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G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 1 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Installation Guide HP Colorado 5GB and 8GB External T ape Drives Chapter 1: Getting Started Viewing the Online User’s Guid e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Checking Your[...]
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2 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 2 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Chapter 1: Getting Started This Installat ion Guide shows you how to: n Connect the tape dr ive to your pa rallel port (and printer , if need ed) n Install the software n Select and use tapes wi[...]
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Getti ng Started 3 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 3 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 DOS If you installed the softwa re from the Sof tware Installation CD, th e online User’ s Guide is on your hard d rive in th e sam e dire ctor y as the software. If yo u i ns[...]
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4 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 4 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Chapter 2: Connecting the H a rd w a re Inst al ling Y o ur Extern al T ape Drive NOTE: Befo re yo u begin t his installation, make sur e your c omputer meets the r equir ement s listed in “Mi[...]
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Connecting the Hard ware 5 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 5 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 1. T urn OFF your comput er . NOTE: T o save space on your desk , t ip the HP Col orado ta pe dri ve up on its si de. NOTE: This t ape drive can be used with laptops, de[...]
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6 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 6 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 3. P lug the tape -drive power cord into the d rive. NOTE: If it is ever necess ary to cycle the power t o your HP Colorado dri ve, disconn ect the pow er cord fr om the wal[...]
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Connecting the Hard ware 7 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 7 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 5. If yo u have a printer cab le attached to the compu ter ’ s pa rallel port, discon nect it from the com puter and plu g it into th e tape drive’ s connector shown[...]
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8 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 8 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 7. Atta ch the cabl e’ s remaining c onnector to t he tape drive and secure it by tightening the retaini ng screws. If Y ou Have Problems After c on ne c tin g yo u r tap [...]
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Connecting the Hard ware 9 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 9 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Using th e T ape Drive on Other Co mputers The soft ware installation CD th at came with your ta pe drive allows yo u to install Colora do Backu p for DOS, Windows 3.x ,[...]
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10 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 10 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 4. Disconne ct the pri nt er cabl e, if any , from t he back of yo ur tape d r ive. Y o u can now conn ect the tap e drive to anot her comp uter by fol lowing the in struc[...]
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11 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 11 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Chapter 3: Installing the Softwar e Checki ng Y our P arallel Ports Before installing the software, you should check your computer ’ s parallel port settings to ensure the maxim um performan[...]
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12 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 12 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Inst al ling Colo rado Back up for Y o ur Operat ing Syste m Y o ur parallel -port tape drive ca n easily be share d amo ng computers u sing different operating systems. C[...]
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Installin g the Softwa re 13 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 13 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 3. A t the DOS prompt, type D:SETUP and press EN TE R (whe re D: is yo ur CD- ROM’ s dr ive letter). The following scre en appears: 4. Select th e desire d langua [...]
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14 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 14 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 5. Select Insta ll Colora do Backup for DOS . The following scre en appears: 6. Select Colorado 8GB, Colora do 5GB, T4000s and pre ss ENTER . The following scre en appears[...]
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Installin g the Softwa re 15 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 15 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 The following scre en appears. 9. If you want to b e able to sched ule backups to start automatically while you are away from your comp uter , press t he spacebar to [...]
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16 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 16 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 The Main screen appears : 16. If the Colorado Backup window does n ot appear or you receive an error message, see “If Y ou H ave Prob lems” on page 29. If you are read[...]
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Installin g the Softwa re 17 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 17 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Installing Colorado Backup for Windows NOTE: Do not inst all Col orado Ba ckup for W indows 3.1 for use in W indows 95. This applica tion does not support W indows 95[...]
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18 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 18 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 The following scre en appears: 7. Clic k on the Install button. The following scre en appears: 8. Either accept th e de fault inst allation d ire ctory of C:CBW or ty pe [...]
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Installin g the Softwa re 19 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 19 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 10. After the file s are copied, the Col o rado Backup ma in window app ears wi th a dialog box ind icating that W indows needs to be restarted b efore Co lorado Ba c[...]
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20 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 20 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 14. Cl ic k on OK . Colorado B ack up for Windows shuts d own, leaving y ou in W ind ows’ Program Manag er with t he Colo rado Back up for Windows p rogram g roup disp l[...]
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Installin g the Softwa re 21 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 21 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 backup volum e. The combi natio n of Mon d ay ’ s T otal and the six Modified backu ps gi ves you an up-to-d ate copy o f all fil es. 17. T o create an automat ed b[...]
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22 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 22 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 The Colorado Backup main windo w appears. 22. If the Colorado Backup window does n ot appear or you receive an error message, see “If Y ou H ave Prob lems” on page 29.[...]
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Installin g the Softwa re 23 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 23 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Installing Colorado Backup for Windows 95 NOTE: Do not use Colorado Backup for W indows 95 to backup Novell servers. Colorad o Backup f or DOS can backup Novell 2.x a[...]
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24 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 24 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 5. Select th e desire d langua ge or leav e the defa ul t. Click on Next. The followin g menu appe ars: 6. Clic k on the Install button. Follo w the instruc tio ns on the [...]
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Installatio n Guid e 25 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 25 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 1 1. The Recove ry Disk Creation screen appears: 12. Cl ic k on the Create Re covery D isks Now button. The foll owin g scree n appe a rs: 13. I nsert th e forma tted, 3 .[...]
