Digi TS8 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Digi TS8, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Digi TS8 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Digi TS8. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Digi TS8 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Digi TS8
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Digi TS8 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Digi TS8 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Digi TS8 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Digi TS8, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Digi service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Digi TS8.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Digi TS8 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    9200030 7_B Po rtS erv er T S 8 /16 Confi guration and Admin istratio n Gu ide[...]

  • Page 2

    The Digi lo go is a t radem ark of Digi Internationa l. Al l o ther b ran d an d p roduc t names a re trademar ks of t hei r resp ec tiv e h old er s. © Digi Interna tional Inc. , 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002. All Rights Rese rved h ttp:// www .di gi.com In f orm at io n i n th is d oc um e nt i s su b j ect to ch a n ge w it hout notic e an d do es not[...]

  • Page 3

    i Content s Chapter 1 Introdu c tion Set up Over vi ew .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. ..... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .... .. .... .. .... . 1- 2 About This Guide . ..................... . ................. . .. . ............... . ................... . ................. 1-3 About Entering Commands on [...]

  • Page 4

    ii Chapter 6 Configuri ng Port s for Modems Tip s on Conf igur ing A Mod e m .. .... .. .... .. .... .. ..... .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. ... 6- 2 Conf ig urin g Por ts fo r Mo dem s: We b Int erf ace .. .... .. .... .. .... .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. ... 6- 3 Configuring Ports for Incoming M odem Co[...]

  • Page 5

    iii Res ett ing the Conf igur ati on to D efa ult s . .... .. ..... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .... .. .... .. . 1 4- 6 Chapter 15 Conf iguring Users About Configuring Users . .................................................................................. 15-2 Com mon Us er Feat ur es .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .... .. [...]

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  • Page 7

    Intr oducti on 1-1 Chapt er 1 Intro ducti on In This Ch apter This chapter provi des a bri ef introduct ion on se tt ing up your Digi device. It discu sses the follo w ing topic s: • Setup O verv iew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 • About This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Page 8

    1-2 Setup Ove rview Setu p Ov ervie w Th is s ec tion pro v i des an overv ie w of th e se tup proc ess. Step A: Plan Before beginni ng s etup , conside r the followi ng: • How to assig n an IP add ress to the Dig i devi ce ’ s E thern et int erf ace, whi ch can be accom plis hed in a numb e r of wa ys. See "Conf iguring the IP Address&quo[...]

  • Page 9

    Intr oducti on 1-3 Ab out This Guid e Purpos e This gui de provi des the foll owing: • Co nfiguration and adminis tration pro cedu res • C on fi gur a tio n ex a mp le s Audienc e This m anual is intende d for t he person respons ible for con figuring and admini stering PortSe rver T S 8/16. It assumes that this pe rs o n has experie nce conf i[...]

  • Page 10

    1-4 Oth e r Do cuments in the L ibr ary Ot her D oc um ent s i n t he Li br ary Here is a list of t he ot he r document s in the library: Acce ss Resou rce CD Card This card provides information on t he content s of the A cc ess Res our ce C D. It in cludes the C D mount ing ins tructions requi red to a ccess the CD on m a ny Uni x system s . PortS[...]

  • Page 11

    Intr oducti on 1-5 Ab out Conf igur ati on Met hods Use th is sec tion t o learn abo ut co nfigu ration met hods. Configur ing the PortServer TS 8/16 from an Attached T ermin a l W ith this method , you cabl e a terminal or P C run ning termina l emulat ion software to a Por t Serv er TS 8/16 por t and then use the comma nd line to enter commands. [...]

  • Page 12

    1-6 Conf iguratio n Prer equisi tes Con figu rati on P rer equi sit es Accessing the Command Line from a Locally-Connecte d T erminal Use th is p rocedure to acces s th e command li ne and the config urati on fro m a termina l c onne cted t o on e of the PortS erver TS 8/1 6’ s se rial port s. 1. Connec t a t erminal or PC t o a seri a l port on [...]

  • Page 13

    Conf igurin g t h e IP A ddress 2-1 Ch apter 2 Confi guring t he IP Address In This Ch apter This cha pter discusses how to confi gure P ortServer TS 8/ 16’ s IP addre ss and othe r f eatures as socia ted with its Eth ernet inte rface . It disc u sses th e foll o wing topi cs : • Opt ions fo r C onfig uring th e IP Ad dress and Mask . . . . . .[...]

  • Page 14

    2-2 Opt ions for Con figuring the IP Addr ess and Mask Opt ions for Confi guri ng the IP Ad dress an d Ma sk Options Th e Po r tS erv er T S 8 / 16 IP a dd res s ca n b e co nfi gu red us ing t he fo ll ow ing me thods: • W ith Di gi Port Auth ority-Re mote , a Digi util ity • By updating th e ARP t able on a s erver and t hen pingi ng the Digi[...]

