Dish Network DISHPlayer 500 7100/200 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Dish Network DISHPlayer 500 7100/200, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Dish Network DISHPlayer 500 7100/200 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Dish Network DISHPlayer 500 7100/200. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Dish Network DISHPlayer 500 7100/200 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Dish Network DISHPlayer 500 7100/200
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Dish Network DISHPlayer 500 7100/200 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Dish Network DISHPlayer 500 7100/200 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Dish Network DISHPlayer 500 7100/200 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Dish Network DISHPlayer 500 7100/200, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Dish Network service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Dish Network DISHPlayer 500 7100/200.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Dish Network DISHPlayer 500 7100/200 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    DISHPlayer 500 Perso nal T V Remote Control[...]

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    Cop yrigh t © 20 00 EchoStar T echn ologies Corp oration Eng lewoo d, Co lor a d o 80 1 12 All rights reserved. The in formation c ontaine d herein is subject to c hange wit h out notic e. Revisi o ns may be i ssued t o advise of such changes and/o r add itio ns. Corre s pon dence rega r din g thi s pu bli cati o n sho ul d be add resse d direct l[...]

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    1 T able of Contents We l c o m e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1 Imp or tant Sa fet y Inst ructi on s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pag e 2 Installing Ba tteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pag e 2 Main F eatures of the Pers on al TV R emot e Co ntr ol . . . . . . .[...]

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    2 Import ant Safet y Inst ructions For your pr otection, y ou must re member ce rtain safety iss ues while using this devise. P lease keep the se and a ny additional i nstructions fo r future reference. Installation Observe W arnings : Care fully foll ow all warnings on the d e vice and in the op erating in struction s. Heat : DO NOT plac e the dev[...]

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    3 Main Features of the Pers onal TV Remo te Control T urn TV o n/o ff Move PIP (Pic ture -in-P ictu re win - dow) wh ile on the Web Ch ange ch annels Di splay O ptio ns panel for TV a nd Web Move y ellow b ox or c ursor Scr oll sc reens, TV Lis ti ngs an d We b page s TV/VCR SA T MODE Switch betwe en TV/ VCR rec eiver contr ol Disp lay T V pr ogram[...]

  • Page 6

    4 Using the R emo te C ontr ol The tab le below de scribe s the rem ote functi ons. Th e remote co ntrol uses infra re d (IR) lig ht to commun ic ate with the DISHPlayer receiver . Y ou should stay within 30 feet of the receiv er when using the remot e, and p o int it dire c tly a t th e fron t pane l of the receiv er . Remote Control Action top g [...]

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    5 TV/VID EO Cycles throug h TV video input s TV/VCR SA T MODE On the side of the remote, switch es receiver c ontrol be tween TV/VCR a nd Satelli te Receiver ENTER Moves PIP (Picture-In-Pictu re) while on the W eb CODESET Set code to c ontrol you r TV and VC R Replay Jump s bac k in the curre nt or record ed program 7 secon ds Skip Skip s the recor[...]

  • Page 8

    6 Personal TV Servi ce W ebTV’ s Persona l TV service is the wave of the future. It gives you the c apabil ity never to miss a program an d to w atch it at your co nven- ience. W ith Perso nal T V yo u can : • Schedu le pro grams to record on yo ur Personal TV se rvice or you r VCR • Play and replay recorded programs • Re ceive Instant News[...]

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    7 uled to be recorde d in the futu re. This is also where you ch oose recor ded pr og rams t o wa tc h. Recording a Program On Personal TV Rec ording a progra m on Pe rsonal TV is like record ing a pr ogram on your VCR only instead of recording on to a tape, you are recording on to the hard d rive of the DISHP layer receiv er . If you record a prog[...]

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    8 T o Instantly Rec ord a Pr ogram on Persona l TV While wa tching the program: •P r e s s t h e R eco rd butto n on the remote con trol ( ). A record icon will display for a few seconds, then disappear to in di cate th e prog r a m i s bein g recor ded. Or 1. Press th e Inf o bu tton on the remo te contr o l or op tional keyboard . 2. Se lect th[...]

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    9 4. Sel ec t Record . The Reco rd sc reen a ppe ars. 5. Mak e sure the Record on Pe rsonal TV red indicato r light is turned on, t hen select Contin ue . The Recordi ng Schedu led screen app ears. 6. Sel ec t Done . The TV Listing scr ee n appe ars w it h a red dot nex t to the pr ogr a m. This indicat es that th e prog ram is sch edul ed t o be r[...]

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    10 T o Record a Pr ogram Dail y or W eekly 1. Sel ec t TV Listings fr om TV Home . 2. Se lect ho w y ou wa nt to view the TV L istin gs (b y today , time , dat e, search , catego ry , etc.). 3. Se lect the pro gram you want to reco rd daily o r weekly from the list. The Pro g r a m In fo scree n for that program will ap p ear . 4. Sel ec t Record .[...]

