Behringer SX3242FX manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Behringer SX3242FX, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Behringer SX3242FX one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Behringer SX3242FX. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Behringer SX3242FX should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Behringer SX3242FX
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Behringer SX3242FX item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Behringer SX3242FX item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Behringer SX3242FX alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Behringer SX3242FX, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Behringer service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Behringer SX3242FX.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Behringer SX3242FX item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    behringer .com U ser Ma nu al EU RO D ESK SX 24 4 2F X /SX 3 242F X Ul tra-Lo w Nois e Des ign 2 4 /3 2 -Inp ut 4 -Bus S tud io /Liv e Mix er wit h XE NY X Mic P re ampl ifier s, Br it i sh E Qs an d Dua l Mul ti-FX P roc ess or[...]

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    behringer .com 2 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual Thank y ou Congratulat ions! With t he EURODESK you have acquire d a st ate- of-the -ar t mixi ng console t hat set s new s tandar ds. Right f ro m the ver y s tar t it ha s been o ur goal to design a re volutionar y unit that c an be us ed for a g reat vari et y of applic atio ns. And i[...]

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    3 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual behringer .com T erminals marked with this symbol carry ele ctric al curr ent of su cie nt magnit ude t o constitute risk of electric shock. Use only hig h-qua lity comme rc ially -av ailab le spe aker cab les wi th ¼" T S pl ugs p re-i nst alle d. A ll othe r inst allat ion or modi cation [...]

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    behringer .com 4 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual Subsequently , the product must be returned in [2] its or igin al shi pping carton, to get her wit h the retu rn authorization number to the addr ess indicated by MUSIC Group . Shipments without freight pr epaid will not [3] be accepted . W arranty Exclusions § 4 This limited w ar[...]

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    5 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual behringer .com Introduc tion 1 . FBQ Feedba ck De tec t ion System One of the m ost o ut st anding feat ures o f this conso le is the FBQ Feed back De tec ti on System, which is p ar t of the g raphic equalizer. This ingenious c ircuit ma kes it pos sible to dete c t and subse quently e liminate fee db[...]

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    behringer .com 6 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual C on tro l El em en ts and 2. C onnec tions This chapter d esc ribe s the var ious cont rol elem ents of yo ur mixin g console. All controls an d connec t ions are e xplaine d in f ull detai l. Mono input channels 2. 1 Microphone and line inputs 2 .1.1 Connectors and contr ols of the mic[...]

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    7 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual behringer .com On each c hannel, the [9] AUX 1 and AUX 2 controls allow you to deter mine the level of the aux si gnals sent f rom t he channel. Th e main aux sen d signal comprisin g the aux s end signals f rom all cha nnels can t hen be adjus ted with t he corr espond ing mas ter AUX SEND controls[...]

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    behringer .com 8 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual Stere o chann el au x /FX se nd bu ses 2. 2 . 3 Basic ally , the aux an d FX bu ses on t he ster eo channe ls are the s ame as on th e mono channe ls. Since aux bus es are alw ays mono, the signal f rom a s tereo channel is r s t mixed to mon o bef ore it is r outed to t he aux bus . [...]

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    9 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual behringer .com Mono out section for subwoof er 2.5 applications Using this auxi liar y mono ou tput yo u can ro ute the main mi x signal to a sep arate power amp. The tunable l ow-pass  lter allows you to limit t he signal content to the low-f requenc y range to get a p er fe c t subwoof er signal. [...]

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    behringer .com 10 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual The [40] SO LO / PFL s wi tch deter mines wh ether t he monitor ed signal is p re (PFL ) or pos t-fader (SOLO) after pre ssing the S OLO/PFL switch (the LED illuminates) . The le vel meter indic ates t he corr espond ing signal (see (39) ) . When you adjus t a signal wi th the G AIN [...]

