Breville THE SMART GRINDER BCG800XL manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Breville THE SMART GRINDER BCG800XL, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Breville THE SMART GRINDER BCG800XL one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Breville THE SMART GRINDER BCG800XL. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Breville THE SMART GRINDER BCG800XL should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Breville THE SMART GRINDER BCG800XL
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Breville THE SMART GRINDER BCG800XL item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Breville THE SMART GRINDER BCG800XL item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Breville THE SMART GRINDER BCG800XL alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Breville THE SMART GRINDER BCG800XL, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Breville service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Breville THE SMART GRINDER BCG800XL.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Breville THE SMART GRINDER BCG800XL item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    the Smart Grind er™ Instruction Booklet www .br Breville is a regi stered trademark of Bre ville Pty . Ltd. A.B.N. 98 000 09 2 928. Copyright Bre ville Pty . Ltd. 2010 . Due to continued product impro vement, the products ill ustrated/ph otographed in this booklet may v ary slightly from th e actual product. Model BCG800XL Iss ue - A10[...]

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    3 C ONGRA TULA TIONS on the pur chas e of yo ur new Br eville Smart Grin der™ CONTENT S 4 Breville r ecommend s safety first 7 Know yo ur Breville Smart Grinder™ 10 Assembling y our Breville S mart Grinder™ 12 Operating your Breville S mart Grinder™ 18 Care & cleaning f or yo ur Breville S mart Grinder™ 20 Hints & tips 22 T roubl[...]

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    4 5 BREVILLE REC OMMENDS SAFE TY FIRST BREVILLE REC OMMENDS SAFE TY FIRST 5 READ ALL INSTRUC TIONS • Carefull y read a ll instructions befor e operating the applian ce for th e first time and sav e for future referenc e. • Remov e and safely discard an y packagin g material s and promotion al labels bef ore using the a ppliance f or the [...]

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    6 KNO W yo ur Bre ville Sm art Grinder™ BREVILLE ASSIS T™ PLUG Y our Breville applian ce comes with a unique Assist™ Plug , conv eniently designed with a finger hole in the power pl ug for easy and safe rem ov al from the w all outlet. F or safety r eason s it is recommen ded you plug yo ur Breville a ppliance direct ly into its own electric[...]

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    8 9 KNOW Y OUR BREVILLE SMAR T GRINDER™ KNOW Y OUR BREVILLE SMAR T GRINDER™ A. Breville Assist™ Ring-Pull Rem oval B. Bean Hopper Lid C. 1lb Bean Hopper With locking system f or easy remov al, storage and transf er of coffee be ans. D . Upper Conical Burr (r emova ble) E. Lower Conical Burr F . Backlit L CD Screen Di sp lay s th e gr in d se [...]

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    11 ASSEMBLING A SSEMBLING yo ur Bre ville Sm art Grinder™ BEF ORE FIRST USE Before first use, r emov e and safely discard all promotiona l labels an d packing m aterials attached to yo ur Breville S mart Grinder™. W ash t he Gr ind s Contai ner a nd Lid, B ea n Hopper a nd Lid and Por ta fi lter Crad les in wa r m soapy w ater, ri ns e and d [...]

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    13 OPERA TING YOUR BREVILLE SMAR T GRINDER™ OPERA TING yo ur Bre ville Sm art Grinder™ STEP 1: Selecting your Grin d Size There are 25 grind si ze setting s for 4 different coff ee styles - F rench Press, Percol ator, Dri p Filter and E spresso . Within each c offee sty le, there ar e a range of sub-setting s. See the C offee Chart on page 14. [...]

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    14 15 STEP 4: Grinding into yo ur Portafilter , Grinds Container or Drip C offee Filt er Basket. A. Grinding into Portafilt er • Choose t he Por ta fi lter Crad le siz e th at fits you r por ta fi lter (either sma ll 5 0 - 5 4mm or l arge 5 8m m). • Al ign t he Por ta filter C rad le wit h the Gri nd Out let a nd slide i nto posit i[...]

