Avanti DG2452B manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Avanti DG2452B, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Avanti DG2452B one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Avanti DG2452B. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Avanti DG2452B should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Avanti DG2452B
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Avanti DG2452B item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Avanti DG2452B item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Avanti DG2452B alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Avanti DG2452B, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Avanti service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Avanti DG2452B.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Avanti DG2452B item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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  • Page 2

    2 TABLE O F CO NTEN TS Range Saf ety 3 Impor tant Safe guides 4 The Ant i - tip Bracket 5 Help Us H elp You … 6 Parts and F eatures 7 - 8 Before Us ing Your Gas R ange 9 - 10 Impor tant Precautions and Recom mendations 11 - 13 How to us e the top bur ners 14 - 15 How to us e the Gas ove n 15 - 19 Oven light 19 Care and M aintenance 20 - 23 Troubl[...]

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    3 RA NGE SA FETY Y our safe ty and the safety of other s are very important. W e hav e pro vided man y im portant safet y messages in this manual and on your ap pliance. Al way s read and obey all saf ety messages. T his is the Safet y Alert S y mbol . T his symbol alerts y ou t o potential hazards tha t can kill or inj ure you and others. All s af[...]

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    4 IMPORT A NT SA FEG UI DES Before the a ppliance is used, it m ust be prope rl y posit ioned and installed as described in this m anual, so read the manual car efully. T o reduce the risk of fire, electr ical shock or injury wh en using the ap pliance, f ollow basic precaution, including the follow ing: • • It is recom mended that a s eparate [...]

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    5 THE A NTI - TI P BRA CKET The range will not ti p d u r ing normal u se. However, the range can ti p i f you apply too much force or weight to the open door without the a nti-tip bracket faste ned down properly. To reduce the r isk of tipping the appli anc e, t he appliance mu st be secur ed by properl y install ed anti- tip devices packed wit h [...]

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    6 HELP US HEL P YOU.. . Read this guide carefully. It is inte nded to help you operate and m aintain your new Gas R ange prope rly. Keep it ha ndy to ans w er your questions. If y ou don't understand so mething or yo u need m ore assistanc e, please call: A v an ti Customer Service 800 - 220 - 5570 Keep pro of of origin al purchase d ate (such[...]

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    7 P A RTS & FEATU RE S Back of the Range 1 Inlet Pi pe 2 Regul ator (not pre - installed) 3 Anti - tip brac ket 4 Power Cord 5 Access Panel 6 Back Panel Basic Fea tures - Front 1 Backsplash 2 Oven Vent 3 Sealed Bur ners ( Total 4) 4 Control Panel 5 Oven D oor Handl e 6 Oven D oor 7 Draw er Handle 8 Draw er 9 Leveli ng Legs ( Total 4) 10 Anti - [...]

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    8 COOKTOP  CONTROL PA NEL  CONTROLS DES CRI PTION Oven C ontrols Cookto p Control 1 Oven Tem perature Con trol Knob 3 Front Left Burner Contro l Knob 2 Oven Light O N / OFF S witch 4 Rear Left Burner Contro l Knob 5 Front Right Burn er Control Kno b 6 Rear Righ t Burner Co ntrol Knob 1. Auxiliar y burner (AUX ) - 3 200 BT U/hr 2. Right sem i [...]

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    9 BEFOR E USI NG YO UR GA S RANG E W A RN ING!! HAVE T HIS R A NG E INSTALL ED BY A QUALIF IED INST ALLER. Improper installation , adjustment , alteration, s ervices, or maint enance can cause injury o r pr operty damage. Cons u l t a qual ified installer, se rvice agenc y, or the gas supplier .  Before Using Your Gas Ra nge √ Rem ove the exte[...]

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    10  Important: This appl iance is des igned and m anufactured sol ely for the cook ing of dom estic (house hold) food a nd is not su itable for an y non dom estic application a nd theref ore CANNOT be used in a comm ercial environm ent. The appl iance guarant ee will be void if the appl iance is us ed within a no n domes tic environm ent i.e. a [...]

