HoMedics BPA-201 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of HoMedics BPA-201, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of HoMedics BPA-201 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of HoMedics BPA-201. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of HoMedics BPA-201 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of HoMedics BPA-201
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the HoMedics BPA-201 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the HoMedics BPA-201 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of HoMedics BPA-201 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of HoMedics BPA-201, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the HoMedics service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of HoMedics BPA-201.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the HoMedics BPA-201 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    BPA-201 El man ual en españ ol emp ieza en la pági na 32 A u t o m at i c B lo o d P r es s ur e M on i to r[...]

  • Page 2

    1 2 Clearing Values from Memory .......................... 24 Important Notes Regarding Your Blood Pressure Measurement .......................... 25 Care, Maintenance & Cleaning ......................... 26 Potential for Electromagnetic Interference ..... 28 Troubleshooting ................................................. 29 Specifications ..[...]

  • Page 3

    3 4 I M P O RT A N T P RO D U C T NO T I C E S A N D S AF E T Y I N S T RU C T I O N S Wh en us ing you r blo od pr es sur e mo nit or , bas ic p re cau ti on s sh oul d al way s be f oll ow ed . Ple ase rea d and fol low a ll in str uc tio ns and w arn in gs b ef ore usi ng th is pr od uct . Sa ve th ese ins tru ct io ns fo r fut ur e ref eren ce.[...]

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    5 6 Bl ood pre ssu re t en ds to go up a nd do wn, eve n in pe opl e wh o nor mal ly don ’t ha ve hi gh re ad ing s. I f yo ur nu mbe rs st ay ab ove the “ no rma l” ran ge mo st of t he t im e, yo u ma y be a t in cre ased r isk a nd s ho uld con sul t yo ur ph ysi ci an . Al tho ug h one can e asi ly fin d whe re th eir own b lo od pr ess u[...]

  • Page 5

    7 8 HOW THIS BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR WORKS Th is mo nit or use s inn ova ti ve te ch nol og y to de tec t yo ur bl ood pre ssu re . Thi s te chn olog y ena ble s the m on ito r to au tom at ica ll y in fla te an d de fla te a t th e app rop ri ate lev el fo r ea ch in div id ua l. Wi th o ne t ou ch of a but ton , the c uf f wil l au tom at ica ll y[...]

  • Page 6

    9 10 U se r 1: Ap pe ar sw he nt he m on it or is op er at ed by U se r1 . U se r 2: Ap pe ar s w he n th e m on it or is o pe ra te d b y U se r 2. Weak Battery Symbol: Appears when batteries should be replaced. Pulse Symbol: Shows the heart rate per minute. Irregular Heartbeat Detector: Ref erto pag e21 for?[...]

  • Page 7

    11 12 I N S T A L L IN G B A T T E RI E S 1.   Extend the tray so that the battery cover is fully exposed. 2. Press down on latch and lift the battery cover to open the battery compartment. 3. Insta llor re place  4  “A A ” siz edbatterie sin the  batte ry compa rtmen t according t o the in dicat ions i[...]

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    13 14 USIN G T HE ARM CU FF V er y I mp or ta n t : Pr o p e r c uf f s iz e i s c ri t i c a l to a c c u r a t e me asu rem ent . Th is mo nit or co mes w ith t wo s iz es of a rm cu ffs : St and ard S iz e Fit s 9”– 1 3 ” ( 23 cm – 3 3 cm ) La rge S ize Fit s 1 3”– 1 7 ” (33 c m – 43 c m) Th e app rop ria te cu ff is s uit abl e [...]

  • Page 9

    15 16 1.    If  t he  c uf fisno tass em ble d,  p as sth eend  o fthe cu ff fu rth es t aw ay fr om th e tub in g thr ough t he me tal D- rin g in o rder t o for m a loo p. Th e smo oth sid e wit hou t th e fel t mat er ial sho uld be on t he in sid e of t he c uf f loo p. 2. Plu g t he cuf f t ube into[...]

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    17 18 Note: If i t is n ot po ss ibl e to f it th e cu ff to y ou r lef t arm , it c an al so b e pl ace d on y our r ig ht ar m. H ow eve r, a ll mea sur eme nt s sh oul d be m ad e usi ng th e sa me ar m. To u se o n th e rig ht ar m, yo u mu st po sit io n the art ery symbo l “ ” o ver the ma in art ery. Lo cat e t he mai n a rte ry by pre s[...]

