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GNE 134620 X R efriger at or[...]
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Please read this manual first! Dear Customer , We hope that your pr oduct, which has been produced in state of the manufacturing facilities plants and checked under the most meticulous quality control pr ocedures, will provide you an ef fective service. For this, we recommend you to car efully read the entire manual of your pr oduct before using it[...]
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EN 2 1 Your Refrigerator 3 2 Important Safety Warnings 4 Intended use ..................................... 4 For products with a water dispenser; . 6 Child safety ........................................ 6 HCA W ar ning .................................... 6 Things to be done for energy saving .. 6 3 Installation 7 Points to be considered when r e[...]
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EN 3 C F ig ur es t ha t ta ke p la ce i n th is i ns tr uc ti on m an ua l ar e s ch em at ic a nd m ay n ot co rr esp on d ex ac tl y wi th y ou r pr odu ct . If t he s ub je ct p ar ts a r e no t in cl ud ed i n th e pr odu ct y ou h av e pu r ch as ed , th en i t is v al id f or o th er m od el s. 1 Your Refrigerator 1- Fridge compartment door [...]
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EN 4 2 Important Safety Warnings Please review the following information. Failure to observe this information may cause injuries or material damage. Otherwise, all warranty and reliability commitments will become invalid. Intended use Th is p ro du ct i s in te nd ed t o be u se d – i nd oo rs a nd i n cl os ed a r ea s su ch a s ho me s; – in [...]
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EN 5 • El ec tr ic al s af et y of y ou r r ef ri ge ra to r sha ll be g ua ra nt ee d on ly i f th e ea rt h sy st em in y ou r ho us e co mp li es w it h st an da r ds . • Ex po si ng t he p r od uc t to r ai n, s no w , s un an d wi nd i s da ng er ous w it h r es pe ct t o el ec tr ic al s af et y . • Co nt ac t yo ur a ut ho ri se d se r[...]
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EN 6 For products with a water dispenser; Fo r a ma in s co nn ec te d sy st em t he mi ni mu m pr ess ur e sh oul d be 1 00 k pa an d th e ma xi mu m pr ess ur e s ho ul d no t ex ce ed 8 00 k pa . • Us e fi lt er e d wa te r on ly . Child safety • If t he d oo r ha s a lo ck , th e ke y sh ou ld be k ep t aw ay f r om r e ac h of c hi ld r en[...]
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EN 7 3 Installation C Pl ea se r eme mb er t ha t th e ma nu fa ct ur er sh al l no t be h el d li ab le i f th e in fo rm at io n gi ve n in t he i ns tr uc ti on m an ua l is n ot ob se rv ed . Points to be considered when re-transporting your refrigerator 1. Y ou r r ef ri ge ra to r mu st b e em pt ie d an d cl ea ne d pr io r to a ny t ra ns p[...]
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EN 8 B Th e sp ec if ie d vo lt ag e mu st b e eq ua l to yo ur m ai ns v ol ta ge . B Ex te ns io n ca bl es a nd m ul ti wa y pl ug s mu st n ot b e us ed f or c on ne ct io n. B A da ma ge d po we r ca bl e mu st b e r ep la ce d by a q ua li fi ed e le ct ri ci an . B Th e ap pl ia nc e mu st n ot b e op er at ed be fo r e it i s r ep ai r ed ![...]
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EN 9 Floor balance adjustment A If your refrigerator is unbalanced; B First unplug the product. The pr oduct must be unplugged when making the balance adjustment. There is the risk of electric shock. 4 1 2 3 1- V entilation cover is removed by unscrewing its scr ews as illustrated in the figure befor e the procedure. Y ou can balance your refrigera[...]
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EN 10 C Adjust the door appropriately as you desire by loosing the scr ews. C Fix the door you have adjusted by tightening the screws without changing the position of the door . C Replace the hinge cover and fix with the screw .[...]
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EN 11 Installing Water Filter (in some models) Two different water sources may be connected to the refrigerator for water supply: the mains cold water supply and water in a bottle. Installation Requirements A pump should be used for bottle water usage. Check that the parts stated below are supplied with your appliance. 1. Un io n fo r co nn ec ti o[...]
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EN 12 Connection of Water Hose to the Bottle (in some models) T o connect water to the refrigerator fr om a bottle, a pump is needed. Follow the instructions below after connecting one end of the water pipe coming out of the pump to the refrigerator as described on the previous page. 1. Fi ni sh t he c on ne ct io n by p us hi ng t he ot he r en d [...]
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EN 13 Connection of the Water Pipe to the Cold Water Mains Line (in some models) If you want to use your refrigerator by connecting it to the cold water mains line, you will have to connect a standard 1/2" valve connection fitting to the cold water supply in your house. In case this valve is not present or in case you ar e not sure, consult a [...]
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EN 14 2. Re mo ve t he f il te r co ve r in t he f ri dg e co mp ar tm en t by p ul li ng i t fo rw ar d. 3. T ak e ou t th e wa te r fi lt er b y- pa ss c ov er by r ota ti ng i t do wn wa r ds . A Caution: Make sure that the “Ice of f” mode is active before taking out the by- pass cover . Note: It is normal that a few drops of water drip afte[...]
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EN 15 shown in the figure when it is going to be replaced or when it will no longer be used and by-pass cover must be attached. It must be made sure that Ice Off mode is active befor e taking it out. A Caution: W ater filter cleans some foreign particles in the water . It does not purify water from micr oorganisms. A Caution: Ice Off button must al[...]
