Avanti CF2016 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Avanti CF2016, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Avanti CF2016 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Avanti CF2016. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Avanti CF2016 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Avanti CF2016
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Avanti CF2016 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Avanti CF2016 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Avanti CF2016 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Avanti CF2016, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Avanti service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Avanti CF2016.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Avanti CF2016 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    FREEZER / CO NGEL ADOR INSTRUCTI ON M ANUAL MANUAL DE INSTRUCCI ONES Model Numbers / Nos. de Modelo: CF626/C F2016 CF62 6 CF 2016 ( Desig n and Color May Vary ) (Dise ño y Col or Puede n Va r i a r ) CAUTION: BEFORE USE , PLEA SE READ AND FOLLOW AL L SAFETY RULES AND OPER A TING INSTRUCTIONS. La sección en espa ñ ol empieza en la p á gina 16. A[...]

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    2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Help Us H elp You 3 Parts and F eatures 4 – 5 Chest Free zer Saf ety 6 Impor tant Safeguar ds 7 Impor tant Safety Ins truction s 8 Installat ion Instruc tions 8 Before Us ing Your F reezer 8 Installat ion of Your Free zer 8 Electric al Connec tion 9 Operating Your Fre ezer 9 Tem perature Contro l 9 The Fas t Freeze S witch (Am[...]

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    3 HELP US HEL P YOU. .. Read this gu ide ca refully. It is inte nded to he lp you op erate and m aintain your ne w freezer pro perl y. Keep it ha ndy to ans wer your questions. If y ou don't und erstand s om ething or you need mor e assistanc e, please ca ll: A vanti Customer Service 800 - 220 - 5570 Keep pro of of or iginal purchas e date (s [...]

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  • Page 6

    6 CHEST FREEZ ER SAF ETY Your safety and the safety of ot hers are ver y important . W e have provided m any im portant saf ety m essages in this manual and on your ap pliance. Al w a ys read and o bey all saf et y message s. This is the Saf ety Alert Symbol. T his s y mbol a lerts you to pot ential ha zards that can k ill or injure you and ot hers[...]

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    7 I M PO R T AN T S AF EG U ARD S Before t he chest f reezer is us ed, it must be prop erl y positioned an d instal led as described in this m anua l, s o read the manua l caref ully. T o reduce the r isk of fire, electrica l shock or injur y when using t he ches t free zer, follow bas ic preca ution s , including t he fol lowing: • Plug int o a [...]

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    8 IMPORT A NT S A FETY INSTRUCTIONS  WARNING  To r ed uc e t he r isk of f ire, electrical shock, or injury when using your freezer, follow these basic precautions: • Read all instructions before usin g the freezer. DANGER or W ARNING: Risk of chil d entrapment. Child entrapment and suffocation are not p roblems of the past. Jun ked or aban[...]

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    9 Install ing Your Freeze r • This appliance is design ed to be f ree stand ing only, an d should not be reces sed o r built - in. • Place your free zer on a floor that is strong eno ugh to s uppor t the fr ee zer when it i s fully loaded . • Allow 5 inch es of s pace bet ween the back and sides of the free zer, which allows the pr oper air c[...]

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    10 having a grounding t ype plug a nd outlet a nd that the elec trical rati ng of the c ord be 11 5 volts and at least 10 am peres.  SURGE PROTECT OR Most elec trical ap pliances use a seri es of electr ic cont rol boards to opera te. The se boards ar e ver y susceptib le to pow er surge s and could be dam aged or des troyed. If the ap pliance i[...]

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    11 The F ast Freeze Sw itch ( A mb er) • The light g lows whil e the F ast Free ze switch is in the ‘O N’ positi on. • The switch o verr i des t h e t h erm ost at and wil l m ak e the c om pr ess or operate c ont in uous l y, lowerin g the cabin et temper ature st ill further than the t herm ostat setti ng. • This s witch is used to free[...]

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    12 C AR E AN D M AI N T E N AN C E Cleani n g Your Freezer • Upon installat ion of your new appliance, it is recom m ended that it be cleaned thor ough ly. • Turn the ther mos tat knob t o "OFF", un plug the f reezer, r emove the f ood and s torage b ask et. • W ash the inside with a dam p warm cloth containin g a water an d baking [...]

