Arcam Solo Neo manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Arcam Solo Neo, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Arcam Solo Neo one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Arcam Solo Neo. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Arcam Solo Neo should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Arcam Solo Neo
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Arcam Solo Neo item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Arcam Solo Neo item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Arcam Solo Neo alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Arcam Solo Neo, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Arcam service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Arcam Solo Neo.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Arcam Solo Neo item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    E2 safe t y gui del in es Impor tant safety instructions This produ ct is des igned and ma nufactur ed t o meet strict qua lity and saf ety stand ards . Ho wev er , you should be aw are of the fol lowin g inst allati on and opera tion p recau tions . 1. F ollow all i nstructio ns Y ou sh ould r ead all the s afety and op erati ng instructi ons bef [...]

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    E3 E n g l i s h … and thank yo u for purc hasin g the Arc am Solo Neo musi c sys tem. Arc am ha s been pro ducin g high -quality au dio c omponents f or ne arly thirty year s. During that time w e have a masse d a w ealth of kn owle dge o n both the design and con structi on of audi o comp onent s in o rder to give the best s ound performanc e f[...]

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    E4 Inter conn ect cabl es W e re comme nd the use of high-qual ity scr eened cables , since inf erior-quality cabl es wil l deg rade t he ove rall q uality o f you r sys tem. Use on ly cab les tha t are d esign ed f or the particular applic ation as oth er cables will h ave di eren t impe dance chara cteristic s that w ill de grade the p erforma[...]

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    E5 E n g l i s h DIGITAL OUT A V IN SERIAL NO . GAME TV T A PE OUT iPod ZONE 2 PRE OUT 230V ~ 50 – 60HZ 400V A MA X PROGRAM SPEAKER OUTPUT 12V REMOTE IN OUT IN L R R L TRIGGER LOCAL ZONE 2 ET H ER N E T rDo ck / RS23 2 US B DA B+ /F M W i F i Listening with headphones The f ront -panel of Sol o Neo has a s ocket allow ing the connecti on of h ead[...]

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    E6 >60cm 15 – 40cm 40 – 60cm 2 – 3m Speaker installation The advice giv en here are general guidleines for speaker installation. Refer to the documentation supplied with y our speakers for mor e precise positioning and installation informa tion. P ositio ning As a r ough guide , spea kers s hould b e plac ed on rigid stands at ab out 15–[...]

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    E7 E n g l i s h VHF/FM DAB Solo Neo is t ted wi th a D AB+/FM r eceiver m odule . A roo f-moun ted a erial s hould b e used wher ever possibl e to obtain the be st re cepti on. Y our So lo Neo is cap able of superb FM and D AB/ DAB+ radi o rec eptio n, but only i f it is rec eiving a goo d quality t ransm ission signa l. DAB /DA B+ (Di gital Ra[...]

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    E8 Impor tant front panel c ontrols P ow er Pr ess th e POWE R button to switch Solo N eo betw een ‘ on ’ and ‘st andby’ . When So lo Neo is in standb y the lig ht ne xt to th e pow er button on th e fro nt pa nel glow s red . Press ing POW ER when th e unit is in standb y will ca use th e unit to sw itch on, whe n the pow er butt on light [...]

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    E9 E n g l i s h Displa y modes Solo Neo pro vides di eren t displ ay mo des wh en listen ing t o the radio . The m ode is change d (cycled) by p ressi ng the INF O button on eit her th e fron t-pan el or t he r emote-contr ol. 1. P rog ramme type (D AB/FM): a short desc ription of the type of prog ramme being trans mitte d. 2. T ransm ission fr[...]

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    E1 0 Listening to Network Radio sourc es Pr ess SOUR CE+ or SOU RCE  until “ NET Radio ” is displa yed on the fron t pane l. A lterna tiv ely , press the NET button on the r emote cont rol until “ NET Radi o ” is disp lay ed. Solo Neo must be inst alled on yo ur hom e netwo rk and conne cted to the Int ernet in ord er to list en to netwo[...]

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    E1 1 E n g l i s h Addi ng a fav ourit e Remov ing a fav ourit e Addi ng fa vourites The e asiest way to n d new r adio statio ns and add th em to your fav ourite radio stat ions li st is to use a co mpute r . Navig ate t o http://www .arcam rad io .co .uk fro m an y com puter with a n int ernet c onnection. See t he pane l opposit e for setu p [...]

