Asrock FM2A75M Pro4+ manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Asrock FM2A75M Pro4+, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Asrock FM2A75M Pro4+ one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Asrock FM2A75M Pro4+. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Asrock FM2A75M Pro4+ should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Asrock FM2A75M Pro4+
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Asrock FM2A75M Pro4+ item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Asrock FM2A75M Pro4+ item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Asrock FM2A75M Pro4+ alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Asrock FM2A75M Pro4+, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Asrock service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Asrock FM2A75M Pro4+.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Asrock FM2A75M Pro4+ item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    1 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English V ersion 1.0 Pu bli she d Aug u s t 2013 Cop y r ig ht©2 013 ASRock I NC . A l l r i g hts re ser ved . Co pyrig ht No ti ce : No pa r t of t h is d oc u ment at ion may be r epro duce d, t r a n sc ri be d , tr a n sm it te d, or tr a n sla ted i n a ny l a ng u age , i n a ny for m or by a ny mea n s , [...]

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    2 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English Motherboard Layout F M 2 A 7 5 M P r o 4 + CM O S BA T T E R Y ATX P W R 1 D D R 3 _ A 1 ( 6 4 bi t , 2 4 0 - p i n m o d u l e ) D D R 3 _ A 2 ( 6 4 bi t , 2 4 0 - p i n m o d u l e ) D D R 3 _ B 1 ( 6 4 bi t , 2 4 0 - p i n m o d u l e ) D D R 3 _ B 2 ( 6 4 bi t , 2 4 0 - p i n m o d u l e ) 64 Mb BI OS [...]

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    3 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English No. De sc ri pt i on 1 Power Fan C onn ec tor ( PW R _ F A N1 ) 2 A T X 12V Power C onn ec tor (A T X 12V1 ) 3 CPU Fan C onn ec tor (CP U_ F A N1 ) 4 CPU Fan C onn ec tor (CP U_ F A N2) 5 2 x 240 -p in DD R3 D IM M S lot s (DD R3 _ A 1, DD R3 _ B 1) 6 2 x 240 -p in DD R3 D IM M S lot s (DD R3 _ A 2, DD R3 [...]

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    4 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English I/O Panel No. De sc ri pt i on No. De sc ri pt i on 1 USB 2 .0 Po r t s (US B _ 3 _4)* 8 Mic ro ph one ( Pink) 2 D - S ub Por t 9 Opt ic al S PDI F O ut Por t 3 L A N RJ - 4 5 Por t* * 10 USB 2 .0 Po r t s (US B _ 1_ 2)* 4 Cen tr al / Ba ss (Or ang e ) 1 1 USB 3 .0 Po r t s (US B3 _ 1_ 2 ) (AM D A75 FCH (H[...]

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    5 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English * It i s re co mm end ed t o ins ta ll t he US B Keyb oa rd / M o use c ab le t o US B 2. 0 po r t s (US B _1_2 o r US B _ 3 _ 4) i nst ead o f US B 3 .0 p or ts. * * T her e ar e t wo L ED s o n t he L A N p or t. Ple ase r efe r t o th e t ab le bel ow fo r t he L A N p or t L ED in di ca - tio ns . Act [...]

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    6 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 1. Introduction Thank you for purchasing ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ motherboard, a reliable moth- erboard produced under ASRock’s consistently stringent quality control. It delivers excellent performance with robust design conforming to ASR ock’s commitment to quality and endurance. This Quick Installation Guide con[...]

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    7 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English 1.2 Specications Platform - Micro A TX Form Factor - All Solid Capacitor design A-Style - Home Cloud CPU - Supports Socket FM2+ 95W / FM2 100W processors - 4 + 2 Power Phase design Chipset - AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) Memory - Dual Channel DDR3 Memory T echnology - 4 x DDR3 DIMM Slots - Supports DDR3 260 0[...]

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    8 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English - Supports AMD Steady Video TM 2.0: New video post processing capability for automatic jitter reduction on home/online video - Supports HDCP with DVI-D and HDMI Ports - Supports Full HD 1080p Blu-ray (BD) playback with DVI-D and HDMI Ports Audio - 7.1 CH HD Audio with Content Protection (Realtek ALC892 Aud[...]

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    9 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English W ARNING Please realize that there is a certain risk involved with overclocking, including adjusting the setting in the BIOS, applying Untied Overclocking T echnology , or using third-party overclocking tools. Overclocking may af fect your system’s stability , or even cause damage to the components and d[...]

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    10 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English CAUTION! 1. W h e t h e r 2 60 0 /2 4 00 / 21 3 3/ 18 6 6/ 1 60 0 MH z m em o ry s p ee d i s supported depends on the CPU you adopt. If you want to adopt D D R 3 2 6 0 0 / 24 0 0 / 21 3 3 / 18 6 6 / 16 0 0 m e m o r y m o d u l e o n t h i s mo th er bo ar d , p l ea se r ef er t o th e me mo ry s up p o[...]

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    1 1 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English 1.3 Unique Features ASRock A- T uni ng A - T u nin g is ASRo ck ’s m ult i purp os e sof t wa re suit e with a new inter fac e, mo re ne w feat ure s and im pr oved ut ilit ie s, in cl udi ng XFas t R A M , D ehu mi di e r , G o o d N i ght L ED, FAN - T a st ic T un - ing, O C T wea ker and a w ho [...]

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    12 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English Suspend to RAM (S3), hibernation mode (S4) or power off (S5). With APP Charger driver installed, you can easily enjoy t he mar- velous charging experience. ASRock XFast USB A S R o ck X F a s t U S B c a n b o os t U S B s t or ag e d e vi c e p er f o r - mance. The performance may depend on the properti[...]

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    13 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English the starting and ending hours of internet access granted to other use rs. I n ord er to p rev en t u se rs fr om by pas sin g OM G, gu est accounts without permission to modify the system time are re- quired. ASRock Internet Flash AS Ro ck In te rn et F la sh s ea rc he s fo r av ai la bl e U EF I fi rm w[...]

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    14 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English ASRock Easy RAID Installer AS Ro ck E as y RA ID I ns t al le r ca n he lp y ou t o co py t he R AI D dr i v e r f r o m a s up p o r t C D t o y o ur U S B s to r a g e de v i c e. Af t e r cop yi ng t he R AID d ri ve r to yo ur U SB s to ra ge de vi ce , pl eas e change “SA T A Mode” to “RAID”,[...]

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    15 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English simply enable this function; the PC will be assured to access the UEFI directly in the very beginning. ASRock USB Key I n a w o r l d w h e r e t i m e i s m o n e y, w h y w a s t e p r e c i o u s t i m e ever yday ty pi ng user na mes to log in t o W in dow s? Why shou ld we even bot he r mem or i zin [...]

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    16 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 2. Installation This is a Micro A TX form factor motherboard. Before you install the motherboard, study the conguration of your chassis to ensure that the motherboard ts into it. Pre-installation Precautions T a ke n ot e of t he f ol lo wi ng p re ca ut io ns b ef or e yo u in st al l mo th er bo ar d comp[...]

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    17 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 2.1 CPU Installation Step 1. Unlock the socket by lifting the lever up to a 90 o angle. Step 2. Position the CPU directly above the socket such that the CPU corner with the golden triangle matches the socket corner with a small triangle. Step 3. Carefully insert the CPU into the socket until it ts in place. Th[...]

