Chauvet EN1EC 60825-1:2007 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Chauvet EN1EC 60825-1:2007, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Chauvet EN1EC 60825-1:2007 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Chauvet EN1EC 60825-1:2007. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Chauvet EN1EC 60825-1:2007 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Chauvet EN1EC 60825-1:2007
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Chauvet EN1EC 60825-1:2007 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Chauvet EN1EC 60825-1:2007 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Chauvet EN1EC 60825-1:2007 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Chauvet EN1EC 60825-1:2007, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Chauvet service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Chauvet EN1EC 60825-1:2007.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Chauvet EN1EC 60825-1:2007 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    LASER LIG HT AVOI D DIRECT EYE EXP OSURE CLASS 3R LAS ER PRODUCT CLASSIFI ED PER EN/IEC 60825 - 1 : 2007 Co mpli es with FDA performance standards for laser products except for de viations pursuan t to L aser Not ice No . 50, date d June 24 , 2007 .[...]

  • Page 2

    Rev . 8 M L 2 Eclipse ™ R GB Us er Manua l T ABLE OF C ONTENTS 1. B EF OR E YOU B E GIN ................................................................ ........................................................................ 4 L ASER E MIS SIO N D ATA ...............................................................................................[...]

  • Page 3

    Eclipse ™ R GB Use r Manua l 3 Rev . 8 M L 1. AVANT DE COM M ENCER ................................................................ ............................................................... 31 C E QUI EST C O MP RIS ..............................................................................................................................[...]

  • Page 4

    Rev . 8 M L 4 Eclipse ™ R GB Us er Manua l 1. B EFORE Y OU B EGIN Wh at I s I ncl ude d • Ecl ipse™ R GB • Po w er C abl e • W arr a nt y Ca r d • Use r Manual Unp ac ki ng Ins truc ti on s I m m edi at el y up o n r ec ei p t , ca r ef ul l y un p a c k th is pr o d uc t a n d ch ec k t h e box t o make sure y o u h av e r ec ei v ed a[...]

  • Page 5

    Eclipse ™ R GB Use r Manua l 5 Rev . 8 M L S a fe t y N ot es Please rea d the following notes ca r efully because they in clude i mportant safet y infor mation about the i ns ta llati o n, usage, and maintenance of t his product. • Kee p this Use r Manua l for f uture con sultation. I f you se ll this product to another u ser, be s u r e t h a[...]

  • Page 6

    Rev . 8 M L 6 Eclipse ™ R GB Us er Manua l • Do no t operate t he las er w i thout first reading and unde rstandi ng all sa f ety and technical data in this manual. • Al w a y s s et up an d i n st al l all l a s er eff ec t s s o t h at a l l l aser l i gh t i s a t l eas t 3 m et er s ( 9. 8 f t) a bove the f loor on which pe opl e can stan[...]

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  • Page 8

    Rev . 8 M L 8 Eclipse ™ R GB Us er Manua l Laser Compliance S tatement This lase r product comp l i es w i th EN /I EC 60825 - 1 E d 2, 2007 - 03. Sa fet y Notes This device was shippe d in perfect cond iti on . In orde r t o maintain this c ondition and to ensure safe operati on , fol l ow the saf e ty inst r uction s and warning not e s written[...]

  • Page 9

    Eclipse ™ R GB Use r Manua l 9 Rev . 8 M L 2. I NTRODUCTION Pro d uct Overview F use H older Power S witch Br a c ket A d j ustment Knobs Contr ol Pane l DMX In/ O ut Power In/Out Mounting Br acket Las er Ap ert u re LE D Output[...]

  • Page 10

    Rev . 8 M L 10 Eclipse™ R G B Us er Manua l Product Dimens ions Bracket moves 360 ° for versat ile mounting[...]

  • Page 11

    Eclipse ™ R GB Use r Manua l 11 Rev . 8 ML 3. S ETUP AC P o w e r T his produc t h a s an aut o - rang in g p ower s up pl y that c an acc omm od a t e a w ide r ang e o f i nput volt ag es. T he onl y thi ng nec ess ary t o d o bef or e p ower in g on t h e unit is t o mak e sur e th e l in e v olta ge y ou a re app lying i s w it hin the ra nge[...]

  • Page 12

    Rev . 8 M L 12 Eclipse™ R G B Us er Manua l 4. O PERATING I NSTRUCTIO NS Control Panel Operati on To access the control panel functions , use the four buttons loc at e d underne ath t he di s pl ay. Pl eas e r ef er t o t h e Pr od u ct Ov er vi ew t o see t h e b ut t o n location s on the control panel. Button Function <M ENU> P ress to f[...]

