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Heat Controller , Inc. • 1900 Wellworth A ve. • Jackson, MI 49203 • (517)787-2100 • www .heatcontroller .com SER VICE MANU AL Inverter Single Zone Ductless Mini Split Heat Pump VMH Series V ersion C VMH09SC-1 VMH12SC-1 VMH18SC-1 VMH24SC-1[...]
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2 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. CONTENTS 1.Safety Precautions ............................................................................................................................. 3 2. Functions ................................................................................................................................[...]
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3 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 2 1. Precaution 1.1 Safety Pre caution T o prev ent inj ury to the user or ot her pe ople a nd propert y damage, t he follo wing instruc tio ns must be follo wed. Incor rect operatio n due to i gnoring instr uction wil l cause harm or damage. Before ser vice u n i t, be sure to rea d t[...]
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4 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 3 Sharp edg es could cause injury , be especially careful of the case edges and the fins o n the condenser a nd evaporator . For installation, a l w ay s c ontact t he dealer . There is risk of fire, electr ic shock, ex plosion, or injury . Do not inst all the pr oduct on a d efective i nst[...]
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5 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 4 Do not use the t elephone or turn switches on or of f. There is risk of ex plosion or fire. If st range sounds , or sm all or smoke c omes f rom product . T urn the br eaker off or disconnect the power supply cable. There is risk o f electric shoc k or f i r e. St op operati on and clos [...]
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6 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 5 Keep lev el even when inst alling the pr oduct. T o avoid vibration o f water leakage . Use t w o or more pe ople t o lif t and trans port the pro duct. Av oid personal injury . Do not ins tall the pro duct where it will be expos ed to sea wind (salt spr ay) directly . It may cause co[...]
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7 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 6 A dirty filter red uces the ef ficiency of the a ir conditioner and could cau se product malfun ction or damage. Do not inse rt ha nds or o ther object thro ugh air inlet or outle t whil e the prod uct is operated. There are shar p and moving par ts that coul d cause person al injury . D[...]
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8 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 7 2. Funct ion W h en the po w er supply is interrupted and then res tored, the unit autom atically restarts at the previous f unction sett i ng. Maintains th e room tem perature according to the set tem perature The m ode can be change by the room temperatur e The lou v er can be set at th e desir[...]
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9 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 8 Protect s the valv es and pr event s water from drippin g . 3 minute time de lay between ON/OFF oper ation. Out door unit Compressor delay Hydroph ilic aluminum fin Energized i n the heating mode except when in defr ost. Ant i - rust cabinet V alve protecti on cover 4 way v al v e con t rol Made[...]
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10 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 9 3. Dimension 3.1 Indoor Unit Model Dimens ion (m m) W H D B- VMH09SC B- VMH12SC 845 (33.3in) 286 (11.3in) 165 (6.5in) B- VMH18SC B- VMH24SC 1080 (42.5in) 320 (12.6in) 200 (7.9in)[...]
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11 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 10 3.2 Outdoor Unit Mode l Dimension (mm) W D H W1 A B A- VMH 09SC 760 (29.9in) 285 (1 1.2in) 590 (23.2in) 823 (32.4in) 530 (20.9in) 290 (1 1.4in) A- VMH 12SC A- VMH 18SC 845 (33.3in) 335 (13.2in) 695 (27.4in) 918 (36.1in) 560 (22.0in) 335 (13.2in) A- VMH 24SC 895 (35.2in) 330 (13.0in) 860 (33.9i[...]
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13 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 12 5. W iring Diagram s: 5.1 Indoor Unit s B- VMH09SC - 1 B - VM H12SC -1 B- VMH18SC - 1 B - VM H24SC -1[...]
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14 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 13 5.2 Outdoor Unit A- VMH09SC - 1 A - V M H12SC -1 A- VMH18S C -1[...]
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15 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 14 A- VMH24SC -1 6. Inst allat ion deta ils : 6. 1 Power Wiring • Consult local building codes, NEC (National Elect rical Code) or CEC (Canadian Electrical Code) for special r e quirements. Connection Cable: V oltage drop on the connecting cable should be kept to a m inim um . The operating vol[...]
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16 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 15 6. 2 Pipe length and the elevation : 1. Single Zone “V” Series Inverter S ystem: Capacity Pipe S ize S tandard Max T otal Additio nal Btu/h Gas L iquid Lengt h Elevation Line Length (ft) R e f rigera n t (in) (in) (f t) (ft) Min. Max. oz /ft 9k 3/8 1/4 *16.5 26 10 65.5 .2 12k 1/2 1/4 *16.5 [...]
