Ford Escape (2016) manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Ford Escape (2016), along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Ford Escape (2016) one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Ford Escape (2016). A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Ford Escape (2016) should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Ford Escape (2016)
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Ford Escape (2016) item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Ford Escape (2016) item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Ford Escape (2016) alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Ford Escape (2016), and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Ford service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Ford Escape (2016).

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Ford Escape (2016) item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    May 2015 First Printing Owner’s Manual Escape Litho in U.S.A. GJ5J 19A321 AA 2016 ES C APE Owner ’ s Manual owner .for 2016 ESC APE Owner ’s Manual I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[...]

  • Page 2

    The inf ormation cont ained in this publica tion was c orrect a t the time of going t o print. In the inter est of continuous dev elopment, w e reserv e the right to change spe cifications, design or equipment at an y time without notice or obliga tion. No part of this publica tion may be r eproduced , transmit ted , stor ed in a retriev al syst em[...]

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    I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[...]

  • Page 4

    Introduction About This Manual ........................................... 7 S ymbols Gl ossary ............................................. 7 Da ta R ecor ding .................................................. 9 Calif ornia Pr oposition 65 .............................. 11 Per chl ora te ......................................................... [...]

  • Page 5

    Informa tion Display C ontrol ...................... 69 Hea te d St eering Wheel ............................... 69 Wiper s and W ashers Windshiel d Wiper s ......................................... 70 Aut owipers ........................................................ 70 Windshiel d W asher s ...................................... 72 R ear W indo[...]

  • Page 6

    R efueling .......................................................... 132 Fuel Consumption ........................................ 134 Emission Contr ol S yst em .......................... 135 Tr ansmission Aut omatic T ransmission ........................... 138 Four-Wheel Driv e Principl e of Opera tion .................................. 141 Usi[...]

  • Page 7

    Ordering A dditional Owner's Liter a ture .................................................... 200 R eporting Saf ety Defe cts (U .S. Only ) ............................................................ 200 R eporting Saf ety Defe cts ( Canada Only ) ............................................................. 201 Fuses Fuse Specific ation Cha[...]

  • Page 8

    Capacities and S pecifica tions - 2.5L .... 282 Audio S y st em General Inf orma tion ................................... 286 Audio Unit - V ehicles W ith: AM/FM/ CD .................................................................. 287 Audio Unit - V ehicles W ith: AM/FM/CD/ S YNC ............................................................ 289 Au[...]

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    6 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[...]

  • Page 10

    ABOUT THIS MANUAL Thank y ou for choo sing Ford. W e rec ommend tha t you tak e some time to get t o know your v ehicle b y re ading this manual. T he more tha t you kno w about your v ehicle , the gre a ter the sa fety and ple asur e you will g et from driving it. W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an resul t in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cr ash[...]

  • Page 11

    Brak e sy stem Cabin air fil ter Check fuel cap Child s af ety door l ock or unlock Child se a t lo wer anchor Child se a t tether anchor E71340 Cruise c ontrol Do not open when hot Engine air filt er Engine cool ant Engine cool ant temper ature Engine oil Expl osive g as Fan w arning Fa sten saf ety belt Front airba g Front f og lamps Fuel pump re[...]

  • Page 12

    E139213 P arking aid P arking brak e Po wer steering fl uid Po wer windows fr ont/ re ar Po wer window l ockout Servic e engine soon Side airbag E167012 Shield the e yes E138639 Stabilit y contr ol Windshiel d wa sh and wipe D A T A REC ORDING Servic e Data Rec ording Servic e dat a rec order s in your v ehicle ar e capabl e of coll ecting and stor[...]

  • Page 13

    This data can help pro vide a bett er understanding of the circ umstanc es in which crashes and injuries oc cur . Note: Event da ta recorder da ta is recorde d by your v ehicle onl y if a non-trivial cra sh situation occ urs; no data is recorde d by the ev ent data rec order under normal driving conditions and no personal data or informa tion (e .g[...]

  • Page 14

    C ALIFORNIA PR OPOSITION 6 5 W ARNING Some c onstituents of engine exhaust, certain v ehicle components, certain fl uids contained in vehicl es and certain pr oducts of c omponent we ar contain or emit chemic als kno wn to the Sta te of Calif ornia to c ause canc er and birth def ects or other r eproductiv e harm. PERCHL ORA TE Certain c omponents [...]

  • Page 15

    W arrant y on Replac ement Parts Genuine Ford and Mot orcr aft r epla cement parts are the onl y replac ement parts tha t benefit from a For d W arranty . Dama ge caused t o your vehicl e as a r esul t of the fail ure of non-For d parts ma y not be co ver ed by the For d W arrant y . For additional inf ormation, r ef er to the t erms and conditions[...]

  • Page 16

    MOBILE COMMUNIC A TIONS EQUIPMENT Using mobile c ommunica tions equipment is becoming incr ea singl y important in the conduct of busine ss and personal a ffair s. How ev er , you must not compr omise y our own or other s ’ sa fe ty when using such equipment. Mobil e communic ations c an enhance per sonal saf ety and security when appropria tel y[...]

  • Page 17

    PRO TECTING THE ENVIRONMENT Y ou must play y our part in prot ecting the environment. Corr ect v ehicle us age and the authorized dispos al of wa ste , cl eaning and lubric ation ma t erials are signific ant steps t oward this aim. 14 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Environment I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[...]

  • Page 18

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION See the f ollowing sec tions for dir ections on how t o properl y use saf ety re straint s for chil dren. W ARNINGS Al wa ys mak e sure y our child is secur ed properl y in a device that is appropria te f or their height, age and weight. Chil d saf ety r estraint s must be bought separ at el y from y our vehicl e. Fail ure t o[...]

  • Page 19

    Rec ommendations for Sa fet y Res traints for Chil dren Rec ommended restr aint type Child size , height, w eight, or ag e Child Use a child s af ety sea t (sometimes c alle d an infant c arrier , conv ertibl e sea t, or t oddler se a t). Childr en weighing 40 lb (18 k g) or le ss (gener all y age f our or younger). Infant s or toddl ers Use a belt[...]

  • Page 20

    Use a child s af ety sea t (sometimes c alled an infant c arrier , conv ertibl e sea t, or toddl er seat) f or infant s, toddl ers, or childr en weighing 40 pounds (18 kilogr ams) or less (gener ally ag e four or young er). Using Lap and Shoulder Belts W ARNINGS Airbags c an kill or injure a chil d in a child se a t. Nev er pla ce a r ear-f acing c[...]

  • Page 21

    2. Pull do wn on the shoulder bel t and then gra sp the shoul der belt and l ap belt t ogether . E142530 3. W hile hol ding the shoulder and lap bel t portions tog ether , rout e the tong ue through the chil d seat ac cor ding to the child se a t manufa cturer's instruc tions. Be sure the bel t webbing is not t wisted . E142531 4. Insert the b[...]

  • Page 22

    8. R emove r emaining sla ck from the bel t. Forc e the sea t down with e xtr a weight, for e xampl e, b y pre ssing down or kneeling on the chil d restr aint whil e pulling up on the shoulder bel t in order to f orc e sl ack from the bel t. T his is nece ssary to r emov e the remaining slack tha t will exist once the e xtr a weight of the chil d i[...]

  • Page 23

    E142535 Y our vehicle ha s LA T CH lo wer anchor s f or child se a t install ation a t the sea ting positions marke d with the child se at symbol. E144054 The LA T CH anchors are loc at ed at the re ar section of the r ear se at bet ween the cushion and sea t back below the s ymbols as sho wn. Foll ow the chil d seat manufa cturer's instruc ti[...]

  • Page 24

    Combining Saf ety Bel t and LA TCH Low er Anchors for A ttaching Chil d Safet y Seats When used in c ombination, either the sa fet y belt or the LA T CH low er anchors may be a tta ched first, pro vided a proper install ation is a chieve d. A ttach the te ther strap a fterward , if incl uded with the chil d sea t. Using T ether S traps Many f orwar[...]

  • Page 25

    E142539 3. Clip the t ether str ap to the anchor a s shown. 4. Tight en the chil d saf ety sea t tether strap a cc ording t o the manufa cturer's instructions. If y our chil d restr aint sys tem is equipped with a t ether strap, and the child r estr aint manufa cturer rec ommends its use, Ford also rec ommends its use. BOOS TER SEA TS W ARNING[...]

  • Page 26

    Types of Booster S eats E68924 • Backl ess boost er sea ts If your back le ss booster se at ha s a remo vabl e shiel d, r emov e the shiel d. If a vehicl e sea ting position has a lo w seat back or no hea d restr aint, a back less booster se a t may pl ace y our child's head (as me asur ed a t the tops of the e ars) abov e the top of the se [...]

  • Page 27

    E142597 If the booster se a t slides on the vehicl e sea t upon which it is being used , pla cing a rubberized mesh s old a s shelf or c arpet liner under the booster se a t may impr ov e this condition. Do not intr oduce an y item thicker than this under the boost er seat. Check with the boost er sea t manufa cturer's instruc tions. CHILD SEA[...]

  • Page 28

    Rec ommendations for a ttaching chil d safet y restr aints for chil dren Use any atta chment method as indicat ed belo w by X Combined weight of child and child sea t Restr aint Type Safet y belt only Safet y belt and LA TCH (lo wer anchors and top tether anchor) Safet y belt and top tether anchor LA TCH (lo wer anchors only ) LA TCH (lo wer anchor[...]

  • Page 29

    The chil dproof lock s are l oca te d on the re ar edge of e ach re ar door and must be set separ at ely for e ach door . Left-Hand Side T urn c ounter clock wise to l ock and clock wise to unl ock. Right-Hand Side T urn cl ockwise t o lock and count ercl ockwise to unl ock. 26 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Chil d Safe ty I n f o r m a[...]

  • Page 30

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Al wa ys drive and ride with y our sea tback upright and the l ap belt snug and l ow acr oss the hips. T o reduc e the risk of injury , make sure chil dren sit wher e they c an be properl y re strained . Nev er le t a passeng er hol d a child on his or her lap whil e your vehicl e is moving. T he passenger c annot [...]

  • Page 31

    The sa fety bel t pre tensioner s are designed to ac tiva te in fr ontal, ne ar-front al and side cra shes, and in r oll ov ers. T he sa fe ty bel t pret ensioners on the retr act or and anchor at the fr ont sea ting positions are de signed to tight en the sa fe ty bel ts firml y agains t the occupant's body when a ctiva ted. T his helps incre[...]

  • Page 32

    E142590 Pr egnant women shoul d alwa ys w ear their sa fet y belt. The l ap bel t portion of a combina tion lap and shoul der belt shoul d be positioned l ow acr oss the hips bel ow the belly and w orn as tight as c omfort will allo w . The shoul der belt should be positioned t o cross the middl e of the shoulder and the c ent er of the chest. Safe[...]

  • Page 33

    How t o Use the Automa tic Locking Mode E142591 1. Buckle the c ombination lap and shoulder bel t. 2. Gra sp the shoul der portion and pull downw ard until the entir e bel t is pulled out. Allo w the belt to r etr act. As the bel t retr acts, you will he ar a clicking sound. This indica te s the saf ety belt is no w in the automa tic locking mode. [...]

  • Page 34

    S AFETY BEL T HEIGHT ADJU S TMENT W ARNING Po sition the saf ety belt height adjust ers so tha t the belt r ests across the middl e of your shoulder . Fail ure t o adjust the sa fety bel t corr ectl y coul d re duce the eff ectiveness of the sa fet y belt and incr ea se the risk of injury in a cra sh. E8751 1 T o adjust the shoul der belt height, s[...]

  • Page 35

    S AFETY BEL T MINDER Belt-Minder ™ This f ea ture suppl ements the saf ety bel t warning function b y pro viding additional reminders tha t intermittentl y sound a tone and illumina te the s af ety belt w arning light when you ar e in the driver se at or y ou hav e a front se at pa ssenger and a saf ety belt is unbuckle d. The s yst em uses inf o[...]

  • Page 36

    Deactivating and A ctivating the Belt-Minder Featur e W ARNING Whil e the sys tem all ow s you t o deac tiva te it, this s yst em is designed to impr ov e your chanc es of being sa fel y belted and surviving an a ccident. W e recommend y ou l ea ve the sy st em activ at ed f or your self and other s who may use your v ehicl e. Note: The driver and [...]

  • Page 37

    The P ersonal Saf ety S ystem pr ovide s an impro ved o ver all lev el of frontal cr a sh prot ection t o front se at oc cupants and is designed t o help further reduc e the risk of airbag-r ela te d injuries. T he syst em is able to anal yze differ ent occup ant conditions and cra sh sev erity bef ore activa ting the appropria te s af ety de vices[...]

  • Page 38

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Airbags do not infl ate sl owl y or gentl y, and the risk of injury from a deplo ying airbag is the gr ea te st clo se to the trim c ov ering the airbag modul e. All occup ants of your v ehicl e, including the driv er , should al ways properl y we ar their sa fe ty bel ts, ev en when an airbag suppl emental r estra[...]

  • Page 39

    DRIVER AND P ASSENGER AIRBA GS W ARNINGS Nev er plac e your arm or an y objects ov er an airbag modul e. Pl acing your arm ov er a deplo ying airbag can resul t in serious arm fractur es or other injuries. Objec ts pla ced on or o ver the airbag infl ation ar ea ma y cause thos e objects t o be propell ed by the airbag int o your f ac e and tor so [...]

  • Page 40

    E142846 Childr en must al wa ys be pr operly restr ained. A ccident sta tistics suggest tha t childr en are s af er when properl y restrained in the re ar sea ting positions than in the front se ating position. Fail ure t o f ollo w these instructions ma y incre ase the risk of injury in a cra sh. FRONT P AS SENGER SENSING S YS TEM W ARNINGS Ev en [...]

  • Page 41

    • When the front pa ssenger sensing sys tem disabl es (will not infla te) the front pa ssenger fr ontal airba g, the passeng er airbag status indic at or will illumina te and s tay lit t o remind y ou that the fr ont pa ssenger fr ontal airbag is disabl ed. • If the passeng er airbag status indic at or lamp indic at es the pa sseng er airbag is[...]

  • Page 42

    The c onditions liste d abov e may c ause the weight of a pr operly s ea ted oc cupant t o be incorr ectl y interpr et ed b y the passeng er sensing sy stem. T he person in the front passeng er seat ma y appear hea vier or lighter due t o the conditions de scribed in the list abov e. Make sur e the front pa ssenger sensing sy stem is oper ating pro[...]

  • Page 43

    E152533 The s yst em consists of the f ollowing: • A label or embosse d side panel indica ting that side airb ags ar e fitte d to y our vehicl e. • Side airbags l ocat ed inside the driver and front pa ssenger s ea tbacks. • Front pa ssenger s ensing syst em. • Cr ash sensor s and monitoring s yst em with re adiness indica tor . See Cr ash [...]

  • Page 44

    W ARNINGS All occup ants of your v ehicl e including the driv er should al way s we ar their saf ety belts e ven when an airbag suppl emental r estraint s yst em and curtain airba g is pro vided. Fail ure t o properl y we ar your s af ety bel t could seriousl y increa se the risk of injury or death. T o reduc e risk of injury , do not obstruct or p[...]

  • Page 45

    CRA SH SENSORS AND AIRBA G INDICA TOR W ARNING Modifying or adding equipment t o the front end of the v ehicle (incl uding frame , bumper , front end body structure and t ow hooks) ma y aff ect the performanc e of the airbag s yst em, incre asing the risk of injury . Do not modify the front end of the v ehicle . Y our vehicle ha s a coll ection of [...]

  • Page 46

    AIRBA G DISPOS AL Conta ct y our authorized de aler a s soon as possible . Airbag s must be disposed of b y qualified personnel. 43 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Suppl ementary R estr aints S ys tem I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[...]

  • Page 47

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION The r emote c ontrol all ows you t o: • R emotel y lock or unlock the v ehicl e doors. • Unlock the door s without activ el y using a ke y or remot e contr ol (intellig ent acc ess onl y). • R emotel y open the power liftg a te (if equipped). • R emotel y start or stop the engine and user pre-se t fe atur es (if equi[...]

  • Page 48

    REMOTE C ONTROL Integr at ed K eyhead Transmit ters (If Equipped) E142585 Use the ke y bla de to st art your v ehicle and unlock or l ock the driver door from outside your v ehicle . T he transmitt er portion functions a s the remot e contr ol. E138615 Note: Y our vehicl e ’ s keys c ame with a security l abel that pro vides important vehicl e ke[...]

  • Page 49

    Repla cing the Batt ery Note: Ref er to l ocal regul a tions when disposing of tr ansmitter ba tteries. Note: Do not wipe off any gre ase on the bat tery t erminals or on the back surf ace of the circuit boar d. Note: Repl acing the ba ttery does no t del ete the transmit ter from the v ehicle . The transmit ter shoul d opera te normally . The r em[...]

  • Page 50

    4. Insert a new ba tt ery with the + fa cing downw ard . P ress the ba ttery down t o make sur e it is full y in the housing. 5. Snap the batt ery co ver ba ck onto the transmit ter and inst all the backup k ey . Car Finder E138623 Pr ess the butt on twice within three se conds. T he horn sounds and the direc tion indica tor s fla sh. W e rec ommen[...]

  • Page 51

    2. Pr ess the remot e start butt on twice. The e xt erior lamps fl a sh twice . The horn sounds if the s yst em fail s to st art, unle ss quiet start is on. Quiet start runs the blo wer f an at a sl ow er speed t o reduc e noise. Y ou can swit ch it on or off in the informa tion display . See (pa ge 88). Note: If you remot e start y our vehicl e wi[...]