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    18 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English 2.2 Installation of CPU Fan and Heatsink After you install the CPU into this motherboard, it is necessary to install a larger heatsink and cooling fan to dissipate heat. Y ou also need to spray thermal grease between the CPU and the heatsink to improve heat dis- sipation. Make sure that the CPU and the he[...]

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    19 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English 2.3 Installation of Memory Modules (DIMM) Thi s mot her b oar d pr ovid es fo ur 24 0 - p in DD R3 (D ou ble D at a Rate 3) DIM M slot s, a nd sup po r t s Du al Cha nne l Me mo r y T ec hn ol og y . Dual Ch annel Memory Congu ration The D I M M on ly  ts i n on e co r re ct o r ien tat io n. I t wi[...]

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    20 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English 1 2 3[...]

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    21 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English 2.4 Expansion Slots (PCI and PCI Express Slots) There is 1 PCI slot and 3 PCI Express slots on this motherboard. PCI Slots: PCI slots are used to install expansion cards that have the 32-bit PCI interface. PCIE Slots: PCIE1 (PCIe 3.0 x16 slot) is used for PCI Express x16 lane width g raph- ics cards. PCIE[...]

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    22 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English 2.5 Jumpers Setup T h e i l l u s t r a t i o n s h o w s h o w j u m p e r s a r e setup. When the jumper cap is placed on pins, the jumper is “Short”. If no jumper cap is placed on pins, the jumper is “Open”. The i l l u s t r a t i o n s h o w s a 3 - p i n j u m p e r w h o s e pin1 and pin2 a[...]

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    23 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English 2.6 Onboard Headers and Connectors Onboar d head ers an d conn ectors are N OT jumper s. Do NOT plac e jumper caps over these headers and connectors. Placing jumper caps over the headers and connectors will cause permanent damage of the motherboard! Serial A T A3 Connectors These six Serial A T A3 (SA T A[...]

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    24 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English Infrared Module Header This header supports an (5-pin IR1) optional wireless transmitting (see p.2 No. 25) and receiving infrared module. Front Panel Audio Header This is an interface for the front (9-pin HD_AUDIO1) panel audio cable that allows (see p.2 No. 26) convenient connection and control of audio [...]

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    25 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English Power LED Header Please connect the chassis (3-pin PLED1) power LED to this header to (see p.2 No. 17) indicate system power status. The LED is on wh en t he sy stem is operating. The LED keeps blinking in S1 state. The LED is off in S3/S4 state or S5 state (power off). Chassis Speaker Header Please conne[...]

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    26 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English CPU Fan Connectors Please connect the CPU fan (4-pin CPU_F AN1) cable to the connector and (see p.2 No. 3) match the black wire to the ground pin. Though this motherboard provides 4-Pin CPU fan (Quiet Fan) support, the 3-Pin CPU fan still can work successfully even without the fan speed control function. [...]

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    27 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English Serial port Header This COM1 header supports a (9-pin COM1) serial port module. (see p.2 No. 24) Chassis Intrusion Header This motherboard supports (2-pin CI1) CASE OPEN detection feature (see p.2, No. 27) that detects if the chassis cover has been removed. This feature requires a chassis with chassis int[...]

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    28 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard English 3. BIOS Information The Flash Memory on the motherboard stores BIOS Setup Utility . When you start up the computer, please press <F2> or <Del> during the Power-On-Self-T est (POST) to enter BIOS Setup utility; otherwise, POST continues with its test routines. If you wish to enter BIOS Setup af[...]

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    29 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Deutsch 1. Einführung Wir danken Ihnen für den Kauf des ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard, ein zu- verlässiges Produkt, welches unter den ständigen, strengen Qualitätskontrollen von ASRock gefertigt wurde. Es bietet Ihnen exzellente Leistung und robustes Design, gem äß de r V e rpf li cht ung v on AS Ro ck [...]

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    30 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Deutsch 1.2 Spezikationen Plattform - Micro A TX-Formfaktor - V ollständig solides Kondensatordesign A-Stil - Heim-Cloud CPU - Unterstützt Prozessoren für Sockel FM2+ (95 W) / FM2 (100 W) - 4 + 2-Stromphasendesign Chipsatz - AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) Speicher - Unterstützung von Dual-Kanal-Speichertechnologi[...]

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    31 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Deutsch - Unterstützt stereoskopisches 3D per Blu-ray mit HDMI - Unterstützt AMD Steady Video TM 2.0: Neuartige Funktion der Videonachbearbeitung für automatische Reduzierung von Bildschwankungen bei Heim-/Online-Videos - Unterstützt HDCP mit DVI-D- und HDMI-Ports - Unterstutzt 1080p Blu-ray (BD)-Wiedergabe m[...]

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    32 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Deutsch - 1 x 24-pin A TX-Netz-Header - 1 x 8-pin anschluss für 12V -A TX-Netzteil - 1 x Anschluss für Audio auf der Gehäusevorderseite - 3 x USB 2.0-Anschlüsse (Unterstützung 6 zusätzlicher USB 2.0-Anschlüsse) - 1 x USB 3.0-Anschlüsse über AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) (Unterstützung 2 zusätzlicher USB 3.0-[...]

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    33 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Deutsch 1.3 Einstellung der Jumper Die Abbildung verdeutlicht, wie Jumper g e s e t z t w e r d e n . W e r d e n P i n s d u r c h Jumperkappen verdeckt, ist der Jumper “G e b r ü c k t” . We r d e n k e i ne P i n s d u rc h Jumperkappen verdeckt, ist der Jumper “Offen”. Die Abbildung zeigt einen 3-Pin[...]

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    34 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Deutsch USB 2.0-Header Zusätzlich zu den vier (9-pol. USB_5_6) üblichen USB 2.0-Ports an den (siehe S.2 - No. 19) I/O-Anschlüssen benden sich drei USB 2.0- Anschlussleisten am (9-pol. USB_7_8) Motherboard. Pro USB 2.0- (siehe S.2 - No. 20) Anschlussleiste werden zwei USB 2.0-Ports unterstützt. (9-pol. USB_[...]

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    35 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Deutsch Infrarot-Modul-Header Dieser Header unterstützt ein (5-pin IR1) optionales, drahtloses Sende- (siehe S.2 - No. 25) und Empfangs-Infrarotmodul. Anschluss für Audio auf Dieses Interface zu einem der Gehäusevorderseite Audio-Panel auf der V order (9-Pin HD_AUDIO1) seite Ihres Gehäuses, (siehe S.2 - No. 2[...]

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    36 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Deutsch PWRBTN (Ein-/Ausschalter): Zum Anschließen des Ein-/Ausschalters an der Frontblende des Gehäu ses. Sie können kongurieren, wie das System mit Hilfe des Ein-/Ausschalters ausgeschaltet werden können soll. RESET (Reset-T aste): Zum Anschließen der Reset-T aste an der Frontblende des Gehäuses. Mit d[...]

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    37 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Deutsch Gehäuse- und Stromlüfteranschlüsse V erbinden Sie die Lüfterkabel (4-pin CHA_F AN1) mit den Lüfteranschlüssen, (siehe S.2, No. 28) wobei der schwarze Draht an den Schutzleiterstift angeschlossenwird. (3-pin PWR_F AN1) (siehe S.2 - No. 1) CPU-Lüfteranschluss V erbinden Sie das CPU - (4-pin CPU_F AN1[...]