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    11 IMPORT A NT PREC A UTIONS A ND RECOMME NDATIONS √ After having unpac ked the appliance, check to ensure that i t is not damaged and that the oven door closes correctly. In case o f doubt, do not use i t and consult your supplier or a professionally qualified technician. √ P acki n g elements (i.e. plastic ba gs, polystyrene foam, nails, pack[...]

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    12  I MPORTANT PREC A UTIONS A ND RECOMME NDATIONS FOR USE OF ELECTRICA L A PPLIA NCES Use of any electrical appli ance implies the necessity to follow a series o f fundamental rules. In particular: ✓ Never touch the appli ance with wet hands or feet; ✓ Do not operate the ap pliance barefooted; ✓ Do not allow children or disabled people to[...]

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    13 W A RNING!!  ELECTRIC AL GROUNDI NG INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERSON A L SAFETY, THIS APPLI A NCE MUST BE PROPERLY G RO UNDED. This appliance is equipped w ith a three - prong grounding plug for your p rotection against shock hazard and should be pl ugged directly into a properly grounded socket. Do no t cu t or remove the grounding prong from the plu[...]

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    14 HOW TO US E THE TOP B U RNERS  GAS BURNERS Gas f low to t he burners is a djusted b y tur ning the knob s which cont rol the valves . Turning th e knob so that the indicator line points to th e symbols pri nted on the p anel achie ves the follo wing functions: W hen knob is rotated to the m axi m um position it will pe rmit the rap id boiling[...]

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    15 The s y mbols printed on the panel above the gas k nobs indicate the corresponden ce between t he knob and t he burner. The m ost suitabl e burner is to be chosen according t o the diam eter and volum e capacit y of the container to be warm ed. It is im portant that the diameter of t he pots or pans suitabl y m atch the heatin g poten tial of th[...]

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    16 OVEN BURNER It carries out normal “ oven cook ing”. The gas f low to the burner is regula ted by a therm ostat which allow s to m aintain the des ired oven temper ature . The cont rol of the tem perature is as sured b y a ther mostatic pr obe position ed inside the o ven. The probe m ust be al way s kept in its housing, in a c lean condit io[...]

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    17 IGNITIO N O F THE OVEN BURNER The therm ostat allows the automatic control of the temper ature. The gas del ivery to the oven burn er is control led by a two w a y therm ostatic tap (o ven and bro il burners) with flam e - failure device. To light the oven burner op er ate as follo ws: 1) Open t he oven door t o its full exten t. WARNING: Risk o[...]

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    18 OVEN COO KI NG Before i ntroducing the food, prehe at the oven t o the desired tem perature For a corr ect preheat ing operation, it is advisable to rem ove the tray from the oven and i ntroduce it together with the foo d, when the o ven has reach ed the desired temperature. Check the cooking tim e and turn of f the oven 5 m inutes bef ore the t[...]

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    19 Do always br oil with oven door closed. A ttention: the o ven door be comes very hot duri ng operation . Keep child ren away. OVEN LIGHT The range is equipped with a light that illum inates the ove n to enable vi su ally controll ing the food t hat is cook ing. This li ght is con trolled b y a push b utton on t he control panel . BROILING Very i[...]

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    20 CARE & MA I NTENA NCE GENER A L RECOM ME NDA TION Important: B e fore any operatio n o f c leaning and maintena nce disconnect the a ppliance from the elect rical supply. It is adv isable to cle an when the ap pliance is col d and espec ially for clea ning the enam eled pa rts. 、 Avoid lea ving alkalin e or acidic subs tances (lem on juice[...]

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    21 BURNERS A ND GRIDS ✓ T hese parts can b e removed and c leaned wit h appropriat e products. ✓ Af ter cleaning, the b urners and the ir flam e distributors m ust be well dri ed and corr ectly replaced. ✓ It is very important t o check that the burner flame distributor and the ca p has been cor rectly position ed - failure to d o so can caus[...]

