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3A054 0L EN Instructions - Parts List 4-Ball Lowers 3000cc and 4000cc Models Designed for low pres sure, high volume c irculation of finishing mate rials. Do not use for flushing or purging lines with ca ustic s, acids, abrasiv e line strippers, and other similar fluids. For profes sional use only . See page 2 for model in format ion, in cluding ma[...]
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Models 2 3A0540L Contents Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4-Ball Lowe rs Cross Refer ence Chart . . . . . . . . . . 3 Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Changing the TSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]
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4-Ball Lo wers Cros s Refere nce Cha rt 3A054 0L 3 4-Ball Lowers Cros s Re ferenc e Chart This cha rt cros s referen ces ear lier styl es of 4- ball lowe rs to the curren t lowers, whi ch incl ude the TSL pum p and spring loaded packin gs. Earli er Lower Part No. Curr en t Lowe r P art No. 218523 24F 286 218524 24F 448 218530 24F 453 218531 24F 451[...]
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Warnings 4 3A0540L Warnings The foll owing war nings are f or the se tup, us e, ground ing, ma intena nce, and re pair o f this equ ipment . The excl ama- tion po int sym bol alerts you to a general warning and the hazard symbols refer to proce dure-spec ific r isks. Whe n these sy mbols a ppear in the bod y of th is manua l, re fer back to these W[...]
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Warn ings 3A054 0L 5 PERS ONAL PROTE CTIVE EQU IPMEN T You must we ar appro priate pr otective equipment when oper ating, se rvici ng, or when in the operati ng area of the e quipment t o help protect you from serious i njury, in cludin g eye inj ury, he aring lo ss, inha lation of toxic fumes , and b urns. This equi pment includes b ut is not l im[...]
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Chang ing the TSL 6 3A0540L Changing the TSL Check the conditi on of the T SL and the leve l in th e res- ervoir every week, min imum. TSL sh ould be ch anged at least ev ery mon th. Part No. 2 06995 Th roat Seal Liquid (TSL) c arries res i- due from the pum p rod into the reser voir. Discol oration of the TS L fluid is t o be expec ted du ring nor[...]
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Repair 3A054 0L 7 Repair Replace the Th roat Packings Without Disconne cting the Lower NOTE: Throat pa cking k its are av ailab le. See pa ge 2 2. Kit part s are ma rked wit h a sy mbol, for ex ample (30†). For best results , inst all the TSL Pu mp Repai r Kit 24F618 each tim e the thro at pack ings ar e change d. NOTE: To repla ce the throat pac[...]
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Repai r 8 3A0540L TSL Pump Rep air (if present) NOTE: TSL Pump Repa ir Kit 2 4F618 i s availabl e. See page 22. In stall the TSL Pu mp Repai r Kit 24F 618 each time th e throat p ackings are chang ed. Kit par ts are marked with a sym bol, for example (36 ). 1. Fo llow step s 1-6 und er Replace the Thr oat Pack- ings Without Disconnecting the Lo[...]
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Repair 3A054 0L 9 Lower Disassem bly NOTE: This pump is easies t to repa ir when l eft in the Part No. 2 18742 a ccessor y pump s tand and disass em- bled as i nstructe d. For repa ir at a remote lo cation, hav e another p ump st and avail able. NOTE: Seal kits are a vailabl e for eac h lower size. Se e page 22. Ki t parts are ma rked with an aster[...]
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Repai r 10 3A0540L 8. Remove the wet-cup (34) and o- ring (52) . Remove the TSL pump pis ton seal (36 ), sp ring (35), an d o-rings (51). 9. Remove the throat c artridge ( 27). Remo ve the o-ring ( 52), glan ds (32, 33) , packin gs (30, 31), and spri ng (28) . 10. Remove the nuts (12), lo ckwashe rs (11 ), and si x cylind er capscr ews (1 0). Li ft[...]
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Repair 3A054 0L 11 F IG . 5. Exploded View of Lower See Throat Packing Detail on pages 18 an d 20. TI15572c 43 18 26 19 25* 24 23* 11 9 6 15* 13 *22 16 8 10 56 41 17* 21 20 27 28 5* 4 2 *3 1 40 34 1 *3 5* 7 12 13 14 15* 16 17* 18 8 9 53a ‡ 53c 53d ‡ ‡ 53b 53e *15 16 *17 18 51 36 Apply lubricant to all packings and seals. Apply rem[...]
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Repai r 12 3A0540L F IG . 6. Cutaw ay View of Lower 53e 40 TI1585 8c TI1560 4a 26 19 *25 24 6 13 16 41 21 4 2 *3 1 40 1 *3 7 14 17* 18 9 18 5* 5* 18 13 16 18 16 17* 14 16 15* 15 *15 *15 †30 31† †32 †33 †52 †52 51 36 34 27 28 53c ‡ 53d ‡ 53b ‡ 53a 31† †30 †33 53f 35[...]
