Blomberg FRM 1940 A+ manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Blomberg FRM 1940 A+, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Blomberg FRM 1940 A+ one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Blomberg FRM 1940 A+. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Blomberg FRM 1940 A+ should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Blomberg FRM 1940 A+
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Blomberg FRM 1940 A+ item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Blomberg FRM 1940 A+ item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Blomberg FRM 1940 A+ alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Blomberg FRM 1940 A+, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Blomberg service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Blomberg FRM 1940 A+.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Blomberg FRM 1940 A+ item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    FRM1940A+ G B I n s t r u c t i o n f o r u s e P T I n s t r u ç õ e s p a r a u t i l i z a ç ã o IT Istruzioni per l'uso EL Οδηγίες χρήστη[...]

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    WARNING! In order to ensure a normal ope ration of your refrigerating appliance, which uses a completely environmentally friendly refrigerant the R600a (flammable only under certain conditions) you must observe the folloving rules:  Do not hinder the free circulation of the air around the appliance.  Do not use mechanic devices in orde r to a[...]

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    Advice for rec ycling of the old appliance / 1 Packing Rec ycling /2 Transpor t instructions /2 W arnings and special adv ice /2 Setting up /3 Electric connect ion /3 Switching off /4 Appliance desc ription /4 Freezer operatio n /4 Advice for f ood conservatio n /4 Defrosting of the appliance /5 Cleaning of th e appliance / 6 Replacing the i nterio[...]

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    2 3 4 6 5[...]

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    C o ng r a t u l a t i o n s f o r yo u r c h o i c e ! The chest freezer you have purchased is one in the BLOMBERG products range and represents a harmonious joinng between the refrigeration tec hnique with the aestet ical outlook. It has a ne w and attra ctive desi gn and is built accordi ng to the European and national standards which guarant ee[...]

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    P a c k i n g R e c y c l i n g W A R N I N G ! Do not allow children to play with the packing or with parts of it. There is the risk of suffocation with parts of corr ugated cardboard and with plastic film. In order to get to you in good condition, the appliance was prote cted with a suitable packing. All the materials of the packing are compatibl[...]

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     Excess deposit of ice on the frame and the baskets should be removed regularly with the plastic scraper provided. Do not use any metal parts to remove the ice. The presence of this ice bu ild-up makes impossible to close the do or correctly.  If you do not use your app liance for a few days, it is not advisable to switch it off. If you do no[...]

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    S w i t c h i n g o f f The switching off must be possible by taking the plug out of the socket or b y means of a mains two-poles switch p laced before the socket. O p e r a t i o n Before putting into operation, clean the inside of the appliance (see chapter „Cleanin g"). A f t e r f i n i s h i n g t h i s o p e r a t i o n p l e a s e p l[...]

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    - T he fr esh food must not come into co ntact wi th th e foo d alr eady fro zen . - T he fr oze n foo d y ou hav e boug ht c an be pla ced i nto the freez er wit hout h avi ng t o adj ust the ther mosta t. - If the freezing date is not mentioned on the packing, please take into consideration a period of max. 3 months, as a gene ral guide. - The fo[...]

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    I n s i d e c l e a n i n g Before starting the cleaning, u nplug the appliance from the mains. • It is advisable to clean the ap pliance when you defrost it. • W ash the inside wi th lu kewarm water where you add some neutra l detergent. Do not use soap, detergent, gasoline or acetone which can leave a st rong odour. • W ipe with a wet spong[...]

  • Page 12

    A p p l i a n c e d a t a s h e e t BRAND MODEL FRM1940 A+ APPLIANCE TYPE CHEST FREEZER Total gross volume (l) 232 Total useful volume (l) 230 Freezing capacity (kg/24 h) 12 Energy efficiency class (1) A+ Energy consumption (kW h/an) (2) 237 Autonomy (hours) 67 Noise (dB (A) re 1 pW ) 41 Ecological refrigerating agent R 600a (1) Energy classes : A [...]

  • Page 13

    P a r a b é n s p e l a s u a e s c o l h a ! O congelador horiz ontal que adquiriu faz parte da gama de produtos BLOMB ERG e representa uma conjugação harmoniosa entre a técnica de refrig eração com a conc epção estética. Ele possui um novo e atractivo design e foi concebido de acord o com os padrões nacion ais e eur opeus que ga rantem [...]

