Cub Cadet CS3210 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Cub Cadet CS3210, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Cub Cadet CS3210 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Cub Cadet CS3210. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Cub Cadet CS3210 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Cub Cadet CS3210
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Cub Cadet CS3210 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Cub Cadet CS3210 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Cub Cadet CS3210 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Cub Cadet CS3210, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Cub Cadet service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Cub Cadet CS3210.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Cub Cadet CS3210 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    CUB CADET LLC, P .O . BO X 36 1 1 3 1 CLEVE LAND, OHIO 4 4 1 36 - 0 0 1 9 Print ed In US A O p e r a t O r ’ s M a n u a l      ?[...]

  • Page 2

    Customer S uppor t If you ha ve d iff icul ty as sem blin g t hi s pr oduct or h a ve an y q uest ion s r ega rdi ng t he co ntr ols , ope rat ion, or ma in ten anc e o f this machine , you can seek help f rom the exper t s. Choose from the options be low: Visit us on the web at ww ◊ Cal l a C ust ome r S upport R epre sen tat iv e[...]

  • Page 3

    Im por tan t Safe Ope ra ti on Pr ac ti ces 2 3 T raining Read, un ders tan d, and foll ow all instru cti ons on the 1 . machine an d in the manual(s ) be fore at tempting to assembl e and op erate. Keep this manu al in a safe p lace for future an d regular re feren ce and for ord ering re placeme nt par ts . Be famili ar with all controls an d the[...]

  • Page 4

    4 s e c t i O n 2 — i M p O r t a n t s a f e O p e r a t i O n p r a c t i c e s Safe Handling of G asoline: T o avoid pe rsona l injur y or prop er t y dama ge use ex t reme car e in handling gas oline. Gas oline is e x treme ly f lammab le and the vapo rs are e xplosi ve. Serious p ers onal injur y can o ccur when gasolin e is spilled o n your[...]

  • Page 5

     s e c t i O n 2 — i M p O r t a n t s a f e O p e r a t i O n p r a c t i c e s Befo re cleaning , repairin g, or inspe c ting, sto p the engin e 3. and make cer tain th e impell er and all mov ing par t s have stopp ed. D isconne ct th e spark p lug wire and g round it against th e engine to prevent uninten ded s tar ting . Do not chan ge th[...]

  • Page 6

    6 s e c t i O n 2 — i M p O r t a n t s a f e O p e r a t i O n p r a c t i c e s Safet y Symbols This pa ge depi ct s and des cribe s safet y s ymb ols that may app ear on this pro duc t. Re ad, und ers tand, an d follow all ins truc tio ns on the machine b efore at tempt ing to assembl e and op erate. Sy m b o l Description READ T HE OPER A TOR[...]

  • Page 7

    Assem bly & Set -U p 3 7 Cont ents of Car ton One Chipp er Shre dder • One O perator ’s Manual • One Engin e Ope rator ’s Manual • One T ow Bar • One B ag • One S afet y Gl asses • One B ott le of Oil • Assembly NOTE: T his unit is shipp ed with out gaso line or oil in th e engine. Fill up gasoline a nd oil as instr uc ted in [...]

  • Page 8

    8 s e c t i O n 3 — a s s e M b l y & s e t -u p S e t- U p Gas and Oil Fil l-Up Refe r to the sep arate engine ow ner ’s manual for additio nal engine inf ormatio n. Add oil provi ded b efore s tar tin g unit for the f i rst tim e out 1 . of the box . Ser vi ce the engine w ith gasolin e as instru c ted in the 2. separ ate engine own er ?[...]

  • Page 9

    C on trol s and F eat ures 4 9 Chipper Chute Branch es up to two in ches (model s eries C S 22 10) or three inches (model ser ies CS 32 10 ) in diame ter may be fe d into the chippe r chute for chipp ing. Hopper Leaves, tw igs, and b ranches up to 1 /2-inch in dia meter may be placed into the h opp er for shre dding. S ee Fig. 4 - 1 . IM POR T A NT[...]

