HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1005 Series manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1005 Series, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1005 Series one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1005 Series. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1005 Series should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1005 Series
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1005 Series item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1005 Series item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1005 Series alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1005 Series, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the HP (Hewlett-Packard) service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1005 Series.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1005 Series item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    use hp L as erJet 100 5 se r i es[...]

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    blank.fm Page 2 Thursday , October 10, 2002 9:27 AM[...]

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    HP LaserJet 1005 Series Pr inter User Gu ide[...]

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    Hewlett-P ackard Company 11311 Chinden Boulev ard Boise, Idaho 83714 U.S . A. © Cop yrigh t Hew lett-Pa ckar d Company 2003 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written perm ission is prohibited, except as allo wed under the copyright laws. A user of t he Hewlett-P ackard pr inter associated with this u ser g[...]

  • Page 5

    ENWW Content 3 Content 1 Getting st arted Review t he package c ontents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Prepare the locat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Regulate the enviro nment . . . . . . . . [...]

  • Page 6

    4 Conten t ENWW 5 Managing the print car tridge Using HP pr int cartrid ges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 HP poli cy on non- HP print cartridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Storing p rint cartri dges . . . . . . . . . . [...]

  • Page 7

    ENWW Content 5 Appendix B Media sp ecific ati ons Printer m edia spec ifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Supporte d media sizes (printer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Guideline s for using media . . . . . [...]

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    6 Conten t ENWW[...]

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    ENWW 7 1 Getting star ted This ch apter provides the following in stru ctions for instal ling the s oftware and s etting up the pr inter : ● Review t he packa ge content s ● Prepa re the locat ion ● Regulate the envir onment ● Install the prin ter softw are ● Open th e print car tridge door ● Remove the left co ver ● Conne ct the prin[...]

  • Page 10

    8 Chap ter 1 G ett ing st arted ENWW Revie w the pac kage co ntents Make sure that all of the par ts are include d. 1 Printer 2 Pr int car tri dge (in p rotective bag) 3 Gettin g Star ted Gui de 4 Software and electroni c use r guide (o n one CD-ROM) 5 Po w e r c o r d 6 P aper inpu t tra y Prepare the location Place the pr inter on a sturd y , lev[...]

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    ENWW Regulate the enviro nment 9 Regulate the en vir onment Do not plac e the p rint er in dire ct sunli ght. Ma ke sure that the e nvironment is fr ee from abru pt temperatur e or humidi ty cha nges. ● T emperature – 5 0° to 91 ° F (10° to 32.5° C) ● Relative humidity – 2 0% to 80% Install the prin ter sof tware To install the printer [...]

  • Page 12

    10 Chapte r 1 Getti ng star ted ENWW Open the prin t car tridg e door Fir mly grasp the le ft and r ight si des, and pull the pr int car tr idge do or toward you. Remove the left co ver Pull out o n the rear of the cover , and rota te it awa y fro m the pr inter . Connect the p rinter cable Plug th e pri nter cable into t he pr inter (A) . Plug the[...]

  • Page 13

    ENWW Install the print ca rt ridge 11 Prepare the print car tridge Remov e the prin t car tr idge from the p lastic bag. T o remove the mylar tape, break the tab on th e left, and p ull the tape comp letely o ut. Install the prin t car tridg e Inser t the pr int ca r tr idge int o the pr inter, making sure th at the pr int car tr idge i s in pos it[...]

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    12 Chapte r 1 Getti ng star ted ENWW Load the paper input t ra y 1 Slide the paper input t ra y i n and down at an angle u ntil it fi ts secu rely in the pr inter . 2 Slide the media g uides ou t and back to acc ommodate th e media. 3 Place the media in the paper inp ut tray . Slide th e media gu ides unti l they are flush wi th the media. 4 Inst a[...]

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    ENWW Trouble shooting the print er 13 T r oublesho oting the p rinter If the top s tatus lig ht is on, the pr inter is r eady to p rint . If no statu s lights are on, che ck the power cord a nd the p rint er cable connec tions. CAUTION Before you connect the c able to the pr inter , alwa ys unp lug the printer. Otherwise, the p rinte r might be dam[...]