  • Page 52

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION MyK ey allow s you t o program k eys with restric ted driving mode s to pr omote g ood driving habits. All but one of the k ey s progr ammed t o the vehicl e can be activ at ed with these r estrict ed modes. Any k eys tha t have not been pr ogrammed are r eferr ed t o as a dministra t or ke ys or admin k eys. These c an be u[...]

  • Page 53

    • V ehicle speed minder s. Onc e you sel ect a speed , it will be shown in the displ ay foll owed b y an audibl e tone when the set v ehicle spee d is ex ce eded . • Audio sy stem ma ximum vol ume of 45%. A mess age will be sho wn in the displa y when you a ttempt to e x cee d the limited v olume. Also , the spee d sensitive c ompensa ted v olu[...]

  • Page 54

    T o clear all MyK eys of all MyK ey setting s, press the l eft arro w button t o acc ess the main menu and scroll to: Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on. Set tings Pr ess the OK butt on. MyK ey Pr ess and hol d the OK button until the f ollowing mess age displa ys. Cle ar MyK ey All MyK eys Cle ared Note: When you cl ear y our My[...]

  • Page 55

    CHECKING MYKEY S Y S TEM S T A TUS Y ou can find informa tion on progr ammed MyK ey(s) using the informa tion displa y contr ol on the ste ering wheel. Se e Information Displa y s (pag e 88). T o find information on progr ammed MyK ey(s), press the le ft arrow but ton to acc ess the main menu and scroll t o: Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt [...]

  • Page 56

    USING MYKEY WITH REMOTE S T ART S YS TEMS MyK ey is not compatibl e with non Ford-appr ov ed, aft ermark et remot e start sys tems. If y ou choose t o install a remot e start sy stem, see an authoriz ed deal er f or a Ford-appr ov ed remot e start s yst em. MYKEY TROUBLE SHOOTING Potential C auses Condition I cannot cr ea te a MyK ey . • The ke y[...]

  • Page 57

    Potential C auses Condition Pr ogram a spar e ke y . See P assive Anti-The ft Sy stem (pag e 65). I los t a ke y . MyK ey distances do not a ccumul a te. • The MyK ey user is not using the MyK ey . • An admin k ey hol der cle ared the MyK eys and cre at ed new MyK eys. • The k ey s yst em has be en rese t. • An admin transmit ter is pr esen[...]

  • Page 58

    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING Y ou can use the pow er door lock c ontrol or the remot e contr ol to l ock and unlock your v ehicle . Po wer Door Lock s The po wer door l ock control is on the driver and front pa ssenger door p anels. E138628 Unlock A Lock B Door Lock Indicator An LED on the instrument panel will light when you l ock the doors. It is not a [...]

  • Page 59

    Note: Be careful when opening or cl osing the liftg at e in a gar age or other encl osed area t o av oid damaging the lift ga te . E138630 Pr ess twic e within three sec onds to: • unla t ch a manual liftg at e • open, cl ose or st op the mov ement of a pow er liftg at e. See Po wer Lift ga te (pag e 60). Mechanical K ey T urn the t op of the k[...]

  • Page 60

    Aft er l ocking the doors with the l ock sensor , there is a brief del ay be for e you c an unlock y our vehicl e. This del ay l ets you pull the handle t o make sure it l ocke d. Note: K eep the door handl e surfac e clean to a void issues with oper a tion. At the Lift gate Pr ess the ex terior lift ga te r el ea se butt on on the top of the lift [...]

  • Page 61

    Autounl ock (If Equipped) The aut ounl ock fe atur e will unl ock all the doors when: • the ignition is on, all the doors ar e clos ed, and your v ehicle ha s been in motion at a spe ed gre at er than 4 mph (7 km/h); • your v ehicle c omes to a stop and y ou swit ch the ignition off or to ac ce ssory; and • you open the driv er door within 10[...]

  • Page 62

    Ac cessory Mode Ba ttery Sa ver f or Intellig ent Ac cess K eys (If Equipped) If you l ea ve the ignition on a fter le aving your v ehicle , it will shut off 15 minut es aft er you cl ose all of the doors. MANUAL LIFT G A TE W ARNINGS It is extr emel y danger ous to ride in a car go ar ea, inside or outside of a vehicl e. In a cr ash, peopl e ridin[...]

  • Page 63

    POWER LIFT G A TE (If Equipped) W ARNINGS It is extr emel y danger ous to ride in a car go ar ea, inside or outside of a vehicl e. In a cr ash, peopl e riding in these are as ar e more lik ely to be seriousl y injured or kill ed. Do not all ow peopl e to ride in any are a of your v ehicl e that is not equipped with se ats and s af ety bel ts. Make [...]

  • Page 64

    With the Outside C ontrol Butt on Opening the Liftg ate 1. Unlock the lift ga te with the remot e contr ol or pow er door unlock c ontrol. If an intellig ent ac cess k ey is within 3 ft (1 m) of the liftg at e, the lift gat e unlock s when you pr ess the liftg a te r ele ase butt on. E138632 2. Pr ess the butt on in the top of the liftg at e pull-c[...]

  • Page 65

    3. P ress and hol d the liftga te c ontrol butt on on the liftg at e until a tone sounds, indica ting programming is compl et e. Note: Y ou can onl y use the liftga te c ontrol button t o program the height. Note: Y ou canno t program the height if the liftg at e position is t oo lo w. The ne w open liftg at e height is rec all ed when the pow er l[...]

  • Page 66

    KEYLESS ENTR Y (If Equipped) SECURIC ODE ™ KEYLESS ENTRY KEYP AD The k eypa d is loc at ed ne ar the driver window . It is invisibl e until t ouched and then it lights up so you c an see and t ouch the appropria te but tons. Note: If you enter y our entry code t oo fa st on the ke ypad , the unl ock function ma y not work. R e-enter your entry co[...]

  • Page 67

    The anti-sc an fe atur e will turn off a fter: • one minute of k eypa d inactivity • pressing the unl ock button on the remot e contr ol • swit ching the ignition on • unlocking the v ehicl e using intellig ent acc ess. Unlocking and Locking the Doors T o Unl ock the Driver Door Enter the f actory-set fiv e-digit code or y our personal c od[...]

  • Page 68

    P ASSIVE ANTI-THEFT S YS TEM Note: The sy stem is no t compa tibl e with non-Ford a ftermark et r emote s tart sy stems. Use of these s yst ems may r esul t in vehicl e starting probl ems and a loss of sec urity prot ection. Note: Metallic objec ts, el ec tronic de vices or a second c oded key on the same k ey chain may c ause vehicl e starting pr [...]

  • Page 69

    Y ou must have tw o pre viousl y progr ammed code d ke ys and the new unprogr ammed k ey re adil y ac cessibl e. See your authoriz ed deal er to hav e the spare ke y progr ammed if tw o pre viously progr ammed code d ke ys ar e not avail able. R ead and under stand the entire pr oce dure bef ore y ou begin. 1. Insert the first pr eviousl y progr am[...]

  • Page 70

    ADJU S TING THE S TEERING WHEEL W ARNING Do not adjust the st eering wheel when your v ehicle is mo ving. Note: Make sure tha t you ar e sitting in the corre ct position. See Sit ting in the Correc t Position (pag e 108). 1 2 2 E95178 1. Unlock the st eering column. 2. Adjust the s teering whe el to the desir ed position. 3 E95179 3. L ock the stee[...]

  • Page 71

    Y ou can opera te the f oll owing func tions with the contr ol: E159789 A B C D V olume up. A Seek up , ne xt or end call. B V olume down. C Seek do wn, pr evious or ac cept call. D Seek, Ne xt or Pr evious Pr ess the seek butt on to: • T une the r adio to the ne xt or pr evious stor ed pre set. • Pla y the nex t or the previous tr ack. Pr ess [...]

  • Page 72

    INFORMA TION DISPLA Y C ONTROL E130248 See Inf ormation Displa ys (pa ge 88). HEA TED S TEERING WHEEL (If Equipped) Pr ess the butt on to s witch the he at ed ste ering wheel on and off. Note: Y ou can l ocat e the hea ted st eering wheel contr ol under the climat e contr ols. 69 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing St eering Wheel I n f o r [...]

  • Page 73

    WINDSHIELD WIPER S Note: Fully defr ost the windshiel d bef ore you s witch the windshiel d wipers on. Note: Make sure y ou swit ch the windshield wipers and vehicl e power off be for e using an automa tic car wash. Note: If streak s or smears appe ar on the windshield , cl ean the windshiel d and the wiper blade s. Se e Checking the Wiper Blades ([...]

  • Page 74

    E197429 Highest sensitivity . A On. B Lo we st sensitivity . C S witch the aut owiper s on by mo ving the wiper le ver up t o the first position. S witch the aut owiper s off by mo ving the wiper le ver do wn. Use the rotary c ontrol to adjust the sensitivity of the r ain sensor: • R ota te the c ontrol do wn to l ow sensitivity , and the wipers [...]

  • Page 75

    Note: If you swit ch autol amps on in conjunc tion with auto wipers, your l ow be am headl amps turn on aut omatic all y when the rain sensor a ctiv at es the windshiel d wipers continuousl y. See A utolamps (pag e 74). K eep the outside of the windshield cl ean. The r ain sensor is v ery sensitive. If the are a around the mirr or is dirty , then t[...]

  • Page 76

    When you s witch on the fr ont wipers and mov e the ge arshift l ev er to r ev erse (R), re ar intermitt ent wipe aut omatic all y turns on. Rear W indow W asher E197529 Push the l ev er aw ay fr om you t o opera te the re ar window wa sher . When y ou rel ea se the le ver , wiping c ontinues for a short period of time. 73 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA[...]

  • Page 77

    LIGHTING CONTR OL E142449 Off A P arking lamps, instrument panel lamps, license pl a te l amps and tail l amps B Headl amps C High Beams E162679 Push the l ev er forw ard t o swit ch the high beams on. Push the l ev er forw ard a gain or pull the le ver t ow ard y ou to s witch the high be ams off. Headlamp Flasher E162680 Pull the l ev er to war d[...]

  • Page 78

    If equipped , the f ollo wing also ac tiva te when the lighting contr ol is in the autol amps position and you switch them on in the informa tion display: • Configur able daytime running l amps. • Aut omatic high be am contr ol. • Adaptiv e hea dlamp c ontrol. The he adlamp s remain on f or a period of time aft er you s witch the ignition off[...]

  • Page 79

    D A YTIME RUNNING LAMPS (If Equipped) W ARNING The da ytime running lamps s yst em does not activ at e the rear lamps and may not pr ovide ade quat e lighting during lo w visibility driving c onditions. Also , the autol amps switch position may not activ at e the headl amps in all low visibilit y conditions, such a s daytime fog. Mak e sure the hea[...]

  • Page 80

    DIRECTION INDIC A TORS E162681 Push the l ev er up or down t o use the direc tion indica tor s. Note: T ap the lev er up or down t o mak e the direc tion indica tor s fla sh three time s to indica te a l ane change . INTERIOR LAMPS The l amps will swit ch on when: • Y ou open any door . • Y ou press a remot e contr ol butt on. Front Interior La[...]

  • Page 81

    POWER WINDO W S W ARNINGS Do not le av e chil dren una tt ended in your v ehicle and do not l et them pla y with the pow er window s. T hey may seriousl y injure themsel ve s. When cl osing the pow er window s, you shoul d verify the y are fr ee of obstructions and mak e sure tha t childr en and pets ar e not in the pro ximity of the window opening[...]

  • Page 82

    1. Clos e the window twic e until it re aches the point of resist ance and l et it rev erse. 2. Clos e the window a thir d time to the point of resist ance. Y ou disabled the bounce-back f eatur e and you c an now clos e the window manuall y. The window tr av els pa st the point of resist ance and y ou can cl ose it full y . Conta ct an authoriz ed[...]

  • Page 83

    Fold-A way Ex terior Mirr ors Push the mirr or to war d the door window gla ss. Mak e sure tha t you fully eng ag e the mirror in its support when r eturning it t o its original position. Heated Ex terior Mirrors (If Equipped) See Hea ted W indow s and Mirrors (pa ge 106). Memory Mirrors (If Equipped) Y ou can sav e and rec all the mirror positions[...]

  • Page 84

    INTERIOR MIRROR W ARNING Do not adjust the mirror when y our vehicl e is moving. Note: Do not cle an the housing or gla ss of any mirror with har sh abra sives, fuel or other petrol eum or ammonia-based cl eaning product s. Y ou can adjust the interior mirr or to y our pref erence. S ome mirror s also ha ve a second piv ot point. This le ts you mo [...]

  • Page 85

    W ARNINGS When cl osing the moonroof , y ou should v erify tha t it is free of obstructions and mak e sure tha t childr en and pets ar e not in the pro ximity of the roof opening. The moonr oof and sunscreen c ontrol s are loc a ted on the o verhe ad cons ole . The moonr oof and sunscreen ha ve a one-touch open and cl ose fea ture. T o stop them du[...]

  • Page 86

    G AUGE S E171213 Informa tion display A Speedome ter B Engine cool ant temper ature ga uge C Fuel gau ge D T achometer E Information Displa y Compass (If Equipped) Displa ys the v ehicl e ’ s heading dir ection. T o calibr at e and set the c ompass z one use the informa tion display menu. S ee Information Displa y s (pag e 88). Use the diagr am t[...]

  • Page 87

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 E142800 Odometer Loc at ed in the bottom of the inf ormation displa y , it regist ers the ac cumulat ed distanc e your v ehicle ha s trav ele d. Outside Air T emperature Show s the outside air temper ature. Trip Comput er See T rip Comput er (page 91). V ehicle S ettings and P ersonalization See (pa ge 88). Engi[...]

  • Page 88

    Note: The lo w fuel warning and distanc e-to-empt y warning c an appear a t differ ent fuel gau ge positions depending on fuel econom y conditions. T his varia tion is normal. W ARNING LAMPS AND INDIC A TOR S The f oll owing w arning lamps and indica tor s will alert y ou to a vehicl e condition tha t may be come serious. S ome lamps will ill umina[...]

  • Page 89

    Engine Oil If it illumina te s with the engine running or when you ar e driving, this indica te s a malfunction. St op your v ehicl e as soon a s it is safe t o do so and swit ch the engine off. Che ck the engine oil le vel. See Engine Oil Check (pag e 217). Note: Do not resume your journe y if it illumina te s despite the l evel being corr ect. Ha[...]

  • Page 90

    W ARNING Under engine misfire c onditions, ex ce ssive e xhaust temper atures coul d damag e the ca tal ytic conv erter , the fuel syst em, interior fl oor co vering s or other vehicl e component s, possibl y causing a fir e. Ha ve an authoriz ed deal er service y our vehicl e immediat ely . The servic e engine soon indica tor light illumina te s w[...]

  • Page 91

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an resul t in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cr ash and injury . W e strongly r ecommend tha t you use e xtr eme caution when using any devic e that ma y tak e your f ocus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the s af e opera tion of your v ehicle. W e rec ommend agains t the use of a[...]

  • Page 92

    Trip 1 and 2 1 Distanc e to E T rip Odomet er T rip T imer Inst Fuel Econ Anticipation Ford Ec oMode 2 Av er age Fuel Speed Av er age S peed Digital Spee do All V alue - Distanc e to E, T rip Odomet er, Instantane ous Fuel and Av era ge Fuel 1 See T rip Comput er (page 91). 2 See Ec o Mode (pag e 167). Information Se atbel t Intellig ent 4WD MyK ey[...]

  • Page 93

    Setting s On or Off Daytime R unning Light On or Off Navig ation inf o Displa y Choose your applic abl e setting Langua ge Choose your applic abl e setting Distanc e Choose your applic abl e setting T empera ture On or Off P ark Slot Chimes On or Off Aut o engine off Conv enience On or Off Displa y Compa ss Hea ter – A/ C / Auto or La st Set ting[...]

  • Page 94

    S yst em Check All activ e warnings will displ ay first if applicabl e. T he sy stem che ck menu may appear diff erent ba sed upon equipment options and current v ehicl e sta tus. Use the up/ down arrow but tons t o scroll thr ough the list. TRIP COMP UTER Rese tting the Trip C omputer Pr ess and hol d OK on the current scr een to r eset the r espe[...]

  • Page 95

    A sys tem specific s ymbol with a messag e indica tor ma y suppl ement some messag es. Airbag Action Messag e Indicator Messag e Displa ys when the s yst em requir es servic e due to a mal function. C ontac t your authoriz ed deal er . Amber Airbag f aul t Servic e now Alarm Action Messag e Indicator Messag e Displa ys when the al arm ha s been tri[...]

  • Page 96

    Batt ery and Charging S yst em Action Messag e Indicator Messag e St op your v ehicl e as soon a s it is safe t o do so and swit ch off the ignition. Cont act y our authorized de al er . R ed Ele ctrical s yst em ov er- vol ta ge S top sa fely Displa ys t o warn of a l ow batt ery condition. T urn off all unneede d ele ctrical ac cessories. Conta c[...]

  • Page 97

    Doors Action Messag e Indicator Messag e Displa ys when the door(s) list ed is not compl et el y clos ed and the vehicl e is moving. R ed X door open Displa ys when the door(s) list ed is not compl et el y clos ed. - Displa ys when the l ugg age c ompartment is not compl et el y clos ed and the vehicl e is moving. R ed Liftg at e ajar Displa ys whe[...]

  • Page 98

    Hill Start Assis t Action Messag e Indicator Messag e Displa ys when hill st art assist is not a vail abl e. Conta ct y our authorized de aler . Amber Hill start a ssist not av ail- able K eyless V ehicle Action Messag e Indicator Messag e Displa ys t o remind y ou that the k ey is in the trunk. Se e K eyl ess Starting (pa ge 124). Amber Ford K eyF[...]