  • Page 10

    Operation 5 10    T he op eration o f any chipper shre dder can result in fo reign obje c ts b eing thrown into the eyes, which c an damage your eyes s everely. Always wear the saf et y glasses p rovide d with this unit o r eye shields b efore chi pping or shr edding a nd while per f orming any adjus tment s or repair s. [...]

  • Page 11

    11 s e c t i O n 5 — O p e r a t i O n Chipping    N ever oper ate the chipp er shred der withou t chippe r chute lowered into the o per ating position . Branch es up to two in ches (model s eries C S 22 10) or three inches (mode l series C S 32 1 0) in diameter c an be fe d into the chippe r chute. Obser ve the follow [...]

  • Page 12

    Ma in t en anc e & Adj ustm en ts 6  Equipmen t Care Clean the chip per shre dder th oroughl y af ter each us e. • Wash bag peri odic ally with water. Allow to dr y thorough ly • in shade. If the re duc tion chamb er be comes clo gge d, remove and • clean as instr uc ted be low. Allow the unit to ru n and clear ou t all debr is for [...]

  • Page 13

    13 s e c t i O n 6 — M a i n t e n a n c e & a d j u s t M e n t s Remove the hair pin clip fro m the clevis p in which ex ten ds 3. through the h ousing and shr edde r scree n. Se e Fig. 6 - 1B. Remove clevis p in. Pivot the shred der scre en upward . See Fig. 6 - 1 C . Clean the 4. surroundin g area by scrap ing away debris . Conf irm that [...]

  • Page 14

    Ser vice 7 14 Install a r eplacem ent blade (Par t N o. 7 42 - 054 4) with the 7 . hardware re moved earlie r or sharp en. IM POR T A NT : When shar penin g the blade, pro tec t hands by using gloves. Foll ow the origina l angle of gri nd and make sure to remove an equal am ount from e ach blad e. T o rep lace the othe r blade, rot ate the impe lle[...]

  • Page 15

     s e c t i O n 7 — s e r v i c e Remove six f lan ge nuts w hich se cure hopp er inle t guide to 4. impell er housing . See Fig . 7 -3 A . Caref ully sep arate the ho pper ass embl y from the i mpell er 5. housing an d set it asid e. Inser t a pie ce of woo d into the chute def l ec tor op ening to 6 . stab ilize the imp eller a nd prevent [...]

  • Page 16

    T roub leshooting 8 16 Problem Cause Remedy Engine Fails to star t Throt tle l ever not in corre ct s tar tin g positio n. 1. Spark plu g wire disconn ec ted. 2. Choke not in CHOK E posi tion (if equ ippe d). 3. Fuel tank empt y o r stal e fue l. 4. Engine not p rimed (i f equipp ed). 5. F ault y spark p lug. 6. Blocke d fue l line. 7. Engine f loo[...]

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    No te s 9 17[...]

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    18 s e c t i O n 9 — n O t e s[...]

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    19 s e c t i O n 9 — n O t e s[...]

  • Page 20

    R epl ac em en t P ar ts 10  Component P ar t Numbe r and Des cri pti on 942 - 04 050 Shredder Blade 942 - 0544 Chipper Blade 7 1 9 - 0 4308 Flail Blade ( 3 total) 634- 04 62 7 1 0 x 4.0 Pneumatic Wheel with Bearings BS- 49 1 588S Air Filt er Car tridge BS- 49 1 43 5S Air Filt er (Pre- Cleaner) 7 5 9 -3 3 36 Spark Plug BS- 792 64 7 Fuel T ank[...]

  • Page 21

    GDO C - 100 0 97 R E V . B Cub Cadet LLC, P .O . BO X 361131 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44136-0019; Phone: 1-877-282-8684 MTD Canada Limited - KITCHENER, ON N2G 4J1; Phone 1-800-668-1238 Th e lim it ed w ar r an t y se t for t h be low i s gi ven b y Cub C ad et L LC w i th re sp ec t to n ew m er ch and is e pur ch as e d and u se d in t he Un it ed S t a te[...]