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    14 Chapte r 1 Getti ng star ted ENWW[...]

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    ENWW 15 2 Getting to kno w the pr inter This ch apter provides infor matio n on the following to pics: ● Ident ifying th e printer’ s compon ents ● Turni ng the p ower off ● Unders tanding v oltage conversi ons[...]

  • Page 18

    16 Chapte r 2 Getti ng to kno w the prin ter ENWW Identifying th e printer’ s co mponents 1. Status lights 2. P aper inpu t tra y 3. Long med ia su ppor t for the pap er input tra y 4. Side me dia gu ides for the pape r input tray 5. Pr in t car tri dge doo r 6. Output bin 7. Long med ia extension (o utput bin) 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8. M e dia j a m r e [...]

  • Page 19

    ENWW Identifying the print er’s c omponents 17 Status ligh ts The stat us light s produc e patter ns that ide ntify the pr inter’ s statu s. ● Ready ligh t: Indi cates th at the pr inter is ready to pri nt or the pr inter is process ing data. ● Attention light: Indicates that the pap er input t ra y i s empty , the pr int car tr idge d oor [...]

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    18 Chapte r 2 Getting to kno w the prin ter ENWW Printer media guides The pa per inpu t tra y h as a long media suppor t and sid e media gu ides. Media gui des ensu re that the medi a is corr ectly fed into the pr inte r and that the pr int i s not skew ed (crooked on the med ia). When lo ading med ia, adjus t the me dia guide s to matc h the width[...]

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    ENWW Identifying the print er’s c omponents 19 Straight-through output path The straigh t-throug h output path is us eful when you are pr inting env elopes, transpar encies, heavy media, or a ny media that te nds to cur l when pr inted . Printed media exits in rev erse order when the straight- through o utput do or is op en. Note Printe d media d[...]

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    20 Chapte r 2 Getting to kno w the prin ter ENWW T urning the power off Y ou must unplug the pr inter to tur n the power off. WARNING! T o ens ure your safety when wor king ins ide the pr inte r f or any re ason, unpl ug the pr inter. Understanding v oltage con versions Because of the di ff erent specifica tions, Hewlett-Pac k ard does not offer a [...]

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    ENWW 21 3 Media This ch apter provides infor matio n on the following to pics: ● Choosin g pape r and othe r media ● Optimi zing prin t quality for medi a types ● Loading media into the pa per inpu t tray ● Print ing transpa rencies and labe ls ● Print ing envel opes ● Print ing letter head and p reprin ted forms ● Print ing cu stom-s[...]

  • Page 24

    22 Chapte r 3 Medi a ENWW Choosing paper and ot her media HP La serJet prin ters produ ce excellent p rint quality d ocume nts. Y ou ca n pri nt on a v ar iety of media, s uch as paper (inc luding u p to 100 % recycle d fiber cont ent pape r), env elopes, lab els, transparen cies, and custom- sized medi a. The following ar e the supp or ted media s[...]

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    ENWW Loading media int o the paper input tr ay 23 Loading me dia into the paper inpu t tray The pape r input tray holds up to 250 pag es of 2 0 lb (75 g/m 2 ) pape r or fe wer page s of he a vie r media (25 mm or less stack). Load me dia with the top f orward and the side to be pr inted facing up. T o prev ent j ams and s kewing, alwa ys adju st th[...]

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    24 Chapte r 3 Medi a ENWW Printing transparenc ies and labels Only us e transpar encies and label s that are recomm ended f or laser pr inte rs, such as HP transp arency fi lm and HP Laser Jet labels. Se e Printe r media spe cificat ions for more inf ormation. CAUTION Insp ect th e media to make sure that it is not w rinkle d or cu rled and th at i[...]