  • Page 15

    Conf igurin g t h e IP A ddress 2-3 Co nfig uring th e Ethe rnet Int erfac e wi th DP A -R emote Use this section t o configur e an initial IP addres s, subnet mas k, and d efault ga teway us ing DP A- Rem ote. This pr oc e dure ca nnot be used to c hange the IP addr es s , but o nly to ass ign the initial IP addre ss. It a l s o cann ot be used if[...]

  • Page 16

    2-4 Conf iguring the I P A dd r es s Using Ping -ARP Co nfig uring th e IP Addres s Us ing Ping -ARP Use th is sec tion t o conf igure an IP addr ess b y m an ual ly u pdat ing a se rv er’s ARP tabl e and the n pingi ng the Digi devic e. Starting Point This procedu re assu mes the f ollo wing: • That y our Digi devi ce suppo rts this feature. S[...]

  • Page 17

    Conf igurin g t h e IP A ddress 2-5 Co nfig uring th e Ethe rnet Inte rfac e from t he Comma nd L ine Th is s ec tion dis c uss e s how use the command line to confi gure an IP addre ss, mask, and defau lt gate way for PortS e rver T S 8/16’ s Etherne t int erface. Manual Configuration Procedure 1. T o co nf igu re a n I P ad dres s f or th e Eth[...]

  • Page 18

    2-6 Con figur ing an I P A ddress usi ng D HC P and RARP[...]

  • Page 19

    Conf igurin g Port s for R ealPo rt 3-1 Chapt er 3 Configuring Po rts for RealPo rt In This Ch apter This chapter describ es h ow to confi gure PortSer ver TS 8/16 f or RealPort conne ction s . It discusses the fol lowing topics: • About R e alPort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Page 20

    3-2 About Re alPort About RealPort Th is s ec tion pro v i des a brie f intr oduct ion to Real Port . Wh at i s R eal Port ? RealPort is a feature that all ow s network-base d hos t systems t o use the ports of t he PortServer TS 8/16 as though the y were the hos t system’ s own por ts, appearin g and behaving as local ports to th e networ k-base[...]

  • Page 21

    Conf igurin g Port s for R ealPo rt 3-3 Co nfiguri ng Port s: W eb Int erface Use th is pro cedure to config ure a po rt fr om the web int erfac e. 1. Acce s s the web inter face by entering th e PortServ er TS 8/16 IP address in a browser ’ s U R L win- dow . 2. Log in to the PortS erver T S 8/16 as root. The defau lt passwor d is dbp s . 3. Fro[...]

  • Page 22

    3-4 C onfigurin g Ports for Re alPort: Comman d Li ne Co nfiguri ng Port s for R ea lPort : Comman d Line Th is s ec tion desc ribes how to conf igure Rea lPort po rts fr om th e command l ine. Procedure Use th is procedure to use the com m and line to configur e PortServer TS 8/16 fo r Real Port. This procedure assumes that you have signed on as r[...]

  • Page 23

    Conf igurin g Ports f or P rinte rs 4-1 Chapt er 4 Co nf igur in g Por ts for Pr in ter s In This Ch apter This c ha pter describ es how t o confi gure Po rtServer TS 8/ 16 ports for printer c onnection s. It dis cusses the following topic s: • Con figur ation Co nside ration s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Page 24

    4-2 C onfigurati on Consider ations Co nfig uratio n Consi dera tions Y ou shou ld be aware o f the fo llowing con siderat ions if you inten d to configur e Po rtServer TS 8/16 to h andle pri nters. Using Re a l P ort Real Port, a featur e that allows network-b ased host syste ms to use t he port s of the PortSe rver TS 8/16 as tho ugh they were th[...]

  • Page 25

    Conf igurin g Ports f or P rinte rs 4-3 Tips for te lnet a nd rsh Printing Here a r e some tips for han dling telne t and rsh print ing: • If li ne fe ed and carria ge return problems oc c ur , t ry supplyi ng a set line com mand th at specif ies onlc r=on. T his converts c arria ge re turns t o carria ge ret urn/line fe e ds. • If you want tab[...]

  • Page 26

    4-4 Co nfiguring Print er C onnections: Comman d Li ne set line range=2 ba ud =960 0 c size =8 stopb=1 pa ri ty=n set flow range=2 ct s= on ixon=off ixof f=off[...]

  • Page 27

    Conf igurin g Ports f or P rinte rs 4-5 Co nfig urin g a Po rt for Dire ct- Acc ess Pr inti ng Direc t a c c es s printing al lows T elne t users on the LAN to a ccess a port and to iss ue pr int c om ma nds direc tly to the print er . This sectio n d e sc ri bes t he two ways us ers ca n access a print er direc tl y and expl ains how to config ure[...]

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    4-6 Co nfi gur in g a Po rt fo r Di re ct- Access Pri nti ng[...]

