Beko WMD77107 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Beko WMD77107, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Beko WMD77107 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Beko WMD77107. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Beko WMD77107 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Beko WMD77107
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Beko WMD77107 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Beko WMD77107 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Beko WMD77107 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Beko WMD77107, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Beko service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Beko WMD77107.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Beko WMD77107 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Washing Machine Пералня машина Perilica rublja Plně automatická pračka WMD 77127 WMD 77107 WMD 77127 S[...]

  • Page 2

    2 - EN 1 Warnings General Safety • Neverplaceyourmachineonacarpetcovered floor .Otherwise,lackofairflowfrombelowof yourmachinemaycauseelectricalpartsto overheat.Thismaycauseproblemswithyour washingmachine. • Ifthepowercableormains?[...]

  • Page 3

    3 - EN 1. Manually(byhand)loosenthelocknutsonthe feet. 2. Adjustthemuntilthemachinestandsleveland firmly . 3. Important:Tightenalllocknutsupagain. Connecting to the water supply. Important: • Thewatersupplypressur erequir edtorunthe machine[...]

  • Page 4

    4 - EN 3 Initial preparations for washing Preparing clothes for washing Laundryitemswithmetalattachmentssuchas, bras,beltbucklesandmetalbuttonswilldamage themachine.Removemetalattachmentsor placetheitemsinaclothingbag,pillowcase,or somethingsimilar . •[...]

  • Page 5

    5 - EN 4 Selecting a Program and Operating Your Machine 1 - SpinSpeedAdjustmentButton 2 - Display 3 - T emperatureAdjustmentButton 4 - ProgramSelectionKnob 5 - On/OffButton 6 - TimeDelayingButton(+/-) 7 - AuxiliaryFunctionButtons 8 - Start/Pause/Cancel?[...]

  • Page 6

    6 - EN synthetic/cottonblendedgarments,etc.).For curtainsandlace,the“Synthetic40”programwith pre-washandanti-cr easingfunctionsselectedis recommended.Detergentshouldnotbeputinthe pre-washcompartment.Lessdetergentshouldbe putinthemainwa[...]

  • Page 7

    7 - EN Program and consumption table EN 2 Auxiliaryfunctions Programme(°C) Max.Load(kg) W aterConsumption(l) EnergyConsumption (kWh) Max.Speed*** Prewash QuickW ash RinsePlus Anti-Creasing Pluswater RinseHold Pethairremoval Selectabletem- peraturerange °C Cottons 90 7 54 2.70 1600 • • • [...]

  • Page 8

    8 - EN Auxiliary functions Auxiliary function selection Ifanauxiliaryfunctionthatshouldnotbeselected togetherwithapreviouslyselectedfunctionis chosen,thefirstselectedfunctionwillbecancelled andthelastauxiliaryfunctionselectionwillremain active. Ex.:If[...]

  • Page 9

    9 - EN Switching the machine to standby mode Themachineisswitchedtostandbymodeby pressing“Start/Pause/Cancel”buttonmomentarily . TheStandbysymbolwhichindicatesthemachine isinstandbymodelightsupandthestartsymbol thatshowstheprogramhasstarteda[...]

  • Page 10

    10 - EN Draining any remaining water and cleaning the pump filter Y ourproductisequippedwithafiltersystemwhich ensuresacleanerwaterdischargethatextends pumplifebypreventingsoliditemssuchas buttons,coinsandfabricfibersfromcloggingthe pumppropellerdu[...]

  • Page 11

    11 - EN 6 Solution suggestions for problems Cause Explanation / Suggestion Programcannotbestartedorselected. • Machinemayhaveswitchedtoself protectionmodeduetoaninfrastructur e problem(suchaslinevoltage,water pressur e,etc.). • Resetyourmachinebypres[...]

  • Page 12

    12 - EN WMD77127 WMD77107 WMD77127S 777 84 84 84 60 60 60 54 54 54 71 71 71 230V/50Hz 10 10 10 2200 1200 1000 1200 7 Specifications Specificationsofthisappliancemaychangewithoutnoticetoimprovethequalityofthepr oduct.Figures inthismanualareschematicandmaynot[...]

  • Page 13


  • Page 14

    14-BG 1 Предпазни мерки Обща безопасност • Ник оганепост авяйтепер алнят анапо д,покрит скилим.Впротивенслучайвъзпрепятстването надостъпанавъздухотдо лумо [...]

  • Page 15

    15-BG 2. Наг ласетегит ака,чепералнят адабъде нивелиранаист абилна. 3. Важно:Затегнетеотнововсичкик онтр аг айки. Свързване към водното захранване Важно: • Необх о д[...]

  • Page 16

    16 -BG 3 Първоначална по дготовка за пране Приготвяне на дре хите за пране Мет алнитечастивпрането,ка тозак опчалкинасутиени иликат ар аминак оланимог а тдаповре дят[...]