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    ENWW Printin g enve lopes 25 Printing en velope s Only use env el opes that are rec ommen ded for laser pr inters. See Printer medi a specif ication s f o r more infor mat io n. 1 T o prev ent t he env elopes from cur ling as they pri nt, open the straight- through o utput do or . 2 Before loadin g the env e lopes, sl ide the media guides outward s[...]

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    26 Chapte r 3 Medi a ENWW Printing letterhead and preprin ted f o rms T o print letterhead or preprinted form s 1 Load the media with the top forw ard and the side to be pr inted facing up. Adjust the media guides to fit the wi dth of the medi a. 2 Access the pr inter pro per ties. S ee Printer pr o perties (d river) f or inst ru ction s. Click the[...]

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    ENWW Printing c ustom-si zed medi a and card s tock 27 Printing custom-s ized m edia and card stoc k The HP L aser Jet 100 5 Ser ies Pr inter c an pr int on custom- sized medi a or ca rd stock between 76 by 127 mm (3 by 5 i n.) and 21 6 by 356 mm (8.5 by 14 i n.). CAUTION Make sure tha t the medi a is not s tuck together before you load it . T o pr[...]

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    28 Chapte r 3 Medi a ENWW[...]

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    ENWW 29 4 Pr inting tasks This ch apter provides infor matio n on the following to pics: ● Access ing the pr inter prop erties (driver ) and help ● Print ing watermar ks ● Print ing multi ple pages on a sin gle sheet of medi a (N-up printin g) ● Canceli ng a print j ob ● Unders tanding pr int quality settings ● Using Ec onoMode (Save To[...]

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    30 Chapte r 4 Printi ng tasks ENWW Accessing th e printer proper ties (driver) and help This sect ion provide s informa tion on the following to pics: ● Printer pro perties (d river) ● Print er prope rties o nline hel p Printer pr oper ties (driver) Pr inter prop er ti es control the pr inter . Y ou can cha nge the def ault settings, such a s m[...]

  • Page 33

    ENWW Printing wa termarks 31 Printing waterm arks Y ou can use the wat er mark op tion to print text “und er neath” (in the background) t he text of an ex isting docume nt. For e xample, you migh t want to hav e Draft or Confi dential pr inted in large gray letters diagonal ly across the fir st page or all of th e pages of a docu ment. T o acce[...]

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    32 Chapte r 4 Printi ng tasks ENWW Canceling a p rint job Y ou can can cel a pr int job f rom a software appl ication or a pri nt queue. T o stop th e pri nter imm ediately , remove the remai ning medi a from the pri nter . After the pr inter stops, use one of the following opt ions: ● Software application: T yp ically , a dialog box appears br i[...]

  • Page 35

    ENWW 33 5 Managing the pr int car tr idge This ch apter provides infor matio n on the following to pics: ● Using HP pr int cartrid ges ● Storing p rint cartr idges ● Print cartri dge life e xpect ancy ● Recyc ling print cartri dges ● Saving to ner ● Redistr ibuti ng tone r ● Changing the prin t cartr idge[...]

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    34 Chapte r 5 Manag ing the print c artridge ENWW Using HP print car tridg es HP policy on non-HP print car tridg es Hewlett-P a ckard Company cannot r ecommen d the use o f non-HP prin t car tr idge s, either new , refilled , or rem anuf a ctured. S ince they are not HP produc ts, Hewlett-P a ckard cannot influenc e their d esign or c ontrol th ei[...]

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    ENWW Redistribut ing ton er 35 Red istrib uting to ner When t oner is low , faded or li ght area s appear on the p rin ted page. Y ou might be a ble to temporar ily i mprove print qua lity b y redi str ibuting the toner , which mea ns that you might be able to finis h the curr ent pr int job before replacing the pr in t car tri dge. Note Y ou w ill[...]

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    36 Chapte r 5 Manag ing the print c artridge ENWW Changing the print car tridg e Note Y o u will feel some re sista nce when you op en the p rin t car tr idge door . Openi ng the p rint car tr idge d oor conveniently lifts the prin t car tr idge f or remov al. 1 Open th e pri nt car tr idge door, and remov e the old pri nt car tr idg e. See Recy cl[...]

