Dish Network EZ manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Dish Network EZ, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Dish Network EZ one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Dish Network EZ. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Dish Network EZ should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Dish Network EZ
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Dish Network EZ item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Dish Network EZ item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Dish Network EZ alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Dish Network EZ, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Dish Network service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Dish Network EZ.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Dish Network EZ item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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  • Page 2

    118866 1 C ONTENTS OF THIS G UI DE Ab out t he D ISH Ne two rk E Z Re mo te C on tr ol .... ... .. .. ..... ... 3 Bu tto ns and F eat ure s Ov er vi ew ... ... .. .. ..... ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... ..... 3 Ins tal lin g Bat ter ies ... ... .. ... .... ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... 4 Re cei ver Upgr a de .... ... ..[...]

  • Page 3

    2 118866 Figure 1. The EZ Remote See How to Use the Remote Con tr ol for mo re det ails on each butt on. SELECT POWER GUIDE SA T T V CHANNEL CONTROL T H E M E B R O W S E C H A N N E L C H A N N E L INFO VOL CANCEL 123 456 789 0 RECALL MUTE T urn on/off the satellite receiver T urn on/off the TV Channel up Get information about satellite a program [...]

  • Page 4

    118866 3 A BO UT TH E DISH N ETWOR K EZ R EMOTE C ONTROL The DISH Network EZ Remote Control makes operati ng your DI S H Network sa telli te receiver e asy and convenie nt. This remote control inc ludes larg e , easy- to- find butto ns whi c h are m ost commonly used to control the basic sa te llit e receiver feature s you ne ed. In add ition, the [...]

  • Page 5

    4 118866 T o use these added buttons a nd other features to con trol your TV , follo w the step-by-ste p instruct ions below to set up your remote contr ol. This setup also requir es y ou to connec t your sa telli te receiver t o your TV’ s tuner us ing coaxia l c able. Af ter completing your se tup , see How to Use the Re mote Contr ol on page 2[...]

  • Page 6

    118866 5 R ECEIVER U PGRA DE T urn on your TV the wa y you normall y would t o watch satell ite TV programming. Using your DISH Network EZ Remote Control, pr ess and then tr y using this r emote control to operat e some basic satell ite receiv e r fea tures like MENU or GUIDE . If t he remote control do e s not work, your sate llite receiver may ne[...]

  • Page 7

    6 118866 C ON NECT ING Y OUR S A TE LLI TE R EC EIV ER AND TV Figure 2. Conne ct th e Satellite Recei ver and TV 1. C o nnect a coax ial cab le be tween the TV Set Out on the satellite rec e iver and the tuner input on the TV (see F igure 2 ). Note : If you connect your TV a dif ferent way (for example, usin g yell ow , red, and white a ud io/video[...]

  • Page 8

    118866 7 S ETTIN G U PT H E R EMOT E TO C ON TR OL Y OUR TV 1. Find t he brand n a me of you r TV in t he TV code tables sta rting on page 32. Y ou will be refer r ing to this l ocation f or codes in the i nstruction s below . 2. T urn on your T V . 3. Press and hol d until both lights t urn on (it takes about f ive seconds) . 4. Release . light wi[...]

  • Page 9

    8 118866 S ETTIN G U PO N Y OUR R EMOT E C ON TRO L • Pr es s an d to ch ang e ch ann el s on your TV . • Pres s to chang e the TV volume. If these buttons wor k, go on to the next se ction to set up . I f not, pick another code for your TV b r a n d f r o m t h eT VC o d e st a b l ea n dg ob a c kt o step 3. 1. Make sure y our TV and satelli [...]

  • Page 10

    118866 9 7. Set the switc h on the back of the satellit e recei ver to CH4 . The TV will l ose the pictur e from the satellite rec e iver , but this is OK. Note : If your satell ite receiv er doe s not have a switch, see your satell ite receiver ’ s User’ s Guide for how to set TV Set Out on the satellit e recei ver to cha nne l 4. 8. Press and[...]

  • Page 11

    10 118866 T able 1: How I Change My TV Channels Column 1 : How do you change your TV to Channel 3 usi ng the number butto ns? Column 2: Circle the number sequence y ou use t o change your TV to Channel 3 “I j ust press the number buttons on my remote to ch ange the channel .” If you onl y press 3 on your remo te contr ol to change the TV to Cha[...]

