Beko UFC524W manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Beko UFC524W, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Beko UFC524W one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Beko UFC524W. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Beko UFC524W should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Beko UFC524W
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Beko UFC524W item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Beko UFC524W item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Beko UFC524W alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Beko UFC524W, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Beko service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Beko UFC524W.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Beko UFC524W item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    UFC524W Upright Freezer Under the Counter[...]

  • Page 2

    Please read this manual first! Dear Customer , We hope that your pr oduct, which has been produced in a 1st-class manufacturing facility and checked under the most meticulous quality control procedur es, will provide you with years of good service. For this, we recommend you to car efully read the entir e manual of your product before using it and [...]

  • Page 3

    EN 3 1 Your refrigerator 4 2 Warnings 5 Electrical requir ements ....................... 6 W arning! This appliance must be earthed .............................................. 6 Energy saving tips ............................. 7 Compliance with WEEE Directive and Disposing of the W aste Product: ....... 7 Compliance with rohs dir ective: .......[...]

  • Page 4

    EN 4 1 Your refrigerator C Fi gu r es t ha t ta ke p la ce i n th is i ns tr uc ti on m an ua l ar e sc he ma ti c an d ma y no t c or r es po nd e xa ct ly w it h yo ur p r o du ct . If t he s ub je ct p ar ts a r e no t in cl ud ed i n th e pr od uc t yo u ha ve p ur ch as ed , th en i t is v al id f or o th er m od el s. Congratulations on your [...]

  • Page 5

    EN 5 2 Warnings • D o no t co nn ec t yo ur a pp li an ce t o th e el ec tr ic it y su pp ly u nt il a ll p ac ki ng an d tr an si t pr ot ec to rs h av e be en r em ov ed . • I f tr an sp or te d ho ri zo nt al ly l ea ve to s ta nd u pr ig ht f or a t le as t 4 ho ur s be fo r e sw it ch in g on t o al lo w co mp r es so r oi l to s et [...]

  • Page 6

    EN 6 FITTED WITH BS 1362 13A FUSE ALWAYS FIT BS 1362 REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGE FUSE GREEN & YELLOW OR GREEN N BLUE OR BLACK L BROWN OR RED 22mm. 6mm. 6mm. 6mm. 32mm. 12mm. FUSE CORD GRIP Electrical requirements Before you insert the plug into the wall socket make sure that the voltage and the frequency shown on the rating plate inside the appliance[...]

  • Page 7

    EN 7 Energy saving tips 1. E n su re y ou r ap pl ia nc e is i ns ta ll ed i n a we ll v en ti la te d ar ea . 2. E n su re t he t im e be tw ee n bu yi ng ch il le d/ fr oz en f oo d an d pl ac in g th em i n yo ur a pp li an ce i s ke pt a t m in i mu m, p ar ti cu la rl y in s um me r . W e r ec om me nd y ou u se a c oo l ba g or a sp ec ia l c[...]

  • Page 8

    EN 8 3 Installation Transportation Instructions 1. T h e ap pl ia nc e sh ou ld b e tr an sp or te d on ly i n a ve rt ic al u pr ig ht p os it io n. T he pa ck in g as s up pl ie d mu st b e in ta ct du ri ng t ra ns po rt at io n. 2. I f d ur in g th e co ur se o f tr an sp or t th e ap pl ia nc e ha s to b e tr an sp or te d ho ri zo nt al ly , [...]

  • Page 9

    EN 9 3. F i t th e tw o pl as ti c wa ll s pa ce rs s up p li ed w it h th e ap pl ia nc e on t o th e co nd en se r at t he b ac k of t he r ef ri ge ra to r by r ot at in g 1/ 4 tu rn (s ee di ag ra m) . 4. T h e ap pl ia nc e sh ou ld b e lo ca te d on a s mo ot h su rf ac e. T he t wo f r on t fe et c an b e ad ju st ed a s r eq ui re d. T o e [...]

  • Page 10

    EN 10 1 60° 10 6 2 3 4 5 8 7 9 Reversing the doors Proceed in numerical or der[...]

