Hitachi 27GX01B manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Hitachi 27GX01B, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Hitachi 27GX01B one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Hitachi 27GX01B. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Hitachi 27GX01B should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Hitachi 27GX01B
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Hitachi 27GX01B item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Hitachi 27GX01B item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Hitachi 27GX01B alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Hitachi 27GX01B, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Hitachi service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Hitachi 27GX01B.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Hitachi 27GX01B item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    SOLID ST A TE COLOR TV 27GX01B OPERA TING GUIDE IMPORT ANT SAFE GUARDS 2-3 FIRST TIME USE 4-9 REMOTE CONTRO L 10-1 4 MENU SE LECTION 15-2 3 USEFUL INF OR MA TION 24-2 5 Printed in th e United States TQB2AA0335 ASK ME! 0335E2new. fm Page 1 Tuesday, April 25, 2000 4:10 PM[...]

  • Page 2

    Import an t - 2 - I MPOR TANT Follow all w arnings a nd instru ctions ma rked on this televisio n receiver. POWER SOURCE • This soli d state color TV i s designe d to operate o n 120 volts 60H z, AC househo ld current. • Insert pow er cord into a 12 0 volt 60Hz outlet. • T o prevent electric s hock, do not us e the telev ision’s plug with a[...]

  • Page 3

    Import an t - 3 - PROTEC TION AND LOC ATION OF YOUR T ELEVISION S ET PROTEC TION AND LOC ATION OF YOUR T ELEVISION S ET OPERAT ION OF YOUR TELEVISIO N SET IF THE TELEVISIO N SET DOES N OT OPERAT E PROPERLY FOR SERVICING AND MO DIFICATION 12. Do not use the televis ion set near wa ter, for examp le, near a batht ub, wash bowl, k itchen sink, or laun[...]

  • Page 4

    Introd uction - 4 - I NTRODUCTION Congratulations On Your New Purchase Y our ne w tel evisi on feat ures all soli d st ate compone nts. It is des igned to gi ve you many yea rs of enjoy ment. It was thoro ughly t ested an d adjuste d at the f actory for best perfor mance. In orde r for yo u to ta ke full ad vant age of yo ur new tele vision , pleas[...]

  • Page 5

    Inst allation - 5 - I NSTALLAT ION T elevi sion Locat ion This un it is inte nded to be used with an optional sta nd or enter tai nment ce nter . Consu lt your dealer for av aila ble optio ns. Locate for com fortable v iewing. Avoi d plac ing where sunlight o r othe r bright light (inc luding reflections ) will fall o n the scree n. Use of some typ[...]

  • Page 6

    Inst allation (cont.) - 6 - Antenna/Cable Connections Antenna Conn ection - For prope r recept ion of VH F/UHF cha nnels, an externa l antenn a is req uired. For best r ec eptio n an out door ant enna is recommended. Antenna must be sele cted as your signal source . (R efer to the Si gnal Sou rce sect ion loca ted in t he Set-Up menu). Incoming Cab[...]

  • Page 7

    Inst allation (c ont.) - 7 - Optional Equipment Connection and Operation To Au di o AMP Connec tion (S tere o) • T o Au dio AM P Conne ct to an externa l audio amp aux iliary inp ut for monitorin g soun d throug h a st ereo syste m. NOTE: “TO AUDIO AMP” te rminals canno t be us ed for extern al spea kers. Oper ation - When a n aud io amp is c[...]

  • Page 8

    Inst allation (cont.) - 8 - Cable Box Connection Oper ation 1. Connec t incom ing c able to cable b ox ANT INPUT . 2. Con nect a ca bl e from ca ble box ANT OUTPUT to TV ANT . Digital TV - Set-T op Box (DTV -STB) Conn ecti on Use th is diagr am to conn ect the DTV -STB (Digi tal TV -Set-T op Box) to t he back of your T V . Note: There are th ree vi[...]

