Avaya DEFINITY 4606 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Avaya DEFINITY 4606, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Avaya DEFINITY 4606 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Avaya DEFINITY 4606. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Avaya DEFINITY 4606 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Avaya DEFINITY 4606
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Avaya DEFINITY 4606 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Avaya DEFINITY 4606 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Avaya DEFINITY 4606 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Avaya DEFINITY 4606, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Avaya service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Avaya DEFINITY 4606.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Avaya DEFINITY 4606 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    DEFINITY ® 4606 IP T elephone Release 1 User ’ s Guid e 555-2 33-775 Issue 1 Comco de 70 02064 44 July 2001[...]

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    Cop yri gh t  2001, A vaya, Inc . All Rights Reserved Not ic e Every effort was mad e to ensu re th at the informa tion in this book was co mp lete and ac cu r at e at th e tim e of prin ting . How ev er, info rm atio n is subj ec t to ch ange. A vay a W eb Page The W o rld Wide W eb home p ag e for A vay a is: http: //www .avaya.com Preventing [...]

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    Part 15 : Pe rson al Com pute r Statement. T his e qui pmen t has been cert if i ed to comply with the li mits for a Class B compu ting de vice, pursua nt to Sub part J of Part 15 of FC C Rules. Only periphera l s (com pu ting inpu t/ out put dev ices, te rmina ls, p rinte rs, etc. ) c erti fie d to c om ply with th e Cla ss B limits ma y be a ttac[...]

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    Contents Issue 1 July 2001 v Abou t This Docu ment xi ■ Purpos e xi ■ Inten ded Au dienc e xi ■ Issu e Da te xi ■ How to Us e This Doc ument xi ■ Doc ument Or ganiz ation xii ■ Conv en tion s Use d xiii Symbol ic Conv entions xiii Typog ra phic Conv en tio ns xiii ■ Rel ated Do cum en tati on/ Trai ning xiii 1 4606 IP Telephone Descri[...]

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    Contents vi Issue 1 Ju ly 2001 4 Call Handling Features 4-1 ■ Introdu ct ion 4-1 ■ Confe rence 4-1 Adding another part y to a call 4-1 Adding a held call to the c urrent call 4-2 Droppin g the l ast person added t o the con feren ce ca ll 4-2 ■ Hol d 4- 2 Placi ng a call on hol d 4-2 Returni ng to the held cal l 4-2 ■ Mut e 4-3 Preve nting [...]

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    Contents Issue 1 July 2001 vii ■ Automa tic Int ercom 5-4 ■ Butt on View 5-5 View ing t he fe atu r e pr ogram med on a Line/Fea ture button 5-5 ■ Call Disp lay 5-5 ■ Call Forwar ding 5-5 Tempor arily s ending your calls to anoth er pho ne 5-5 Canceli ng Cal l Forward ing 5-6 ■ Cal l Pa rk 5- 6 Parking a cal l at yo ur exten sion 5-6 Retr[...]

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    Contents viii Issue 1 Ju ly 20 01 ■ Progr am Abbr evia ted Dialin g 5-13 Progr ammin g or re-pr ogramm ing a s ingle Abbre viated Di aling but ton on a Line/F eature b utton us ing th e Program featur e 5-13 Progr ammin g or re-pr ogramm ing a s ingle Abbre viated Di aling but ton on a Line/F eature b utton us ing an AD Ac cess C ode 5-14 ■ Rel[...]

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    Contents Issue 1 July 20 01 ix 7 IP Telephone Management Features 7-1 ■ Introdu ct ion 7-1 ■ Interpr eting Ri nger To nes 7-1 ■ Pers ona li zi ng You r Tele pho ne ’ s Ringing Patt ern 7-3 Select ing a perso nalized ring ing pat tern 7-3 ■ Interpr eting Indicato r Lights 7-3 ■ Testi ng Yo ur Ph one 7-4 Testi ng the t elepho ne ’ s li [...]

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    Contents x Issue 1 July 2001[...]

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    Issue 1 Ju ly 20 01 xi About This Document Purpose The DEFINI TY ® 4606 IP T elephone Us er ’ s Gu ide de scribe s the 4 606 IP T ele phone ’ s oper ation a nd functio nalit y . Intended Au dience This doc ument i s intende d for t elepho ne users who ha ve a 4 606 IP T elephon e at their de sks. It i s not intended to be a tec hnical referen [...]

