George Foreman GRP4E manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of George Foreman GRP4E, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of George Foreman GRP4E one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of George Foreman GRP4E. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of George Foreman GRP4E should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of George Foreman GRP4E
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the George Foreman GRP4E item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the George Foreman GRP4E item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of George Foreman GRP4E alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of George Foreman GRP4E, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the George Foreman service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of George Foreman GRP4E.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the George Foreman GRP4E item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    ® THE LEAN MEAN F A T REDUCING GRILLING MACHINE ® Please Read and Save this Use and Care Book Por favor lea este instructivo antes de usar el producto Models Modelos ❑  G R P 4 EM B ❑  G R P 4 EW ❑  G R P 5 E ❑  G R P 6 E Customer Care Line: USA/Canada 1-800-231-9786 Accessories/Parts (USA / Canada) Accesorios/Partes (EE.UU / [...]

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    2 1 IMPORT ANT SAFEGUARDS When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following: ❑ Read all instructions. ❑ Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs. ❑ T o protect against electrical shock do not immerse cord, plugs or appliance in water or other liquid. ❑ Close supe[...]

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    4 3 Product may vary slightly from what is illustrated. 1. Integrated handle † 2. Grill plate (upper) (Part # GRP4-03) 3. Grill plate release handles (both sides) † 4. Grill plate (lower) (Part # GRP4-04) 5. Adjustable grill angle switch 6. Power cord (not shown) † 7. Drip tray (Part # GRP4-01) † 8. Spatula (Part # GRP4-02) Note: † indica[...]

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    6 5 How to Use: Thi s pr oduc t i s fo r ho useh old use onl y . GET TING ST ART ED • Rem ove all pac king mat eria l a nd a ny s tic kers . • Rem ove and sav e li tera ture . • Ple ase go t o w ww .p rodp rote ct. com/ appl ica to regi ste r yo ur w arr anty . • W ash rem ova ble plat es a nd/ or a cces sor ies as i nst ruct ed i n C ARE A[...]

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    Sug gest ions fo r us ing muffi n p an: • Fol low pack age dir ecti ons, fil ling muf fin cups abo ut half -ful l a nd b ake unt il gol den. T ry : • Cor n mu ffins • Cra nber ry m uffi ns • Ban ana nut • Blu eber ry • Min i me atlo ave s: s ee r ecip e o n pa ge 1 7. PRE HEA TIN G TH E GR ILL 1. Clo se lid on g ril l. 2. Unw ind c[...]

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    10 9 SUGGESTED GRILLING CHART FOR MEA TS, POUL TR Y , FISH AND SANDWICHES The fol lowi ng are mean t to be use d as a guid elin e o nly . T imes refl ect full gr ill of foo d. C ooki ng time wil l de pen d up on t hic knes s an d c ut b eing us ed. Use co okin g the rmom eter as tes t fo r do nen ess. If foo d ne eds lon ger cook ing , ch eck per [...]

  • Page 7

    12 11 FOOD TO BE C OOKE D MEDI UM WELL DON E OR FULL Y COOK ED Chic ken Brea st 170º F 77 ºC Chic ken Thig h 180º F 82 ºC Beef / L amb / V eal 160º F 71ºC 170º F 77 ºC Pork 160º F 71 ºC Rehe ated coo ked meat s an d po ultr y 165ºF 74ºC GR ILL IN G FR UIT S AN D VEG ET AB LE S The fol lowi ng are mean t to be use d as a guid elin e o nl[...]

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    14 13 7. T o cle an t he g ril l co ver , wipe wi th a war m, wet spon ge and dry wit h a soft , d ry clo th. Imp orta nt: Do not imme rse bod y of gri ll in w ater or any oth er liqu id. 8. Any se rvic ing req uiri ng d isa ssem bly oth er t han the abo ve c lean ing mus t be pre form ed b y a qua lifie d el ect rici an. Cau tion : Ma ke sure to [...]

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    16 15 RE CIP ES EAS Y FO CCAC CIA 1 p kg. (8 o z.) ref rige rate d g arli c br ead stic ks ½ c up s hred ded Asi ago chee se ½ c up c hopp ed pars ley 2 t bsp. cho ppe d fr esh rose mar y 1 t bsp. oli ve oil Unr oll brea dst icks (do not se para te) and lay out in gre ased de ep b akin g p an o f gri ll. Spri nkl e ev enly wit h c hees e. T op wi[...]

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    17 18 MIN I ME A TLOA VES ¾ l b. g roun d b eef 1 e gg, slig htl y be aten 1 s lice bre ad, coa rsel y cr umb led (½ c up) 2 t bsp. ref rig erat ed s alsa ¼ c up m ince d o nion 2 t bsp. shr edd ed C hedd ar J ack che ese mix 1 t bsp. cho ppe d ci lant ro 1 l arge clo ve garl ic, minc ed ½ tsp. sal t ¹ / 8 tsp. pep per In medi um b owl , co mb[...]

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    20 19 TUR KEY SALS A R OLL ¼ c up p acka ged sal sa 1 t bsp. min ced pur ple onio n 1 t bsp. cho ppe d ci lant ro 2 l arge tom ato wra ps 4 o z. s lice d t urke y 4 o z. s hred ded Mon tere y Ja ck chee se w ith jal apen o p eppe rs In smal l bo wl, com bine sal sa, oni on a nd cila ntro ; s et a side . Pla ce w raps on cut ting boa rd, spr ead sa[...]

