Carrier 48/50HC04---14 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Carrier 48/50HC04---14, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Carrier 48/50HC04---14 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Carrier 48/50HC04---14. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Carrier 48/50HC04---14 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Carrier 48/50HC04---14
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Carrier 48/50HC04---14 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Carrier 48/50HC04---14 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Carrier 48/50HC04---14 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Carrier 48/50HC04---14, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Carrier service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Carrier 48/50HC04---14.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Carrier 48/50HC04---14 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    48/50T C04 - - - 28, 50TCQ04 - - - 12 48/50HC04 - - - 14, 50HCQ04 - - - 12 F actor y Ins talled Optio n R T U --- O P E N Cont rols , St art - - - Up, Ope ratio n and T ro ubles ho ot ing Ins truct io ns T ABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY CONSIDERA TI ONS 2 ......................... GENERAL 2 ......................................... SENSOR/ACCESSOR Y INST [...]

  • Page 2

    2 SAF ETY CONSIDERA TIONS Installa tion a nd servici ng of air-conditioni ng equipm ent can be hazardous due to sy stem press ure and electrical compone nts. Only tra ined a nd qualifi ed service personnel should install, repair , or s ervice air -conditioning equipme nt. Untrained pe rsonnel can perform the basic maintenance fu nction s of rep lac[...]

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    3 C10818 Fig. 1 - - RTU- - OPEN Contr ol Modul e[...]

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    4 T able 1 – R TU - -OPEN Input s and O utput s POINT NAME BACnet O BJ ECT NAM E TYPE OF I/ O CON N ECTION P IN NUM BE R (S) DEDICATE D INPUTS Spa ce T emp / Zone T emp zone_tem p AI (10K Thermistor) J 2 0 --- 1 , 2 Suppl y Ai r T em perat ure sa_ temp AI (10K T hermistor) J 2 --- 1 , 2 Ou tdoor Air T emper ature oa_temp AI (10K Thermis tor) J 2 [...]

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    5 C10819 Fig. 2 - - T ypical Fac t ory Opt ion W i ri ng[...]

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    6 Resi sti ve Non - - Communi c ati ng Senso r Wiri ng For sensor with setpoi nt a djustme nt up t o 500 ft (152m ), use three -conductor shielded c able 20 gauge wire to connec t the sensor to the cont rolle r . For non set point adjus tment (s lidebar ) or retu rn air duct s ens or , an unshielded, 18 or 20 gauge, two-conductor , twisted pair cab[...]

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  • Page 8

    8 Re lat ive Hum idity Se nsor s (Spac e or Du ct Mou nt ed) The access ory s pace hu midity sen so r or duct humidity sens or is used to measure the relative humidity of the air within th e space or r eturn air du ct. The RH read ing is used to control the Humid i-M izer t option of t he rooftop unit. For wiring dista nces up to 500 ft (152m), use[...]

  • Page 9

    9 Relative Humidity Sensor (Polarized Male Connector ) J4-1 or J4-4 + 24 VDC Supply Voltage J4-2 or J4-5 (-) 4 to 20 mA Cu rrent Loop Output to RTU-O PEN 4-20 VAC GND 0-5V mA or or VDC 0-1 0V SPAN ZERO C10839 Fig . 9 - - Du ct Rela tiv e Hu m idity S en sor T yp ica l Wiring T o wire ret urn air ent halpy sensor: --MP Con nect the 4-20 mA In termin[...]

  • Page 10

    10 C10821 Fig. 10 - - Enthalpy Swi t ch and Se ns or W ir ing Communicati on W iring - - Protocols Gen eral Protocols are the comm unica tion la nguages spoken by control devi ces. T he main purpose of a prot ocol is to communi cate infor mation in the mos t eff icient metho d pos sib le. Dif ferent pro tocols exist to provid e dif ferent kinds of [...]