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    About This Docum ent xii Issue 1 J uly 2001 Document Organization This g uide c ontain s the f ollowi ng ch apters: Chapter 1 , 4606 IP T elepho ne Descr iption Describes each eleme nt on the face of the te lephon e. Chapter 2 , Using Progr ammable Button s Explai ns how to progr am certa in Line/Fea ture butto ns for ad ditio nal functiona lity . [...]

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    Conv ent ions U sed Issue 1 Ju ly 2001 xiii Conventions Used This g uide uses the fo llowing te xt ual, sym bolic, a nd typo graphic conven tions to help you interpr et info rmation. Symbolic Conventions T ypographic Conventi ons This g uide us es the fo llowi ng typo graphic conven tions: Related Documentation/T r aining An onlin e, inte racti ve [...]

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    About This Docum ent xiv Issue 1 July 2001[...]

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    Issue 1 July 20 01 1-1 1 4606 IP T elephone Description Introduction This cha pter intr oduce s yo u to the layout of the 4606 IP T e lephon e. It pr ovides a descripti on for ea ch fun ctiona l butto n and o ther phone charac teristi cs. The 4606 IP Phone The 4606 IP teleph one is a mul ti-line phone w ith 6 L ine/Featu re buttons , 6 dedicate d f[...]

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    1-2 Issue 1 J uly 200 1 Match the num bered ca llout s on th e 4606 i llustr ation t o the de script ions below . 1. Display - The disp lay scr een h as two lin es of 16 c haracte rs each . Duri ng phone usa ge, the top line show s the name /ph one num ber you are callin g or the name /phone nu mber o f the person calli ng you ; while idl e, it dis[...]

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    Issue 1 July 20 01 2-1 2 Using Programmable Buttons Introduction Y our 4606 IP T el ephone has s ix Line /Featur e button s, some o f whic h are dedicate d to in comin g and o utgoing call s. The r emai ning L ine/Featu re bu ttons can b e progra mmed b y your T elephon e System Admi nistrato r to pr ovide additiona l phon e fu nctional ity . Progr[...]

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    2-2 Issue 1 J uly 200 1 IP T e lephone Features A vailable on Programmable Line /Feature Buttons Regardle ss of whether a sp ecific f eature is avai lable on a Line /Feat ure button , or via an Ac cess Code, yo u can fin d procedu res fo r all 46 06 IP T elep hon e features in Chap te r 5, “ IP T elepho ne Featur es . ”[...]

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    Issue 1 July 20 01 3-1 3 Using the Disp lay Screen Introduction The DEFINI TY ® 4606 IP T el ephone has a 2-li ne by 16 char acter disp lay (s creen) area loc ated a t the top third of the phon e. Wha t you see on the d isplay is control led by th e cur rent sta tus of t he phon e or b y selectio ns yo u mak e usin g Line/Fe ature butto ns, A cces[...]

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    3-2 Issue 1 J uly 200 1 Lower Display Li ne Line/Fea ture Button In formation Line/Fe ature butto n info rmation i dentif ies the l ine being used. Each of th e six Line/Fe ature butto ns is given a n alph abetic de signa tion of a thro ugh c (left colu mn) a nd d through f (right column) . Wh en the displ ay show s a= , it r epresen ts call i nfor[...]

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    Issue 1 July 20 01 4-1 4 Call Han dling Features Introduction Call - h and li ng f e atu r es a re t hos e you w o ul d us e w hil e a c all is i n pr ogre ss or whi le making a call . They a re tho se featur es which have a dedi cated p hone bu tton, such as: ■ Conferenc e ■ Hold ■ Redial ■ Speaker ■ Tr a n s f e r ■ Mute Each of the a[...]

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    4-2 Issue 1 J uly 200 1 Adding a he ld call to the current call 1. P ress . The curr ent li ne and the held l ine li ghts f lutter. 2. Press the line button o f the hel d call. 3. Press again. All pa rties are no w conn ected. Dropping the l ast person ad ded to the conference call Pre ss the Line/Feature button y our Sy stem A dminist rator ha s d[...]

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    Mute Issue 1 July 20 01 4-3 Mute During a n active call , the Mu te feature prev ents the pa rty w ith whom you are speaki ng from hearing you. This fea ture i s most c ommon ly us ed in conju nctio n with th e Speakerph one, bu t can b e used to hold an off-line con versat ion at any time d uring a cal l. Preventing the other pers on on the line f[...]