  • Page 29

    Confi guring Por ts for Terminal s an d Computer s 6-1 Chapt er 6 Co nfi gur in g Por ts fo r T er mi nal s and Comput ers In This Ch apter This cha pter describ e s h ow to confi gure Po rtServer TS 8/16 p orts for termina l and computer conne ctions. It discusse s the followi ng topics: • Con figur ing Po rts for T ermin als: W eb Interfa ce . [...]

  • Page 30

    6-2 Con figuring Po r t s for Terminal s : Web Inte rface Co nfiguri ng Port s f or T ermina ls: Web In terfac e Use th is pro cedure to config ure a po rt fr om the web int erfac e. 1. Acce s s the web inter face by entering th e PortServ er TS 8/16 IP address in a browser ’ s U R L win- dow . 2. Log in to the PortS erver T S 8/16 as root. The d[...]

  • Page 31

    Confi guring Por ts for Terminal s an d Computer s 6-3 • bps is the line s p eed • char acters is the chara cter size • pa r ity i s t he pa rity schem e to use on t his line • num-bit s is the number of stop bit s to use 3. If your termin al uses hardwar e flow contro l, suppl y a set flow command that specifies the fo l- lowing (softw a r[...]

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    6-4 Abou t Computer Connection s[...]

  • Page 33

    Confi guring Por ts for Modems 5-1 Chapt er 5 Config uring P orts f or Modems In This Ch apter This cha pter describ e s h ow to confi gure Po rtServer TS 8/ 16 p orts for m o de m c onnectio ns. It dis cusses the following topic s: • T i ps on Co nfigu ring A M odem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -2 ?[...]

  • Page 34

    5-2 Ti ps on Co nfiguring A M odem T ips o n Conf igur ing A Mo dem Here a r e some t ips on con figuring modems to work with PortServe r T S 8/16 : • Co nfigure th e modem s o that DCD goes hi gh when it receiv e s an incom ing c o nnection req ue st . • Co nfigure th e modem to ans wer an i ncoming ca ll only when DT R is hi gh, and to dro p [...]

  • Page 35

    Confi guring Por ts for Modems 5-3 Co nfiguri ng Port s f or Modems: We b Inte rfac e Use th is procedure to configu re a port for a mode m from the we b int e rfa c e. 1. Acce s s the web inter face by entering th e PortServ er TS 8/16 IP address in a browser ’ s U R L win- dow . 2. Log in to the PortS erver T S 8/16 as root. The defau lt passwo[...]

  • Page 36

    5-4 C onfigurin g Ports for Outgo ing/ B i -Directi onal Conne c- Exam pl e In this e xamp le , ports 1 and 2 a r e s et up for in c oming mode m connec tions usi ng R TS/CTS flow cont rol. set ports range=1-2 de v=m in set line range=1-2 ba ud =1152 00 set flow range=1-2 ix on =off ixoff=off ct s=o n rts=on Con f i gur i n g Por t s f or O u t goi[...]

  • Page 37

    Co nfiguring PPP 8-1 Chapt er 8 Conf igurin g PPP In This Ch apter This ch apt e r discuss es h ow to configure PPP connections . It c overs the followin g topics: • Con figuring PPP C onnect ions: W e b In terface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2 • Conf iguring Inbou nd P PP Connect ions: Comma nd Line . . . . . . . . . [...]

  • Page 38

    8-2 C onfigurin g PPP Connect ions: Web Inte rface Confi gurin g PPP Connect i o ns: We b Inter face Use th is procedure to conf igure PPP connecti ons from the web interfac e. 1. Access the web int e rf ace by plac ing the IP address of th e Digi devi ce in the U RL window o f a br ows er . 2. Log in a s the root user . T he de fa ul t password is[...]

  • Page 39

    Co nfiguring PPP 8-3 Confi gurin g Inbound PPP Connecti ons: Comm and Lin e Use th is section t o configure simple inbound PP P c onnect ions from the command line. F or inform a t ion on fine-tuni ng PPP connec tions, see the s e t user comm a nd in the Digi One/P ortServer TS Command Refer e nc e . Note: CHAP authe nticatio n wor ks be tween two [...]

  • Page 40

    8-4 C onfigurin g Inbound PPP C onnections: Command Li ne 7. T o confi gure an IP address for th e local end of the PPP co nne cti on, ent er the follow ing com - mand: set user name= name localipaddr= ip-address where name is the user’ s name and ip-a ddre ss is the IP address to assig n to the loca l en d of t he PPP conne ction. Thi s address [...]

  • Page 41

    Co nfiguring PPP 8-5 Confi gurin g Outboun d PPP Connect ions: Command L ine Th is s ec tion desc ribes how to confi gure out bound PPP conne ctions . Us e it to configu re out boun d only con nections or t o configure the outbou nd porti on of b idirecti onal connecti ons . Note: CHAP authe nticatio n wor ks be tween two Digi dev ices. CHAP will b[...]

