Barco MDRC-2224 WP manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Barco MDRC-2224 WP, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Barco MDRC-2224 WP one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Barco MDRC-2224 WP. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Barco MDRC-2224 WP should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Barco MDRC-2224 WP
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Barco MDRC-2224 WP item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Barco MDRC-2224 WP item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Barco MDRC-2224 WP alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Barco MDRC-2224 WP, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Barco service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Barco MDRC-2224 WP.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Barco MDRC-2224 WP item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    Eonis User Guide 24–inch clinical display MDRC-2224 WP MDRC-2 224 BL K5903081/02 17/06/2014[...]

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    Barco nv Pres ident Kenne dypark 35 , 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium Phone: +32 56.23 .32.11 Fax: +32 56.26.2 2.62 Support: /esup port Visit us at the web: P r i n t e di nB e l g i u m[...]

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    Table of contents T ABLE OF CON TEN TS 1 . W e l c o m e ! ................ ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. 3 1 . 1 A b o u t t h e p r o d u c t ....... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... .. 3 1 . 2 W h a t ’ s i n t h e b o x.... ...[...]

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    Table of conte nts 2 K5903081 EONIS 17 /06/201 4[...]

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    1. Welcome! 1. WELCOME! 1.1 About t he product Consistent image quality The Eonis dis play prese nts crisp, raz or-shar p, high- contras t images. T o guara ntee image con sistenc y at all times , it f eatures a uniq ue front sensor tha t auto matical ly al igns ima ge qu ality ev ery time the disp lay is turned on. This image co nsisten cy enhance[...]

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    1. Welcome! 1.2 What’ s in the box Overvi ew Y our Eo nis co mes wit h: • th is Eonis user guide • a doc umentat ion CD conta ining mu ltiling ual us er d ocume ntatio n • a syste m CD contai ning MediCal QA Web Agent • a (set of) AC power co rd(s) (dependin g on the regi on of operation) •a V G A c a b l e •a H D M I c a b l e •a D[...]

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    2. P arts, controls and conne ctors 2. P ARTS, CONTROLS AND CONNECT O RS 2.1 Front view Overvi ew Image 2-1 1. Front se nsor 2. USB downstre am conne ctor 3. Left / Decr ease key 4. Righ t / Incre ase k ey 5. Me nu / E nter key 6. St andby key 7. Po wer s tatus L ED K590308 1 EONIS 1 7/06/20 14 5[...]

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    2. Parts, control s and connect ors 2.2 Rear view Overvi ew Image 2-2 1. Con necto r compartmen t cover 2. Ke nsin gton sec urity s lots 3. O penin g for cable r outing stra p 4. + 12 VDC ( ) power inpu t 5. US B downst ream conne ctor 6. US B upstrea m conne ctor 7. VG A i nput 8. HDM I inpu t 9. Di splay Port in put 10. HDMI audio line out 6 K590[...]

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    3. Di spla y inst alla tion 3. DISPLA Y I NST ALLA TION 3.1 Adjus ting th e disp lay po siti on T o adjust the display po sition Y ou can no w saf ely pi vot, ti lt, swi vel, raise and lower your di spla y as desi red. Image 3-1 The standard orientation of t he video input is landscape. If you use the display in portrai t mode, make sure you change[...]

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    3. Display instal lation Image 3-2 3.3 Co nn ecting the cables T o connect the cables 1. Conn ect on e or more of the v ideo i nput con necti ons of your display ( VGA, H DMI or Disp layPor t) to the corres pondi ng video outputs o n your comput er or any other vid eo de vice. 2. If you w ant to make use of the display’s US B do wnstream connec t[...]

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    3. Di spla y inst alla tion 3.4 Re -attach ing t he co ver T o re-attach the connector compartment cover Put the cover ba ck in posit ion by slid ing it downwa rds so that it is fi xed to the displ ay again. Pay attention that all cables stay in the cable channel while re-attaching the cov er . Image 3-4 3.5 Routin g the cables T o route the cable[...]

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    3. Display instal lation Image 3-6 3.7 VESA -moun t install at ion T o mount the display on a VESA arm The display panel , standard attac hed to a st and, is compati ble with the VESA 100 mm stand ard. 1. Put the displa y face down on a c lean and soft surface . B e careful not to damage the panel scree n. 2. Uns crew the four fi xa tion screws t [...]

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    3. Di spla y inst alla tion C AUTION : Use suitable mounting apparatus to avoid risk of injury . K590308 1 EONIS 1 7/06/20 14 11[...]

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    3. Display instal lation 12 K5903081 EONIS 17 /06/201 4[...]