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    11 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual behringer .com These ar e the mas ter [51] AUX SEND controls 1 and 2 fo r adjus ting the volum e level sent to the co rre spondin g aux send co nnec tor s (see (52) ). This way , you can cont rol th e mix of all AUX 1 or AUX 2 signals of the input c hannels. The AUX SEND sec tion also ha s a SOLO s[...]

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    behringer .com 12 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual These s elec to r swi tches ro ute the e ec t sig nal to the main mix o r to the [65] subgro ups 1- 2 or 3-4. If t he MAIN /SUB s witc h is not pre ssed, th e ee c t signal is sent to t he main mix and t he SUB 1/2 / SUB 3 / 4 swi tch below is inoper ative. If the upp er sw itc[...]

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    13 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX3 24 2FX U ser Manual behringer .com Wiring Example s 4. Studio set - up 4. 1 The follow ing wiri ng examp le shows a s tudio s et-up for 4 -tr ack-record ing: the dru ms are mixed d own to t wo subgr oups and t hen route d via the sub grou p outp uts to t wo t rack s of t he multi -track r ecord er . The remaini ng t wo [...]

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    behringer .com 14 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual Liv e set-up 4. 2 Fig. 4 .2: W iri ng t he co nso le f or li ve op er ati on This exam ple shows a c lassic live se t-up. As in the s tudio e xample, fo ur drum microp hones, b ass, keyboa rd (stereo c hannel), guitar and t wo voc al micr ophone s are connec ted. The fo ur drum c hannel[...]

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    15 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual behringer .com Audio C onne c tors 5. The input s and o utpu ts of t he BEHRINGER EURODESK are de signed as u nbalanced ¼ " TS conn ec tor s— except fo r the balance d line input s of t he mono and s tereo channels and t he main out con nec tor s. O f cour se, all input s and ou tpu ts wor k w[...]

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    behringer .com 16 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual Fig. 5.6: ¼" TRS c onn ec t or fo r he adp hon es Fig. 5.7: Ins er t s end a nd re tu rn ¼” TR S con ne c tor strain relief clamp sleeve ring tip sleeve ground/shield ¼" TRS headphones connector ring right signal tip left signal strain relief clamp sleeve ring tip sleeve [...]

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    17 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual behringer .com Presets 6. Eect Desc ription Ap pl ic at ion e xa mp le s P ARALLEL EFFEC TS Cathedral V ery dense and long reverberation of a large ca thedral. Solo instruments/vocals in slow pieces . Plate Simulates the sound of early plate r everberators. A classic for drums (snare) and v ocals. [...]

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    behringer .com 18 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual Spec ica tion s 7 . Mon o inp ut s Micr oph one in put s (XEN Y X Mic pr eam p) T y pe XLR connec to r , e lec tr onically balanced, dis crete in put cir cuit Mic E.I.N. 1 (20 Hz - 20 kHz) @ 0 Ω source re sist ance - 134 dB / 1 35 .7 dB A-weighted @ 50 Ω source re sist ance - 1 3[...]

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    19 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual behringer .com Mono ou tpu t T y pe ¼ " mono j ack, un balanced Impedance approx. 1 20 Ω Max. ou tpu t level + 22 dBu Low pass variable,30 Hz to 200 Hz, 18 dB/ o c t. Phone s/CTRL r oom ou tpu t T y pe ¼ " TR S jack , unbalanced Max. ou tpu t level + 19 dBu / 1 50 Ω ( + 2 5 dBm) CD/T a[...]

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    behringer .com 20 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual FEDERAL C OMMUNICA TIONS C OMMISS ION C OMPL IA NCE INF ORMA TION Respo nsible p ar t y nam e: BEH RI NG ER USA , In c. Address: 1 891 2 Nor t h Cree k Park way, Suite 2 00 B oth ell , WA 980 1 1 , USA Phone/ Fax No.: Phone: + 1 425 6 72 0 81 6 Fax: + 1 425 6 73 7 6 47 EUROD ESK SX24 42[...]

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    21 EURODESK SX2 4 42 FX /SX32 4 2FX User Manual behringer .com[...]

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    behringer .com[...]