AT&T 200 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of AT&T 200, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of AT&T 200 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of AT&T 200. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of AT&T 200 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of AT&T 200
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the AT&T 200 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the AT&T 200 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of AT&T 200 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of AT&T 200, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the AT&T service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of AT&T 200.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the AT&T 200 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    A T&T Consumer Serv ices A T&T VoiceMail Manager 200 Us er’s Guid e P P r r o o v v i i d d e e d d e e x x c c l l u u s s i i v v e e l l y y f f o o r r A A T T & & T T V V o o i i c c e e M M a a i i l l[...]

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    T AB LE O F C ONTENTS P AGE # Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1 Making th e Connect ions ...................................................................................... 2 Initializat ion of Error M essage s ..................................................[...]

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    P AGE # Appendices Other Display M essages ..................................................................................... 25 Troubleshoot ing ................................................................................................. 27 FCC Regulat ions and Co mplia nce Issues ......................................................... 2[...]

  • Page 4

    1 I NTRODUCTION Enclosed is your AT&T Vo iceMail Manager 200 fo r use with AT &T Voice Mail . This system has been designed to b e simple to use; however, you c an reach its full potential b y taking a few moments to read th is User’s Guide . The AT&T VoiceMail M anager 200 (VM200) is a multi-function product for use with A T&T Vo[...]

  • Page 5

    2 F IGURE 1 – M AKING T HE C ONNECTIONS Refer to the f ollow ing diagra m and direc tions t o conne ct your VM 200. 1. Select the t elephon e you wish to use - thi s sho uld be located n ear an electri cal outlet that is easi ly acces sible. (Make sure y our te lephone is properly conne cted to a phone ja ck by a phone cord in good condit ion.) 2[...]

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    3 I NI TIAL IZ ATI ON E RROR M ESSAGES Once you h ave co mpleted al l the c onnect ions suc cessfu lly, the in dicator lights on the upper right-hand c orner of the AT&T VoiceM ail Manager 20 0 should fl ash once, and the display w ill show INITIALIZING – PLEA SE WAIT . The AT &T VoiceM ail Manager 200 will ru n through a brief initi aliz[...]

  • Page 7

    4 T HE D ISPLAY The AT &T VoiceMail M anager 200 will disp lay and th en stor e informati on about your incomi ng calls. N ote, in some areas compl ete inform ation m ay not be available . F IGURE 2: T HE D ISPL AY ☎ The first line w ill show the na me of th e perso n calling you, ( i.e. , the name of the person to w hom that tel ephon e numb[...]

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    5 F IGURE 3 - AT &T V OICE M AI L M ANAG ER 200 U NIT[...]

  • Page 9

    6 AT&T V OICE M AI L M ANAGER 200 O VERVIEW As you read this Us er’s Gu ide, refer to your AT &T VoiceMail M anager 200 unit and Figure 3 on pa ge 5 to h elp you identify the variou s feature s and key s. ☎ The D ISPLAY shows informa tion about y our call s and will s croll qu estion s during Set Up. ☎ The amber I N U SE I NDICATOR L [...]

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    7 F IGURE 4 – A T&T V OICE M AI L M AN AGE R 200 S ET U P K EYS Familiarize y ourself with the Set Up Ke y s of y our VM200.[...]

  • Page 11

    8 U SING THE S ET U P K EYS The Set Up key s are used to enter dat a and answer question s during the configuratio n of your AT&T VoiceMail Manager 200 (Refer figure 4 on p age 7). ☎ YES ( 1 ) - Answers YES to a q uestion. ☎ NO ( 2 ) - Answers NO to a que stion. ☎ REVIEW ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ( 3 ) – Used to ente r data. Also, scroll s throug[...]

  • Page 12

    9 S ET U P Q UESTIONS Press the SETUP key to ente r the setup mode. T he AT&T VoiceMail M anager 200 will scroll qu estions in the dis play. Use the YES , NO , and REVIEW keys to respond appropriat ely to each quest ion. SELECT LANGUAGE? YES/NO 1. Press NO, to kee p English as the default lan guage and mov e on to the nex t question. 2. If you [...]