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    16 17 OPERA TING YOUR BREVILLE SMAR T GRINDER™ NOTE Bef ore r emo vi ng t he G rin ds C ont ai ne r , ta p th e gri nder a f ew t im es . T his wi ll re li ev e so me o f th e st ati c bu il d- up wh ich occ urs wh en g ri nd in g . C. Grinding into Drip F ilter Basket • Slide drip filter ba sket under Grind Outlet. • Us e A UTO MA TIC[...]

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    19 CARE & CLEANING C ARE & CLEANING for y our Breville S mart Grinder™ 1. Unpl ug power cord from power outlet before cleanin g . 2. W ash the Grinds C ontainer and Lid, Bean Hopper an d Lid and Portafilter Cradles in w arm soap y water , rinse and dry thoroughly . 3. Wipe and polish e xterior of the grinder with a soft damp cloth. 4. Wi[...]

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    21 HINTS & TIPS HINT S & TIPS HINTS & TIPS • F re s h g rind s ar e th e ke y to ma kin g c off ee wit h mo re fl av or a nd b ody . • Coff ee flav or and strength is a personal preferen ce. V ary the type of c offee beans, amount of coff ee and fineness of grin d to achiev e the fla vor y ou prefer . • Us e freshly r[...]

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    23 TROUBLESHOOTING TROUBLE SHOO TING PROBLEM POSSIBLE C AU SE WHA T TO DO Grinder does not start after pressing the ST ART | CANCEL button • Grinder not plug ged in. • Plug power cord i nto power out let . • Grinder is ov erheated. Thermal S afety S hut Off has been acti vated. • Rem ov e powe r pl ug f rom pow er out let. Le av[...]

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    24 25 TROUBLESHOOTING ONE YEAR LIMITED W ARRANTY PROBLEM PO SSIBLE CA USE WHA T TO DO Not enough/too much coffee grind • Grind amount requir es adjustment. • Press AMOUNT b utton to change grind amo unt. • Use A DJ UST A MOUN T di al to fine t une t he amou nt. Portafilter overfills • It is normal f or the correct amount of c[...]

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    27 FÉLICIT A TIONS pour l’ achat de votr e nouv eau Smart Grin der MC de Br eville T ABLE DES MA TIÈRES 28 Breville v ous recomm ande la sécurité a vant tout 31 F aites la connai ssance de v otre Smart Grinder M C de Breville 34 Assemblage de v otre Smart Grinder MC de Bre ville 36 F onctionnement de votr e Smart Grinder MC de Bre ville 42 En[...]

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    28 29 29 BREVILLE V OUS REC OMMANDE LA SÉCURITÉ A VANT T OUT BREVILLE V OUS REC OMMANDE LA SÉCURITÉ A VANT T OUT Che z Br eville , l a sé cur ité o cc upe u ne pla ce de c hoix . N ous con cev ons et f abr iquon s des prod uits des tiné s a u co nso mma teur , san s ja mai s pe rdr e de vue la séc urit é de not re préc ieu se clien tèle [...]

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    30 F AITE S LA C ONNAISSANCE de votr e Smart Grin der MC de Br eville BREVILLE V OUS REC OMMANDE LA SÉCURITÉ A VANT T OUT C ONSER VEZ CES INS TRUC TIONS US AGE DOME STIQUE SEULEMENT FICHE ASSIS T MC DE BREVILLE V otre appareil Bre ville est muni d’une fiche excl usiv e Assist MC con çue de façon à laisser pa sser un doigt afin de permettre[...]

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    32 33 F AITES LA CONNAISSANCE DE V OTRE SMAR T GRINDER MC DE BREVILLE F AITES LA CONNAISSANCE DE V OTRE SMAR T GRINDER MC DE BREVILLE A. Boucle Assist MC de Breville B. Couver cle de la trémie C. Tr émie pour 450g (1lb) de grain s A vec sy stème de verro uillage pour retirer , stocker ou transf érer les grains de café. D . Meule conique supér[...]

