Elta EK111 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Elta EK111, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Elta EK111 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Elta EK111. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Elta EK111 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Elta EK111
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Elta EK111 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Elta EK111 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Elta EK111 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Elta EK111, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Elta service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Elta EK111.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Elta EK111 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG EK1 1 1 EIERKOCHER IM EDELST AHL DESIGN Liebe Kundin, lieber Kunde, bitte lesen Sie die Bedienungsanleitung aufmerksam durch, bevor Sie Ihr Gerät ans Netz anschließen, um Schäden durch nicht sachgemäßen Gebrauch zu vermeiden. Beachten Sie besonders die Sicherheitshinweise. Sollten Sie dieses Gerät an Dritte weitergeben, mu[...]

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    3 4 D D • Eieinsatz (4) mit der Abdeckhaube (5) bedecken. Bitte sicherstellen, dass Eieinsatz (4) und Abdeckhaube (5) sicher auf der Motoreinheit (1) aufsitzen. • Schalter O/I (10) auf Position O stellen (= Gerät aus). • Netzstecker (7) mit einer geeigneten Steckdose verbinden und Schalter O/I (10) auf Position I stellen. Die Kontrollleuchte[...]

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    5 6 INSTRUCTION MANUAL EK1 1 1 EGG BOILER IN ST AINLESS STEEL Dear customer , Please read these Operating Instructions through carefully before connecting your device to the mains, in order to avoid damage due to incorrect use. Please pay particular attention to the safety information. If you pass the device on to a third party , these Operating In[...]

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    • The water is boiling and hot steam escapes through the steam opening (6). • The cover (5) must not be taken off while eggs are being boiled. Or the steam would all escape immediately . • When the water in the water tray has all evaporated, the eggs are done. An audible signal is emitted. The indicator lamp in the switch O/I (10) goes of f. [...]

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    MODE D’EMPLOI EK1 1 1 CUIT OEUFS EN INOX Chère Cliente, cher Client, Avant de brancher votre appareil, il est indispensable, pour la sécurité d’emploi du matériel, de lire attentivement le présent manuel d’utilisation et de respecter , en particulier , les consignes de sécurité. Si cet appareil est cédé à des tiers, ne pas oublier d[...]

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    verser d'eau sur le boîtier du bloc moteur (1) ! • Couvrez les supports à œuf avec le couvercle prévu à cet effet (5). Assurez-vous que les supports (4) et le couvercle (5) sont correctement placés sur le bloc moteur . • Mettez l'interrupteur O/I (10) sur la position O (= appareil éteint). • Branchez la fiche électrique (7) [...]

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    13 14 HASZNÁLA TI UT ASÍT ÁS EK111 TOJÁSFÃZÃ ROZSDAMENTES ACÉLBÓL T isztelt vásárlónk! MielŒtt a hálózathoz kötné a készüléket, a nem r endeltetésszer használatból szár mazó kár ok elkerülése ér dekében kérjük figyelmesen olvassa végig a Használati Útmutatót. Kérjük for dítson különösen nagy figyelemet a biz[...]

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    • Öntsük be a vizet a mérŒedénybŒl (13) a víztar tályba (11). Ügyeljünk ar ra, hogy a víz ne fröccsenjen a motor os egység (1) házára! • A tojástar tót (4) takarjuk le a fedéllel (5). Ügyeljünk ar ra, hogy a tojástar tó (4) és a fedél (5) biztonságosan helyezkedjék el a motor os egységen (1). •A O/I kapcsolót (10) [...]

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    LIBRETTO ISTRUZIONI EK1 1 1 CUOCIUOV A IN ACCIAIO INOSSIDABILE Gentile cliente, Per evitare eventuali danni e rischi risultanti da un uso erroneo, leggete attentamente il presente libretto istruzioni prima di adoperare l’apparecchio. Badate a sempre osservare i cenni di sicurezza. Se l'apparecchio viene consegnato a terzi, consegnare anche l[...]

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    sull’unità motore (1)! • Coprire l’unità per le uova (4) con il coperchio (5). Accertarsi che l’unità per le uova (4) e il coperchio (5) siano ben fissati sull’unità motore (1). • Posizionare l’interruttore O/I (10) su O (= apparecchio spento). • Collegare la spina elettrica (7) con una presa idonea e posizionare l’interruttor[...]

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    21 22 MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES EK1 1 1 COCEDOR DE HUEVOS DISEÑADO EN ACERO Estimado cliente, Por favor lea las instrucciones de uso con atención antes de conectar su aparato a la red eléctrica, para evitar daños que un uso no adecuado pudiese provocar . Observe especialmente las indicaciones de seguridad. Si cede este aparato a terceras personas[...]

