Focus FS100 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Focus FS100, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Focus FS100 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Focus FS100. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Focus FS100 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Focus FS100
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Focus FS100 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Focus FS100 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Focus FS100 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Focus FS100, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Focus service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Focus FS100.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Focus FS100 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    FS100 DVCPROHDDVCPRO50DVCPRO/DV Port ableDTERecorder UserGuide Release1 .0 Part Number:MANL10 2306[...]

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    ii Conta cting FOC US ENHA NCE MEN TS:  SerialNu mber  The  serialnumbe r for  thisequ ipmen t islocat edon t hebackof the uni t.Pl easewr itet hiss erial num bero nthe enc los edw arran ty card andk eep itin asec u rearea.  Office Ho urs:[...]

  • Page 5

    iii  Reg ulati ons and Safet y FCCCla ssA  Th isprod uc tsati sfie sFCC regula ti onswh en shie lded cables  andconnect orsare usedto c onne ctt heunit toother  e quipm en t. T o pr even t e lec trom agnet icinterfere ncewithelectricapplian ces suc h?[...]

  • Page 6

    iv  Com pliance  FS10 0is adev ice mar keted for use inind ustrial  orbusine ss enviro nmen ts.T heF S10 0co mplies w iththe reg ul ations the follow ing test ingag encie s:  Australiaa ndNewZeal and  CTick logoan ds tatemen tgo her e  Eur[...]

  • Page 7

    v  Safe ty Symbol s IntheFS100Unit  Th issym bol indi cates thepr esen ce ofan uni nsulat ed Dange rous V ol tage withi ntheproduct ’s en cl osur ethat may cons titute a risk ofelec tric shock toper sons .  IntheFS100Document atio n Docu[...]

  • Page 8

    vi  Electric alPrecau tions DoNotExposetoMoisture  Do notus eth isprod uct near wa teror inan envi ronmen twhere it isexpo sedtodampn es s orthereist heposs ibility of itget tingwet.  DoNotRemoveCover  The reare  No User Ser vi[...]

  • Page 9

    vii  PowerCordProtection  •  Routi ngP ow erC ords  Rout ep owersup pl ycor ds sotha tthey ar enot likel ytobe walked on orp inche dby ite ms placed upon or again stt hem . Avoids harpa ng lesin thec ord, partic ularl yat plugs [...]

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    viii  LightningandPowerSurges  Durin gele ctric al stor msor whe nleft unatt ended and unus ed for long peri ods oft ime, unpl ug theFS 100 from the pow ersou rce and discon ne ctt hean te nnao rcable sy stem.  PowerLines  Do notlo cate[...]

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    ix  Servicing  Unpl ug thede vice fro mt hepo werou tlet and refer ser vicing to qual ified servi ce person nel unde rthe follo wing c ondition s: • When the pow ers upply cor dor plug isdam age d. • Ifliq uid hasbe en spilled, or objects[...]

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    x  V entilation  Do notbl ock theven ti lation open ing sint heF S10 0bo dy . Over hea tingc anoccur anddam agethe device. Donotplac ethis  devic ein abu iltin install ation ,suc has aboo kcas e orrack , unle sspr oper ven tilat ioni[...]

  • Page 13

    FS10 0Por tableDT ERec order x i  T ableofContent s Introduction 1  DTE Elim inat esPr eedit P rocessin g .... ... ... ... .... . 1 Unp a cki ng  ... ... .... .... ... .... ...[...]

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    T ab leofCo ntents  xii FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Recor d andPl ayba ck with theF S1 00 . .... .... .... .. 22 Pow erO nthe FS10 0 . .... .. .... ... .... .. ..... ?[...]

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    T ab leofCo ntents  FS10 0Port ableDT ER ecorder x iii LCD CON TRAS T ... .... ... .... .... . .... .... .. 57 Funct ions Scree n . . .... .... .. .... ... ... .[...]