  • Page 12

    118866 11 16. W rite the number( s) you circled int o the blank in step 19. 17. Press and hold until both lights tur n on (it takes about f ive seconds) . 18. Release . light will flash. 19. Press (Fil l in this blank with the exact s equence y ou circled in T able 1) 20. Press the MUTE button whi le watching light. 21. If the light f lashes three [...]

  • Page 13

    12 118866 S ETTING U PT O S WITC H THE TV TO A P REFE RRE D O FF -A IR C HA NNEL If you watch l oc al progr a mming f rom an of f-air a ntenn a, foll ow these inst r ucti ons to se t up to switch your TV to your prefe rred o ff-a ir chan ne l. Y ou wi ll ne ed to connec t your of f-air ant e nna to your satell ite receiver a nd then set up your rem[...]

  • Page 14

    118866 13 S ETTIN G U PO N T H E R EMOTE C ON TRO L 1. In the blank below , write d own your preferred of f- air channe l that you want your TV to tune to when you press . 2. If step 19 on page 1 1 is blank and was not used to set up , go to step 8. Other wise, go to step 3. 3. In the bla nk below , write d own the number sequence from st e p 19 on[...]

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    14 118866 S ETTING U PT O P AS S S AT ELLI TE P ROGRAMMI NG T HRO UGH Y OU R VCR TO Y OUR TV If you want to inst a ll a VCR between your satel lit e receive r and your TV , follow the se instr uctions to set up your syst e m and your remote contr ol to switch your syste m to watch sa tellite pr ogramming through y our VCR when y ou pr ess . Note : [...]

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    118866 15 C ON NECT ING Y OUR S A TE LLI TE R EC EIV ER , VCR, AND TV 1. C o nnect a coax ial cab le be tween the TV Set Out on the satellit e rece iver and the tuner input to the VC R (see F igure 4 ). Note : If you connect your VCR a diff er ent way (fo r example, usin g yell ow , red, and white a ud io/video RCA-type or S-V ideo cables), t he fe[...]

  • Page 17

    16 118866 Figure 4. Conn ecting a Satellite Receiver , VCR, and TV S ETTIN G U PT H E R EMOT E TO C ON TR OL Y OUR VC R 1. Find the brand name of you r VCR in the VCR code tables sta rting on page 39. Y ou will be refer r ing to this l ocation f or codes in the i nstruction s below . 2. T urn on your VCR. 3. Press and hol d until both lights t urn [...]

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    118866 17 S ETTIN G U P O N Y OU R R EM OT E C ON TROL 8. If light flashe s three time s, the code is val id and you can go to step 9 . If light does not flash at all , the code may not ha ve been entere d correc tly . So, st a rt over from step 3 and t r y the code aga in. 9. Press while loo king a t the chann el number displa y on your VC R. If t[...]

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    18 118866 6. W rite the number in step 2 from page 15 into the b l a n ki ns t e p1 0 b e l o w . 7. Press an d hol d the until bot h lights turn on (it takes ab out f ive sec onds). 8. Release a nd li ght will flash. 9. Press the RECALL bu tton. 10. Enter 0- . 11 . P r e s s t h e MUTE button whi le watching li ght. 12. If the light flashe s three[...]

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    118866 19 T able 2: How I Change My VCR Channels Column 1 : How do you change your VCR to Channel 3 using t he number butto ns? Column 2: Circle the number sequence y ou use t o change your VCR to Channel 3 “I j ust press the number buttons on my remote to ch ange the channel .” If you onl y press 3 on your rem ote contr ol to chan ge the VCR t[...]

  • Page 21

    20 118866 U SING W HE N A VCR IS I NST ALL E D If you install e d a V CR using the instructions in Setting Up to Pass Satelli te Pr ogramming Thr ough Y our VC R to Y our T V on page 14, but you would like to use to switch yo ur TV to the pre ferr ed off-air ch anne l, mak e sure your VCR i s turn ed of f before pressi ng . 16. If the infor m ation[...]

  • Page 22

    118866 21 O THE R R EMOT E C ON TROL I NSTR UC TIO NS H OW T O S CAN F O R TV C OD ES If t he code for you r TV is not i n the TV Codes tables starti ng on page 32, comp lete the following inst ruct ions to scan for your TV’ s code. 1. Make sure y our TV is on. 2. Hold until lights tur n on (it takes about five sec onds). 3. Release . l ight flas[...]

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    22 118866 H OW T O S CAN F O R VCR C ODES If t he code for you r VCR is not i n the VCR C odes table s starti ng on page 39, comp lete the following inst ruct ions to scan for your VCR’ s code. 1. Make sure y our VCR is on. 2. Hold until lights tur n on ( it tak e s about five sec onds). 3. Release . l ight flashes. 4. Press the RECALL bu tton. l[...]