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    4. Daily operat ion 4. DAIL Y OPERA TION 4.1 Recommen dations for d aily operation Optimize the lifetime of your display Enablin g the Display Power M anagem ent Sy stem (DPMS) of you r disp lay wi ll opti mize its lifeti me by auto- matical ly s witchin g off the backl ight when the displ ay is not used for a speci fi ed p eriod of time. B y d ef[...]

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    4. Daily operati on 4.2 On/Of f swi tchi ng T o switch your display on or off 1. Sho rtly press the Stand by ( )k e y . 4.3 Bringi ng up the OSD menus About the OSD menu T h eO S Dm e n ua l l o w s y o ut oc o n fi g ure differen t settings to make y our E onis dis play fi t you r nee ds withi n your working envi ronment. Also, you can retrieve [...]

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    5. Advanced operat ion 5. ADV ANCED OPERA TION 5.1 Video input source selectio n About video input source selection By de fault, your Eoni s displ ay au tomatic ally de tects and shows the conn ected video in put source. How- ever , when for ins tance more then one vid eo i nput source is c onnecte d, it may be n eeded to m anual ly sele ct the inp[...]

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    5. Advance d operation • Native :I f y o u s e l e c t Native , t he nativ e panel b ehavi or will not be correc ted. • sRGB :T h i si st h ed i s p l a yf u n c t i o na sd e fi ned in the sRGB speci fi c a t i o na n di s d e s i g n e dt om a t c h typica l home and of fi ce viewin g conditio ns. It is wide ly used in most comp uter appli[...]

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    5. Advanced operat ion T o select the white point 1. Brin g up th e OSD main m enu. 2. Nav igate to the Adjust ments menu. 3. Ent er the Whit e P oint subm enu. 4. Sel ect one of t he a vailabl e white p oint prese ts. 5.6 An alog v id eo settin gs The following settings are only available when VGA video input source is selected. About analog video[...]

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    5. Advance d operation 2. Nav igate to t he Adjustm ents > Settings menu. 3. Ent er the Langu age subm enu. 4. Selec t one of the availabl e languages . 5.8 Power s tatus LED About the power status LED By d efault , the powe r statu s LE D h as t he fol lowin g beha vior: • Green: D i s p l a yi so n • Blinking green: D isplay is enter ing s[...]

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    5. Advanced operat ion 5.10 Self calibration frequency About self cali bration The front sensor of your E onis d isplay me asures t he out put lu minance of you r scree n and allo ws the display to autom atica lly stabili ze its luminanc e for m axim um image quality over the dis plays ’ lif etime. T his self calibr ation is don e at an adj ustab[...]

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    5. Advance d operation 20 K5903081 EONIS 17 /06/201 4[...]

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    6. Maintenance 6. MAINTENA NCE General maintenance information The E onis does not require any schedu led maintena nce or c alibra tion activiti es. We recomm end to use QA W e b w ith th e Ba rco d efault tests and freq uencies to c alibra te and ma intain the display or return the display to a B arco approve d ma intena nce organi zatio n. In any[...]

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    6. Maintenance 22 K5903081 EONIS 17 /06/201 4[...]

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    7. Impor tant informat i on 7. IMPORT ANT INFORMA TION 7.1 Safety information General recommendations Read the safety an d oper ating ins tructio ns bef ore op erating t he dev ice. Retain safety and ope rating instruct ions for futur e refe rence. Adhere t o all warn ings on the devi ce and in the opera ting in structi ons man ual. Follow all inst[...]

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    7. Important infor mation T o full y d iseng age the power to the devi ce, please di sconne ct the power cord from th e AC inlet. Power cords: • Do not overlo ad wall outlets and exte nsion cord s as thi s may result in fi re or elec tric shock. • Mains lead protectio n (U .S.: P ower c ord): Power cords should be ro uted s o th at the y are n[...]

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    7. Impor tant informat i on 7.2 Env iron menta l informatio n Disposal Information W a ste Ele ctric al and Electr onic Equipme nt This s ymbol on the pr oduct indica tes that , under the Eu ropean Direct ive 2012/1 9/EU govern ing waste f rom elec trical and electr onic equi pment , this product must not be disp osed o f with oth er mu nicipal was[...]

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    7. Important infor mation 零件 项 目 ( 名称 ) Component name 有毒有害物 质 或元素 Hazardous substances and elements 铅 Pb 汞 Hg 镉 Cd 六 价 铬 Cr6+ 多 溴联 苯 PBB 多 溴 二苯 醚 PBDE 塑胶外壳 Plas tic e nclos ure OO O O OO 散 热 片 ( 器 ) Heatsinks OO O O OO 电 源供 应 器 Power Supply Un it XOOO O O 风 扇[...]

