Harrington Hoists MR2 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Harrington Hoists MR2, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Harrington Hoists MR2 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Harrington Hoists MR2. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Harrington Hoists MR2 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Harrington Hoists MR2
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Harrington Hoists MR2 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Harrington Hoists MR2 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Harrington Hoists MR2 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Harrington Hoists MR2, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Harrington Hoists service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Harrington Hoists MR2.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Harrington Hoists MR2 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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           ELEC TRIC CHAIN HOIST NER 2 / M R2 / TS2 FOOD GRADE MODEL 1/4 Ton t hro ugh 2 Ton C apaciti e s Code, Lot and S erial Number  This equi pment sho uld not be ins tall ed, operat ed or maintai ned by any person w ho h as not read and understo od [...]

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    2 IMPORT ANT INFOR MA TION ON HOW T O USE THIS MANUAL This OW NER’S MANUAL S UPPLEMENT f or Food Gr ade Hoists is intende d for use in combination with : “Own er’s Manual f or Electric C hain Hoist ER2 and NER2 Se ries 1/8 thr ough 5 Ton Cap acity” “Own er’s Manual f or Motorized T rolley M R2 Series 1 Ton through 2 0 Ton Capa city ” [...]

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    3 I Conf or ma nce Clar ifica ti on Sta tem ent 1.1 Food Grade Options  Harrington ER 2 F ood G rade ho ists are des igned for applic ations which r equir e food gra de hois ts. All p roducts s hould be tested for suitabi lity on a partic ular ap pl icat ion pri or to ac tual u se. T he o ccupationa l Saf et y and He alth Ac t of [...]

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    4 II NER2 E lectr ic Chai n Hoist Section P age Number 1.0 Imp ortan t Informa tion and Warnings … ………… …… ……… …………… ……… ……………..… …. ER2OM 1.1 Terms and Summary 1.2 Warning Tags and Labels 2.0 Technical In formation … ………………… ……… …………… ……… ………… ………[...]

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    5 Section P age Number 6.0 M aintenance & Handlin g ……… …………… ……… ……… ... …………… …………… ……… ……… ER2OM 6.1 Count/Hour Meter 6.2 Lubrication – Load Chain, Hooks and Suspen sion ……………………… .. … .8 and ER2OM 6.3 Lubrication – Gearbox …………………… ………?[...]

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    6 2.1 Specifications 2.1.1 Product Code 2.1.2 Oper ating Cond itions and Environm ent Tem perature range : - 4° to +104°F ( - 20° t o +40 °C) Hum idit y: 85% or les s Noise Level: 85 dB or less (A s cale: m eas ured 1 m eter a way from electr ic chai n hoist Enclosur e Ratin g: Hoist Meets IP 5 5 Suppl y Voltage: Singl e Spee d Standar d: Re co[...]

  • Page 7

    7 2.2 Dimensions Table 2 - 2 Hoist Dim ensions Figure 2 -1 Single Speed Hois t Dim ens ions Figure 2 -2 Dual Spe ed Ho ist Dim ensions Capacity (Tons) Product C ode Headroom C (in) Headroom w/Stainl ess Hook C ( in) a (in) b (in) d (in) e (in) g (in) g w/Stainl ess Hook (in) h (in) i (in) Single Speed 1/4 NER20 03L - FG 14.6 17. 7 20. 2 13. 7 9.5 1[...]

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    8 6.2 Lubri cation – Load Chain, Hook s, and Suspension 6.2.1 Load C hain • For longer l ife, the load c hain should be l ubricated. • The load chai n lubric ation should be accom plished af ter cleanin g the loa d chain with an ac id free c leaning solution. • Apply only Harrington Ho ist, I nc. f ood grade lubric ant (Par t No. 2AFG00 3S1[...]

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    9 6.3.5 REPL A CING OIL – Chang e gear oil at l east o nce eve ry 5 years. The o il shou ld be changed m ore f requentl y dependi ng on th e hoist' s usa ge and o peratin g env ironment. Refer to Section 6 .1.3. Fo llo w the proc edure bel ow for replac ing the ge arbox oil for your h oist: • To drain th e curr ent oil f rom the hoist r em[...]