  • Page 24

    118866 23 H OW T O C HE CK T HE TV C OD ES Y ou can find out what TV code is set up in your remote control when you c o mple te the f o llowing in structions . H OW T O C HE CK T HE VC R C OD ES Y ou can find out what VCR code is set up in your remote control when you c o mple te the f o llowing in structions . 1. Hold unti l lights tur n on (i t t[...]

  • Page 25

    24 118866 H OW T O R EM OV E TV C ODES If you decide to cha nge the TV you are using with the remote contr ol, it is a good idea to r emove the TV code from th e rem ote. H OW T O R EM OV E VCR C OD ES If you decide to cha nge the VCR you are using with the remote contr ol, it is a good idea to r emove the V CR code from th e rem ote. 1. Press and [...]

  • Page 26

    118866 25 H OW TO U SE T HE R EMOT E C ON TRO L This s ection de scribe s how to use your DIS H Network Remote Control. Figu re 1 on page 2 shows the remote control wit h a brief descript ion of the buttons. P OINT ING T HE R EMOT E C ONTR OL The remote contr ol uses infrared (IR) light si gna l s to control the satel lite receiver and TV . IR sign[...]

  • Page 27

    26 118866 TV PO WER B UTTO N Pres s th e TV POWER b u t t o nt ot u r nt h eT VO N o rO F F . This button wor ks only if yo u have complete d the instr uctions in Setti ng Up the Remote to Contr ol Y our TV on page 7. MENU B UTTON Pres s th e MENU button to open the Main Me nu . VOL UME B UTTONS Pres s th e VO L U M E buttons to rai se ( + )o rt ol[...]

  • Page 28

    118866 27 UP/DO WN/LEFT/RIGHT B UTTONS • Change channels - Press the UP or DOWN button. • Op en th e B rowse Banner -P r e s st h e RIGHT button. • Show Themes -P r e s st h e LEFT button. • Move around within the Prog ram Guide , the menus, and Brows e Banner -P r e s st h e UP , DOW N , LE FT ,a n d RI GH T button s. SEL EC T B UTTON Pres[...]

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    28 118866 CANCEL B UTTON • Can cel - Pr ess th e CANCEL b u t t o nt oc a n c e la procedure a nd g o back t o the pr e vious m enu or to w a tc h ing a pr o gr a m . • V i ew - Pr ess an d h old th e CANCEL button until both lights turn on. Whe n you r e lease the button, you will return to watch ing TV . N UMBER B UTTONS • Change the c ha n[...]

  • Page 30

    118866 29 DISH B UTTON Pres s th e DISH b u t t o nt og ot o Dish Home fo r recei vers that supp or t Dish Home . RECALL B U TTO N • Reca ll - Pr ess t he RECALL butt on to r eturn to t he last satellite rec e iver channel you watched. Press it again to switch between the last two sa tellite receive r channels you watched. • * - Press and hold [...]

  • Page 31

    30 118866 U SING TH E R EM OT E C ON TR OL FOR O FF -A IR TV P ROGR AM MI NG O FF -A IR C HANNEL C ONT R O L B UTTON T o use t he rem ote c ontro l t o get p rogram s f ro m an o ff-air antenna and ope r ate your TV , you must first press , which will do thre e thi ngs: • Tur ns off the satel lite receiver to pass thr ough your off-a ir ant enna [...]

  • Page 32

    118866 31 CHANNEL UP/DOWN B U TTONS Use the CHANNEL UP/ DOWN buttons to c hange channel s on the TV . SELECT B UTTON The SELECT button wor ks a s the ENTER bu tton for a TV . N UMBER B UTTON S Use these but tons to e nter number s in a TV menu or direct ly en ter a chan nel num ber . RECALL B U TTO N Pres s th e RECALL button to return to the last [...]

  • Page 33

    32 118866 TV AND VCR C OD ES These tables contain the manufactur er codes for progra m ming the remote contr ol to cont rol your TV or VCR. Every att empt has been made to include all code s. If yo ur TV or VCR is not listed or the codes do no t work, the r e mote may not control your device. In som e ca ses codes may opera te some but not all butt[...]