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17 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 16 6.3 Press ure T est & Evacu ation Air and moist ure in the refrigera nt syst em have undesira ble effect s as below: ● Pressure in the sy stem rises. ● Operatin g current ris es. ● Cooling or he ating ef ficiency drops. ● Moisture in the refrig erant circ uit may f r eeze and blo c[...]
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18 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 17 2. Deep V acuum Method The de ep vacuu m method requires a vacuu m p ump capable of p ulling a vacuum of 500 m icrons and a vacuu m of 500 microns a nd vacuu m gage cap able of accurate ly measuri ng the vacuu m de pth. The deep vacu um method i s t he most positive way of assuring a sy stem is[...]
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19 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 18 8. Ele ctronic function 8.1 Abbreviation T1: Indoor room temp eratur e T2: Coil temperat ure of evaporat or T3: Coil temperat ure of condenser T4: O utdoor ambient temperat ure T5: C om pressor dis charge temperatur e TS: Preset t emperature. 8.2 Displa y function 8.2.1 Icon exp lanation on in[...]
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20 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 19 8.3 Main Protection 8.3.1 Three Minut e Tim e Delay at rest art for compress o r . 1 minute del ay for 1 st ti me s tart - up and 3 minute del ay for others. 8.3.2 T emper ature prote ction o f compr essor top . Protector cuts off comp ressor for 30 s econds and res tar ts aft er 3 minute delay[...]
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21 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 20 Preheat mode: • With the co mpressor of f , a smal l amou nt of curre nt flows thr ough the windi ngs of the co mpressor hea ting the cr ankcas e. Pre heat termination : • If T4 > 41 °F /5 °C or user t urns on the mac hi n e and compressor runs , preheat ing function w ill stop. • Cr[...]
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22 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 21 8.4.2 Cooling M od e 8.4.2. 1 Compress or running r ules: The operati ng frequ ency of compr essor after st arting sub mits to following ru l e. If users switc h on A/C by remote contr oller , the compr essor will ru n at the Fmax frequen cy for 7 minutes accordin g to out door a m bient temp. [...]
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23 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 22 No te: W hen T1 - Ts sta ys in the same te m p. zone for 3 min utes, the compres sor will r un as fo llows : A~E: Inc rease s the frequenc y to lev el F8. F: Maint ai n s the current freque ncy . G: Decreas e s the frequ e ncy t o the lower level F1. H: Ru n s at F1 for 1h.(if T1 - Ts < 28?[...]
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24 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 23 8.4.2 .2 Out door fan rules: Ou td oor fan and co m pr essor star t at the sam e time, out door fan stop s 30s aft er the compres sor stops . The out door fan has two speed s, and is contr olled by T4 a s f ollows : 8.4.2. 3 Indoor fan r unning ru les In cooling mod e, indoor fa n runs all the [...]
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25 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 24 Ev ap or ator low temper ature T2 protecti on. W hen T2< 32°F/0°C, t he compress or will stop an d restart when T2> 41°F/5°C. When 32°F/ 0°C≤ T 2< 39°F/ 4°C , the compress or freq uen cy is limited and decrea se s to the lower lev el every minute unt il stop the co m[...]
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26 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 25 After A/C st arts u p, the compressor will run at the Fmax frequenc y for 7 minut es according to out door ambient t emp. During t he 7 minute s, frequency limit ation is active. 7 minutes later , compre ssor runni ng f r equency will b e controlle d as below: W hile T emp. zone A B C D E F G F[...]
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27 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 26 Meanwh ile, the co mpress or running fr equency is limited by the current. If the curre nt increases more than I 2 H E AT , the frequ ency will decreas e automatically , if the current rais es to over I 3 H E AT ,, the co mpressor will stop and rest art 3m in later . During the frequency decre[...]
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28 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 27 8.4.3 .3 Indoor f an rule s: The indoor fa n speed can be selected a s high, medium, l ow and auto, the anti -cold- wind f un ction has the prior it y. If set temper ature is reac hed, the indoor f an switche s to lowest speed, the anti - cold wind funct ion has prior it y. If operation m o de [...]
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29 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 28 Auto fan act i on i n heating mode. 8.4.3 .4 D e fros t mode : Condition s of d ef r ost : When the unit is r unning, if any one of the following conditio ns is satis fied, the unit star ts de frost : 1 .Defrost is av ailable afte r 40 minutes of run time i f T3 (Cond enser coil temper ature[...]
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30 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 29 Defrost Action s: For 9K and 12 K unit For 18K and 2 4K unit[...]
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31 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 30 Hig h evaporator coil temp.T2 p rotection: (1) T2>TEH2 compress or runni ng frequenc y decre ases to the lower lev el ev ery 20s. If the frequenc y decreased t o F2 and the T2 still over TEH2 for 3 min utes, the compressor will st op. If T2 deceased t o lower than 1 18°F/48° C, or[...]