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    ENWW 37 6 T roub leshooting the pr inter This ch apter provides infor matio n on the following to pics: ● Finding the sol ution ● Improv ing prin t quality ● Cleanin g the pri nter ● Clearing print er media jam s ● Chang ing the pi ckup ro ller ● Cleanin g the pi ckup roll er ● Changing the pr inter sepa ration pa d Note See Hewlett-P[...]

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    38 Chapte r 6 Troub leshooti ng the p rinter ENWW Finding the s oluti on Y ou can use this se ction to fi nd the sol ution to c ommon pr inter problems. P ages did not print ● Status light patterns: What status light p atter n is di splay ed on the pr inter? S ee Status li ght pattern s f or more inf or mation. ● Error mes sages o n scree n: Is[...]

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    ENWW Finding the so lution 39 Status light patterns Status light pat terns Status lights Condition of the printer Action Ready The prin ter is read y to print. No action is neces sary . Proc essi ng The printer is receiv ing or processi ng data. W ait f or the job to print. Clean ing Mode /Engine te st A cl eaning pa ge or engine test pa ge is pri [...]

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    40 Chapte r 6 Troub leshooti ng the p rinter ENWW Printer initial i zation A printer initi alization is ta king place . No actio n is necess ary . F atal error Both light s are on. ● Unplug the pr inter f or 5 minu tes, a nd then plug i t ba ck in. ● If the prin ter still h as an error , contact HP Support. See Service and support . Printer cab[...]

  • Page 43

    ENWW Finding the so lution 41 Err or messages on the screen Error messages on the scr een Error message Solut ion Printer not respo nding Check the foll owing: ● The Re ady ligh t is on. ● The po wer cord an d printer cab le are correc tly conne cted. CAUTION Bef ore y ou con nect the c able to the printer , alwa ys unpl ug the printer . Otherw[...]

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    42 Chapte r 6 Troub leshooti ng the p rinter ENWW Media handling p rob l ems Media handling pr oblems Pr oblem Solution Media j am ● See Cl eari ng prin ter med ia jams f or more i nf ormation. ● Mak e sure t hat you are pr inting w ith medi a that mee ts spec ification s. See Pr inter media spe cifications for more i nf ormation. ● Mak e sur[...]

  • Page 45

    ENWW Finding the so lution 43 Printed page is differ ent than what appeared on screen Printed page pr oblems Prob lem Solution Garb led, incorrect, o r incomplete te xt The p r inter cab le might be loose or def ective . T r y the f ollowi ng: ● T r y printing a job th at yo u kno w works. ● If possi ble , attach the printe r cab le and printer[...]

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    44 Chapte r 6 Troub leshooti ng the p rinter ENWW Printer soft ware pr ob lems Printer software prob le ms Pr oblem Solution A pr int er dr iver for th e HP L aser Jet 1005 Series Printer is not visib le in the Printer fol d e r. ● Reinstall the printer softw are. I n the Windo ws syst em tra y , clic k Start , select Programs , sel ect HP LaserJ[...]

  • Page 47

    ENWW Improving print qu ality 45 Impro ving print quality This sec tion p rovides inform ation abo ut iden tifying a nd correc ting pr int def ects. Light print or fade ● The toner supply is low . See Managing the pr int car tridge for more in f or mation. ● The medi a might no t meet H e wlett-P ackard’ s media specifi cations (f or example,[...]

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    46 Chapte r 6 Troub leshooti ng the p rinter ENWW T oner smear ● If toner smears appear o n the leadi ng edge of the med ia, the med ia guides might be dir ty . Wipe th e media gu ides with a dr y , lint- free cloth. See Identi fying the printer ’s compone nts or Cleanin g the pri nter for m o r e i n fo r ma t i o n . ● Check the med ia type[...]