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    38 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Deutsch Installation der 4-Pin ATX 12V Energieversorgung Obwohl diese Hauptplatine 8-Pin A TX 12V Stromanschluss zur V erfügung stellt, kann sie noch arbeiten, wenn Sie einen traditionellen 4-Pin A TX 12V Energieversorgung adoptieren. Um die 4-Pin A TX Energieversorgung zu verwenden, stecken Sie bitte Ihre Energ[...]

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    39 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Deutsch 2. BIOS-Information Das Flash Memory dieses Mother boards speichert das Setup- Utility . Drücken Sie <F2> oder <Del> während des POST (Power-On-Self-T est) um ins Setup zu gelan - gen, ansonsten werden die T estroutinen weiter abgearbeitet. Wenn Sie ins Setup gelangen wollen, nachdem der POS[...]

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    40 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 1. Introduction Merci pour votre achat d’une carte mère ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ , une carte mère très able produite selon les critères de qualité rigoureux de ASRock. Elle offre des performances excellentes et une conception robuste conformément à l’engagement d’ASRock sur la qualité et la abilit[...]

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    41 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Français 1.2 Spécications Format - Facteur de forme Micro A TX - Conception à condensateurs solides A-Style - Home Cloud CPU - Prend en charge les processeurs à socket FM2+ 95W / FM2 100W - Conception 4 + 2 Power Phase Chipsets - AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) Mémoire - Compatible avec la T echnologie de Mémoir[...]

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    42 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Français - Prend en charge le D-Sub avec une résolution maximale jusqu’à 1920x1600 @ 60Hz - Prend en charge Lip Sync, Deep Color (12bpc), xvYCC et HBR (High Bit Rate Audio: Audio à haut débit binaire) avec HDMI (Moniteur compatible HDMI requis) - Prend en charge la 3D stéréoscopique Blu-ray avec HDMI - S[...]

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    43 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Français - 1 x Embase d’intrusion châssis - 1 x embase TPM - 1 x LED di accensione - 2 x Connecteur pour ventilateur de CPU (1 x br . 4, 1 x br. 3) - 1 x Connecteur pour ventilateur de Châssis (br . 4) - 1 x Connecteur pour ventilateur de pouvoir (br . 3) - 1 x br . 24 connecteur d’alimentation A TX - 1 x [...]

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    44 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Français 1.3 Réglage des cavaliers L ’i llu stra tio n e xpl ique l e r égl age de s cava - liers. Quand un capuchon est placé sur les broches, le cavalier est « FERME ». Si au - cun capuchon ne relie les broches,le cava- lier est « OUVER T ». L ’illustration mon tre un cavalier à 3 broches dont les [...]

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    45 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Français En-tête USB 2.0 A côté des quatre ports USB (USB_5_6 br .9) 2.0 par défaut sur le panneau (voir p.2 No. 19) E/S, il y a trois embases USB 2.0 sur cette carte mère. Chaque embase USB 2.0 peut (USB_7_8 br .9) prendre en charge 2 ports USB (voir p.2 No. 20) 2.0. (USB_9_10 br .9) (voir p.2 No. 21) Conn[...]

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    46 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Français En-tête du module infrarouge Cet en -tête support e un m odule (IR1 br .5) infrarouge optionnel de (voir p.2 No. 25) transfert et de réception sans l. Connecteur audio panneau C’est une interface pour (HD_AUDIO1 br . 9) un câble avant audio en façade (voir p.2 No. 26) qui permet le branchement[...]

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    47 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Français PWRBTN (Interrupteur d’alimentation): Connectez ici le connecteur d’alimentation sur le panneau avant du châssis. Vous pouvez congurer la façon de mettre votre système hors tension avec l’interrupteur d’alimentation. RESET (Interrupteur de réinitialisation): Connectez ici le connecteur de[...]

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    48 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Français Connecteur pour châssis et ventilateur (CHA_F AN1 br. 4) (voir p.2 No. 28) (PWR_F AN1 br. 3) (voir p.2 No. 1) Connecteur du ventilateur V euillez connecter le câble de de l’UC ventilateur d’UC sur ce (CPU_F AN1 br. 4) connecteur et brancher le l (voir p.2 No. 3) noir sur la broche de terre. Bra[...]

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    49 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Français Connecteur A TX 12V V euillez connecter une unité (A TX12V1 br.8) d’alimentation électrique A TX (voir p.2 No. 2) 12V sur ce connecteur . Bien que cette carte mère possède 8 broches connecteur d’alimentation A TX 12V , il peut toujours travailler si vous adoptez une approche traditionnelle à 4 [...]

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    50 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Français 2. Informations sur le BIOS La puce Flash Memory sur la carte mère stocke le Setup du BIOS. Lorsque vous démarrez l’ordinateur , veuillez presser <F2> ou <Del> pendant le POST (Power-On- Self-T est) pour entrer dans le BIOS; s inon, le POST c ontinue ses tests de routine. Si vous désire[...]

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    51 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Italiano 1. Introduzione Grazie per aver scelto una scheda madre ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ , una scheda madre afdabile prodotta secondo i severi criteri di qualità ASRock. Le prestazioni ecc ell en ti e il de sig n rob us to si co nf orm ano a ll’ im peg no di ASR ock n ell a ric er ca della qualità e della res[...]

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    52 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Italiano 1.2 Speciche Piattaforma - Micro A TX Form Factor - Design di condensatore solido Stile superiore - Home Cloud Processore - Supporto per processori socket FM2+ 95W / FM2 100W - Struttura di fase con alimentazione 4 + 2 Chipset - AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) Memoria - Supporto tecnologia Dual Channel Memory[...]

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    53 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Italiano (è necessario un monitor compatibile HDMI) - Supporta Blu-ray Stereoscopico in 3D con HDMI - Supporta AMD Steady Video TM 2.0: Nuova capacità di post-elab orazione video per la riduzione automatica delle vibrazioni nei video a casa/on-line - Supporto della funzione HDCP con le porte DVI-D e HDMI - Supp[...]

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    54 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Italiano - 1 x Connettore Alimentazione ventola (3-pin) - 1 x 24-pin collettore alimentazione A TX - 1 x 8-pin connettore A TX 12V - 1 x Connettore audio sul pannello frontale - 3 x Collettore USB 2.0 (supporta 6 porte USB 2.0) - 1 x Co llett ore USB 3.0 di AMD A75 F CH ( Huds on-D3 ) (suppo rta 2 porte USB 3.0) [...]

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    55 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Italiano 1.3 Setup dei Jumpers L ’illustrazione mostra come sono settati i jump- er. Qua nd o il po nt ic ell o è po siz io na to su i pi n, il ju mpe r è “CO RTOCI RC UIT A TO”. S e su i p in no n c i so n o p on t ic el li , il j um pe r è “ A PE RTO” . L ’illustrazione mostra un jumper a 3 pin i[...]

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    56 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Connettori Serial A T A3 Questi sei connettori Serial (SA T A3_1: vedi p.2 Nr. 14) A T A3 (SA T A3) supportano cavi (SA T A3_2: vedi p.2 Nr. 15) dati SA T A per dispositivi di (SA T A3_3: vedi p.2 Nr. 13) immagazzinamento interni. (SA T A3_4: vedi p.2 Nr. 12) A T A3 (SA T A3) supportano cavi (SA T A3_5: vedi p.2 [...]

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    57 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Italiano Connettore audio sul È un’interfaccia per il cavo del pannello frontale pannello audio. Che consente (9-pin HD_AUDIO1) connessione facile e controllo (vedi p.2 Nr . 26) dei dispositivi audio. J _ S E N S E O U T 2 _ L 1 M I C _ R E T P R E S E N C E # G N D O U T 2 _ R M I C 2 _ R M I C 2 _ L O U T _ [...]