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    23 24 • Conecte el enchufe (7) a una toma y desplace el interruptor O/I (10) hasta la posición I . En ese momento se iluminará la luz del piloto situada en el interruptor O/I (10). • La placa térmica del bloque motor (1) comenzará a calentar el agua que se encuentra en el tanque (1 1). • Precaución: las piezas del aparato alcanzan una te[...]

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    • Este aparelho não é adequado para uso comercial nem para utilização ao ar livre. • Nunca deixar o aparelho sem vigilância quando em uso. • As crianças não reconhecem os perigos associados ao uso incorrecto de aparelhos eléctricos. Por isso, nunca permita que as crianças utilizem electrodomésticos sem supervisão. • Retirar sempr[...]

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    favor , não deite água no invólucro da unidade do motor (1)! • T ape o acessório para ovos (4) com a tampa (5). Por favor , certifique-se de que o acessório para ovos (4) e a tampa (5) estão bem colocados sobre a unidade do motor (1). • Coloque o interruptor O/I (10) na posição O (= aparelho desligado). • Ligue a ficha (7) a uma tomad[...]

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    29 30 INSTRUKCJA OBSŁUGI EK111 MASZYNKA ZE ST ALI SZLACHETNEJ DO GOTOW ANIA JAJ Szanowny Kliencie, W celu unikni∏cia niepo àdanych usz kodzeƒ i wypadków, spowodowanych pr zez nieprawidłowe u ycie ur z àdzenia, nale y przed ur uchomieniem go uwa nie pr zeczyta poni szà instr ukcj∏ obsługi. Pr osimy stosowa jà zawsze i bez wyjàtku. Pr z[...]

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    • Je eli woda jest bar dzo twar da, mo na doda do niej pół ły eczki octu. Nie nale y u ywa adnych innych płynów ni woda. Do wody nie nale y dodawa adnych pr oduktów (na przykład soli). • Wod∏ nale y wla do pojemnika na wod∏ (11) za pomocà miarki (13) uwa ajàc aby woda nie wylała si∏ na obudow∏ silnika (1) ! • Na pojemnik na [...]

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    GEBRUIKSAANWIJZING EK1 1 1 EIERKOKER MET EDELST AAL DESIGN Beste Klant, Om schade te voorkomen door verkeerd gebruik lees eerst de gebruiksaanwijzing goed door . V olg altijd de veiligheidsinstructies. W anneer dit apparaat doorgegeven wordt aan een ander persoon zorg dan dat de gebruiksaanwijzing aanwezig is. OPBOUW 1. Motoreenheid 2. Eierschaal 3[...]

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    • Als uw water erg hard zou zijn, kan aan het water een halve theelepel azijn toegevoegd worden. Gelieve geen andere vloeistoffen dan water te gebruiken. Er mogen ook geen toevoegingen (zoals zout) aan het water toegevoegd worden. • Het water nu uit de maatbeker (13) in het waterreservoir (1 1) gieten. Gelieve erop te letten dat u geen water op[...]

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    NÁVOD K POUŽITÍ EK111 V A¤I NA V AJÍ KA V NEREZOVÉM DESIGNU Milá zákaznice, mil zákazníku, pr oãtûte si pr osím pozor nû návod k použití pfiedtím, než pfiístr oj pfiipojíte do sítû, abyste se vyvar ovali škod kvÛli nesprávnému použití. Obzvláštû dbejte bezpeãnostních upozor nûní. Pokud budete tento pfiístr o[...]

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    • Jakmile se voda v nádržce vypafií, jsou vajíãka uvafiena. Ozve se zvukov signál. Kontr olka na zap./vyp. spínaãi O/I (10) zhasne. Plot nka hlavní ãásti (1) se zaãne ochlazovat. • Pfiepnûte zap./vyp. spínaã O/I (10) do polohy O . Zkuková signál ustane, uvolnûte zástrãku (7). • Nebezpeãí požár u! Zvednûte opatr nû[...]

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    T ALIMA T EL KIT ABI EK1 1 1 P ASL ANMAZ ÇELIK YUMURT A PIŞIRICI Sa yın Müşterimiz ; Lütfen, y anlış kullanımdan doğacak hasarları önlemek için, ay gıtı şehir şebekesine bağlamadan önce, tüm “Kullanım T alimatname”sini dikkatlice okuyunuz. Lütf en, güvenlik bilgilerine azami dikkat gösteriniz . Eğer aleti, 3. kişilerin[...]

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    kontrol lambası O/I söner . Mot or ünitesinin pişirme platini (1) ar tık soğumay a başlar . • O/I tuşunu (1 0) pozisyon O getirin. Sin yal sesi kesilir . Prizi (7) çekebilirisiniz . • Y anma tehlikesi: Kapağı (5) dikkatlice cihazdan çıkartınız. V e koldan (8) tutunuz! • Y umurtalığı (2) koldan (9) tutup cihazdan çıkartın?[...]