  • Page 14

    A v i s o s e c o n s e l h o s g e r a i s  Não ligue o equipament o se notou alguma avaria.  As repar açõe s dev em ser feit as ap enas por pes soal qual ific ado.  Nas seg uint es s itua ções, por favor , de sli gue o eq uip amento da toma da: - q uando d escon gel ar co mpleta ment e o eq uipame nto; - q uando l impar o e quipa me[...]

  • Page 15

     O depósito excessivo de gelo na e strutura e nos cestos deve ser periodicame nte remo vido com a espátula de plástico fornecida. Não use qualquer peça metálica para remover o gelo. A pr ese nç a d est a a cu mul açã o de g el o i mpo ss ibi li ta o fe cha me nt o apr opr ia do d a po rt a.  Se não for utilizar o seu equipament o po[...]

  • Page 16

    F u n c i o n a m e n t o Antes de colocá- lo em funcionamento, limpe o interior do equipamento (ver capítulo “Limpeza”). Após terminar esta operação, po r favor ligue o equipamento, ajuste o botão d o termóstato para uma posição interméd ia. Os LEDs verde e vermelho no bloco de sina lização devem acender. D e i x e p r i m e i r o [...]

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    I M P O R T A N T E ! - Para congelar os alimentos fre scos, por favor, utilize os cestos do equipamento fornecidos. - Não coloque grandes quant idades de alimentos de uma vez só d entro do congelador. É mantida uma me lhor qualidade dos alimentos se eles forem profundamen te congelados o mais rápido possível. Por isso aconselha-se que não ex[...]

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    L i m p e z a d o i n t e r i o r Ante s de com eçar a li mpez a, d esli gue a fic ha do e qui pament o da tom ada. • É aco nsel háve l l impar o eq uipam ento qu ando o desc onge lar . • Lave o i nter ior com á gua té pida à q ual p ode adi cion ar um pouc o de det erg ente neutr o. N ão uti liz e sab ão, d eter gent e, g asol ina o u [...]

  • Page 19

    F o l h a d e d a d o s d o e q u i p a m e n t o MARCA MODELO FRM1940 A+ TIPO DE EQUIPAMENTO CONGELADOR HORIZONTAL Capacidade bruta total (l) 232 Capacidade útil total (l) 230 Capacidade de congelação (kg/24 h) 12 Classe de eficiência da energia (1) A+ Consumo de energia (kW h/an) (2) 237 Autonomia (horas) 67 Nível de ruído (dB(A) a 1 pW ) 4[...]

  • Page 20

    C o n g r a t u l a z i o n i p e r l a s c e l t a ! Il cong elatore a ban cone a cquistato è uno dei prodotti dell a gamma BLOMBER G e rappresent a il punto di incontr o armonico tra tecnic he di congelament o e aspetto esterior e. Ha un desi gn nuovo e attraente ed è costruito in base alle norme europee e nazionali che ne garantiscono il funzi[...]

  • Page 21

    R i c i c l a g g i o d e l l ' i m b a l l o A V V E R T E N Z A ! Non permettere ai bambini di gi ocare con l'imballo o con parti di esso. Esiste il pericolo di soffocamento con parti del cartone ondulato e con la pellicola di plastica. Per arrivare a destinazione in buon e condizioni, l'elettrodomestico è pro tetto da un imballo [...]

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     Ec ces siv i de po sit i d i gh ia cc io s ull a s tru tt ur a de v on o ess er e ri mos si r eg ol arm ent e c on i r as chi ett i in pl as tic a i n dot az io ne. N on ut ili zz ar e og g et ti met al li ci p er rimu ov ere i l gh ia cci o. La presenza di questa forma zione di ghiaccio potrebbe rendere impossibile chiu dere lo sportello.  [...]

  • Page 23

    D e s c r i z i o n e d e l l ' e l e t t r o d o m e s t i c o (Elemento 1) 1. Man iglia della porta: 2. P orta 3. A lloggiamento della lampadina 4. Ce stello 5. P rova 6. A lloggiamento della serratura 7. S catola del termostato 8. Dista nziatore per trasporto F u n z i o n a m e n t o d e l f r e e z e r R e g o l a z i o n e d e l l a t e [...]

  • Page 24

    I M P O R T A N T E ! - Per congelare cibi freschi utilizzare il cestello in dotazione. - Non posizionare nel freezer una quantità di cibo troppo grande in una so la volta. La qualità del cibo viene conse rvata al meglio se si congela completamente il più rapidamente possibile. Per tale motivo è sconsigliato superare la capacità di congelament[...]