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    7. Impor tant informat i on FCC class B This device comp lies with P art 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjec t to the followi ng two con ditio ns: (1) this d evice may not cause harmfu l i nterfer ence, and (2) this device mus t ac cept any interfere nce re- ceived, inclu ding interfer ence that ma y ca use u ndesi red o peration . This d evic[...]

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    7. Important infor mation This Eoni s c ompl ies with approp riate med ical EM C standards on e missio ns to, and inter ference from sur- roundin g equ ipmen t. Oper ation is subj ect to th e fol lowing two c onditions : (1) this device may not cau se harmful i nterfere nce, and (2) this dev ice mu st accept an y interfe rence re ceived, includ ing[...]

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    7. Impor tant informat i on Immunity test IEC 60601 T e st levels Compliance level Electr omagnet ic enviro nment – guidance Radiated RF IEC 6 1000-4- 3 3V / m 80 MHz to 2.5 GHz 3V / m equipm ent should b e used no cl oser to any part of the Eon is, includ ing cabl es, than the recom mend ed separa tion d istan ce calcul ated from the equation ap[...]

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    7. Important infor mation These guide lines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is af- fected by ab sorption a nd re fl ection from structure s, objects and people. Recommended separation distance The E onis is intended for use in a n electroma gnetic envir onmen t in whi ch radiated RF disturban ces are cont roll ed. The [...]

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    7. Impor tant informat i on Indicate s the de vice is a pproved accordi ng to the U L regula tions Indicate s the dev ice i s approved accordi ng t o the UL regulati ons for Ca nada and US Indicate s the devi ce is appro ved accord ing to the UL Demko re gulations Indi cat es th e de vice is approve d accordi ng to the C CC regu lat ions Indicate s[...]

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    7. Important infor mation Indicate s this device mus t not be thrown in the trash but mus t be recycled , accord ing to the Europ ean WEEE (Waste Elec trical and El ectroni c Equip ment) direc tive Indi cat es Direct Cur rent (DC ) Indicates Alterna tin g Current ( AC) Stand-b y Equipot entiality Symbols on the box On the box of the devi ce, you ma[...]

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    7. Impor tant informat i on 7.6 Legal dis claim er Disclaimer notice Although ev ery attempt has been ma de to achieve technical accuracy in th is docume nt, we a ssume no respons ibilit y for erro rs that may be fo und. O ur goal is to p rovide yo u with the mos t accurate a nd usable document ation possi ble; if yo u di sco ver errors, please let[...]

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    7. Important infor mation Power requir ements (nomi nal) 100-24 0 V Power consum ption (nomi nal) 40 W (< 1.0 W in s tand-by ) Power save mode Y es Power m anagem ent DPMS Dot clock 165 MHz OSD languages Englis h, French, Germ an, Spanish , Ita lian, Dutch, Ja panese, T raditional Chin ese, Simpli fi ed Chines e, Korean Dimens ion s with stand [...]

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    7. Impor tant informat i on MDRC-2224 WP Produ ct ac ronym MDRC-2224 WP Screen technolog y TFT Color LCD IPS Activ e screen size (di agonal ) 61 1.3 mm (24.1” ) Acti ve screen size (H x V) 518. 4 mm x 324.0 mm (20.41” x 12.76” ) Aspect ratio (H: V) 16:10 Resolution 2MP (1920 x 12 00) Pixel pitc h 0.270 Color imaging Ye s Gray imagi ng Ye s Co[...]

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    7. Important infor mation Certi fi catio ns CE (MDD 93/42/E EC class I produ ct), CE - 2004/108/ EC, IEC 60601- 1 (ED.3), A NSI/AAM I E S 60601-1:200 5 + C1:2 009, CAN /CSAC22. 2 No. 60601- 1-1-08:20 08, D EMKO - EN 60 601-1 -1: 2 006, EN 60601-1 -2:2007, KC, VCCI, FCC c lass B, ICES-00 1 L evel B, FDA Class I devic e, RoHS User Guide Cable routi [...]

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    A. Troublesh ootin g A. TROUBLESHOOTING A.1 T roubl esho ot ing Gene ral If you ex perienc e trou ble w ith the LCD display , refer to the fo llowi ng trou bleshoo ting. I f the pr oblem per- sists, pl ease contact your local deale r or our servi ce c enter . Problem: No image appears on the screen • P ush the st and by but ton. • Check if all [...]

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    A. Tr oubles hoo ting Problem: Out of range This messag e me ans tha t the signa l of the compute r gra phics card is no t comp atible with the d isplay . When the signal is not inclu ded i n the c ompati bility mode we have lis ted i n the ap pendi ces of this manual , the display wil l show this mes sage. 38 K5903081 EONIS 17 /06/201 4[...]