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    4-4 Issue 1 J uly 200 1 Plac ing a call wi thou t lif tin g the hand se t or using the Speakerpho ne with any feat ure 1. P ress . The Spe aker/Mut e indi cator above l ights and voic e contr ol is handled b y the s peaker. 2. P lace or answ er the cal l , or ac cess th e sel ected f eatu re. 3. Adjust the sp eaker vo lume if needed by press ing un[...]

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    Transfer Issue 1 July 20 01 4-5 T ran sf er The T ran sfer feat ure lets you tr ansf er a cal l from your telep hone to anothe r extensi on or outs ide numb er . Sending a call to ano ther telephon e 1. With the c all ac tive (or with on ly one h eld call and n o active calls) , press . The call is placed on ho ld and its a ssociat ed indicat or li[...]

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    4-6 Issue 1 J uly 200 1[...]

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    Issue 1 July 20 01 5-1 5 IP T elephone Features Introduction This cha pter cont ains procedure s for us ing DEFI NITY ® pho ne featu res. Depending on how y our 4606 IP T elepho ne was set up by yo ur Sys tem Adminis trato r , you can acces s some or all o f the featur es dis cussed in t his chapte r using Li ne/Fe ature but tons or Featur e Acce [...]

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    5-2 Issue 1 J uly 200 1 Wheth er your DEFINIT Y ® IP tel ephone system uses ac cess codes and/or f eature buttons, b e sur e to ch eck with your System Admi nistrato r to find out you r pho ne syste m ’ s sp ecif ic con figur ati on. Feature List The foll owing DEF INITY ® F eatures are des cribed in al phabetic order i n this chapt er: For in [...]

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    Abbrev iated D ialin g (AD ) Issue 1 July 20 01 5-3 Abbreviated Dialing (AD) The Abb reviate d Dialing (AD) fe ature lets you acce ss stor ed num bers for qu ick and ea sy dial ing. T he num bers st ored can be a c omple te or p artial te lephon e number , a trunk code (to a ccess an ou tside l ine), an exten sion or a fe ature A ccess Code . Y ou [...]

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    5-4 Issue 1 J uly 200 1 Automatic Callback The Auto matic Cal lback f eature sends y our p hone a priority ring, indicati ng the previo usly bus y or un answered extensi on you dialed i s now avai labl e. Note th at if you ini tiate c all forw arding af ter ac tivating Autom atic C allback , return ed calls (callb acks) ar e not f orwar ded, an d r[...]

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    Button View Issue 1 July 20 01 5-5 Button V iew The Butt on View feat ure lets you dis play the name of the f eature that ha s been progra mmed on any of y our telep hone ’ s Line/Fea ture (c all appea ranc e) buttons . V iewing the f eature progra mmed on a Line/Feature button 1. Press the but ton you r System Admin istrator has pr ogram med to [...]

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    5-6 Issue 1 J uly 200 1 Can cel ing C all Forw ar ding 1. If your S ystem A dmini strator has p rogram med one of the L ine/Feat ure buttons to repres ent Cal l Forward ing Cance l, pres s that b utton, or Dial the Ca ll For ward C ancel Ac cess C ode with the pho ne off-hook. The Lin e indica tor li ght goe s off a nd you hea r a c onfirmat ion to[...]

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    Call Pick up and Directed Call Pick up Issue 1 July 20 01 5-7 Call Pickup and Directed Call Pickup The Call Picku p featur e let s you ans wer a ca ll at your telephone for an other extensi on in you r ca ll pick up gr oup. Dire cted c all pic kup, if a vail able, lets you pick up a call for a specif ic exten sion e ven if tha t exten sion is not p[...]

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    5-8 Issue 1 J uly 200 1 Directory The Dir ectory feature a llows you to search a store d lis t of tele phone number s by keying in the name of the per son whos e numb er yo u want u sing the d ial pad. Initia lly , your directo ry will be se t up by your System Admi nistrato r to i nclude o nly those pho nes tha t are par t of your telep hone sys t[...]

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    Exclu sion Issue 1 July 20 01 5-9 Exclusion The Ex clusio n featur e allows multi -appear ance us ers t o preven t other multi-a ppearanc e us ers hav ing th e sam e extens ion from bri dging on to an e xisting call . Group Paging The Grou p Page featur e allows users make a nnouncem ents to group s of ph one stations by au tomati cally tu rnin g o[...]