  • Page 11

    EN 11 1. S w it ch o ff a t th e so ck et o ut le t an d pu ll o ut t he m ai ns p lu g. 2. R e mo ve a ll f oo d, l oo se i te ms a nd fi tt in gs f r om i ns id e th e ap pl ia nc e an d do or s he lv es . 3. C a r ef ul ly t il t th e ap pl ia nc e on i ts b ac k si de . (1 ) (Y o u ma y ne ed s om eb od y to he lp y ou .) T ak e ca r e no t to [...]

  • Page 12

    EN 12 4 Before operating Final Check Before you start using the fridge/ freezer check that: 1. T h e fe et h av e be en a dj us te d fo r pe rf ec t le ve ll in g. 2. T h e in te ri or i s dr y an d ai r ca n ci r cu la te fr ee ly a t th e re ar . 3. C l ea n th e in te ri or a s r ec om me nd ed un de r “C LE AN IN G AN D CA RE .” 4. I n se r[...]

  • Page 13

    EN 13 Temperature Control And Adjustment OFF Setting the operating temperature The operating temperature is r egulated by the temperature contr ol. 1 = Lowest cooling setting (W armest setting) 4 = Highest cooling setting (Coldest setting) (Or) Min. = Lowest cooling setting (W armest setting) Max. = Highest cooling setting (Coldest setting) Warm Co[...]

  • Page 14

    EN 14 5 Using your refrigerator Temperature setting button The interior temperature of your refrigerator changes for the following reasons; • S ea so na l te mp er at ur es , • F r eq ue nt o pe ni ng o f th e do or a nd le av in g th e do or o pe n fo r lo ng pe ri od s, • F oo d pu t in to t he r ef ri ge ra to r wi th ou t co ol i[...]

  • Page 15

    EN 15 Defrosting of the appliance • E xc es si ve b ui ld -u p of i ce w il l af fe ct th e fr ee zi ng p er fo rm an ce o f yo ur ap pl ia nc e. • I t is t he r ef or e r ec om me nd ed t ha t yo u de fr os t yo ur a pp li an ce a t le as t tw ic e a ye ar , or w he ne ve r th e ic e bu il d- up ex ce ed s 7 mm . • D ef r os t yo ur[...]

  • Page 16

    EN 16 6 Maintenance and cleaning • W e r ec om me nd t ha t yo u sw it ch o f f th e ap pl ia nc e at t he s oc ke t ou tl et an d pu ll o ut t he m ai ns p lu g be fo r e cl ea ni ng . • N ev er u se a ny s ha rp a br as iv e in st ru me nt , so ap , ho us eh ol d cl ea ne r , de te rg en t an d wa x po li sh f or cl ea ni ng . • U [...]

  • Page 17

    EN 17 7 Do's and Don'ts Do- Clean your appliance regularly (See “Cleaning and Care”) Do- Keep raw meat and poultry below cooked food and dairy products. Do- T ake off any unusable leaves on vegetables and wipe off any soil. Do- Leave lettuce, cabbage, parsley and cauliflower on the stem. Do- Wrap cheese firstly in gr easeproof paper a[...]

  • Page 18

    EN 18 Don’t- Exceed the maximum fr eezing loads (10,5 kg in any 24 hours) when freezing fr esh food. Don’t- Give childr en ice-cream and water ices direct fr om the freezer . The low temperature may cause ‘fr eezer burns’ on lips. Don’t- Fr eeze fizzy drinks. Don’t- T ry to keep frozen food which has thawed, it should be eaten within 24[...]

  • Page 19

    EN 19 GUARANTEE DETAILS Your ne w Beko pr oduct is guarantee d against the cos t of brea kdown rep air for twelve months from the date of the original purchase. What is covered? • Repairs necessary as a result of faulty materials, defective components or manufacturing defect. • The cost of functional replacement parts, but excluding consumable [...]

  • Page 20

    EN 20 HOW TO OBTAIN SERVICE Please keep your purchase receipt or other proof of purchase in a safe pla ce; you will need to have it shou ld the pro duct req uire att enti on u nder guarantee. You should also complete the details below; it will help us assist you when requ estin g serv ice. (The mode l num ber is prin ted o n the Inst ructio n Boo k[...]

  • Page 21

    Printed in Turkey Part no: Revision no: BEKO plc Beko House Caxton Way Watford Hertfordshire WD18 8UF T el: 0845 6004911 Fax: 0845 6004922 e-mail: website: www AB 57 3115 0000[...]