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EN 16 4 Preparation C Y ou r r ef ri ge ra to r sh ou ld b e in st al le d at le as t 30 c m aw ay f r om h ea t so ur c es su ch a s ho bs , ov en s, c en tr al h ea te r an d st ov es a nd a t le as t 5 cm a wa y fr om el ec tr ic al o ve ns a nd s ho ul d no t be lo ca te d un de r di r ec t su nl ig ht . C Th e am bi en t te mp er at ur e o f t[...]
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EN 17 1 7 11 12 15 4 5 6 2 3 16 17 18 20 19 10 9 14 13 8 5 Using your refrigerator Indicator Panel This touch-control indicator panel allows you to set the temperatur e without opening the door of your refrigerator . Just touch the relevant button with your finger to set the temperature. 1. Eco-Extra / V acation Button 2. Fast Freeze Button 3. Free[...]
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EN 18 1. Eco Extra/Vacation Button Press this button briefly to activate the Eco Extra function. Press and hold this button for 3 sec. to activate the V acation function. Press this button again to deactivate the selected function. 2. Fast Freeze Button Press this button briefly to activate the Fast Freeze function. Pr ess this button again to deac[...]
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EN 19 9. Quick Freeze Function Indicator It indicates that the Fast Freeze function is active. Use this function when you place fresh food into the fr eezer compartment or when you need ice. When this function is active, your refrigerator will run for a certain period of time. Press the r elevant button again to deactivate this function. 10. Freeze[...]
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EN 20 18. Ice Cancel Indicator If you do not want to get ice from the refrigerator , you need to use this function. Y ou may use this function by pressing the ice cancel button for 3 seconds. 19. Cancel Filter Change Warning Button Filter of your refrigerator must be replaced every 6 months. If you apply instructions on page 22, your refrigerator c[...]
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EN 21 1 4 5 3 A B Things to do to have the filter usage time calculated automatically (For products connected to the mains water line and equipped with filter) 1- After plugging the refrigerator in, pr ess A and B buttons together to activate the key lock. 2- Then press Eco-Extra (1), Fridge Compartment T emperature Setting (4), Quick Cool (5) and [...]
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EN 22 Egg tray Y ou can install the egg holder to the desired door or body shelf. Never store the egg holder in the fr eezer compartment Sliding Body Shelves Sliding body shelves can be pulled by slightly lifting up from the fr ont and moved back and forth. They come to a stop point when pulled towards fr ont to allow you reach the foods placed at [...]
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EN 23 Movable Middle Section Movable middle section is intended to prevent the cold air inside your refrigerator fr om escaping outside. 1- Sealing is provided when the gaskets on the door presses on the surface of the movable middle section while the fridge compartment doors are closed. 2- Another reason that your r efrigerator is equipped with a [...]
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EN 24 Sliding Body Shelves With Rear Hangers Sliding body shelves with rear hangers can be moved back and forth. Height of these shelves can be adjusted by removing and then installing them to upper or lower positions. Raise the shelf up slightly and pull towards yourself to remove it. Butter & Cheese Section Y ou can store food such as butter [...]
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EN 25 Minibar Minibar door provides you extra comfort when using your refrigerator . The door shelf in the refrigerator can be accessed without opening the refrigerator door; thanks to this feature, you can easily pick from the r efrigerator the foods and drinks which you frequently consume. Since you do not have to open the refrigerator door frequ[...]
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EN 26 6 Cleaning and care A Ne ve r us e ga so li ne , be nz en e or s im il ar su bs ta nc es f or c le an in g pu rp os es . B W e r ec om me nd t ha t yo u un pl ug t he ap pl ia nc e be fo r e cl ea ni ng . C N ev er u se a ny s ha rp a br as iv e in st ru me nt , so ap , ho us eh ol d cl ea ne r , de te rg en t an d wa x po li sh f or c le an [...]
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EN 27 Please review this list befor e calling the service. It might save you time and money . This list includes frequent complaints that ar e not arising from defective workmanship or material usage. Some of the features described her e may not exist in your product . 7 Recommended solutions for the pr oblems The refrigerator does not operate • [...]
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EN 28 • Th e am bi en t r oo m te mp er at ur e ma y be h ig h. Th is i s qu it e no rm al . • Th e r ef ri ge ra to r ma y ha ve j us t be en s wi tch ed o n. A ll ow s uf fi cie nt c oo li ng t im e. • La rg e am ou nt s of h ot f oo d mi gh t ha ve b ee n pu t in t he r ef ri ge ra to r r ec en tl y . Ho t fo od ca us es l on ge r ru nn in[...]
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EN 29 • Th is n oi se i s co mi ng f r om t he s ol en oi d val ve o f th e r ef ri ge ra to r . So le no id v al ve f un ct io ns fo r th e pu rp os e of e ns ur in g co ol an t pa ss ag e th r ou gh t he c om pa rt me nt w hi ch c an b e ad ju st ed t o co ol in g or f r ee zi ng t em pe ra tu r es , an d pe rf or mi ng c oo li ng f un ct io ns[...]
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EN 30 8 Beko Customer Care Before you call Beko for service or assistance... Refer to your User Guide and check the following: 1. Y our Appl iance is correctly installed. 2. Y our Appliance is connected to power . 3. Y ou are familiar with its normal mode of operation 4. Y ou have read the ‘Recommended solutions for the pr oblems’ If after chec[...]
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