Dukane Camera 445 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Dukane Camera 445, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Dukane Camera 445 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Dukane Camera 445. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Dukane Camera 445 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Dukane Camera 445
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Dukane Camera 445 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Dukane Camera 445 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Dukane Camera 445 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Dukane Camera 445, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Dukane service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Dukane Camera 445.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Dukane Camera 445 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Eng lish - 0 Camera 445 V isual Presente r [Impor tan t] User Man ual To do wn load t he latest ve rsion of Quick St art Guide , m ultil ingua l use r manua l, s oftwa re, or driver , etc ., p lease vis it http:/ /www .du kcor p.co m/au diov isua l/pr odu cts “Down loa ds” Dukane A ud io Vis ual, 2900 Duk ane Dr ive St. Ch arle s, IL 6017 4 866[...]

  • Page 2

    Eng lish - 1 Contents Copyr ight Inf or mation ................................................................ ............................ 3 Chapte r 1 Prec auti ons ................................ ........................................................ 4 Chapte r 2 Packa ge Co ntent .............................................................[...]

  • Page 3

    Eng lish - 2 7.16 I would like to re su me the factory de faul t settin g (Fa cto ry Rese t) ....... 23 7.17 I would like to re duce the im age noise (No ise Reduc tio n) ................... 24 7.18 I would like to s et / chan ge the pas swor d (L ock D ow n) ........................ 24 7.19 Using a SD card .........................................[...]

  • Page 4

    Eng lish - 3 Copyr ight Inf or mation Copy rights © Du kane Co. All righ ts reser ved . Duk ane is a trad emar k that is curre ntly bei ng reg is tere d Dukan e C orpora tio n Inc. Copy ing, re prod ucin g or trans mit ting this file is no t allo wed i f a l icens e is not provide d by Dukane Cor pora tion Inc . unless copy ing this file is for th[...]

  • Page 5

    Eng lish - 4 Chapter 1 Pre cautions Alway s follow thes e sa fety inst ruction s whe n se tting u p and us ing the visua l prese nter : 1. Do no t place visua l pres en ter in tilted pos ition. 2. Do no t place the v isua l presen ter o n an u nstab le trolley , sta n d or table . 3. Do no t use the visua l pre sen ter near wate r or sou rce of he [...]

  • Page 6

    Eng lish - 5 EQUIPM ENT. Note: Th is equ ipmen t ha s bee n teste d and f oun d to comp ly w ith the limits for a Cla ss A o r B digita l dev ice, pu rsuan t to Pa rt 15 of FCC Ru les. The se limits a re de signe d to p rovid e reas ona ble protec tio n a gain st harmfu l in terfere nce in a res iden tial ins tallation . Th is e qu ipmen t genera t[...]

  • Page 7

    Eng lish - 6 Chapter 2 Pac kage Con ten t 445 Quick Star t Gui de Use r Manu al Bas e Installa tion Guide Remo te co ntro l Remo te C ontr ol Ho lder  Exten der Adap ter VGA Cable USB Ca ble C-Vide o Ca ble Power Cor d Micros cope Ad apte r Appeara nce may va ry wit h country/re gion. Audio cab le Padde d Carr y Bag (Optio nal)[...]

  • Page 8

    Eng lish - 7 Chapter 3 Prod uct Overview kkkkkkk (Botto m) 2. Remot e sensor 7. AF butt on 8. Goose neck 1. Lamp 4. LED in dicator 3. Control p anel 5. Lens 6. DIP switch 9 . Built-in Microp hone[...]

  • Page 9

    Eng lish - 8 3.1 Relative position of the presenter and 4 45 3.2 Recommend distance * Abou t 470 m m dis tanc e be twee n ca mera and the d esk top is reco mm ended . 445 Doc um ent Pres e nter[...]

  • Page 10

    Eng lish - 9 3.3 Incorrect use[...]

  • Page 11

    Eng lish - 10 Chapter 4 I nstallation and Connections 4.1 System diagram 4.2 Mounting the 445 on a desktop stand 1. Please se t up the DIP Switch set tings firs t. Re fer to Ch apter 5 “D IP Switc h Setti ngs” in this 44 5 user ma nual . 2. Please re fer to the Bas e Insta llat ion Gui de for insta lla tion ins truc tions for a ll par ts. 4.3 C[...]

  • Page 12

    Eng lish - 11 4.3.2 Step 2: C onne cti ng th e c om po nents  Con necti n g to a pr ojec t or  C onnec t the VG A OU T on the 445 to the VG A IN o n th e projec tor us ing the VG A ca ble .  Con necti n g to a m o nitor  U se VG A cab le to co nnec t VG A PASSTH RO UGH conn ec tor on 445 to the VG A IN conn ec tor o n a moni tor. [Note [...]