  • Page 9

    Locati on of T elevision Cont rol s - 9 - L OCA TION OF T ELEVISION C ONTROLS Power Butto n - Press to turn ON or OFF. VOL (V olume) Buttons - Pre ss to adj u st soun d level. CH (Channel) - Pres s to sele ct progr ammed chan nels. Me nu Bu tton - Press to d ispl ay main menu an d acces s onscree n featur es or Adj u stme nt menus. Input But ton - [...]

  • Page 10

    Remote Co n trol - 10 - R EMO TE C ONTR OL Mode Buttons Thes e butto ns allow th e remo te to contro l your TV, VCR, or c able box depen ding on which mode but ton is select ed. Channel Butt ons Press to selec t chann els. Keypa d But tons Press de sired ch annel num ber to access channel . Volume But tons Press to adju st TV soun d level. LST-CH ([...]

  • Page 11

    Remote Co ntrol Quick Refer ence Func tional Key C hart - 11 - R EMOTE C ONTROL Q UICK R EFERENCE F UNCTIONAL K EY C HA RT Key Operates POWER TV CABLE VCR Turns TV On and Off Turns Cable Box On and Off Tu rns VCR On and Off INPUT TV Selects the TV In put Mode MENU TV Act ivates and Exits TV Men us TV VCR CABLE Selects Cha nnel Selects code in Video[...]

  • Page 12

    Remote Contr ol Quick R eference Function al Key C hart - 12 - SLEEP TV Selects 3 0, 60 or 90 minutes for Autom atic Turn Off. Also use t o turn Sleep Timer off by sel ecting NO MUTE TV Mutes TV Audio Access a nd exit C losed Captio ning LST -C H TV Select prev iously tun ed channe l Mode Select ion Buttons TV CABLE VCR TV CABLE VCR Selects TV Mode[...]

  • Page 13

    Using th e Remot e to Cont rol VCR a nd Cable Box Fun ctions - 13 - U SING THE R EMOT E TO C ONTR OL VCR AND C ABLE B OX F UNCT IONS Operating th e Precoded Function for Your V CR This rem ote is des igned t o operate dif feren t types of VCRs . Y ou must f irst progr am the re mote to ma tch the remote system in your VCR . (Refer t o the VCR Code [...]

  • Page 14

    VCR and Cable Box Cod es Inde x - 14 - VCR AND C ABLE B OX C ODES I NDEX The remo te is capab le of o perati ng many brands of VCRs and cable boxes. Y ou must f irst program t he remot e cont rol to match the re mote s ystem in your VCR or c able box. NOTE: The remot e control me mory is limite d. Some mod els of VCRs or cable boxes may not op erat[...]

  • Page 15

    Menu Selections - 15 - S PECIAL F UNCTIONS LST-CH - Pressi ng switc hes be tween t he last two channe ls sel ected from numer ic key pad. NOTE: When sca nning cha nnels with the C HANNEL or butto n, pressi ng the LST- CH butt on switc hes between the last two channel s scanned. Recall - Press to revi e w: Audio Mo de Stat us CH Num ber or Vide o In[...]

  • Page 16

    Menu Selections - 16 - Video A djustments Reset Use to r eset Color , Tint, Brightne ss, Contra st and Shar pness a djustm ents back to a fa ctory p reset level. 1. Press . 2. Pr ess C URSOR or and or to hig hlight th e Video i con. 3. Pr ess to di sp lay th e Video Adjust ment menu . 4. Press CURSOR or to high light RES ET . 5. Press CU RSOR or to[...]

  • Page 17

    Menu Selections - 17 - Audio Ad justm ents Mode When A udio is broad cast in S tereo or SA P , an On- Scree n display will appear o n initial “Turn On”. The available choices will be h ighlighted . 1. Press . 2. Pr ess C URSOR or and or to hig hlight th e Audio i con. 3. Pr ess to di sp lay th e Audio Adjust ment menu . 4. Press CURSOR to highl[...]

  • Page 18

    Menu Selections - 18 - Perfect V ol. (V olu me) This f eature au tomati cally adj ust s the vol ume to maint ain a comfortable listening level. 1. Press . 2. Pr ess C URSOR or and or to hig hlight th e Audio i con. 3. Pr ess to di sp lay th e Audio Adjust ment menu . . 4. Press CU RSOR . 5. Pr ess CURS OR or to sele ct ON or O FF . 6. Pr ess twice [...]