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32 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 31 8.4.5 De humidify mode I ndoor fan speed is fixed in breeze and c an’t be changed. The louver angl e is the same as i n cooling mode. Co mpressor running rule s 8.4.5 .3 Room low temper ature protect ion If ro om temperatur e is lower than 50° F/10° C, compressor wi ll stop [...]
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33 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 32 I n forced operat ion mode, all general pr otections and re m ot e control functi ons are avai lable. O peration rul es: Forced cooling mod e: The compres sor runs at F2 frequency and indoor fa n runs as breez e. After ru nning for 30 m in utes. the machine wi l l tur n to auto[...]
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34 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 33 Ti m er s etting is availab le W hen user use s timer off functio n i n sle ep mode (or sleep func tion in timer of f mode), if the timin g i s less than 7 hour s, sleep function w ill be cance lled when the set t ime reached. If the t iming is more t han 7 hours, the m ac hi n [...]
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35 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 34 8.4.1 1 .2 After the A/C is turned on, the C lean Air function is sw i t ched on whe n the A/C receives F RESH CODE the fi r st time, an d ionizer is switched o ff when t he A/C receives the CO D E a gain . 8.4.1 1.3 After star ting the Cle an Air function, the ionizer will w ork only when the[...]
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36 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 35 9. Troubl eshooting 9.1 Indoor Unit Error Displa y Disp lay LED ST A TU S E0 EEP R O M param eter error E1 Indoor / outdo or units co mmunicat ion protect ion E2 Zero - crossi ng signal err or E3 Indoor fan sp eed out of control E5 Open or short cir cuit of out door temperatur e sensor E6 Open [...]
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37 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 36 9 .2.2 Ind oor uni t and out door uni t com muni cation prote ction err or dia gnosis and s olution No Ye s Ye s No Ye s Check the wir ing betwe en indoor and out door unit. Is the conn ection of L, N, S and GN D good? No Is the LED4(r ed) bright and LED1(y ellow) blinking o n outd oor PCB? Pr[...]
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38 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 37 9 .2. 3 Zero cros sing chec k resista nce or inverter com pressor , it i s .7 Ω error Al arm signa l when the main chip ca n’t detect over - z ero signa l. W h en such failure occurs, the ma in control board must have fault. Is the fan motor conne ctor and connectio n good? Tu rn o ff the u[...]
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39 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 38 9 .2.5 Open or short circuit of te mperatu re sens or diagnosi s and soluti on 9 .2.6 IGBT over curr ent prote ction diag nosis and sol ution Y es Re place the outdoor or indoor PC B Y es Check the co nnections bet ween the sensors and the PCB. Are the connecti o ns good? Replace the s ensor a[...]
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40 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 39 9 .2.7 Over volt age or too low vol tage pr otectio n diag nosis a nd solut ion 9 .2.8 High temperature prote ction of co mpressor top diagn osis an d soluti on Y es Y es No, Charge re f rig erant Is the abnor m a l ity the same after ga s charging? Replace the out door PCB. No Y es Is over loa[...]
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41 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 40 9.29 P3 ERROR – Low A mbient Prot ecti on If the out door tem perature remains at 5°F ( - 15°C) for an hour , the co mpressor will turn of f and the error code “P3” w ill be display ed on the indoor unit . Once the compress or has been of f for at least an h our and the temperat ure ou[...]
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42 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 41 Key p art s checking . 8.3.1. Com pressor che cking (M odel: DA108 X 1 C-20FZ3) Meas ure th e resist ance value of each wi nding by using the multi- meter . Ste p Motor (Model: MP283 5T ) Meas ure the resistance v alue of each winding by using the multi- met er . Position Re sistance Va l u e B[...]
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43 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 42 8.3.1. Com pressor che cking (M odel: DA150S 1C - 20FZ) Meas ure the resistance v alue of each winding by usi ng the multi - m eter . Outdoor F an Motor (Model : YD K53 - 6 FB ) Meas ure the resistance v alue of each winding by usi ng the multi - m eter . Outdoor F an Motor (Model : YD K53 - 6[...]
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44 Service Manual VMH SerieS Heat Controller , Inc. 43 T emperature Sensors. Room temp.(T1) sensor , I ndoor coil tem p.(T2) sensor , Outdoor coil tem p. ( T3) sensor , Outdoor ambi ent temp.( T4) sensor , Compressor exhau st temp.(T e) sensor . Meas ure the resistance v alue of each winding by usi ng the multi - m eter . Some fr equently- used R- [...]
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45 Heat Controller , Inc. VMH SerieS Ser vice Manual 04/2009 3-2012[...]