Coby DP356 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Coby DP356, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Coby DP356 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Coby DP356. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Coby DP356 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Coby DP356
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Coby DP356 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Coby DP356 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Coby DP356 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Coby DP356, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Coby service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Coby DP356.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Coby DP356 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

                                 DP 3 5 6             [...]

  • Page 2

    Pag e 2 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n Th e lig htn in g as h wi th a rr owh ea d sym bo l wi thi n an e qui lat er al tr ian gl e is int end ed to a ler t t he us er to t he pr es enc e of un ins ula ted “da nge rou s v olt ag e” w it hin th e p ro duc t ’s en cl osu re tha t m ay b e o f suf  ci ent m agn it ude t o co nst i[...]

  • Page 3

    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 3 WAR NI NG: To pr even t  re or shoc k haza rd, do not expo se this dev ic e to r ain or mois tur e. Dan ge rou s hi gh vo lta ge i s pre sen t ins ide t he e nc los ure . Do n ot op en th e ca bi net . CAUT IO N: To p reve nt ele ct ri c shoc k, mat ch wid e blad e of plug to wi de slot of out le t and f ul ly in ser[...]

  • Page 4

    Pag e 4 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n Th is dev ic e com pl ies w ith Pa r t 15 of the FCC Ru les . Ope ra tio n is sub je ct to th e fol low in g t wo co nd iti on s: (1 ) Th is dev ic e may n ot c aus e har mf ul in ter f ere nc e, an d (2) Th is de vic e m ust a cc ep t any i nte r fer enc e r ec eiv ed, i nc lud ing int er fe ren ce [...]

  • Page 5

    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 5 1. ReadI nst ruc ti ons: Al lth esa fet yan dop era tin gin str uc tio nss hou ldb ere adb efo re thep ro duc tisop era ted. 2. Retai n In str uct io ns: T he s afet y a nd o pe rati ng i nst ru cti ons sh oul d be ret ain ed f or fut ur[...]

  • Page 6

    Pag e 6 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n ing - cur re ntli nep lug tha tha son ebl ade wid ert han th eoth er.Th isp lug wil lon ly t into th epo wer out let ino ne dire ct ion .T his isa sa fet yfe atu re.I fyo ua reu nab let o ins er t[...]

  • Page 7

    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 7 16. Power Li nes: A n outs ide an tenna sys tem sho uld not be l ocate d in t he vic init y of overhea dpowerlinesoroth erelect riclightorpowe rcircui ts,orwhereitc anfallinto such power line s or circ uits. Whe n[...]

  • Page 8

    Pag e 8 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n             ?[...]

  • Page 9

    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 9       Co nn ec ti ng to a C om p ute r ................................................33 Tra ns fe r r i ng F i l es ....................................................................33 M ic ros of t W in d ows ......................................................34[...]

  • Page 10

    Pag e 10 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n     Ple asem akesur eth atthei tem ssho wnbe lo warein cl ude din th epac kag e.Sho ul danite mbemi ss ing ,ple asec on tac tth e lo ca lret ail erf romw hic hyoup urc ha sed[...]

  • Page 11

    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 1 1      3. 5”TF TLCDD is play(32 0x240)   Di spl ayJPEG ,BM Pan dGI FIma gel es   PlaysM P 3andW M AAudi oFil es   Pho toSli de sho wMo de   Di git alA lar mCl oc k,C ale nda r ,a ndT e mpe r[...]

  • Page 12

    Pag e 12 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n                1. SN OOZ EBut to n  <S NO OZE> 2. LCDD isp lay 3. Ente r   <EN TE R> Ho ldkeyfo rPowe rOn /O f f 4. UpBu t ton ?[...]

  • Page 13

    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 13 T ost ar tp layi ngph oto sandm usi conyou rdig it alph otof ram e, youw illn eedt o: 1. Ins tal lame rm or yc ar dwit hco mpa tib lep hotoa ndmu sic l es. 2. Co nne ctyo urph otof ram etoapo wers our ce.   ?[...]

  • Page 14

    Pag e 14 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n                     Y ou rPhot oFrames hou ldb eco nne cte dtoanAC10 0 -24 0V wal lout let .   Usi ng?[...]

  • Page 15

    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 15              T otu rnt heal bumo n,pr essa ndho ld< ENT ER>u nti lthe dis playo n.   T otu rnt heal bumof f,p res san dhol d<E NTE R>ut he?[...]

