Breville ES6SXL /A manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Breville ES6SXL /A, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Breville ES6SXL /A one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Breville ES6SXL /A. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Breville ES6SXL /A should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Breville ES6SXL /A
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Breville ES6SXL /A item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Breville ES6SXL /A item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Breville ES6SXL /A alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Breville ES6SXL /A, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Breville service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Breville ES6SXL /A.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Breville ES6SXL /A item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    1 Espr esso Machine Cafetièr e à Espr esso ESP6SXL Instruction booklet Manuel d’emploi[...]

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    2 CONGRA TULA TIONS on the purchase of your new Breville Café Modena Espr esso Machine[...]

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    3 4 Breville Recommends Safety First 7 Know Y our Breville Café Modena Espresso Machine 8 Operating Y our Br eville Café Modena Espresso Machine 9 Tips on Making the Perfect Espresso 15 Care, Cleaning and Storage 17 T roubleshooting 19 Coffee V ariations 22 French Instructions CONTENTS[...]

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    4 BREVILLE RECOMMENDS SAFETY FIRST Always switch the appliance to “OFF”, • and then remove plug fr om the power outlet when the appliance is not being used and before cleaning. Regularly inspect the supply cord, plug • and actual appliance for any damage. If found damaged in any way , immedi- ately cease use of the appliance and call [...]

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    5 ELECTRIC CORD ST A TEMENT Y our Espresso Machine has a short cor d as a safety precaution to pr event personal injury or property damage r esulting from pulling, tripping or becoming entangled with the cord. Do not allow childr en to be near or use this appliance without close adult supervision. If you must use a longer cord or an extension cor d[...]

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    6 KNOW your Breville Café Modena Espr esso Machine[...]

  • Page 7

    7 KNOW YOUR BREVILLE CAFÉ MODENA ESPRESSO MACHINE Power On/Off switch ‘Power On’ light (red) illuminates when the machine is turned on 15 bar pump Selector Control for Espresso and Steam ‘HEA TING’ light (orange) illuminates to indicate that the machine is heating and will turn off when the correct temperature has been r eached. This light[...]

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    8 OPERA TING your Breville Café Modena Espr esso Machine[...]

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    9 Be fo re U si ng yo ur E s pr es so M ac hi n e Wash the f ilter h old er a nd the st ainl es s steel f il ters in m ild de tergen t and water . Rin se thoro ugh ly . Fil li n g Th e Wate r T ank 1 . En sure th e Power switch i s set to the ‘OFF’ posi tion an d the Se le ctor Con trol is set to the ‘ST A ND BY’ pos ition. 2 . Unp lug the [...]

  • Page 10

    10 3. Distr ibu te the cof fe e evenl y and p res s it lig htly w ith the b ottom of the m eas - uri ng sp oon ( i f there i s too muc h cof fe e, the flow of water ca n bec ome blocked). 4. Clea n any exces s cof fe e from th e rim of the filte r hold er to ens ure a pro per fi t und er the b rew he ad. 5. Place th e filter ho lde r und er ne [...]

  • Page 11

    11 Br ew in g Cof fee 1 . M ake sure th e Sel ec tor Contro l is in the ‘ST AN D BY’ positi on. 2 . Pl ug the p ower co rd into a 1 20V ele ctr ica l outl et. Set the powe r switch to the ‘ON’ positi on. 3. As soo n as the o ran ge ‘HE A TIN G’ light turn s of f, the machi ne is h eated up. 4. Make sure the d rip tr ay is in pl ace. 5. [...]

  • Page 12

    12 4. Hold the frothing jug at an angle so that the Frothing Attachment sits just below the surface of the heating milk. The steam will move the milk around the inside of the jug in a circular motion. 5. When the milk has begun to increase in volume, immerse the Froth Enhancer deeper into the jug to further heat the milk. 6. The amount of froth des[...]

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  • Page 14

    14 CARE, CLEANING AND STORAGE of your Breville Café Modena Espr esso Machine[...]

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    15 Cleaning the Housing / Cup W arming T ray 1 . T he ou ter hou sin g can b e cl ean ed w ith a soft, damp cloth (do not use abrasive agents or cloths which can scratch the surfaces). Cleaning the Filters, Filter Holder and Brewing Head 1 . D ire ctly af ter use, remove u sed c of fee grou nds a nd rin se the s tain les s stee l filter s and fi [...]

