‘1’ (0x 31): A disc i s being loa ded by the DV79. n Tray o pen ‘2’ (0x 32): The disc tray is open. n No dis c ‘3’ (0x 33): There is no disc in the DV79. n Stop ‘4[...]

  • Page 29

    DV79 E-28 English DV79 E-29 Command Specications / Spécications des commandes / Befehlsspezikationen / Opdrachtspecicaties Power / Alimenta tion / Bet riebsberei tschaft / Stroom Change the stand-b y state of the DV79. Pe rmet de mod ier l’état de veille du DV79. Ändern des Stand-b y-Zu stands des DV79. De sta ndby-st atus van d[...]

  • Page 30

    DV79 E-30 English DV79 E-31 Request disc time / Demande de durée du disque / Spielda uer abfrag en / Schij ftijd aanv ragen Re quests the current pla yback time of the dis c. Pe rmet de dem ander la dur ée de lectu re actuelle du disque. Fra gt die aktu elle Spielz eit des Dat enträgers a b. Hiermee kan de hui dige afspee ltijd va n de schijf aa[...]

  • Page 31

    DV79 E-30 English DV79 E-31 Request title–gro up inform ation / De mande de n uméro de g roupe–titr e / Titel-/ Gruppeninf ormatione n abfragen / Gegeven s titels–g roepen aan vragen This re quests the current tit le/group inf ormation of the disc. Pe rmet de dem ander le num éro de grou pe/titre en cours du di sque. Fra gt die aktu elle Ti[...]

  • Page 32

    DV79 E-32 English DV79 E-33 Request chapter–t rack info rmation / Demande de numéro de chapitre/ piste / Kapitel -/Titelinf ormatione n abfragen / Gegeven s hoofdstu k–track a anvragen :Re quests the current cha pter/tra ck informat ion of the d isc. Pe rmet de dem ander le num éro de chap itre/piste en cours du disque. Fra gt die aktu elle K[...]

  • Page 33

    DV79 E-32 English DV79 E-33 Status triggers / Déclenche urs d’état / Zustan ds-Trigger / Statust riggers Aktivie rt/deaktivi ert V ollduple x-Zu standsaktua lisierungen vom DV79. Pe rmettent d’ activer/dé sactiver les mises à jour d’état en duplex intégral à partir du DV79. Aktivie rt/deaktivi ert V ollduple x-Zu standsaktua lisierunge[...]

  • Page 34

    DV79 E-34 English DV79 E-35 Basic c ontrol / Commandes de base / Grundlegen de Steueru ng / Basis functies Basic control comm ands for pl aying a di sc. Comman des de base pour lire u n disque. Grundle gende Steue rbefehle zu m Abspielen eines Daten trägers Opdr achten v an basisfu ncties vo or het afspe len van een schijf . Example / Exemple / Be[...]

  • Page 35

    DV79 E-34 English DV79 E-35 COMMAND: Byte: Desc ription: CC ‘ A ’ (0x41) (Co mmand code) P1 Direct ion code: ‘0’ (0x3 0) – Backwar ds ‘1’ (0x3 1) – Forw ards ‘Q’ (0x5 1) – Requ est current s low/fast stat us P2 Speed code: ‘0’ (0x3 0) – Slow ‘1’ (0x3 1) – F ast else (for status reque st): ‘~’ (0x7 E) – (Res e[...]

  • Page 36

    DV79 E-36 English DV79 E-37 Audio / Audio / A udio / Ge luid This co mmand chang es the audi o stream sel ection for a DVD disc. Pe rmet de mod ier la sél ection de u x audio pou r un disque DVD. Dieser Befehl ände rt die Aud io-Datenstr omauswahl für eine D VD. Deze opdracht wijzigt de geluidsstre am voor e en DVD-schi jf . Audio fo rmat [...]

  • Page 37

    DV79 E-36 English DV79 E-37 Page / Page / Sei te / Pagin a Change to the next /previous d isplay pag e. Pe rmet de pas ser à la pag e d’afchag e suiva nte/précéde nte. Auf n ächste/vor herige Seit e umschalten . Naar de volgende /vorige di splaypagin a gaan. Notes n This command is valid only for DV D-audio d iscs. n The page number return[...]

  • Page 38

    DV79 E-38 English DV79 E-39 Subtitl e / Sous- titre / Un tertitel / Ondertite ling This co mmand chang es the subt itle selecti on for a D VD disc. Pe rmet de mod ier la sél ection de so us-titre po ur un disque DVD. Dieser Befehl ände rt die Unte rtiteleinst ellung für eine DVD . Deze opdracht wijzigt de ondertiteli ngsselectie voor een DVD-[...]

  • Page 39

    DV79 E-38 English DV79 E-39 Angle / Angle / W inkel / Ho ek This co mmand chang es the angl e selection for a DVD disc. Pe rmet de mod ier la sél ection d’ang le pour un disque DVD . Dieser Befehl ände rt die Wink eleinstel lung für ein e DVD. Deze opdracht wijzigt de hoekselecti e voor ee n DVD-schij f . Angle co des: Code: Angle : Code: A[...]

  • Page 40

    DV79 E-40 English DV79 E-41 Number / Nombre / Zahl / Nu mmer Send a number to t he DVD pla yer . Pe rmet d’en voyer u n nombre au lecteur DV D Senden einer Z ahl an den DVD-Spie ler . Een num mer naar de DVD-speler versture n. Note n Mult i-digit num bers hav e to be sen t digit -by-dig it to the D V79. Remarqu e n Il f aut env oyer les nombres c[...]

  • Page 41

    DV79 E-40 English DV79 E-41 Top men u / Menu p rincipal / Hauptmenü / Hoofdme nu Play the top-lev el disc me nu. Pe rmet de lir e le menu de disque pri ncipal. Ruft das Hauptme nü des Date nträgers auf . Het bo venste sc hijfmenu af spelen. Note n This command is valid only for DV Ds. Remarqu e n Cett e commande ne concerne que les DV D. . Hinwe[...]

  • Page 42

    DV79 E-42 Return / Retour / Zurück / Terug This co mmand retur ns to the p revious-lev el disc me nu screen. Pe rmet de rev enir à l’é cran de menu de di sque précéde nt. Dieser Befehl ruf t das vorh erige Menü des Datentr ägers auf . Met de ze opdr acht gaat u terug naar het scherm met een eer der niveau van het schijfm enu. Note n This c[...]