  • Page 11

    11 SW 3 P roto col S electio n PROTOC OL DS8 DS7 DS6 DS5 DS4 DS3 DS2 DS1 BAC ne t MS/T P (Ma ster) Unused OF F OF F OFF ON OFF Select Ba ud Select Ba ud Modb us (Slave) Unused OF F OFF ON ON OFF Select Ba ud Select Ba ud N2 (Slave) Unused OF F OFF OFF ON ON OFF OF F LonWorks Unuse d ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON NOTE: DS = Dip Sw itch BACnet MS/TP SW3 ex[...]

  • Page 12

    12 C10817 Fig . 14 - - L ON - - OC a n d L ON N etwo rk Wirin g Loc al Access BACvi ew 6 H andhe l d The BA Cview 6 is a ke ypad/di splay inte rface used to conn ect to the R TU- - OPEN to access the contro l informat ion, re ad sensor val ues, and t est the R TU. (See Fig . 15.) This is an accesso ry interface that does not come with the R TU- - O[...]

  • Page 13

    13 ST ART- - UP IMP ORT ANT : Follow the base unit’ s start-up sequence docume nted in i ts specifi c instruc tions. Use the base unit’ s start-u p check list w hen per formin g the star t-up . At the e nd of t his ma nual there is an additi onal R TU-OPEN Star t-up S heet to be completed an d includ ed with the base unit check lis t. Besides t[...]

  • Page 14

    14 De humidif icat ion T est For u nits w ith the facto ry Reheat op tion, the dehumidi fica tion re lay i s used t o change the out put status to operate the circu its in dif ferent Reheat modes. Dehu midificatio n relay on by itself puts all circuits running in Hot Gas Rehe at dehum idifi cat ion mode ; dehumid ification r elay on and th e coolin[...]

  • Page 15

    15 V ent Dm pr P os / DCV Mi n Po s – Minimu m damper pos ition fo r ventilatio n durin g the occup ied period Range = 95-150 _ F Defau lt = 120 _ F DC V Max V ent Dam per Pos – This is the gre ate st position the economizer can open t o while trying to control the indoor air quality levels Range = 10-60%open Defa ult = 50%open S Fan S ervice A[...]

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    16 Input 5 - - This input i s a discre te i nput and c an be configured t o be one of six di fferent functi ons: No Fun ction, F ire S hu tdow n, F an S tatus , Filter Statu s, Remote Occupanc y , or Door Contac t. This input can also be config ured to b e either a Nor mally Open ( N/O ) or a Normally Cl osed (N/C) switch. Input 5 i s factory wire [...]

  • Page 17

    17 USE RPW This s ubmen u scr een allow s you to ch ange the user password to a four num ber password of c hoice . The User pass w ord ch ange scr een is on ly access ible with th e A d m i n i s t r a t o r P a s s w o r d ( 1111 ) . T h e A D M I N p a s s w o r d will always override t he user password. Factory Defa ult = 0000 Range = 0000 - - 9[...]

  • Page 18

    18 Cooling The c ompressor outputs are c ontroll ed by the Cooling Control PID Loop and Cool ing Stages Ca paci ty algori thm. They will be us ed to calculate the desired n umber of stag es needed to s atis fy the s pace by comparing the Space T empe rature (SPT) to the Occupie d Cool Setpoint plus the T56 s lider of fset when o ccupied and the Uno[...]

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    19 If all of the above conditions ar e met, the controller uses a PID logic loop to energize or de - - e nergize heat output s to satis fy the heat deman d. If the SA T begins to exceed the high supply air set point, a ra mping func tion wil l cause t he Heat S tages Cap acity algor ithm to decreas e the number of stages unti l t he SA T has droppe[...]

  • Page 20

    20 Optimal Star t The R TU- - OP EN may utilize O ptimal Start, w hich adju sts the effecti ve setpoints to achieve the occupie d setpoint s by the time sched uled occu pancy begins. The Op timal Start recovery period ma y begin as e arly a s 4 hours prior to occ upancy . The a lgorit hm works by movi ng the unoccupi ed s etpoi nts toward the occup[...]