  • Page 49

    ENWW Improving print qu ality 47 Curl or wave ● Check th e media type and qua lity . B oth high temperature and humid ity cause media to c url . See P rinter medi a specifi cations f or more inf ormation. ● The medi a might have been in t he paper input tray too long. T ur n over the stack of media i n the tray . Also , tr y rot ating th e medi[...]

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    48 Chapte r 6 Troub leshooti ng the p rinter ENWW Cleaning th e printer Dur ing the pr inti ng proce ss, media, to ner , an d dust par ticle s can ac cumulate i nside the prin ter . Over time, this buildu p can cause pri nt quality problems, such as toner specks or smear ing. T o correc t and prev ent these typ es of problems, you can cle an the pr[...]

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    ENWW Cleaning the print er 49 Cleaning the print cartridge area Y ou d o not need to c lean the p rint car tr idge area often. Howe v er , cleaning this ar ea can im prov e the quality of your pr inted sh eets. 1 Unplug the power cord, and wait for the pr inter to cool. 2 Open the prin t car tr idge door , and remove the pri nt car t ridg e. CAUTIO[...]

  • Page 52

    50 Chapte r 6 Troub leshooti ng the p rinter ENWW Cleaning the printer media path If you are experi encing to ner specks or do ts on th e pr intouts, you can us e the HP LaserJe t cleani ng utili ty to rem ove e x c es s media and tone r par ticles that can accu mulate on the fuser assem bly and roller s. Cleaning th e media pa th migh t e xtend th[...]

  • Page 53

    ENWW Clearing prin ter media jams 51 Clearing printer me dia jams Occasio nally , media becomes ja mmed du rin g a pr int jo b . S ome of the c auses i nclude th e f o llowin g: ● The pape r inp ut tra y is loaded i mproper ly or it is too full. See Loadi ng media i nto the pap er input t ray f or more inf ormation. ● The medi a does no t meet [...]

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    52 Chapte r 6 Troub leshooti ng the p rinter ENWW Remo ving a jammed page CAUTION Media j ams migh t result in loose to ner on the page. If tone r gets on your clothi ng, wipe th e toner off with a d r y cloth , and wash the c lothing in cold wat er. Hot water w ill perman ently se t the toner into the fa bric. 1 Open th e pri nt car trid ge door a[...]

  • Page 55

    ENWW Changing the pick up roll er 53 Cha nging the pi c kup r oller If the pr inter regu larl y mispi cks (no media feeds thro ugh or more than one sheet feeds throug h), you might need to c hange or clea n the pickup rolle r . See A ccessor ies and o rdering in forma tion to or der a new pickup roller . CAUTION F ailur e to comp lete this procedu [...]

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    54 Chapte r 6 Troub leshooti ng the p rinter ENWW 7 Rotate the to p of the new pickup roll er aw ay from you until both side s snap in to pl ace. 8 Reinsta ll the print c ar tr idge, and close the pr int ca r tr idge door . 9 Plug th e pri nter in t o tur n it back on. 7 8 9[...]

  • Page 57

    ENWW Cleaning the pick up roll er 55 Cleaning the p ic k u p roller Y o u can cl ean the pi c kup roller rat her than rep lace it. Remove the pickup roll er as desc rib ed in step s 1 throu gh 5 of Chan ging the pi ckup roll er . 1 Dab a lint -free clot h in isop ropyl alcohol, an d scr ub the r oller . WARNING! Alcoh ol is fl ammable. K eep the al[...]

  • Page 58

    56 Chapte r 6 Troub leshooti ng the p rinter ENWW Changing the printer separation pad Note Before you change the s eparation pad, clea n the pickup rol ler . See Cleaning the p ickup rol ler fo r instructions. If the pape r input tray f eeds more t han one p age at a time, you migh t need to chan ge the p rinte r separat ion pad. Re curr ing feed p[...]

  • Page 59

    ENWW Changing the printe r separati on pad 57 7 Snap b oth sides of the se paration pad fir mly into pla ce. CAUTION Make sure that th e separatio n pad is straight an d that ther e is no spa ce between the sep aration pad and the sp ring- loaded base. If the separa tion pad is no t straight or you see space o n one sid e, remov e t he separati on [...]