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    16 and let half the decalcifying solution run through the br ewing head. 7. T urn the Selector Control to the ‘STEAM’ position and let the remaining solution run through the steam wand. When the solution has run through, set the Selector Control back to the ‘ST AND BY’ position. 8. After decalcifying, rinse the water tank thoroughly and r e[...]

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    17 PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSES Coffee does not run thr ough Machineisnotturnedonor • pluggedin W atertankisempty • SelectorControlnotin • ‘ESPRESSO’ position Coffeegrindistoone • T oomuchcoffeeinthelter • Thelterisblocked •?[...]

  • Page 18

    18 PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSES Coffee is too weak or watery Coffeegrindisnotneenough • (use coffee gr ound for espresso machines) Coffee is too cold Machinenotpreheated • Cupsnotpreheated • Milknotheatedenough • (if making a cappuccino or latte) No créma Coffeeisnottamped(pr essed)[...]

  • Page 19

    19 COFFEE V ARIA TIONS CAPPUCCINO A cappuccino is very light and almost lukewarm. This has one-third espr esso, one-third milk and one-thir d foam. ESPRESSO Intense and aromatic, an espr esso or short black as it’ s also known uses about 0.3oz (7g) of ground cof fee. It is served in a small cup or glass to a level of approximately 11/2” (35mm).[...]

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    20 Breville ® * warrants this Breville ® appliance against defects that are due to faulty material or workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of original consumer purchase. This warranty does not cover damage from abuse, neglect, use for commercial purposes, or any other use not found in the printed “Instructions for use” bookl[...]

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  • Page 22

    22 FÉLICIT A TIONS pour votre acquisition d’une cafetièr e à espresso de Br eville[...]

  • Page 23

    23 22 Breville vous r ecommande la sécurité avant tout 24 Bien connaître votr e cafetière à espresso de Br eville 26 Fonctionnement de votre cafetièr e à espresso de Br eville 30 Conseils pratiques relatifs à la préparation du café 32 Entretien et Nettoyage 33 Guide de dépannage 36 Différ ents types de cafés T ABLE DES MA TIÈRES[...]

  • Page 24

    24 BREVILLE VOUS RECOMMANDE LA SÉCURITÉ A V ANT TOUT L ’utilisation d’accessoires non • recommandés par Br eville présente des risques de blessures, d’incendie ou de chocs électriques. Mettez toujours l’appareil hors tension, • puis débranchez la fiche de la prise lorsque l’appareil n’est pas en service ou avant de le n[...]

  • Page 25

    25 CONSERVER CES INSTRUCTIONS POUR USAGE DOMESTIQUE SEULEMENT MESURES DE SÛRETÉ P AR TICULIÈRES V ersez seulement de l’eau froide dans le • réservoir . N’utilisez aucun autre liquide. Ne vous servez jamais de l’appareil • sans eau. Assurez-vous que le porte-filtr es est bien • en place lorsque vous utilisez l’appareil. N[...]

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    26 BIEN CONNAÎTRE votre cafetièr e à espresso de Br eville[...]

  • Page 27

    27 BIEN CONNAÎTRE VOTRE CAFETIÈRE À ESPRESSO DE BREVILLE Interrupteur Témoin de fonctionnement (rouge) s’allumant lorsque l’appareil est mis sous tension Pompe de 15 bars Sélecteur pour infusion espresso et vapeur Témoin de réchauffement (orange) s’allumant lorsque l’appareil se réchauf fe et s’éteignant lorsque la température a[...]

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    28 FONCTIONNEMENT de votre cafetièr e à espresso de Br eville[...]

  • Page 29

    29 Avan t d’ut i li se r vot r e ca fe ti è re Lavez l e por te-fil tres et l es fil tres e n aci er inox ydab le da ns de l’ e au avec un d éter - ge nt dou x. Rinc ez à fon d. Re mp li ss ag e d u ré se r vo ir 1 . A ssu rez- vou s que l’interr upteur e st es t à la po sitio n « OFF » et l e sél ecteu r à « ST A ND BY » . 2 . D[...]

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    30 3. Di strib uez l a moutu re uni form ém ent et tas sez-la lég ère men t avec le do s de la cui llè re à me sure r ( le dé bi t d’ e au p eut s e blo que r s’ il y a trop d e café ) . 4. Enl evez tout sur plu s de c afé du reb ord du po r te-filtre s pour vo us s’ a ssu rer q ue ce de rn ier s’insère co rre cteme nt sou s la t?[...]

