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TFT LCD Widescreen Television Instruction Manual Please read this manual carefully before connection and use TFDVD2697/3297[...]
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Caution: Theseservicinginstructionsareforusebyqualiedservicepersonnelonly .T oreducetheriskofelectric shock,donotperformanyservicingotherthanthatcontainedintheoperatinginstructionsunlessyouare qualiedtodoso.?[...]
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FCC Statement: ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCCRules.Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions: Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and • This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause [...]
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ReadInstructions: Allthesafetyandoperatinginstructionsshouldbereadbeforetheproductisoperated. 1 . RetainInstructions:Thesafetyandoperatinginstructionsshouldberetainedforfuturereference. 2 . HeedW arnings: Allwarningsontheproductandintheope[...]
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Damage Requiring Service: Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualied 20 . service personnel under the following conditions: a) when the power-supply or plug is damaged; b) if liquid has been spilled or if ob[...]
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T able Of Contents Precautions Important Safety Instructions Main Feature-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Package Contents---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Unit View---[...]
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1 Multiple Mode TV A V1 A V2 S-VIDEO COMPONENT1 COMPONENT2 DVD HDMI1 HDMI2 VGA High Quality Property High Resolution AdoptanMPEG2decodingformattoachievehorizontalresolutionmorethan500lines. Superior sound Built-inDolbyDigitaldecodertooutputhighqualitysoundeffects. Screen Supportth[...]
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2 Plea se m ake sure the foll owin g i tems are inc luded wit h yo ur p rodu ct. If a ny i tem is m issi ng, cont act your dealer . a, Main Unit b, Power Cord & RCA Cable c, Remote Control Unit Package Contents a. b. c. PL AY/ PAU S E ST OP S L O W/ ST E P ZO OM F.BW D F.F WD PR E V NE XT[...]
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3 1 2 3 4 17 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4 5 6 7 8 Unit V iew 1.TFT Panel Presentthehighresolutionpicture. 2.Speaker Outputsound. 3.RemoteSensor Sensetheremotesignal. 4.PowerIndicator Lightsgreenunderthenormaluse. Lights?[...]
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4 > > 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 7 1.PowerJack Connecttothepowersupply . 2.HDMI2 HDMI2connector 3.HDMI1 HDMI1connector . 4.VGA ConnectwiththeVGA portonthecomputer . 5.ComponentInput1 YCb/PbCr/Pr--?[...]
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5 Remote Control Drawing 1.POWER Presstoenter/exitthestandbymode. 2.CC SettheCloseCaptionmodeasCConMute/Off/On. 3.VOLUME+/- Presstoadjustthevolume. 4.LCDSETUP PresstoshowtheTVsetupmenu. 5.DVDSETUP?[...]
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6 Remote Control Drawing 21.TITLE PresstoshowthetitlemenuundertheDVDmode. 22. ANGEL PresstoselecttheavailablecameranglesundertheDVDmode. 23.Play/Pause Presstostart/holdplaybackundertheDVDmode. 24.S[...]
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7 Remote Control Preparation Remove the battery compartment cover located on the rear of the remote control. Insert 2 x “AAA” • batteries, making sure to match their polarities (+/-) to the markings on the inside of the compartment. R[...]
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8 Figure. Cable connections Antenna/Power Connection Connect TV RF sources to the antenna port. TV RF signals include: receiving antenna/CA TV net. Y ou 1 . canuse75Ohmcoaxialcabletoconnectoutdoorantenna. Insert one end of the supplied power cord to?[...]
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9 A V1/2 Input The CVBS port is capable of accepting signals from standard video sources(e.g., cable/satellite boxes, DVD players,VCRs,etc.) ConnecttheVIDEOportwiththeyellowplugofthethesupplied A Vcable. 1 . ConnecttheL/Rportwiththered&[...]
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10 Preparations Connectthecables.(Refertothe“CableConnections”sectionfordetails). 1 . PressthePOWERbuttontoturnontheplayer . 2 . PresstheMODEbuttontoselecttheTVsignalmode. 3. Press the CH+/- buttons to skip channels. Or you can press t[...]
