BaByliss Curl Secret ionic C1100E manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of BaByliss Curl Secret ionic C1100E, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of BaByliss Curl Secret ionic C1100E one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of BaByliss Curl Secret ionic C1100E. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of BaByliss Curl Secret ionic C1100E should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of BaByliss Curl Secret ionic C1100E
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the BaByliss Curl Secret ionic C1100E item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the BaByliss Curl Secret ionic C1100E item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of BaByliss Curl Secret ionic C1100E alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of BaByliss Curl Secret ionic C1100E, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the BaByliss service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of BaByliss Curl Secret ionic C1100E.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the BaByliss Curl Secret ionic C1100E item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    Made in C hina 14_C1100E_IB.indd 1 12/16/14 10:39 AM[...]

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    3 FR ANÇ AI S Avec le C url Secret® IONIC de BaByliss, créez en total c onfort de belles boucles d’une tenue exceptionnelle. P as de manipulation fastidieuse, pas de mouvement à effectuer , le C url Secret® IONIC réalise les boucles grâce à son ingénieux système automatique. Consulter au préalable les c onsignes de sécurité. CARACTE[...]

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    4 5 •Letémoinlumineuxs ’allumeetclignote . • Le témoin lumineux cesse de clignoter quand la températur e sélectionnée est atteinte. L ’appareil est alors pr êt à l’ emploi; le témoin reste allumé. • Sélectionnez le r églage de la durée de chaue?[...]

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    6 7 EN GLIS H Wit h the Ba Byli ss Curl Se cret ® IO NIC s ty ler, easil y create b eaut iful c urls with long-lasting effect. No tedious h andling, n o compli cated mov e, t he Curl Se cre t® IO NIC makes g org eous c urls th ank s to its c lever au tomat ic sys tem. Read the safety instructions first. PRODUCT FEA TURES • Ceramic coating [...]

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    8 9 Sleep mode If th e appl iance is n ot use d for mo re tha n 20 minute s the tem per ature will a utoma tica lly dro p down to 150°C . If yo u wish to co ntinu e using t he app liance a ft er this t ime, sim ply cl ose th en rel ease t he hand les an d it wil l ret urn to th e temp eratu re set tin g you wer e using i t on. Auto shut off If th[...]

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    10 11 •DieB etri ebs anze igele uchte taufundb egi nntzub linken . • Di e Be trie bsan zeig e hör t au f zu b linke n, so bald die g ewäh lte Temper atur erreicht i st. Das Gerät ist nun ei nsatzbereit, die Betriebsanzeige leuch tet ununterbrochen. • Wäh lenS iedi e?[...]

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    12 13 NEDERLANDS Maa k m et de Cur l S ecre t® IO NIC v an BaB ylis s g emak kelij k p racht ige krullendieuit zonderlijklangmooiblijven.Geenee ntonigehandelingen eng edr aai, deCur lSe cret ®IO NIC maak ta utoma tisch zel fkr ulle ndan k zij een ingenieus s[...]

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    14 15 IT ALIANO • Na gebru ik he t a ppa raat ui tz ett en en d e stek ker u it het stop conta ct hal en. He t app araat g oed a f laten ko ele n alvor ens op te b erg en. Slaapstand Wanneer het apparaat langer dan 2 0 minuten niet gebruik t is, daalt de temperatuur automatisch naar 1 50 °C. Wanneer u het a[...]

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    16 17 •Lasp ialum inos asiaccen deelamp eg gia. • La spia luminosa smet te di lampeggiare quando viene raggiunta la temp era tura s elez iona ta. L ’app arecc hio è pro nto all ’uso; la spi a rest a acces a. • Selezionare la regolazione de lla durata di ris [...]

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    18 19 ESP AÑOL Con Curl S ecr et® I ONI C de BaB ylis s pod rá crea r con tot al como did ad unos rizos inc reíbles de una consi stencia excepcional. Sin m anipulaciones mol est as, sin m ovim ientos co mple jos, Cur l Sec ret® I ONI C da for ma a los riz os grac ias a su ing enio so sis tema au tomáti co. Con[...]

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    20 21 PORTUG UÊS • Si ga tra baja ndo e l res to de l cab ello has ta qu e obte nga e l núm ero d e rizos deseado . NOTA: El a para to es tá p rovi sto d e un si ste ma au tom áti co qu e cre a un ri zo e n un se nti do y el s igu ie nte en e l se nti do op ues to, p ara ob ten er un r esu lt ado m á[...]

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    22 23 •Oind icad orlum inosoa cend e- seecai nterm itente . • O in dica dor lu minos o dei xa de es tar i nterm itente q uando é ati ngid a a temp era tura s ele cciona da. O ap are lho es tá ent ão pro nto par a ser utilizado; o indicador permanece ace so. • Re gul e o?[...]

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    24 25 DAN S K Lav sm ukke o g meg et ho ldba re krø lle r helt u den b esvæ r med Curl Se cre t ® ION IC fra B aBy liss . Der e r inge n bes værl ig hånd teri ng, og d er ska l ikke f oret age s bevæ gel ser, Curl Se cret ® ION IC kr ølle r håre t med d ets geniale aut omatisk e system. Læs først sikkerhedsanvi sningerne. PRODUKTETS E GE[...]