  • Page 21

    21 TROUBLESHOOTING General The R TU - - OPEN con troller acts as an intelligent imbedde d therm ostat t o the rooftop unit, but ca n be monitore d and cont rolle d from I - - V u Open (Linka ge) or a 3rd part y network. This c auses the system as a whole to be troubleshot from thre e points of view . T he three parts to the sy stem ar e the ro ofto[...]

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    22 C10825 Fig. 16 - - Example M odst at Communica tion LE D’ s The LED’ s indicate i f the control ler is speaking to the devic es on the net work. The LE D’ s should re flec t communi cat ion tra ffic based on the baud rate set. The higher the baud rat e the more soli d the LED’ s will a ppear . T able 3 – LED’ s The LED’ s on the R [...]

  • Page 23

    23 T a ble 4 – RTU- - OPEN Alarms POINT NAME BACn et Obj ect NAM E ACTION T AKEN B Y CON TROL RES ET METHOD PROBABLE C AUSE Safe ty Ch ain saf ety_ a larm Imm edi ate S hutdo wn Automa tic Ov er loa d In d oor Fan or Ele ctric Heater overheat Fi re Shut dow n fire_alarm Im me diat e S hutdow n Au tomatic Smoke detected by smoke de- tec tor o r co[...]

  • Page 24

    24 Alarms Alarms are provide d to indi cat e a possible proble m with the c ontrolle r or unit. Ala rms can be checked t hrough a netwo rk and/or the local access device. All alarms are listed in T able 4 with name, object name, action taken by control, reset m ethod, a nd possible cause. S ome ala rms can occur b ased on s pecif ic config uration [...]

  • Page 25

    25 The following v alues are related to the Space T emperature alarm: Alarming T emperature – Thi s varia ble di splays the value of the space tem perat ure that is in al arm and i s only vis ible wh en the s pace temp erature i s in an alarm s tate. Ala rm Limit Ex ceeded – This va riabl e displays t he value of the alarm setpoint that is exce[...]

  • Page 26

    26 Air side Linkage Alarm This alarm indicates th at R TU-O P EN was connected to a zoned system c all ed Linkage t and it lost communicatio ns w ith its linkage master or if it receiv es invalid data. Third Par ty Netw orking Third pa rty comm unica tion a nd networking troubleshooti ng should be done by or wit h assistance from the front end 3rd [...]

  • Page 27

    27 APP ENDIX A - - USER INTERF ACE MENUS Field Assistant Navigation Pr operti es Equi pment St at u s Co n f igu r a t ion Unit Conf igurat i on Se tp o in t s A l arm Conf igurat i on S erv ic e Conf i gurat ion Ma i nt en a n c e Al ar m s Lin kage BACview Navigation S T AT US M AI NT AL ARM BA C ne t L I N K A GE SET POI N T A l arm Logi n Ke y [...]

  • Page 28

    28 APP ENDIX A - - USER INTERF ACE MENUS (CON’T) Standby BAC view Scr een and Login Scr een BAC view M ENU POINT NAME BACnet O BJ ECT VALUE STANDB Y R T U --- O P E N Opera ti ng M ode run_stat us 1=Off 2=F an Only 3=Economizer 4=Cooling 5=Heating 6=Dehu midif ication 7=T est 8= Shut down 9=Unocc F ree C ooling (NTFC) Space T emperature spa ce_ t[...]

  • Page 29

    29 APP ENDIX A - - USER INTERF ACE MENUS (CON’T) Status Menus BAC view M ENU POINT NAME BACnet O BJ ECT RANGE FI ELD ASSIST ANT MENU HOME Select fu nctio n b elow Properties/Equipment STA TUS STA TUS Statu s System Mod e mode_ statu s 1=Dis abled 2=T est 3=Run Opera ti ng M ode run_stat us 1=Off 2=F an Only 3=Economizer 4=Cooling 5=Heating 6=Dehu[...]