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    T ab leofCo ntents  xiv FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r Mou ntingH ardw are  .. ... ... .... ... .... .. ... ..... . 94 Mou nting FS 100 toaCam cor der ... .... ... .. .[...]

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    FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 1  Introductio n  Th ank youf orp urch asinga Foc usE nhan ce ments’ FireStore FS10 0 portab ledir ectt oedi t( DTE ) dis krecor der . The F ireStoreFS  100 isthe firs tpor tableD VCP RO HD /DVCP RO5 0/D VCP RO/D V disk [...]

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    Introd uction  2 FS10 0 Por table DTE Re cord er  Unpacking  V erifythat theFS100 hasthefollowing items: 1. FS100unit 2. Beltclip 3. Usergui de 4. Firewire cables,four andonefoo tlong,4pinto6 pin 5. Powerco rd 6. Powersuppl ywithc[...]

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    Introd uction  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 3  Fea tures  FS100Features  TheFS100 off ersthe follo wingfeatures: • T ape less acqu i sition  Especiallye quippedcamcor derspermitthe useofDirec tT o Edit(DTE) T echnolog ytorecorddirectlyf romaca[...]

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    Introd uction  4 FS10 0 Por table DTE Re cord er  • Compac t,Lig htwei g ht,R ugge dD esig n  TheFire StoreFS100 weighsap proximatelyonepound includingthe batteryandisonl y1 .5"thick.Y oucanmount theFS 100directlytoyour camcorde rusing[...]

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    FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 5  Quickst art  Th issect ion prov ides thef ollowi n ginf orma tio nne cessary for using  theF S 100a squick ly as poss ible. Phy sical Descr iption and Bas icCont rols .. .... ....... ....... ...... ..... . 6 Th eFS100 M enu S[...]

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    Quick start 6 FS10 0Portabl eDT ERec order  Phy sicalDe sc riptiona nd Basic Contro ls FrontPanelControls LCDDisplay  Thisisabac klit,14character by7line dotmatrixdisplay . Functionbuttons(A,B,C)  Belowth eFS100LCD displaya re t h[...]

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    Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 7  PowerOnButton  ThePowe rONbuttonpr ovidestwofu nctions. • Pow er ON  T ur nontheFS100. • Reset FS 100  • FS1 00first m ustbe powe redon . • Holddo wn the Powe rOn  but tonfo rtwo[...]

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    Quick start 8 FS10 0Portabl eDT ERec order  T ransportControlButtons  Usethesebut tonstocon trolFS 100playbackandr ecord functions .Y ouusuallyoperateth esetransport buttons whileon theHO MEScreen. Reco rd  Press this butt ononc ew henth e[...]

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    Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 9  Back Ind ex |  Thisbut tonret urnstheFS10 0tothebeginn ingofthecur rentclip when inp layb ackmo de. Pres sthis butto nt wice insequ enc etore turn theF S 100 tothe previo us clipdu[...]

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    Quick start 10 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  T opPanel  Thetoppanel containsthefoll owing connectorsand LEDs: T a ble1: Char ge LED Stat es LED Ind icates Off  No Charge rCo nnected  Gre en  Charging Cyc leComp leted  Am ber/Gr een  Floating Ch[...]

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    Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 1 1  ComputerFireWireCon nector  • In/Ou t:6p inI EEE1 394a por tx1 • Asyn chro nous Data I/O RemoteControl,SerialConnector  • GPI/ RS23 2C;3.5 m mTR Sm inijac k.(3 .5m mtoD B9 ca ble acce ssory[...]

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    Quick start 12 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  RearPanel  Therearpa nelcontainsth efollowing important items: SidePanel  Thesidepane lcontainscooli ngventsasil lustratedbelow . Fan Intake V en t DoNotBlock Batte ry Compartme nt BeltCl ip Po[...]

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    Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 1 3  BottomPanel  TheFS 100bottom panelfeaturesasi ngle2pinDC power connector .Conne ctthesuppli edACpowerada pterhere. Intern al Speake r  Aninternal speakerprovid es alarmsand audiblefeedbac k. T [...]