  • Page 42

    8-6 Co nfiguring Outbound PPP C onnect ions: Command Line set user name= name outgoing=on device= device where d e vice is either the Digi-s upplied device or the outbound devic e c re a t e d earli er in this pro- ced ure Exam pl e: set user name=pppout outgoing=on device=gendialer 8. T o confi gure an IP addre s s for t he loc al end of th e PPP [...]

  • Page 43

    Confi guring IP Ro utin g 9-1 Chapt er 9 Conf igurin g IP Routing In This Ch apter This cha pter describ es how t o c onfigure I P routin g. It discus ses the fo llowing to pics: • Int roducti on to Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 • About R IP Rou ting Updat es . . . . . . . . . [...]

  • Page 44

    9-2 Introd uction to Routing Int roduc tio n to Rout ing Th is s ec tion pro v id es so me in t rod u c tory infor m ation on r outin g. Wh at i s R ou t in g Routi ng is t he m ethod, employe d by IP sof tware, of choosin g a p ath over whic h t o send pa cket s betwe en systems on di fferent physic a l netwo rks. When PortS erver TS 8/16 is co nf[...]

  • Page 45

    Confi guring IP Ro utin g 9-3 Ab out RIP Ro uting Updat es Intro duction RI P de fines a me thod for pro pagating rout ing informat ion a mong route rs. It provides IP software with the i nfor m atio n n e e ded to mak e intel ligent routi ng decisi ons. The in formation, pass e d in RIP upd a t e s p ackets fro m rout e r-t o-router , consi sts of[...]

  • Page 46

    9-4 Abou t RIP Ro utin g Upd ates reg ard ed R 2 as an al ter nat e path to N et 1 . The second is ca lled “pois on reverse,” whic h stipul ates tha t routes are adver ti sed a s un reach able on th e inte rface on wh ich the route is learne d. Had po ison reve rse bee n used in the p receding example, R2 wou ld have ad ver tised Net 1 as u nre[...]

  • Page 47

    Confi guring IP Ro utin g 9-5 Co nfig uring Sta tic Route s Th is s ec tion desc ribes how to confi gure PortServ er TS 8/16 for static ro utes . Rela t ed Inf ormation Se e the s et rout e command in t he Digi On e/PortServe r TS Command R e f e r ence . Procedure T o confi gure a st a t ic route over a PPP link, enter the f ollowing comman d: set[...]

  • Page 48

    9-6 C onfiguri ng Dynami c R ou tes Using RIP Configur ing Dynamic Routes Using RIP Th is s ec tion desc ribes how to confi gure Po rtServ er TS 8/16 for dy n ami c rout ing . Rela t ed Inf ormation See the set f or ward in g comm an d i n t he Di gi One/PortSe rver T S Command R efe re nce . Starting Point This proc edure ass umes that you hav e s[...]

  • Page 49

    Confi guring IP Ro utin g 9-7 Co nfiguri ng Prox y ARP Th is s ec tion desc ribes how to confi gure PortServ er TS 8/16 for Prox y AR P. Rela t ed Inf ormation See the set f or ward in g comm an d i n t he Di gi One/PortSe rver T S Command R efe re nce . Starting Point Thi s proc edu re as su mes t hat you have sig ned o n as r oot and have or wil [...]

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    9-8 Conf iguring Prox y ARP[...]

  • Page 51

    Co nfiguring Auto connectio n 7-1 Chapt er 7 Conf igurin g Auto connecti on In This Ch apter This Cha pter discu s se s how to confi gure t he au toconnect ion feature. It covers the follo wing topic s : • About Aut oconnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 • Co nfigu ring a Po rt fo[...]

  • Page 52

    7-2 About Aut oconnect ion Ab out A utoco nnec tio n The auto connectio n feature al lows you to confi gure a user t o access the Port Server TS 8/1 6 and then be automati cally c onnected to a hos t on the L AN. Y ou can imple ment autoc onnection in t he follo wing ways: • By port. In thi s case, all port users are a utomatic a l ly conne cted [...]

  • Page 53

    Co nfiguring Auto connectio n 7-3 Co nfig urin g a User f or Au toco nnect ion : We b Inte rfa ce 1. Acce s s the web inter face by entering th e PortServ er TS 8/16 IP address in a browser ’ s U R L win- dow . 2. Log in to the PortS erver T S 8/16 as root. The defau lt passwor d is dbp s . 3. Se lect Con figu re and then Us ers from the men u. 4[...]

  • Page 54

    7-4 C onfigurin g a Us er for Autoco nnection: Command Li ne[...]

  • Page 55

    Confi guring Console M anagement 10-1 Chapt er 10 Confi guring Cons ole Mana gement In This Ch apter • About C onsole Ma nagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2 • Con figur ing C onso le Ma nagem ent: W eb Inter face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 -2 • Conf iguring Consol e Manag[...]