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    58 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard PWRBTN (interruttore d’alimentazione): V a collegato all’interruttore d’alimentazione del pannello frontale del telaio. Usando l’interruttore d’alimentazione si può congurare il modo in cui si spegne il sistema. RESET (interruttore di ripristino): V a collegato all’interruttore di ripristino del p[...]

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    59 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Italiano Connettore ventolina CPU Collega re il cavo de lla ven tolina (4-pin CPU_F AN1) CPU a questo connettore e far (vedi p.2 Nr . 3) combaciare il lo nero al pin terra. G N D + 1 2 V C P U _F A N _ S P E E D FA N _ S P E E D _ C O N T R O L 1 2 3 4 Sebbene la presente scheda madre dis ponga di un supporto [...]

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    60 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Italiano Collettore porta COM Questo collettore porta COM è (9-pin COM1) utilizzato per supportare il (vedi p.2 Nr . 24) modulo porta COM. Header di intrusione dello chassis Questa scheda madre supporta (2-pin CI1) la funzione di rilevamento del (vedi p.2 Nr . 27) CASE APER TOche rileva che il coperchio dellocha[...]

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    61 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Italiano 2. Informazioni sul BIOS La Flash Memory sulla scheda madre contiene le Setup Utility . Quando si avvia il computer , premi <F2> o <Del> durante il Power-On-Self-T est (POST) della Setup utility del BIOS; altrimenti, POST continua con i suoi test di routine. Per entrare il BIOS Setup dopo il [...]

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    62 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 1. Introducción Gracias por su compr a d e ASRock FM2A 75M Pro4+ placa mad re, una placa de conanza producida bajo el control de calidad estricto y persistente. La placa madre prov ee real izac ión ex cele nte con u n dise ño robu sto co nfor me al com prom iso de calidad y resistencia de ASRock. Esta Guía[...]

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    63 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Español 1.2 Especicación Plataforma - Factor forma Micro A TX - Diseño de los Condensadores: All Solid A-Style - Home Cloud Procesador - Admite zócalos de procesadores FM2+ 95W / FM2 100W - Diseño de fases de potencia 4 + 2 Chipset - AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) Memoria - Soporte de T ecnología de Memoria de [...]

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    64 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard - Admite la función 3D estereoscópica Blu-ray con HDMI - Admite AMD Steady Video TM 2.0: Nueva capacidad de pospro cesamiento de vídeo para reducción automática de oscila ciones en vídeo doméstico y en línea - Admite la función HDCP con puertos DVI-D y HDMI - Apoya la reproducción de Blu-rayo de 1080p ([...]

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    65 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Español - 2 x Conector de ventilador de CPU (1 x 4-pin, 1 x 3-pin) - 1 x Conector de ventilador de chasis (4-pin) - 1 x Conector de ventilador de alimentacion (3-pin) - 1 x 24-pin cabezal de alimentación A TX - 1 x 8-pin conector de A TX 12V power - 1 x Conector de audio de panel frontal - 3 x Cabezal USB 2.0 ([...]

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    66 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Español 1.3 Setup de Jumpers L a i l u s t r a c i ó n m u e s t r a c o m o l o s j u m p e r s son congurados. Cuando haya un jumper- cap so bre l os pi ns, s e d ic e g ue el j ump er está “Short”. No habiendo jumper cap sobre l o s p i n s , e l j um p e r e s t á “ O p e n ” . L a i l u s - tr[...]

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    67 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Español Cabezal USB 2.0 Además de cuatro puertos (9-pin USB_5_6) USB 2.0 predeter minados en el (vea p.2, N. 19) panel de E/S, hay tres bases de conexiones USB 2.0 en e s ta p la ca b a s e . Ca da u na d e estas bases de conexiones (9-pin USB_7_8) admite dos puertos USB 2.0. (vea p.2, N. 20) (9-pin USB_9_10) ([...]

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    68 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Cabezal de Módulo Infrarrojos Este cabezal soporta un (5-pin IR1) módulo infrarrojos de (vea p.2, N. 25) transmisión y recepción wireless opcional. Conector de audio de Este es una interface para panel frontal cable de audio de panel frontal (9-pin HD_AUDIO1) que permite conexión y control (vea p.2, N. 26) c[...]

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    69 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Español PWRBTN (interruptor de alimentación): Conecte el interruptor de encendido situado en el panel frontal del chasis. Puede congurar la forma de apagar su sistema mediante el interruptor de alimentación. REST ABLECER (interruptor de restablecimiento): Conecte el interruptor de restablecimiento situado e[...]

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    70 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Conectores de ventilador de chasis y alimentación (4-pin CHA_F AN1) (vea p.2, N. 28) (3-pin PWR_F AN1) (vea p.2, N. 1) Por favor , conecte los cables del ventilador a los conectores de vent ilador , haciendo co incidir el cable negro con la patilla de masa. Conector del ventilador Conecte el cable del ventilador[...]

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    71 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Español Aunque esta placa base proporciona un conector de energía de 8-pin A TX 12V , puede todavía trabajar si usted adopta un fuente tradicional de energía de 4-pin A TX 12V . Para usar el fuente de energía de 4-pin A TX 12V , por favor conecte su fuente de energía junto con Pin 1 y Pin 5. Instalación de[...]

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    72 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 2. BIOS Información El Flash Memory de la placa madre deposita SETUP Utility . Durante el Power-Up (POST) apriete <F2> o <Del> para entrar en la BIOS. Sí usted no oprime ninguna tecl a, el P OST c ont inú a con su s rut ina s d e pru eba . S i ust ed des ea en tra r e n la BIOS después del POST , [...]

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    73 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Русский 1. Вв е дение Благо дарим вас за покупку материнской платы ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ надежной материнской пла ты, изготов ленной в с оотве тствии с постоянно пред ъявляемыми ASRock ж?[...]

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    74 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Русский 1.2 Спецификации Платформ а - форм-фактор Micro A TX - Использов ание только твердо те льных к онденсаторов A-Style - Home Cloud Процессор - По ддержк а разъема FM2+ 95 В т / процессоро?[...]

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    75 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Русский - Поддержка техно л огии AMD Steady Video TM 2.0: новая функция постобработки видеоиз ображения для автоматического у странения дрожания при просмотре домашних и онлайновых[...]

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    76 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Русский BIOS - 64 Мб AMI UEFI Legal BIOS с по ддержк ой многоязычного ГИП - поддержка “Plug and Play” - ACPI 1.1, включение по событиям - поддержка режима настройки бе з перемычек - поддержка SMBIOS 2.[...]

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    77 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Русский 1.3 У становка перемычек Конфигурация перемычек иллюстриру е тся на рисунке. Ког да перемычка надета на контакты, они называю тся “замкнутыми” (short). Если на контакт[...]

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    78 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Русский Колодка USB 2.0 Помимо четыре ст андартных (9-контактный USB_5_6) портов USB 2.0 на пане ли ввода- (см. стр. 2, п. 19) выво да, на данной материнской пла те пре дусм от рено т ри ра зъ[...]

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    79 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Русский Колодка инфракрасного мо дуля Данная к олодка позво ляет (5-контактный IR1) подключить дополнит ельный (см. стр. 2, п. 25) мо дуль беспроводног о инфракрасного приемопер?[...]