  • Page 13

    Eclipse ™ R GB Use r Manua l 13 Rev . 8 ML DMX Channel A ssi g n m ents and V al u es 12 - CH Channel Function Value Set tin g 1 Auto Mode 000  049 DMX Mod e 05 0  099 Automatic S l ow 100  149 Automatic F ast 150  199 Sound Ac tive 2 00  255 Rando m Effect 2 Color 000  004 Blackout 00 5  028 Red 0 29  056 G r een 0 57 [...]

  • Page 14

    Rev . 8 M L 14 Eclipse™ R G B Us er Manua l Configurat ion (Stand alone) Se t t he produc t in one of the standa lone modes to co ntrol w ithout a DMX controlle r . 1. Conne c t the produ ct to a sui t able pow er outlet . 2. Turn the produc t on . Never connect a product that i s operating in any standal one mode (eit he r Static, Automatic, or [...]

  • Page 15

    Eclipse ™ R GB Use r Manua l 15 Rev . 8 ML M aster/Slave Mode The Master/Sl a ve m ode al l ows a sing l e Eclipse™ RG B unit (the “master”) to c ontrol the actions of one or more Ecli p se ™ RG B units ( the “slaves” ) wit ho ut the ne ed of a DMX c on tr o ll er . Th e m as t er uni t wi ll b e s et to operate in either Automatic or[...]

  • Page 16

    Rev . 8 M L 16 Eclipse™ R G B Us er Manua l Technical Speci fications WE IG HT & DI M E NS I O NS Lengt h ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7. 7 in ( 1 96 mm) W idth ....................................[...]

  • Page 17

    Eclipse ™ R GB Use r Manua l 17 Rev . 8 ML Return s Call the corresponding C HAUVET ® Te ch Support off i ce and reque st a Re turn Me rchandise Authorization (RMA) nu mber before shipp i ng the produc t . B e prepared to provi de the m ode l number, se rial nu m ber, an d a br ief de scription of t he cause for t he return. You mus t se nd t he[...]

  • Page 18

    Rev . 8 M L 18 Eclipse™ R G B M anual d e U s ari o 1. A NTES DE E MPEZAR ¿Qué va I ncl uid o? • Scorp ion™ S torm R GB EU • Cable de ali m en tación • Tarj eta de ga r antí a • Manual de usua rio Recl amac ione s De s embale e l producto inm e diata m ente y com p ruebe l a caja para asegurarse de que todas l as piez as están pres[...]

  • Page 19

    Eclipse™ R G B Manua l de U suar i o 19 Rev . 8 M L Instr ucciones de Seguridad Las notas sigu i entes incluyen i nformación importante de segur i dad sobre la insta l ación, uso y manteni m i ento de est e p roducto. • Guarde este Manual de Usua rio para fu turas cons ultas. S i vende e st e producto a otro usuario, as egú r es e d e q u e [...]

  • Page 20

    Rev . 8 M L 20 Ecli pse™ R GB Manua l de Usu ario Not as de S eg urid ad S o bre L áser DET ÉNGAS E Y LEA T OD AS LAS NOTAS DE SEG URID AD SO BRE EL L ÁS ER SIG UIEN TES La luz láser es difere nte de cualqui e r otra fuente de luz que usted conozca. La luz de es t e p r o du c t o pu ed e po t en c i alm ent e c au s ar les i ó n o cul ar si[...]

  • Page 21

    Eclipse™ R G B Manua l de U suar i o 21 Rev . 8 M L Reproduc ci ón de la E tiqueta d e S egur i d ad del L áser ETI QUETA D E ADVER TEN CI A PELI GRO L ÁSER ETI QU ETA APER T UR A L ÁSER ETI QUET A EXPLICAT IVA, IDENTIF ICACIÓN DEL FABR I CANT E Y CERTIF ICACIÓN ETI QUETA C ARC AS A NO ENCL AVADA[...]

  • Page 22

    Rev . 8 M L 22 Ecli pse™ R GB Manua l de Usu ario Datos de E m isió n L áser Cla s if ica c ió n lá s e r Clase 3R Láser Ro j o Me dio LD GaA l As 65 0nm, t í pico Lá s er Ver d e Med i o DPSS Nd:YVO4, 532nm Diámetro de l haz <5m m en l a a p er t ur a Datos de pulso Todos los pulsos < 4Hz (>0,25 s) Diverge ncia (cada haz ) <2[...]