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    30 APP ENDIX A - - USER INTERF ACE MENUS (CON’T) Configuration M enus BAC vie w ME NU POINT NAME BAC ne t OBJECT RAN GE DEF AUL T FI EL D AS S ISTANT ME NU HOME Sele ct func ti on belo w Prope rties/ Equ ipmen t CONF IG CONFIG U RATION Confi g urati on SETPOI NT SETPO IN TS Setpoi nts Occ upied Heat ing Setpoi nt occ_ ht_ stpt 40 - - - 90 ° F 70[...]

  • Page 31

    31 APP ENDIX A - - USER INTERF ACE MENUS (CON’T) Configuration Menus (c on’t) BAC vie w ME NU POINT NAM E BAC ne t OBJECT RAN GE DEF AUL T FI EL D AS S ISTANT ME NU HOME Sele ct func ti on belo w Prope rties/ Equ ipmen t UNI T UN IT CON FIG UR ATION Un it C on f igu r at ion Fa n Mo d e fan_mode 1=A uto 2= Cont inu- ous 3=Always On Cont inuo us[...]

  • Page 32

    32 APP ENDIX A - - USER INTERF ACE MENUS (CON’T) Configuration Menus (c on’t) BAC vie w ME NU POINT NAME BAC ne t OBJECT RAN GE DEF AUL T FI EL D AS S ISTANT ME NU HOME Sele ct func ti on belo w Prope rties/ Equ ipmen t INPU T INP UT C ON FIGU RATION Un it C on f igu r at ion Inp ut 1 F uncti on ai1_f unct i on 1=No Sensor 2=IA O Sensor 3=OA Q [...]

  • Page 33

    33 APP ENDIX A - - USER INTERF ACE MENUS (CON’T) Configuration Menus (c on’t) BAC vie w ME NU POINT NAME BAC ne t OBJECT RAN GE DEF AUL T FI EL D AS S ISTANT ME NU HOME Sele ct func ti on belo w Prope rties/ Equ ipmen t SERVICE SERVIC E CONFIGU RATION Servi ce Confi gurat ion Unit T ype un it_ty pe 1=Heat/Cool 2=HP O/B Ctrl 3=HP Y1/W1 Ctrl Heat[...]

  • Page 34

    34 APP ENDIX A - - USER INTERF ACE MENUS (CON’T) Maint enance Men u BAC view M ENU POINT N AME BACnet O BJ ECT RANGE FIELD ASSISTAN T MENU HOME Select f un ction below Properties/Equipment MAIN T UN IT MAIN TE NA NC E Mai ntenanc e Occu pa ncy Statu s occ_ statu s Occu p ied/ Unoccu pie d Space T emp Sensor sp t_sta tus 1=Sens or F ailur e 2=SPT [...]

  • Page 35

    35 APP ENDIX A - - USER INTERF ACE MENUS (CON’T) Alarm Me nus BAC view M ENU POINT N AME BACnet O BJ ECT RANGE FIELD AS SIST A NT MENU HOME Select f un ction below Properties/Equipment ALARM CURRENT ALARMS Alarms Safe ty Ch ain safe ty_ ala rm Normal/Al arm Fi re Shut dow n fire_alarm Normal /Alarm Suppl y F an Fa il ure sfan_fail_alarm No rmal/A[...]

  • Page 36

    36 APP ENDIX B - - THIRD P AR TY POINTS LIST (IN ALP HABETICAL ORDER) BAC ne t Mod bus N2 LO N Wo rk s Point Name Read/ Write BACnet Point Name OBJE CT ID Regist er Ty p e Regist er # Network Point Ty p e Network Point Addre ss SNVT T ype SNVT Name Active C o mpr esso r Stages R comp_r un AV :2020 float valu e 40031 ADF 10 SNVT_c ount _i nc (9) nvo[...]