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    Quick start 14 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  TheF S10 0Me nuSy stem  TheFS 100menusystemprovid esac cesstoallthe functions availablei ntheunit.Each ofthescr eensbelow (excepttheW elcome andHom e scre enswhic hcom e upautom atical[...]

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    Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 1 5  OutlineofMenuandOptionScr eens  Thefuncti onsofea choftheselectionsonthese screensisexplain e d inmoredetailin FS100Fun ctions onpage 33. • Welco me  Onlyappe arsforseve ral secondsuponp o[...]

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    Quick start 16 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  • Utili ties  Containsthefoll owingdisk andclipfunction s:   OrganizeRe el   Organize OMF DVCPR O/DVo nly   OrganizeP 2   OrganizeP INN DVC PRO/ DVonly   DeleteC lip   Format  [...]

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    Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 1 7    TCSET    UBSET    TCDROP  NT SCon ly   T CNON DROP NTSC on ly   LCDCo ntrast • DVF ormats  Followi ngHDDmode isamenuof formatsavailab leforthe typerecor derselected?[...]

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    Quick start 18 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Pow ering theFS 100  • The FS 100 operat ion w ithout a battery instal led.  T o o perate theFS 100 without a battery installed ,c onnect the unittoan ACpower source. • Befor eo per ating the?[...]

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    Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 1 9  Installing/RemovingtheBatteryPack Inst al lingaBattery  Step1 : Plac ethe unit ,sotha tt hebatt eryc omp artme ntis up. Step2 : Posi tionthe batt erypack,as shown above, sothatthel atch  hook?[...]

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    Quick start 20 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  ChargingtheBattery  The batter ybegi nscha rginga nyti mei tiscon nec tedto AC pow erusin g theAC  adapter su pplied wit hthe FS10 0.T hecharge LED light swhe n theFS 100 ischa rging.For [...]

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    Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 2 1  Conn ecting aFS 100to aDV /HD Camc orde r  Beforeperform ingthispr ocedure,make sureyouhavei nstalledand char gedthebatter y ,seeInstalling/Removi ngtheBatt eryPack o n page 19. S tep1:  Co nne[...]

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    Quick start 22 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Rec orda ndPlay bac kwit htheF S10 0  Beforeusingthe FS100, setuptheun itasoutlin edinthefollowing sections : Pow erO nthe FS1 00. ..... ........ ....... ..... ....... ....... ...... ....... ..... 2 2 S[...]

  • Page 41

    Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 2 3 S tep2:  The Welcome  s creena pp ear sanddi spl aysw hile the The home scr eena ppears when the FS10 0init ialize s. S tep3:  The Ho me scree nappear s whe ntheFS100first  pow ersup.For more[...]

  • Page 42

    Quick start 24 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  SelectaDVFileFormat  Theform atsdisplaye ddependonthe recorderm odeselectedin the previousstep, forexampl e DVCP RO/DV REC  r esultsinthe following: S tep1:  Use the Up  an d Down  na vig[...]

  • Page 43

    Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 2 5  SetTimeandDate  S tep1:  Press th e Righ t  nav igati onb utton seve raltime sunt ilth eSet up dis playap pear sont hescre ena ssh ow nbelow : S tep2:  Use the Do wn  n avig atio nbutt onto [...]

  • Page 44

    Quick start 26 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r S tep5:  Use the Down  n aviga tion  but tontosele ctthetime andpressthe Right  navi gat ionbu tton .The foll owing scr eenapp ears : S tep6:  Use the Up  and Do wn  na vig atio nbu ttons tocha [...]

  • Page 45

    Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 2 7  RecordWiththeFS100  Therearefour modesof  recordingwi ththeFS100. • Loca l  Controlwiththe FS10 0transportbutt ons. • Syncro  Slave  Usethismode withcamcor dersthatdonotha veFS1[...]

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    Quick start 28 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  DoNot Disco nne ctPowe rorF ireWir eCable  Neverdi sconnectthe power ortheF ireWireca bleduring a recordi ng.Thiswi llcausefi lecorrupt ion.  Los sofPowe rDur ingRe cordi ng  Ifpower islostd[...]