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    E1 2 NET Media Sourc e sele ction Play back mo de Curr ent v olume T rack numbe r , song t ext, pla yback time , etc . Play -stat e ind icato r Listening to Network Media sour ces Pr ess SOUR CE+ or SOU RCE  until “ NET Media ” is displa yed on the fron t pane l. A lterna tive ly , press t he NET button on t he r emote contr ol until “ NET[...]

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    E1 3 E n g l i s h USB Sourc e sele ction Play back mo de Curr ent v olume T rack numbe r , song t ext, pla yback time , etc . Play -stat e ind icato r Skipping/ scanni ng le s Pr ess bri ey th e 0 and / butto ns on the fr ont- panel o r re mote c ontrol to skip to the pr evious or next le within the cu rren t fo lder . On skippin g fo rwa[...]

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    E1 4 Inser ting batteries into the remote c ontrol remo te co ntrol SLEEP CR50 CR50 Remote contr ol buttons 2 (Power) – Sw itche s Solo N eo betw een st and-b y and o n. Track/preset selection (0–9) – P ress the n umber o f the CD tra ck or radio pres et tha t you want to h ear . T o select a track/ pres et gr eater than 9, pr ess an d hold t[...]

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    E1 5 E n g l i s h CD Menu Setup Menu Solo Neo allo ws y ou to adjus t list ening settin gs to suit y our taste , and to cus tomis e vario us f eatur es to t your syst em. U se the diag rams s hown below to h elp y ou na vigat e thr ough the av ailabl e setting s. Adju sting list ening settin gs In normal use, the d ispla y sho ws in forma tion [...]

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    E1 6 DAB Menu Sleep Timer Off Left -dB -dB -dB – Right +dB +dB +dB + Scan for stations Store current station to selected preset Erase selected preset DE  Choose preset DE  Choose preset Erase settings Empty Empty DAB Setup This menu it em is shown only w hen the select ed sour ce is DA B. Ther e ar e two options under this m enu it em[...]

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    E1 7 E n g l i s h FM Menu Sleep Timer Off Left -dB -dB -dB – Right +dB +dB +dB + Store current station to selected preset Erase selected preset DE  Choose preset DE  Choose preset Empty Empty FM Mode T hi s m en u it em is s ho wn o nl y whe n th e s ele cte d s ou r c e is F M. In some w eak signal area s, it can b e bene cial t [...]

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    E1 8 Network Update Software Network Menu Sleep Timer Off Left -dB -dB -dB – Right +dB +dB +dB + Network View Current Settings Update Network software The u nit wil l dow nload any avai lable u pdat e to N ET MEDIA or NET Radio play back so ftware . Wir ed connection reco mmende d. Display network settings The n etwork setting s ar e displa yed o[...]

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    E1 9 E n g l i s h Network Type Wired Network Run Setup Wizard Enter key: >_ Enter key: >O Enter key: >OO Network Address Auto (DHCP On) Network Address Manual (DHCP Off) Enter key: >1OAF35D6A8D5693 NET Radio Connecting... Apply Settings Press OK to accept IP Address O. O. O. O Gateway O. O. O. O Primary DNS O. O. O. O Secondary DNS O. [...]

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    E2 0 tech nica l spec ica tion Pr e -amplier Inputs Maximum input level 2.5V rms Input imp edanc e 47k Ω Signal /noise rati o 105dB Co-axial outputs Maximum output leve l 2.5V rms Output impedan ce 500 Ω Optical output ( TOSLINK) Sample rate 44.1kHz ( with C D pla yback), 48kHz (wi th D AB, FM , NET & US B rec eiver), otherwise mu ted .[...]

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    E2 1 E n g l i s h prod uc t gua ran tee W orldwide Guarantee This entitl es yo u to hav e the unit r epair ed free of char ge, d uring t he rs t two y ears after pu rcha se, p rov ided t hat it was origi nally p urch ased fr om an authori sed Ar cam dealer . The Ar cam de aler is res ponsibl e fo r all after-s ales service. The manufa cturer ca[...]

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    SH228 I ssue 3 Pem b ro ke Aven ue , Wate rb e ac h , C A MB R I DG E CB2 5 9 Q R , E n gl an d[...]