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    10 6.5 Load Chain 6.5.2 Afte r chaining a unit , be sure t o clean a ny exp osed port ions of bottom yok e bolts that have be en treated with thr ead loc k ing com pound. Conduc t a thorou gh ins pection of thes e bolts after torquing t o ensure ther e is no exces s thread loc king com pound on the ex posed p ortions. Fai lure to do so c ould aff e[...]

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    11 III MR2 M otori zed T r olley Section Page Number 1.0 Important I nformation and W ar nings ……………… ... ………………………… ……… …… .. ...…. MR2 O M 1.1 Terms and Summary 1.2 W arning Tag and Labels 2.0 Technica l Information… ………… ……………… … ………… ……… …. …… …….……?[...]

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    12 Section Page Numbe r 6.0 Maintenance & Handlin g………… ……………… …………………… ………… …………… …….. MR 2O M 6.1 Count/Hour Meter (Dual Speed Only) 6.2 Lubrication ………………………… ……………… …………..………… ……..14 and M R2OM 6.3 Brak e 6.4 St or ag e 6.5 Outdoor [...]

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    13 2.0 Specifications 2.1.1 Product Code for MR2 T rolley Alone: 2.1.2 Oper ating C onditions and Environm ent Tem perature R ang e: - 4° to +104°F ( - 20° t o +40 °C) Hum idit y: 85% or les s (no co ndens ation) Noise Level: 85 d B or less (A scal e: m easured 1 m eter awa y from the electric c hain hoist) Enclosur e Ratin g: Trolle y Meets IP[...]

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    14 2.2 Dimensions Table 2 - 2 T rolley Dim ension s For NER200 3 L- FG to NER2020 L- FG Product Code b b' d e e' i j k m n r t Single Speed MR2010L/S - FG 12.4 15.6 8.7 20. 3 7.1 3.74 0.9 5.1 8. 1 4.3 2.0 1. 22 MR2020L/S - FG 12.8 16.4 8. 9 20.5 7.2 4.33 1. 1 4.9 8.4 4. 7 2.4 1.42 Dual Speed MR2010SD - FG 12.4 15.6 8.7 20.3 7. 1 3.74 0.9 [...]

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    15 IV TS2 Manual T rol ley Section Pa ge Number 1.0 I mporta n t In for ma t ion and W ar nings……… …… ……. ……………… ………………… … ……. T S 2OM 1.1 Terms and Summary 1.2 Warning Tags and Labels 2. 0 Technical Information …………………… …………………… ….……………… …. …… .. . ..[...]

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    16 Section Page Number 5.4 Periodic Inspection 5.5 Occasionally Used Trolleys 5.6 Inspection Records 5.7 I nspection Methods and Criteria 6.0 Maintenance & Handling……………………… ……… ………………… ………………… …….. TS2OM 6.1 Lubrication ………………………… ……………… …………….…[...]

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    17 2.1 Specifications Product C ode f or T S2 Trolle y Alone : Operating C ondit ions a nd Enviro n m ent Tem perature Rang e: - 4° to +104°F ( - 20° t o +40 °C) Hum idit y: 85% or les s Table 2 - 1 PTS2 T rolley S pecificat ions Cap. (Tons) Produc t Code Min. Radius for Curve (in) Flange W idth Adjustabili ty B (in) Approx. Net Weight (lbs) St[...]

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    18 2.2 Dimensions Table 2 - 3 PTS2 T rol l ey Di mension s PTS2005 t o PTS20 20 Cap. (Tons) Produc t Code a max (in) a' (in) b (in) e (ft) h (in) i (in) j (in) k (in) m (in) n (in) r (in) s (in) t (in) v (in) 1/2 PTS2005 - FG 6.8 8.0 7. 2 1.8 3.2 2. 36 0.7 3.0 2.7 3. 3 1.5 B- 1.8 0.87 3.7 1 PTS2010 - FG 8.5 9.8 9.3 2. 2 4.2 2.80 1.1 3.7 3. 1 4[...]