  • Page 99

    Lighting Action Messag e Indicator Messag e Displa ys when the br ak e lamp bulb ha s burned out. Cont act y our authorize d deal er . - Brak e l amp Bulb faul t Displa ys when the l ow beam headl amp bulb has burne d out. Cont act y our authorized de al er . - L ow be am Bulb f ault Displa ys when an el ectrical sy stem pr oblem occur s with the h[...]

  • Page 100

    Action Messag e Indicator Messag e Displa ys when MyK ey is activ e. - MyK ey Check Speed Drive Sa fely Displa ys when a MyK ey is in use and Bel t- Minder is activ at ed . - MyK ey Buckl e Up to Unmute A udio Displa ys when a MyK ey is in use and park aid is activ at ed . - MyKe y P ark aid cannot be deac tiva ted Displa ys when trying t o cre at [...]

  • Page 101

    Po wer S teering Action Messag e Indicator Messag e The po wer st eering sy st em is not working. S t op the vehicl e a sa fe pl ace. C ontac t your author- ized de aler . R ed St eering l oss St op sa fel y The po wer st eering sy st em is not working. S t op the vehicl e a sa fe pl ace. C ontac t your author- ized de aler . Amber Steering a ssist[...]

  • Page 102

    Action Messag e Indicator Messag e T r ansmission is hot. W ait as ne eded to l et it cool. - T ransmission Hot W ait ... The s yst em is not functioning corr ectl y and def ault ed to front-wheel driv e. S ee y our authorized de al er . See Using Four-Wheel Drive (pa ge 141). Amber 4WD fault S ervice requir ed Displa ys when the s yst em disabl es[...]

  • Page 103

    Tire Pr essure Monitoring S yst em Action Messag e Indicator Messag e Displa ys when one or mor e tires on y our vehicl e hav e lo w tire pressure . Se e Tire Pressur e Monitoring S y stem (pa ge 258). Amber L ow T ire P ressur e Displa ys when the tir e pressur e monitoring sys tem is mal functioning. If the w arning sta ys on or continues t o com[...]

  • Page 104

    MANUAL CLIMA TE CONTR OL E141421 A E B D C Fan speed c ontrol: A djust the vol ume of air circ ula te d in the vehicl e. A Recirc ulat ed air: Pre ss the button t o switch betw een outside air and recir cul at ed air . The air curr entl y in the pass enger c ompartment recir cul at es. This c an reduc e the time needed t o cool the interior and re [...]

  • Page 105

    AUT OMA TIC CLIMA TE CONTR OL E141422 AUTO: P re ss the button t o switch on aut omatic oper ation. Sel ect the de sired temper a ture using the t empera ture c ontrol. The sy st em adjusts f an speed , air distribution, air c onditioning opera tion, and sel ect s outside air or recir cul at ed air to he at or c ool the vehicl e in order to maintai[...]

  • Page 106

    Note: R ecircula ted air may turn off aut oma ticall y (or be pr ev ented fr om turning on) in all airflo w modes e xc ept MAX A/ C to reduc e risk of fogging. R ecircul a ted air may als o turn on and off automa ticall y in Panel or Panel and Fl oor airfl ow modes during hot we ather in or der to impr ov e cooling efficiency . Air distribution con[...]

  • Page 107

    Note: T o reduce humidity buil d-up inside your vehicl e, do not drive with the s yst em swit ched off or with re circul at ed air al wa ys swit ched on. Note: Do not plac e objec ts under the front sea ts a s this may int erfer e with the airflo w to the re ar sea ts. Note: Remo ve any sno w , ice or l eaves fr om the air intak e area a t the base[...]

  • Page 108

    Cooling the Int erior Quickl y V ehicle with aut omatic climate c ontrol V ehicle with manual climat e control Pr ess the MAX A/ C butt on. Adjust the f an speed to the highest speed set ting. 1 Adjust the t emperatur e contr ol to the MAX A/ C position. 2 Adjust the air dis tribution contr ol to the instrument panel air vent s position. 3 Rec omme[...]

  • Page 109

    Side Windo w Defogging in C ol d W eather V ehicle with aut omatic climate c ontrol V ehicle with manual climat e control Pr ess the windshiel d defrosting and def ogging button. Adjust the air dis tribution contr ol to the instrument panel and fl oor air vents positions. 1 Adjust the t emperatur e contr ol to the desired s etting. Pr ess the A/ C [...]

  • Page 110

    C ABIN AIR FIL TER Y our vehicle is equippe d with a cabin air filt er, which gives y ou and your p asseng ers the foll owing benefits: • It impro ves y our driving comf ort by reducing particl e concentr ation. • It impro ves the int erior comp artment cle anliness. • It prot ects the clima te control components fr om particl e deposits. Y o[...]

  • Page 111

    SITTING IN THE CORRE CT POSITION W ARNINGS Sitting improperl y , out of position or with the sea tback r eclined t oo far can tak e weight off the sea t cushion and aff ect the decision of the passeng er sensing sy stem, r esul ting in serious injury or dea th in the ev ent of a cra sh. Al ways sit upright agains t your se at ba ck, with your fe et[...]

  • Page 112

    W ARNINGS Install the hea d restr aint properly t o help minimize the risk of neck injury in the ev ent of a cra sh. Note: Adjust the se atb ack to an upright driving position bef ore adjusting the he ad restr aint. A djust the head restr aint so tha t the top of it is l evel with the top o f your he ad and as f ar forward a s possibl e. Mak e sure[...]

  • Page 113

    Remo ving the Head Res traint 1. Pull the he ad restr aint up until it re aches its highest position. 2. Pr ess and hol d buttons C and D . 3. P ull the head r estr aint up. Installing the Head R estraint Align the ste el stems int o the guide sl eev es and push the head r estr aint down until it lock s. Folding the Head R estraint 1. Pr ess and ho[...]

  • Page 114

    Adjus ting the Height of the Driver Seat E163871 Recline A djustment E163872 W ARNING Do not plac e cargo or an y objects behind the sea tback bef ore returning it to the original position. Pull on the sea tback t o make sur e that it ha s fully la t ched aft er returning the sea tback t o its original position. An unl at ched se at ma y become dan[...]

  • Page 115

    E138647 112 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Seats I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[...]

  • Page 116

    Po wer Lumbar (If Equipped) E138648 MEMORY FUNC TION (If Equipped) W ARNINGS Bef ore activ a ting the sea t memory , make sur e that the ar ea immedia tely surrounding the se at is cl ear of obstructions and tha t all occup ants are cle ar of moving part s. Do not use the memory function when your v ehicle is mo ving. This f ea ture will a utoma ti[...]

  • Page 117

    REAR SEA TS E155554 Folding the S eatback With the se at empt y , pull the lev er up to fol d the seatback f orward. Y ou may need to f ol d the outboard he ad res traints and lo wer the c enter head r estraint fir st. Unfol ding the Seatback Pull the se atba ck upw ard t o unfol d the sea tback. Recline A djustment (If Equipped) With the se at oc [...]

  • Page 118

    REAR SEA T ARMRES T (If Equipped) E138656 Fold the armr est do wn to use the armr est and cuphol der . 115 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Seats I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[...]

  • Page 119

    HomeLink Wir eless C ontrol S ys tem W ARNINGS Make sur e that the g ar age door and security de vice ar e free fr om obstruction when y ou are progr amming. Do not progr am the system with the vehicl e in the gar age. Do not use the sy stem with any gar ag e door opener that does not hav e the sa fe ty stop and r ev erse fe atur e a s requir ed by[...]

  • Page 120

    E142658 1. With y our vehicl e parked outside of the gar ag e, turn y our ignition to the on position, but do not start y our vehicl e. 2. Hold y our hand-hel d gar ag e door transmit ter 2 – 6 in (5 – 1 4 cm) aw ay from the HomeLink butt on you want to pr ogram. 3. Using both hands, simult aneousl y , press and hol d the desired HomeLink butt [...]

  • Page 121

    Gate Oper ator / C anadian Progr amming Canadian r adio-fre quency la ws r equire transmit ter signals t o “ time-out ” (or quit) aft er sev eral s econds of tr ansmission – which may not be l ong enough f or HomeLink to pick up the signal during progr amming. Simil ar to this Cana dian la w , some U.S . ga t e opera tor s are designe d to ?[...]

  • Page 122

    B A E142661 R ed indica tor light A. Green indic at or light B. 1. Pr ess and hol d one of the buttons on the hand-held tr ansmitter for 10 seconds. The indic at or light will change from gr een to r ed and gre en. 2. Pr ess the same butt on twic e to c onfirm the change t o progr amming mode. If done properl y the indica tor light will appear r ed[...]

  • Page 123

    5. Press and hol d the previousl y progr ammed butt on on the visor f or 2 seconds. R epea t this step up t o 3 times until the gar ag e door mov es. Pr ogramming is no w compl ete. Clearing a HomeLink De vice T o era se progr amming from the three HomeLink butt ons press and hol d the tw o outer HomeLink but tons until the indic at or light begins[...]

  • Page 124

    12 V ol t DC Pow er Point W ARNINGS Do not plug optional el ectrical acc essories int o the cigar lighter socke t. Incorr ect use of the cig ar lighter c an cause dama ge not c ov ered b y the vehicl e warr anty , and can r esul t in fire or serious injury . Do not use a pow er point for opera ting a cigar light er. Incorr ect use of the pow er poi[...]

  • Page 125

    When the indica tor light on the pow er point is: • On: The po wer point is w orking, the ignition is on and a devic e is plugg ed in. • Off: The po wer point is off , the ignition is off or no devic e is plugg ed in. • Fla shing: T he pow er point is in faul t mode. The po wer outl et temporaril y turns off pow er when in fa ult mode if the [...]

  • Page 126

    CENTER CONS OLE St ow it ems in the cup hol der car efull y as items ma y bec ome loose during har d braking, acc el era tion or cra shes, including hot drinks which ma y spill. Av ailabl e console f eature s include: A B C E142433 Cup hol der . A St ora ge c ompartment with auxiliary pow er point, auxiliary input jack, USB port and me dia hub. B A[...]

  • Page 127

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNINGS Ext ended idling a t high engine speeds can pr oduce v ery high temper a tures in the engine and exhaust s yst em, cr ea ting the risk of fire or other damag e. Do not park, idl e or drive y our vehicl e on dry gra ss or other dry ground co ver . T he emission syst em heats up the engine compartment and e xhaust sys [...]

  • Page 128

    Ignition Modes E142555 The k eyl ess starting syst em ha s three modes: Off: T urns the ignition off . • Without appl ying the brake pedal, press and r el ea se the butt on once when the ignition is in the on mode, or when the engine is running but the vehicl e is not moving. On: All ele ctrical cir cuits ar e opera tional and the warning l amps [...]

  • Page 129

    3-button r emote E145988 5-button r emote E142874 1. Hold the k ey next t o the symbol on the ste ering col umn. 2. With the k ey in this position, you c an use the start butt on to switch the ignition on and start y our vehicl e. Fas t Res tart The f ast rest art fe atur e all ows y ou to rest art the engine within 20 seconds of swit ching it off,[...]

  • Page 130

    Y ou can stop the engine shut down, or r eset the timer , at any point be for e the 30-second c ountdown ha s expir ed by doing any of the f ollo wing: • Y ou can reset the timer b y int erac ting with your v ehicle (such a s pressing the brak e pedal or ac cel erat or pedal). • Y ou can tempor arily s witch off the shutdo wn fe a ture any time[...]

  • Page 131

    Guarding Agains t Exhaust Fumes W ARNING If you smell e xhaust fumes inside your v ehicle , ha ve y our vehicl e check ed by y our authorize d deal er immedia tel y . Do not drive y our vehicl e if you smell e xhaust fumes. C arbon monoxide is pr esent in e xhaust fumes. T ake pr ecautions t o av oid its dang erous eff ects. Important V entilating [...]

  • Page 132

    • Make sur e the sy stem is unpl ugg ed and properl y st ow ed bef ore st arting and driving your v ehicle . Mak e sure the prot ectiv e co ver se als the prong s of the block he at er cord plu g when not in use. • Make sur e the hea ter s yst em is check ed for pr oper opera tion before winter . Using the Engine Block Hea ter Make sur e the re[...]

  • Page 133

    S AFETY PREC AUTIONS W ARNINGS Do not ov erfill the fuel tank. T he pressur e in an ov erfill ed tank ma y cause l eakage and l ead to fuel spr ay and fire. The fuel s yst em may be under pressur e. If y ou hear a hissing sound near the fuel fill er door (Ea sy Fuel capl ess fuel sy stem), do not refuel until the sound stops. Otherwise, fuel ma y s[...]

  • Page 134

    FUEL QUALITY Choosing the Right Fuel E161513 W e recommend r egul ar unl eaded g a soline with a pump (R+M)/2 octane r a ting of 87 . Some fuel sta tions offer fuels post ed a s reg ular unl ea ded ga soline with an oct ane ra ting bel ow 87 , particularl y in high altitude are as. W e do not re commend fuels with an octane r a ting belo w 87 . For[...]

  • Page 135

    Filling a Portabl e Fuel Container Use the foll owing guidelines t o av oid ele ctrost atic char ge build-up when filling an ungrounded fuel c ontainer: • Only us e an appro ved fuel c ontainer t o transf er fuel t o your v ehicle . Pl ace the container on the gr ound when filling it. • Do not fill a fuel container when it is inside your v ehic[...]

  • Page 136

    W ARNINGS When re fueling alw ay s shut the engine off and nev er allo w sparks or open flames ne ar the fuel tank fill er val ve . Nev er smok e or use a cell phone while r efueling. Fuel v apor is ex tremel y hazardous under c ertain conditions. A void inhaling ex ce ss fumes. Sta y outside your vehicl e and do not le av e the fuel pump una ttend[...]

  • Page 137

    E154765 4. R emov e the fuel filler no zzl e and fully clos e the fuel tank fill er door . Note: A fuel spillag e conc ern may oc cur if ov erfilling the fuel tank. Do not o verfill the tank. T he fill pipe is equipped with a dr ain hole . Ex ce ss fuel due to o verfill ma y drain through the dr ain hol e and drip onto the ground. If the fuel fill [...]

  • Page 138

    Cal culating Fuel Ec onomy Do not mea sure fuel ec onomy during the first 1000 mil es (1600 kil omet ers) of driving (this is your engine ’ s break-in period); a more ac cur at e mea surement is obtained a fter 2000 mil es - 3000 miles (3200 kilome ter s - 4800 kilome ter s). Also , fuel expense , frequenc y of fill ups or fuel gau ge r eadings a[...]

  • Page 139

    An improperl y oper ating or dama ged exhaust s yst em may all ow exhaust t o enter the v ehicl e. Ha ve a damag ed or improperl y oper ating e xhaust sy stem inspect ed and repair ed immedia t ely . Do not make an y unauthorized chang es t o your v ehicle or engine . By l aw , vehicl e owner s and anyone who manuf actures, repair s, service s, sel[...]

  • Page 140

    Y our vehicle ma y not pa ss the I/M test if the service engine soon indic at or is on or not working pr operly (bulb is burne d out), or if the OBD-II sys tem ha s det ermined that some of the emission c ontrol s yst ems hav e not been properl y checked . In this ca se, y our vehicl e is not ready f or I/M tes ting. If the vehicl e ’ s engine or[...]

  • Page 141

    AUT OMA TIC TRANSMIS SION W ARNINGS Al wa ys set the parking br ake fully and make sur e the ge arshift is la t ched in park (P). T urn the ignition to the off position and r emov e the k ey whenev er you l ea ve y our vehicl e. Do not apply the br ake pedal and acc el era tor pedal simult aneousl y . Applying both pe dals simul taneousl y for mor [...]

  • Page 142

    T o use Sel ectShift, mov e the ge arshift le ver int o sport (S). Use the +/- butt ons on the side of your g earshift l ever t o manuall y change g ears. • Pr ess the (+) butt on to upshift. • Pr ess the (-) butt on to do wnshift. Note: After y ou ha ve assume d manual control with S el ectShift y our vehicl e will remain in this mode until yo[...]

  • Page 143

    5. While hol ding the white l ev er in the re ar position, mo ve the shift er from the park position. 6. P ress the shift er bez el back into the t op finish panel until it snaps back int o position. 7 . Apply the br ake pedal, start the v ehicle and rel ea se the parking br ake . Note: See your authoriz ed deal er as soon as possibl e if this proc[...]

  • Page 144

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION This s yst em is a proac tive s yst em. It ha s the ability t o anticipat e wheel slip and transf er t orque t o the rear whe els bef ore slip occur s. Ev en when wheel slip is not present, the sys tem is c ontinuously making adjustments t o the tor que distribution, in an at tempt t o impro ve str aight line and cornering b[...]

  • Page 145

    When driving a t slo w speeds off r oad under high loa d conditions, use a lo w ge ar when possible . L ow g ear oper ation will ma ximize the engine and transmission c ooling capability . Under sev ere oper ating c onditions, the air conditioning ma y cycl e on and off to prev ent the engine from overhe ating. Basic Opera ting Principl es • Driv[...]

  • Page 146

    Av oid driving a t ex ce ssive speeds, this causes v ehicle momentum to w ork ag ainst you and y our vehicl e could bec ome stuck to the point tha t a ssistance ma y be requir ed from another v ehicl e. R emember , you ma y be able t o back out the way y ou came if y ou proc eed with ca ution. Mud and W ater Mud Be cautious of sudden chang es in ve[...]

  • Page 147

    Descend a hill in the s ame ge ar you w ould use to climb up the hill t o av oid exc essive brak e applica tion and brake o verhe ating. Do not descend in neutr al. Disengag e ov erdriv e or mov e the transmission sele ct or le ver t o a lo wer gear . When descending a s teep hill, av oid sudden hard braking a s you c ould los e contr ol. The fr on[...]