  • Page 16

    Pag e 16 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n    Th eMai nMe nugi vesyoua cc es stot hedi f fer entf unc ti on mo deso fyoura lbu m.T oac c esst heM ainM en uatanyti me, pre ss< ESC >til lth eMai nMe nusc ree nap pea r .  ?[...]

  • Page 17

    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 17   En te r PH OTO mod e fr om t he M ain M en u to  nd an d di s- pl ay JP G, G I F, an d BM P p hot o l es l oad e d on you r al bu m. T oenterPhoto m ode,selectandcon rmPHOTO f romtheMain Menu. ThePhotoF r amewilldisplayphotos[...]

  • Page 18

    Pag e 18 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n          Wh enyous el ec taphot ofr omth ePho toBr ows er,thePho to Vi ewerw illl aun chtod isp layyou rpho tos .   Pre ss< LEF T >or< RI GH T >tovi e[...]

  • Page 19

    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 19    T o zo om in the phot o, pres s<E NTER >o nce will zo om in the phot o in in crem ents of 25 %.         T o vie w the le inf ormati on of the phot o.   [...]

  • Page 20

    Pag e 20 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n  T omovet hem agn i edph otod own,u p,ri ght ,orle ft .      T osett hes lid esh owmo deo norof f.     T oc anc elt heV iewe rOp tio ns. ?[...]

  • Page 21

    w w w.coby us a.c om Pa ge 21 Ent er M us ic mo de fr om t he Ma in me nu to p lay you r M P3 or W MA mu sic  le s. T oenterMUSICmode,selectandcon rmMUSI Cfromthe MainMenu.TheMusicBrowse rwillappearonscreen.   Pre ss< LEF T >or< RI GH T >tomo vethes e[...]

  • Page 22

    Pag e 22 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n      TheMusicPlayerallowsyou toviewandplayall comp atible musiclesloade don t heunit. Uset hefo ll owi ngc ont rol sdur in gmus icpl ayba ck . Key Func ti on Pre ss [...]

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    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 23          Pre ssan dho ld toac ce sst heM usi cPlaye ropt ion s.   Pre ss or tosel ecta nopt io nandp res s toc on r m.   Press  t o cancel and re turn to the [...]

  • Page 24

    Pag e 24 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n Ent er C al end ar mo de f ro m the M ain m enu t o vie w a pe rp et ual c ale nda r , i nt er nal t ime , an d the t em pe ra - tu re . T oenterCALENDARmode,selec tandconr mCALENDAR fromtheMainMenu.TheCalend arwillappearonscreen.   Pre ss?[...]

  • Page 25

    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 25   Pre ss< LEF T >or< RI GH T >todi spl aythep rev iou sor nex tmo nth.          Time display Temperature Photo display Year Month Preset alarm time 2010 April 27 Tuesday Date Week   Pre ss< UP >or< DO[...]

  • Page 26

    Pag e 26 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n    Clock display Year Month Preset alarm time 2010 April 27 Tuesday Date Week   Pre ss< UP >or< DOW N>t odis playt hepr evi ouso rnex t mo nth.  Y o u c an a lso set the app ear an ce of the Ca len dar sc re[...]

  • Page 27

    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 27    En t er F i le m od e to v ie w an d de le t e fo ld e rs a nd  l es lo ad ed o n you r p la ye r. T oent erE xp lor ermo de,s ele cta ndc on r mFIL Efro mth e Ma inMe nu.  Whenyou choos eFIL[...]

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    Pag e 28 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n     Ent er t he S et ti ng mo de to s et you r al bum’s sys te m opt ion s. T oent erSe tt ingm od e,se lec tan dco n rmS ET T INGi nth e Ma inme nu.   T ose lec tano pti on,p re ss< LEF T >or&[...]

  • Page 29

    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 29     Ite m De scr ipt io n Phot o Set up Di spl ay Mo de Set t he ph oto d isp lay mo de on ce y ou c on rm “ Phot o” in th e Ma in Me nu, t he op tio ns ar e: Br owse M od e, Th umb nail , and S lid esh ow. Di spl ay Rat io Set t he ph oto d isp lay mo de as Ful l Sc ree n, Fi[...]