  • Page 56

    10-2 About Cons ole Mana gement Ab out Cons ole Man a g ement Port Server TS 8/16 c a n be configure d to remo tely mana ge netw ork device s , such as r o uter s, swit ches, and se rvers, which usu ally provide EIA-232 se rial p or ts for ma nagemen t. Usin g the Port Server TS 8/16 and TCP/IP util itie s like re verse T elnet a nd SSH2, network a[...]

  • Page 57

    Confi guring Console M anagement 10-3 • key i s the name of a fi le t hat contai ns the DSA publi c ke y . If yo ur host’ s impl ementation requi res a compl ete pat h to the f ile, spe c i fy the path h ere a s well. Example: set user name=secure loadkey= Example: SSH2 and M enu Access In th is exa m pl e, a Digi de vice i[...]

  • Page 58

    10-4 Conf iguring Consol e Manageme nt: Comman d Li ne[...]

  • Page 59

    Co nfiguring Secu r i ty F eatures 12-1 Chapt er 12 Configuring Security Featur es In This Ch apter This c hapter d escribes PortSer ver TS 8/16 se curity features a nd d iscusses h ow to confi gure t hem. It pr e sen ts the fol lowing topi c s: • Cont rollin g Acce ss to the Digi One/Por tServer TS 2/4 Config uration . . . . . . 12-2 • Cont ro[...]

  • Page 60

    12-2 Con trolling Access to the PortS erver T S 8/16 Conf igura- Co ntrol ling Ac cess to the PortSe rver TS 8/16 Configuration Port Server T S 8/16 res trict s acce ss to t he config uratio n by defining t he fol lowi ng types of use r s : • T he root user , who has u nlimi ted access to P ortS erv er T S 8 /16 com ma nds . H e or sh e c an view[...]

  • Page 61

    Co nfiguring Secu r i ty F eatures 12-3 Co ntrol li ng Acce ss to Out boun d Ports Th is s ec tion desc ribes me t hods for controlling access to outbound s eria l por ts. A n out bound po rt is one defined o n the de v fie ld of the set ports c ommand for one of the f ollowing dev ice t ypes: • pr n (use d to defin e prin ter con nect ions ) •[...]

  • Page 62

    12-4 Usi ng R AD IU S to Au th en tica t e Users Using RADIU S to Authenticate Users Th is s ec tion pro v i des a des cription of RADIUS and explains how to c onfigure Por tServe r TS 8/16 to u se RADIUS. What is RADIUS? RADIUS (remote au thenticati on dial-in u ser s ervice) is a me thod of maint aining a datab ase of pr ofi l e s of di a l -in u[...]

  • Page 63

    Co nfiguring Secu r i ty F eatures 12-5 RADIUS Accounting Attribu tes ( RFC 2139) The fol lowing RADIUS account ing attr ibutes a re sup ported in the Digi PortS erver TS 8/16. How RADIUS Wor ks Here is how authentic ation work s when PortS e rv e r TS 8/1 6 is c onfigure d for RADIUS: 1. A user lo gs into P ortServer T S 8/16. 2. Port Server TS 8/[...]

  • Page 64

    12-6 Usi ng R AD IU S to Au th en tica t e Users Configur ing RADIUS: Command Line T o configur e PortServer T S 8/16 t o function as a RADIUS cl ient, suppl y a set radius co mmand tha t sp ec ifi es the foll o win g: •r u n = o n • The IP addr e ss of the pri m ar y RADIUS server (on the pr i mary field). The primary s e rver is the fi rst se[...]

  • Page 65

    Co nfiguring Secu r i ty F eatures 12-7 Is suin g User P ass word s Th is se ction di sc u sse s h ow t o i ssue us er p assword s. Rela t ed Inf ormation Se e the n ewpa ss and se t us er command s in t he Digi On e/PortServer TS Command R e f e r ence . Starting Point This procedur e a ss umes tha t you hav e signed on as root and a lready config[...]

  • Page 66

    12-8 Conf iguring S SH V ersion 2 f or Se cure C ommunicat ion Co nfiguri ng SSH V ersio n 2 f or Secu re Co mmunica tio n Th is se ction di sc us se s ho w t o co nf i gur e a u ser to u se S SH v er s ion 2 encr yption . Password P rotection T o configure si mple pa s swor d auth e nt ication for an SS H user , no SSH-spec ific con figuration is [...]

  • Page 67

    Co nfiguring DNS 13-1 Chapt er 13 Confi guring DNS In This Ch apter This chapter disc usses h ow to c onfigure PortS e r ver T S 8/ 16 to use DN S. Top i cs di scussed inclu de the f oll o win g: • About t he Domai n Name Sy s tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2 • Con figur ation Proc edu res. . . . . [...]

  • Page 68

    13-2 About the Domai n Name System Ab out the D omai n Nam e Syst em Th is s ec tion dis cu sse s key conce pts of the doma in name system . Purpos e of DNS The domai n name syst em maps doma in names to in forma tion associ ated with t hese names , such as IP a ddresse s. DNS Component s DNS compone nts inclu de : • A di stribu ted databa se con[...]