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    35 ASSEMBLA GE A SSEMBLAGE de votr e Smart Grin der MC de Br eville A VANT LA PREMIÈRE U TILISA TION A vant la pr emière utilisation, retir ez et disposez de to ut matériel d’ emball age et étiquettes promotionnelles de v otre Smart Grinder MC de Bre ville. Lavez l a trém ie et son cou verc le, le contena nt à moutu re et son c ouverc le et[...]

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    37 F ONCTIONNEMENT DE V OTRE SMART GRINDER M C DE BREVILLE F ONC TIONNEMENT de votr e Smart Grin der MC de Br eville ÉT APE 1: Sélection de la grosseur de m outure Il y a 25 réglages de mo uture pour 4 différents ty pes de café - c afetière à piston, percolateur , filtre et espresso. E t chaque type de caf é dispose de pl usieurs régla ge[...]

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    38 39 ÉT APE 4: Moudre d ans le porte-filtre , le contenant à mouture ou le p anier-filtre. A. Moudre d ans le porte-filtre • Choisis sez le supp or t du por te- filt re qu i vous conv ient ( petit de 50 - 5 4mm ou plus gr and de 5 8mm). • Alignez le support du porte-filtre d ans le siège de carafe et faites-le glisser pour le ver[...]

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    40 41 F ONCTIONNEMENT DE V OTRE SMART GRINDER M C DE BREVILLE NOTE A van t d e re tire r le c on te na nt à mou tur e, co gn ez lég èr em en t su r l’ app arei l. C ela déc olle ra la mo utur e ac cumu lée dur ant le meu la ge . C. Moudre dan s le panier-filtre • Pla cez le pa nier-fi ltre so us l e siè ge de c araf e. • Débute[...]

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    43 ENTRETIEN E T NETT OY AGE ENTRE TIEN ET NE TTO Y A GE de votr e Smart Grin der MC de Br eville 1. Débranchez l’ appareil. 2. Lav ez le contenant à m outure et son couver cle, la trémie et s on couver cle et les supports à porte-filtre à l’ eau chaude sa vonne use. Rince z et asséchez correctement. 3. Essuyez et polisse z l’ extérie[...]

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    45 TRUCS ET A STUCES TRUC S E T A S TUCE S TRUCS ET A STUCES • U ne mo utur e fr aîc he e st l a clé d’u n ca fé sa vo ur eu x et c onsi stan t. • La sav eur et la f orce d’un caf é est une matière de goût. Ess ay ez différents types de grains de c afé, de quantité ou de grosseur de mo uture afin d’ obtenir la sav eur qui [...]

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    47 GUIDE DE DÉP ANNAGE GUIDE DE DÉP ANNA GE PROBLÈME CA USE POSSIBLE SOLUTION Le Smart Grinder MC refuse de fonctioner après av oir pressé le bouton ST ART | CANCEL • Le Smart Grinder M C n’ est pas branché! • Branchez l’ appareil. • Le Smart Grinder M C chauffe . Le mécani sme de protection en cas de surchauff e s’est a[...]

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    48 49 GUIDE DE DÉP ANNAGE GARANTIE LIMITÉE D’UN AN PROBLÈME CA USE POSSIBLE SOLUTION Pas assez/tr op de mouture • Ajustez la quantité de grains. • Pre ssez le b outon ‘ A MOUN T’ pour c ha nger la qu antité de gr ai ns . • Utilisez le c adran ‘ AJUST AMOUNT’ pour a juster la quantité. Le porte-filtre déborde • [...]

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    50 51 NOTES NOTES BCG800XL_IB_A10.indd 50-51 25/06/10 2:04 PM[...]