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NQPOR • •••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••• • •••••• •••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••?[...]
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fx-82SOLAR/ fx-260SOLAR fx-85B/fx-280 ENGLISH 1 ESPAÑOL 36 FRANÇAIS 73 DEUTSCH 110 ITALIANO 147[...]
Page 3
— 1 — Contents Handling Precautions … 2 Modes … 3 Basic Calculations … 5 Constant Calculations … 6 Memory Calculations … 7 Fraction Calculations … 9 Percentage Calculations … 10 Scientific Function Calculations … 11 Statistical Calculations (SD Mode) … 18 T echnical Inf or mation … 21 CASIO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Unit 6, 1000[...]
Page 4
— 2 — Handling Precautions •Y our calculator is made up of precision components . Nev er tr y to take it apart. •A vo id dropping y our calculator and otherwise subjecting it to strong impact. • Do not store the calculator or lea ve it in areas exposed to high temperature or humidity , or large amounts of dust. When e xposed to low temper[...]
Page 5
— 3 — fully reread this man ual and ensure that the problem is not due to low battery po wer (fx-85B/fx-280) or operational error . • The contents of this man ual are subject to change without notice. •N o part of this manual ma y be reproduced in an y f orm without the e xpress wr itten consent of the manuf acturer . •K eep this manual o[...]
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— 4 — Note! •A mode guide is located at the top of the display screen. • DEG, RAD , and GRA modes can be used in combination with COMP and SD modes. • F9 does not exit SD mode . • F0 e xits SD mode. • F0 does not clear SCI or FIX specifications . •A l w a ys press t bef ore enter ing DEG, RAD , and GRA modes. •R emember to always [...]
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— 5 — Basic Calculations •U se the COMP mode f or basic calculations. • Example 1: 23 4.5 53 23 + 4.5 , 53 = • Example 2: 56 ( 12) ( 2.5) 56 - 12 E 2.5 E = • Example 3: 2 3 (1 10 20 ) 2 3 - 1 e 20 = • Example 4: 7 8 4 5=36 7 - 8 , 4 - 5 = • Example 5: =0.3 4 - 5 6 A N = • Examp[...]
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— 6 — • Example 7: 4/3 π 5 3 4 3 - A x - 5 A N = Constant Calculations •P ress + , , , - or twice after inputting a number to mak e that number a constant. •“ K” is on the displa y while a constant is being used. •U se the COMP mode f or constant calculations. • Example 1: 2.3 3, then 2.3 6 (2.3 3) 2.3 + + 3 = (2.[...]
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— 7 — K 2.89 K 4.913 K 8.3521 • Example 4: 1.7 4 8.3521 (1.7 2 ) 1.7 - - = (1.7 3 ) = (1.7 4 ) = Memor y Calculations •U se the COMP mode for memory calculations. •U se A Y , | , A { and Z fo r m e mor y calculations. A Y replaces current memor y contents. •“ M” appears when there is a v alue in memor y . •T o c l ear memory ,[...]
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— 8 — • Example 3: To calculate the follo wing using memory and a constant: (12 3) (45 3) (78 3) 135. (12 3) 3 - - 12 = A Y (45 3) 45 A { (78 3) 78 | (Memor y recall) Z k Additional fx-85B/fx-280 Memory Calculations • The fx-85B/fx-280 has two additional memories named A and B . •U se A J to store data [...]
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— 9 — t 0 1 • Example 2: To store the results of 123 456 in memor y B . t 123 - 456 A J 2 t 0 2 Fraction Calculations •U se COMP mode f or fr action calculations . •T otal n umber of digits (including division marks) cannot e xceed 10. • Example 1: 1 2 C 3 + 4 C 5 = • Example 2: 3 1 4 3 C 1 C 4 + 1 C 2 C 3 = • Ex[...]
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— 10 — • Example 5: ↔ 0.5(Fraction ↔ Decimal) 1 C 2 = C C • Example 6: 1 ↔ 1 C 2 C 3 A B A B Pe r centage Calculations •U se COMP mode for percentage calculations . • Example 1: To calculate 12% of 1500. 1500 - 12 A v • Example 2: To calculate what percentage of 880 is 660. 660 880 A v • Example 3: To add 15% onto 2500. 2500[...]
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— 11 — • Example 4: To discount 3500 by 25%. 3500 - 25 A v , • Example 5: To calculate the f ollowing using a constant. 12% of 1200 = 144 18% of 1200 = 216 23% of 1200 = 276 (12%) 1200 - - 12 A v (18%) 18 A v (23%) 23 A v Scientific Function Calculations •U se COMP mode f or scientific function calculations . • Some calculations ma y ta[...]