  • Page 69

    Co nfiguring DNS 13-3 Co nfig uratio n Proce dures Procedure for Using a Name Server T o configure a DNS serve r , ente r the fol lowing command: set config do ma in= doma in myname= na me dns= ip -add re ss where • domain is the d om a in in which th e Po rtServer TS 8/16 wil l reside • name is a D NS name for PortServer TS 8/16 • ip-addr e [...]

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    13-4 Conf iguratio n Proce dures[...]

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    Co nfiguring SNMP 14-1 Chapt er 14 Config uring SNM P In This Ch apter This cha pter describ e s h ow to confi gure t he Port Server TS 8/16 SNMP a gent. It discu s se s th e fo llowing top ics: • About SNMP and the Digi One/Port Server TS 2/4 Agent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2 • Con figur ation Proc edu re: W eb Interfa ce . . . . . . .[...]

  • Page 72

    14-2 About SNMP and the PortS erver T S 8/16 Agent Abo ut SNM P an d the Po rtS erv er TS 8/16 Agent Thi s sec tion in troduces SNM P and ne twork mana gemen t in TC P/I P ne tw orks, an d i t de scri be s the PortServer TS 8/16 agent. It discuss es the following: • Ne twork manage m e nt c o m po ne nt s • The SNMP age n t •S N M P t r a p s[...]

  • Page 73

    Co nfiguring SNMP 14-3 Co nfig uratio n Proce dure: W eb Inte rface 1. Acce s s the web inter face by entering th e PortServ er TS 8/16 IP address in a browser ’ s U R L win- dow . 2. Log in to the PortS erver T S 8/16 as root. The def ault pa sswor d i s dbp s, which sho uld be change d . See the newp ass c ommand in the Di gi One/P ortServer TS[...]

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    14-4 C onfigurat ion Procedur e: Command L ine[...]

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    Managi ng the OS and Con f igurat ion 16-1 Chapt er 16 Manag ing t he OS and Conf igura tion In This Ch apter This chapter provi des in formation on upda ting the opera ti n g s yst em ( O S) and managin g the confi guratio n. T opic s i nclude the following: • Upg radi ng the OS (Firm war e): W e b I nterfa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Page 76

    16-2 Up grading t he OS (Fi rm w are): W e b Interface Upg rad ing the OS (F irmw are) : We b Inter fa ce Use this sec tion to upgrade the fi rmware using th e w eb inte rface. 1. Acce s s the web inter face by entering th e PortServ er TS 8/16 IP address in a browser ’ s U R L win- dow . 2. Log in to the PortS erver T S 8/16 as root. The defau l[...]

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    Managi ng the OS and Con f igurat ion 16-3 Upgr adin g t he O S (Fir mwar e): C om mand Lin e Th is s ec tion desc ribes how to up gr ade the Port Se rv er TS 8 /16 o per ati ng sys tem (O S) . The OS is sto red in flas h ROM a nd c a n be up graded wit hout chan ging the ROM or other ha rdware. Rela t ed Inf ormation Se e the b oot an d set co nfi[...]

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    16-4 Conf iguring Port Server TS 8/16 from a R emo te Host Con figu ring Po rtSer ve r TS 8 /16 from a Remote Host Th is s ec tion dis c usse s re mot e co nf i gur at i on, t ha t is , c onfiguring PortServe r TS 8/ 16 from a remo te host and then downloading th e co nfigurat ion file to Por tServer TS 8/16 . When T o Use Remot e Configur a tion T[...]

  • Page 79

    Managi ng the OS and Con f igurat ion 16-5 Copying a Configur a tion F ile fro m a Host to PortS er v er TS 8/16 This s ect ion describes how t o copy the configura tion file from a host to Po rtServer TS 8/16 after the file ha s b een edit ed on the host. Rela ted Infor mation See the cpconf com ma nd in t h e Digi One/Po r tSer ver TS C ommand Re[...]

  • Page 80

    16-6 Rese tting th e Conf iguration to Defau lts Reset ting th e Co nfig uratio n to Defau lts Use this s ection to learn how to u se t he r eve rt command to res et the all or some of the config uration fac tor y o r t o the late st c on fig ura tio n st ore d i n NVRAM . Note: Y o u can also us e the range f iel d o n th is c om mand t o defi ne [...]

  • Page 81

    Confi guring Users 15-1 Chapt er 15 Conf igurin g Users In This Ch apter This cha pter discusses how to c onfigure u sers. It covers t he followin g t opics: • About C onfigurin g Use rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2 • Comm on U ser Fea ture s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Page 82

    15-2 Abou t Configur ing Use rs Ab out Conf igur ing Users Al thou gh it is n ot req uired , th e Por tSer ver TS 8/ 16 i s of ten con figu red to ac commo date th e requi rements o f part icula r users. T ypic al confi gurable user a ttrib utes incl ude the foll owing: • Whe ther the use r is required to supply a pass word • Aut oconnecti on a[...]