  • Page 25

    P u l i z i a i n t e r n a Prima di cominciare la pu lizia, scollegare l'elettrodomestico dalla rete e lettrica. • Si con siglia di pulire l'elettrodomestico quando si esegue lo sbrinamen to. • Lavare l'interno con acqua tiep ida con aggiunta di detergenti nat urali. Non utilizzare sapone, detergente, gasolina o a cetone che pos[...]

  • Page 26

    D a t i d e l l ' e l e t t r o d o m e s t i c o MARCA MODELLO FRM1940 A+ TIPO ELETTRODOMESTICO CONGEL A TORE A BANCO Volume lordo totale (l) 232 Volume utile totale (l) 230 Capacità di congelamento (kg/24 ore) 12 Classe di eff icienza dell'energia (1) A+ Consumo elettrico (kWh/an) (2) 237 Autonomia (ore) 67 Rumore (dB (A) re 1 pW ) 41 [...]

  • Page 27

    Σ υ γ χ α ρ η τ ή ρ ι α γ ι α τ η ν ε π ι λ ο γ ή σ α ς ! Ο καταψύκτης που έχετε προµηθευτεί είναι ένα από τα προϊόντα της σει ράς FE D ER AL και αντιπροσ ωπεύει έ ναν αρµονικό συνδυασ µό τεχνολογίας ψύξης κ[...]

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    Α ν α κ ύ κ λ ω σ η τ η ς σ υ σ κ ε υ α σ ί α ς Π Ρ Ο Ε Ι ∆ Ο Π Ο Ι Η Σ Η ! Μην επιτρέπετε σε π αιδιά να παίζουν µε τη συσκευασία ή µέρη α πό αυτή ν . Υπάρχει ο κίνδυνος πνιγµού µε τµήµατα από κυµατοειδές χα[...]

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     Αν υπάρχουν υπερβο λικές αποθέσεις πάγου στο πλαίσιο και στα καλάθια , αυτές θα πρέπει να αφαιρούνται τακτικά µε το παρεχόµενο πλαστικό ξέστρο . Μη χρησιµ οποιήσετε οποιοδήποτε µεταλλικό α?[...]

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    Α π ε ν ε ρ γ ο π ο ί η σ η Η απενεργοποίηση πρέπει να εί ναι δυνατή µε αφαίρεση του φις από την πρίζα ή µε έ να διπολικό διακόπτη παροχής ρεύµατος τοποθετηµένου πριν την πρίζα . Λ ε ι τ ο υ ρ γ ί α Πρ[...]

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    Σ υ µ β ο υ λ έ ς γ ι α τ η δ ι α τ ή ρ η σ η τ ω ν τ ρ ο φ ί µ ω ν Ο καταψύκτης προορίζεται για να διατηρεί τα κατεψυγµένα τρόφιµα για πολύ χρό νο , καθώς και να καταψύχει νωπά τρόφιµα . Ένα από τα κύρια ?[...]

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    Α π ό ψ υ ξ η τ η ς σ υ σ κ ε υ ή ς  Σας συµβουλεύουµε να κάνετε α πόψυξη στον καταψύκτη τουλάχιστον δύο φορές το χρόνο ή όταν το στρώµα πά γου έχει αποκτήσει υπερβολικό πάχος .  Ο σχηµατισµός πά?[...]

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    Ο δ η γ ό ς α ν ε ύ ρ ε σ η ς β λ α β ώ ν Η σ υ σ κ ε υ ή δ ε ν λ ε ι τ ο υ ρ γ ε ί .  Υπάρχει διακοπή ρεύµατος .  Το φις του καλωδίου ρεύµατος δεν έχει µπει καλά στην πρίζα .  Έχει καεί η ασφάλεια .  Ο θε?[...]

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    ∆ ε λ τ ί ο δ ε δ ο µ έ ν ω ν σ υ σ κ ε υ ή ς ΟΝΟΜΑ ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΟΣ aF EDERAL ΜΟΝΤΕΛΟ FRM1940 A+ ΤΥΠΟΣ ΣΥΣΚΕΥΗΣ ΚΑΤΑΨΥΚΤΗΣ ΜΠΑΟΥΛΟ Συνολικός µικτός όγ κος ( λίτρα ) 232 Συνολικός ωφέλιµος όγκος ( λί τρα ) 230 Ικανότητα ?[...]

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    4573910000 24.06.2010[...]