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    19 6.1 Lubrication 6.1.1 Lubricat e the f ollowing tr olley com ponents with onl y Nevastane H T/AW 2 W hite Drum food grade lubricating greas e. 6.1.2 Track W heel Gear – Clean and r e - grease the Track W heel gears and Hand W heel output pinion ever y three m onths (m ore frequently for he avier us e). Do not us e an ex cess ive amount of grea[...]

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    20 This Page Intentiona lly Left Bla nk[...]

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    21 V P ar ts List 1.0 NER 2 Pa rts L ist W hen ordering parts , pl ease pr ovide th e h oist co de nu m ber, lot num ber and ser ial num ber loc ated on the h o ist nameplate ( see f ig. bel ow). Rem inder: To aid in order ing p arts and prod uct s uppo rt, rec ord the h o ist c ode nu m ber, lot num ber and s erial number in the spac e prov ided o[...]

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    22 1.1 Hous ing an d Moto r Part s Figure 1 - 1 Housing and Mot or Parts[...]

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    23 1.1 Hous ing an d Moto r Part s Fig ure No. Part Nam e Parts P er Hoist 003L/L D 005L /LD 010L /LD 1 Fan Cove r 1 2AFG0 05L 9107 2AFG0 10L 9107 2 Fan 1 ER2CL 9108 ER2CS 910 8 3 Snap Ring 1 904711 3 904711 3 4 Brake Cov er 1 ER2CL 9115 ER2CS 91 15 5 Packing B 1 ER2CL 9119 ER2CS 911 9 6 Set Pin S 2 ES12 0003 7 Socket Bo lt 4 J1BEE0 504 522 8 Elect[...]

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    24 1.1 Hous ing an d Moto r Part s Figure 1 - 2 Housing and Mot or Parts[...]

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    25 1.1 Hous ing an d Moto r Part s Figure No. Part Name Parts Per Hoist 020L/LD 1 Fan Co ver 1 2AFG020L9107 2 Fan 1 ER2DS9108 3 Snap R ing 1 9047116 4 Brake Cover 1 ER2DS9115 5 Packi ng B 1 ER2DS9119 6 Set Pi n S 2 ES120003 7 Socket Bolt 4 J1BEE0504522 8 Electr om a gneti c Brake Ass embly 1 MBABB18N A 9 Key B 1 ER2DS9360 10 Snap R ing 2 9047124 11[...]

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    26 1.2 Gear ing P arts Figure 2 - 1 Gearing Parts[...]

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    27 1.2 Gear ing P arts Figure No. Part Name Parts Per Hoist 003L/LD 005L/LD 010L/LD 1 Load S heav e A ssembly 1 ER2CS6241 ER2DS 6241 2 Load S heav e 1 ER 2DS9241 ER2DS 9241 3 Oil Seal 1 ES221010S ES221010S 4 Ball Be ar ing 1 9000508 5 Ball Be ar ing 1 9000302 9000304 6 Load G ear 1 ER2CL9240 ER2D S9240 7 Snap R ing 1 9047135 8 Ball Be ar ing 1 9000[...]

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    28 1.2 Gear ing P arts Figure 2 - 2 Gearing Parts[...]

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    29 1.2 Gear ing P arts Figure No. Part Name Parts Per Hoist 020L/ LD 1 Load S heav e Assembly 1 ER2ES6241 2 Load S heav e 1 ER2ES9241 3 Oil Seal 1 ER2ES9221 4 Ball Be ar ing 1 9000609 5 Ball Be ar ing 1 9000405 6 Load G ear 1 ER2EL9240 7 Snap R ing 1 9047150 8 Ball Be ar ing 1 9000110 9 Oil Seal 1 ER2ES9244 10 Ball Be ar ing 1 9000303 11 Oil Seal 2[...]

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    30 1.3 Hook and C hain P arts Figu re 3 - 1 Hook and Chain Part s *Optional st ai nless steel chain container assem bl y not shown. See Figure No. 45 on part number chart for ordering informatio n.[...]