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    58 Chapte r 6 Troub leshooti ng the p rinter ENWW[...]

  • Page 61

    ENWW 59 7 Ser vice and suppor t This ch apter provides infor matio n on the following to pics: ● Avail ability ● Hardware service ● Extend ed warranty ● Guide lines for repacki ng the p rinter ● Serv ice inform ation fo rm ● Hewlett- Packar d Suppor t ● World wide s ales and servi ce office s[...]

  • Page 62

    60 Chapte r 7 Servi ce and supp ort ENWW A vailability Hewlett-P a ckard provides a var iety of s er vice and suppor t opt ions ar ound the wor ld. The availability o f these pr ograms varies dep ending on your loc ation. Hard ware servic e The warranty for the HP Lase rJet 1005 S erie s Pr inter varie s dependi ng on the d ate and countr y /region[...]

  • Page 63

    ENWW Service informa tion fo rm 61 Service information f orm Servic e information form Who is ret ur ning the equ ipment? Date: P erson to conta c t: Phone: Alternate cont act: Phone: Return shippi ng addr ess: Special s hipping i nstructions: What is b eing se nt? Mod el numbe r : Ser ial numbe r : Please att ach any rele vant print outs wh en ret[...]

  • Page 64

    62 Chapte r 7 Servi ce and supp ort ENWW Hewlett-P a c kard Suppor t Thank you f o r your purcha se. Along wit h your product, you receive a variety of suppor t ser v ices from Hewlett-Pac kard and our suppo r t par tners that are des igned to give you the results you nee d, quic kly and prof essiona lly . Pleas e hav e the model number , ser ial n[...]

  • Page 65

    ENWW Hewlett-Packa rd Suppo rt 63 America Onli ne Amer ica On line/Ber tels mann is a vailable in the U.S ., F ra nce, Ger many , a nd U . K. Pr inter drivers, updated HP pri nter software, and su ppor t docu mentation to help answ er your questi ons about which H P products are available . Use K eyword HP to star t the tour or call 1-800- 827-6364[...]

  • Page 66

    64 Chapte r 7 Servi ce and supp ort ENWW W orldwide sales and service offi ces Before calling a Hewlett-P ackard S ales and Ser vic e office, make sure that you contac t the approp riat e Customer S uppor t Ce nter number listed in Hewlett-P ackard Su pport . Do not retur n prod ucts to He wlett- P ack ard Sal es and Ser vice o ffice s. T o find th[...]

  • Page 67

    ENWW 65 A Pr inter specifications This ch apter provides infor matio n on the following to pics: ● Speci fications ● FCC compliance ● Environ mental Product St ewardshi p Program ● Materi al Safety Data Sheet ● Regulato ry statemen ts[...]

  • Page 68

    66 A ppendix A Print er sp ecifica tions ENWW Specifications En v ironmental spec ifications Opera ting enviro nment Printer plugged into an A C outlet: ● T emper ature: 10 ° C to 32.5 ° C (50° F to 90.5 ° F) ● Humi dity: 20% to 80% (no condensation) Install i n a well-v entilated ar ea. Storage environme nt Printer unpl ugged from an A C o[...]

  • Page 69

    ENWW Specifi cations 67 Pri nter capacit ies and rati ngs Print speed ● 14 pages per min ute ● First pag e out in less th an 10 sec o nds P aper input tra y capacity 250 sh eets of regular w eight 20 lb (75 g /m 2 ) pape r or up to 30 env elopes Output bi n capacity 125 sh eets of regular w eight 20 lb (7 5 g/m 2 ) pape r Minim um media siz e 7[...]

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    68 A ppendix A Print er sp ecifica tions ENWW FCC comp liance This equ ipmen t has been tested and f ound to compl y with the limits for a Cla ss B di gital device, pursu ant to P ar t 15 of t he FCC r ules. Th ese limits are desig ned to p rovide reasonable pr otection agains t har mful in terference in a reside ntial ins tallatio n. Th is equip m[...]