  • Page 83

    Confi guring Users 15-3 Co nfig urin g a User: W eb Inte rfac e Use this section t o conf igure us ers w ith from the web in terface. 1. Acce s s the web inter face by entering th e PortServ er TS 8/16 IP address in a browser ’ s U R L win- dow . 2. Log in to the PortS erver T S 8/16 as root. The defau lt passwor d is dbp s . 3. Se lect Con figu [...]

  • Page 84

    15-4 Conf iguring a Use r: Command Line Example s Co nfig uring a U ser: Command Line Exa mples This sectio n consis ts of a set of ex amples that t ell you how to use the set user comman d t o configur e vario us use r attrib utes. Configur ing a User for a P assword In t his e xampl e, the se t use r comm and co nfig ures a new use r . The n ewpa[...]

  • Page 85

    Confi gurati on E x amples 17-1 Chapt er 17 C onfiguration Exam ples This cha pter provides severa l simp le, but complete, configurati on exam ples. If you find that the exampl es imple m e nt e x actly t he feat ures neede d for your net work, s imply copy them, maki ng approp riate subst itutio ns for sit e -spe cific informati on suc h as IP ad[...]

  • Page 86

    17-2 Termina l Ser ver Confi guration Withou t R ealP ort T ermina l Serv er C onfigur ati on Wi thout Rea lPort In t his config uration, Port Server TS 8/1 6 functio ns as a te rm inal server , providi ng T elnet and Rlo gin access to hosts. This c onfigur ation en ables the follo wi ng: • T elnet or Rlogin a c c e s s t o the LAN-based hosts , [...]

  • Page 87

    Confi gurati on E x amples 17-3 T ermina l Se rver Configur ation Us ing Aut ocon necti on This exa mple s hows a PortServe r TS 8/ 16 functionin g as a termin al server impl ementing auto conn ectio n. • Th e t ermi nal s a re conn ected to autocon nect por ts. Con sequen tl y, w h en a u s e r pr esses a t e r min al key , an auto matic connec [...]

  • Page 88

    17-4 Te r mi nal Ser v e r Con figur ation Using RealP ort T ermina l Se rve r Confi gurati on Usi ng Real Port In t his example, the PortServ e r TS 8/16 i s simply prov iding port s for the LAN- based h ost using Real Port. T he c onfigura tion is exceedingl y simple beca use port attr ibutes are configur ed on the hos t its elf . Rela t ed Inf o[...]

  • Page 89

    Confi gurati on E x amples 17-5 Dial-In PPP Connection Using RADIUS In this configuration, PortServer TS 8/ 16 uses a RADIU S server to provide a dial-in PPP conne ction. The at tribut es of the PPP connect ion , which can al so be s pecif ied wi th set user commands , ar e s p e cifi ed on the RADIUS se rve r . Rela t ed Inf ormation For more in f[...]

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    17-6 Dia l-In PPP C onnection Us ing RADIUS[...]

  • Page 91

    Po rtS erv er TS 8 /16 Troubl e shooting 17-1 Chapt er 17 Por tSer ve r TS 8/16 T roubl eshooti ng In This Ch apter • Sym ptom: Port Server TS 8/16 Doe s Not Bo ot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17- 2 • S ym ptom : Cannot T elnet to t he PortServe r T S 8/16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-3 • Symp tom: Troubl e Ac[...]

  • Page 92

    17-2 Symptom: Port Server TS 8/1 6 Does Not Boot Sym pto m: P ort Ser ver T S 8/ 16 D oes N ot Bo ot Intr oducti on Use th e infor mation p rovided in th is dis cussion when PortSer ver T S 8/1 6 will not com plete the boot cy cle. Proc edur es Things to T ry Se e ... Che ck fo r h ardw ar e pr obl ems . • "Running PortSe rver TS 8/16 Har dw[...]

  • Page 93

    Po rtS erv er TS 8 /16 Troubl e shooting 17-3 Sym pto m: C ann ot T eln et to the Por tSer v er TS 8 /16 Intr oducti on Use th e info rmation provide d in this dis cussion to t r oubl e shoot n et wo rk pro b le ms . Assum ptions This disc ussion ass umes tha t the PortSer v er TS 8/ 16 itself i s worki ng, that is , that it co mpletes th e boot cy[...]

  • Page 94

    17-4 Symptom: T r o uble Accessi ng a P ort Sy mptom : T rou ble Ac cess ing a Port Intr oducti on Use th is p rocedure if you are having trouble accessi ng a P ortSe rver TS 8/16 por t . The sp eci fic pr oblem might be that you c annot l ogon from a termina l or the print er or modem is not working pr ope r ly . Assum ptions This discussi on assu[...]