  • Page 47

    Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 2 9  ManualRecording  Step1 : Set thevid eoca mera to Ca mera  or  Ca m  m ode. Step2 : Veri fytha tanima g eapp earsi nth evie wfind er. Step3 : Ont heFS 100, press  Re cord  on ce. Thiss etst he?[...]

  • Page 48

    Quick start 30 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  SyncroSlave  Thismodeis forcamcor dersth atdonothaveex ternalcontrolor  thetapel esscontrolfunc tionality compatibl ewiththe FS100. • SyncroS lavemoder equiresthatatape beinthe camcorder?[...]

  • Page 49

    Quick start FS10 0Por tableDT E Recorder 3 1  T a peless  UsetheT a pelesscont rolmode withcam cordersthatare  compati blewithFS100e xternalcont rolortapel essoperation capabilities. • Whent heFS100isin T ap eless  mode ,an E  displ aysalon[...]

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    32 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  PlaybackontheFS100  V erify that both thevi deo camera and theF S100 arepowe red ona nd thatthey areconnectedto gether withtheFireW irecablefrom theFS 100DV/IO porttothecamcor der1394por [...]

  • Page 51

    FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 3 3  FS100Fun ctions  Th issecti on contains inf ormat ion onthe fol lowin gLC Dsc reens : General S creenI nfor mation  .... ....... ...... ....... ..... ......... ...... .... 34 Recor dSc reens .... ...... ..... ......... ....... ...... ..... .......[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  34 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Gen eralS cree nInf ormati on  TheFS 100LCD screensareor ganized byfunctionwi theachscre en displayinga listofitem s.Anitemc anbe: • Avaluethat canbeset,such asthedate. ?[...]

  • Page 53

    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 3 5  HomeScreen  TheHo mescreenisreado nlyandh asnonavigable items.T o leave theHome screenuseeit herthe Left  o r Right  Navi gationbutton. 1. CurrentFuncti on:Symbola ndDescriptio n Re[...]

  • Page 54

    FS10 0Fun ctions  36 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  10. Re elDis play  In Record  or P layba ck  mode s, thi s it em d isplays the particular  REELt hataclipislo catedinor , hasbeenm arkedto.If in PLA YF ROM  > REE LLIST  mode,[...]

  • Page 55

    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 3 7  FS100SystemInformation Screens  TheFS100 automatical lycreatesinformationsc reenstoindi cate conditions suchashi ghtemperature,p owerremaining,or drive  capacityrem aining. Press OK  toclear[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  38 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Rec ordScre ens  TheRe cordscreenpermit ssetting theFS 100tovarious recording modes,dependi ngont hemodel,see T a ble 1‚R ecordMod eswith HomeScr eenIndicators. Onceare cordmodeis se[...]