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— 12 — • Example 2: 1°2’3” + 4.56 = 5.594166667 1 I 2 I 3 I + 4.56 = • Example 3: sin 87°65’43.21” = 0.999447513 (DEG mode) 87 I 65 I 43.21 I S • Example 4: 1.23 ↔ 1°13’48” 1.23 I I I • Example 5: 12°34’ ↔ 12.56666667 12 I 34 I A O Y ou can also use I when inputting v alues to con v er t be- tween sexagesimal and d[...]
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— 13 — • Example 2: cos 63°52’41” (DEG mode) 63 I 52 I 41 I W • Example 3: tan ( 35gra)(GRA mode) 35 E h • Example 4: cos –1 ( r ad) (RAD mode) 2 A L 2 = A V • Example 5: To c o n v e r t 45 degrees to r adians, g rads , and bac k to deg rees. F 4 45 A F 5 A F 6 A F 4 Repeated conversion between angle units can cause nor- m[...]
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— 14 — k Hyperbolic/Inverse Hyperbolic Functions • Example 1: sinh 3.6 3.6 M S • Example 2: sinh 1 30 30 M A j k Common and Natural Logarithms, Exponents • Example 1: log 1.23 1.23 R • Example 2: In 90 ( log e 90) 90 T • Example 3: 64 R 4 R = • Example 4: 10 0.4 5 e 3 .4 A Q + 5 - 3 E A U = • Example 5: 2 3 2 w 3[...]
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— 15 — • Example 8: log sin 40° + log cos 35° (DEG mode) 40 S R + 35 W R = A Q • Example 9: 8 1/3 8 A s 3 = k Square Roots, Cube Roots, Squares, Reciprocals and Factorials • Example 1: 2 3 5 2 A L + 3 A L - 5 A L = • Example 2: 3 5 3 27 5 A D + 27 E A D = • Example 3: 123 30 2 123 + 30 K = • Example 4: 3 A X , [...]
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— 16 — • Example 5: 8! 8 A f k FIX, SCI, NORM, RND, RAN#, ENG Calculations • Example 1: 1.234 1.234, rounding result to two places (FIX 2). F 7 2 1.234 + 1.234 = • Example 2: 1.234 1.234, rounding input to tw o places. F 7 2 1.234 A b + 1.234 A b = •P r e ss F 9 to clear FIX specification. • Example 3: 1 3 , displa ying re[...]
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— 17 — • Example 4: To con ver t 56,088 meters to kilometers . 56088 A J • Example 5: To conv er t 0.08125 gr ams to millig r ams . .08125 A J • Example 6: To generate a random n umber between 0.000 and 0.999. Example (results diff er each time) A c k Coordinate Conversion • Example 1: To conv er t polar coordinates ( r 2, 6[...]
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— 18 — θ A N k Permutation • Example: To deter mine how many diff erent 4-digit values can be produced using the numbers 1 through 7. 7 A m 4 = k Combination • Example: To determine how many diff erent 4-member gr oups can be organiz ed in a group of 10 individuals. 10 A n 4 = Statistical Calculations (SD Mode) •P ress F l to enter the S[...]
Page 21
— 19 — Input Data. A u 55 } 54 } 51 } 55 } 53 } } 54 } 52 } Sample standard de viatio n A q Population standard de viation A p Ar ithmetic mean A ` Number of data A r Sum of values A o Sum of squares of values A a • } } inputs the same data twice (as abov e). •Y ou can also input m ultiple entr ies of the same data using - . To input the da[...]
Page 22
— 20 — k Making Corrections During Data Input • Example 1: To change data y ou hav e just input. Correction Actual Correction 51 } 50 }A [ 51 } 130 - 31 } 130 - 31 } 120 - 120 - 31 t 130 - 31 } t 130 - 31 } 51 } 130 - 31 } 49 } 120 - 30 } 49 A [ 51 } 120 - 30 A [ 130 - 31 } Correct Actual Correct • Example 2: To change data you pre viously [...]
Page 23
— 21 — Te c hnical Information k Keys and Their Functions • General Arithmetic calculations .......................... + , , , - , ............. , = Backspace ............................................ Q Clear(retains memor y) .......................... k Number input ........................................ 0 – 9 , l Po we r on; A ll c[...]
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— 22 — Memory B store ..................................... A J 2 Memory M store .................................... A J 3 • Special Display/memory swap ........................... A N , A d Exponent ............................................... e Internal rounding ................................... A b Parentheses .......................[...]