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    37 APP ENDIX B - - THIRD P AR TY POINTS LIST ( CON’ T) (IN ALP HABETICAL ORDER) BAC ne t Mod bus N2 LO N Wo rk s Point Name Read/ Write BACnet Point Name OBJE CT ID Regist er Ty p e Regist er # Network Point Ty p e Network Point Addre ss SNVT T ype SNVT Name Fa ct o r y T es t Re l a y 1 Control R/W re- lay1_fa c_t es t B V :91001 Fa ct o r y T e[...]

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    38 APP ENDIX B - - THIRD P AR TY POINTS LIST ( CON’ T) (IN ALP HABETICAL ORDER) BAC ne t Mod bus N2 LO N Wo rk s Point Name Read/ Write BACnet Point Name OBJE CT ID Regist er Ty p e Regist er # Network Point Ty p e Network Point Addre ss SNVT T ype SNVT Name Inp ut 1 F uncti on R/ W ai1 _func ti on MSV:8100 1 Inp ut 2 F uncti on R/ W ai2 _func ti[...]

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    39 APP ENDIX B - - THIRD P AR TY POINTS LIST ( CON’ T) (IN ALP HABETICAL ORDER) BAC ne t Mod bus N2 LO N Wo rk s Point Name Read/ Write BACnet Point Name OBJE CT ID Regist er Ty p e Regist er # Network Point Ty p e Network Point Addre ss SNVT T ype SNVT Name Ov erri de Ti me R e- ma in ing R ovr de_time A V:2016 float valu e 40093 ADF 41 SNVT_tim[...]

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    40 APP ENDIX B - - THIRD P AR TY POINTS LIST ( CON’ T) (IN ALP HABETICAL ORDER) BAC ne t Mod bus N2 LO N Wo rk s Point Name Read/ Write BACnet Point Name OBJE CT ID Regist er Ty p e Regist er # Network Point Ty p e Network Point Addre ss SNVT T ype SNVT Name Su pply Air T e mp Sensor R sat _alarm B V:7004 discrete in 10047 BI 47 SNVT_swi tc h (95[...]

  • Page 41

    41 RT U - - O P E N S T A RT - - U P S H E E T RTU Model Number: Date: RTU Serial Num ber: Per f or m ed b y : RTU - - - OPEN Software Vers ion: Com pany : Protocol and Boad R ate: Network Add ress: CONFIGURA TI ON POINTS BAC view MENU POINT N AME BACn et OBJECT RANGE DEFA UL T ENTRY HOME Select f un ction below CONFI G C O N FIGURATIO N SET- POINT[...]

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    42 CONFIGURA TI ON POINTS (CON’T) BAC view MENU POINT N AME BACn et OBJECT RANGE DEFA UL T ENTRY HOME Select f un ction below CONFI G C O N FIGURATIO N UNIT UN IT C ON FIGUR ATIO N Fa n M od e fan_mode 1=Auto 2= Conti nuous 3=Always On Conti nuous Unit St art Delay sta rt_ d elay 0 --- 3 0 s e c 5 Fa n O f f De l a y fan_del ay_off 0 --- 1 8 0 s [...]

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    43 CONFIGURA TI ON POINTS (CON’T) BAC view MENU POINT N AME BACn et OBJECT RANGE DEFA UL T ENTRY HOME Select f un ction below CONFI G C O N FIGURATIO N INP UT INP UT CON FI GUR A TI ON Input 1 F uncti on ai1_funct ion 1= No Sensor 2=IAO Senso r 3=OAQ Sensor 4=Space RH Sensor No Sens or Input 2 F uncti on ai2_funct ion 1= No Sensor 2=IAO Senso r 3[...]

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    44 CONFIGURA TI ON POINTS (CON’T) BAC view MENU POINT N AME BACn et OBJECT RANGE DEFA UL T ENTRY HOME Select f un ction below CONFI G C O N FIGURATIO N SERVIC E SERVICE CONFIGU RA TION Unit T y p e unit_ ty pe 1=Heat/C ool 2=HP O/B C trl 3=HP Y1/W1 C trl Heat/Cool ( TC and HC models) HP Y1/W1 C trl (TCQ and HCQ models ) Comp re ssor Stag es comp_[...]