  • Page 13

    11 on VCR option will not be disp layed on the P erson al TV Re cord screen. For more information on reco rding using your VCR see the User Guide that ca me wit h yo ur DISHPlay er . Note : Y ou cannot ch ange chan nels while r e cordin g. If yo u try to chang e chan nels, a warnin g pan el wil l appear a t t he bott om o f the scree n asking you i[...]

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    12 5. Sel ec t Record . The Reco rd sc reen a ppe ars. 6. Sel ec t Record on VCR and s el ect Contin ue . The Recordi ng Schedu led scree n appears. 7. Sel ec t Done . The TV Listing screen appears with a re d dot ins et with a V next to th e prog ram to i ndic at e that the prog ra m is sche dule d to be recorded on your VCR. When t he program s t[...]

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    13 gram Info screen displa ys inform ation ab out th e reco rded pro gram . 2. Sel ec t Pla y . The recei ver will au tomatica lly cha nge to Chan n el 1 and the pro- gram w ill begi n play bac k. If you s top th e pro gra m, press Pl ay on your remote control to resume watching where y ou left off. Playb ack Finished When the reco rded pro gram is[...]

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    14 TV Options Panel Press the Opti on button on the r e mo te con trol or keyboar d. Th e Option s pa nel will app e ar at the bottom o f the screen . From this me nu, you h ave thr ee optio ns: • Selec t Sear ch Listin gs to search TV Listin g s for a program. • Selec t Go Live to stop wat chi ng the reco rde d program an d start watching live[...]

  • Page 17

    15 Rewindi ng and Fas t Forwa rding Thr ough a Record ed Pr ogram Y ou can r ewin d or fa st forw ar d thro ug h a reco rded pro gram a s you are watch ing it . Rewi ndi ng and fast forwar di ng will oc cur a t different rat es dep end ing on the numb er of tim es you press th e butto n. T o Rewind a Recorded Program Press the Rewind butto n on the[...]

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    16 Replayi ng or Ski pping Ahea d Through a Reco rded Pr ogram The Instan t Replay or Skippin g Ahead button is useful to jump arou nd t he prog ram mo re ra pidly . T o Replay Part of a Rec orded Progr am Press the Instan t Replay button on th e remote c ontrol ( ). T o Skip Part of a Recorded Program Press the Skip bu tton on th e remote c o ntro[...]

  • Page 19

    17 T o Save a Personal TV Recording to a V ide o T ape 1. Pu t a tap e in you r VC R and ma ke sur e the VC R pow er is o n. 2. Fr om y our Personal TV lis ting screen, sele ct the prog ram that y ou want t o copy to a vi deo t a p e. The Progr a m In fo scree n will ap pe ar . 3. Manually se t your VCR to start reco rding. 4. Sel ec t Play on the [...]

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    18 Re cor din g C on fli cts If two p rogra ms are sc heduled to record at the same time, the pr ogram that wi ll be recorded will ha ve a red dot ne xt to it and th e prog ram that will n ot be r ecorde d will ha ve an X inset i n its red dot. Schedul e Conflicts Y ou can o nly record one p rogram at a time from y our DISHP laye r , either on y ou[...]

  • Page 21

    19 Yo u r Person al TV listing screen will display the record con flicts. Removing a Scheduled Event T o remo ve a sc hedul ed rec ording or rem inder f rom your Person al TV listing , choo se the pr ogr am fro m your Person al TV listing . Choose Don’t Record (or Don’t Remind for reminders). The c ancel led e vent will be re move d fro m the P[...]

  • Page 22

    20 Pausin g a Prog ram Press the Pause butt on on the remote contro l ( ). The program st ops and pau se indicator app ears on the right side of the screen. Resume W atching a Pr ogram Press the Play button on the re m ote contro l ( ). Y ou ar e no w wa tc hin g de la y ed prog r a mm in g ins te a d of liv e TV . T o Retu rn to L ive Progr am m i[...]

  • Page 23

    21 boar d. Or •P r e s s t h e Chan nel bu tto n ( + or - ) on your re mote contro l or key- boa rd and sel ect Go Live . This remo ves the dela y . Y ou will now se e the TV program as it is currentl y be ing broadca st. Y our Perso nal TV service will not erase the sav ed prog ram (u nless you chan ge cha nne ls) and wi ll continu e to recor d [...]

  • Page 24

    22 T o Rewind a Delayed Pr ogram Press the Rewind butto n on the remote contro l ( ). T o Replay Part of a Delayed P rogra m Press the Instan t Replay button on th e remote c ontrol ( ). Rewinding The de layed pr ogram will r ewind until yo u pr ess Play o r until it r eac hes the point at wh ich you enable d dela y . Pressing Rewind again increase[...]

  • Page 25

    23 T o Fast Forward Thr ough a D ela yed Pro gram Press the Fast Forwar d butto n on t he remo te cont ro l ( ). Note : Y ou can on ly fas t for w ar d if you ar e watchi ng a pro gram when it is dela yed. T o Skip Ahead in a Delayed Pr ogram Press the Skip Ahead bu tton on th e remote c o ntrol ( ). Note : Y ou can on ly sk ip ahea d if you are wa[...]