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26 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 26 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 15. Cl ick on Continue . When all the necessary files have been copied to the d iskette, t he following scree n ap pears: 16. Remove “Re covery Disk #2” from the flopp[...]
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Installin g the Softwa re 27 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 27 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Configuring the Drive for Windows NT 4.0 Y o ur HP Colorado tape drive can be succes sfully instal l ed with Windows NT 4.0. Use the back up applica tion that i s par[...]
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28 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 28 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 The followin g menu appe ars: 6. Clic k on the Install button. The following scre en appears: 7. Select Colorado 5GB or 8GB (external) then click Next . Follow t he instru[...]
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Installin g the Softwa re 29 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 29 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 12. Go to t he Drivers tab and cl ick on Add . 13. W indows NT creates a list of tape drives. Clic k on Have Disk button. 14. When promp ted to enter th e pa th for t[...]
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30 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 30 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 the pr inter . n Make su r e that th ere is no switc h box any where in the HP Colorad o drive ’ s cabli ng configura tion. n Y o ur paral lel port may be using the sam [...]
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Installin g the Softwa re 31 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 31 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Printer Status Monitor Software NOTE: This i s only a pr oblem if your prin ter is connected to the back of the tape drive. If your printer came with a program that n[...]
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32 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 32 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Chapter 4: Using T apes and Caring for Y our Drive Choosi ng T apes f or Y ou r T ape Dri ve T o ensure the hi ghest leve l of pe rforman ce, HP Co lorado br and tap es (whic h have been fu ll[...]
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Using Tapes and Carin g for Your Drive 33 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 33 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 In Windows 95 only , your tape drive can also read fro m but NOT write to backup tapes made us ing Colo rado Bac kup sof tware a nd a Jumb o 250, 350, 70[...]
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34 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 34 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Removi ng a T ape 1. W ait until the li gh t o n th e fro nt of your tape driv e qu its b lin ki ng . ( DO NOT remove a tape du ring an operation. See the CAUTION no te be[...]
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35 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 35 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Chapter 5: T echnical Information Minimum Syste m Requirement s Hardware Requir ements Y o ur computer must meet or exceed t hese requir emen ts: n An IBM-compatible computer (486 /16 MH z cla[...]
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36 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 36 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Colorado Backup for DOS R equirements Installing Colorado Backu p for DOS requires: n DOS 5.0 or higher . T o ident if y yo ur ve r sio n, type VER at the DOS p rompt and [...]
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Techni cal Information 37 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 37 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Colorado Backup for Windows 95 Requirements Installing Colorado Bac kup for W indows 95 requires: n Windows 95 n 8 MB of R AM n 20 MB of availa ble ha rd dri ve space (1[...]
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38 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 38 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 What Affe ct s Perf or man ce How well your new HP tape drive fun ctions, particularly how fast it writes data to tape, de pends o n a nu mber of fa ctors. So me of the s [...]
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Techni cal Information 39 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 39 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 In W indows 9 5, right-c lick on th e My Compute r icon, select Propertie s , select the Device Manager tab, double -click on the computer icon to see a list of which de[...]
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40 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 40 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Specified Operating T em perature Minim um: 5 o C (41 o F) Maximu m: 35 o C (95 o F) Certification s UL, cUL, TÜV , NOM, CE, meets or exceeds FCC Class B requirements Fed[...]
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Techni cal Information 41 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 41 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Kore an RRL Statement Notice Europe: This drive shall be insta l le d only with an EN6 0950 (IEC95 0) appro ve d P owe r suppl y. USA/Canada: This drive is for use only [...]
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42 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 42 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 . DECLARA TION OF CONFORMITY according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014 Manufacture r ’s Name: Manufactur er’s Addr ess: declares t hat the product Product Name: Model[...]
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Installatio n Guid e 43 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 43 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Softwa re License Agreement for Ex tern al Drive s A TTENTION: USE OF THE SOF TW ARE IS SUBJECT T O THE HP SOF TW ARE LICE NSE TERMS SET FOR TH BELOW . USING THE SOF TW AR[...]
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44 Installatio n Guid e G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 44 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Hewlet t-Pack ard Limi ted W arranty St atement HP Colora do T ape D rive DURA TION OF LIMITED W ARRANTY Hardware - 2 ye ar Software - 90 days 1. HP warrant s to you, th e[...]
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Techni cal Information 45 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 45 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Return ing Y our Dr ive All countries other than the USA: If your Hewle tt-Pack ar d product re quires repa ir or replaceme nt , call Custome r Support at t he ph one nu[...]
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46 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 46 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Chapter 6: Customer Support Services Suppor t fo r Y our T ap e Dri ve and Colora do Ba ckup Softwa re If you ne ed hel p with your tape drive, you r local r eseller has the l atest inform ati[...]
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Customer Supp ort Servi ces 47 G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 47 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Netherla nds (free l ine) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 0 22 2420 Norway ( free line). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]
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48 Customer Supp ort Servi ces PRINTED IN U SA G:TWL oriRap torC4388 -90100 e xraptor1. fm Pag e 48 Last Modif ied: Tuesday , Januar y 27, 1998 8:3 3 pm Printing da te : Saturda y, Ap ril 04, 1998 Netherla nds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 20 606 8751 Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]