  • Page 31

    31 In fu s io n du c af é 1 . A ssu rez- vou s que l e sél ec teur es t à la pos ition « ST AN D BY » . 2 . B ran che z l’ a ppa reil d ans u ne pr ise d e courant de 120V . Placez l’interrupteur à la position de mise sous tension « ON ». 3. Dès q ue le tém oin o ran ge s’ étei nt, l’ a ppa reil e st ré cha uf fé. 4. Assure z -[...]

  • Page 32

    32 Comment faire mousser du lait pour un cappuccino ou un café au lait La Café Modena de Breville vient avec une buse à vapeur et un mousseur à lait. Si moins de mousse est requise ou voulue, veuillez retir er le mousseur à lait et mousser votre lait. Pour r etirer le mousseur , veuillez vous assurer qu'il est fr oid et tirez simplement v[...]

  • Page 33

    33 NOTE : As s ur ez-vo us t ou jo u rs q u e l’ac ce s so ir e d e mo us s ag e e n ca ou tc ho u e st b ie n e nf on c é su r l a t ig e de v ap e ur. Afi n d’op t im is e r le s r és ul t at s , ut i li s ez d u la it f r ai s e t fr oi d ( d u l ai t éc r ém é mo u ss e mi e ux ) . Ne t to yez t ou jo ur s l a t ig e d e va pe u r et [...]

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    34 ENTRETIEN ET NETTOY AGE de votre cafetièr e à espresso de Br eville[...]

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    35 Nettoyage du boîtier de l’appareil et du chauffetasses 1 . Vous pou vez net toyer le bo î tie r extér ie ur avec un c hif fo n dou x et hum ide ( n e vous ser vez pas de p rodu its ab rasi fs n i de chi f fons q ui po urr aie nt ég ratign er l es surfaces). Nettoyage des filtres, du porte-filtr es et de la tête d’infusion 1 . I mmé d[...]

  • Page 36

    36 Décalcification Après une utilisation régulière, de l’eau dure peut causer une accumulation des mineraux dans et sur de nombreuses composantes internes de l’appareil. Cela réduit le débit d’infusion et le rendement de l’appareil, et nuit à la qualité du café. Il est conseillé de décalcifier régulièrement l’appareil (aux [...]

  • Page 37

    37 PROBLÈME CAUSES POSSIBLES Il n’y a pas de café qui sort L ’appareiln’estpassoustension • ou branché Leréservoirestvide • Lesélecteurn’estpasàlaposition • d’infusion (ESPRESSO) Lamoutureesttr opne • Ilyatropdemoutur edansleltre [...]

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    38 PROBLÈME CAUSES POSSIBLES Le café est trop faible Lamoutureesttr opgrosse(utilisez • de la mouture pour cafetièr e à expresso) Le café est trop fr oid L ’appareiln’estpasr échauffé • Lestassesnesontpasréchauf fées • Lelaitn’estpasassezchaud • (pour du cappuc[...]

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    39 DIFFÉRENTS TYPES DE CAFÉS CAPPUCCINO Un cappuccino est très léger et presque tiède. Il se compose d’un tiers d’expresso, d’un tiers de lait et d’un tiers de mousse. ESPRESSO Intense et aromatique, un expr esso, ou café corsé, est fait à partir d’environ 7 g (0,3 oz) de café moulu. On le sert dans une demitasse ou dans un verre[...]

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    40 Breville ®* garantit cet appareil contr e tous défauts causés par un matériau ou une fabrication défectueux pendant une période d’un an suivant la date du premier achat par le consommateur . La présente garantie ne couvre pas les dommages dus aux abus, à la négligence, à un usage commercial ou à tout autr e usage non précisé dans [...]

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    44 www Breville is a register ed trademark of Breville Pty Ltd. A.B.N. 98 000 092 928. USA: 19400 S.Western Ave, T orrance, CA90501-1119, T el: 1 866 BREVILLE. CANADA: 2555, Avenue de l’Aviation, Pointe-Clair e (Montreal) Quebec, H9P2Z2. T el: 1 866 BREVILLE Copyright Breville Pty Ltd 2007. Due to continued product impr ovement, the[...]