  • Page 148

    W e recommend tha t you use caution when your v ehicle ha s either a high load or devic e (i.e. la dder or lugg ag e ra cks). An y modifica tions to y our vehicl e that raise the cent er of gra vity ma y cause y our vehicl e to r oll ov er when there is a l oss of vehicle contr ol. Fail ure t o maintain y our vehicl e correctl y may v oid the warr [...]

  • Page 149

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Note: Occa sional brak e noise is normal. If a metal-t o-met al, continuous grinding or continuous sque al sound is present, the brak e linings ma y be worn-out and an authorized de al er should check them. If the vehicl e has c ontinuous vibr ation or shudder in the ste ering wheel while br aking, an authorized de al er shoul[...]

  • Page 150

    P ARKING BRAKE W ARNING Al wa ys set the parking br ake fully and make sur e you shift the g ear shift le ver t o park (P). S witch the ignition off and remo ve the k ey whene ver y ou le av e your v ehicle . Note: Do not press the rel ease butt on whil e pulling the le ver up. T o apply the parking br ake: 1. Pr ess the foot br ake pedal firml y .[...]

  • Page 151

    2. If the sensors det ect that y our vehicl e is on a slope , the sy stem will a ctiva t e automa tically . 3. W hen you r emov e your f oot from the brak e pedal, y our vehicl e will remain on the slope without r olling aw ay f or about two or thr ee sec onds. T his hold time will automa tically be e xt ended if you ar e in the proc ess of driving[...]

  • Page 152

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION The tr action c ontrol s yst em helps av oid drive wheel spin and l oss of traction. If your v ehicle be gins to slide , the sy stem applies the brak es to individual wheels and, when ne eded , reduc es engine power at the s ame time. If the wheel s spin when acc el era ting on slippery or loose surfa ces, the sys tem r educ[...]

  • Page 153

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS V ehicle modifica tions invol ving braking s yst em, a ftermark et r oof rack s, suspension, steering s yst em, tire c onstruction and wheel and tir e size may chang e the handling chara cteristic s of your v ehicle and ma y adversel y a ffec t the performanc e of the el ectr onic stability contr ol sys tem. In a d[...]

  • Page 154

    E72903 A A A B B B B V ehicle without stabilit y contr ol skidding off its intende d rout e. A V ehicle with stabilit y contr ol maintaining contr ol on a slippery surfa ce. B USING S T ABILITY C ONTR OL Advanc eTrac® with R oll Stability Contr ol ™ (RS C®) The s yst em automa tically ac tiva tes when you st art your v ehicle . The A dvanceT ra[...]

  • Page 155

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS T o help av oid personal injury , pl ea se re ad and understand the limit ations of the sys tem a s cont ained in this section. S ensing is onl y an aid for some (gener all y lar ge and fix ed) objects when moving on a fl at surf ace a t parking speeds. Certain obje cts with surf ac es that ab sorb ultr asonic wa v[...]

  • Page 156

    E130178 Co ver ag e are a of up to 6 ft (1.8 m) fr om the re ar bumper . There ma y be decre a sed co ver ag e are a at the out er corner s of the bumper . The s yst em det ects c ertain object s while the transmission is in r ev erse (R) : • Y our vehicle is mo ving to war d a sta tionary object a t a speed of 3 mph (5 km/h) or le ss. • Y our [...]

  • Page 157

    A CTIVE P ARK ASSIS T (If Equipped) W ARNING Designed t o be a supplement ary park aid, this s yst em may not w ork in all conditions. T his system c annot repl ace the driv er ’ s a tt ention and judgment. The driv er is responsible f or av oiding hazar ds and maintaining a sa fe distanc e and speed, ev en when the syst em is in use. Note: The d[...]

  • Page 158

    A E130107 When the sy stem finds a suit able spa ce , the touchscr een displ ay s a messag e and a tone sounds. Slo w down, continue moving f orwar d and stop when another tone sounds and a me ssag e displa ys on the touchscr een (a t appro xima tel y position A), then f ollow the instruc tions on the touchscr een. Note: Y ou must observ e that the[...]

  • Page 159

    E130108 When you think y our vehicle ha s enough space in fr ont and behind it, or y ou hear a solid tone fr om the parking aid (acc ompanied b y a touchscr een displ ay messag e and a chime), bring y our vehicl e to a c ompl ete st op. When aut omatic st eering is finished, the touch scr een displ ay s a messag e and a tone sounds, indica ting tha[...]

  • Page 160

    The sy stem does not off er a particular spac e Something ma y be cont acting the fr ont bumper or side sensors Ther e is not enough room on both side s of your v ehicle in or der to p ark Ther e is not enough spac e for the p arking maneuver on the opposit e side of the parking space The parking spa ce is f arther than 4. 9 ft (1.5 m) or closer th[...]

  • Page 161

    REAR VIEW C AMERA (If Equipped) W ARNINGS The r ear view c amera s yst em is a rev erse aid supplement devic e tha t still requir es the driv er to use it in conjunction with the int erior and exterior mirrors f or maximum cov era ge . Objects tha t are close t o either corner of the bumper or under the bumper , might not be seen on the screen due [...]

  • Page 162

    Note: When to wing, the camera onl y sees what y ou are t owing. This might not pr ovide adequa te c o ver age a s it usually pro vides in normal opera tion and some objec ts might not be seen. In s ome vehicl es, the guideline s may disappe ar when you c onnec t the trail er to w conne ct or . The c amera ma y not opera te corr ectl y under the fo[...]

  • Page 163

    The fix ed and active guideline s fa de in and out depending on the ste ering wheel position. T he activ e guidelines do not displa y when the ste ering wheel position is straight. Al wa ys use ca ution while r ev ersing. Objects in the r ed zone ar e cl osest t o your vehicl e and object s in the green z one are farther a wa y . Objects ar e ge tt[...]

  • Page 164

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION Cruise c ontrol l ets y ou maintain a set speed without k eeping your f oot on the acc el era tor pedal. Y ou can use cruise contr ol when your v ehicle spe ed is gre at er than 20 mph (30 km/h). USING CRUISE C ONTROL W ARNINGS Do not use cruise contr ol in hea vy tra ffic, on winding r oads or when the road surf ace is slip[...]

  • Page 165

    BLIND SPOT INFORMA TION S YS TEM W ARNING T o help av oid injuries, NEVER use the Blind Spot Inf ormation S ystem a s a repl acement f or using the interior and ext erior mirrors or looking o ver your shoulder be for e changing lane s. The Blind Spot Inf ormation S ystem is not a repl acement f or careful driving. A A E124788 The Blind S pot Inform[...]

  • Page 166

    The Blind S pot Informa tion S yst em illumina te s an amber alert indic at or in the outside mirror on the side of y our vehicl e the approaching v ehicl e is coming fr om. When the Blind Spot Inf orma tion S yst em is alerting on a v ehicl e and the corr esponding turn signal is ON, the Blind Spot Inf ormation S ystem al ert indicat or fla shes a[...]

  • Page 167

    If the sys tem det ect s a degra ded performanc e condition, a messag e warning of a block ed sensor will appear in the informa tion display . Also the BLIS al ert indica tor s will remain ON and BLIS will no long er pro vide any v ehicle w arnings. Y ou can cl ear the inf orma tion displa y warning but the alert indic a tors will r emain illumina [...]

  • Page 168

    Cross T ra ffic Al ert is designed t o dete ct vehicl es tha t approa ch with a speed up t o 37 mph (60 km/h). Co ver ag e decre a ses when the sensors ar e partiall y , mostly or fully ob structe d. R eversing sl owly help s incre ase the c ov era ge ar ea and eff ectiv eness. E142440 In this first e xampl e, the l eft sensor is onl y partiall y o[...]

  • Page 169

    Zone c over age al so decre a ses when parking at shall ow angles. Here, the le ft sensor is mostl y obstruct ed; zone c ov erage on that side is se ver el y limited . S ys tem Lights, Messag es and Audibl e Al erts E142442 The Cr oss T raffic Al ert illuminat es an amber alert indic a tor in the outside mirr or on the side of your v ehicle the app[...]

  • Page 170

    The f oll owing ar e other situations tha t may limit the Cross T ra ffic Al ert performanc e: • Adja centl y park ed vehicl es or objects obstructing the sensor s. • Approaching v ehicl es pa ssing at speeds gre a ter than 37 mph (60 km/h). • Driving in rev erse fa ster than 7 mph (12 km/h). • Backing out of an angl ed parking spot. Fal se[...]

  • Page 171

    Type 1 A B E142444 Anticipation A Efficient speed B Gear Shifting Using the highest drivabl e gear appropria te for the r oad c onditions will impro ve fuel consumption. Anticipation Adjust y our vehicle spee d and the distance to other v ehicl es to a void the ne ed for hea vy braking or ac cel eration t o improve fuel econom y . Efficient speed R[...]

  • Page 172

    sys tem. If this shoul d occur , you will neither los e the ability to s teer the v ehicl e manuall y nor will it cause permanent damag e. T ypical steering and driving maneuver s will allo w the sy stem t o cool and ste ering assist will r eturn t o normal. St eering Tips If the ste ering wanders or pull s, check f or: • an improperl y infl at e[...]

  • Page 173

    REAR UNDER FLOOR S TOR A GE Car go Mana gement S yst em (If Equipped) E142445 The s yst em is loc a ted in the fl oor of the car go ar ea. Lift the handl e to open. Adjus table Load Fl oor (If Equipped) E142446 V ehicles with the st andard size sp are tire can adjust the l oad floor t o two po sitions. The fr ont of the lo ad floor c an be pl aced [...]

  • Page 174

    ROOF R ACK S AND LOAD C ARRIERS W ARNING When l oading the roof r acks, we rec ommend you e venl y distribute the loa d, as w ell as maint ain a lo w cent er of gra vity . L oaded v ehicle s, with higher cent ers of gr avit y , may handl e differ entl y than unloa ded vehicl es. T ake extr a precautions, such a s slow er speeds and incre ased s top[...]

  • Page 175

    Make sur e to che ck that the thumb wheels are tight e ach time you add or r emov e load from the r oof rack, and periodicall y whil e tra veling. Make sur e that the l oad is secure bef ore tr av eling. LO AD LIMIT V ehicle Loading - with and without a Tr ailer This se ction will guide y ou in the proper l oading of your v ehicl e, trail er or bot[...]

  • Page 176

    authorize d-deal er installe d equipment on the v ehicle , y ou must subtr act the w eight of the equipment from the p ayl oad listed on the Tir e Label in or der to det ermine the new pa yl oad . W ARNING The appr opria te l oading capa city of y our vehicl e can be limite d either by v ol ume capa city (ho w much spac e is av ail abl e) or by pa [...]

  • Page 177

    Car go W eight - includes all weight a dded t o the Base C urb W eight, incl uding car go and optional equipment. W hen to wing, trail er tongue l oad or king pin weight is al so part of car go weight. G A W (Gross Axl e W eight) - is the tot al weight pl aced on e ach axl e (front and r ear) including vehicl e curb weight and all payl oad. G A WR [...]

  • Page 178

    Exampl e only: E198828 W ARNING Ex c eeding the Sa fety Complianc e Certifica tion Label v ehicl e weight r a ting limits coul d resul t in substandar d vehicl e handling or performanc e, engine, tr ansmission and/ or structur al damag e, serious damag e to the v ehicle, l oss of contr ol and personal injury . E143819 GCW GVW 175 Escape/Kug a (TM2)[...]

  • Page 179

    GCW ( Gross C ombined W eight) - is the Gross V ehicle W eight pl us the weight of the full y loa ded trail er . GCWR ( Gross C ombined W eight Rating) - is the ma ximum all ow abl e weight of the v ehicle and the l oaded tr ail er , incl uding all car g o and pass enger s, tha t the vehicl e can handl e without risking damag e. (Import ant: The t [...]

  • Page 180

    1. L oca t e the sta t ement "The combine d weight of oc cupants and car g o should ne v er ex ceed XXX kg or XXX lb ." on your vehicl e ’ s pl acard . 2. Det ermine the combine d weight of the driv er and pa ssenger s tha t will be riding in your v ehicle. 3. Subtrac t the combine d weight of the driver and pa ssengers from XXX k g or [...]

  • Page 181

    be: 635 kil ogr ams - (2 x 99 kil ograms) - (12 x 4 5 kil ograms) = 635 - 198 - 540 = -103 kil ogr ams. Y ou will need t o re duce the l oad weight b y at l ea st 2 40 pounds (104 kil ograms). If you r emo ve three 100-pound ( 45-kil ogr am) cement ba gs, then the lo ad cal cula tion woul d be: 1400 - (2 x 220) - ( 9 x 100) = 1 400 - 440 - 900 = 60[...]

  • Page 182

    TO WING A TRAILER W ARNINGS Do not ex ceed the G VWR or the G A WR specified on the certific a tion label. T owing tr ail ers be yond the maximum r ecommende d gross tr ailer w eight ex ceeds the limit of the vehicl e and coul d resul t in engine damage , transmission dama g e, struc tural damag e, l oss of vehicl e c ontrol, vehicl e roll ov er an[...]

  • Page 183

    RV & T rail er T owing Guide Online http:/ / www .flee t.for d.c om/ to wing-guides/ W ebsite TRAILER S W A Y C ONTROL (If Equipped) W ARNING T urning off tr ailer s wa y contr ol incre ases the risk of l oss of vehicle contr ol, serious injury or dea th. Ford does not rec ommend disabling this fea ture ex cept in situ ations wher e speed r edu[...]

  • Page 184

    Y our vehicl e may t ow a tr ailer pro vided the maximum tr ailer weight is l ess than or equal to the maximum tr ail er weight list ed for your v ehicle config ur ation on the f ollo wing chart. Maximum tr ailer weight 1 Maximum GCWR Po wertr ain 1500 lb (681 k g) 5351 lb (2 427 kg) 2.5L 2WD 2000 lb (90 7 kg) 5862 lb (265 9 kg) 1.6L G TDI 2WD 2000[...]

  • Page 185

    ESSENTIAL T OWING CHECK S Foll ow thes e guidelines f or saf e to wing: • Do not to w a trail er until you drive y our vehicle a t le as t 1000 mil es (1600 kil omet ers). • Consul t your l ocal mot or vehicl e la ws f or t owing a tr ailer . • See the ins tructions incl uded with to wing acc essories f or the proper inst alla tion and adjust[...]

  • Page 186

    6. Check that the tr ailer is l ev el or slightl y nose do wn to war d your vehicl e. If not, adjust the b all height ac cor dingl y and repe a t St eps 2-6. When the tr ail er is l ev el or slightl y nose do wn to war d the vehicle: • L ock the bar tension a djuster in pla ce . • Check tha t the trail er tongue secur el y a tta ches and l ocks[...]

  • Page 187

    Tr ailer Lamps W ARNING Nev er conne ct any tr ailer lamp wiring t o the vehicl e's tail l amp wiring; this may dama g e the el ectric al sy stem r esulting in fire . C ontac t your authoriz ed deal er as soon a s possibl e f or a ssistanc e in proper tr ail er t ow wiring install a tion. A dditional el ectric al equipment ma y be requir ed. T[...]

  • Page 188

    4. Pl ac e wheel chock s in front and back of the tr ail er wheels. (Chock s not included with vehicl e.) Launching or Retrieving a Boa t or Personal W atercr aft (PWC) Note: Disconnec t the wiring to the trail er before backing the tr ailer into the w a ter . Note: Rec onnec t the wiring to the trail er after remo ving the trail er from the w at e[...]

  • Page 189

    Braking and st eering eff orts are high if the engine is not running. Maintain incr ea sed stopping dist ances. TRANSPOR TING THE VEHICLE E143886 If you nee d to ha ve y our vehicl e tow ed, conta ct a prof essional towing servic e or , if you ar e a member of a roadside assist ance pr ogram, your r oadside assist ance servic e pro vider . W e reco[...]

  • Page 190

    W ARNING If your v ehicle ha s a steering wheel lock mak e sure the ignition is in the acc essory or on position when being to we d. Recr eational T owing Note: Put your clima te c ontrol s yst em in recirc ula te d air mode to pre vent exhaust fumes from ent ering the vehicl e. S ee Climate C ontrol (pag e 101). Follo w these guideline s if you ha[...]

  • Page 191

    BREAKING-IN Y ou need to bre ak in new tir es for appro xima tel y 300 miles ( 480 kilome ter s). During this time, y our vehicl e may e xhibit some unusual driving charac teristic s. Av oid driving too f ast during the first 1000 mile s (1600 kilome ter s). V ary your spee d frequentl y and change up through the ge ars earl y . Do not labor the en[...]

  • Page 192

    • T r ansmissions give their best fuel econom y when opera t ed in the top cruise ge ar and with ste ady pre ssure on the ga s pedal. • Four-wheel-drive oper ation (if equipped) is l ess fuel efficient than two-whe el-drive oper ation. • Clos e the window s for high-spee d driving. DRIVING THROU GH W A TER W ARNING Do not drive thr ough fl ow[...]

  • Page 193

    W ARNINGS Check a ttachment of fl oor mats on a reg ular ba sis. Al ways pr operl y reinstall and s ecure fl oor mats tha t hav e been remo ve d for cl eaning or repl acement. Al wa ys mak e sure tha t objects cannot f all into the driv er f oot well while the v ehicl e is moving. Obje cts that ar e l oose can bec ome trappe d under the pedals c au[...]

  • Page 194

    RO ADSIDE AS SIS T ANCE V ehicl es Sol d in the United S tat es: Getting R oadside Assistanc e T o fully a ssist you should y ou hav e a vehicl e conc ern, Ford Motor C ompany offer s a compliment ary roadside assist ance pr ogram. This pr ogram is separa te from the New V ehicl e Limite d W arranty . T he service is a vail abl e: • 24 hours a da[...]