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    22 REMOVA BLE STORAGE DRA WER ① Li ft the left small h ook upw a rd, at the same tim e,push the rigth s mall ho ok downw ard.(s ee the pictur e ) ② Pull th e draw er out. ③ To replac e the dr awer. Do not store flammable m a terial in the oven or in the bottom drawer. REMOVING THE OVEN DOOR T o facilitate oven cleanin g, it is possib le to re[...]

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    23 REPL ACING THE OV E N L IGHT • Let the ove n cavity and broil burner c ool down. • Switch of f the electric supply. • Remove the protective c over. • Unscrew an d re plac e th e b ulb with a ne w on e s u itab le f or high tem perature (2 0 0° ~ 5 0 0° F ) ha v ing the sam e speci fic ations: 1 2 0V 60Hz, 15W , E14. • Replace th e pr[...]

  • Page 24

    24 PROBLEMS W ITH YOUR GA S R AN GE ? You can s olve man y com mon appliance pr oblems eas ily, saving y ou t he cost of a possible serv ice call. T ry the s uggestions below to see if you can so lve the probl em before c alling the servic er. TROUB LESHO OTI NG GUIDE FIND YOU R PROBLEM HERE POSSIBLE CAUSE HOW T O FIX IT Surface bur ners do not lig[...]

  • Page 25

    25 Range no t set for appr opriate gas input. See rang e conversion s ection of inst allation manual. Smok e or odor on initial ove n operation . Thi s is normal. Range is n ot level. Poor install ati on. Place o ven rack in c enter of oven. Pl ace a level on the rack . Adjust leveling legs . W ea k or unstable floor. Be sure flo or is level and ca[...]

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    27 INST RUCCION ES E N ESPA ÑOL SEGU RI DA D DE LA CO CINA Su segurida d y la seguridad de otr o s son muy importantes. Hem os incluido muc hos mensajes de s eguridad en este manual y también en su artefac to. Siempre lea y siga t odos los m ensajes de s eguridad. Este es el símbolo de Alert a de Seg ur id ad. Este símbolo lo a lerta de riesgos[...]

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    28 MEDIDA S DE SEGURIDA D IM PORTANTES Antes de us ar su elect rodoméstico, deb e posicionar lo e instalar lo tal com o describim os en este m anual, por lo tanto lea el m anual cuida dosamente. Para reducir el r ies go d e f uego, c hoque eléctr ico o daño cu ando us e el electr o dom éstico, siga est as precauciones básicas , incluyendo las [...]

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    29 • Piezas de r epuesto – Solo debe utili zar piezas de r eemplazo autor izadas por Avanti para darle mantenim iento a la coc ina. Piezas de repuesto están dispon ibles en los Distribuid ores de Fabrica autorizados . Contáctes e con el Ce ntro de Serv icio de Avant i más cerc ano a ud. EL ELEM ENTO A N TI - VOL TEO La cocina no se voltea du[...]

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    30 PIEZA S Y C A R A C TERI S TICA S Trasero de la uni dad 1 Linea de g as 2 Regul ador de presí on de gas 3 Element o anti - v olteo 4 Cordón de elec tr i ci dad 5 P uerta de acces o al panel de electr i ci da d 6 Panel traser o de l a unidad. Caracter isticas 1 Panel Anti - s alpicadur as 2 Ventil aci ón del horno 3 Hornillas 4 Panel de contro[...]

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    31  COCINA  P ANE L DE CONTROLES  DESCRIPCIO N DE LOS CONTROLES PERILLAS P ARA HORN ILLAS HORNO 3 Hornilla de lantera i zquierda 2 Inter rupt or para luz del horno 4 Hornilla pos terior i zquierda 1 Control d e temperatura del horno 6 Hornilla pos terior der echa 5 Hornilla de lantera derec ha 1. Hornil la auxiliar ( AUX) 2. Horn illa de r[...]