  • Page 19

    Menu Selections - 19 - Time r Features Clock Set Clock (whe n set) will d isplay ons creen at init ial “T urn O n”, afte r a cha nnel ch ange and when pre ssing the RE CALL button . The time m ust be set first in ord er to op erate the Event Program T imer . 1. Press . 2. Pr ess CURS OR or and or to hi ghligh t the Set-Up icon. 3. Pr ess to di [...]

  • Page 20

    Menu Selections - 20 - T imer 1 and Timer 2 (cont.) NOTE: To de activate Pr ogram Tim er select N O in step 15. Custo m Favo rites In CHANNE LS menu under F A VORITES select: • CHANNEL SCAN F A V to enter up to 16 favo ri te chan nels. • CHANNEL SCAN ALL to scan all channels when usi ng the CH up/dow n button s. 1. Press . 2. Pr ess curs or p o[...]

  • Page 21

    Menu Selections - 21 - Custom Manual C aption This f eature al lows you to ent er the call names of up to 30 stations int o mem ory (us ing up to 4 char acters f or each station). Th e I.D. na me will th en displa y along wit h the channe l numb er whe n chang ing cha nnels or pre ssin g RECALL . 1. Press . 2. Pr ess CURS OR or and or to hi ghligh [...]

  • Page 22

    Menu Selections - 22 - Input Lab el This fe ature is used to label v ideo co nnections for on screen disp lay o f opt ional equipme nt. 1. Press . 2. Pr ess CURS OR or and or to hi ghligh t the Cust om icon. 3. Pr ess to di splay the Custo m menu . 4. Press CU RSOR to highligh t CAPTION. 5. Press CU RSOR . 6. Pr ess C URSOR to highli ght Input Labe[...]

  • Page 23

    Menu Selections - 23 - Set-Up Feature s Signal S ource The pro per inp ut mode m ust be s elec ted for the ty pe of sign al at the antenna input. • Antenna mode is us ed when the te levisi on is not connec ted to a cabl e TV system, for ex ample w hen usin g a VHF/UHF ant enna ( ch annels 02 - 69). • CA TV mode is used when the telev isio n is [...]

  • Page 24

    Menu Selections - 24 - CC on Mute Activate C1 -C2 for Close d Capt ion in g disp la y whe n the remote MUTE butto n is pr essed. 1. Press . 2. Pr ess CURS OR or and or to hi ghligh t the Set-Up icon. 3. Pr ess to di sp lay th e Set-U p menu. 4. Press CURSO R to hig hligh t CC. 5. Press CU RSOR to se lect NO, C 1 or C2 . 6. Pr ess twice to exit me n[...]

  • Page 25

    Useful In formatio n - 25 - T ROUBLESHOOTING C HART Befor e you c all for s ervice, de termin e the s ymptoms and m ake a fe w simple checks shown b elow . Specifications Power Source: 120V CA , 60Hz , Channe l Capa bility: 181 chan nels (See chart) VH F 2~ 1 3, UHF 14 ~ 69 , Cable 125 c hanne ls Video I nput Jac ks: 1V p-p , 75 o hm, p ho no jac k[...]

  • Page 26

    Useful In formatio n - 26 - T o locate an autho rized HIT ACHI service facil ity in the continental U.S.A. a nd Canada , DIAL T OLL FREE 7 days a week, 24 hours a day (1-800-448-2244) service serv ic e 8 0 0 H I T A C H I 8 0 0 H I T A C H I HIT A CHI AMERI CA, L T D . Hit achi has ma de eve ry ef fort to assure you hours of tr ouble free operat io[...]

  • Page 27

    Notes - 27 - 0335E2new. fm Page 27 Tuesday, April 25, 2000 4:10 PM[...]

  • Page 28

    QR41 172 0335E2new. fm Page 28 Tuesday, April 25, 2000 4:10 PM[...]