  • Page 13

    10 DIS ABL E NEW M ESS AGE AN NO UNCEM ENT? YES /NO ☞ If you hav e new AT&T VoiceM ail message and pic k up any telephone ex tension, the AT&T VoiceMail M anager 200 also plays an au dible message “New VoiceMail” ov er your phone line to alert you. Y ou may disable this messag e if you prefer. ENABLE VO ICE MESSAGE ALERT? YES/NO ☞ I[...]

  • Page 14

    11 1. If y ou press NO , you w ill be prompted to dial your p assword us ing your phone after the AT&T VM200 dials y our AT&T VoiceMail box . If you want to have the AT&T VM 200 automatically dial y our AT&T VoiceM ail password, pres s YES . ( If you don' t set up your password, you wo n't be able to listen to or m anage y[...]

  • Page 15

    12 ☞ In some are as, telephone us ers dial 10 digits (Area Code + Seven-Digit Num ber) to make a lo cal telephone call. In other areas, they must dial 11 dig its (1 + Area Code + Seve n Digit Number). Press YES to set up dialing. Press NO to m ove onto the next question. 1. If you pressed YES , the AT &T VoiceMail Manager 200 w ill ask, DO YO[...]

  • Page 16

    13 3. If you answ ered NO to both #1 and #2 abov e, the AT&T VoiceM ail Manager 200 will ask, DO YOU DIAL 1 + 10 FOR A LL CALLS? YES/NO . If y ou must dial a ‘1 ’ before all of your calls, press YES . If y ou answer NO , the AT & T VoiceM ail Manager 200 will retur n to #1 above. Y ou must answer YES to one of the thr ee question s in t[...]

  • Page 17

    14 C USTOMIZING T HE AT&T V OICE M AIL M ANAGER 200 You may use the default setti ngs or you may customiz e the settings for y our AT&T VoiceMail M anager 200. Cust omizing your setti ngs allows you to: ☎ Select Englis h or Spanish as the display lan guage. ☎ Adjust displ ay contrast for opti mal viewing. ☎ Disable/En able New M essag[...]

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  • Page 19

    16 U SING T HE AT&T M ESSAGE S CREENING F EA TURE ☞ Refer to Figure 5 o n Page 15. The AT &T Message S creening feat ure of the VM200 w as activated during power up. When AT&T M essage Screening is activated, th e light nex t to the VM SCREEN key (Key 2 on Figure 5) shou ld be illuminated. If you w ish to deactivate AT &T M essage[...]

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  • Page 21

    18 R ETRIEVE M ESSA GES W ITH T HE AT & T V OIC E M AI L M ANAG ER 200 Without picki ng up your teleph one, you can use the AT&T V oiceMail Manager 200 to speed dial your AT&T VoiceM ail box (Refer to Fi gure 6 on p age 17). ☞ You must subscribe to AT &T VoiceMail for thi s function to w ork. When you hav e a voice message , the r[...]

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    19 F IGURE 7 –K EYS F OR V IEWIN G C ALLS[...]

  • Page 23

    20 V IEWING C ALLS AND C ALLER I DENTIFICATION ☞ You must subscribe t o Caller ID for this feature to work. The AT &T VoiceM ail Manager 200 will d isplay i nformation a bout your incomi ng calls and then store the infor mation in the C all Log. (Refer to The Display o n page 4 .) Incoming Calls As calls co me in to your ph one, the AT&T [...]

  • Page 24

    21 Stored Calls The AT &T VoiceMail M anager 200 keeps a record of y our calls, even if the calle r did n’t leav e a mess age. The AT&T VoiceM ail M anager 200 can store up to 97 calls in the Call Log. C all s re main st ored in m emor y unt il you del ete the m. Th e VM20 0 ca n store up to 97 calls in the Call Log. When the Cal l Log is[...]

