Citizen Systems CBM-720 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Citizen Systems CBM-720, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Citizen Systems CBM-720 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Citizen Systems CBM-720. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Citizen Systems CBM-720 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Citizen Systems CBM-720
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Citizen Systems CBM-720 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Citizen Systems CBM-720 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Citizen Systems CBM-720 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Citizen Systems CBM-720, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Citizen Systems service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Citizen Systems CBM-720.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Citizen Systems CBM-720 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    CBM-710/720/ 730/750 User’ s Manu al CIT IZEN Declaration of Conform i ty Manufacturer’s Name : Japan CBM Corporation Manufacturer’s Address: CBM Bldg., 5-68- 10, N akano, Nakano-ku T oky o, 164-0001, Japan Declare the Product Product Name: Dot Matrix Printer Model Number(s): CBM-710,720,750 Series (CBM-710R, CBM- 710P , CBM-720R, CBM- 720P, [...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual CITIZEN IM PORT ANT SA FET Y INST RUCT IONS • Read all o f these instruc t ions and save th e m for future reference. • Fol l ow all w ar nings and i nstruc ti ons m ark ed on t he pr oduct . • Unplug this product f rom the w al l out let be f ore c l eaning. Do not use li qu i d or aerosol c leaner s[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual CITIZEN IMPORT A NT : This equi pm ent generat es, uses, and can r adiat e radi o f requency ener gy and if not inst all ed and used in ac cordance wit h the instr uction m anual, may cause i nterf erence t o radio comm unic ations. It has been t ested and f ound t o c om ply wit h the limit s f or a C l as[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual CITIZEN CONTENT S 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. ................................. 1 1. 1 Featu res ..............................................................................................................[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual CITIZEN 9. SERIAL INTERFACE ........................................................................................................................................ 25 9.1 Spec i fic ations ......................................................................................................................[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 1 CITIZEN 1. INTRODUCTION The CBM-710, CBM-720, CB M-730 a n d C BM-750 ar e do t imp ac t printers which can be utilized for a wide r a nge of a p pl i ca t io ns , s uc h a s da t a co m muni c a ti o ns t er mi na l s , E C R t er mina l s a n d kit c he n pr i nt e r s. H i gh s pe e d per f or ma n ce [...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 2 CITIZEN 2. TYPE CLASSIFI CA TI ONS Printer types ar e classified a ccording to the sy st e m shown below . CBM -710 23 28 40 O R X J F 100 11 5 230 G C B N V – CBM -720 ↑↑↑↑↑ ↑ – CBM -730 ↑↑↑↑↑ ↑ – CBM -750 ↑↑↑↑↑ ↑ – CBM-710 – 23 R J 100 G – B – V The e xc[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 3 CITIZEN 3. S PECIFICA TIONS 3.1 Gener al S pecification s Item CBM -710, 730 CBM -720, 750 1 Pr i nt M et hod Bi dir e ct iona l s er i a l dot i mp ac t me thod 2 Ch ar acter com po sition 7 × 7 dots ( 1 ncl . ha lf - dots ) 3 Char a cter num b er per line 23 colu m ns: 230 do t/line 28 colu m ns: 280 d[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 4 CITIZEN Item CBM -710, 730 C BM- 720, 750 12 Validation Pr int Av a ilab le on ly fo r V- Ty pe (1 line prin t) 13 Auto cutt er W it hout cut te r W it h c utt er Pa r t ia l cut /F ull c ut* 3 14 Cassette ribbon Tw o colo r (Black a nd Red) p rint IR - 61R/B* 4 15 Pa per wi nder M odel A W - 2 ava i la b[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 5 CITIZEN 3 . 