  • Page 23

    Eclipse™ R G B Manua l de U suar i o 23 Rev . 8 M L 2. I NTRODUCCIÓN Visión G eneral del P roduct o Port afusible s Inter ruptor encendido Mandos de aj uste del soporte Panel de contr ol Entr ada/ sal ida DMX Entr ada/ sal ida alime ntación Sopor te de mon taj e Ap ertu ra lás e r Salida LED[...]

  • Page 24

    Rev . 8 M L 24 Ecli pse™ R GB Manua l de Usu ario Dimens iones del P r oducto Soporte se mueve 360° p ara mo ntaje versáti l[...]

  • Page 25

    Eclipse™ R G B Manua l de U suar i o 25 Rev . 8 M L 3. I NSTALACIÓN Corri ente Al t e r n a Este producto incluye una fuente de alim e ntación e xterna con de tección automática que funciona con alim e n t ación 100~2 40 VC A, 50/60 Hz . ¡ U til ice solo la fuente de alim e ntac ión incluida! Para obt ene r una fuente de alim entació n de[...]

  • Page 26

    Rev . 8 M L 26 Ecli pse™ R GB Manua l de Usu ario 4. I NSTRUCCIONES DE FUN C IONAMIE NTO Func io na - mi ento del Panel de Cont rol Para acce der a las funcione s del panel de con tr o l, use los c uatro botone s ubicados ba jo la pantalla. Con sulte la Vis i ón Gene r al del p roducto para ver la posicón de los botones e n el pane l de cont ro[...]

  • Page 27

    Eclipse™ R G B Manua l de U suar i o 27 Rev . 8 M L A s ignaciones de C anal y V alor es DMX 12 -C Canal Función Val or Configuración 1 Modo Auto m ático 000  049 Modo DM X 050  099 Automático Le nt o 100  149 Automático R ápido 150  199 Activo por Sonido 200  255 Efecto A l eatorio 2 Color 000  004 Blackout 005  028 Ro[...]

  • Page 28

    Rev . 8 M L 28 Ecli pse™ R GB Manua l de Usu ario Configurac ión (In depe n die nte ) Configure e l pr oduc to en uno de l os m odos inde pe ndi entes para controla rlo sin controlador D MX. 1. Cone c t e e l pr oducto a una to ma de corriente adecuada. 2. Encienda e l producto. Nunca conecte un pr oducto que est á funcionando en cualquier m od[...]

  • Page 29

    Eclipse™ R G B Manua l de U suar i o 29 Rev . 8 M L Modo M aestro/ E sclavo El modo Mae stro/Esc lav o per mi te que una sol a unidad E cli pse ™ RGB (el " m aestro") controle las acc i one s de una o m ás unida des Eclipse ™ RGB (los "e scl av os") sin nece si dad de un con trolador D MX. La unidad maestro se conf i gu r[...]

  • Page 30

    Rev . 8 M L 30 Ecli pse™ R GB Manua l de Usu ario Devolu ciones Ll am e a l a of i ci n a d e As i st en c i a Té c ni c a C HA UV ET® c or r esp o ndi en t e y p i da u n n úm er o d e Autorización de De vol ución de la m e rcancía (RMA) a ntes d e enviar el produc t o . Est é preparado para propo rcionar el nú m e ro de m ode lo, núme [...]

  • Page 31

    Rev . 8 M L 31 Eclipse™ R G B M anual d e U s ari o 1. A VANT DE COMMEN CER Ce qui est Compr is • Un E cl i ps e™ RG B • Un e s o u r c e d' al i m ent at i o n • Un e f i c h e d e g ar a nt i e • Un manue l d'utilisat ion Instr uctions R elatives au D éball age Dès réception, déba llez l'appareil avec soins et véri[...]

  • Page 32

    Rév. 8 ML 32 Manue l d'Utilisation de l 'Ec lipse™ R GB Consignes de S écu r i té Les cons ignes con cernant la sécu rité rep rennent d 'importantes informat i ons en matière d'installat ion, d'util isation et de mai ntenan ce de l'appareil. • Conservez ce manuel d'util isation pour référence futur e .[...]

  • Page 33

    Manue l d'Utilisation de l 'Ec lips e™ R GB 33 R é v . 8 M L Con si gn es de Sécuri té Rela ti ves au Laser PRENEZ L E TEMPS DE LIRE E T ASSIMILEZ LES CONSI GNES DE SÉCURI T É RELA T IVES A U LA SER CI -D ESSOUS La lum ière d' un laser est très di ff érente de toute autr e sour ce de lum i è r e qu e vous pouve z connaît [...]