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    13 PROBLEMS W ITH YOUR FREEZER You can s olve m any common f reezer prob lem s easily, saving you th e cost of a p oss ible service c all. Try the s uggestio ns below t o see if you can solve the pr oblem before call ing the s ervicer. TROUBLESHOO TING GUIDE PROBL EM POSSIB LE C AUSE Freezer does not o perate. Not plugged in. The cir cuit break er [...]

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    14 adequatel y support f reezer. Le vel the f reezer b y putting wood or m etal shi ms under p art of t he freezer. The f reezer is touch ing the wall. Re - level t he freezer an d move it f rom the wal l. See “Inst allation Ins truction s”. Moisture f orms on inside f reezer wa lls. W eather is hot and hum id, which incre ases internal r ate o[...]

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    15 WIRING DIA GRAM[...]

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    16 YOUR AVA NTI PRO DUCTS W ARRANTY Staple your sales receipt h ere. Proof of origi nal purchase d ate is ne eded to obt ain ser vice under warrant y. W HA T IS COVERED – LIMITED ON E - YEAR W AR RANT Y Avanti Prod ucts w arrants that the pr oduct i s free fr om defect s in mat erials an d/or w orkmans hip for a p eriod of twelv e (12) months fro[...]

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    17 INSTRUCCIONE S EN E SPAÑOL PREC A UCIÓN Para reduc ir el ries go de in cendio, d escarga eléctrica, o daño c uando us e su electrodom éstic o, siga las s iguient es precaucio nes. • Lea todas las instr ucciones antes de usar su el ectrodom éstico. • Peligro o Precauci ón: Exist e el riesgo que los niños qu eden atrapados . • Niños[...]

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    18 Conexión E léctrica • Para su s eguridad, esta máquina de hac er hielo debe es tar apr opiadam ente co nectada a tierra. El cordón e léc tric o d e es ta m áquina de hac er hielo es t a e qui pad o c o n un enc h uf e de tr es pun tas , el cual encaj a perf ectam ente en los rece ptáculos/en chufes de pared de tr es punt as estánda r, [...]

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    19 Ajuste e l control d e temper atura al ni vel que ust ed neces ite. El n ivel “ 3 ” es el m ás adecuado para uso en la cas a u of icina. • Para deten er el enfriam iento de su c ongelador , mueva e l control de tem peratu ra a la posición “OFF” N O T A: • Si gira la t emperatura a la posición “OFF ” detendrá el ciclo de enfri[...]

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    20 para rasp ar el hielo, si lo hace mu y fuerte pued e dañar el comp artimien to de su con gelador y anular la g arantía. Compartim i ento de su Congelador • Este com partim iento está diseñ ado para u n per íodo largo ( 3 m eses) de alm acenam iento de alimentos congelados . • El tiem po de almac enamiento d e los alim entos congelados v[...]

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    21 antes de c olocarl os dentr o del co ngelador . Coloc arlos m ojados ocasiona esc archa en e l congelad or. • La canas ta de alm acenaje de su c ongelador no de be ser f orrada co n papel alum inio, papel de cera o pa pel toal la ya q ue es to interfier e con la circ ulación de l aire f río rest ando ef iciencia a su congelad or. • Organic[...]

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    22 Ruido fuer te cuando el con gelador funciona. Los cong eladores m oderno s tienen m ás capac idad de almac enaje y la tem peratur a es m ás uniform e. Estos requieren c ompr esores m ás eficientes . Ud. pue de oír el compr esor cuando no hay ruid o alrededor . Ruido fuer te cuando com ienza a trabaj ar el com presor. Esto es n ormal. C uando[...]

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    23 Registration I nform a tion Thank you for purchas ing t his fine Avanti pro duct. Ple ase fill out this f orm and r eturn it to the following addres s with in 100 da ys fr om the date of purc hase and rec eive thes e important benef its: A vanti Prod ucts LLC . P.O.Box 520 604 – M iami, Florida 3 3152  Protec t your product: W e will keep t[...]

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    24 CF626 - CF 2016 V2 .0 – 02252013 R6 00a PRINTE D IN CHINA[...]