  • Page 22

    CUB CADET LLC, P .O . BO X 36 1 1 3 1 CLEVE LAND, OHIO 4 4 1 36 - 0 0 1 9 Impreso e n Es tados Un idos de Am érica M a n u a l d e l O p e r a d O r    ?[...]

  • Page 23

    Al p ropi etari o 1  Asistencia al Cliente Por favor , NO devu elva la unidad al m inorista o distribuido r sin pone rse en contacto primero con el D ep artam ento de Asistencia al Cli ente. En cas o de t ener pro blem as para mon tar est e p rod ucto o de t ener dud as co n r espect o a los c ont rol es, func ion ami ent o o man teni mien to[...]

  • Page 24

    Med ida s imp or tant es de seg urid ad 2      La pre senc ia de e ste s ímbo lo ind ica q ue se tr ata de i nst ruc ci ones im por tan te s de segu rid ad que s e deben r es petar pa ra evi tar pone r en peli gr o su seg urid ad person al y / o mat eri al y la d e otr as perso nas . Lea y s iga t odas la [...]

  • Page 25

     s e c t i O n 2 — M e d i d a s i M p O r t a n t e s d e s e g u r i d a d Manejo seguro de la gasolina Para evitar l esione s per sonale s o daños material es sea sumamente cuida doso al manip ular la gaso lina. L a gasolina es altam ente inf lamable y sus v apore s pued en caus ar exp losione s. Se pue de lesio nar gravemente si der ra[...]

  • Page 26

     s e c t i O n 2 — M e d i d a s i M p O r t a n t e s d e s e g u r i d a d Mantenimi ento y almacenamien to Nunca man ipule los disp ositivos de s egurid ad de mane ra 1. imprud ente. Controle pe riód icame nte que funcio nen de forma a decua da. Controle fr ecuentem ente que todos l os per nos y tornill os 2. estén bi en ajusta dos par[...]

  • Page 27

     s e c t i O n 2 — M e d i d a s i M p O r t a n t e s d e s e g u r i d a d Símbolos De Seguridad Est a página re present a y descr ibe la se gurida d los símbo los que pu ede n parecer e n este pro duc to. Lea, compren da, y siga todas instru cciones en la má quina antes procur ar para re unir y ope rar. Símbol o Descrip ción LEA EL[...]

  • Page 28

    Mo nta je y C onf igur ació n 3  Cont enido de la caja Una • Cor tado ra T r iturad ora Uno Manua l de Op erado r • Uno Manu al de Op erad or de Moto r • Una Barr a de Remo lque • Una Bols a • Uno Anteojos de s eguri dad • Uno Botella d el Aceite • Montaje NOT A : Est a unida d se envía sin gasoli na ni aceite en el m otor . L[...]

  • Page 29

     s e c c i ó n 3 — M O n t a j e y c O n f i g u r a c i ó n Configuraciòn Llenado d e gasolina y aceit e Ref ié rase a las ins truccione s del manual d el motor p ara la informa ción de mo tor . Añadir el p etról eo pro porcio nado antes de la un idad inicial 1 . por p rimera ve z de la caja. Atender el moto r con la gasolina com o [...]

  • Page 30

    C on trol es Y Cara c te rísti cas 4 30 Canal de la cort adora Se pue de pe rmitir el in greso de r amas de hast a 2” (model o serie CS 22 1 0) o 3” ( mod elo se rie CS 32 10) de diámetro en el c anal de la cor tad ora par a ser cor ta das. T olva Las hojas , ramas p equeñas y r amas de has ta 1 /2 pulga da de diáme tro se pue den col ocar [...]

  • Page 31

    F uncionamie nto 5 31 T om e la manija del ar ranca dor y tire d e la cuerda hacia 5. afue ra lentam ente hast a que el motor a lcance el comi ence del ciclo d e compresión ( la cuerda tir ará un po co más fuer te e n este punto) . NOT A : Es p osible que s e escuche u n ruido “met álico” cuando tire d e la cuerda d e arranqu e. Es totalm e[...]