  • Page 57

    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 3 9  NormalRecord  Thisisthe standardreco rdingmode. • Allcontrolis fromthe FS100frontpan el. Initially ,the Home  screendisplays ST OP .  • PressingRe cord putstheFS 100into II REC?[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  40 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  PRERECDiskRecordMode  ThePRER ECDiskmodere cordsvide oinacon tinuouslooptoa user defined portionofd iskspace.Pr essingRecord seamlessl y beginsact iverecording.The PRER ECDisk[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 4 1  LoopRecord  LoopRec ordissimilar toPRERECDisk. LoopR ecordco ntinuously recordsa serieso fvideo clipstoa vailable diskspace.Whe nallavailable dis kspaceisused, LoopRecor d beginsseq[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  42 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  TimeLap seRec ord DVmodesonly  T im elapsepr ovidestheabili tytorecordasingl eframe atspecific timeintervals, forexam pleoneframep erminute ,00:01:00:00. T ime lapseapp licationsca n?[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 4 3  For matScr een DVFormats  Thenumber ofoptio nsavailableinthi smenudepen dsonthe recordedb itrate.Ifrecording DVCPROHD RE C  (100 Mb/s)or DVCP RO50 REC  modes(50Mb /s)therear eonl[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  44 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  • A VI TYP E22 4P NTSCon ly • PINN A CLE • P2 • MXF 0P1a  Thelatest DTEsupported applicationsand file formatsar elistedon theFocusEnha ncement swebsite:www Forma t sfor2[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 4 5  HDD Mode Scre en  Thisscreen displaysthefol lowingitems: • DVC PR OHD  Supports 100 Mb/s streams from theP anasonic AG HVX200 companio n camcorde r (1080i a nd 720p). Other DVC PROH D compatib lein[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  46 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  • USE EX TFS 100  Useth isopt ionwhe n longerr ecor ding times arenee ded. USE EXTFS 100  permits the connecting oftwo FS 100 toget herto providem ore disk storage for longer reco[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 4 7  SettingUpMasterandSlav eFS100  S tep1:  Co nnectt he camc orde rto the mast erFS 100, DV I/O  co nnecto r usi ngthe supp lied FireWi rec able. S tep2:  Mas ter  Power on unit. Got o[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  48 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Setup Scr eens  Theitems ontheSetupScre enaregroupe dbyfu nction.W ithinthe functionthe itemsactli keradiobuttons,i .e.whenoneisacti vethe othersarenot . Insome cases,sucha[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 4 9  • EX TCTL FIL E • TCE XT Grou pDefault • TCR ECRU N • TCFR EE RU N • TCR EGE N • TCS ET • UB SET • TCD ROP NTSC only • TCN OND R OP Defau lt,NTSCo nly • LCD CONT RA[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  50 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Date Time SETDA TE 0 9  /  1 8  /  0 5 MM/DD /YY BACK SETTI ME 1 0  :  5 0  :  4 0 HH:MM:S S BACK[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 5 1  V ersion  Thisscreen displays: • FS100Fi rmwareversion • SDvideoof theunit. • FS100model LCDLightOn,Off,Auto  Theseitem senableor disabletheFS 100'sLCD's backlight. [...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  52 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  • WhenAlarmis setto Off ,theaudiofeedba ckforthebutt ons is disabled, however the alarm willst ill sound for low power ,  highhea t,orlowdiskspace conditions . StopFrame,Gray ,No?[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 5 3  • EX TCTL FILE  Createsan ewfileduri ngarecords essionwithou tlosing frames . TIMECODEEXT ,REC RUN,FREERUN,REGEN  Thefol lowingaretim ecode( TC )functions. • TCE XT Grou pDefa u[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  54 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  TCSET  TheT imecodeSetparamete rstoresauser definedtimec odeinthe FS100’ snonvolatilememor y .This valueis availableforuse bythe FS100imm ediatelyafter exiting TCSET . • TC ?[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 5 5  UBSET  TheUserBit Setfunction providestheabili tytochange theuserbits inthetim ecoderecorded inthevideofiles. • T im ecode valuesare notsetwhenin TCEXT  mode. Profession al?[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  56 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  TCDROP ,NONDROP NTSConly  Theseparam etersareonlyava ilableforNT SCandonlyone maybe enabledata time.Dropan dnondropenab leanddisableth edrop framefunctiont hatmodi fies?[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 5 7  LCDCONTRAST  Usethisf unctiontoad justthecon trastoftheLCDdi splayforeasier  viewing. S tep1:  Use the Righ t  nav igatio nbu tton togo toth e SET CONTRA ST  subme nu. S tep2:  U[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  58 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Fun ctions Screen  TheFuncti onsbutto nsF A,FB,andFCprovi deconvenientHom e screenshortc utsbyactin gastoggleswit chesforspec ificsystem settings.The Homes creenbelowis a nexampleofthe[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 5 9  FunctionsList  A list of theFu nction bu tton menuis be low .I n each group, the default selectionis listedfirst . MENU AppearsonLCD as…  F ASYNC SYNC (T o gglesbetweenSYNCRO andLOCAL?[...]