  • Page 30

    Pag e 3 0 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n Ite m De scr ipt io n Cal end ar Se tup Di spl ay Mo de Set t he ap pea ran ce o f the C ale nda r sc ree n as Cal end ar, Mont hly C ale nda r, or Cloc k. Date Set t he int er nal da te. Clo ck M od e Set t he c loc k dis play m od e as 24 - hou r or 12-ho ur. Clo ck T ime Set t he int er nal t im[...]

  • Page 31

    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 31 Ite m De scr ipt io n Auto Play Set t he Au to Play f eat ure o n or of f. W hen A uto Play i s set to O N, t he p layer w ill a uto mat ica lly play m usi c wh en you e nter M US IC i n the M ain Me nu. Sys tem S etup La ngua ge Set t he L ang uage t hat t he o n- sc ree n men us app ear i n. Br igh tne ss Adj ust t h[...]

  • Page 32

    Pag e 32 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n         Th eplaye rwil lala rmw itht ones oun datth eti meth atyous et inth eSet t ingm od e.   Pre sst he<S NO OZE>but to ntha tloc ate dont heto psid e ofpl ayer?[...]

  • Page 33

    w w w.coby us a.c om Page 3 3 Co nne ctt heC obyph otoa lbumt oaco mpu terw ithaU SB ca blet o:   T ra nsf erl estoa ndf romyo ural bum   Per f or mbas ic lema nag eme ntfu nc tio ns.           [...]

  • Page 34

    Pag e 3 4 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n  D o no t dis co nne ct or o the r wi se i nter r upt t he d evi ce dur in gt ra nsm is sio n- t his c oul dd ama ge or c or ru pt the alb um’s r mwa re or you r le s. I f the alb um is a cc id en - ta lly d[...]

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    w w w.coby us a.c om Page 3 5      1 . Open ander window .Cl ic k on theRemo vable Diskicon located onthe leftsid eof the nder window .The computer will display all lesand folders currently stored inthe [...]

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    Pag e 36 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n     Dev ic e”fr omth elis t tha tapp ear san d th encl ic kon“O K ”. 3. Wh enth e“S afet o Rem oveHar dwa re” win dowa pp ear s, cl ickt heO Kbut t on andd isc on nec tth[...]

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    w w w.coby us a.c om Pa ge 37     Fromt imetot im e,CO BYmayre lea ser mw areup gr ade s toim provet hep er f or man ceofad evi ceo rtoad daddi ti ona l fea ture s.Pl eas ech eckt heC OBYweb sit eper io dic al lyat?[...]

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    Pag e 3 8 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n Ifyouhav eaprob lemw itht hisd evic e,pl eas erea dthetr oub le - sho oti ngg uid ebel owan dch ecko urwe bsi teatw w byu sa. co mfo rFrequ ent lyAs kedQ ues tio ns(FAQs)andr mw are upd ate s.Ift hes e[...]

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    w w w.coby us a.c om Pag e 39   Res etth eplaye r(useapap erc liptop re sst heRes et but to nont here aroft hepl ayer)andt r yag ain . I can no t t ra ns f er  l es t o th e pl a yer.   Ensu reth atyou rco mp uteri sru nni ngasup po r ted op erat in g[...]

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    Pag e 40 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n       T r ylo wer in gthevo lum eofth epl ayer.   Ensu reth atth ehea dph on esar eat tac he dsec ur elyt o th eplaye r . Th e pl a ye r wi l l no t p la y my mu s ic  l e.   Ensu reth a[...]

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    w w w.coby us a.c om Pa ge 41 Di spl ay T yp e 3. 5” Full - C olo r TF T @ 320 x 240 Me mor y SD o r MM C me mor y c ar ds (2G B ma x) SD HC m emo r y ca rds (3 2GB m ax) Aud io For ma t Sup por t M P3 , WM A Phot o For mat S upp or t JPEG (ba sel ine) PC In ter f ac e US B 2.0 Plu g and Pl ay Sup po r t Wi ndow s 20 0 0/ X P or ne wer Mac O S X [...]

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    Pag e 42 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n [...]

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    w w w.coby us a.c om Page 4 3 [...]

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    Pag e 4 4 Coby E le ct r on i cs Co r po r at io n [...]

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    Co by is a r eg i st er ed t ra de ma r k o f Co by E le ct ro ni c s Co r po ra ti o n. Pr i nte d i n Ch in a .            1 9 9 1 M a rcus Ave, Suite 3 01 Lake Su cces s, N Y 1 104 2 w w w . coby us m w w w . eco by .com[...]