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11 Audio Menu Time Menu ITEM DESCRIPTION SoundMode Setthesound mode.(Standard,M usic,Movie,Spor t,Personal). Bass Adjustthebass. T reble Adjustthetreble. Balance Adjustthesoundbalance. Surround Settheaudiosurroundeffecton/of f. A VC[...]
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12 Setup Menu Lock Menu ITEM DESCRIPTION MenuLanguage Setthemenulanguage. T ransparency SettheOSD(On-Screen-Display)transparencyon/off. Zoom Setthedisplayaspectratio.(4:3,Cinema,Normal,16:9) NoiseReduction Adjustthescreennoiseappearance.(Weak,Middle,Strong,[...]
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13 Channel Menu ITEM DESCRIPTION Air/Cable Setuptheantennatypeas AirorCable. AutoScan Searchchannelsautomatically . Selectthisoption,presstherightbuttontostartsearching, pressMENUtostop.WhenuseCablesystem,youneedto [...]
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14 Theplayer ’s A Vinputfunctionenablestheusertoviewprogramsfromexternalinputsources. Connecttheexternal A Vsignalsource.Refertothe“CableConnection”sectionfordetails 1 . PresstheMODEbuttontoselecttherelevant A Vmode(A V ,S-Video,?[...]
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15 Y oucanusetheunit’sTFT LCDasyourcomputer ’smonitor . Sh ut do wn t he u ni t an d th e co mpu te r , c on ne ct t he V GA j ac k an d PC A ud io I n ja ck . Se e th e “C ab le 1 . Connection”section. T urnontheunitsandpress?[...]
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16 Preparation After all necessary connections have been made, press POWER to turn on the player and then press the MODEbuttontoselectDVD.Thefollowingdiscscanbereadbytheplayer:DVD/CD/MP3/JPEG. Disc Loading 1.Putthediscslight[...]
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17 CD Playback TheplayerwillplayalltracksonaCDdiscbydefault. MP3 Playback Loadadiscintothedisctray . 1 . It will start playback automatically . Or press direction button to select the le from the menu and press 2 . OKorPLA Y/P AUS[...]
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18 Start Playing PressPLA Y/P AUSEtostartplayback Pause Playing Duringplayback,pressPLA Y/P AUSEoncetoholdplaying,pressitagaintoresume. Stop Playing PressSTOP oncetostopplaybackatatimepoint.(Pre-stopmode)Itwill resumefromwhereitwasstopped. Pr[...]
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19 Slow Playback During playback, press the SLOW/STEP button to start slow motion playback, which would be futher slowed down for each time you pressed this button, if you pause the playback with the Play/Pause button and then repeatedlypress[...]
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20 V arious features can be preset through the DVD setup menu and the TV setup menu. Use the LCD SETUP buttontoaccesstheTVsetupmenu,readthe TVsectionfordetailedmenudescriptions. PresstheDVDSETUPbuttontodisplaytheDVDmenu. Whi[...]
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21 Password - 6. Move the cursor to the P ASSWORD prompt and press OK. Input the password 8888, if it is therstuse. Afterconrmation,youwillberequiredtoinputanew4-digitcode,andverifyagain. Default - 7. Thisfunctionallowsyoutoset[...]
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22 If you have a problem with this device, please read the troubleshooting guide section and check our website at www .cobyusa.com for Frequen tly Asked Qu estions (F AQs) and rmware upd ates. If these res ources do notresolvetheproblem,pl[...]
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23 Specication Active Area Resolution DisplayColor PixelPitch TVSystem T uningSystem AntennaImpedance PowerConsumption OperatingT emperatureRange Dimension W allMounting TFTPanel Characteristic TV Characteristic Standard 26" 1366x768 8-bit,16.7Mcolors 140.5(H)x421.5(V)mmxRGB A TSC/NTSC [...]