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    19 20 Pu lse Pu lse Pu lse 1.  Press the User Select Button to choose User1 or User 2. 2. Wi th th e c uf f w ra pp ed ar ou nd yo ur ar m, p re ss th e S TA RT / S T OP bu tt on . D o n ot in fl at e t he cu ff un le ss it is w ra pp ed a r ou nd yo ur ar m. Al l d ig it s w il l l ig ht up to ch ec k t he d is pl ay f u[...]

  • Page 12

    21 22 recommend you seek medical advice. Please note that the device does not replace a cardiac examination, but serves to detect pulse irregularities at an early stage. Movement, shaking or talking during the measurement can result in pulse irregularities that may cause the appearance of this icon. Therefore, it is of great importance to not move [...]

  • Page 13

    23 24 5.  Every newpress ofthe “M” button will recall a previous reading. The latest reading will be recalled first. CLE ARIN G VALU ES FROM MEM ORY 1.   Pressthe User-Select button to select User1 or User 2. 2. Press and hold t he Date & Time s et buttons ( ) at the same time while i[...]

  • Page 14

    25 26 IMPORTANT NOTES REGARDING YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE MEASUREMENT •   Take your readingin a comfortableenvironment as measurements can be affected by hot or cold temperatures. Take your blood pressure at normal body temperature. •   Do not move or talk during measurement as this can elevate readings. • [...]

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    27 28 8.   Donot disassemble themonitor or cuff.If inneed of repair, refer to the warranty section of this manual. 9.   Donot subject themonitor to extremeshocks (donot drop on floor). 10. Donot inflatethe cuff unlesswrapped around your[...]

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    29 30 TRO UBLE SHO OTIN G If any abnor mal ity ar ises du rin g use, pleas e chec k the fol low ing po ints Note: If the unit still does not work, contact HoMedics Consumer Relations. Under no circumstance should you disassemble or attempt to repair the unit by yourself. Contact information for HoMedics Consumer Relations Department can be found on[...]

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    ©2010 HoMedics , Inc. and its aff iliate d compani es, all rig hts reser ved. HoMe dics is a regis tered tra demark of HoMedics , Inc. and its aff iliat ed compan ies. All rig hts reser ved. IB-BPA 201A For service or repair, do not return this unit to the retailer. Contact HoMedics Consumer Relations at: Mail: HoMedics, Inc. Service Center Dept. [...]

  • Page 18

    33 34 Índice de Categoria de Riesgo ......................... 52 Detector de latidos irregulares (IHB, por sus siglas en inglés) ................................................ 53 Cómo recuperar los valores de la memoria .... 54 Cómo borrar los valores de la memoria .......... 56 Notas importantes con respecto a las mediciones de presión sang[...]

  • Page 19

    35 36 AVISOS IMPORTANTES DEL PRODUCTO E INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD Cuando utilice su monitor de presión sanguínea, debe seguir siempre las precauciones básicas. Sírvase leer y seguir todas las instrucciones y advertencias antes de utilizar este producto. Guarde estas instrucciones para referencia futura. •  Observe que[...]

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    37 38 La p re si ón san guín ea ti en de a sub ir y ba jar, i nclu so en p er so na s qu e norm alm en te no ti ene n le ct ur as alt as. S i su s re sult ado s pe rman ece n po r en cima d el ra ng o “n or ma l” la m ay or ía del t ie mp o, es p os ib le que c or ra un ri esgo m ayor y d eber ía co ns ul ta r a su mé dico . Si b ie n un o[...]

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    39 40 CÓMO FUNCIONA ESTE MONITOR DE PRESIÓN SANGUÍNEA Este monitor utiliza tecnología innovadora para detectar su presión arterial. Esta tecnología permite que el monitor infle y desinfle automáticamente al nivel apropiado para cada persona. Al presionar un botón, el brazalete se inflará automáticamente parabloquear lacirculac[...]

  • Page 22

    41 42 Error de medición: Mida nuevamente.Vuelva acolocarse el brazalete y mantenga el brazo quieta durante la medición. Irregularidad en el circuito de aire: Verifiquela conexióndel brazalete. Mida nuevamente. Presión superior a 300 mmHg: Apague la unidad para borrar, luego vuelva a medir. Error al determinar da[...]