  • Page 17

    17 -BG 2.a -Индикаторнаск оростт анацентроф угир ане 2.b -Индикаторнатемпер атур ат а 2.c -Симво лзацентроф уг а 2.d -Симво лзатемпера тура 2.e -Индикаторнаост ава?[...]

  • Page 18

    18 -BG зае дносф ункцият азапре дпазванеотнамачкване .В отделениетозапре дпраненачекме дж етонебивада сеслаг апериленпрепара т .Вотделениетозаосновн?[...]

  • Page 19

    19-BG Т аб лица с програми и к онс умация •:Избираеми *: Автоматичноизбир ани,немог атдасеотказва т . **:Програмазаенергийноетик етиране(EN60456) ***Ак омаксимална т ?[...]

  • Page 20

    20-BG Допълнителни функции Избор на допълнителни функции Ак оизберетедопълнителнаф ункция,к оятое несъвместимасизбранапре дитоваф ункция,пер алнят а отказвапърват [...]

  • Page 21

    21 -BG Избор или отказ от допълнителни функции к огато пералнята е в режим пауза Допълнителнитеф ункциимо ж едасеоткажа тили избера твсъответствиесфазат а,вк оятосе[...]

  • Page 22

    22 -BG • Ак опералнят аВинеизпомпваво да т а, възмо жноефилтърътнапомпат адае задръстен.Добреедаг опочиства тевсеки2 г о дини,кактоивсекипътк о[...]

  • Page 23

    23-BG 6 Възмо жни решения на възникнали проб леми Причина Обяснение/Решение Немо ж едасеизбереилистартир апрограма • Пералнят амо ж едаепреминалаврежимна самоз?[...]

  • Page 24

    24-BG WMD77127 WMD77107 WMD77127S 777 84 84 84 60 60 60 54 54 54 71 71 71 230V/50Hz 10 10 10 2200 1200 1000 1200 7 Спесификация Спесификацият анауре дамо ж едапретърпипроменибезпре дупреждениесцелпо добрява[...]

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  • Page 26

    26 - CZ 1 Varování Obecné bezpečnostní pokyny • Nikdyneinstalujtepřístrojnapodlahus kobercem.Jinakbynedostatečnépr oudění vzduchupodstrojemmohlozpůsobitpř ehřívání elektrickýchsoučástí.Tímbymohlyvzniknout potížesvašípračkou. • Pokud[...]

  • Page 27

    27 - CZ 2. Upravujtejejichstav ,dokudpřístrojnebudeve vodorovnépoloze. 3. Důležitéupozornění:Poseřízenívšechny blokovacímaticeznovuutáhněte. Připojení k přívodu vody. Důležitéupozornění: • Tlakvodynezbytnýpropoužitístr ojemusíbýt 1-10?[...]

  • Page 28

    28 - CZ 3 Počáteční přípravy na praní Příprava oděvů k praní Předmětyskovovýmičástmi,jakojsou podprsenky ,sponypáskůakovovéknoflíky , mohoupoškoditpračku.Kovovéčástiodstraňte neboumístětepředmětydosáčku,povlakuna polštářnebopodobné?[...]

  • Page 29

    29 - CZ 2.a -Ukazatelrychlostiždímání 2.b -Ukazatelteploty 2.c -Symbolždímání 2.d -Symbolteploty 2.e -Ukazatelzbıvajícídobyaodloženéhostartu 2.f -Symbolyukazateleprogramu(př edepírka/ hlavnípraní/máchání/aviváž/ždímání) 2.g -Symbolúspor[...]

  • Page 30

    30 - CZ • Syntetické Stímtoprogramemmůžeteprátsvéméněodolné oděvy .T entoprogrampoužíválehčípracípohyby akratšípracícyklusnežprogram"Bavlna". Doporučujeseprosyntetickéoděvy(košile, halenky ,syntetické/bavlněnésměsové[...]

  • Page 31

    31 - CZ Tabulka programů a spotřeby •:Lzezvolit *:Automatickyzvoleno,nelzezrušit. **:Energetickýprogram(EN60456) ***Pokudjemaximálnírychlostotáčekvašípračkynižší,volbulzeprovádětaždodosaženímaximálních otáčekždímání. -:Viz[...]

  • Page 32

    32 - CZ Pomocné funkce Volba pomocné funkce Pokudzvolítepomocnoufunkci,kterábyneměla býtvolenaspolečněspředemzvolenoufunkcí, prvnízvolenáfunkcesestornujeaposlední pomocnáfunkcezůstaneaktivní. Např .:Pokudchcetenejprvezvolitpředepírkua pak[...]

  • Page 33

    33 - CZ Symbolpohotovostníhorežimu,kterýudává,že jepračkavpohotovostnímrežimu,ser ozsvítía symbolstartu,kterýudává,žeprogramsespustil astalepokračuje,zhasne. Volba nebo rušení pomocné funkce v režimu pauzy Pomocnéfunkcelzestornovatnebovoli[...]