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    5-10 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Internal Auto A nswer (Hand s Fr ee Answer) The Inter nal Auto Answ er (o r Hands- Free Answer o n Interco m) fea ture lets your Speaker phone -equippe d telep hone au tomatic ally g o off-hook to answ er in ternal call s. Answering int ernal ca lls automati cally 1. If your S ystem A dmini strator has p rogram med one of th[...]

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    Pause ( Durin g Abbrev iated Dialing) Issue 1 July 2 001 5-11 Leaving a message after dialing an e xtensio n (in response to a busy or coverage tone, no answer or Hold stat us) 1. If your S ystem A dmini strator has p rogram med one of the L ine/Feat ure buttons to re present Leave Word Call ing, p ress that button to init iat e leave word ca lling[...]

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    5-12 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Priority Calling The Prio rity Cal ling f eature le ts yo u plac e an i nternal c all with a dis tinctive ring (usual ly a 3 -burst ring) t o indica te you r call n eeds immedi ate atte ntion. Placing a p riorit y call 1. If your S ystem A dmini strator has p rogram med one of the L ine/Feat ure buttons to repres ent Pri ori[...]

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    Progra m Abbre viated Di aling Issue 1 July 2 001 5-13 Program Abbreviated Dialing T o be program mable for abbrev iated d ialing, a Line/ Feature button m ust be admin istered for the A bbrevia ted Dia ling fe ature. Note that two separ ate procedu res fol low for pr ogrammi ng Ab breviat ed Dial ing nu mbers — one for progra mming Lin e/Fea tur[...]

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    5-14 Issue 1 J uly 2001 8. T o en d progra mming, ha ng up by press ing or lif ting an d replac ing the han dset. Programming or re -programming a si ngle Abbrevia ted Dialing button on a Line/Feature button using a n AD Access Code Use this procedu re on ly if your Sy stem Admin istrator h as pr ogramme d an Abbrev iated D ialin g Acces s Code. Wr[...]

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    Release Issue 1 July 2 001 5-15 Release The Rele ase fe ature all ows an agent o n an ACD ( Automa ted Call Di aling) call to be relea sed from that c all. Thi s featur e is use d in conj uncti on with other ACD features . Ringer Off The Ring er Off featur e stops y our phone from ringin g. Use t his fe ature when you don ’ t want to be dis turbe[...]

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    5-16 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Send All Calls The Send All Ca lls featur e lets y ou tempo rarily s end you r calls to t he exten sion of a perso n desi gnated by the Sy stem Adm inis trator to answe r them whe n you canno t. Send ing all c all s (ex ce pt pr ior ity ca lls) immediately t o a coverage ex tension Y our T e lephone Syst em Adm inist rator m[...]

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    Stored Nu mber (View) Issue 1 July 2 001 5-17 Stored Number (V iew) The Stor ed Num ber fe ature le ts you disp lay: ■ The numb ers stored i n Abbr eviated Diali ng (AD) loca tions ■ The numb er you l ast dial ed V iewing eith er the last number dialed or a number st ored on an AD button 1. If one h as been pr ogramm ed by your Sy stem Admin is[...]

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    5-18 Issue 1 J uly 2001 Whisper P age (Activate) The Whi sper Page featur e lets y ou make an announ cemen t to a pe rson at another e xtensio n who is curr ently on a call ; only th e person being paged h ears the ann ounce ment. NOTE: If yo u have a headset other than tho se rec ommend ed (see C hapter 8) or a base unit/adap tor oth er than th e [...]

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    Whisper Pag e Ans wer Issue 1 July 2 001 5-19 Whisper P age Answer The Whi sper P age An swer featu re le ts you s peak with a p erson who pages you while yo u are on a ca ll. NOTE: If yo u have a headset other than tho se rec ommend ed (see C hapter 8) or a base unit/a daptor oth er tha n the M1 2LU Mod ular Ba se Uni t plugg ed into your 4 624 te[...]

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    5-20 Issue 1 J uly 2001[...]

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    Issue 1 July 20 01 6-1 6 Retrieving V oice Messages Mes sage R etri ev al Y our mes sage indi cator l ights whe n a cal ler has left you a mess age. B ecause voice m ail s ystems are a dministe red d ifferently am ong custo mers, c heck y our office proced ures for message re trieval . For exa mple, some telep hone user s may be auth orized to r et[...]

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    6-2 Issue 1 J uly 200 1[...]