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    43 44 INSTALACIÓN DE LAS PILAS 1. Deslicela bandejapara quela tapa delas bateríasquede completamente expuesta. 2. Presione el seguro y levante la tapa de las pilas para abrir el compartimiento de las pilas. 3.  Instale o reemplacelas 4pilas “AA”en el compartimientode l[...]

  • Page 24

    45 46 USO DEL BRAZALETE Muy importante: El tamaño adecuado del brazalete es fundamental para obtener mediciones precisas. Este monitor está equipado con brazaletes de dos tallas: Talla Normal, de 9 ” a 1 3 ” (de 23 a 33 cm) Talla Grande, de 1 3 ” a 1 7 ” (de 33 a 43 cm) Este brazalete es adecuado para su uso si la flecha de color cae dent[...]

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    47 48 6. Cen tre el tubo en la mitad de l braz o. 7. Hal e el ex trem o del bra zale te pa ra q ue qu ede aj ust ad o y pa rejo a lre de do r de su br azo. P resi one el ci erre d e gan ch o y ar o pa ra ase gur ar lo . De je es pa ci o su fi ci en te pa ra que 2 d ed os que pan ent re el br azal ete y su br azo. 8.  Po nga el br azo e [...]

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    49 50 2. Con el brazalete puesto en el brazo, presione el botón START/STOP . Noinfle elbrazalete amenos queesté puesto en el brazo. Todos los dígitos se encenderán para verificar las funciones de la pantalla. El procedimiento de verificación se completará despuésde aproximadamente3 segundos. 3. Un[...]

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    51 52 ÍND ICE DE CAT EGORÍ A D E RI ESGO Este monitor viene equipado con un Índice de categoría de riesgo que compara automáticamente cada lectura con los niveles definidos establecido por el National Heart Lung and Blood Institute de los National Institutes of Health (NIH) de EE.UU. como se describió anteriormente en este manual y brinda una[...]

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    53 54 Para determ inar la presencia de un latid o irregular, el pro medio de interval os de l atidos se cal cula con los 3 pri meros valore s eficac es nor males del ritmo cardía co. Es impor tante tener e n cuenta que el promedio no es un pro medio matemá tico estric to de todos los intervalo s registrad os. Al menos 3 lat idos con una difere nc[...]

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    55 56 3. Presione el botón “M” para acceder a la memoria. 4.  El monitor mostrará primero el promedio calculado aplicado a las últimas 3 memorias. 5.  Cadavez quepresiona el botón “M” se recuperará una lectura previa. La última lectura será la primera en recuperarse. CÓMO BORRAR LOS VALORES DE LA MEMORIA 1[...]

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    57 58 NOTAS IMPORTANTES CON RESPECTO A LAS MEDICIONES DE PRESIÓN SANGUÍNEA •   Tome sulectura enun entorno cómodoya quelas medidas pueden verse afectadas por las temperaturas calurosas o frías. Tome su presión sanguínea a una temperatura corporal normal. •   No se mueva ni hable durante l[...]

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    59 60 13.   Para evitarestrangulaciones accidentales, mantengaeste   producto lejos de niños y no cuelgue el tubo del cuello. 14.  Estemonitor puedeno cumplir consus especificacionesde  rendimiento si se guarda o se utiliza fuera de estos rangos de temperaturay humedad: [...]

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    61 62 DIAGNÓSTICO Y RESOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMAS Si ap ar ec e al gu na an om al ía du ra nt e e l u so , s ír va se ve ri fi ca r l os si gui en te s p unt os Nota: Si la unidad aún sigue sin funcionar, póngase en contacto con Relaciones con el Consumidor de HoMedics. Bajo ningún concepto deberá desarmar ni intentar reparar la unidad por su cue[...]

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    ©2010 HoMedics, Inc. y sus compañías afiliadas, reservados todos los derechos. HoMedics es una marca registrada de HoMedics, Inc. y sus compañías afiliadas. Reservados todos los derechos. IB-BPA201A Por ser vicio o repa ració n, no devu elva esta un idad al dist ribu idor. Pó ngas e en cont acto con Relac iones con el Cons umidor de Ho Medic[...]