  • Page 95

    Po rtS erv er TS 8 /16 Troubl e shooting 17-5 Ru nning Port Serv er TS 8/16 POST Use thes e topic s t o ru n Por tServer TS 8/16 p ower on sel f test t o val idate t he PortS erver TS 8/16 hardwa re . Procedure : Running the POST Using t he LEDs 1. Power o n the Port S erver T S 8/16. 2. Use th e foll owing tabl e to inte rpret the output from the [...]

  • Page 96

    17-6 Verif ying TF TP on a UNIX System V erif ying TFTP o n a UNIX Sys tem Use th is pr oc edure to verify th at TFT P i s working correctly on your UNI X host . Note: T his procedur e , which use s a T FT P tra nsfer of the Digi Devic e's boo t image between two UNIX hosts, enable s you to c ompare the s ize of t he b oot image b efore and af[...]

  • Page 97

    Po rtS erv er TS 8 /16 Troubl e shooting 17-7 Fo r con tr oll ed T FTP ac ce ss, m ak e su re th at the fi le /etc/t ftp acces s.c t l ex ists and veri fy that it on ly allows access to pu blic di recto ries. If th is f ile is no t pres ent, tftp will a llow full acces s. A sa m pl e fil e is located in the di re c tory /usr/l pp/tcpi p/samples. ?[...]

  • Page 98

    17-8 Verif ying the PortSe rver TS 8/1 6 IP Ad dress V e r ifying the P ort Server TS 8/ 16 IP A ddr ess Use th is procedure to check the IP addre ss on the PortS erver TS 8/ 16. 1. Connec t a t erminal to a Por tServer TS 8/16 p ort. 2. If th e port i s sti ll usi ng the default confi guratio n, co nfigure th e te rm inal to u s e the fol lowing s[...]

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    Po rtS erv er TS 8 /16 Troubl e shooting 17-9[...]

  • Page 100

    17-10 C he cki ng for Dupli cate IP Addre sses Ch ecki ng fo r Dupli cat e IP Addr esse s Use this proce dure to ensur e that th e Po rtSe rver TS 8/16 and a nother dev ice are n ot using t he s ame IP ad dr ess. Proc edur e 1. From anot her system on t he network, use the pi ng command to dete rmine i f the IP addr e ss is in use . The foll owin g[...]

  • Page 101

    Po rtS erv er TS 8 /16 Troubl e shooting 17-11 Pin ging an I P Addr ess Use th is pro cedure to deterrm ine if a sys tem c a n be r eac hed f r om acr oss a net work. Proc edur e Atte m pt to ping th e PortSe rver TS 8/ 16 from a nother syste m on the network. Here is the form a t of t he comm and: ping ip-address[...]

  • Page 102

    17-12 Ver ifyin g the Ne twork Cabling V erif yin g the Ne twork Cab lin g Use this procedure to trou bleshoot network cabling pr oblems. 1. Chec k the Etherne t cable. V eri fy the followi ng: • The Etherne t c a ble i s connect e d sec ure l y at both end s . • The E thernet cable i s pinned corre c t ly . • Th e q ual ity of the ca ble i s[...]

  • Page 103

    Po rtS erv er TS 8 /16 Troubl e shooting 17-13 V eri fyin g the R eal Port P roc ess Use one of the s e procedure s to verify the R ealPort process: AIX: Verifying the RealP or t Pr oce ss Use th is t opic to v erify th a t the RealPort da emon (process) is r unn ing o n t h e A I X s yst em. 1. T ype the fol lowing: lsdev -Cc nts 2. If th e sa dev[...]

  • Page 104

    17-14 Ver ifying the RealPor t P roces s Solaris : V erifying the RealPort Process Us e t his top ic f or i nfo rm at ion o n v erify in g that the R ea lPo rt p roc e ss i s r unning on a Sola r i s s ystem. 1. T ype the fol lowing command: ps -ef|grep ncxd 2. If the inf orm ati on that appea rs is not correct , do the following : a. Mo dif y th e[...]

  • Page 105

    Po rtS erv er TS 8 /16 Troubl e shooting 17-15 Ch ecki ng and Cha ngin g Port Confi gura tion Use t his t opic to e nsure that PortServe r TS 8/16 seri al port confi guration is correct . Y ou c a n displ ay and cha nge p ort configu ra t ion from eithe r the comman d line or th e w eb in terface . Thi s topi c addre sses the command line only . Fo[...]

  • Page 106

    17-16 Dig i Contact In format ion Digi Cont act Inform ation Digi Int ernationa l 1 1001 Br en Road East Minnet onka, MN 55343 U.S.A Cus tomer Ser vice and Suppor t W orld W ide W eb: htt p://sup port. digi.c om ema il suppo rt@dig i.com T elep hone ( U.S.) 1-80 0-344- 4273 T elep hone ( other loc ations (+01 1) 952-9 12-344 4[...]