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    80 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Русский Подключит е к этому разъему кнопку питания, кнопку сброса и индикатор состояния системы на корпусе в соо тве тствии с указанным ниже назначением контактов. При по ?[...]

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    81 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Русский Подключит е к абели в ентилятора к соедините лям и присоедините черный шнур к штырю заземления. Chassis и Power Fan-соедините ли (4-контактный CHA_F AN1) (см. стр. 2, п. 28) (3-контакт?[...]

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    82 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Русский Х отя эта об ъедините льная плат а обеспе чивае т A TX с 8 булавками 12V соедините ль власти, это мо жет в се еще рабо тать, если Вы принимае те традиционный A TX с 4-Pin 12V эле?[...]

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    83 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Русский 2. Инфор мация о BIOS Утилита настройки BIOS (BIOS Setup) хранится в о флэш-памяти на ма теринской плат е. Чтобы войти в программу настройки BIOS Setup, при запуске компьют ера нажм[...]

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    84 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 1. Introdução Gratos por comprar nossa placa–mãe FM2A75M Pro4+ um produto conável feito com ASRock um estrito controle de qualidade consistente. Com um excelente de- sempenho, essa placa é dotada de um projeto robusto que atende a ASRock de compromisso com a qualidade e durabilidade. Este Guia de Instal[...]

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    85 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Português 1.2 Especicações Plataforma - Formato Micro A TX - Design de condensador sólido Estilo A - Home Cloud CPU - Suporta processadores com Socket FM2+ a 95W / FM2 a 100W - Alimentação de 4 + 2 fases Chipsets - AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) Memória - Suporte à tecnologia de memória de duplo canal - 4 x [...]

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    86 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Português HBR (áudio de taxa de bits elevada) com HDMI (é necessário um monitor compatível com a norma HDMI) - Suporta 3D Estereoscópico Blu-ray com HDMI - Suporta AMD Steady Video TM 2.0: Nova capacidade de pós-processamento de vídeo para redução automática de vibrações em vídeo local/online - Supo[...]

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    87 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Português - 1 x Conector do ventilador da chassis (4 pinos) - 1 x Conector do ventilador da energia (3 pinos) - 1 x Conector de força do A TX de 24 pinos - 1 x Conector A TX 12 V de 8 pinos - 1 x Conector Áudio do painel frontal - 3 x cabezal USB 2.0 (suporta 6 portas USB 2.0) - 1 x ca bezal US B 3.0 pel a AMD[...]

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    88 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Português 1.3 Conguração dos Jumpers A ilustração mostra como os jumpers são congurados. Quando há uma capa de jumpers sobre os pinos, diz–se que o jump- er está “curto”. Não havendo capa sobre os pinos , o j umpe r e stá “ab erto” . A il ustra ção mo s t ra u m j um p e r d e 3 p i no[...]

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    89 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Português Conectores A T A3 Serial Estes seis conectores Serial (SA T A3_1: veja a folha 2, No. 14) A T A (SA T A3) suportam (SA T A3_2: veja a folha 2, No. 15) unidades de disco rígido SA T A (SA T A3_3: veja a folha 2, No. 13) ou SA T A3 como dispositivos de (SA T A3_4: veja a folha 2, No. 12) armazenamento i[...]

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    90 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Português Conector do painel do sistema Este conector acomoda várias (P ANEL1 de 9 pinos) funções do painel frontal do (veja a folha 2, No. 16) sistema. J _ S E N S E O U T 2 _ L 1 M I C _ R E T P R E S E N C E # G N D O U T 2 _ R M I C 2 _ R M I C 2 _ L O U T _ R ET Conector Áudio do painel Esta é uma inte[...]

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    91 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Português RESET (Botão de reposição): Ligue ao botão de reposição no painel frontal do chassis. Prima o botão de reposição para reiniciar o computador caso este bloqueie e não seja possível reiniciar normalmente. PLED (LED de alimentação do sistema): Ligue ao indicador do estado da alimentação no [...]

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    92 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Português Conector do ventilador da Ligue o cabo do ventilador da CPU CPU, coincidindo o o preto (CPU_F AN1 de 4 pinos) com o pino de aterramento. (veja a folha 2, No. 3) Apesar de esta placa-mãe possuir 4 apoios para uma ventoinha de CPU (V entoinha silenciosa), uma ventoinha de 3 pinos para CPU poderá fun[...]

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    93 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Português Conector de porta de série Este conector COM1 suporta (COM1 de 9 pinos) um módulo de porta de série. (veja a folha 2, No. 24) Conector de intrusão no chassis Esta placa principal suporta a (CI1 de 2 pinos) função de detecção de (veja a folha 2, No. 27) ABERTURA da CAIXA quedetecta se a tampa do[...]

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    94 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Português 2. Informações da BIOS O Utilitário de Conguração do BIOS está armazenado no chip FWH do BIOS. Ao iniciar o computador , pressione <F2> ou <Del> durante o Autoteste de iniciação (POST) para acessar o Utilitário de Conguração do BIOS; caso contrário, o POST continuará com [...]

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    95 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Türkçe 1. Giriş ASRock’ın kesintisiz titiz kalite denetimi altında üretilen güvenilir bir anakart olan ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ anakartını satın aldığınız için teşekkür ederiz. ASRock’ın kalite ve dayanıklılık konusundaki kararlılığına uygun güçlü tasarımıyla mükemmel bir performans[...]

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    96 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Türkçe 1.2 Özellikler Platform - Mikro A TX Form Faktörü - T am Katı Bağlayıcı tasarımı A-Stili - Ev Bulutu CPU - Y uva FM2+ 95W / FM2 100W işlemciler için destek - 4 + 2 Güç Fazı T asarımı Y onga seti - AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) Bellek - Çift Kanallı DDR3 Belleği T eknolojisi - 4 x DDR3 DIMM y[...]

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    97 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Türkçe - AMD Steady Video TM 2.0’yu destekler: Ev/çevrimiçi videoda otomatik titreşim azaltma için yeni video işleme sonrası özelliği - DVI-D ve HDMI portlarэyla HDCP iюlevini destekler - DVI-D ve HDMI portlarэyla T am HD 1080p Blu-ray (BD) oynatэmэnэ destekler Ses - İç er ik Ko ru ma Öze lli[...]

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    98 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard - 3 x USB 2.0 ş (6 USB 2.0 portu destekler) - 1 x AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) ile USB 3.0 bağlantısı (2 USB 3.0 portu destekler) BIOS Özelliği - Çok dilli GUI desteğiyle 64Mb AMI UEFI Legal BIOS - GUI destekli AMI UEFI Geçerli BIOS - “T ak Çalıştır”ı destekler - ACPI 1.1 Uyumlu Uyandırma Olaylar[...]

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    99 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Türkçe 1.3 Jumper'ların Ayarı Şekilde jumper'ların nasıl ayarlandıkları gösterilmektedir . Jumper kapağı pinler üzerine yerleştirildiğinde jumper "Kapalı" dır . Jumper kapağı pinler üzerindeyken jumper "Açık" tır . Şekilde pin1 ve pin2'si "Kapalı&qu[...]

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    100 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard USB 2.0 Fişleri G/Ç paneli ndeki varsayılan dört (9-pinli USB_5_6) USB 2.0 portundan başka, bu (bkz. S.2 No. 19) anakartta üç USB 2.0 şi bulunur . Her USB 2.0 şi iki USB 2.0 portunu destekler . (9-pinli USB_7_8) (bkz. S.2 No. 20) (9-pinli USB_9_10) (bkz. S.2 No. 21) Seri A T A3 Konektörler B u a [...]