  • Page 195

    Canadian r oadside co ver age and benefits may diff er from the U .S. c ov erage . If you requir e more inf orma tion, pl ea se ref er to the co ver ag e section of y our warr anty guide, c all us in Canada a t 1-800-665-2006, or visit our websit e a t www .ford .c a. S yke s Assistanc e Servic es Corpor a tion administ ers the R oadside Assist anc[...]

  • Page 196

    3. R emove y our foot fr om the brak e pedal and press the S T ART /S TOP button to s witch off the ignition. 4. Y ou can either att empt t o start the engine by pr essing the brak e pedal and the ST ART /S TOP button, or s witch on the ignition only b y pressing the ST ART /S TOP button without pressing the br ak e pedal. Both wa ys re-enabl e the[...]

  • Page 197

    4 2 1 3 E142664 1. Connec t the positive (+) jumper c able to the positiv e (+) terminal of the discharg ed ba tt ery . 2. Connec t the other end of the positive (+) cabl e to the po sitive (+) t erminal of the assisting ba ttery . 3. C onnect the neg a tive (-) c able t o the nega tive (-) terminal of the a ssisting bat tery . E152134 4. Make the [...]

  • Page 198

    4 1 3 2 E142665 1. R emov e the jumper cabl e from the ground met al surfa ce or c onnecting point, if av ail able . 2. R emov e the jumper cabl e on the nega tive (-) terminal of the boost er vehicl e's ba tt ery . 3. R emove the jumper c able fr om the positive (+) t erminal of the boost er vehicl e's ba tt ery . 4. R emov e the jumper [...]

  • Page 199

    GETTING THE SERVICE S Y OU NEED W arranty r epairs t o your v ehicl e must be performe d by an authoriz ed deal er . Whil e any authorize d deal er handling your v ehicl e line will pro vide warr anty servic e, w e rec ommend you r eturn t o your selling authorized de al er who wants t o ensure your c ontinued sa tisf action. Ple a se note tha t ce[...]

  • Page 200

    In order t o help us serve y ou bett er, ple a se hav e the foll owing informa tion av ailabl e when conta cting a Cust omer Rela tionship Cent er: • V ehicle Identifica tion Number . • Y our telephone number (home and business). • The name of the authoriz ed deal er and city where l ocat ed. • The v ehicl e ’ s current odomet er reading.[...]

  • Page 201

    THE BETTER BUSINES S BUREAU (BBB) A UTO LINE PROGR AM (U.S. ONL Y) Y our satisf action is important t o Ford Motor C ompany and t o your de aler . If a warr anty c oncern ha s not been re solv ed using the three-st ep procedure outline d earlier in this chapt er in the Getting the Servic es you ne ed section, you ma y be eligible t o participate in[...]

  • Page 202

    In the CAMV AP progr am, impartial third-party arbitr ator s conduct he arings a t mutuall y conv enient times and pl ace s in an informal en vironment. T hese impartial arbitra t ors re view the positions of the parties, mak e decisions and , when appropria te , render a war ds to r esol ve disputes. CAMV AP decisions ar e fa st, fair , and final [...]

  • Page 203

    FORD MO T OR COMP ANY Cust omer R ela tionship Cent er 1555 Fairl ane Drive Fairl ane Business Park #3 Allen P ark, Michigan 48101 U.S.A. Ford: 800044436 7 3 Lincoln: 8000444106 7 If calling from the U AE: 80004441066 If calling from the King dom of Saudi Arabia: 80084436 7 3 If calling from K uwait: 22280384 F AX: +971 4 3327266 Email: menaca c@fo[...]

  • Page 204

    If NHT S A rec eives simil ar compl aints, it may open an inv estig ation, and if it finds tha t a sa f ety def ect exist s in a group of vehicl es, it may or der a re call and remedy c ampaign. How ev er , NHT S A cannot bec ome invol v ed in individual probl ems betwe en you, your de al er , or For d Motor Compan y . T o conta ct NHT S A, y ou ma[...]

  • Page 205

    FUSE SPECIFIC A TION CHART Pre-Fuse Bo x The pr e-fuse bo x is in the engine compartment a tt ached to the po sitive bat tery post. This bo x contains sev eral high current fuse s. If you ne ed to r epla ce one of these high curr ent fuses, see an authorized de al er . Po wer Distribution Bo x W ARNINGS Al wa ys disc onnect the ba tt ery befor e se[...]

  • Page 206

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Anti-lock br ake syst em and electr onic stability pr ogram pump . 50A ** F7 Ele ctronic st ability progr am valv e. 30A ** F8 Not used. — F9 Hea ter bl ower mot or . 40A ** F10 Not used. — F11 Po wertrain c ontrol modul e rel ay . 30A ** F12 Start er rela y . 30A ** F13 R ear po wer w[...]

  • Page 207

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Hea te d mirror (l ess door contr ol unit). 15A * F30 Hea te d wiper park. Not used. — F31 V ehicle po wer . 15A * F32 V ehicle po wer 2. 10A * F33 V ehicle po wer 3. 10A * F34 V ehicle po wer 4 . 15A * F35 Ac tive grill shutt ers. 5A * F36 Occupant cl assifica tion sensor . 10A * F37 P [...]

  • Page 208

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Not used. — R5 Not used. — R6 Not used. — R7 Dela ye d acc essory r ela y . Po wer rela y R8 Not used. — R9 Start er rela y . Mini rel ay R10 Air conditioner cl utch. Micro r ela y R11 Cooling f an. P ow er rel ay R12 Hea ter bl ower . Mini rel ay R13 Engine contr ol rel ay . Mini [...]

  • Page 209

    E129926 Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Fuel pump supply , Air ma ss met er . 20A F56 Not used. — F5 7 Not used (spare). 5A F58 P assiv e anti-theft tr ansceiv er . 5A F59 Interior light. 10A F60 Driver door s witch pack. Glo ve bo x light. Overhe ad consol e switch bank. 206 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing [...]

  • Page 210

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Cigar light er . 20A F61 Po wer point. Rain sensor modul e. 5A F62 Aut o-dimming mirror . Not used (spare). 10A F63 Not used. — F64 Liftg at e rel ease. 10A F65 Driver door unl ock. 20A F66 S YNC. 7 .5A F6 7 Multifunc tion displa y . Global po sitioning syst em module. Not used. — F68 [...]

  • Page 211

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Radio fr equency r eceiv er . 5A F81 W asher pump . 20A F82 Centr al l ocking. 20A F83 Drive door unl ock. 20A F84 Ele ctronic 15 f eed. 7 .5A F85 Air bag modul e. 10A F86 Occupant cl assifica tion sys tem. P asseng er air bag de activ ation indic at or . Not used (spare). 15A F87 Suppl y [...]

  • Page 212

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Hands-free lift ga te entry module. 5A F1 K eyless v ehicle modul e. 10A F2 K eyless v ehicle door handl es. 5A F3 Door contr ol unit front l eft. 25A F4 Door contr ol unit front right. 25A F5 Door contr ol unit re ar left. 25A F6 Door contr ol unit re ar right. 25A F7 P asseng er sea t. 2[...]

  • Page 213

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Lugg age c ompartment power outl et. 20A F27 Not used. — F28 Blind spot det ection sy stem. 5A F29 R ear view c amera with park a ssist. P arking aid module . 5A F30 Not used. — F31 DC/ A C pow er con vert er . 5A F32 Not used. — F33 Not used. — F34 Not used. — F35 Not used. — [...]

  • Page 214

    CHANGING A FUSE Fuses W ARNING Y ou must replac e a f aile d fuse with one that ha s the specified amperag e ra ting. If y ou use a fuse with a higher ampera ge r ating, you ma y cause se ver e wire damag e and may start a fire. E142430 A fuse may f ail if electric al components in the vehicl e are not pr operl y working. A brok en wire inside the [...]

  • Page 215

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Hav e your v ehicl e serviced r egul arl y to help maintain its r oadworthine ss and resal e val ue. T here is a l arg e netw ork of authorized de al ers tha t are there t o help you with their pr ofe ssional servicing expertise . W e believe tha t their speciall y trained t echnicians are best qualified t o service y our vehi[...]

  • Page 216

    E142458 3. Mo ve the c at ch to the right to rel ease the hood. E87786 4. Open the hood and support it with the hood strut. Closing the Hood 1. R emov e the hood strut from the c at ch and secur e it corr ectl y in the clip. 2. Lo wer the hood and all ow it to dr op under its own w eight f or the la st 8-12 in (20-30 cm). Note: Make sure tha t the [...]

  • Page 217

    UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 1. 6L ECOBOO S T ™ C A B E D E157261 F H G Engine cool ant res ervoir A Engine oil filler c ap B Brak e fluid r eserv oir C Bat tery D Po wer distribution box E Air filt er assembly F Engine oil dipstick G Windshiel d wa sher fluid reserv oir cap H 214 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Maintenanc e I n f o r m a t [...]

  • Page 218

    UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 2. 0L ECOBOO S T ™ A B C D E F G H E146022 Engine cool ant res ervoir A Engine oil dipstick B Brak e fluid r eserv oir C Bat tery D Po wer distribution box E Air filt er assembly F Engine oil filler c ap G Windshiel d wa sher fluid reserv oir H 215 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Maintenanc e I n f o r m a t i o [...]

  • Page 219

    UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 2.5L A B C E F G D H E146023 Windshiel d wa sher fluid reserv oir A Engine cool ant res ervoir B Engine oil filler c ap C Engine oil dipstick D Brak e fluid r eserv oir E Bat tery F Po wer distribution box G Air filt er assembly H 216 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Maintenanc e I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e [...]

  • Page 220

    ENGINE OIL DIPS TICK - 1.6L EC OBOOS T ™ E188072 A B Minimum. A Maximum. B ENGINE OIL DIPS TICK - 2.0L EC OBOOS T ™ /2.5L A B E169062 Minimum. A Maximum. B ENGINE OIL CHECK 1. Make sur e that y our vehicle is on l ev el ground . 2. Check the oil l evel be for e starting the engine, or s witch the engine off and wait 15 minut es f or the oil to [...]

  • Page 221

    Only us e oils certifie d for g asoline engine s by the Americ an Pe trol eum Institut e (API). An oil with this trademark s ymbol conf orms to the c urrent engine and emission sys tem pr otec tion standards and fuel econom y requir ements of the Interna tional Lubric ants Specific ation Advisory C ouncil (ILSA C), comprised of U.S. and Japanese au[...]

  • Page 222

    Note: Coolant e xpands when it is hot. The le vel may ex tend be yond the MAX mark. Note: If the le vel is a t the MIN mark, bel ow the MIN mark, or empty , add c ool ant immedia tel y . See A dding Engine Coolant in this chapter . The c oolant c oncentr ation should be maintained within 48% t o 50%, which equa tes t o a fre eze point bet ween -30?[...]

  • Page 223

    Sev ere Climat es If you driv e in ex tremel y col d climates: • It may be nec essary t o hav e a Ford authorized de al er increa se the coolant conc entra tion above 50%. • A cool ant conc entra tion of 60% will pro vide impro ved fr eez e point prot ection. Engine c ool ant conc entra tions above 60% will decre ase the o verheat pr ote ction [...]

  • Page 224

    Y ou have limit ed engine pow er when in the fail-s af e mode, s o drive y our vehicl e with caution. Y our vehicl e will not be able to maintain high-speed oper a tion and the engine will run rough. R emember that the engine is capabl e of compl etel y shutting down aut oma ticall y to pr ev ent engine damag e, ther efor e: 1. Pull off the r oad a[...]

  • Page 225

    FUEL FIL TER Y our vehicle is equippe d with a life time fuel filt er that is integr a ted with the fuel tank. R egular maint enance or r epla cement is not needed . CHANGING THE 12V BA TTER Y W ARNINGS Bat teries normall y produce e xplosiv e ga ses which c an cause pers onal injury . There for e, do not all ow flames, sparks or light ed subst anc[...]

  • Page 226

    Because y our vehicle ’ s engine is ele ctronic all y-contr olled b y a computer , some engine contr ol setting s are maintained b y pow er from the l ow v oltag e bat tery . Some engine c omputer settings, like the idl e trim and fuel trim strat egy , optimize the driv eability and perf ormance of the engine. S ome other comput er setting s, lik[...]

  • Page 227

    E129990 1 1 2 1. Pr ess the l ocking buttons t oge ther . 2. R emov e the wiper blade . 3. Inst all in the rev erse or der . Note: Make sure tha t the wiper bl ade lock s into pl ac e. L o wer the wiper arm and bl ade back to the windshiel d. The wiper arms will automa tically re turn to their normal position when you s witch the ignition on. Rear [...]

  • Page 228

    Note: T o see a cle arer light pa ttern f or adjusting, y ou may w ant to bl ock the light from one hea dlamp whil e adjusting the other . 3. T urn on the lo w beam hea dlamps t o illumina te the w all or scre en and open the hood. E142465 4. On the wall or scr een you will obs erve a fla t zone of high int ensity light loc a ted a t the t op of th[...]

  • Page 229

    4. Ther e is a distinct cut-off ( change fr om light to dark) in the l eft portion of the beam pa tt ern. The t op edge of this cut-off shoul d be positioned tw o inches (5 centime ter s) belo w the horizontal r ef erenc e line. E142467 5. Loca te the v ertical adjust er on each headl amp. Using a Phillips #2 scre wdriv er , turn the adjuster eithe[...]

  • Page 230

    Repla cing Headlamp Bulbs W ARNING Handle a hal ogen headl amp bulb car efull y and keep out of chil dren ’ s re ach. Gr asp the bulb b y onl y its pla stic ba se and do not touch the gl ass. The oil fr om your hand c ould c ause the bulb to br eak the ne xt time the hea dlamps are oper at ed. Note: If the bulb is accidentall y touched, it should[...]

  • Page 231

    Install the new bulbs in r ev erse or der from the steps abo ve . Be sure tha t the spring clip is not damag ed or deta ched from the headl amp a ssembly during the repl acement pr oce dure. Repla cing HID Headlamp Bulbs (If Equipped) The l ow beam headl amps on your vehicl e use a high intensit y discharg e sourc e. These l amps operat e a t a hig[...]

  • Page 232

    E142799 2. R emov e the bulb holder fr om the lamp assembl y by turning it count ercl ockwise. 3. Disc onnect the el ectrical conne ctor . 4. R emov e the bulb from the bulb hol der by pulling it str aight out. Install the new bulbs in r ev erse or der from the steps abo ve . Repla cing T ail, Brak e and Turn Signal Bulbs 2 3 E142473 1. Make sur e [...]

  • Page 233

    Repla cing License Pla te Lamp Bulb 3 2 1 E72789 1. Care fully r el ea se the spring clip. 2. R emov e the lamp . 3. R emove the bulb . R ever se st eps to r einstall bulb . Repla cing High-Mount Brak e Lamp Bulb Y our vehicle is equippe d with an LED cent er high-mount stop l amp loca te d in the spoiler . It is designe d to l ast the lif e of the[...]

  • Page 234

    Tra de number Function LED * High-mount brak e l amp LED * Interior l amps * T o repl ace the se lamps - se e your authoriz ed deal er. T o repl ace all instrument p anel lights - see y our authorized de aler 231 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Maintenanc e I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[...]

  • Page 235

    CHANGING THE ENGINE AIR FIL TER W ARNING T o reduc e the risk of vehicl e damage and personal burn injuries do not start y our engine with the air cle aner remo ved and do not r emov e it whil e the engine is running. When changing the air fil ter el ement, use only the air fil ter element list ed. Se e Capacities and Specifica tions (pag e 268). F[...]

  • Page 236

    Note: Make sure y ou align the tab in the air filt er el ement with the fork in the air cl eaner assembl y tray . 5. Install the air cleaner a ssembly lid and tighten the f our f ast eners. 2.5L Engine E14271 1 1. Detach the 2 clip s that sec ure the air filt er cover t o the housing. 2. Care fully r emov e the air fil ter c ov er from the housing.[...]

  • Page 237

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Y our Ford or Lincoln authoriz ed deal er ha s many quality pr oducts a vail abl e to cl ean your v ehicle and pr ot ect its finishes. CLEANING PRODU CT S For best re sults, use the foll owing product s or product s of equival ent quality: • Motor cra ft Bug and T ar Remov er (Z C-42) • Motor cra ft Custom Bright Metal Cle[...]

  • Page 238

    Note: Never use abr asiv e mat erials, for exampl e steel wool or pl a stic pads a s they can scr at ch the chrome surf ac e. Note: Do not use chrome cl eaner , metal cle aner or polish on wheels or wheel c overs. Ext erior Plas tic Parts For routine cl eaning w e rec ommend Motor cra ft Detail W ash. If tar or gr ea se spots are pr esent, w e rec [...]

  • Page 239

    • Nev er wa sh or rinse any ignition c oil, spark plu g wire or spark pl ug well, or the are a in and around these l ocations. • Co ver the ba ttery , pow er distribution box, and air filt er assembly t o prevent wa ter dama ge when cl eaning the engine. CLEANING THE WINDOW S AND WIPER BLADES Car wa sh chemicals and environment al fall out can [...]

  • Page 240

    CLEANING THE INS TRUMENT P ANEL AND INSTRUMENT CLUS TER LENS W ARNING Do not use chemical sol vents or strong det ergents when cl eaning the ste ering wheel or instrument panel to a void c ontamina tion of the airbag sys tem. Note: Follo w the same proc edure a s cle aning l ea ther sea ts f or cle aning le ather instrument panels and l ea ther int[...]

  • Page 241

    Y ou should: • R emov e dust and loo se dirt with a vacuum cl eaner . • Cle an and tre at spill s and stains a s soon as possibl e. Do not use the foll owing products a s these may dama ge the l ea ther: • Oil and petrol eum or silicone-base d le ather c onditioners. • Household cl eaners. • Alc ohol solutions. • Sol vent s or cle aners[...]