  • Page 34

    34 - CZ životnostčerpadlatím,žepevnépředměty ,jako jsouknoflíky ,mincealátkynemohouucpatturbínu čerpadlaběhemvypouštěnívody . • Pokudvašepračkaneodčerpávávodu,může býtucpánfiltrčerpadla.Jetřebajejčistitkaždé 2ro[...]

  • Page 35

    35 - CZ 6 Návrhy řešení problémů Příčina Vysvětlení/návrh Programnelzespustitnebozvolit. • Pračkasemohlapřepnoutdor ežimu vlastníobranyvlivemzávadyinfrastruktury (napříkladnapětí,tlakvody ,atd.). • Opravtepračkustiskemtlačítka“Start/Pauza/[...]

  • Page 36

    36 - CZ WMD77127 WMD77107 WMD77127S 777 84 84 84 60 60 60 54 54 54 71 71 71 230V/50Hz 10 10 10 2200 1200 1000 1200 7 Parametry Parametrytohotospotřebičesemohouzměnitbezupozorněnívlivemzvyšováníkvalityvýrobku.Obrazy vtétopříručcejsouschematickéanemusíodpo[...]

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  • Page 38

    38 - HR 1 Upozorenja Opća sigurnost • NikadanemojtestavljatiV ašstr ojnapod prekriventepihom.Inačenedostatakpr otoka zrakaispodV ašegstr ojamožedovestido pregrijavanjaelektričnihdijelova.T omože dovestidoproblemasV ašomperilicomza rublje. •?[...]

  • Page 39

    39 - HR 2. Prilagođavajteihdokstrojnebudestajaoravno ičvrsto. 3. V ažno:Ponovnostegnitesvevijkeza zaključavanje. Spajanje na dovod vode. V ažno: • Tlakdovodavodepotrebandabiperilicaradial morabiti1-10bar(0,1–1MPa).(Praktički, morate[...]

  • Page 40

    40 - HR 3 Prve pripreme za pranje Priprema odjeće za pranje Rubljesmetalnimdodacimakaoštosugrudnjaci, kopčeremenaimetalnigumbimoguoštetitistr oj. Izvaditemetalnedijeloveilistavitepredmeteu vrećuzapranje,jastučnicuilislično. • Sortirajterubljeprema?[...]

  • Page 41

    41 - HR 2.a -Oznakabrzinecentrifuge 2.b -Oznakatemperature 2.c -Znakcentrifuge 2.d -Znaktemperature 2.e -Oznakapreostalogvremenaiodloženog vremena 2.f -Znakovioznakeprograma(pr etpranje/glavno pranje/ispiranje/omekšivač/centrifuga) 2.g -Znakzaekonomični[...]

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    42 - HR sintetike/miješanospamukom,itd.).Zazavjesei čipku,preporučaseizborpr ograma“Sintetika40”s pretpranjemifiunkcijompr otivgužvanja.Deterdžent senesmijestavljatiupretinaczapr etpranje.U glavnipretinaczapranjesetr ebastavitiman[...]

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    43 - HR •:Možeseodabrati *:Automatskisebira,nemožeseopozvati. **:Programoznakeenergije(EN60456) ***Akojemaksimalnabrzinacentrifugevašegstrojaniža,možeseodabratidomaksimalnebrzine centrifuge. -:Zamaksimalnopunjenje,pogledajte?[...]

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    44 - HR Pomoćne funkcije Izbor dodatnih funkcija Akoseizaberepomoćnafunkcijakojasene možeodabratiskupasprethodnoodabranom funkcijom,funkcijakojajeprvaodabranaćebiti opozvanaazadnjaodabranapomoćnafunkcijaće ostatiaktivna. Npr .:Akohoćeteprvo?[...]

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    45 - HR Odabir ili opoziv pomoćne funkcije u načinu rada "Pauza". Pomoćnefunkcijesemoguopozvatiiliizabratiu ovisnootomenakojemjekorakuprogram. Dodavanje/vađenje rublja u režimu rada "Pauza" V ratasemoguotvoritiakojerazinavode odgovarajuća.Znakzaz[...]

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    46 - HR pumpemožebitizačepljen.Moždaćetega moratičistitisvake2godineilikadgodbude začepljen.Dabisteočistilifiltarpumpemorate izbacitivodu. Osimtoga,vodućetemoratiupotpunostiizbaciti usljedećimslučajevima: • prijetransportape[...]

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    47 - HR 6 Prijedlozi za rješavanje problema Razlog Objašnjenje /Prijedlog Programsenemožeuključitiiliodabrati. • Perilicasemoždaprebacilau režimsamozaštitezbogpr oblema infrastrukture(kaoštosunapon,tlak vode,itd.). • ResetirajteV ašur eđajpritiskom?[...]

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    48 - HR WMD77127 WMD77107 WMD77127S 777 84 84 84 60 60 60 54 54 54 71 71 71 230V/50Hz 10 10 10 2200 1200 1000 1200 7 Specifikacije Specifikacijenaovomuređajumoguse promijenitibezupozor enjadabisepoboljšalakvalitetaproizvoda. Slikeuovompriručnikusushematskeimožda[...]