  • Page 26

    24 T o Use Instant News 1. Use the Chan nel butto n or num bers on your re mote cont rol or ke y boa rd t o ge t t o Cha nne l 20 1 . The Ins tan t News screen appears. 2. Select a desired news c ategory from the list at the bottom of the screen or simpl y page th rough the headlines by selec ting the arrows at the top of the screen. 3. If yo u hav[...]

  • Page 27

    25 Personal TV and the Origin al R emo te C ontr ol/W ire less Keybo ard Before y ou use y our ne w Per sonal TV Remo te, the Arrow and Go/ Enter butt ons on your o riginal remote a nd wireless keyb oard combine curs or movem ent /sele ct ion wit h Pe rsona l TV f unc tio ns. Ho wever , once y ou use the n ew remote, the Personal TV function s will[...]

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    26 After Using the New Personal TV Re mote Original Remote & W irele ss Keyboard will no longe r be able to control Personal TV func tions[...]

  • Page 29

    27 Contr oll ing Y our VC R with the Remo te Control Severa l of t he but tons on th e rem ote can b e used to operate yo ur V CR. In orde r for the remote to control your VCR, it must be se t up to work with yo ur VC R. Se e “Progr a mming the Remot e Con tr ol” on page 2 8 to do this. Below is a diag ra m of the func tions you can use with y [...]

  • Page 30

    28 Pro grammi ng the Remo te Contr ol This sec tio n expl ains how to pr ogra m your r emot e to cont rol yo ur telev ision and VCR. This will allow yo u to adju st the volu m e, turn the tele vi sio n on and off, chang e cha nnel s, an d co ntr ol your VCR. Program ming for T elev i sion Operat ion The rem ote co ntrol is alread y preprogra mmed t[...]

  • Page 31

    29 for your VCR model. 5. P ress ENTER . 6. L eave the TV/VCR SA T mode switch se t to TV/VCR to operat e the VCR. 7. For quick reference, write the number from step 1 down in the table o n the insid e of t he back cove r of thi s manu al. The remote c ontrol is now pr ogramm ed to c ontrol your VCR. T o ver ify that the re mote co ntro l operat es[...]

  • Page 32

    30 Remot e Control Codes The se tables con tai n the manu factur er code s for prog rammin g the remote t o con trol your televis io n and VCR . Every at tempt has bee n made to incl ude all man ufacturer cod es. If you r manuf acture r is not lis ted or the code s d o no t wo rk, the rem ote may not co ntrol your televisio n or VCR. T elevi sions [...]

  • Page 33

    31 VCRs Sony 2 70 Sylv ania 210, 1 10, 1 1 2 Symp hon ic 1 44 T oshi ba 1 30, 26 5 V idt ech 180, 1 10, 1 12 W ards 1 10, 1 12, 24 0 Zen ith 290, 291 Admiral 735 Aiwa 727, 732 Akai 729, 714 , 715 , 716 Audi o Dynamic 73 9, 71 1 Bell & How- ell 70 5 Brok sonic 720, 726 Cano n 723, 725 CCE 743 Citizen 706 Craig 705 , 72 9 , 706 Curtis Math es 74 [...]

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    32 Quas ar 721, 722, 7 23, 724 Ra di o Shac k 733 , 724 , 705, 736, 709, 7 40, 727 RCA 73 3, 745, 700, 723, 724, 7 31, 746, 760, 7 02 Re alis ti c 724 , 7 05 , 73 6, 709, 740, 7 27 Sams un g 737 , 7 02 , 70 4, 733 Sansu i 73 9, 72 6, 720 , 752 Sany o 705, 709, 7 05 Scot t 7 60, 70 2, 704 , 709, 738, 7 40, 747, 748, 7 26 Sears 7 05, 7 06 , 707, 708,[...]

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    33 FCC Com pliance This de vice c omp lies with P a rt 15 of FCC rules. Ope ra tion is sub ject to the fol lowing two c o nditions: 1. T his dev ice may not ca use ha r m f ul int er fe rence . 2. T his device must accep t a ny in terferenc e that may c ause u nde- sired o pera tio n. Radi o Inte rferenc e This equi pment has bee n tested and found[...]

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    34 Limited W arranty This warranty e xtends o nly to the o rigi nal u ser of th e DISH Network TM Remo te Cont ro l (“y ou ,” “you r”) and is lim i te d to th e pu r chas e pri ce of the re m ote c ontrol. Ec hoSt a r Com munication s Corporatio n and its af filiate d c ompanies (“we,” “our ,” “ us”) warrant th is remote control[...]

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    35 Notes:[...]

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    36 Notes:[...]

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    CODES PROGRAMMED INT O REMOTE T ele visi on Cod e : VCR Code:[...]

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    FOR ALL YOUR CU ST OMER NEEDS, CALL DISH Network TM CUST OM ER SER VICE A T 1-800-33 3-DISH (347 4). 101681 Rev AA[...]