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    FS10 0Fun ctions  60 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  MENU Appear sonLCDas…  FBR22 R2MarksCurr entCliptoReel2, FBR33 R3MarksCurr entCliptoReel3, FBR44 R4MarksCurr entCliptoReel4, FBR55 R5MarksCurr entCliptoReel?[...]

  • Page 79

    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 6 1  AssigningClips toReels  Thefuncti onbuttonsare aquickwaytoma rkvideocli psduring recording .TheFunctionsmenu off erstwot ypesofmarkerst o use,asane xample F AREELS  and FBR[...]

  • Page 80

    FS10 0Fun ctions  62 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Util itiesS creen  TheUtili tiesavailableare: • ORG ANIZ ERE EL • ORG ANIZ EO M F DVCPRO/ DVonly • ORG ANIZ EP 2 • ORG ANIZ EP INN  DVCPRO/ DVonly • DELE TE CLI P • FOR MA T • REP A IR DISK  [...]

  • Page 81

    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 6 3  OrganizeReel  Thisselec tionplacesallf iles identified asaREELcl ipduring recordin gor playbacki ntoth e appropriate re elf older . Y ouc anim port thisfolder directlyinto mostDVNL Ebi[...]

  • Page 82

    FS10 0Fun ctions  64 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  FileNamingConventions  Thevideofil esarethen renamedto XXXXZ B.mxf .where  XXXX  is anincrem entalvalue, Z  i sarandom lyassigned character , B  represents theformatof therecorded cont[...]

  • Page 83

    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 6 5  DeleteClip  Usethisitemto delete aselectedclip. S tep1:  Fro mthe Util ities scr een,go to the DEL ETE CLIP  s creen. S tep2:  Enter t he numb er of th e clip  to be d elete d[...]

  • Page 84

    FS10 0Fun ctions  66 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  FormatDisk  Preventlostf ramesduet ofilefragmentation byformattingthe FS100be foreeachrecordingses sion. Thisselec tionformatsthedi skasfoll ows: S tep1:  Fro mthe Util itiessc reen ,?[...]

  • Page 85

    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 6 7  RepairDisk  Usethisfu nctionifarec ordingsessiondoesnotc ompletepr operly andthe reisaquesti onthatthefilemaybedam aged.Forexa mple, recording terminates duetoaloss ofpowert o[...]

  • Page 86

    FS10 0Fun ctions  68 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  RepairClip  Usethisf unctiontorepairas pecif icfileth atmaybedamagedor  incomplete .For exa mple,r ecording ter minatesd ue toa lossof  powe r totheFS100 andaspecifi cfile may[...]

  • Page 87

    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 6 9  FileName  Thisfuncti on Display s  afilenamebu tdoesnotpermit changingit. S tep1:  Fro mthe Util ities screen ,go to F ILE NAME . S tep2:  Ent erthe file’s clip num beru sing t[...]

  • Page 88

    FS10 0Fun ctions  70 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Upgrade  CheckFo cusEnhanc ementswebs iteforupgrad esandlatestso ftware updates,gotow ww T oupgradesystems oftware: S tep1:  Sett he FS10 0to  DDDr ive  m odefr om the [...]

  • Page 89

    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 7 1 S tep9:  Up  o n successfu l c omple tion  o f the  u pgrad e, the  FS 10 0 di spla ys them ess age: S tep10:  Ho ldd ownth e STOP /POWE RO FF  but tonun til theFS 100  shuts dow n. [...]

  • Page 90

    72 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  V erify thatthe upgradefil en ameis f s100.bina ndthat itis in the FS100hard drive’ srootdirectory . SystemReset  TheSyst emResetfeat urerestores the factorydefaultse ttingsforthe FS100unit. Thi[...]

  • Page 91

    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 7 3  St atus  TheFS 100S tatusscreenp rovidesdetail softhesystems powerst ate aswellas internaltem perature.Thisscreen mayassis tFocus Enhancem entsT echnicalSuppor tindeterminingpow erandt[...]