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    101 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Türkçe Kızılötesi Modülü Fişi Bu ş, isteğe bağlı bir kablosuz (5-pinli IR1) aktarma ve alma kızılötesi (bkz. S.2 No. 25) modülünü destekler . Ön Panel Ses Fişi Bu, panel ses kablosu için (9-pinli HD_AUDIO1) uygun bağlantı sağlayan ve (bkz. S.2 No. 26) ses cihazlarını kontrol etmeyi s[...]

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    102 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard PLED (Sistem Gücü LED’i): Kasa üzerindeki güç durumu göstergesini ön panele bağlayın. Sistem çalışırken LED yanar. Sistem S1 uyku modunda iken LED yanıp sön meye devam eder. Sistem S3/S4 uyku modunda veya kapalı (S5) iken LED söner. HDLED (Sabit Disk Çalışma LED’i): Kasa üzerindeki sabit[...]

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    103 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Türkçe 3-Pinli Fanı T akma Bu anakart 4-Pinli CPU fan (Sessiz Fan) desteği sağlasa da, 3-Pinli CPU fan hızı kontrol işlevi olmadan bile hala başarılı bir şekilde çalışabilir. 3-Pinli CPU fanı bu konektördeki CPU fan konektörüne bağlamayı planlıyorsanız, lütfen Pin 1-3'e bağlayın. P[...]

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    104 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Türkçe Kasaya Y etkisiz Erişim Fişi Bu anakart, kasa kapağının (2-pinli CI1) çıkarılıp çıkarılmadığını (bkz. S.2 No. 27) algılayan KASA AÇIK algılama özelliğini destekler . Bu özellik, kasaya yetkisiz erişim tasarımına sahip bir kasa gerektirir . 1 Si g n a l GN D 1 AF D # ER R O R # P[...]

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    105 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 2. BIOS Bilgileri Anakarttaki Flash Bellek BIOS Ayarları Y ardımcı Programını içerir . Bilgisayarı başlattığınızda, lütfen Otomatik Güç Sınaması (POST) sırasında BIOS Ayarları yardımcı programına girmek için <F2> veya <Del> tuşuna basın; aksi halde, POST test rutinlerine dev[...]

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    106 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 1. 제품소개 ASRock 의 FM2A75M Pro4+ 메인 보드를 구매하여 주신것에 대하여 감사 드립니다 . 이 메인보드는 엄격한 품질관리 하에 생산되어진 신뢰성 있는 메인보드 입니다 . 이 제품은 고 품격 디자인과 함께 ASRock 의 우수한 품질과 최고의 안[...]

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    107 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 한 국 어 1.2 설명서 플랫폼 - Micro ATX 폼 팩터 - 모든 솔리드 콘덴서 구조 A- 스타일 - 홈 클라우드 CPU - 소켓 FM2+ 95W / FM2 100W 프로세서에 대한 지원 - 4 + 2 전원 위상 디자인 칩셋 - AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) 메모리 - 듀얼 채널 메모리 기술 지원 - DDR3 D[...]

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    108 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 한 국 어 오디오 - 콘 텐 츠 보 호 를 이 용 한 7 .1 CH HD 오 디 오 지원 ( Re a ltek A LC8 9 2 오 디 오 코덱 ) - 프 리 미 엄 Blu-r ay 오 디 오 지원 랜 - PCI E 1 개 , Gi ga bit LA N 1 0/ 1 00/ 1 00 0 M b/s - Q u a lcom m ® At her os ® A R81 71 - Q u a lcom m ® At her os ® 보 [...]

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    109 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 한 국 어 - 점퍼 프리 지원 - 점퍼 프리 지원 ; SMBIOS 2.3.1 지원 - DRAM 및 CPU 전압 멀티조절 지원 CD - 드라이버 , 유틸리티 , 안티바이러스 소프트웨어 ( 시험판 ), CyberLink MediaEspresso 6.5 평가판 , Google Chrome Browser 및 Toolbar, Start8 (30 일 시험판 ) 하?[...]

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    1 10 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 한 국 어 1.3 점퍼 셋팅 그림은 점퍼를 어떻게 셋업 하는지를 보여줍니다 . 점퍼 캡이 핀 위에 있을 때 , 점퍼는 “ 쇼트 ” 입니다 . 점퍼 캡이 핀 위에 없을 때 점퍼는 “ 오픈 ” 입니다 . 그림은 3 개의 핀 중 1-2 번 핀이 “ 쇼트 ” 임을 ?[...]

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    1 1 1 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard USB 2.0 헤더 본 머더보드에는 I/O 패널에 있 (9 핀 USB_5_6) 는 4 개의 기본 USB 2.0 포트 (2 페이지 , 19 번 항목 참조 ) 외에도 USB 2.0 헤더가 3 개 있 습니다 . 각각의 USB 2.0 헤더 는 2 개의 USB 2.0 포트를 지원 할 수 있습니다 . (9 핀 USB_7_8) (2 페이지 ,[...]

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    1 12 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 적외선 모듈 헤더 이 헤더는 선택품목인 무선 (5 핀 IR1) 적외선 송수신 모듈을 (2 페이지 , 25 번 항목 참조 ) 지원합니다 . 전면부 오디오 콘넥터 이 콘넥터는 오디오 장치를 (9 핀 HD_AUDIO1) 편리하게 조절하고 연결할 수 ( 2 페이지 , 26 번 항?[...]

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    1 13 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard RESET( 리셋 스위치 ): 섀시 전면 패널의 리셋 스위치에 연결합니다 . 컴퓨터가 정지하고 정상적 재시작을수행하지 못할 경우 리셋 스위치를 눌러 컴퓨터를 재시작합니 다 . PLED( 시스템 전원 LED): 섀시 전면 패널의 전원 상태 표시등에 연결[...]

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    1 14 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard CPU 팬 커넥터 CPU 팬 케이블을 이 커넥터에 (4 핀 CPU_FAN1) 연결하고 흑색 선을 접지 핀에 (2 페이지 , 3 번 항목 참조 ) 맞추십시오 . 본 머더보드가 4 핀 CPU 팬 ( 저소음 팬 ) 지원을 제공하기는 하지만 팬 속 도 제어기능없이도 3 핀 CPU 팬을 성?[...]

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    1 15 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 시리얼포트 컨넥터 이 콘넥터는 시리얼 포트 (9 핀 COM1) 모듈을 지원합니다 . (2 페이지 , 24 번 항목 참조 ) 한 국 어 1 Si g n a l GN D 섀시 침입 헤더 이 메인보드는 섀시 커버가 제 (2 핀 CI1) 거되면 이를 감지하는 케이스 (2 페이지 , 27 번 항목 [...]

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    1 16 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 2. 시스템 바이오스 정보 메인보드의 플래쉬 메모리에는 바이오스 셋업 유틸리티가 저장되어 있습니다 . 컴퓨터를 사용하실 때 , “자가진단 테스트”(POST) 가 실시되는 동안 <F2> 또는 <Del> 키를 눌러 바이오스 셋업으로 들어가세[...]

  • Page 117

    1 17 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 日本語 1、はじめに ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ マザーボードをお買い上げいただきありがとうございます。 本製品は、弊社の厳しい品質管理の下で製作されたマザーボードです。本製品は、弊社の 品質と耐久性の両立という目標に適合した?[...]