  • Page 25

    22 AT & T V OIC E M AI L M AN AGE R 200 U SEFUL I NFORM A T ION Below y ou can find us eful informati on while using your AT&T VoiceM ail Manager 200. 1. AT&T Message S c reenin g is activated by pressing t he VM SCR EEN ING key. (The green lig ht next to the V M SCREENING key will ill uminate.) T he VM200 will answ er incoming calls af[...]

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  • Page 27

    24 M AKI NG AN D R ETURNING C ALL S ☞ Refer to Figure 8 o n Page 23. With the touch of a bu tton, you can sp eed dial calls from your C all Log (Please refer to page 12 to set up dialing). To speed dial a nu mber from y our Call Log, first make sur e the unit is in the CA LLS mode -the light should be on besi de CALLS ( 1 ). Use the REVIEW ▲ or[...]

  • Page 28

    25 O THER D ISPLAY M ESSAGES OUT OF ARE A - This me ssage will be display ed when a call come s in from an are a that does not support Caller ID . ## CALLS ## N EW - T his message a ppears when the AT&T VoiceM ail Manager 2 00 has been i dle for mor e than 30 se conds. I t indicates that there ar e ‘##’ of C alls in t he Call Log, an d ‘#[...]

  • Page 29

    26 PICK UP THE PHONE - The AT&T VoiceMail Manager is not a speakerphone device. T his message reminds you to p ick up the hand set of your telep hone to complete a call when you ar e speed diali ng a number from t he Call Log. PLUG IN THE PHONE LINE - This mess age will be display ed if the initializ ation fails because th e AT&T VoiceM ail[...]

  • Page 30

    27 T ROUBLESHOOTING If the AT&T VM200 behaves abnormally during use, it may need to be rein itialized. To reinitializ e the AT&T VM 2 00, first remov e the power jack fr om the power plug . Wait for f ive seco nds then reconne ct the pow er. The AT&T VM200 should automatical ly enter the initia lization phase. As when y ou first connect[...]

  • Page 31

    28 Power Loss Although the AT &T VoiceMail M anager 200 will not functio n during a power outage , none of the s et up parameters will be lost. O nce pow er has been rest ored, the AT&T VoiceMail M anager 200 will reinit ialize itself a nd automatically return to its normal operating mod e. Not Dialing Correctly When Returning C alls There [...]

  • Page 32

    29 FCC R EGULATIONS AND C OMPLIANCE I SSUES P ART 15 Some electron i c equipm ent can generate and rad iate radio frequ ency energy that may cause rad io and/or television i nterference if not insta l led and us ed properly. This equipment has been t ested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, as specified in Part 15 of [...]

  • Page 33

    30 P RODUCT W AR R AN T Y Notify Tec hnology, the equipm ent manufact urer, w arrants this product ag ainst defects in m aterial s and workm anship for a peri od of one (1) year from the date of original retail purch ase. Except as stated below, if you return a defective pr oduct to us, along with pro of of purchase, within suc h one (1) year perio[...]

  • Page 34

    31 W ALL -M OUNTING Y OU R AT&T V OICE M AIL M ANAGER 200 To save desk sp ace and facilitate ea se of use, your AT&T VoiceM ail Manager 200 can be mounted o n the wall. Use the template o n the following page and tw o (2) one- inch-lon g #6 screw s. ☞ Select a locatio n that is near your telepho ne jack and a power outlet. W e recommend a[...]

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    32 W ALL M OUNT ING T EMPLATE ✇ ✇ 3.05 Inch es We recommend tw o (2) one-inch #6 s c rew s for moun ting the VM200.[...]

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  • Page 37

    34 S A FETY P REC A UT IONS Please review the following Sa fety Precautions. ☎ Never inst all telephone w i ring during a lightning s torm. ☎ Never instal l telephone jacks in wet locations unles s the jack is speci fically designed for w et locations. ☎ Never touch uninsulate d telephone wires or terminals unle ss the tele phone line has bee[...]

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    35 Y OUR N OTES[...]

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    36 Y OUR N OTE S[...]

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    37 AT & T V OICE M AIL M AN AGE R 200 05221-050 100[...]