Breville BES980 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Breville BES980, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Breville BES980 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Breville BES980. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Breville BES980 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Breville BES980
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Breville BES980 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Breville BES980 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Breville BES980 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Breville BES980, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Breville service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Breville BES980.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Breville BES980 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    www .breville Breville i s a registered tra demark of Bre ville Pty . Ltd. A.B.N. 98 000 09 2 928. Cop yright Breville Pt y. L td. 2013. Due to continued product impr ov ement, the products ill ustrated/ photographed in this brochure m ay v ary slightl y from the actua l product. BES980 Iss ue - E13 Austra lian Customer s Mail: PO Box 22 Bo[...]

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    2 3 P Age heAder..... CONTENT S 4 Breville rec ommends saf ety first 7 Know y our Breville pr oduct 12 Operating y our Bre ville product 28 C offee m aking ti ps & preparation 33 C are & cle aning 42 T roubles hooting 48 C offees to try C ONGRA TULA TIONS on the p urch ase of y our Bre ville product[...]

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    4 5 BREVILLE RE CO MMENDS SAFE TY FIRST BREVILLE RE CO MMENDS SAFE TY FIRST At Bre ville we are very saf ety conscious. W e design and manufa cture con sumer pr oducts with the saf ety of y ou, our val ued customer, f oremost in mind. In addition we a sk that yo u exer cise a degree of car e when using an y electrical applian ce and a dhere to th e[...]

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    6 KNO W y our Br eville product BREVILLE RE CO MMENDS SAFE TY FIRST SPE CIFIC INSTRUC TIONS F OR BES980 THE ORA CLE • This a pplian ce i s rec ommen ded for h ousehold use onl y . Do not us e this appli anc e for an y purpose other th an its intended use. Do n ot use in movin g v ehicles or boats. Do n ot use outdoors. • If the a pplian c[...]

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    8 9 KNO W YOUR BREVILLE PRODUC T KNO W YOUR BREVILLE PRODUC T I J G D E F H B C A K M L N O P Q S U T R A. Integrated c onical burr grin der With rem ovable 280g be an hopper. B. T op-fill 2.5L remo va ble water tank With integrated w ater filter and ba cklit lev el indicator . C. Grind Size di al Select the desir ed espresso grin d size to suit [...]

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    10 11 KNO W YOUR BREVILLE PRODUC T FEA TURES OF Y OUR BREVILLE PRODUC T A E H F G I D C J K L B AC CESSORIES A. Stainless steel milk jug B. W ater filter holder with filt er C. Filter ba sket D. Cleaning dis c E. Mini grinds bin F. Burr brush G. Grin d outlet brush & tamp removal magnet HANDS FREE A UTO MA TIC GRIND , DOSE & T AMP Automat[...]

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    13 OPERA TING y our Br eville product OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE PRODUCT BEF ORE FIRST USE Machine Pr eparation Re move and d isca rd a ll lab els a nd pack agi ng mater ial s attac hed to you r espr esso m achi ne. En sur e you have remov ed al l pa rt s and acc essor ies befor e di sca rdi ng the pa ckag ing. Re move the w ater ta nk locate d at t[...]

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    14 15 P Age heAder..... OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE PRODUCT OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE PRODUCT GRINDING OPERA TION Insert be an hopper into position on-top of the ma chine. T urn knob to lock into place . Fill h opper with fresh be ans. TIP W e recommend qualit y 100% Arabica beans with a 'R oasted On' d ate stamped on the bag , not a '[...]

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    16 17 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE PRODUCT OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE PRODUCT NOTE Prior to texturin g milk, alwa ys purge steam w and by m omentarily pressin g down the ste am lever . A UT O MILK TEX TURING Start with fresh c old milk. Fill milk jug to below the spo ut position. Lift steam wand and insert into milk jug . Lower steam wan d, ensurin g i[...]

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    18 19 MANU AL LONG BLACK This allow s you total contr ol ov er the Long Bl ack proc ess: pre-infusion duration, espresso v olume & hot w ater vol ume. During manual L ong Bla ck mode, th e L CD will show a mo ving cup ic on. Press and h old L ONG BLACK dia l to acti vate pr e-infusion. Relea se LONG BLA CK dial to c ommenc e espresso po ur. Pre[...]

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    20 21 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE PRODUCT SHOT TEMPERA TURE Wh ile ' SHOT TEM P' i s di splayed on t he LCD, pre ss the SE LECT d ial . The cu rre nt temper atu re w ill fl ash . T u r n the SEL ECT di al to re qui red temp eratu re t hen press SEL ECT di al to set . Mac hine w i ll be ep once to con fir m new temp eratu re . SELECT SELEC[...]

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    22 23 4. Press th e MENU button. Rotate the SELE CT di al to ‘L ONG BLACK ADJU ST’ then pr ess the SELECT di al. 5. Rotate SELECT di al to the c ustom setting y ou’d lik e to program - ‘S et 1’ to ‘Set 6’. S ettings that ha ve alre ady been programmed will di spla y a cup icon. NO T PROGRA MMED PROGR AMMED 6. T o start programming , p[...]