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    ENWW Environ mental Prod uct St ewardship P rogram 69 En vir onmental Pr oduct Ste ward ship Pr ogram Protecting the en vir onment Hewlett-P ackard Company is committe d to provid ing quali ty prod ucts in an environme ntally soun d manner . This pr oduct has been d esigned with sev eral attr ibutes to mi nimize the impa ct on our environment. Ozon[...]

  • Page 72

    70 A ppendix A Print er sp ecifica tions ENWW HP Printing Supplies E n vironmental Pr ogram Since 1990, the HP Pr inting Supplie s Environme ntal Pr ogram has col lected m ore than 4 8 mil lion used pr int c ar tr idges that other wise mig ht have been discarded in the world’ s landfil ls. The HP La serJet prin t car trid ges go to a colle ction [...]

  • Page 73

    ENWW Regulato ry stateme nts 71 Regulator y statements Laser saf e ty statement The Center f or De vices and Radiolo gical Health (CDRH) of the U .S. F ood a nd Dr ug Administ ration has impl emented r egulation s for laser prod ucts manufactured si nce August 1, 197 6. Comp liance is manda tor y for products marketed i n the Unite d State s. The p[...]

  • Page 74

    72 A ppendix A Print er sp ecifica tions ENWW Laser statement f or Finland LASERTURVALLISUUS LUOKAN 1 LASERLAITE KLASS 1 LASER APPARAT HP Las erJet 1 005 -la ser kirjoitin on k ä yttäjän kan nalta tur vallinen luok an 1 la ser laite. Nor ma alissa käytössä ki rjoittimen suoja kotelointi es tää lase rsäteen pääsyn l aitteen ulkopuolell e.[...]

  • Page 75

    ENWW 73 B Media specifications This ch apter provides infor matio n on the following to pics: ● Prin ter m edia s pecific ations ● Suppo rted me dia s izes (pr inter ) ● Guide lines for using m edia[...]

  • Page 76

    74 Appe ndix B Media s pecific ations ENWW Printer media specifications HP Lase rJet pr inter s produce excellent pr int qua lity . T he pr inter a ccepts a variety of m edia, suc h as cut -sheet pa per (includ ing rec ycled pa per), envelopes, labels, transpare ncies, vellum, an d custom -sized medi a. Proper ties s uch as weight , grain, and mois[...]

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    ENWW Guidelines for us ing me dia 75 Guidelines for using media Pa p e r F or bes t result s, use conventional 20 l b (75 g/m 2 ) paper . Make sure th at the pa per is of go od quality and free o f cuts, nicks, tears, spot s, loose par ticles, du st, wr inkl es, v oids, an d curl ed or bent edges. If you are unsur e about wha t type o f paper you a[...]

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    76 Appe ndix B Media s pecific ations ENWW Labe ls When s elect ing la bels, consider the qual ity of the f ollowing compone nts: ● Adhesive s: The a dhesive mater ial sho uld be stable at 200° C (392° F), the pri nter’ s maximum temp erature. ● Arrangement: Only use l abels tha t do no t hav e e xposed b acking between the m. Labe ls can p[...]

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    ENWW Guidelines for us ing me dia 77 En velopes with adhesive strips or flaps Env elopes with a peel-off adhesive str ip or with more th an one fl ap that f olds ov er to s eal must use adhesives co mpatible with th e heat a nd pressur e in the pr inter : 200 ° C (39 2° F). T he extra flaps and st rips m ight caus e wri nkling , creasi ng, or jam[...]

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    78 Appe ndix B Media s pecific ations ENWW[...]

  • Page 81

    ENWW 79 C W arr anty and licensing This ch apter provides infor matio n on the following to pics: ● Hewlett- Packar d software l icense agreemen t ● Hewlett- Packar d limited wa rranty sta tement ● Limited warrant y for prin t cartri dge life[...]