  • Page 242

    General • St ore all v ehicl es in a dry , ventil at ed plac e. • Pr otec t from sunlight, if possibl e. • If vehicl es ar e stor ed outside, they requir e reg ular maint enance t o protect agains t rust and damag e. Body • W ash y our vehicl e thorou ghly t o remo ve dirt, gr ea se, oil, tar or mud from ext erior surface s, re ar-wheel hou[...]

  • Page 243

    Miscellaneous • Make sur e all linkag es, c abl es, l ev ers and pins under your v ehicle ar e co vered with gre ase t o pre vent rust. • Mov e vehicl es at le a st 25 ft (7 .5 m) ev ery 15 day s to l ubrica te w orking parts and prev ent corrosion. Remo ving V ehicl e From S tor ag e When your v ehicle is rea dy to c ome out of stor ag e, do t[...]

  • Page 244

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Use onl y appro ved wheel and tir e size s, using other sizes c oul d damage y our vehicl e. If y ou change the diameter of the tires fr om that fit ted a t the fact ory , the speedomet er may not displ ay the corre ct speed . T ake y our vehicl e to an authorized Ford de aler t o hav e the sy stem repr ogrammed . If y ou inte[...]

  • Page 245

    Utility vehicl es and trucks handl e differ entl y than passeng er car s in the various driving c onditions that ar e encount ered on s treet s, highw ay s and off-road . Utility v ehicles and trucks ar e not designed f or cornering a t speeds a s high as pa ssenger cars an y more than l ow-sl ung sports car s are designed t o perform sa tisfac tor[...]

  • Page 246

    E145299 • Higher - to all ow higher load c arrying capacit y and to all ow it to tr av el ov er rough t errain without get ting hung up or damaging underbody c omponents. • Shorter - t o give it the c apability t o approach incline s and drive o ver the crest of a hill without g etting hung up or damaging underbody c omponents. All other things[...]

  • Page 247

    TIRE C ARE Information About Unif orm Tire Quality Gr ading E142542 Tir e Quality Gr ades apply t o new pneuma tic pass enger c ar tire s. The Qualit y gr ades c an be found where applic abl e on the tire sidew all betw een tr ea d shoulder and maximum sec tion width. For ex ampl e: Treadw ear 200 Tr action AA T emperature A . The se Tir e Quality [...]

  • Page 248

    The tr action gra des, fr om highest to l ow est are AA, A, B, and C . T he gra des repr esent the tire ’ s ability to s top on w et pa vement as mea sured under contr oll ed conditions on spe cified go vernment te st surf ace s of asphal t and concr et e. A tir e mark ed C may ha ve poor tra ction perf ormance. T emper ature A B C W ARNING The t[...]

  • Page 249

    * kPa: Kil opasc al, a metric unit of air pressur e. * PSI: P ounds per square inch, a standar d unit of air pressur e. * Col d tire pressure: T he tire pressur e when the vehicle ha s been sta tionary and out of direct sunlight for an hour or mor e and prior to the v ehicle being driv en for 1 mi (1.6 km). * Rec ommended inflation pressure: T he c[...]

  • Page 250

    A. P: Indic at es a tire, de signat ed by the T ire and Rim Associa tion, tha t may be used f or service on car s, sport utility v ehicl es, minivans and light truck s. Not e: If your tir e size doe s not begin with a l ett er this may mean it is designa te d by either the Eur opean Tir e and Rim T echnical Org aniza tion or the Japan Tire Manuf ac[...]

  • Page 251

    Speed ra ting Lett er ra ting 168 mph (270 km/h) W 186 mph (299 km/h) Y Note: For tires with a maximum speed c apability o ver 149 mph (2 40 km/h), tire manuf acturer s sometime s use the l ett ers ZR. For those with a maximum spee d capabilit y o ver 186 mph (299 km/h), tire manuf acturer s al wa ys use the l et ter s ZR. H. U .S. DO T Tire Identi[...]

  • Page 252

    * Tr action: T he tr action gr ades, from highes t to l owe st are AA, A, B, and C. The gr ades repre sent the tire's abilit y to st op on wet pav ement as mea sured under contr oll ed c onditions on specified go vernment te st surf ace s of asphal t and concr et e. A tir e marke d C may ha ve poor tra ction performanc e. * T emper ature: T he[...]

  • Page 253

    C. Ma ximum Load Dual lb (kg) at psi (kP a) col d: Indicat es the maximum l oad and tir e pre ssure when the tire is use d as a dual, defined a s four tire s on the re ar axl e (a t otal of six or mor e tires on the vehicl e). D . Maximum Load Singl e lb (kg) at psi (kP a) cold: Indic a te s the maximum l oad and tir e pressur e when the tire is us[...]

  • Page 254

    C. 80: Indic a te s the aspe ct r a tio which give s the tire's r a tio of height to width. Numbers of 70 or l ow er indica te a short sidew all. D . D: Indic at es a diagonal t ype tire . R: Indica tes a r adial type tir e. E. 16: Indic at es the wheel or rim diamet er in inches. If y ou chang e your whe el size, you will ha ve to purcha se n[...]

  • Page 255

    Al wa ys infl at e your tir es t o the Ford r ec ommended infl a tion pressur e even if it is l ess than the maximum infl a tion pressur e inf ormation f ound on the tire. Y ou will find a Tir e Label c ontaining the Ford r ec ommended tire infla tion pressure b y the tire size and other important inf orma tion l oca t ed on the B-Pill ar or the ed[...]

  • Page 256

    When the tir e tre ad w ears do wn to the s ame height as the se we ar bars, the tire is w orn out and must be repl aced . Damag e P eriodicall y inspect the tire tr ea ds and sidew alls f or damag e (such as bul ges in the tre ad or sidewalls, cra cks in the tr ea d groo v e and separ ation in the tr ead or sidew all). If damag e is observed or su[...]

  • Page 257

    This be gins with the l ett ers DO T and indica tes tha t the tire mee ts all f ederal s tandar ds. T he nex t tw o numbers or l etter s are the plant c ode designating wher e it wa s manufactur ed, the ne xt tw o are the tir e size c ode and the las t four number s repr esent the week and ye ar the tire w a s buil t. For ex ampl e, the number s 31[...]

  • Page 258

    W ARNINGS 1. Mak e sure tha t you hav e the corr ect tir e and wheel size. 2. Lubric a te the tir e bea d and wheel bea d sea t area ag ain. 3. S tand a t a minimum of 12 f eet (3.66 me ter s) aw ay from the wheel and tire a ssembly . 4. Use both ey e and ear prot ection. For a mounting pressur e more than 20 psi (1.38 bar) gre a ter than the maxim[...]

  • Page 259

    Highwa y Hazards No ma tt er how c are full y you driv e, there is al way s the possibility tha t you ma y eventuall y have a fl at tire on the highw ay . Driv e slo wl y to the cl osest sa fe are a out of tr a ffic. This ma y further damage the fl a t tire , but y our sa fe ty is mor e important. If you f eel a sudden vibra tion or ride disturbanc[...]

  • Page 260

    R ota ting your tires a t the rec ommended interval (a s indica ted in the Sche dul ed Maintenanc e chapter) will help your tir es w ear mor e ev enl y , pro viding bet ter tir e perf ormance and l onger tir e lif e. S ometimes irre gul ar tire w ear c an be corr ect ed by r ota ting the tire s. Front-wheel drive v ehicles E142547 4-wheel drive v e[...]

  • Page 261

    • If possible , a void full y l oading your vehicl e • Pur chase chains or c able s from a manufa cturer tha t clearl y label s body to tir e dimension restric tions. • Use 10 mm cabl es or chains onl y on front axl e with 235/55R17 tires. • Not all S-cla ss snow chains or c abl es meet these r estrictions. Chains of this size r estriction [...]

  • Page 262

    Ple a se note tha t the TPMS is not a substitute f or proper tire maintenanc e, and it is the driver ’ s r esponsibility t o maintain corr ect tir e pressur e, e ven if under-infl ation has not r eache d the le vel t o trigger illumina tion of the TPMS l ow tir e pressur e tell tale. Y our vehicle ha s also been e quipped with a TPMS malfunction [...]

  • Page 263

    When Y our T emporary Spare Tir e is Install ed When one of your r oad tir es needs t o be repl ace d with the tempor ary spare , the sys tem will c ontinue to identify an issue t o remind y ou that the dama ged r oad wheel and tire a ssembl y needs t o be repair ed and put back on your v ehicle. T o rest ore the full func tion of the tire pressur [...]

  • Page 264

    Cust omer action re quired Possibl e cause Low tire pressure warning light Make sur e tires ar e a t the proper pre s- sure. See Infl a ting your tir es in this chapter . A fter infl ating y our tires to the manufa cturer ’ s rec ommended pre ssure as sho wn on the Tir e Label (l oca t ed on the edge of driv er ’ s door or the B-Pill ar), the v[...]

  • Page 265

    How T empera ture A ffects Y our Tire Pressure The tir e pressur e monitoring s yst em monitor s tire pr essure in e ach pneumatic tire. Whil e driving in a normal manner , a typical pa ssenger tire infl ation pr essure may incr ea se about 2 to 4 psi (1 4 to 28 kP a) from a c old st art situation. If the vehicl e is sta tionary overnight with the [...]

  • Page 266

    1. T-type mini-spare: T his spare tire begins with the l ett er T for tir e size and may ha ve T emporary Use Onl y molded in the sidewall. 2. Full-size dissimilar spare with l abel on wheel: This spar e tire ha s a label on the wheel tha t sta tes: THIS WHEEL AND TIRE AS SEMBL Y FOR TEMP ORAR Y USE ONL Y . When driving with one of the dissimil ar [...]

  • Page 267

    W ARNINGS Nev er get underne ath a v ehicl e that is supported onl y by a jack. If the vehicl e slips off the jack, you or someone else c oul d be seriously injur ed . Do not at tempt t o change a tir e on the side of the vehicl e cl ose to moving tr affic. Pull f ar enough off the road t o avoid the danger of being hit when opera ting the jack or [...]

  • Page 268

    E162190 10. Remo ve the l ug nuts with the l ug wrench. Note: If equipped with full wheel co vers with exposed whe el nuts, remo ve the wheel nuts prior to r emoving the whe el co ver or damag e to the wheel c ov er may oc cur . 11. R eplac e the fl at tir e with the spare tire, making sure the v alv e st em is fa cing outwar d. R einstall the lu g[...]

  • Page 269

    5. W eav e the retainer str ap through the wheel openings. 6. L ocat e the front car go tie-do wn at the opposite c orner of the car go ar ea t o the tie-down used in S tep 4. T hre ad the ret ainer strap thr ough the tie-do wn and pull tight. 7 . Secur e by t ying a 2-half hit ch knot. E143746 TECHNIC AL SPECIFICA TIONS Wheel Lug Nut T orque Speci[...]

  • Page 270

    E145950 Wheel pil ot bore A Inspect the wheel pil ot bore and mounting surfa ce prior t o install ation. R emov e any visibl e corr osion or loo se particle s. 26 7 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Wheels and Tir es I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[...]

  • Page 271

    ENGINE SPECIFIC A TIONS - 1. 6L EC OBOOS T ™ 1.6L Ec oBoost Engine Engine Component 98 Cubic inches Minimum 87 octane R equired fuel 10. 0:1 Compression r atio 0. 027 - 0. 031 in. (0. 70 - 0.80 mm) Spark pl ug gap Drivebel t Routing 1.6L Ec oboost engine E161372 ENGINE SPECIFIC A TIONS - 2. 0L EC OBOOS T ™ 2.0L Ec oBoost Engine Engine Component[...]

  • Page 272

    Drivebel t Routing E161383 A B The l ong drivebelt is on the firs t pulle y groo ve cl osest to the engine. A. The short driv ebelt is on the second pull ey groov e f arthest from engine. B. ENGINE SPECIFIC A TIONS - 2.5L 2.5L Engine Engine Component 152 C ubic inches Minimum 87 octane R equired fuel 9 .7:1 Compression r a tio 0. 049 - 0 .053 in. ([...]

  • Page 273

    Drivebel t Routing E161383 A B The l ong drivebelt is on the firs t pulle y groo ve cl osest to the engine. A. The short driv ebelt is on the second pull ey groov e f arthest from the engine. B. MOTOR CRAFT P ART S - 1.6L EC OBOOS T ™ 1.6L Ec oBoost Engine Component F A-1908 Air filt er element FL-910-S Oil filt er BXT-96R-5 90 Bat tery SP-532 Sp[...]

  • Page 274

    MOTOR CRAFT P ART S - 2.0L EC OBOOS T ™ 2.0L Ec oBoost Engine Component F A-1908 Air filt er element FL-910-S Oil filt er BXT-96R-5 90 Bat tery SP-537 Spark plugs FP-70 Cabin air fil ter WW-2750 (driv er side) Windshiel d wiper bl ade WW-2705 (pa ssenger side) WW-1106 (re ar window) W e recommend Mot orcra ft repl acement part s av ailabl e at yo[...]

  • Page 275

    MOTOR CRAFT P ART S - 2.5L 2.5L Engine Component F A-1910 Air fil ter el ement FL-910-S Oil filt er BXT-96R-5 90 Bat tery SP-530 Spark pl ugs FP-70 Cabin air fil ter WW-2750 (driv er side) Windshiel d wiper bl ade WW-2705 (pa ssenger side) WW-1106 (re ar window) W e recommend Mot orcra ft repl acement part s av ailabl e at your Ford de al er or at [...]

  • Page 276

    VEHICLE IDENTIFIC A TION NUMBER The v ehicl e identifica tion number is loc a ted on the l eft-hand side of the instrument panel. E142476 Ple a se note tha t in the graphic, XXXX is repr esenta tive of y our vehicl e identification number . The V ehicl e Identifica tion Number cont ains the foll owing informa tion: E142477 W orld manuf actur er ide[...]

  • Page 277

    VEHICLE CERTIFIC A TION LABEL E167469 The Na tional Highw ay T raffic S af ety Administr ation R egul ations r equire tha t a Sa fet y Complianc e Certific ation L abel be affix ed to a vehicl e and prescribe where the Sa fet y Complianc e Certific ation L abel may be l oca ted. T he Safe ty Complianc e Certific ation L abel shall be affix ed to ei[...]

  • Page 278

    C AP ACITIES AND SPE CIFIC A TIONS - 1.6L EC OBOOS T ™ Capacities W ARNING The air c onditioning refrig er ant syst em contains refrig er ant R-134a under high pressur e. Onl y qualified personnel should servic e the air conditioning refrig erant sys tem. Opening the air c onditioning re friger ant sys tem c an cause per sonal injury . Capacity I[...]

  • Page 279

    Specification Name MX O-5W20-QSP W SS-M2C945-A Optional motor oil (U .S. and Me xico ): Motor cra ft SAE 5W-20 Full S ynthetic Motor Oil X O-5W20-QFS W SS-M2C945-A Optional motor oil ( Canada): Motor cra ft SAE 5W-20 S ynthetic Motor Oil CX O-5W20-LFS12 W SS-M97B44-D2 Engine cool ant (U.S . and Mexic o): Motor cra ft Orange Antifre eze/ Coolant P r[...]

  • Page 280

    Specification Name CX T-10-L V12 W SS-M14P19-A W indshiel d wa sher fluid (U .S. and Me xico ): Motor cra ft Premium Windshiel d W ash C oncentra te with Bitt erant Z C-32-B2 W SS-M14P19-A W indshiel d wa sher fluid ( Canada): Motor cra ft Premium Quality W indshield W a sher Fluid CX C-37-(A, B, D , F) W SH-M17B19-A A/C r efrig erant (U .S.): Moto[...]

  • Page 281

    If you use oil and fl uids that do not me et the defined specific ation and visc osity grade , this ma y le ad t o: • Component dama ge which is not co ver ed by the v ehicle warr anty . • Long er engine cr anking periods. • Incre ased emission l evels. • R educe d engine performanc e. • R educe d fuel economy . • Degra ded br ake perf [...]

  • Page 282

    Capacity Item 5. 7 qt (5. 4 L) Engine oil 9 .7 qt (9 .2 L) Engine cool ant Betw een MIN/MAX on br ake fl uid reservoir Brak e fluid 2. 4 pt (1.15L) R ear diff erential fl uid 17 .9 fl o z (0 .53 L) Po wer T ransf er Unit (PTU) fluid 9 .0 qt (8.5 L) * Aut omatic tr ansmission fluid Fill as r equire d Windshiel d wa sher fluid 15.5 gal (58. 7 L) Fuel[...]

  • Page 283

    Specification Name W SS-M97B44-D2 Engine cool ant (U.S . and Mexic o): Motor cra ft Orange Antifre eze/ Coolant P redil uted VC-3DIL-B W SS-M97B44-D2 Engine cool ant (C anada): Motor cra ft Orange Antifre eze/ Coolant P redil uted CV C-3DIL-B W SS-M6C65-A2 Brake fl uid: Motor cra ft DOT 4 L ow V iscosity (L V) High Perf ormance Motor V ehicl e Brak[...]

  • Page 284

    Specification Name W SH-M17B19-A A/C r efrig erant (U .S.): Motor cra ft R-134a Refrig erant YN-19 W SH-M17B19-A A/C r efrig erant ( Canada): Motor cra ft R-134a Refrig erant CYN-16-R W SH-M17B19-A A/C r efrig erant (Me xico ): Motor cra ft R-134a Refrig erant MYN-19 W SH-M1C231-B A/C refrig erant compre ssor oil: Motor cra ft P AG R efrigerant C o[...]