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    24 25 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE PRODUCT NOTE The machin e will exit Adv anced F eatures if th ere is n o user input f or 30 second s or the PO WER button or MENU button is pr essed. Reset Default Settin gs (rSEt) U se this function to reset a ll programma ble va lues ba ck to the default settings. Th e machin e has th e followin g default settin gs[...]

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    26 27 OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE PRODUCT OPERA TING YOUR BRE VILLE PRODUCT Lock Hopper Indicates if th e bean hopper h as not been properly ins erted and locked into position. The auto grin d, dose & tamp fun ction cannot be used during this tim e and 3 beeps will sound if us er attempts to acti vate. Overhe at Please W ait Indicates if th e gri[...]

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    29 P Age heAder..... C OFFEE M AKING TIPS & PREP ARA TION COFFEE M AKING TIPS & PREP ARA TION PRE -HEA TING Heatin g your c up or glass A warm cup will h elp maintain the coff ee’ s optimal tem perature. Pr e-heat y our cup by rinsing with h ot water from th e hot water outlet an d place on the cup w arming tray . Heatin g the portafilte[...]

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    30 31 COFFEE M AKING TIPS & PREP ARA TION • T o start the auto grind, dose & tamp function, rotate th e portafilter to the right then gent ly guide back to the centr e position. Grinding will comme nce. • When the a uto grind, dose & tamp function is c omplete, r otate the portafilter handle to th e INSER T position and lowe[...]

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    32 33 COFFEE M AKING TIPS & PREP ARA TION • With the milk s pinning , slow ly lower the jug . This will bring the ste am tip to th e surfac e of the milk & start to introduc e air into the milk. Y ou may h a ve to gent ly brea k the surface of the milk with th e tip to get the milk spinnin g fast eno ugh. • Keep th e tip at or s l[...]

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    Burr brush T amp remo val magnet Grind out let brush 34 35 C ARE & CLEANING CLEANING C Y CLE • CLEAN ME! will be dis pla yed on the L CD to indicate when a cle aning cy cle is requir ed (appr ox. 200 s hots). The cleanin g cycle clean s the sh ower screen and b ack-flushes th e group h ead. • Insert the s upplied grey silicone cleani[...]

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    36 37 CLEANING THE S TEAM W AND IMPOR T ANT After e ver y use, t horoughly wipe t he steam wan d and tip wit h a damp cloth & purge imm ediately . Failure to clean the s team wand may af fect th e milk te xturing pe rformance. • If any of the h oles in the tip of the steam wand bec ome blocked, ensure th e steam lev er is in the centre OFF[...]

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    38 39 DESC ALE (dESc) U se this function to acc ess the step b y step descale pr ocedure on the grind L CD . CA UTION Never open DE SCA LE A CCE SS valves while ma chine i s still h ot. Alway s tur n off t he mac hine and al low to cool for at lea st 1 hour pr ior to star ting descale process. CA UTION Dur ing des cale proce ss, water may flow th [...]

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    40 41 C ARE & CLEANING g) Empt y drip tra y and reinsert into position. U se caution as the dri p tray ma y be hot due to the water and ste am from the boilers. h) Press SELE CT dial to proc eed to next step. Step 5 – Fill Boiler s During Step 5 proc edure, th e grind L CD will displ ay '05'. a) 5 minute timer will begin. During thi[...]

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    42 43 TROUBLE SHOO TING PROBLEM POSSIBLE C AU SE WHA T TO DO Motor starts b ut no gro und coffee comin g from grind outlet • No co ff ee beans in be an hopper . • Grinder/bean h opper is blocked. • C offee be an ma y hav e become stuck in h opper . • Fill be an hopper with fresh c offee beans. • Re move bea n hopper. In spe[...]

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    44 45 TROUBLESHOO TING PROBLEM POSSIBLE C A USE WHA T T O DO Grinder running continuously • No be ans in hopper . • Fill h opper with beans. • Rotate the portafilter to the left to stop the auto grind, dose & tam p function. • T ampin g fan has been remo ved. • Check that th e tamping fan is in position and mounted c o[...]

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    46 47 TROUBLESHOO TING TROUBLESHOO TING PROBLEM POSSIBLE C AU SES WHA T TO DO The machin e is ‘ On’ but ceases t o operate T u rn m achi ne off . W ait for 60 m inutes and t ur n mac hine b ack on. If problem p ersi sts , ca ll Bre ville C ustomer Servic e C entre. Steam pourin g out of group head T u rn m achi ne off . W ait for 60 m inutes an[...]

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    49 C OFFEE S T O TR Y COFFEE S TO TRY C APPUCCINO A single sh ot of espresso with textured milk an d garnis hed with drinking ch ocolate . ESPRE SSO Intense and ar omatic, it is also kn own as a s hort bla ck and is served in a sm all cup or glass. LA TTÉ A latté con sists of a single es presso with textur ed milk and appro x. 10mm of foam. MACC [...]