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    31 1.3 Hook and C hain P arts Figure No. Part Name Parts Per Hoist 003L/LD 005L/LD 1 Top Hook Assem b ly 1 2ASF005S5 101 2 Hook Latch 1 2ASF005S1 103 3 Suspend er E (For P u sh Trolley) – White Epoxy Paint 1 36FG0059 004 Suspend er E (For P u sh Trolley) – Nickel P lated 37F G0059004 Suspend er E (For Geared Trolley) – White Epoxy Paint 36FG0[...]

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    32 1.3 Hook and C hain P arts Figure 3 - 2 Hoo k and Chai n P arts *Optional st ai nless steel chain container assem bl y not shown. See Figure No. 45 on part number chart for ordering informatio n.[...]

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    33 1.3 Hook and C hain P arts Figure No. Part Name Parts Per Hoist 010L 1 Top Hook Assembly 1 2A SF010S5 101 2 Hook Latch 1 2ASF010S1 103 3 Suspender E (For Manua l Troll ey) – White Epoxy Paint 1 36FG0109 004 Suspender E (For Manua l Troll ey) – Nickel P lated 37FG0109 004 4 Connection Yoke P (For P ush Trolley) – White Epoxy Paint 1 2AFG005[...]

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    34 1.3 Hook and C hain P arts Figure 3 - 3 Hook and Chain Parts *Optional st ai nless steel chain container assem bl y not shown. See Figure No. 45 on part number chart for ordering informatio n.[...]

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    35 1.3 Hook and Chain Par ts Figure No. Part Name Parts Per Hoist 020L 1 Top Hook Assem b ly 1 2ASF020S5 101 2 Hook Latch 1 2ASF020S1 103 3 Suspender E (For Manua l Troll ey) – White Epoxy paint 1 36FG0209 004 Suspender E (For Manua l Troll ey) – Nickel P lated 37F G0209004 4 Con n ect ion Yok e P (For P ush Trolley) – White Epoxy Paint 1 2AF[...]

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    36 1.4 Elec tric Par ts ( Sing le Spee d) Figure 4 - 1 Electric Parts (Singl e Speed)[...]

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    37 1.4 Elec tric Par ts ( Sing le Spee d) Figure No. Part Name Parts Per Hoist 003L 005L 010L 020L 1 Limit Switc h Complet e Assembly 1 ER2CI1060 2 So cke t Bol t 3 9091247 3 Spring Lock Washe r 3 9012709 4 Plate As sembly 1 ER2GHM05L5A2 ER2GHM10S5A2 ER2GHM20L5A2 5 Plate 1 ER2CS9441 ER2DS9441 ER2ES9441 6 Plate S crew 3 ER1BS9445 7 Transformer 1 TRF[...]

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    38 1.5 Elec tric Par ts ( Dual Spe ed) Figure 5 - 1 Electric Parts (Dual S peed)[...]

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    39 1.5 Elec tric Par ts ( Dual Spe ed) Figure No. Part Name Parts Per Hoist 005LD 010LD 020LD 1 Limit Sw itch Complet e Assembly 1 ER2CI1060 2 Socket Bolt 3 9091247 3 Spring Lock Washe r 3 9012709 4 LS Harness 1 ER2CI9554 5 Plate As sembly M, 2V 1 ER2LH E05J5A2 ER2LHE10J5A 2 ER2LHE20J5A2 F, 2V 1 ER2BHE05J5A2 ER 2BHE10J5A2 ER2BH E20J5A2 M, 4V 1 ER2 [...]

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    40 1.6 Pow er Sup ply and Pendan t Par ts Figure 6 - 1 Power Supply and Pendant Parts (Plug Connection )[...]

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    41 1.6 Pow er Sup ply and Pendan t Par ts Figure No. Part Name Parts Per Hoist 005L/ LD 010L/LD 020L/LD 1 Cord Suppor t (Wire Stop ) 1 ER1BS9534 2 Mach. Screw W/Spring Washe r 2 J1AP45001212 3 Socket Frame Complet e Assembly S 1 2AFG005S4511 2AFG020S4511 D 2AFG005I4511 2AF G010I4511 2AFG 020I4511 4 Sock et Fr ame 1 2AFG005S9511 5 Sock et 4P Assembl[...]