  • Page 285

    E142732 An oil that displ ay s this symbol c onforms to curr ent engine, emission s yst em and fuel econom y performanc e standar ds of the Interna tional Lubric ants Specific ation Advisory C ouncil (ILSA C). Do not use supplement al engine oil additive s because the y are unnec essary and coul d l ead t o engine damag e that ma y not be co ver ed[...]

  • Page 286

    Capacity Item 24 o z (0 .68 kg) A/C r efrig erant 4.5 fl o z (133 ml) A/C re friger ant compr essor oil * Appro xima te dry fill c apacity . A ctual amount may v ary during fluid chang es. Specifications Material s Specification Name W SS-M2C945-A R ecommende d motor oil (U .S.): Motor cra ft SAE 5W-20 Pr emium S ynthetic Bl end Motor Oil X O-5W20-[...]

  • Page 287

    Specification Name XT-10-QL VC W SS-M2C938-A Aut omatic tr ansmission fluid ( Canada): MERC ON L V Motorcr aft MER CON L V Automatic T ransmission Fl uid CX T-10-L V12 W SS-M14P19-A W indshiel d wa sher fluid (U .S. and Me xico ): Motor cra ft Premium Windshiel d W ash C oncentra te with Bitt erant Z C-32-B2 W SS-M14P19-A W indshiel d wa sher fluid[...]

  • Page 288

    If you use oil and fl uids that do not me et the defined specific ation and visc osity grade , this ma y le ad t o: • Component dama ge which is not co ver ed by the v ehicle warr anty . • Long er engine cr anking periods. • Incre ased emission l evels. • R educe d engine performanc e. • R educe d fuel economy . • Degra ded br ake perf [...]

  • Page 289

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Radio Frequencies and R eception Fac tors AM and FM frequencies ar e est ablished by the Federal C ommunications Commission (FC C) and the Canadian Ra dio and T elec ommunications C ommission (CR T C). Those fr equencies ar e: • AM: 530, 540-1 700 , 1710 kHz • FM: 87 . 9-107 . 7 , 10 7 .9 MHz Radio Rec eption Fac tors The [...]

  • Page 290

    • MP3 fol der mode represents a f older structure c onsisting of one lev el of fol ders. The CD pl ay er numbers all MP3 track s on the disc (noted by the .mp3 file e xt ension) and all fol ders containing MP3 fil es, from F001 (fol der) T001 (track) to F253 T255. • Cre ating dis cs with onl y one le vel of fol ders helps with naviga tion throu[...]

  • Page 291

    E172881 Eject: Pr ess t o eject a CD . A Cursor arr ow s: Press t o scroll thr ough on-scre en audio sys tem choic es, menus or other on-screen func tions. B CD slot: Insert a CD . C OK: Pr ess to c onfirm menu sel ections. D Clock: P ress t o set the time. Use the cursor arr ow s to s et the hours and minut es. Pr ess OK to c onfirm the time. Y ou[...]

  • Page 292

    Seek forwar d: Pr ess and rel ea se the right side of the c ontrol t o go t o the nex t prese t radio s ta tion or disc track. Pr ess and hol d this side of the contr ol to f a st forw ard t o the nex t strong r adio sta tion, memory preset or thr ough the curr ent disc tra ck. H ON/OFF : Pr ess to s witch the s yst em on and off. T urn t o adjust [...]

  • Page 293

    A B D C E F G H I J H K L M N O E162867 Eject: Pr ess this butt on to eje ct a CD . A Cursor arr ow s: Press these but tons t o scroll thr ough on-scr een audio sy stem choices. B OK: Pr ess this butt on to c onfirm menu sel ections. C INFO: Pr ess this butt on to a cc ess any a vail abl e radio or CD inf ormation. D TUNE: Pr ess these butt ons to [...]

  • Page 294

    ON/OFF /V olume: Press this but ton t o swit ch the sy stem off and on. Adjust the contr ol to adjus t the vol ume. J MENU: Pr ess this butt on to ac ce ss differ ent audio sy stem f eature s. Se e Menu Structur e la ter in this section. K SOUND: P ress this but ton t o acc ess settings f or T rebl e, Middle , Ba ss, F ade and Balanc e. Use the up [...]

  • Page 295

    A B D C E F G H J K H L M N O P I E162869 Eject: Pr ess this butt on to eje ct a CD . A Cursor arr ow s: Press these but tons t o scroll thr ough on-scr een audio sy stem choices. B OK: Pr ess this butt on to c onfirm menu sel ections. C INFO: Pr ess this butt on to a cc ess any a vail abl e radio or CD inf ormation. D TUNE - and TUNE +: Pr ess the[...]

  • Page 296

    Sound: Pr ess this butt on to a cc ess set tings for T rebl e, Middl e, Bass, F ade and Balanc e. Use the up and do wn arro w butt ons to sel ect the various set tings. When you mak e your sele ction, pr ess the le ft and right arro w butt ons to chang e the setting s. Pr ess OK to s et or press MENU t o exit. Sound set tings can be s et for e ach [...]

  • Page 297

    E143843 TUNE: Pr ess this butt on to manuall y search throu gh the radio fr equency band . A ON/OFF and V OL: Press this butt on to switch the a udio syst em off and on. T urn t o adjust the vol ume. B Eject: Pr ess this butt on to eje ct a CD . C SEEK: Pr ess this butt on to g o to the ne xt st ation up or do wn the ra dio frequency band or the ne[...]

  • Page 298

    AUDIO UNIT - VEHICLE S WITH: SONY AM/FM/ CD W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an resul t in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cr ash and injury . W e strongly r ecommend tha t you use e xtr eme caution when using any devic e that ma y tak e your f ocus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the s af e opera tion of your v ehicle. W e rec ommend[...]

  • Page 299

    Seek, R ev erse and Fa st Forward: In r adio mode, sele ct a fre quency band and press thes e buttons. The s yst em stops a t the first station it finds in tha t direc tion. In SIRIUS mode, press thes e buttons t o select the pr evious or nex t channel. If a specific c at eg ory is sele cte d (such as Jazz, R ock or News), use these butt ons to fin[...]

  • Page 300

    SIRIUS Sel ect f or a brief sampling of all avail abl e channels. Sc an Sel ect t o view y our sa tellit e ra dio ele ctronic serial number (ESN). Y ou will need this number when c ommunica ting with Sirius to ac tiva te , modify or tr ack your a cc ount. Show E SN Sel ect t o view a vail abl e sat ellite radio channel s. Pr ess OK to open a list o[...]

  • Page 301

    CD Setting s Sel ect t o scan all disc s ele ctions. Sc an All Sel ect t o scan all music in the c urrent MP3 f older . Sc an Folder Sel ect t o bring soft and l oud pass ag es tog ether f or a more consist ent list ening le vel. CD Compr ession Clock S ettings Sel ect t o set the time . Set T ime Sel ect t o set the c alendar da te. S et Da te Sel[...]

  • Page 302

    The mul tica st indicat or appears in FM mode (onl y) if the current sta tion is broadc a sting multipl e digital broadca sts. The highlight ed numbers signify a vail abl e digital channels wher e new or diff erent cont ent is av ailabl e. HD1 signifies the main progr amming sta tus and is av ailabl e in analog and digit al broadc a sts. Other mult[...]

  • Page 303

    In order t o pro vide the best possibl e experienc e, use the c ontac t form t o report any sta tion issues found while lis tening t o a sta tion broadc a sting with HD Radio technol ogy . Independent entities own and opera t e each st ation. T hese stations ar e responsibl e for ensuring all audio stre ams and dat a fields ar e ac cura te. Potenti[...]

  • Page 304

    HD Radio T echnology manuf actured under license fr om iBiquity Digital C orp. U.S. and for eign pa tents. HD Radio and the HD and HD Radio l ogos are proprie tary tr ademarks of iBiquity Digital C orp. Ford Mot or Compan y and iBiquity Digital C orp. ar e not responsibl e for the cont ent sent using HD Radio t echnol ogy . Cont ent may be changed [...]

  • Page 305

    SIRIUS sa tellit e r adio is a subscription-ba sed sa tellit e ra dio service that br oadc asts a v ariety of music, sports, news, we ather , tr affic and ent ertainment progr amming. Y our fac tory-inst alled SIRIUS sa tellit e r adio sy stem incl udes hardw are and a limit ed subscription t erm, which begins on the da te of sal e or lea se of you[...]

  • Page 306

    Action C ondition Messag e Conta ct SIRIUS a t 1-888- 539-7 4 7 4 to r esol ve subscription issues. Y our satellit e service is no long er av ail able . Questions ? Call 1-888-539-7 4 7 4 Use the channel guide t o turn off the Lock or Skip function on tha t sta tion. All the channels in the sele ct ed ca te gory ar e either skipped or l ocked . Non[...]

  • Page 307

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION E198355 S YNC is an in-vehicl e communica tions sys tem tha t work s with your Bluet ooth-enabled cell ul ar phone and portabl e media pl ay er . This all ow s you t o: • Make and r ec eive call s. • Ac ce ss and pla y music from y our portabl e music pla yer . • Use 911 Assist and applica tions, such as P andora and Sti[...]

  • Page 308

    Sunda y , 10:30am-7:30pm ES T . In the United S tate s, call 1-800-39 2-3673. In Canada, c all 1-800-565-36 7 3. Times ar e subject t o change due t o holiday s. S YNC Owner Ac count Why do I nee d a S YNC owner ac count ? • Essential for k eeping up with the lat est softwar e downl oads avail abl e for S YNC. • Ac ce ss to cust omer support fo[...]

  • Page 309

    S yst em dat a cannot be ac ce ssed without special equipment and ac ce ss to the vehicl e's S YNC module. For d Motor Compan y and Ford of Canada will not acc ess the sy st em dat a for any purpo se other than as de scribed absent cons ent, a court or der , or where requir ed b y la w enfor cement, other go vernment authorities, or other thir[...]

  • Page 310

    S ys tem Int erac tion and Feedback The s yst em pro vides f eedback thr ough audibl e tones, prompts, que stions and spoken c onfirma tions depending on the situation and the chos en le vel of inter action. Y ou can customiz e the voic e rec ognition sy stem t o pro vide more or l ess instruction and f eedback. The def ault set ting is to a higher[...]

  • Page 311

    T o adjust this setting pr ess the voic e button, when prompted sa y: Action and Description V oice Command voic e setting s Then any of the foll owing: When enabl ed, this fe atur e will prompt y ou to c onfirm any v oice initia te d call c ommand prior to the c all being pla ced . phone confirma tion on The s yst em will make a be st guess; y ou [...]

  • Page 312

    1. Make sur e to s witch on y our phone's Bluet ooth fea ture bef ore starting the sear ch. Se e your devic e's manual if nece ssary . 2. Pr ess the PHONE butt on. When the audio displa y indica tes there is no paired phone , sel ect the option t o add . 3. W hen a messag e to be gin pairing appears in the a udio displa y , search f or S [...]

  • Page 313

    5. Select the option t o add. T his starts the pairing proc ess. 6. W hen a messag e to be gin pairing appears in the a udio displa y , search f or S YNC on your de vice. 7 . Confirm tha t the six-digit PIN appearing on your phone ma tche s the six-digit PIN that displ ay s on the S YNC screen. Once y ou hav e confirme d the PIN, the displa y indic[...]

  • Page 314

    V oice Commands Plus Pound (#) Star (*) Note: T o exit dial mode, pre ss and hold the phone button or pr ess any butt on on the audio sy stem. T o acc ess tex t messag es say: V oice Command [te xt] (messa ge s | messag e) Then say any of the f ollo wing: (listen t o | re ad) ([t ext] me ssag e) forw ard (t ex t | [te xt] messa ge) repl y t o (te x[...]

  • Page 315

    T o use the screen to ac cept a call selec t: Menu Item Ac cept Rejecting C alls When re ceiving a c all, you c an rejec t the call b y pressing the r eject c all button on the ste ering wheel or use the scre en. T o use the screen to rejec t a call selec t: Menu Item R eject Ignore the c all by doing nothing. Phone Options during an Ac tive Call D[...]

  • Page 316

    Description and action Menu Item 4. P re ss the OK button a gain when the desir ed c ontact appears in the a udio displa y . 5. Pr ess the OK butt on or dial butt on to c all the sel ection. Ac ce ss your c all history l og. Call Hist ory 1. Sel ect the More option. 2. Scr oll to the option f or call history and pr ess the OK butt on. 3. Scr oll th[...]

  • Page 317

    Description and action Display Send , downl oad and delet e t ext me ssag es. T ext messa ging Ac ce ss the option for Bl uet ooth Devic e menu listings (add , connec t, set a s primary , on or off, del ete). BT Devic es Vie w various set tings and f ea tures on y our phone. Phone setting s T ex t Messaging Note: This is a phone-dependent fe atur e[...]

  • Page 318

    Description and action Menu Item Pr ess the OK butt on to ac ce ss, and then scroll through a list of pr e-defined me ssag es to send . R eply t o sender Pr ess the OK butt on to c all the sender of the messag e. Call sender Pr ess the OK butt on to f orwar d the messag e to anyone in y our phonebook or call history . Y ou can also choose t o enter[...]

  • Page 319

    Ac cessing Y our Phone Setting s These ar e phone-dependent f ea tures. Y our phone setting s allo w you t o ac cess and adjust f ea tures such a s your ring tone and te xt messa ge notific ation, modify your phonebook, and set up aut omatic downl oad . 1. Pr ess the PHONE butt on. 2. Scr oll until the phone settings option appears, and then press [...]

  • Page 320

    Phonebook prefer ences Menu Item Push the desir ed cont acts on y our cellul ar phone. S ee your devic e's manual on how t o push cont acts. Pre ss the OK butt on to add mor e cont acts fr om your phonebook. Add c ontac ts When a messa ge a sking you t o delete appe ars, s elec t the option to c onfirm. P ress the OK butt on to delet e the cur[...]

  • Page 321

    Phonebook prefer ences Menu Item 4. W hen the option to se t the phone as primary appe ars, sele ct either ye s or no. 5. Depending on the functionality of y our phone, the sys tem ma y prompt y ou with questions (such a s if you want t o downl oad y our phonebook). S elec t either yes or no to c onfirm your r esponses. Sel ect the del ete option a[...]

  • Page 322

    Scroll t o selec t from the foll owing options: Description and action Display Check or uncheck this option t o swit ch the syst em's Bluet ooth interfac e off or on. Sele ct this option, and then press the OK but ton t o change the option's st atus. Bluet ooth on R eturn to the f actory def ault setting s without era sing your index ed i[...]

  • Page 323

    S YNC ™ APPLICA TIONS AND SERVICE S (If Equipped) In order f or the foll owing fe atur es t o work, your c ellul ar phone must be comp atibl e with S YNC. T o check your phone's compa tibility , visit www .SYNCMyRide .c om, www .SYNCMyRide. ca or www .syncmarout e.c a. • 911 Assist: Can al ert 911 in the ev ent of an emerg ency . • S YNC[...]

  • Page 324

    Setting 911 Assis t On or Off Press the phone butt on to ent er the phone menu then selec t: Action and Description Menu Item Pr ess OK to c onfirm and enter the 911 Assist menu. 911 Assist Scr oll to ac tiva te this option then press OK when the desired option appe ars in the radio displ ay . If you choose not t o activat e this feature y ou will [...]

  • Page 325

    911 Assist Privacy Notic e When you s witch on 911 A ssist, it may disclo se to emer gency s ervices tha t your vehicl e ha s been in a cra sh invol ving the deplo yment of an airbag or a ctiva tion of the fuel pump shut-off. C ertain versions or updat es t o 911 Assist may al so be capabl e of ele ctronic all y or verball y discl osing to 911 oper[...]

  • Page 326

    T o Acc ess Using V oice Commands Press the v oice but ton then when prompt ed say: Action and Description Menu Item Say the name of the applic ation a fter the tone. The app shoul d start. When an app is running through S YNC, you can pr ess the voic e butt on and speak c ommands specific to the app, f or example "P la y Pla ylist R oad T rip[...]

  • Page 327

    • T o allo w your v ehicl e to pr ovide loc a tion informa tion, incl uding: GPS and speed . • T o allo w the app to s end push notifica tions using the vehicl e display and voic e capabilities whil e running in a backgr ound sta te . Push notific ations may be particul arly useful f or news or loc a tion base d apps. Note: Y ou onl y need t o [...]

  • Page 328

    There are three possibl e statuses: Action and Description Menu Item The s yst em has de tec ted a ne w app requiring authoriz ation or a g eneral permissions updat e is re quired . Updat e Needed No updat e is re quired . Up-T o-Dat e The s yst em is trying to r eceiv e an upda te. Updating... Update se ttings Action and Description Menu Item Sel [...]

  • Page 329

    T o Connect Using V oice Commands Plu g the device int o your vehicl e's USB port. Press the v oice but ton and when prompted , sa y: Action and Descrip- tion V oice Command Y ou can now pl ay music by sa ying any of the appropria te voic e commands. See the media voic e commands. (USB [stick] | iP od | MP3 [pla yer]) W ords in brack ets [ ] a[...]

  • Page 330

    Description and Action V oice Command Y ou can now pl ay music b y saying an y of the appropria te voic e commands. (USB [stick] | iP od | MP3 [pla yer]) Y ou can say any of the v oice c ommands that appear within open and cl ose bra cke ts that are separ a ted b y |. For e xampl e, wher e; (wha t's | what is) appe ars you s ay; wha t's o[...]

  • Page 331

    Description and Action Command Pla ys the curr ent pl aylist in a r andom order . (Not all devic es support this command .) shuffle [all] [ on] shuffle off At an y time during pla yback, y ou can pr ess the voic e butt on and ask the s yst em what is pla ying. T he syst em reads the met adat a tag s (if popula t ed) of the current tr ack. ((who&apo[...]