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Repair 3A054 0L 13 Lower Reassemb ly 1. Lubricate the new p iston se al (2 5*) and ins tall it o n the p is ton . 2. Install t he piston plate (2 4) with the beve led edg e facing aw ay from t he piston seal. Se e F IG . 7. 3. Inst all o-rin g reta iner (20) . Lubric ate o-r ing (22* ) and slide it on o ver the t hreads o f pist on shaft. A pply hi[...]
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Repai r 14 3A0540L 7. Lubricate a nd ins tall the new o-rings (15*) ar ound each of th e four bal l seats (13 and 1 4). 8. Place th e inlet v alve hou sing (7 ) on a fla t sur face with the ball va lve o penings f acing up. Lub ricate t he seals ( 17*) an d set th em into ea ch si de of th e inlet valve h ousin g. 9. Place th e ball gu ides (16 ) a[...]
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Repair 3A054 0L 15 13. If Part No . 218742 ac cessory pump sta nd is us ed, place the inle t valve housing a nd manifol d assem bly on the pump stand . Install and tightl y screw i n the three pum p stand bo lts. 14. Lubricate and ins tall the new sea ls (3*, 5* ) in the inlet and outlet housi ngs (2, 7 ). Set the cylin der (4) and riser tubes ( 6)[...]
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Repai r 16 3A0540L[...]
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Parts 3A054 0L 17 Parts See T hroat P acking Det ail on pages 18 a nd 20. TI15572 c 43 18 26 19 25* 24 23* 11 9 6 15* 13 *22 16 8 10 56 41 17* 21 20 27 28 5* 4 2 *3 1 40 34 1 *3 5* 7 12 13 14 15* 16 17* 18 8 9 53a ‡ 53c 53d ‡ ‡ 53b 53e *15 16 *17 18 51 36 52† †52 53f See Part s List s: 3000cc, page s 18-19 4000cc, page s 20-21[...]
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Parts 18 3A0540L 3000cc Lowers Part No. 2 4F448 , Series A, Stainle ss Steel Part No. 24F450, Series A, Carbon Steel Part No. 2 4F449 , Series A, Stainle ss Steel Ref. No. Descriptio n Lower Qty 24F448 24F45 0 24F449 1 MANIFOLD; s st 16E965 16E9 65 2 MANIFO LD; cs t 180520 2 2 HOUSI NG, out let; ss t 16E084 16E084 1 HOUSING, outlet; cst 16E085 1 3*[...]
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Parts 3A054 0L 19 Click here to return to repair kit page. Repla cement D anger and Warnin g labe ls, tags , and c ards are av ailab le at n o cost. * Parts inc luded in Sea l Repair Kit 2 43728 (purcha se sepa rately). † Pa rts inc luded in Throat P ackin g Repai r Kit 24F 247 (pu rchase separate ly). Parts inc luded in TSL Pump Repair K[...]
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Parts 20 3A0540L 4000cc Lowers Part No. 2 4F451 , Series A, Stainle ss Steel Part No. 24F453, Series A, Carbon Steel Part No. 2 4F452 , Series A, Stainle ss Steel Part No. 2 4J888, S eries A, S tainless S teel Ref. No. Descriptio n Lower Qty 24F451 24 F453 2 4F452 2 4J888 1 MANIFOLD; s st; npt 16E965 16E9 65 2 MANIFOLD ; cst; np t 180520 2 MANIFOLD[...]
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Parts 3A054 0L 21 Click here to return to repair kit page. Repla cement D anger and Warnin g labe ls, tags , and c ards are av ailab le at n o cost. * Parts inc luded in Sea l Repair Kit 2 43729 (purcha se sepa rately). † Pa rts inc luded in Throat P ackin g Repai r Kit 24F 247 (pu rchase separate ly). Parts inc luded in TSL Pump Repair K[...]
Page 22
Repai r Kits, Re lated Man uals, and Acces sorie s 22 3A0540L Repair K its, Re lated Manual s, and A ccesso ries NOTE: The lowers l isted in thi s manual must use the throat packing kits an d the comp lete pu mp repai r kits li sted i n the foll owing tabl e. Do not use kits for older-styl e lowers (se e manual 31183 2) with these lowers. The throa[...]
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Technica l Data 3A054 0L 23 Technical Data Loctite ® is a reg istered trademar k of the L octite Corpora tion. 4-Ball Pump Lowers (3000 and 4000 cc S izes) U.S. Metric Maximum Fluid Working Press ure 3000 cc L owers 440 psi 3.0 MPa, 30 bar 4000 cc L owers 330 psi 2.3 MPa, 23 bar Displaceme nt per Cycle 3000 cc L owers 3000 cc 4000 cc L owers 4000 [...]
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All written and visual data contained in this document reflects the latest product information available at the ti me of publica t ion. Graco reserves the right to make changes at any t ime without not ice. This manual contains E nglish. MM 3A0540 Graco Hea dquarter s: Minne apolis Internati onal Offices : Belgi um, China, Japan , Korea GRACO INC. [...]