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— 23 — Cube ..................................................... A N Cube root .............................................. A D Engineering ........................................... A J , A P Fa ctor ial ................................................ A f Fr action ................................................. C Fr action ............[...]
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— 24 — • Statistics (SD Mode) Arithmetic mean .................................... A ` Data delete ............................................ A [ Data input .............................................. } Number of data ..................................... A r Population standard deviation ............... A p Sample standard de viation ..[...]
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— 25 — To switc h between NORM 1 and NORM 2 Press F 9 . There is no indication on the display of which fo rm at is currently in eff ect, but you can determine the setting by perf or ming the following calculation. 1 200 = NORM 1 format NORM 2 f ormat •A ll of the e xamples in this manual show calculation results using the NORM 1 f or mat. k[...]
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— 26 — •I n a series of calculations, press k while an intermediate result is displayed to clear only the last calculation per- formed. •T o change the operator k ey ( + , , , - , , w , As , etc.) you just pressed, simply press the correct oper ator ke y . In this case, the operator of the last k ey y ou press is used, but the operation r[...]
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— 27 — •I n the case of condition e , you could also press k . T h i s clears the intermediate result just pr ior to the o verflo w, so you can continue with the calculation from that point. •N o error occurs when the result is within the range of (1 10 99 )to (1 10 99 ). Instead, the display shows all ze r o s . k P[...]
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— 28 — Important! Incorrect use of batteries can cause them to burst or leak, possib ly damaging the calculator . • Be sure to replace the battery at least once every three years, regardless of how much the calculator is used. Old batteries may leak, causing serious damage to the interior of the calculator . • The battery that comes with th[...]
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— 29 — 5. Press t to turn power on. k Order of Operations and Levels Operations are performed in the following order of prec- edence. 1. Functions 2. x y , x 1/y , R → P, P → R, n P r , n C r 3. , 4. , •O per ations with the same precedence are perf or med from left to right, with oper ations enclosed in parentheses per- f[...]
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— 30 — k Formulas, Ranges, and Conventions The following are the formulas, ranges, and conventions that are applied to various calculations that can be perf ormed using this calculator . Coor dinate T ransformation •W ith polar coordinates, θ can be calculated within a r ange of –180° θ 180°. The calculation range is the same f [...]
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— 31 — n ! ( n r )! n ! n !( n r )! Per m u t ation •I nput r ange: n r 0 ( n , r : integers) •F o r m u l a : n P r Combination •I nput r ange: n r 0 ( n , r : integers) •F o r m u l a : n C r P opulation Standard De viation n n i 1 n ( xi – x ) 2 n x 2 – ( x ) 2 / n Sampl[...]
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— 32 — k Specifications Po wer Supply : fx-82SOLAR/fx-260SOLAR : Solar cell fx-85B/fx-280 : CASIO TW O-WA Y PO WER System: solar cell plus one G13 T ype (SR44 or LR44) batter y Batter y Life (fx-85B/fx-280) : Approximately 3 y ears (1 hour use per day) on LR44/SR44 batter y Input Ranges : tan –1 x sinh x cosh x tanh x sinh –1 x cosh –1 x [...]
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— 33 — Functions Input Range x 1 1 10 –99 x 1 10 100 –1 10 100 x 100 –1 10 100 x 230.2585092 0 x 1 10 100 x 1 10 50 x 2.154434690 10 33 x 1 10 100 ; x ≠ 0 x 1 10 100 0 x 69 ( x is an integer) tanh –1 x log[...]
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— 34 — Functions Input Range x 0: –1 10 100 y log x 100 x 0: y 0 x 0: y n ; ( n is an integer) Howe ver : –1 10 100 y log x 100 To tal of integer, numer ator, and denominator must be 10 digits or less(including division marks). x 0: y ≠ 0 –1 10 100 1/ y log x 100 x 0[...]
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— 35 — Operating T emperature: 0°C–40°C (32°F–104°F) Dimensions: fx-82SOLAR/fx-260SOLAR: 8(H) 66.5(W) 125(D) mm 5/16"(H) 2-5/8"(W) 4-15/16"(D) fx-85B/fx-280: 13.5(H) 73(W) 144.5(D) mm 1/2"(H) 2-7/8"(W) 5-5/8"(D) Wei ght: fx-82SOLAR/fx-260SOLAR: 47 g (1.7oz) fx-85B/fx-280: 67 [...]
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SA9709-C Printed in China Imprimé en Chine CASIO COMPUTER CO ., L TD . 6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8543, Japan[...]