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    42 This Page Intentiona lly Left Blank[...]

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    43 2.0 MR 2 Parts Li st W hen ordering parts , pl ease pr ovide th e tro lley co de num ber , lot num ber and s erial n umber located on the h oist name p late ( see f ig. bel ow). Rem inder: T o aid in order ing parts and prod uct s uppo rt, recor d the trol le y code num ber, lot num ber and ser ial numbe r in the spac e prov ided o n the c over [...]

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    44 2 .1 Electric Parts – 1/4 to 2 Ton ( Sin gle S peed ) Figure 1 - 1 Electric Parts (Singl e Speed)[...]

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    45 2 .1 Electric Parts – 1/4 to 2 T on (Sing le Spe ed) F igure No. Part Name Parts Per Trolle y 1 Ton 2 Ton 1 Conn e c tion B ox Assembl y 1 7038101 7038102 2 Holder A 1 ECP5924AA 3 Holder B 2 ECP5924AB 4 Packi ng 2 ECP5924AC 5 Holder N ut 2 ECP5924AD 6 Cord Cover 1 E6F630010S 7 Mac hine Sc rew With Sprin g Was he r 8 J1AP45001010 9 Connec tion [...]

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    46 2 .1 Electric Parts – 1/4 to 2 Ton ( Dua l Spe ed) Figure 1 - 2 Elect ric P art s (Dua l Speed )[...]

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    47 2 .1 Electric Parts – 1/4 to 2 T on (Dual Speed) Figure No. Part Na me Parts Per Trolle y 1 Ton 2 Ton 1 Conn ecti on Box Ass embly 2V 1 7038201 7038202 4V 7038203 7038204 2 Holder A 1 ECP5924AA 3 Holder B 2 ECP5924AB 4 Packi ng 2 ECP5924A C 5 Holder N ut 2 ECP5924AD 6 Cord Cover 1 E6F630010S 7 Machi ne Scre w Wi th Sp rin g Was her 8 J1AP45001[...]

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    48 2 .2 Pendan t Parts – 1/ 4 to 2 Ton Figure 2 - 1 Pendant Parts[...]

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    49 2 .2 Pen dant Part s – 1/ 4 to 2 Ton Figure No. Part Name Parts Per Trolle y 1 Ton 2 Ton 1 Push Bu tto n Cor d 6C/7 C/8C Complet e Assembl y W 1 ZB1102AI1000 X ZB1202AI1000 Y ZB2102AI1000 Z Z B2202AI1000 4 Push Bu tto n Cord 6C W 1 16/6P Push Bu tto n Cor d 8C X, Y, Z 16/8P 5 Warni ng T ag P B 1 WTAG7 6 Tag Holder 1 E3S 787003 7 Machine Screw [...]

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    50 2 .3 Pow er Supply Part s – 1/4 t o 2 Ton Figure 3 - 1 Pow er Supp ly P art s[...]

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    51 2 .3 Pow er Supply Part s – 1/4 t o 2 Ton Figure No. Part Na me Parts Per Trolle y 1 Ton 2 Ton 1 Powe r Supply Cable 4C Asse mbly 1 ZBZC12AH1100 ZBZC12BH 1100 2 Cable Pac king 1 ECP6914AA ECP6916AA 3 Cable Suppo rt 14 Assembly 1 M3ES0101724 5 Power Sup ply Cable 4C 1 14/4 12/4 6 Cable Hange r 14 Assem bly A/R ES1527003 MS1733020 7 Cable Su ppo[...]

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    52 2 .4 Side Plates and S uspensi on P arts – 1/4 to 2 Ton Figure 4 - 1 Side Plates a nd Suspension Pa rts[...]