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    Issue 1 July 20 01 7-1 7 IP T elepho ne Management Features Introduction This cha pter exp lains h ow to inter pret bot h the d ifferent rin ger tones you hea r and the telep hone ’ s indic ator light s. Also covered ar e testin g your telepho ne to be sure it is op erati ng proper ly , and p ersonal izin g your p hone ’ s ring ing pat tern. In[...]

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    7-2 Issue 1 J uly 200 1 Feedback (Handset ) T ones Meaning Busy --- --- --- L ow-pitch ed, rapid ton e ( repeated 60 t imes per minu te), signify ing th e numbe r dia led is i n use. Call Wai ting Ri ngback Tone ---_ A ringb ack t one with lower- pitch ed sig nal at the end ; indica tes th e exten sion cal led is busy and the ca lled pa rty has bee[...]

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    Person alizing Yo ur Teleph one ’ s Ringing Pa ttern Issue 1 July 20 01 7-3 Personalizing Y o ur T e lephone’ s Ringing Pattern The Sel ect Ring f eature lets you c hoose your own persona lize d rin ging pa ttern from amo ng eigh t different patt erns. Selecti ng a personalized r inging pattern With the p hone o n-hook, p ress . The curr ent ri[...]

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    7-4 Issue 1 J uly 200 1 Te s t i n g Y o u r P h o n e The T es t featu re le ts yo u verify th at your tele phone ’ s lights a nd dis play are operatin g pro perly . T esting the t elephone’ s lights and display With the p hone i dle, pr ess an d hold . The Lin e/Featur e indica tors light and the display lines e ach s how 16 shade d block s, [...]

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    Issue 1 July 20 01 8-1 8 Using a Headset or Specialized Handset Introduction This cha pter d escrib es the headsets and s pecia lized ha ndsets that a re compa tible with your IP telep hone. Ho w to oper ate a h eadse t is a lso cover ed. IP T elephone -Compatible Headsets Use any o f the fol lowin g heads ets wi th the 4600-Seri es IP T elep hones[...]

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    8-2 Issue 1 J uly 200 1 Operating a Hea dset Headset op eration must be admin istered by your System Adminis trator and requires either a n M12LU Modula r Ba se Unit ( PEC 31 24-022) or a 3124 -HIC: Attenu ation (he adset adap ter) Cor d (PEC 3124- HIC). For th e latest l ist of compa tible heads ets and ad apte rs, or f or orde ring info rmati on,[...]

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    Issue 1 July 20 01 9-1 9 T rou bles ho oting Introduction The DEFI NITY 46 00-Ser ies IP T elephones are re lativel y troubl e-free. The Bas ic T roubleshoo ting c hart pro vides th e most c ommon p roblems an end user mi ght encounter. The remaining p ages i n this chap ter provi de pro cedures for re settin g or power -cycling y our p hone, wh en[...]

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    9-2 Issue 1 J uly 200 1 Characte rs do not ap pear o n the D i splay sc reen See "Ph one doe s not a ctivate after conne cting it the first ti me" ab ove. Check th e power s ource to be sure your telephone is rec eiving power. Check al l lines into the phone to be su re it is prop erly c onnected. Perfor m the Tes t proce dure: with the t[...]

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    Basi c Tro ubl es hoo ting Issue 1 July 20 01 9-3 Echo, no ise or static when using a headse t; hands et operatio n works prop erly Check th e headset connec tion. If the con nectio n is secur e, verify that y ou are using an appr oved headset, b ase un it and/or ad apter , as desc ribed i n the l ist of approve d Ava ya Com municati on compatib le[...]

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    9-4 Issue 1 J uly 200 1 Resetting and Power Cycling the IP Te l e p h o n e Reset you r IP T elephon e when o ther Troubleshooti ng sug gestions do not correct the probl em. Use a Pow er Cycle wi th the a pproval of you r Sys tem Adm inistr ator only when a reset does n ot resol ve the problem . Resettin g your phone This b asic r eset pro cedure s[...]

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    Resetting and Po wer Cy cling th e IP T elephone Issue 1 July 20 01 9-5 Power cycli ng the phone Use the po wer cyc le with your S ystem Ad ministr ator ’ s a pproval only if t he bas ic or progra mmed res et proce dure can not be p erforme d or d oes not c orrect the problem : 1. Unplug the phone a nd plu g it ba ck in . The phon e conn ectio n [...]

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    9-6 Issue 1 J uly 200 1[...]