  • Page 332

    Media Menu Features The media menu all ows y ou to sel ect ho w to pl ay y our music (such a s by artist, g enre, shuffle or r epea t), find simil ar music or rese t the index of y our USB devic es. Pr ess AU X to sel ect USB pla yback. Description and Action Messag e This will ent er the media menu. Options Then any of the f ollowing: Description [...]

  • Page 333

    If there are media fil es, y ou hav e the foll owing options: Description and Action Display Pla y all index ed media files fr om your de vice one a t a time in numerical or der . * Pla y all Pr ess the OK butt on to sel ect. The fir st track titl e appears in the displa y . Ac ce ss your pl aylist s (from f ormat s like A S X, M3U, WPL, or MTP). *[...]

  • Page 334

    Description and Action Display 2. Scr oll to br ow se index ed media files on the de vice , and then press the OK but ton. R esets the U SB index. A ft er the new indexing is c ompl ete , you c an choose what t o play fr om the USB song library . R eset USB * Y ou can use the buttons a t the bottom of the audio displa y to jump to a c ertain alphab[...]

  • Page 335

    V oic e Commands for A udio Sourc es Y our voice sy st em allo ws y ou to chang e audio sourc es with a simpl e voic e command . E142599 Press the v oice but ton and when prompted sa y: V oice Command (music | audio | entert ainment) [sys tem] Belo w are a fe w exampl es of voice commands y ou can use. [tune [to ]] AM [tune [to ]] AM1 [tune [to ]] [...]

  • Page 336

    V oice Command [tune [to ]] FM 2 [tune [to ]] (FM ___ | ___ [FM]) [tune [to ]] FM pres et ___ FM ___ HD ___ [tune [to ]] FM 2 pres et ___ HD ___ [tune [to ]] pres et ___ T une help Sirius Satellit e Radio V oice C ommands (If equipped) E142599 T o listen t o Sirius sa tellit e ra dio, press the v oice but ton and , a fter the tone , sa y: V oice Co[...]

  • Page 337

    V oice Command (shuffle | r andom | mix) (CD [pla yer] | disc) [on] (shuffle | r andom | mix) folder [ on] shuffle off * Y ou need to indica te to the sy st em which track or f older to r epea t or shuffl e when using these commands. S YNC ™ TROUBLESHOOTING Y our SYNC sy st em is ea sy t o use. Ho we ver , should que stions arise, se e the tabl e[...]

  • Page 338

    Phone issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue If the missing conta cts ar e stor ed on y our SIM card , try moving them t o the devic e memory . R emov e any pictur es or special ring tone s associ- at ed with the missing conta ct. Depending upon your phone, you ma y hav e to gr ant SYNC permission to ac cess your phonebook conta cts.[...]

  • Page 339

    Phone issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue T urn off the Aut o phone- book downl oad se tting. Go to the w ebsite t o review your phone's c ompatibilit y . This is a phone-dependent fe atur e. T ext me ssaging is not working on S YNC. T ry turning off the devic e, rese tting the devic e or remo ving the devic e's bat tery[...]

  • Page 340

    USB and media issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Make sur e you c orrec tl y connec t the devic e to S YNC, and that y ou hav e pre ssed pla y on your de vice. The de vice is not c onnect ed. Make sur e that all s ong details ar e popul at ed . Y our music files may not contain the c orrect artist, song title , album or g enre in[...]

  • Page 341

    V oice command issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Say the song or artis t exa ctl y as list ed. If you s ay "Pla y Artist Princ e", the sys tem does not pl ay music by P rince and the R evolution or Princ e and the New Po wer Genera tion. Y ou may be saying the name differ entl y than the wa y you sa ve d it. Make sur e[...]

  • Page 342

    V oice command issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue The s yst em work s bett er if you list full names, such as " Joe Wilson" r a ther than " Joe". The s yst em may not be re ading the name the same wa y you ar e saying it. Do not use special char ac- ter s, such a s 123 or ICE, as the sys tem does not r ecog- n[...]

  • Page 343

    AppLink issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue login on the app on the phone bef ore using them with AppLink. Also , some may ha ve a "For d S YNC" setting, so check the app's setting s menu on the phone. Closing and r est arting apps may help S YNC find the applica tion if you c annot disco ver it inside the v ehicl e[...]

  • Page 344

    AppLink issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Unplug the U SB cabl e from the phone, w ait a moment, and plug the U SB cabl e back in t o the phone. A fter a fe w seconds, the app should appear in S YNC's Mobile Apps Menu. If not, "For ce Clos e" the applica tion and rest art it. The USB c onnection to S YNC may nee d[...]

  • Page 345

    For a compl et e listing of the ac cessorie s that ar e av ailabl e for your v ehicle , pl ea se conta ct y our authorized de aler or visit the online stor e web sit e: W eb Address (United S tates) www .Acc essories.For d. com W eb Address (C anada) www .Acc essories.For d. ca Ford Mot or Compan y will repair or r eplac e any properl y authorized [...]

  • Page 346

    For maximum vehicl e performance , ke ep the foll owing informa tion in mind when adding ac cessorie s or equipment to y our vehicl e: • When adding ac ce ssories, equipment, passeng ers and lugg age t o your vehicl e, do not e x cee d the tot al weight capacit y of the vehicl e or of the front or re ar axl e (G VWR or G A WR as indica te d on th[...]

  • Page 347

    PRO TECT Y OURSELF FROM THE RISING CO S T OF VEHICLE REP AIR S WITH A FORD EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN. SERVICE PLANS (U .S. Onl y) More than 32 million For d owners ha ve disco ver ed the po werful pr otec tion of Ford Ext ended Servic e Pl an. It is the ex tended service pl an back ed b y Ford Mot or Compan y , and provides pe ac e of mind prot ection [...]

  • Page 348

    A void the Rising C ost of Pr operly Maintaining Y our V ehicle! Ford Ex tended S ervice Pl an also offers a Pr emium Maintenanc e Plan tha t cover s all schedul ed maintenanc e, and selec ted we ar items. T he cover age is prepaid , so you ne ver ha ve t o worry about a ff ording your v ehicle ’ s maintenanc e. It c ov ers reg ular check ups, ro[...]

  • Page 349

    GENERAL MAINTENANCE INFORMA TION Why Maintain Y our V ehicle ? Care fully f ollowing the maint enance schedul e helps prot ect a gainst major r epair expenses r esul ting from ne glec t or inadequa te maint enance and may help t o incre ase the v alue of y our vehicl e when you sell or tr ade it. K eep all rec eipts f or compl et ed maint enance wi[...]

  • Page 350

    When the oil change me ssag e appears in the informa tion display , it is time for an oil change. Make sur e you perf orm the oil change within tw o weeks or 500 mil es (800 kilome ter s) of the messag e appearing. Mak e sure you res et the Intellig ent Oil-Life Monit or after e ach oil change. See (p age 88). If your inf orma tion displa y rese ts[...]

  • Page 351

    Check every month Engine oil le vel. Function of all int erior and ext erior lights. Tir es (including spar e) f or we ar and proper pre ssure. Windshiel d wa sher fluid le vel. Check every six months Bat tery c onnections. Cl ean if necess ary . Body and door drain hol es for obstructions. Cl ean if necess ary . Cooling s yst em fluid l ev el and [...]

  • Page 352

    Multi-Point inspec tion Hazard w arning sy stem oper ation Ac cessory driv e bel t(s) Horn opera tion Bat tery perf ormance Radia t or , cool er , heat er and air conditioning hoses Engine air filt er Suspension c omponents for l eaks or damag e Exhaust sy st em St eering and linka ge Ext erior lamps oper a tion Tir es (including spar e) f or we ar[...]

  • Page 353

    When to e xpect the messa ge prompting y ou to chang e your oil V ehicle use and ex ample Interval Normal 7500-10000 mile s (12000-16000 km) Normal commuting with highw ay driving No, or moder ate, lo ad or to wing Fla t t o modera tel y hilly roa ds No ext ended idling Sev ere 5000-7 499 mil es (8000-11999 km) Modera t e to he avy l oad or t owing[...]

  • Page 354

    At e very oil chang e interval as indica ted b y the information displa y * Inspect the tir es, tire w ear and measur e the tre ad depth. Inspect the wheel s and rel at ed c omponents for abnormal nois e, w ear , loo seness or dra g. * Do not ex ce ed one ye ar or 10000 mil es (16000 kil ometer s) betw een servic e interv als. ** R eset the Int ell[...]

  • Page 355

    SPECIAL OPER A TING C ONDITIONS SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE If you oper at e your vehicl e primaril y in any of the foll owing conditions, y ou need t o perform e xtr a maintenanc e a s indica ted . If you oper at e your vehicl e occa sionally under any of these c onditions, it is not nece ssary to perf orm the extra maintenanc e. For spe cific rec ommen[...]

  • Page 356

    Ext ensive idling or l ow-speed driving for l ong distanc es, as in hea vy commercial use Change aut oma tic transmission fl uid. Every 30000 mil es (48000 km) R eplac e spark pl ugs. E very 6 0000 miles ( 96000 km) * This is an optional f ea ture . Operating in dus ty or sandy conditions (such a s unpav ed or dusty roads) R eplac e cabin air fil t[...]

  • Page 357

    abov e 70°F (21°C) and a t wide-open throttl e for long periods abo ve 4 5 mph (72 km/h), change non-s ynthetic r ear axl e fluid ev ery 3000 miles ( 4800 kilomet ers) or three months, whichever c omes first. This interv al can be w aived if the a xle is fill ed with 75W140 synthe tic ge ar fluid mee ting Ford specific ation W SL-M2C192-A, part n[...]

  • Page 358

    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE RE CORD E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 355 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Schedul ed Maintenance I n f o [...]

  • Page 359

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 356 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Schedul ed Maintenance I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d [...]

  • Page 360

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 357 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Schedul ed Maintenance I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d [...]

  • Page 361

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 358 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Schedul ed Maintenance I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d [...]

  • Page 362

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 359 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Schedul ed Maintenance I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d [...]

  • Page 363

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 360 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Schedul ed Maintenance I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d [...]

  • Page 364

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 361 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Schedul ed Maintenance I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d [...]

  • Page 365

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 362 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Schedul ed Maintenance I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d [...]

  • Page 366

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 363 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Schedul ed Maintenance I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d [...]

  • Page 367

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 364 Escape/Kug a (TM2), enUSA, Firs t Printing Schedul ed Maintenance I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d [...]

  • Page 368

    END USER LICENSE A GREEMENT VEHICLE SOFTW ARE END USER LICENSE A GREEMENT (EULA) • Y ou ( “ Y ou ” or “ Y our ” a s applicabl e) hav e acquir ed a v ehicle ha ving sev eral devic es, incl uding S YNC ® and various contr ol module s, ("DEVICES") tha t include soft ware lic ensed or o wned by Ford Mot or Compan y and its affilia [...]

  • Page 369

    • Single EULA: T he end user documenta tion for the DEVICE S and rel at ed systems and s ervices ma y contain mul tiple EULAs, such a s multipl e transla tions and/ or multipl e media ver sions (e .g., in the user documenta tion and in the softw are). Ev en if you r eceiv e mul tiple EULA s, you are lic ensed t o use only one (1) c opy of the SOF[...]

  • Page 370

    • Links t o Third Part y Sites: T he SOFTW ARE may pro vide you with the ability t o link to thir d party site s. T he third party sit es are not under the contr ol of FORD MO T OR COMP ANY , its a ffiliat es and/ or its designat ed ag ent. Neither FORD MO T OR COMP ANY nor its affilia te s nor its designa ted a gent ar e responsibl e for (i) the[...]

  • Page 371

    TRADEMARK S: This EULA does not grant you any right s in connec tion with any trademark s or service marks of FORD MO TOR C OMP ANY , its a ffiliat es, and third party softw are and servic e pro viders. PRODUC T SUPPORT : Plea se re fer t o FORD MO T OR COMP ANY instructions pro vided in the documenta tion for the DEVICES pr oduct support, such a s[...]

  • Page 372

    substitute f or your personal judgment. Any rout e suggestions made b y this sys tem shoul d nev er repl ac e any l ocal tra ffic re gula tions or your personal judgment or knowl edg e of sa fe driving prac tices. • Rout e Safet y: Do not foll ow the rout e sugge stions if doing so woul d result in an unsa fe or ill eg al maneuver , if you woul d[...]

  • Page 373


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  • Page 375

    may a war d the same damag es to Y ou individuall y as a c ourt coul d. The arbitr a tor may a war d declar atory or injunctiv e relie f only t o Y ou individually , and onl y to the ext ent required t o sa tisfy Y our individual claim. Arbitration f ees and incentiv es. • i. Disput es inv olving $ 75,000 or l ess. FORD MO T OR COMP ANY will prom[...]

  • Page 376

    (a) observe all tr affic la ws and otherwise drive sa fely; (b) use y our own per sonal judgment whil e driving. If you f eel that a rout e sugg est ed by the T eleNav S oftwar e instructs y ou t o perform an uns af e or ill egal maneuv er , plac es you in an unsaf e situation, or dire cts you int o an are a that y ou consider t o be unsa fe, do no[...]

  • Page 377

    ii. viol at es any l aw , st atut e, or dinance or reg ula tion, incl uding but not limited t o laws and reg ula tions rel a ted t o spamming, privacy , c onsumer and chil d prot ection, obscenit y or def amation, or iii. is harmful, thr ea tening, abusive, hara ssing, t ortuous, def amatory , vulg ar , obscene , libel ous, or otherwise objectionab[...]

  • Page 378


  • Page 379

    conf erre d by implica tion, statut e, inducement, e stoppel or otherwise , and T eleNa v and its suppliers and lic ensors hereb y reserv e all of their re spectiv e rights other than the licenses e xplicitl y grant ed in this Agre ement. 8.3 By using the T eleNa v Soft ware , y ou consent t o re ceiv e from T el eNav all communic ations, including[...]

  • Page 380

    HERE holds a non-e x clusiv e license fr om the United S tate s Pos tal Servic e® to publish and sell ZIP+4® informa tion. ©United S tate s Pos tal Servic e® 2014 . Pric es are not es tablished , contr oll ed or appro ved b y the Unite d St at es P ostal Servic e®. The f ollowing tr ademark s and registr ations are o wned by the U SPS: United [...]

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  • Page 382

    If the Contr acting Offic er , feder al go vernment a gency , or any f ederal official refuse s to use the l egend pro vided herein, the Contr acting Offic er , feder al go vernment a gency , or any f ederal official must notify HERE prior to se eking additional or al terna tive right s in the Dat a. Grac enote® C opyright CD and music-rel at ed d[...]

  • Page 383

    Grac enote uses a unique identifier to tr ack queries f or sta tistical purposes. The purpose of a randoml y assigned numeric identifier is to all ow Grac enote t o count queries without knowing an ything about who you ar e. For mor e informa tion, see the web pa ge a t www .grac enote .c om for the Grac enote Priva cy P olicy . THE GRA CENOTE S OF[...]

  • Page 384

    4 4WD See: Four-Whe el Drive ....................................... 141 A A/C See: Clima te C ontrol .......................................... 101 About This Manual ........................................... 7 ABS See: Br ake s ........................................................... 146 ABS driving hints See: Hints on Driving W ith Anti-L oc[...]

  • Page 385

    B Blind Spot Inf ormation S ystem .............. 162 S witching the S yst em Off and On ............... 164 S yst em Errors ....................................................... 164 Using the S yst em ................................................ 162 Bonnet L ock See: Opening and Cl osing the Hood ............ 212 Booster S ea ts .............[...]

  • Page 386

    Cross T ra ffic Al ert ......................................... 164 Fal se Alert s ............................................................ 167 S witching the S yst em Off and On ................ 16 7 S yst em Errors ....................................................... 16 7 S yst em Lights, Messa ges and Audibl e Alert s ...................[...]

  • Page 387

    Ext erior Mirror s ................................................ 79 Blind Spot Monitor .............................................. 80 Fold-A wa y Ext erior Mirror s .............................. 80 Hea ted Ex terior Mirr ors ...................................... 80 Integr a ted Blind S pot Mirrors .......................... 80 Memory Mirror[...]

  • Page 388

    Hints on Contr olling the Interior Climat e .......................................................... 103 Cooling the Int erior Quickly ............................ 105 General Hints ....................................................... 103 Hea ting the Interior Quickl y ............................ 104 Maximum Cooling P erformance in Instrument[...]

  • Page 389

    K K eyless Entry .................................................... 63 SECURIC ODE ™ KEYLESS ENTR Y KEYP AD .............................................................. 63 K eyless S tarting ............................................. 124 Ignition Modes ..................................................... 125 K eys and R emote C ontrols ..[...]

  • Page 390

    Overhe ad Consol e ........................................ 123 P P arking Aids .................................................... 152 Principl e of Opera tion ....................................... 152 P arking Brak e .................................................. 14 7 P assiv e Anti-The ft S yst em ......................... 65 SecuriL ock?[...]

  • Page 391

    Running Out of Fuel ...................................... 131 Adding Fuel Fr om a Port able Fuel Container ........................................................... 132 Filling a Port able Fuel C ontainer ................... 132 S Sa fet y Belt Height A djustment .................. 31 Sa fet y Belt Minder ........................................[...]

  • Page 392

    Tir e Care .......................................................... 2 44 Gloss ary of Tire T erminology ......................... 24 5 Informa tion About Uniform T ire Quality Grading ............................................................. 2 44 Informa tion Cont ained on the Tir e Sidewall ...................................................[...]

  • Page 393

    Using T r action C ontrol ................................ 14 9 S witching the S yst em Off ............................... 14 9 S yst em Indica tor Lights and Messag es .......................................................... 14 9 Using a S witch ..................................................... 14 9 Using the Informa tion Displa y Contr ols[...]