  • Page 118

    1 18 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 日本語 1.2 仕様 プラットフ - Micro ATX フォームファクター - オール固体コンデンサー設計 A スタイル - Home Cloud CPU - Socket FM2+ 95W / FM2 100W プロセッサのサポート - 4 + 2 電源位相設計 ヱップセット - AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) メモリー - デュアル?[...]

  • Page 119

    1 19 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 日本語 - AMD Steady Video TM 2.0 のサポート: 家庭 / オンラインビデ オの自動ジッター低減用の新しいビデオポストの処理機能 - HDCP 機能、DVI-D ポートおよび HDMI ポートをサポート - 1080p Blu-ray (BD) 再生サポート、DVI-D ポートおよび HDMI ポ?[...]

  • Page 120

    120 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard - 8 ピン 12V 電源コネクター x 1 - フロントパネルオーディオコネクター x 1 - USB 2.0 ヘッダー (USB 2.0 用 6 ポートをサポート ) x 3 - AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) の USB 3.0 ヘッダー (USB 3.0 用 2 ポートをサポート ) x 1 BIOS 関連機能 - 64Mb AMI UEFI Legal BIOS、?[...]

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    121 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 日本語 1.3 ジャンパ設定 右の図はジャンパがどのように設定されているかを示しま す。ジャンパキャップがピンに置かれている場合、ジャンパ は “ショート” になります。ジャンパキャップがピンに置か れていない場合、ジャン?[...]

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    122 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard USB 2.0 ヘッダ I/O パネルには、デフォルトの 4 (9 ピン USB_5_6) つの USB 2.0 ポート以外に、この ページ 2, アイテム 19 を参照 マザーボードに 3 つの USB 2.0 ヘッダが搭載されています。それ ぞれの USB 2.0 ヘッダは 2 つの USB 2.0 ポートをサポ[...]

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    123 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 日本語 1. ハイディフィニションオーディオはジャックセンシングをサポー トしますが、正しく機能するためにシャーシのパネルワイヤが HAD をサポートする必要があります。このマニュアルとシャー シのマニュアルの指示に従って?[...]

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    124 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard シャーシに付いている電源スイッチ、リセットスイッチ、システムステータ スインジケータを下記のピン割り当て指示に従ってこのヘッダに接続します。 ケーブルを接続する前にピンの正負極性にご注意ください。 PWRBTN ( 電源スイ?[...]

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    125 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 日本語 シャーシおよび電源ファンコネクタ (4 ピン CHA_FAN1) ページ 2, アイテム 28 を参照 (3 ピン PWR_FAN1) ページ 2, アイテム 1 を参照 ファンケーブルをファンコネクタ に接続し、黒いワイヤをアースピ ンに合わせてください。 このマ?[...]

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    126 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard このマザーボードで 8-pin ATX 12V 電源コネクタが提供されたが、 従来の 4-pin ATX 12V 電源でも動作できます。 4-pin ATX 電源を使用する場合、 電源を Pin 1 と Pin 5 とともに差し込んでください。 4-Pin ATX 12V 電源の取り付け ATX 12V コネクタ こ[...]

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    127 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 2.BIOS 情報 BIOS セットアップユーティリティはマザーボードのフラッシュメモリに保存されています。コン ピュータを起動させた後、POST (パワーオンセルフテスト)中に〈F2〉 または <Del> を押し、 BIOS セットアップユーティリ[...]

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    128 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 1. 主板簡介 謝謝你采用了華 擎 F M 2 A 7 5 M P r o 4 + 主板 , 本主板由華擎嚴格制 造 , 質量可靠 , 穩 定性好 , 能夠獲得卓越 的性能。本安 裝指南介紹了 安裝主板的 步驟。更加詳 細的主板 信息可參看驅動光盤的用戶手冊。 由于主板規格和 [...]

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    129 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 1.2 主板規格 架构 - Micro ATX 規格 - 全固態電容器設計 A-Style - 家庭云 處理器 - 支持 Socket FM2+ 95W / FM2 100W 處理器 - 4 + 2 電源相位設計 芯片組 - AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) 系統內存 - 支持雙通道 DDR3 內存技術 - 配備 4 個 DDR3 DIMM 插槽 - 支持 DDR3 2600+( ?[...]

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    130 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 音效 - 具有 內容 保護功能的 7 . 1 CH 高 清音頻 ( Rea l te k A LC892 音頻 編解碼 器 ) - 优質 Blu- ra y 音頻 支持 板載 LAN 功能 - PCI E x1 G igabi t LA N 1 0 / 1 0 0 / 1 000 M b/ s - Qua lcom m ® A t heros ® A R8 1 71 - 支持 Q u alcom m ® A t heros ® 网 上安全喚醒技 [...]

  • Page 131

    131 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard BIOS - 64Mb AMI UEFI Legal BIOS,具有多語言 GUI 支持 - 支持即插即用(Plug and Play,PnP) - ACPI 1.1 電源管理喚醒功能 - 支持 jumperfree 免跳線模式 - SMBIOS 2.3.1 支持 - DRAM 和 CPU 電壓多功能調節器 支持光盤 - 驅動程序、工具軟件、殺毒軟件(測試版本 )[...]

  • Page 132

    132 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 默認設置 清除 CMOS 1.3 跳線設置 插 圖 所 示 的 就 是 設 置 跳 線 的 方 法。 當 跳 線 帽 放 置 在 針 腳 上 時 , 這 個 跳 線 就 是“ 短 接”。 如果 針腳 上沒 有 放置 跳線 帽 , 這 個 跳 線 就 是“ 開 路 ”。 插 圖 顯 示 了 一 個 3 針 腳?[...]

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    133 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Serial ATA3 接口 這裡有六組 Serial ATA3 (SATA3_1: 見第 2 頁第 14 項 ) (SATA3) 接口支持 Serial (SATA3_2: 見第 2 頁第 15 項 ) (SATA) 數據線作為內部儲存 (SATA3_3: 見第 2 頁第 13 項 ) 設置。目前 SATA3 界面理論 (SATA3_4: 見第 2 頁第 12 項 ) 上可提供高達 6.0Gb/s ?[...]

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    134 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 紅外線模塊接頭 這個接頭支持一個選配的無 (5 針 IR1) 線發送和接受紅外線的 ( 見第 2 頁第 25 項 ) 模塊。 前置音頻面板接頭 可以方便連接音頻設備。 (9 針 HD_AUDIO1) ( 見第 2 頁第 26 項 ) 1. 高保真音頻 (High Definition Audio, HDA) 支持智能音頻接?[...]

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    135 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard PLED( 系統電源指示燈 ): 連接機箱前面板的電源狀態指示燈。當系統運行時 , 此指示燈亮起。 當系統處于 S1 待機模式時 , 此指示燈保持閃爍。當系統處于 S3/S4 待 機模式或關機 (S5) 模式時 , 此指示燈熄滅。 HD LED( 硬盤活動指示燈 ): 連接機?[...]

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    136 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard ATX 電源接頭 請將 ATX 電源供應器連接到這 (24 針 ATXPWR1) 個接頭。 ( 見第 2 頁第 7 項 ) 12 1 24 13 (3 針 CPU_FAN2) ( 見第 2 頁第 4 項 ) G N D + 1 2 V C P U _F A N _ S P E E D 雖然此主板提供 24-pin ATX 電源接口 , 但是您仍然可以使用 傳統的 20-pin ATX 電源。?[...]