  • Page 13

    Eng lish - 12 Speaker  Use VG A cable to connec t VGA IN con nec tor on 4 45 to the VGA OUT con n ector on the co mpu ter  Using the USB Cabl e Conne ct to U SB por t the n ins tall the s uppl ied queue pr ogram .  Using the EXTEN D ER ad apter and R S232 Cab le to co nn ect E XTEND ER o f 445 to a RS 2 3 2 of co mpu ter  Con necti n g [...]

  • Page 14

    Eng lish - 13 4.5 Installing remote control holder Insert the h older ov er the goos en eck of the cam era and pu sh it dow n. 4.6 Installing driver and application queue ( software) After insta lling the U SB driver and app lic ation queue , you can us e the follow ing func tions via the so ftw are:  Control the 445.  Capture and reco rd ima[...]

  • Page 15

    Eng lish - 14 1. Down load the [que ue X .X. X +Driver] an d its use r manu al. <Note> P leas e fol low th e user man ua l of que ue TM for insta llati on an d ope rat ion . Chapter 5 DIP Switch Settin gs <N ote> Y ou hav e to t ur n t he u nit O FF a nd bac k O N f or t he s etti ng t o t ake aff ect. 5.1 Connecting to a projector or m[...]

  • Page 16

    Eng lish - 15 5.2 Connecting to a TV 5.2.1 NTS C: Amer ic a, T aiwa n, Pa nam a, Phil ip pine s, C a nada, Chil e, Japa n, Korea a n d Mexi c o 5.2.2 PA L: Cou ntrie s/r egio ns n ot l iste d a bove. <Re mar k> V G A out p ut is not s u pport e d on ce C-Vi deo o utput has bee n ena bl ed.[...]

  • Page 17

    Eng lish - 16 Chapter 6 Con trol Panel/Remote Control and Setting Menu 6.1 Functions of control panel and remote control <NOT E>: O SD is n ot ava ilab le a t C- V ideo mode . [M enu ] / [ Rotate ] / [ PAN] / [ Sour ce ] / [ Rec ord ] / [ Ca ptu re] / [D e lete] / [ PB P] / [Slid e Sh ow] fun ctions are n ot av aila ble o n t he m ac hine pan[...]

  • Page 18

    Eng lish - 17 6.2 Setting Menu <Re mark > Press [Me nu] on th e re mote co ntro l or contro l panel to ent e r the sett ing men u; The b old underlin ed values in the fo llow ing ta b le are t he defa ults . 1 st Leve l Major Ite ms 2 nd Le vel Minor Ite ms 3 rd Lev el Adjus t ment value s Descri pti ons Foc us 0~Max Use the le ft and righ t [...]

  • Page 19

    Eng lish - 18 memo ry. Format Yes/ No Use the lef t and righ t arro w key s to se lect, and then pr e ss [Enter ] to forma t the da ta stor ed in the SD card (prior ity) or interna l me mory . Capture 1. Sin gle 2. Con tinuo us 3. Dis able Use the le ft and righ t arro w key s to se lect the v ideo capt ure mode . (Sing le/C ontinu ous /Disa ble ) [...]

  • Page 20

    Eng lish - 19 8. Suomi 9. Polski 10. Italiano 11. Portu guês 12. Svens ka 13. Č es ky Finnish Polish Italian Portug uese Swedish Cze ch Use the le ft and righ t arro w key s in the lan guage op tion to selec t the pre ferred langu age . Outp ut Mo de 1. XGA 2. SXG A 3. UXGA 4. 720P 5. 1080P Based on differe nt DIP switch setting s, di ffere nt ou[...]

  • Page 21

    Eng lish - 20 Chapter 7 D e sc r i pt i o n s of ma j or fu n c t i on s 7.1 I would like to swit ch image s ources Live i mag e is the d efau lt o f ima ge sour ce . Press [ Sourc e ] on the rem ote cont rol or cont rol pane l to ch an ge : 1. Live i mag es (de faul t) 2. SD card (prio r ity) or intern al me mory 3. Compu ter . 7.2 I would like to[...]

  • Page 22

    Eng lish - 21 7.8 I would like to capt ure images 7.8.1 Setti ng t he qual ity of c a pture d i ma ges 1. Press [Menu ] on the re mote cont ro l or co ntro l pa nel to en ter the set ting menu . 2. Press [  ] or [  ] to the [ Se tting]. 3. Press [  ] t o f ind [I mage Qua lity]. 4. Press [  ] or [  ] to se lec t among [Hig h/ Medi um[...]