2 Pri n t F o rma t (1 ) Ch a r a cter F on t 7 × 7d o t . 3.3 Paper Specificati ons (1) Fo rm Friction sp e cification : Rol l pa per 76 - 0.5 m m (Width ) × 8 0 m m ( O ute r dia . ) Pin wheel specifica tion: Fa n fol d pape r Width 76 m m (3 inc he s) ~ 89m m (3.5 in che s) (2) Ty pe High[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 6 CITIZEN 4. BLOCK DI AGRAM[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 7 CITIZEN 5. EXTERNAL APPEARANCE AND P ARS DESCRIPTIONS 5.1 CBM-710 Exter nal Appearance Fig. 1 Front View Fi g. 2 Rear V iew[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 8 CITIZEN 5.2 CBM-720 Exter nal Appearance Fig. 3 Front Vie w Fi g. 4 Rear V iew[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 9 CITIZEN 5.3 C BM -730 Exter nal Appearance Fig. 5 Front Vie w Fi g. 6 Rear V iew[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 10 CITIZEN 5.4 CBM-750 Exter nal Appearance Fig. 7 Front Vie w Fi g. 9 Rear V iew[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 11 CITIZEN 5. 5 Par t Descriptions (1) Power Cord Attach th e connect or end to the p ri nter inlet, and ins ert the plug e nd into a n electric ou tlet. (2 ) Inlet This is the el ectri c pow er inlet. Att ach the connector end of the power cord h ere. (3 ) Pow er Switch Pow er is supplie d to t he printer [...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 12 CITIZEN 6. OPER A TION 6. 1 S etti ng and Removing th e Paper and R ibbo n Covers 1) To open, g r asp th e sect i ons of the c ov er w ith both han ds a nd lif t up ward. 2) In order to re p lace the cover, engage the hook section in th e m iddle and pre ss downw ard i n t h e di rection of the arro w. F[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 13 CITIZEN 6.2 Op ening and Cl osing the Cutter Unit (CB M -720. CBM- 750) 1) To open the un i t, g r a sp two levers and lift upwa rd. 2) When c losin g the un it, press dow nw ard until it c ompl ete ly lock s into p lace. Fig. 11[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 14 CITIZEN 6.3 Instal ling the Ca ss ette Ribbon 1) F ir st remov e t he ribbon co ver (CBM-710, CBM-730 ) . In t he c a se of the CB M-720, 750 remove bo t h the ribbon and paper cove rs and then open the c utter unit. (R efer to figures 9, 1 0 & 11.) 2) Wh ile inserting t he ribbon i nto the s p ace b[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 15 CITIZEN 6.4 Ins tal ling and Changing the Pape r (1) Inst allin g the Pa per 1) R em ove the pa per cove r . 2) Pu t th e en d o f th e pap er off at a rig ht angle a s sh o wn i n f igure 14. Fig. 14 3) Put the end of the pa per into the pa per e ntr ance of the prin t e r. ( Re fer t o fig u r e 17.) 4[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 16 CITIZEN Fig. 15 Fig. 16 H ook s o me o f t he pape r ' s pe rf or a ti o ns o n t he s pr o c ket s a n d f or wa r d t he pa pe r i nt o t h e pr i nt er b y t ur ni ng t he pa p er - fee d knob until the pap e r 's ti p p r otr udes 5 - 6 cm f rom th e print er. In th e case of the CBM -710, [...