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    32 ANTES DE US A R SU COCIN A A GAS ADVERTENCI A! ! ASEGURESE QUE ES T A CO CINA SEA INSTALADA POR UN TECNICO C ALI FI C AD O. Instala ción, ajustes, alte raciones, servici o o mantenimiento ina propiados pueden causar da ños personales o a la propied a d. Consulte con un insta lador calificado, agencia d e servicios o proveedor d e gas. A ntes d[...]

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    33 ✓ Limpie el inter ior del hor no con un trapit o limpio, hum edecido con agua y det ergente neutra l, luego seq ue cuidadosam ente. ✓ Coloque las rej illas y ba ndeja del horn o en su lugar . ✓ Encienda el hor no a la tem peratura m áxima para elim inar cualquier resto de gr asa del CALENT ADOR del horno. Haga lo m ismo con el CALENTADO R[...]

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    34 PRECA UCI O NES & RECO ME NDA CIONES  PRECAUCI O NES Y RECOM ENDAC IONES IMPORTA NTES Después d e desem pacar su electrodom éstico, verif ique que no es t é dañado y que la puer ta del horno cier ra correctam ente. En c aso de duda, no use la coc ina hasta que c onsulte con s u proveedor o técnic o calificado pr ofesional. Los elem e[...]

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    35 o peración. Asegúrese q ue los niños n o estén al a lcance y adviér tales al resp ecto. Par a evitar quemadur as utilice pa ñitos de coc ina o guantes c uando deba m anipular par tes o utensili os calientes. ✓ Aléjese de la cocina c uando abra la puerta del h orno. El ai re caliente o vapor que escapa puede causar quem aduras en las man[...]

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    36  INFORM A CI O N GENERAL ADVERTEN CIA!! 1. Este electrodoméstico no se debe u sar para calentar la habitación. Es ta información est á basada en consideración a la se guridad. 2. L a pared detrás de est e electrodoméstico y el piso bajo este elect rodoméstico deben estar sellados y no tener aperturas. 3. Mantenga el área del electrod[...]

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    37 PIEZAS DE RE EMPLAZO Solo deb e util izar pi ezas de reempla zo a utorizada s por A vanti para darle manten imiento a la c ocina. Pieza s de repue sto están d isponibles en los Dis tribuidores de Fabrica autorizados. Contáctese con el Centro de Serv icio de Avanti más cercano a ud. ADVERT ENCIA : MONOXIDO DE CA RB O NO : El Monóx id o de Car[...]

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    38 COMO USA R LAS HORNILLA S  HORNILL A S A G A S El flujo de gas a las h ornillas s e ajusta al gir ar las perill as que contro lan las válvul as. Girando la peril la par a que la lí nea indicadora a punte a los s ímbolos m arcados en el p anel logra las siguientes funciones : La posic ión de rotaci ón máxim a permite que los líquidos hi[...]

  • Page 39

    39 Los sím bolos marc ados en el panel arr iba de las pr esillas indica la corres pondenci a entre la per illa y la hornill a La horni lla m á s apr opiada se debe e legir de acuerd o al diám etro y capacid ad volum étrica del recipiente que se va a usar. Es m uy im portante que el d iámetro de las ollas o sar tenes coinc ida con el de l a hor[...]

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    40  CALENT A DO R DE L HORNO Perm ite cocción norm al del horno. El flujo de gas al CALE NTADOR s e regula con u n termostato que permite que la tem peratura del horno se m antenga co nstante. El control de la tem peratura se aseg ura con un ter mostato local izado en el in terior del horn o. El term ostato se debe m antener dentr o de su cubi [...]

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    41  ENCENDIDO DEL C ALENTA DO R DEL HORNO El term ostato perm ite el control autom ático de la tem peratura. El sum inistro de gas al calentador de l horno se co ntrola con una llave term ostática de dos l ados (calentador del horno y de la parrilla) con un elem ento de llam a - falla. Para encen der el calent ador del horno siga estos p asos:[...]