  • Page 34

    118866 33 Circu it City 695 Citizen 506, 516, 522 , 523, 524, 52 5, 526, 691, 712 Colort yme 573, 69 5 Concert o 523 Contec 527, 528, 541 , 591, 691 Craig 536, 541, 691 , 694 Crown 526, 536 Curti s Mathe s 506, 516, 526 , 573, 703, 70 8, 712 CXC 541, 691 Daewoo 505, 524, 526 , 529, 530, 53 1, 532, 698, 712, 719 Daytro n 526, 695 Dixi 532, 588, 620 [...]

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    34 118866 Fuji tsu 534, 694 Funai 534, 541, 691 , 694 Future t ech 541, 691, 694 General Elect ric (GE) 503, 508, 509 , 515, 540, 54 3, 544, 630, 695, 698, 701 ,714, 715, 716 Genex xa 613 Goldst ar 505, 523, 526 , 545, 546, 57 3, 588, 693, 712 Granada 695, 71 1 Grand 695 Grandie nte 71 1 Grundig 547 Hallmar k 695 Harmon Kardon 561 Hinari 534 Hit ac[...]

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    118866 35 Kloss 522, 56 1, 610, 698 KTV 526, 539, 540 , 541, 691, 69 6, 712 Lloyds 695 Lloyt r on 526 Loewe 588 Logik 518 Luxman 523 LXI 503, 563, 566 , 590, 595, 61 7, 625, 701 Magnav ox 506, 520, 525 , 536, 564, 56 5, 566, 567, 568, 569, 573 , 575, 610, 71 0, 712, Magnas onic 573 Marantz 506, 566, 573 , 588, 712 Matsui 532, 60 9 Megatro n 695 Mem[...]

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    36 118866 Nordmende 551 Normandi c 717 Novabeam 561, 69 8 Nyon 701 Onwa 541, 691 Optoni ca 605, 607 Orion 694 Osaki 612 Panasoni c 508, 509, 510 , 51 1, 512, 566, 574, 685, 687, 689, 697 , 698, 700, 70 6, 714, 716 Philc o 505, 50 6, 525, 536, 5 64, 56 5, 568, 573, 610, 712 Philip s 566, 58 8 Pioneer 502, 54 8, 551 , 576, 708 Portl and 505, 526, 712[...]

  • Page 38

    118866 37 Sampo 506, 519, 698 Samwon 620 Samsun g 505, 506, 516 , 523, 526, 53 2, 588, 612, 695, 704, 712 , 721 Sanyo 542, 589, 590 , 591, 592, 60 9 SBR 588 Schneid er 588 Scott 526, 534, 53 7, 541 , 593, 600, 6 91,696, 70 1 Sears 503, 52 3, 534, 542, 5 63, 589, 590, 594, 595, 596, 598 , 599, 601, 60 2, 603, 604, 617, 695, 703 Seimit su 695 Sharp 5[...]

  • Page 39

    38 118866 Sylvani a 506, 525, 536 , 564, 565, 56 6, 568, 573, 575, 600, 610 , 61 1, 712 Sympho nic 632, 692, 694 T an dy 605, 61 3 T at ung 509, 698 T ec hnics 508 T ec hwood 523, 573 T ek ni ka 504, 505, 516 , 518, 522, 52 3, 524, 525, 526, 534, 536 , 541, 614, 61 5, 686, 691, 712 T el eavia 551 T el efunke n 551 T el etech 532 T er a 513 Thomas 6[...]

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    118866 39 VCR C OD ES Vi d eo Concept s 570, 691 V idt ech 505, 69 5, 712 V iking 522 W ards 505, 506, 515 , 518, 534, 53 6, 543, 564, 565, 567, 568 , 607, 619, 71 2, 714, 715 Y amaha 505, 50 6, 712 Y ork 695 Zenit h 501, 518, 693 Zonda 620 VCR Brand Code Aiwa 588 Akai 513, 514, 515 , 516, 518, 51 9, 520 Alba 546 Amstrad 588 ASA 565 Audio Dynamics [...]

  • Page 41

    40 118866 Carver 664 CCE 677 Citizen 591, 592 Colt 677 Craig 591, 608, 677 Crosl ex 553 Curti s Mathe s 554, 592, 653 , 669 Daewoo 534, 545, 546 , 547, 665, 66 6 Daytro n 546 DBX 594, 600, 668 Dimensi a 653 Dumont 549 Dynatec h 588, 666 Emerson 505, 506, 509 , 588, 5 90, 654, 655, 660, 665, 666, 670 , 672, 683, 68 9 Finl andia 549 Finl ux 549, 565,[...]