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    137 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 簡體中文 2. BIOS 信息 主板上的 F l a s h M e m o r y 存儲了 B I O S 設置程序。請再啟動電腦進行開機自檢 ( P O S T ) 時按 下 < F2> 或 < D e l > 鍵 進入 B I O S 設置 程序; 此外, 你也 可以 讓開 機自 檢 ( P O S T ) 進 行 常 規 檢 驗。 如 果 [...]

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    138 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 電子信息產品污染控制標示 依據中國發布的「電子信息產品污染控制管理辦法」及 S J / T 11364-2006「電子信息 產品污染控制 標示要求」, 電子信息產 品應進行標示, 藉以向消費 者揭露產品 中含有 的有毒有害物 質或元素不 致發生外洩 [...]

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    139 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 1. 主機板簡介 謝謝你採用了華擎 FM2A7 5M Pro4+ 主機板 , 本主機板由華擎嚴格製造 , 品質可靠 , 穩定性好 , 能夠獲得卓 越的性能。此 快速安裝指南 包括了主機 板介紹和分 步驟安裝指 導。您可以查看支持光碟裡的使用手冊了解更詳細的資?[...]

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    140 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 1.2 主機板規格 架構 - Micro ATX 規格 - 全固態電容設計 A-Style - 家庭雲 處理器 - 支援插座 FM2+ 95W / FM2 100W 處理器 - 4 + 2 電源相位設計 晶片組 - AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) 系統記憶體 - 支援雙通道 DDR3 記憶體技術 - 4 個 DDR3 DIMM 插槽 - 支援 DDR3 2600+( 超?[...]

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    141 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 音效 - 7 . 1 CH H D 音 訊 含 內 容 保 護 ( Rea l tek ALC89 2 音 訊轉碼 器 ) 功 能 - 高 階 藍光 音 訊支 援 網路功能 - PCI E x1 G i gab i t LAN 1 0 /1 00 / 1 00 0 Mb/ s - Qua l c om m ® A ther os ® AR8 1 7 1 - 支 援 Qua l com m ® A ther os ® Securi ty Wak e O n In te rne t T e[...]

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    142 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard BIOS - 64Mb AMI UEFI Legal BIOS,具備多國語言 GUI 支援 - 支援即插即用(Plug and Play,PnP) - ACPI 1.1 電源管理喚醒功能 - 支援 jumperfree 免跳線模式 - 支援 SMBIOS 2.3.1 - DRAM、CPU 電壓多功能調節 支援光碟 - 驅動程式、工具軟體、防毒軟體(試用版本 )?[...]

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    143 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 默認設置 清除 CMOS 1.3 跳線設置 插 圖 所 示 的 就 是 設 置 跳 線 的 方 法。 當 跳 線 帽 放 置 在 針 腳 上 時 , 這 個 跳 線 就 是“ 短 接”。 如果 針腳 上沒 有 放置 跳線 帽 , 這 個 跳 線 就 是“ 開 路 ”。 插 圖 顯 示 了 一 個 3 針 腳?[...]

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    144 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Serial ATA3 接口 這裡有六組 Serial ATA3 (SATA3_1: 見第 2 頁第 14 項 ) (SATA3) 接口支援 SATA 數據 (SATA3_2: 見第 2 頁第 15 項 ) 線作為內部儲存設置。 (SATA3_3: 見第 2 頁第 13 項 ) 目前 SATA3 界面理論上 (SATA3_4: 見第 2 頁第 12 項 ) 可提供高達 6.0Gb/s 的數據[...]

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    145 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 紅外線模組接頭 這個接頭支援一個選配的模 (5 針 IR1) 組 , 可用來無線傳輸和接收紅 ( 見第 2 頁第 25 項 ) 外線。 前置音效接頭 可以方便連接音效設備。 (9 針 HD_AUDIO1) ( 見第 2 頁第 26 項 ) 1. 高清晰音效 (High Definition Audio, HDA) 支援智能音效?[...]

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    146 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard PLED( 系統電源指示燈 ): 連接機箱前面板的電源狀態指示燈。當系統運行時 , 此指示燈亮起。 當系統處於 S1 待命模式時 , 此指示燈保持閃爍。當系統處於 S3/S4 待 命模式或關機 (S5) 模式時 , 此指示燈熄滅。 HD LED( 硬碟活動指示燈 ): 連接機?[...]

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    147 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard (3 針 CPU_FAN2) ( 見第 2 頁第 4 項 ) G N D + 1 2 V C P U _F A N _ S P E E D ATX 電源接頭 請將 ATX 電源供應器連接到這 (24 針 ATXPWR1) 個接頭。 ( 見第 2 頁第 7 項 ) 12 1 24 13 雖然此主機板提供 24-pin ATX 電源接口 , 但是您仍然可以使 用傳統的 20-pin ATX 電源?[...]

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    148 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard 繁體中文 1 Si g n a l GN D 機殼開啟警告功能接頭 此主機板支援機殼開啟偵測 (2 針 CI1) 功能 , 可偵測機殼蓋是否被移 ( 見第 2 頁第 27 項 ) 動。此功能需機殼具備機殼 開啟偵測設計。 2. BIOS 訊息 主板上的 Flash Memory 晶片存儲了 BIOS 設置程序?[...]

  • Page 149

    149 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Bahasa Indone sia 1. Penjelasan T erimakasih untuk membeli papan induk penghasilan kontrol kualitas keras terus- menerus ASRock’s yang dapat dipercaya. Dia dapat menyajikan pertunjukan baik dengan bentuknya sesuai dengan janji kualitas dan ketahanan ASRock’s. Buku Pedoman Instalasi Cepat ini mengandung perke[...]

  • Page 150

    150 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Bahasa Indone sia 1.2 Spesikasi Podium - Faktor Form Mikro A TX - Desain Kapasitor Solid Podium - Home Cloud CPU - Didukung untuk prosesor Socket FM2+ 95W/FM2 100W - Desain daya 4 + 2 fase Grup Chip - AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) Ingatan - T eknologi ingatan DDR3 dwisaluran - 4 x Alur DDR3 DIMM - Menggunakan DDR3 [...]

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    151 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Bahasa Indone sia - Mendukung Blu-ray Stereoscopic 3D dengan HDMI - Mendukung AMD Video TM 2.0 T enang: Baru video pasca kemampuan pengolahan untuk pengurangan jutter otomatis pada rumah / online video - Mendukung fungsi HDCP dengan port DVI-D dan HDMI - Mendukung pemutaran 1080p Blu-ray (BD) dengan port DVI-D d[...]

  • Page 152

    152 ASRock FM2A75M Pro4+ Motherboard Bahasa Indone sia - 1 x Penghubung power 8 pin 12V - 1 x Penghubung audio panel dapan - 3 x USB 2.0 header (menggunakan 6 port USB 2.0) - 1 x USB 3.0 header melalui AMD A75 FCH (Hudson-D3) (menggunakan 2 port USB 3.0) Ciri-ciri BIOS - 64Mb AMI UEFI Legal BIOS dengan dukungan GUI multibahasa - Menggunakan “Plug[...]

  • Page 153

    C on ta ct I nfo rma ti on If you ne ed to c ontac t A SRoc k or wa nt to k now more ab out ASR ock , you’ r e welcome to v is it ASRo ck ’s w ebs ite at ht t p://ww w .a sro ck .c om; or you m ay cont ac t you r de a ler for f u r t her i n for mat ion . For te ch n ica l ques t ions , plea s e subm it a su ppor t re que st form at ht t p: / /[...]