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    26 27 SVENSK A NB: A ppa rate t er f ors yn et me d et au tom ati sk s yste m, d er sk if tev is kr øll er hå re t i en re tni ng o g der ef ter i m od sat r etn ing f or et m er e nat url igt r esu lt at (FIG . 6). • Sl uk ef te r br ug fo r ap para tet, og tag st ikke t ud af ko ntak te n. L ad app ar[...]

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    28 29 •Kontr olla mpant ändso chblin kar. • Kontrollampan slutar blinka när den valda temp eraturen uppnås, och apparaten är då klar för an vändning. Lampan for tsätter at t lysa. • Vä ljtidsins täll ningbe roen depåönsk adeek t . Omduvillhalät ta[...]

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    30 31 NORSK Me d Curl Se cret ® ION IC fr a BaB yliss k an du sk ape e n opti mal kom for t me d ot te krø ller me d en ek se psjon ell v arig het . Ing en l angt ekke lig h å nd t e r i n g ,i n g e n sp es i e l l e b ev e g e l s e rs o m m å g j ø re s . Cu r l S e c r e t ®I O N I [...]

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    32 33 SUOM I Me rk: A ppa rate t er u tst yr t me d et au tom at isk s yste m so m ska per kr øll er i e n ret nin g og d ere tt er i mo tsa tt r etn ing f or et m er n atu rlig re sul tat (FI G 6). • Sl åa lltid av ap para tet og dr al edn inge nu t avs tik konta kte n ett er bru k. Lad etkj øle[...]

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    34 35 •Mer kk ival osy t ty yjaa lkaav ilk kua. • Merkkiv alo lakkaa vilkkumasta , kun valit tu lämpötila on s aavutettu. La ite on ny t käy t töval mis: me rkk iv alo pa laa ed elle en. • V alitse lämmi tyk sen kesto haluamasi lopputulok sen muk aan. Jos haluat kevy[...]

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    36 37 ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ Με το Cur l Sec ret ® ION IC της B aBy liss δ ημιου ργείτ ε πανε ύκολα όμ ορφες μπού κ λες με εξ αιρε τι κό κρά τημ α. ∆ε ν χρ ειάζον τα ι δύσκολο ι χειρι σμοί ή παρα πάν ω κινή σεις , αφ ού το Curl S ecre t®[...]

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    38 39 MA GY AR • Συ νε χίζε τε μ ε τα υ πόλοιπα μ αλ λι ά μ έχρ ι ν α α ποκ τήσ ετ ε ό σες μπο ύκ λες επιθυμείτε. ΣΗΜ ΕΙΩ ΣΗ: Η σ υσκ ευή δ ιαθ έτ ει έ να αυ τό μα το σύ σ τη μα με τ ο οπο ίο δ[...]

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    40 41 •Ajel zőlá mpak igy ulladé svill og. • A j elző lámp a v illo gása m egs zűni k, a mikor a ké szü lék a k ivá lasz tot t hőmérsék letet e lérte. A készülék ekkor használatra kész; a jelzőlámpa tovább világít. • Vála ssz a ki [...]

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    42 43 POLSKI DziękiCurl Secret®IONICBaByliss wprzyjemnysposób uzyskaszpięknelokio w yjątk owej tr wał ości. Be z m onoto nnych man ipul acji, be z zb ęd nych r uchó w, lokówkaCurl Secret®I ONICmodeluje loki dzięki zastosowani u wyjątkowego  systemu a[...]

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    44 45 ČESKY UWA GA: Urządzenie wyposażono w mechanizm automatyczny tworzący loki na zmianę raz w jednym kierunku, a następnie w przeciwnym, aby uz ysk ać b ard zi ej nat ura lny e fek t (RYS. 6). • Po u ży ciu nal eż y w y łąc zy ć ur z ądze nie i w yją ć w t ycz kę z g niaz dka ele k tr ycz neg[...]

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    46 47 •Roz sví tísekon trolk aabli ká. • Po dos aže ní zv olen é tepl oty ko ntro lka pře sta ne blik at. Př ístro j je nyní při pravenkp ouž ití,ko ntrol kasv ítítr va le. • Na stav te dél ku o hřevu po dle po žad ované ho e fek tu. P[...]

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    48 49 РУ С СКИЙ Устр ойс тво Cu rl Se cret ® IO NIC от B aBy liss оч ень удо бно в ис поль зова нии. Оно позволит создать красивые локон ы, долго сохраняющие свой вид. Никаких у томительных манипуляций, никаких с[...]

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    50 51 Щипцы для укла дки волос Производите ль: BAB YLISS SARL 99 Авеню Аристид Бриан 921 20, М онру ж , Фран ция Факс 33 (0) 1 4 6 56 47 52 Сд ела но в Ки тае Дат а про изво дст ва (не дел я, год ): см . на то варе Примечание[...]

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    52 53 •Işık lıgös terg eyana rveyanı psönm eyebaş lar. • Se çil en sı cak lığa er işildi ğind e ışı klı gös terg e ya nıp s önm eyi bır akır. Böy lece ci haz ku llanı ma haz ırdır ; ışık ya nmaya d evam e der. • Ar zu e dilen e tki ye göre ı s?[...]

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    14_C1100E_IB.indd 54-55 12/16/14 10:39 AM[...]

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