  • Page 42

    118866 41 Gradien te 666 Granada 549, 581 Grundig 565 Harley Davidso n 666 Harmon Kardon 530 Harwood 677 Hinari 589 Hit achi 553, 588, 595 , 596, 681, 68 8 Inst ant Replay 553 ITT 518 JC Penney 530, 554, 591 , 594, 600, 66 8, 669, 675, 681 Jenson 560 JVC 592, 59 4, 600, 662, 6 68 Kenwood 581, 592, 594 , 600, 662, 66 8 KLH 677 Lloyd 588, 666 Logik 5[...]

  • Page 43

    42 118866 Memore x 549, 554, 581 , 588, 608, 66 3, 666 Minolt a 681 Mits ubishi 659, 66 2, 671, 687 MTC 544, 588 Multi tech 588, 589, 591 , 666, 677 NAD 573 NEC 530, 531, 532 , 562, 592, 59 4, 599, 600, 602, 603, 604 , 662, 668, 67 8 Olympic 553 Orion 506 Panasoni c 523, 553, 554 , 614, 633, 66 9 Penta x 592, 681 Perdio 588 Philc o 553, 55 4, 61 1,[...]

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    118866 43 Reali stic 549, 55 4, 581, 584, 5 88, 666, 669, 676 Ricoh 502, 686 Runco 663 Saisho 506 Salora 581 Samsun g 534, 591, 661 Sanky 663 Sansui 532, 544, 600 , 621, 662, 66 8 Sanyo 549, 581, 582 , 608 SBR 565 Schneid er 589 Scott 590, 654, 665 , 673, 6 83, 689 Sears 549, 58 1, 584, 608, 6 76, 681 Sentra 546 Shint om 589, 667, 677 Singer 677, 6[...]

  • Page 45

    44 118866 T ec hnics 553, 554 T ek ni ka 554, 588, 666 TMK 506, 66 0 T os hi ba 534, 590, 673 , 683 T ot evision 591 Ve c t o r Resea rch 530, 600, 668 V ictor 600, 668 Vi d eo Concept s 600, 668 V ideosoni c 591 W ards 554, 588, 589 , 590, 591, 60 8, 658, 666, 681, 683 XR1000 666, 677 Y amaha 530, 59 2, 594 , 600, 668 Zenit h 500, 501, 663 , 667, [...]

  • Page 46

    118866 45 L IMITED W ARRANT Y Th is wa rrant y exten ds only to th e origi nal use r of the DI SH Netwo rk rem ote con trol (“y ou,” “yo ur”) and is lim ite d t ot h ep u r c h a s ep r i c eo f the r emote con trol . EchoS tar Com muni cati ons Corp oration a nd i ts aff il iat ed co m pa ni es ( “we ,” “ o ur,” “u s”) wa rr an[...]

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  • Page 48

    118866 47 P OST R ECEIPT E XCHA NGE P ROGR AM Y ou may choos e to shi p t he e quipmen t to us at your c ost. T o provide fas ter servi ce, upon re ceipt of you r equip ment yo u will be s hipped a repl acemen t. Y our orig inal equipm ent will not be avai lable for ret ur n. The equ ipment yo u return w ill be c hec ked to ve rify whe ther it i s [...]

  • Page 49

    48 118866 6. Wri te the RA num b er in la rge, cl early vis i b le char acters on t he outsi de of the shi pping box u sed to re turn t he equip ment. T o avoi d confus ion and mis under standi ngs, we wi l l r eturn shipmen ts wit hout an RA numbe r clearl y visible o n the outsi de of the box t o you at your ex pense. 7. W e will: • Che ck the [...]

  • Page 50

    118866 R EGU L AT O RY F ACTORS W IRELE SS R EMOT E C ONTR OL This de vic e comp lies wi th Part 1 5 of FCC Ru les. Ope ratio n is s ubjec t to the follo win g condi tion s: (1) this devi ce may not cause h armful inter fere nce, and (2) this devi ce must acc ept any int erferen ce receive d, inclu ding int erfer enc e that may c ause undesi red o [...]

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    Copyr ight © 2002 EchoS tar T echno logies Cor poration Eng l ew oo d, C o lo ra d o 80112 Al l righ ts reser ved. The inf ormation i n t his Gu i de may cha nge with out not i c e. Revis ions may b e issue d to tell you a bout such cha nges. Plea se send a ny commen ts or quest ions di rect ly to: EchoS tar T echn ologies Cor poratio n, T e c hni[...]

  • Page 52

    For ALL your c ustomer n eeds, call th e Customer Servi ce Center at 1-800 -333-DISH (3474 ). 1 18866[...]