  • Page 92

    FS10 0Fun ctions  74 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Ree lsScre en  Whenad iskisformatted,the FS1 00creates10 folders,num bered0  9,on the dis k.Du r ingr ecording or playbackof ac lip,it ispos sibleto placeitinto folderso[...]

  • Page 93

    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 7 5  UsingaWiredRemoteCo ntrol  When usin gth eop tiona lwi redrem ote contr ol,us ethe but tonpa d numb ere d09 tomark th eclips. Any addi tion albut tonpr es sesduri ng a reco rding or[...]

  • Page 94

    FS10 0Fun ctions  76 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Play Screen • Play Cli p  Inthismod e,theFS100 playstheselec tedclipfrom startto finishwhen youpressthePLA Ybutto n.Attheend ofthe particular clip,theFS 100pauses. •[...]

  • Page 95

    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 7 7  Play From Scree n  Thisscreen permitsth eselectionoffromwhe reclipspla yback. Therearet wochoices: • T rac k list  Clipsplayba ckintheor derinwhicht heywererecord ed. Playback order?[...]

  • Page 96

    FS10 0Fun ctions  78 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Con trolSc reen  TheCont rolscreenpr ovidesthecapabilityofe nablin gtheFS100to operateinfi vediff erentcontrol mod esdurin grecorda ndplayback. • LOC AL  Localcontrolmod eignoresre cord[...]

  • Page 97

    FS10 0Fun ctions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 7 9  • T ran spo rt  keysha vethe sa mefu nction sas on theFS 100 . • Use  the Keeper  k ey to  cyclethrough the av ailab leR eel s. Forexamp le,if t hecurrentReelselec tionis 3. pre[...]

  • Page 98

    FS10 0Fun ctions  80 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r[...]

  • Page 99

    FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 8 1  LCDDisplaySymb olsandT ext  Thetab lebelowshows thedif ferentsym bols andstat esdisplayedon thetoplineo ftheLCDwh enusedwithdif f eren tFS100control, record,play andstopmode s:  PLA Y/REC MODE [...]

  • Page 100

    LCDDi splay Symbo lsand Text 82 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  PLA Y/RECMODE FS100LCD  A V/C*(Stop)  A ST OP A V/C*(RecPause)  ll  A<RECTYP E>REC A V/C*(Rec) A<RECTYPE>R EC A V/C*(PlayPause ) ll  APLA Y A V/C*(Play) ?[...]

  • Page 101

    FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 8 3  FS100: UsingwithaCo mputer  On cevide oc lipsare recor ded tot heFS 100 iti spos sible touse thos ecl ipsinmos t compu terbas ed DV/ HDNLE  system s. This sec tioncon tains the follow ing : Initia l?[...]

  • Page 102

    FS10 0:Usi ngwith aCo mputer 84 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  T omovevideofilesfr omtheFS 100toacomp uter: • Connectthe FS100’ s Co mputer I/O  1394portdi rectlytoa computer withanactiveOHCI compliantIEEE 1394 FireW ire[...]

  • Page 103

    FS10 0:Usi ngwit haCo mputer FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 8 5  Moun ting theFS 100 inWindow s  Usethisproce dureforW indowsXP , 2000, 98SEandME. S tep1:  On aWin do wsbase dcom put ers ystem, do ublecl ickt he My  Comp uter  ic on[...]

  • Page 104

    FS10 0:Usi ngwith aCo mputer 86 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Thisfol derma yconta inseve raldiffer entfil es.Thevide oclips. cana ppe aras: • RawD V(.dv) • A VI T yp e1(YY YYMM DDHH MM SSa0 1.avi) • A VI T yp e2or A VI T y pe2?[...]

  • Page 105

    FS10 0:Usi ngwit haCo mputer FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 8 7  HDRes olut ionand Fram es  • P2:YYYY M MDDHHM MS S X 01. mxfwhe reth e X is aletter indica tingt herecord ingfor matoft he capture dvideof ile.The tableb elowl istslett ersan[...]