  • Page 82

    80 Appe ndix C Warranty and li censing ENWW Hewlett-P a c kard software license agreement A TTENT I ON: USE OF THE SOFTW ARE IS SUBJECT T O THE HP SOFTW ARE LICENSE TERMS SET FORTH BELO W . USING THE SOFTW ARE INDICA TES Y OUR ACCEPT ANCE OF THESE LICE NSE TERMS. HP SOFTW ARE LICE NSE TERMS The following Lic ense T er ms gov er n your use of the ac[...]

  • Page 83

    ENWW Hewlett-Pack ard limi ted warra nty state ment 81 Hewlett-P ackar d lim ited warranty statem ent The warranty for the HP Las erJet 10 05 Ser ies Pr inter v ari es depen ding on the date an d countr y/regio n of purc hase. F or pro ducts tha t requir e ser vi ce under the warranty , custom ers sho uld call the cust omer suppor t center i n thei[...]

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    ENWW Limited warr anty for print car tridge l ife 83 Limi ted w arranty f or print car tridge lif e Note The f ol lowing warranty appl ies to the pri nt car tr idge that came with th is pri nter . HP pr int car tr idges a re warranted to be free fro m defects in mater ials a nd work manship until the HP tone r is depleted. The warranty covers any d[...]

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    84 Appe ndix C Warranty and li censing ENWW[...]

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    ENWW 85 D Accessor ies and order ing inf or mation Y ou can inc rease th e pr inter’ s capab ilities with op tional ac cessor ies and supp lies. Use accesso ries and su pplie s speci fically de sign ed for the HP La serJet 1005 Se rie s Pr inter to en sure opti mum performanc e. Ordering information Item Description or use Or der number Printing [...]

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    86 Appe ndix D Accesso ries and or dering informat ion ENWW Replacem ent par ts Media pickup ro ller Used to pi ck the medi a from th e paper input tr ay and advance it through the pri nte r . RF0-100 8CN P aper input tr ay Used to hold medi a for th e printer . RG0-1013 -000CN P aper input tr ay cov er Used to cov er the media in the pap er input [...]

  • Page 89

    ENWW 87 E Installing shared pr inters Windows s haring allows other network users to p rint to the HP Lase rJet 1005 S eri es Pr inter . T o enable Wind ows shar in g, see the operating s ystem’ s docu mentati on. Once the pr inter i s shar ed, you must insta ll the pr inter d rivers on a ll of the c ompute rs that will print t o the pr inte r . [...]

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    88 Appendix E Installing shared printers ENWW[...]

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    ENWW Index 89 Inde x A Accessor ies ordering information 85 Acoustics 66 America Online accessing supp or t ser vices 63 C Canceling print jobs 32 Card stock guidelines f or using 77 printing 27 Cleaning media path 50 pickup roller 55 printer 48 Clearing media jams 51 Components, printer 16 CompuSer ve accessing supp or t ser vices 63 Custom-sized [...]

  • Page 92

    90 I ndex ENWW Multiple pages per s heet printing 31 N N-up printing 31 O Online help printer proper ties (dr iver) 30 Online suppor t ser vices 62 Ordering information 85 Output paths 18 P P aper choosing 22 guidelines f or using 75 loading 23 optimizing print quality 22 specifications 73 suppor ted sizes and types 22 P aper handling problems 42 P[...]

  • Page 93

    ENWW Index 91 T T oner EconoMode 32 redistributing 35 T ransparenc ies guidelines f or using 76 printing 24 T roubleshooting error mess ages on screen 41 finding solutions 38 image defects 45 media handling 42 media jams 51 print qu ality 45 printed page problems 43 printer 37 soft wa re 44 status light patterns 39 U Utilities obtaining 63 V V olt [...]

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    92 I ndex ENWW[...]

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    blank.fm Page 2 Thursday , October 10, 2002 9:27 AM[...]

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    *Q2676-90906* *Q2676-90906* Q26 7 6 - 90906 www .hp .com cop yr ight © 200 3 Hew lett -P ack ard C ompan y[...]