  • Page 23

    Eng lish - 22 7.11 I would like to auto matically d elete the captured images whenever i t is turned off (Auto Erase) 1. Press [Menu ] on the re mote cont ro l or co ntro l pa nel to en ter the set ting menu . 2. Press [  ] or [  ] to acc ess t he [Adv ance ] m enu . 3. Press [  ] or [  ] to [Auto Eras e]. 4. Press [  ] t o s elec t [...]

  • Page 24

    Eng lish - 23 7.14.3 Activati ng/St oppi n g the sl ide sh ow <Notes >I mage s ove r 8 MB, ca nnot be playe d. W hils t playi ng , the [Rota te] fu nct ion ca n be act ivat ed to r otate th e image s. Rem ote c ont rol: 1. Press [Slid e Show ] to start playin g. 2. Press [Slid e Show ] agai n to stop play ing. Contr ol pa nel: 1. Press [Menu [...]

  • Page 25

    Eng lish - 24 7.17 I would like to redu ce the imag e noise ( Noise Reduction) This func tion enab les visu a l pres ent er to a uto matic ally c lear imag e nois e. The no ise is espe cia lly obvious whe n Visu al pres enter is con nec ted to a DL P projec tor. You can use this funct ion to impr ove the i mage q uali ty. 1. Press [Menu ] on the re[...]

  • Page 26

    Eng lish - 25 7.19 Using a SD card 7.19.1 Deactiv ate th e wri te pr otec t f uncti on ( S D Lo ck) on t he car d If the wr ite pro tect fu nctio n o f the SD car d is ac tiva ted, y ou wil l not be able to use the Ca pt ure func tion , al thou gh you can still re ad the files in it. Adjus t the Loc k o f the SD car d to dea ctiv ate the writ e pro[...]

  • Page 27

    Eng lish - 26 7.20.2 I wo ul d like to i nser t a ph ot o in MS -W ord 1. Click Insert > Image > Fro m Sca nn er or Ca mera in MS -Word . 2. Selec t [Vis ual Pres en ter V2 ] and cl ick [Cus tom Inser t]. 3. Click [Get Pic ture ]. I t will cap ture the pho to of l ive imag e . 7.20.3 I woul d li ke t o c ha nge t he setti n g of C a mera 44 5[...]

  • Page 28

    Eng lish - 27 3. A w indow show in g a l ive i mag e (see bel ow) wi ll be dis p layed. 4. Pres s [Set ting ] t o con trol the 445 v ia the Ca me ra Sett i ngs interfac e. The opera tin g proce du re is the same wi th th e remot e co ntro l and contr ol pane l of the 4 45. Refer to 445 Us er Man ual C hapte r 6 Co ntro l Pa nel / Rem ote Contr ol a[...]

  • Page 29

    Eng lish - 28 7.20.5 I wo ul d like t o set the 44 5 as a P C Camer a 1. Press [Menu ] on the c ontr ol pa nel to enter t he se tting me nu . 2. Press [  ] or [  ] to the [ Se tting] menu . 3. Press [  ] t o find [U SB Trans fer] . 4. Press [  ] or [  ] to selec t [ Ca mera ]. 5. A wind ow will b e d isplay ed , sho wing the [Visu al[...]

  • Page 30

    Eng lish - 29 <Note> Do in g this wil l disa ble the Capt ure fun ct ion. S ugges t yo u r etur n it to [Ca mera] mode afte r usi n g this functi on. Please fo llow the ste ps be low . 1. Pre ss [ Menu ] on the c ontr ol pane l to enter the set ting menu . 2. Press [  ] or [  ] to the [ Se tting] menu . 3. Press [  ] t o find [U SB T[...]

  • Page 31

    Eng lish - 30 4.2. Press the AF bu tton on the ca mer a he ad o f main uni t to act ivate the auto foc us. 5. Digit al Zo om 5.1. Press [MEN U ] to en ter the s ettin g men u. 5.2. Press [  ] or [  ] to the [Se tting ]. 5.3. Press [  ] to sele ct [D igi tal Zoo m ]. 5.4. Press [  ] or [  ] to sel ect [On] . 5.5. Press [Zoo m +] /[Zo [...]

  • Page 32

    Eng lish - 31 Chapter 9 Troubles hooting This cha pter des cribe s proble ms you may enco un ter w hile usin g 445 . If you have ques tions , pleas e re fer to rel ated chap ters an d follow all the s ugges ted solu tions . If the proble m still oc c urred, p lease co ntac t our d istrib utors or serv ice cent er . No. Issue s Solut ions 1 Boot wit[...]