  • Page 106

    FS10 0:Usi ngwith aCo mputer 88 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  W ithm ost D V a nd many P2 c ompa tible NLE systems onW indows or Macintos hcomputers,it ispossibletousecli pswithi nthetimeline. Selectthe clipsonthesourc evolume,?[...]

  • Page 107

    FS10 0:Usi ngwit haCo mputer FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 8 9  T o use a  F S100 recorded A vid OM F file on a n A vid NLE system, use thefollowin gprocedur e. Step 1: Loc ateand op enthe FS1 00d rive folde r. Step2 : Crea tean ew[...]

  • Page 108

    FS10 0:Usi ngwith aCo mputer 90 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Step9 : Loc ateand s elect theFS 100 unde rMedi aD rive (s). Step 10: Ve rify that Maste rCl ipsisc heck edan dpr ess OK .The Medi aTo olsWi nd ow,simi lart o th efo llow ing,?[...]

  • Page 109

    FS10 0:Usi ngwit haCo mputer FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 9 1  Dism ountin gthe FS1 00(Wind ows)  Whenfini shedworki ngwiththeFS100 andthec omputer ,it is necessaryto dismountFS100f romthesys tem T ododismountthe FS100: S te[...]

  • Page 110

    FS10 0:Usi ngwith aCo mputer 92 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Moun ting theFS1 00 (Maci ntos h)  S tep1:  St artth eMac comp uter and connec tt heF S100’ s COMP UT ER I/O po rt t o the comp uterusing a  standard  6 pi n to 6 pin?[...]

  • Page 111

    FS10 0:Usi ngwit haCo mputer FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 9 3  Dism ountin gthe FS1 00(Ma cin tosh)  Whenfini shedworki ngwiththeFS100 andthe Macintoshitis necessaryto dismountthe unitfr omthesystem. T odismounttheFS 100from[...]

  • Page 112

    94 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  Moun tingH ardwa re  MountingFS100toaCamcorde r  Mountthe FS10 0toyourcamcorderusing theoptio nalCamcorder  MountK it (P/N ASYF0849 01). For morei nformation about thiskit ortoord erit,contactFocus?[...]

  • Page 113

    FS10 0Portable DT ERec order 9 5  T echnicalSpecif ications  S pecif ication sare sub ject to change.  PhysicalDescription  • Dime nsions:1.59" x5.6" x3.74"(40mm x14 2mmx95mm ) (withnormal 90min uteBattery) • W e ight:1 lb.(.45kg[...]

  • Page 114

    Tec hnicalS pecificat ions  96 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  • GPI&RS 232CControl (1x3.5mm minijack) Power  • 15VDC,7.5W  • Minijack powerconnect or • CustomRem ovableLii onRecharge ableBat teryPack(9 0 minutes estimatedruntime) [...]

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    Techn icalS pecificat ions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 9 7  DTEFileFormats  • DVCPRO/ DVmode : RawDV ,  A VI T ype1, A VI T ype2, MatroxA VI, CanopusA VI, QuickT ime, A VIDOMF , A VI T ype224p NTSCon ly , QuickT ime24p NTSCo nly , P[...]

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    98 FS 100Po rtable DTERe corde r  LogFiles  W itheachrecordingof aparticu larcliponadisk ,theFS100 creates atextl ogfiletoidenti fyinformati onaboutther ecordedclipandt he recordin gsession.Inform ationincludes: • Clipna me • [...]

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    Techn icalS pecificat ions  FS10 0Port ableDT ERec order 9 9  MiscellaneousFiles fwxdc.dat  Thefwxdc. datfileisacac hefileusedt oimprovefile read performancedur ingplayback ofrecordedvideo andaudio. Itis locatedinthe rootdirectory ofthe[...]

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    Tec hnicalS pecificat ions  100 F S100 Portabl eDTE Reco rder[...]

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    Relea se1 .0 PartNu mbe r:MANL 10230 6[...]