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 17 CITIZEN 6) W hen us i n g t he pa p er w i n der mec ha ni s m ( A W - 2) , fe ed the pa pe r to wa r d th e rea r of t he pr i nt er fr o m th e ins i de of the pa pe r cover , a nd se cur e it to the t ake - up s pool. Fig. 17 7) In the case , of the CBM-720, attach the p r inter cover, press the LFswi[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 18 CITIZEN (2) Chang ing the Paper 1) C ut off the r e m a ini ng pape r n e a r the e n t rance to t he prin t er . 2) If the a lar m lam p is on, tu rn it off by pressin g the lin e swit ch. 3) Fee d the pape r o ut of the prin ter by p ress in g th e LF s wit ch o r p ull it out fro m th e pa per exit. 4[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 19 CITIZEN 6.7 Instal lation of the CB M -750 1) Table -top us e Put th e A C cord into th e " T " ho le o f the botto m b a se . In stall the base s t opper s, as shown in the f i gure 19. Fig. 19 2) Wal l-m ou n tin g us e Fi x t he ha nge r wit h 2 s cr e ws t o the wall and hook t he uni t a s[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 20 CITIZEN 7. INPUT BUFFER BACK-UP FUNCTION 7.1 Input B uff er Back-up If the power is turne d off, or there is a po we r fai l ure during p rinting, the dat a in the i npu t buffer w ill b e retai ned . Whe n the powe r comes back on, the pow er fail u re symbol (..... PD) w ill be prin ted i n red, a n d [...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 21 CITIZEN 8. P ARALLEL INTERF ACE 8.1 Sp ecifications a ) D a t a Input s yst em: 8 b it pa r a l le l ( D ATA 1 - 8) . b) Control Signals: ACK, BUSY, STB, FAULT , PE , RESE T c) Com patible Con ne cto rs: Prin ter side : 57LE-40360 (A MPHEN OL o r equ ivalen t) Cable side : 57-30360 (AMPHENOL or equ ivale[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 22 CITIZEN 8.3 Desc r iption of Input/Output S ignals (1) Inp ut/Output Sig nals a ) Input Sig na ls (T o Pri n ter ) *DAT A : 8 bit par allel s ig nal. ( Po sitive log ic) *STB : A s t r obe s igna l for re ading in 8 b it data. (Ne gat i ve logi c) *RE SE T : A s igna l w hic h r es et s t he e nti r e pr[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 23 CITIZEN (2) Elect ri cal Charac ter ist ics a ) Input S ig na l L eve l All input si g nals are T TL level. "HIGH" lev el ................ 2.0V Min. "LOW" lev el .................. 0.8V Max. b) Ou tpu t Signal Level "HIGH" lev el ................. 2.4V Min . "LOW" [...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 24 CITIZEN (3) T im ing Cha rt a ) Da ta Input a nd Pr i nt Ti m i ng (4 ) Dat a Receivin g Control Your pr inter is a ble to recei ve d a ta sent from the h ost s ide wh en th e BUSY s ignal i s LOW , b ut unabl e to receive when the BUSY signa l is H IG H. (5) B u ff eri n g 1) N Type Y our pri nt er is p[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 25 CITIZEN 9. SERIAL INTERF ACE 9.1 Sp ecifications a ) Synchr oni s m : As ynchr onous b) Baud rate: RS-232C typ e : 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600BP S (Sele cted by user) Cu r ren t L oop typ e : 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200BP S (Sele cted by user) c) Com po sition o f one word: Start bit : 1bit D[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 26 CITIZEN 9.2 Connec tor P in Assignment Si gna l Pin Return Si gna l Pin Si gna l Nam e Di recti on Ho st/ Printer F un ctio n RS-232C C u rren t Loop TTL 1 FG Saf et y G r ound O 7 GN D S igna l G r ound O 3R D → Received Da ta O 20 DT R ← Pr inte r BUSY Sig nal O 22 2 T D ← Tra n sm itted Da te O [...