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    22 21 El producto puede variar ligeramente del que aparece ilustrado aquí. 1. Mango integrado † 2. Placa para asar (superior) (Pieza Nº GRP4-03) 3. Manijas de lanzamiento de la placa de la parrilla (ambos lados) † 4. Placa para asar (inferior) (Pieza Nº GRP4-04) 5. Ángulo de parrilla ajustable 6. Cable de alimentación (no mostrado) † 7. [...]

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    24 23 Placa Incluída(s) Pieza Nº Modelos 1. Placa para asar 1 GRP4-03 T odos los modelos tradicional 2. Placa para asar con 1 GRP4-04 T odos los modelos superficie en forma de cruz 3. Placa para wafles 2 GRP4-05 GRP6E, GRP5E, GRP4EW (superior) 4. Placa para wafles 2 GRP4-06 GRP6E, GRP5E, GRP4EW (inferior) 5. Placa para hornear 1 GRP4-07 GRP6E, GR[...]

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    26 25 PLA CA P ARA HOR NEAR AL IMEN TOS DE MASA GRU ESA Y A CCES ORI O P ARA BOL LITO S (Co nsul te l a fi gura A3 . ) Imp orta nte: Al uti liza r es tas pla cas, as egúr ese de que la p lac a in feri or esté en pos ició n co mpl etam ente hor izo ntal . 1. Al pre para r wa fles , co loqu e l a pl aca sup erio r e infe rio r pa ra w afle s us[...]

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    28 27 1 . Sel ecci one el tiem po y la tem pera tura de sead os s egú n la s in str ucci ones de la sec ción PRE CAL ENT AM IENT O D E LA P ARRIL LA. Agr egue ti empo par a q ue l a par rill a se pr ecal ient e. 2 . Ant es d el p rim er u so, si l o d esea , un te las plac as para asa r l iger amen te con ace ite. Not a: N o ut ili ce a ceit e pa[...]

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    30 29 ALIM ENTO TIEM PO D E CO CCIÓ N COME NT ARIOS T oci no 6 – 8 mi nuto s Cocina do h asta est ar c ruji ente Chul etas de lomo de puer co 4 – 6 min utos Cocción a 7 1 ºC (16 0 ºF ) ahum adas , de shue sada s Chul etas de cord ero, lom o 5 – 7 mi nuto s 1,91 c m (¾ pul gada ) de gro sor Cocci ón a térm ino medi o 71 ºC (160 ºF) A [...]

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    32 31 AS AR A LA P LAN CH A FR UT AS Y VE RD UR AS Los sig uien tes val ores se deb en u sar com o gu ía ú nic amen te. Los tie mpos su geri dos cor resp onde n a la capa cida d c ompl eta de la p lanc ha. El tiem po de c occi ón dep ende del gr osor del ali men to. Intr odu zca un t ene dor en e l c entr o de l a lime nto par a co mpro bar si e[...]

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    34 33 par a ev itar qu e se cie rre acc iden talm ent e y prov oqu e le sion es. ALM ACEN AMIE NTO Sie mpre ase gúr ese de q ue l a p lanc ha e sté lim pia y s eca ante s d e al mace nar la. DETECCIÓN DE F ALLAS PROB LEMA CAUS A PO SIBL E SOLU CIÓN Las term inac ione s de las Se h an u tili zado Siempr e us e ut ensi lios plac as d e la pla nch[...]

  • Page 19

    RE CET A S P AN SEN CIL LO E STIL O F OCCA CCIA 1 p aque te ( 8 o z) d e gr isin es de a jo r efr iger ados ½ t aza ques o A siag o ra llad o ½ t aza pere jil pic ado 2 c das rome ro fres co p icad o 1 c da a ceit e d e ol iva Des enro lle los gri sine s si n s epar arlo s y col óque los en la p lac a pa ra a lim ento s de masa gru esa , pr evia[...]

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    LAS AÑA DE E SPI NACA ½ l b. q ueso ri cott a se mide scr emad o 1 h uevo lig era ment e ba tido 2¼ taza s qu eso moz zare lla ral lado ½ t aza ques o p arme sano ral lad o ½ t aza espi nac a co ngel ada, de scon gela da y bi en e scu rrid a 2 c das pere jil pic ado ¼ c dta sal 2 t azas sal sa mari nara 9 fi deos par a l asañ a, c ocid os y[...]

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    CRO QUE MONS IEU R A LA G EORG E F OREM AN ® ¼ t aza sust itu to d e hu evo ” E gg B eate rs ” ¼ t aza lech e ¼ c dta. sal 4 r eban adas de pan bla nco 1cd ta. most aza con mie l 4 o z. t ajad as de j amón 4 o z. q ueso su izo en l asca s 4 o z. t ajad as de p avo Com bine el sus titu to d e hu evo , la lec he y la sal de ntro de un mold e[...]

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    NEED HELP? For se rvic e, rep air or any ques tion s rega rdin g your ap plia nce, call th e appro pria te 800 numb er on co ver of this boo k. Ple ase DO NOT retu rn the produ ct to the place of purc hase. Also , plea se DO NO T mail pr oduc t back to manuf actu rer , nor bring it to a serv ice ce nter . Y ou may al so wan t to cons ult th e webs [...]

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    Copyright © 2008 - 2009 Applica Consumer Products, Inc. Made in People’ s Republic of China Printed in People’ s Republic of China Fabricado en la República Popular de China Impreso en la República Popular de China R12008/3-13-39E/S[...]