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    42  COCINANDO EN E L HO RNO Antes de introducir los alimentos, precaliente e l horno a la t emperatura d eseada. Para una operación de precalentam iento, se recom ienda retir ar la bandeja del horno e intr oducirla a l m ismo tiem po con los alim entos cuando el horno ha ya llegado a la tem peratura deseada. Verifique e l tiempo de c occión y [...]

  • Page 43

    43 La cocina es t á equipad a con una l uz que ilum ina el horno la c ual perm ite control visual p ara los alimentos que est á coc inando. Esta luz se contr ola con un botón de pres ión en el pan el de control .  USANDO LA P ARRIL LA (BROI LING) Muy importan te: el calen tador de l a parrilla se d ebe usar si empre con la pu erta del ho rn [...]

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    44 ADVERTEN CIA!! ADVERTENCI A - NOTA MUY IMPO RTANTE Nunca o bstruy a las aper turas de vent ilación del p anel anti - salp icaduras. No use la parril la sin la b andeja de cocción. Importante: Sie m pre use gua nte s protec to res a pr opiados cuando inserte o remuev a la bandej a de par rilla, rejilla s, olla s, cacero las u ot ros ut ensilios[...]

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    45 C UIDA DO Y MANTENIMI ENTO  RECOM ENDACIONES GEN ERA LES Recept áculo p olariz ado de 3 pu ntas con ectado a tierra. ADVERTENC IA: Riesg o de choque el éctrico Enchufe a un rece ptáculo d e 3 punt as conec tado a ti erra. No remuev a la tercera punta del enchuf e. No use un adapta dor . Fuego, c hoque el éctrico o muerte pueden r esultar [...]

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    46  DENTRO DEL HORNO Esto se d ebe limpiar regularm ente, Con el horno t ibio, lim pie las paredes internas con un trapito mojado en agua jabonos a muy calien te u otro produc to sim ilar.  V ALV U L AS DE G AS En el caso que ha y a fallas en las vál vulas de gas, llame al Depar tamento de S ervicio. NOT A : E l bombillo del horno no es t á[...]

  • Page 47

    47 En electro doméstic os con encendid o eléctrico, ver ifique que e l electrodo “ S ” est é siem pre limpio para asegurar pr oducción d e chispas sin pr oblem as. El enchufe de encendido debe ser li mpiado cuidadosamen te .  INSTALACION Y RET IRO DE LA REJILLA DEL HORNO  GAVETA DE ALMA CENAJE REMOVI BLE La gaveta s e usa com o cualqu[...]

  • Page 48

    48  SACANDO L A PUER TA DEL HORNO – Para facil itar la lim pieza del horno se puede rem over la puerta . Por favor si ga estas instrucc iones cuidadosam ent e: – La puerta del horno se puede sacar m uy fácilm ente siguiend o estas instruc ciones: – Abra la puerta com pletamente. ( Fi gur a 1) – Levante l os ganchos de ambos lados d e la[...]

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    49  INSTALACION D EL E LEMENTO ANTI - VOL T EO Para reduc ir el riesgo que la cocina se vol t ee deb ido a uso inde bido de esta o de la puerta d el horno, la cocina d ebe ser aseg urada a su sitio instaland o correc tamente el el emento anti - vol t eo empac ado con el el ectrodomés tico. • Coloq ue el elem ento anti - vol t eo e n el piso t[...]

  • Page 50

    50 REGIS TRATI ON I NFORM ATION Thank you for purchas ing this fine Avanti produc ts. Please f ill out this f orm and return it within 100 days of purchase and rec eive these important be nefits to th e following address: A v an ti Products LLC P.O. Box 520604 - M iami, Florida 331 52 USA  Protec t your product: W e w ill k eep the model n umber[...]

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    51 PRINTED IN CHI N A Ver : 00 2- 12/ 6 /201 2[...]