  • Page 34

    Rév. 8 ML 34 Manue l d'Utilisation de l 'Ec lipse™ R GB Reproduc tions de s É t i q u ettes en M at i è r e d e S écu rité des A p parei ls L aser ÉTIQUETTES D'AVER TIS SEMEN T DE DANGE RS LIÉS AU LASER ÉTIQUETTE D'OUV ERTURE DU LASER ÉTI QUET TES DE CER TIF ICAT IO N, D'IDENT I FICATIO N DU FABRICANT ET D' [...]

  • Page 35

    Manue l d'Utilisation de l 'Ec lips e™ R GB 35 R é v . 8 M L Donnée s d' É miss i o n L aser Cla ss ific atio n du la se r Classe 3R Laser ro uge Diode laser GaA lAs 650 nm, spécifique La s er v er t DPSS (laser solide pompé par di o d e) Nd: Y VO 4, 5 32 nm Di am è tr e d e f ai s c ea u <5 mm à l 'o uv er t ur e Do[...]

  • Page 36

    Rév. 8 ML 36 Manue l d'Utilisation de l 'Ec lipse™ R GB 2. I NTRODUCTION Vue d' E nse mble du P rod ui t Por te - fusible Inter rupte u r Molettes d e réglage de la lyre Pannea u de commande Entr ée/sortie Entr ée/sortie d' li i Lyr e de suspension Ouv e r ture du laser S or t ie LE D[...]

  • Page 37

    Manue l d'Utilisation de l 'Ec lips e™ R GB 37 R é v . 8 M L Dimens ions de l' A pp areil La l yre pivo te à 360° pour s'a dapter à tou tes v os c ontr ain tes de monta ge[...]

  • Page 38

    Rév. 8 ML 38 Manue l d'Utilisation de l 'Ec lipse™ R GB 3. C ONFIGURATION Une A lim en tati on CA Ce t appar e i l est doté d'une alimen t a tion universe l le pouvant pr e ndre en charge une multitude de tensions d'entrée. Avant de m ettre l'unité sou s tension, assurez - vous que la t ension de la li gne ut i li sé[...]

  • Page 39

    Manue l d'Utilisation de l 'Ec lips e™ R GB 39 R é v . 8 M L 4. I NSTRUCTIONS DE F ONCTIO NNEMENT Fonctionne me nt du P an nea u d e Com ma nd e Pour accéde r aux fonctions du pan neau de comm an de, utilisez les quatre boutons situés sous l'écran. Veui l lez vous réf é rer à l a vue d' e nsem ble de l'appareil pou[...]

  • Page 40

    Rév. 8 ML 40 Manue l d'Utilisation de l 'Ec lipse™ R GB Val eu rs et A ssig n ati ons de C an aux DMX 12 C ana ux Canal Fonct i on Valeur Configuration 1 Mode auto 000  049 Mod e DMX 050  099 Automatique lent 100  149 Automatique rap ide 150  199 Mode musical 200  255 Effe t alé ato ire 2 Couleur 000  004 Noir géné[...]

  • Page 41

    Manue l d'Utilisation de l 'Ec lips e™ R GB 41 R é v . 8 M L Configurat ion (A utonome) Me tt ez l 'appare i l en l'un de s m ode s autonom e pour pe rm e t tre la commande sans jeu d'orgues. 1. Branche z l'appare il à une prise adé quate. 2. M e ttez - l e sous tens ion. Ne connectez ja mais un appare il en fonct[...]

  • Page 42

    Rév. 8 ML 42 Manue l d'Utilisation de l 'Ec lipse™ R GB Fondu de C ouleur LED Il vous e st possible d'ajuste r m anue lle m ent la vitesse de f ondu de la par tie LED de l ' a p p ar ei l. Pou r c e f air e, pr o c éd ez c om m e suit : 1. Appuye z sur <MENU> pl usieur s fois jusqu'à ce que s'affiche LEd, rG[...]

  • Page 43

    Manue l d'Utilisation de l 'Ec lips e™ R GB 43 R é v . 8 M L Spéci ficités T echniques POIDS ET DIM EN S IO N S Long u eur ................................................................................................................................................................ . 7,7 p ouc es ( 196 m m) Lar geur ................[...]

  • Page 44

    Rev . 8 M L 44 E c l i p s e™ RG B U s er Ma n u al, Mul t i - Language Contact Us World H e a dquar t er s United King dom & Irela nd CHAUV ET ® CHAUV ET ® E uro pe Ltd . General Info rmation Addre ss: 5200 NW 108 th Avenue Sunris e, F L 33351 V oi ce : (954) 929 - 1115 Fax: ( 954) 929 - 5560 Toll free: (800) 762 - 1084 Tec hnical Support [...]