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 27 CITIZEN 9.3 Des cr iption of Input/Output S ignals (1) Inp ut/Output Sig nals a) RD : This i s t he ser ia l si gna l f or r ecei ve d data . W hen fra m i ng, over ru n or pa ri t y err ors occur, the da ta conc erne d ar e ignor e d. b) DTR : Please write i n data o r comma nds when t his si g nal is i[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 28 CITIZEN (2) Data C om p osi tion [1] Start bi t [2] Data bi ts (an d pari ty bit) [3] Sto p bit (1 b it or m ore) [1] Start bi t 1/2 bit past the line droppin g from MARK to S PACE, a s ta tus r eading is ta ken again. I f the r eading is SP ACE, a star t bit is recognized, but if it is MARK, it is no t [...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 29 CITIZEN [4] Ot h er e rrors Whe n trouble is detected i n the printe r m ec h a ni sm, the ALARM la m p goe s on, the buzzer is sound ed, the FAUL T si gnal is o utp ut, an d the DTR s igna l b eco mes B USY. Aft er t he ca use o f t he tr oubl e has been c orr ect ed, t h eA L A R Ml a m pc a nb e t u r[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 30 CITIZEN (6) El ectr i cal Chara cter ist ic s a) RS-232C Circu it Input ( RD ) MA X2 3 2 or e qui va l ent M a r k = ( - 8 V) : S to p bi t Sp ace = (-8V): S tart bit O utput ( DTR , TD , FAULT) MA X2 3 2 or e q uiva l ent *DT R (–8V): BUSY *T D Mark = (–8V): 1 (+8V ): REA DY Sp ace = (+8V): 1 * F AU[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 31 CITIZEN b) C ur r ent Loop C ir c uit Input ( RD ) Mark = Cu rren t ON Sp ace = Cu rren t OFF Ou tpu t (DTR , TD) *D TR Curr e nt O N : RE AD Y Current O FF : BUSY *TD Ma r k = Cur r ent O N Sp ace = Cu rren t OFF c) TTL Ci r cui t O utput ( P E) 7406 or equ ivale nt *PE H : Pa per em pty L : Pa pe r r e[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 32 CITIZEN 10. F UNCTION SELECTIO N In or der t o me et t he wi des t p oss i bl e r a n ge o f ne e ds, va r i ous c o ndi t i o ns c a n be s e le c te d b y s e tt i n g t he D I P switch es and slide switch es. (1) Setting DIP S wi tch DS1 No . Fu nc tio n Off On Fact ory Settin g 1 Auto C utt er N o Y [...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 33 CITIZEN (2) D IP S wit ch DS2 (Ser ial i nterf ace spe c ific ations only) No . Fu nc tio n OF F ON Fact ory Settin g l Word leng th setting 8 bits 7 bits OFF 2 Pa ri ty check YE S NO O N 3 Par ity co nditio n O DD EV EN OFF 4 N ot in u se 5O F F 6O F F 7O N 8 Baud rate setting (Refer to th e tab le belo[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 34 CITIZEN (3) Sli de Sw it ch Setti ng ( Ser ial inte r fac e s pe cificat ions only) RS232-C or 20 mA cu rre n t l oop ca n be s elected by c h a nging slide switc h SW1 on the co n tr ol b oard. The si de labeled "R S" is for R S232-C a nd the side, labeled "CL " is fo r 20 mA curren [...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 35 CITIZEN 11. PRI NT CONTROL FUNCTIONS 11.1 Cont r ol Codes Funct i on cor d He x . C ode Funct i ons FF + n 0 C+n "n-l ine" paper feed co m mand SO 0E Enlar ged char act er c om m a nd SI 0F N o rm al ch aract er co m m and LF 0A Pa per feed com mand C R 0 D P r i n t c o mma n d DC1 11 In itial[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 36 CITIZEN 11.2 Input Data For mats (1) Pap er f eed com m and for " n" li nes D8 D1 1 s t b y t e 00001100 F F ( 0 C ) H + n D8 D1 2nd by te N7 N6 N5 N4 N3 N2 N1 N7 ~ N1 (Bin a ry digit s) Whe n the num b er of lines to be fed (2hd b yte ) is writ te n-in following the p aper feed c omm a nd ( 1s[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 37 CITIZEN (3) Enlar g ed c haract er cancel com m and D8 D1 00001111 S I ( 0 F ) H This c omm a nd is used or ca nceling e enlarge c h ar acter m ode set by SO , a nd t he f ollowing data will be printe d out in the normal cha r acter mode. (4) Pap er f eed com m and D8 D1 00001010 L F ( 0 A ) H When there[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 38 CITIZEN (8) Initi al Set C om m and D8 D1 00010001 D C 1 ( 1 1 ) H Th e control le r is initializ ed by this com m a n d and the follo wing c onditi ons a r e e s t ab l ished . * Internal input buffer cle a red * Nor m a l char a cter m ode selected * Bla ck color pr int m ode select ed * Skip desig na [...