  • Page 32

     s e c c i ó n 5 — f u n c i O n a M i e n t O Cor te   No utilice nunc a la cor tad ora tritura dora sin hab er baja do el can al de la cor ta dora hasta la p osición d e funcio namiento. Se pue de pe rmitir el in greso de r amas de hast a 2” (model o serie CS 22 1 0) o 3” ( mod elo se rie CS 32[...]

  • Page 33

    Ma nt eni mie nt o Y Ajust es 6 33 Mantenimiento Recomenda ciones Generales Respe te siempre las re glas de se gurida d cuando rea lice • tareas de m antenimiento. La gar antía de est a la cor tad ora tri turado ra no cubre • elem entos que han est ado suje tos al mal uso o la neglig encia de l ope rador. Para recibir el re emb olso total de l[...]

  • Page 34

    34 s e c c i ó n 6 — M a n t e n i M i e n t O y a j u s t e s Saque e l broch e de horquilla d e la chaveta que se e x tiend e 3. a través de la caja de l motor y de la crib a de la tri turado ra. V ea la Fig. 6 - 1 B. Saque la ch aveta de horquilla . Gire la crib a de desgr anado ha cia arriba . Vea la Fig. 6- 1 C. 4. Limpie la zon a circunda[...]

  • Page 35

    Ser vic io 7  Coloqu e una cuchilla de re pues to ( o af ilada) (Número de 7 . piez a 7 42-054 4) con los ele mentos de fer retería qu e ex trajo anteriorment e. IM POR T A NTE: Si af il a la cuchilla, pro téjase las manos utiliz ando guantes . Siga el ángul o original d e molid o y asegúre se de ex t raer una c antidad igua l de cada cu[...]

  • Page 36

    36 s e c c i ó n 7 — s e r v i c i O Saque las s eis tuerc as con rebor de que sujet an la guía de 4. ingreso d e la tolva a la caja d el motor. V ea la Fig. 7 -3A. Separ e con cuidado e l montaje d e la tolva d e la caja del 5. motor y pó ngalo a un la do. Coloqu e un trozo de made ra dentro d e la aber tur a del 6. def le c tor del c anal pa[...]

  • Page 37

    Sol ució n de pro blem as 8 37 Problema Causa Remedio El motor no arr anca La pala nca del regu lador no está en l a 1. posició n de arran que corre c ta. La pala nca de obtu ración no e stá en la 2. posició n ON (encendido). Se ha descon ec ta do el cab le de la b ujía. 3. La bujía n o funcio na corre ct amente. 4. El tanqu e de combust ib[...]

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    38 s e c c i ó n 8 — s O l u c i ó n d e p r O b l e M a s Problema Causa Remedio La uni dad no des carga El área de des carga es tá tap ada. 1. Hay un objeto e x traño en e l motor. 2. RPM del motor b ajas. 3. Deteng a el motor de inmedia to y desc onecte 1. el ca ble de la bujía. Lim pie l a pan talla de desgra nado y el int erior de la a[...]

  • Page 39

    Component e Númer o de pie za y Descr ipci ón 942 - 04 050 T rituradora Blade 942 - 0544 Ale gre Blade (3 ) 7 1 9 - 0 4308 Mayal Blade 634- 04 62 7 10 x 4 ,0 neumática Ruedas de acero sin presionado en Rodamientos BS- 49 1 588S Filtro de air e del car tucho BS- 49 1 43 5S Filtro de air e (Pre- limpiador ) 7 5 9 -3 3 36 Bujía BS- 792 64 7 Capita[...]

  • Page 40

    GDO C - 100 0 97 R E V . B Cub Cadet LLC, P .O . BO X 361131 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44136-0019; T eléfono: 1-877-282-8684 MTD Canada Limited - KITCHENER, ON N2G 4J1; teléf ono 1-800-668-1238 L a si gui en te g ar an t ía lim it ada e s o tor ga da p or Cub C ad e t LLC c on re sp ec to a n ue vos pr od uc to s adq uir ido s y u til iz a dos e n Es t ad[...]