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    53 2 .4 Si de P late s and Su spen sio n Par ts – 1/4 to 2 Ton Figure No. Part Name Parts Per Trolle y 1 Ton 2 Ton 2 Side Pla te G As sembly – St a ndar d Whe e ls 1 3AFG010S5201 3AFG020S5201 Side Pla te G As sembly – Stainless S teel Wheel s 3AFG010S5801 3AF G020S5801 3 Track Wheel G Assembly – S tand ard 2 MS1101010 MS 1101020 Track Wheel[...]

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    54 Extended Susp ensi on Shaf t Assem blies Figure No. Part Name Parts Per Trolle y 1 Ton 2 Ton 16 Exte nded S uspens io n Sh aft Assembly – Sta nd ar d Sh af t 1 37FG010S1121 37F G020S1121 Exte nded S uspens io n Sh aft Assembly – Nicke l Plate d Shaf t 1 37FG010S3121 37F G020S3121 17 Exte nded S uspens io n Sh aft – Stand ard 1 MSF181010 MS[...]

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    56 2 .5 Mot or Parts – 1/4 t o 2 Ton Figure 5 - 1 Motor Parts[...]

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    57 2 .5 Mot or Parts – 1/4 t o 2 Ton Figure No. Part Name Parts Per Trolle y 1 Ton 2 Ton 2 Gear Box Pack ing 1 MR1DS9248 3 Set Pin 2 MR1DS9249 4 Bo lt 4 J1BAE0802525 5 Spring Lock Washer 4 J1W S07420080 6 Washe r 4 J1WB07400080 7 M otor Assembly 1 3AFG010S1321 8 Ball Be ar ing 1 9001004 9 Brake Drum Assembly 1 MR1DS5261 10 Brake Spring 1 MS304010[...]

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    59 3.0 TS2 Par t s Li st W hen ordering parts, pl ease provide the hois t code num ber , lot num ber and seria l num ber locat ed on the h ois t nameplate ( see fig. bel ow). Rem inder: To aid in order ing par ts and prod uct suppor t, rec ord the ho ist code num ber, lot num ber and s erial num ber in the space pro vided on t he cover of this m an[...]

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    60 3 .1 TS2 Push Tr olley Parts – 1/ 4 to 2 Ton TS2 Push Troll ey 1/4 to 2 Ton[...]

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    61 3 .1 TS2 Push Tr olley Parts – 1/ 4 to 2 Ton Figur e No. P art Name Parts Per Tr olle y 1/2 Ton 1 T on 2 T on 1 Side Plate S Ass embl y – Standard W heels 2 37FG00551 12 37F G01051 12 37F G02051 12 Side Plate S Ass embl y – Stainless Ste el W heels 37FG005 5812 37FG0 1058 12 37 FG02058 12 2 Name pl ate B 1 T6G800005P T6G800010P T6G800020P [...]

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    62 3 .2 TS2 G eare d Trol l ey Par ts – 1/4 t o 2 Ton TS2 Geared Trolle y 1/4 t o 2 T on[...]

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    63 3. 2 TS2 Geared Troll ey Parts – 1/4 t o 2 Ton Figur e No. Part Nam e Parts Per Trolle y 1 Ton 2 Ton 1 Side Plat e S As sembl y – Standar d W heel s 1 37FG01051 12 37F G02051 12 Side Plat e S As sembl y – Stainle ss S teel W heels 37FG010 5812 37FG0 2058 12 2 Name pl ate B ** 1 T6G8000 10G T6G8000 20G 3 Track wheel S Assem bl y – Stan da[...]

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    64 www .harri ngtonhois ts.c om Harri ngton Hoi sts, Inc . Harr ing ton H oists – W estern Division 401 West End Avenue 234 1 Pomona R d. No. 103 Manhei m, P A 17 545 - 1 703 C orona, CA 928 80 - 6973 Phon e: 717 - 665 - 2000 Phone: 951 - 279 - 71 00 Toll Fr ee: 800 - 233 - 3010 T oll Fr ee: 800 - 3 17 - 7111 Fax: 717 - 66 5 - 2861 Fax : 951 - 27[...]