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 39 CITIZEN (11) Under li ne Com m and D8 D1 1 s t b y t e 00011011 E S C ( 1 B ) H D8 D1 2 n d b y t e 00101101 – ( 2 D ) H D8 D1 3rd byte N1 n (Binar y digital) When n=1 , the under li ne mode is s et , a nd when n =0, i t is can celled. (12 ) Graph ic Command (Graphic Type Only) D8 D1 1 s t b y t e 0001[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 40 CITIZEN How e ver, since "half-dot s" are being u sed, the next co r respond i ng pin c annot print at th e sa m e time. Furthe r , the m a xim um v a lue of n 1 and n2 is the num b er contained in one line, and thi s cannot be exceeded. Relation of Head Pins to Da ta 1p i n 9p i n D8 D7 D6 D5 [...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 41 CITIZEN (15 ) P age Leng th S et Command D8 D1 1 s t b y t e 00011011 E S C ( 1 B ) H D8 D1 2 n d b y t e 01000011 C ( 4 3 ) H D8 D1 3rd byte N7 N6 N 5 N4 N3 N 2 N1 n (Binary digital ) Th e leng th of o ne p ag e is set to "n " lines by thi s command. (1 ≤ n ≤ 127) (16) Form Feed C om m and[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 42 CITIZEN (17) Skip Perf or ation C om m and D8 D1 1 s t b y t e 00011011 E S C ( 1 B ) H D8 D1 2 n d b y t e 01001110 N ( 4 E ) H D8 D1 3rd byte N7 N6 N 5 N4 N3 N 2 N1 n (Binary digital ) T h is co m m and fe ed s the paper (s kip s) n l in es w it hout a ny p rintin g . H owever , thi s ca nnot e x ceed [...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 43 CITIZEN ( 18 ) Full C ut Comm a nd D8 D1 1 s t b y t e 00011011 E S C ( 1 B ) H D8 D1 2 n d b y t e 01010000 P ( 5 0 ) H D8 D1 3 r d b y t e 00000000 0 ( 0 0 ) H A full cut of the pa per is p erfor m ed by t his com m a nd (one conne c ting poin t rem aini ng). (20 ) Part ial C u t Co m m and D8 D1 1 s t[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 44 CITIZEN 12. CHARACTER CODE T ABLES Inter national C harac ter Codes The f oll owing c odes a r e s et as spa ce c h a ra ct e rs . 20H, 80H-9FH, E0H- FFH.[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 45 CITIZEN Indiv i dual Country Characte r C odes[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 46 CITIZEN 13. M AINTENANCE 13.1 M aintenance Pr ocedures It i s recommended th a t use r s pe r fo r m pe riodic clea ning of t hei r pri n ter. (1) Ext erio r : The e xterior case of t h e p rinter can be cleaned with alcohol . Ca re should be taken to keep water from reaching the electronic parts an d th[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 47 CITIZEN 14. EXTERNAL DIM ENSIONS 14.1 CB M-710[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 48 CITIZEN 14.2 CB M-720[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 49 CITIZEN 14.3 Paper Winder Unit AW -2[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 50 CITIZEN 14.4 CB M-730[...]

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    CBM -710/ 720/730/750 U ser ’ s Ma nual 51 CITIZEN 14.5 CB M-750[...]

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    Information Systems Division CBM Bldg., 5-68-10, Nakano , Nakano-ku, T oky o 164-0001, Japan Head Office T el: (+81- 3) 5345-7540 F ax: (+81 - 3) 5345-7541 27-20000208-0500-0040-010.15 Printed in Japan[...]