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HP Bl ade Ser ver bh78 00 Site Prepa ration Guide J une 20 02 Manuf a ctur in g P ar t Num ber: V ersi on : Thir d Ed itio n USA © C opyright 2002[...]
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ii Legal Noti ces The i nform ation i n this docu me nt is su bject to cha nge wi thou t not ice. Hewlet t-P ac kard makes no warranty of an y kind wit h regard to th is manua l, inclu ding , but not l imited to , th e impl ied warranti es of merc hanta b i lity and fitnes s for a par ticular pu rpose . Hewlet t-P ackard shall not b e held liable f[...]
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Con t en ts iii 1. H P Blade S erver b h7800 Ove rview Dis pla y P anel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Sys tem Ba ckpla ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]
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Con tents iv Co rd Set Desc ripti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 C. C onver sion F actors and F ormulas Co nversion F act ors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]
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Fig ur e s v Fi gure 1-1. LCD Displa y P a nel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Fi gure 1-2. bh7800 Backp lane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Fi gure 1-3. bh7800 P ow er Supplies ( Chassis R[...]
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Fig ur e s vi[...]
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Ta b l e s vii T able 1. P ublicati on History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 T able 1- 1. b h7 800 Server W eights and Dimensi ons as Shipped on a P allet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 T able 2- 1. F l oor Loading T erminology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]
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Ta b l e s viii[...]
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Pref ace Befor e pr e pa ring your si te for the HP Blad e Server bh780 0, familiarize your self with th e compo nents th at compri se th e bh7800 . Use t he follow ing reference to deter mine wher e to start.[...]
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10 Bo ok La you t • Chapte r 1 – pr ovides an overvi ew of t h e bh7800 component s , c oolin g a ir flow , shipping dimension s and weigh t and CFM valu e. • Chapt er 2 – provides spec ific inform ation ensuri n g the sit e is ready when th e bh7800 arr ives . V oltage fluc tuations, ground ing and fl o or lo ading are so me of the top ics[...]
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Chapter 1 11 1 HP Blade Serv er b h 78 00 Over view The HP Blad e Serve r bh7 800 provides custom ers with a single chas sis that can house up to 16 function ally separ ate s ervers , c ontrol led by on e management blade. The form factor for al l th e blades uses the CompactP CI stand ar d. The ch assis mou nts in a standar d 19-inch EIA rack, in [...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w 12 col umn style r ack. Hewl ett-P ac kard Company offe rs kit s for eit her type rac k. Th e chas sis provides slot s in the front and rear for installatio n of server blades, and n et work blades. Each side accommo dates 18 blades and can house u p to eight s erver b lades pe r s ide . This chapt e[...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview Displa y Pa nel 13 Dis pl ay P anel The b h7800 disp lay pan el provid es the controls and indic ators c ommonly used w hen o pe ratin g the bh7800. There ar e t wo L CD display asse mblies on the bh 7800. Remote c ont r ol ove r a n e two r k is an other met hod used to opera te th e bh7800. One displ a[...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w System B ackplane 14 Sys tem Backpl ane The p assive syste m backplane is centrally lo cated in t he bh7800 to ac c om modate fr o nt an d rear car d cages. 1 8 Compact PCI s lots are ava ilable on each side with u p t o five connector s per s lot. F or the CompactPCI sta ndard, the lower two connec [...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview P ower Suppl ies 15 Po w e r S u p p l i e s Each powe r sup ply us es tw o D C co nnectors that plug into the b ackpl ane, and an AC c onnecto r br ings l ine power into the u nit. Two power s upplies a nd tw o power c ords ship wi th t he syst em. Each supply con tains an internal fan for coolin g . In[...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w HP S erver bc1100 16 H P Serve r bc11 00 Up to 16 1 slot IA-32 server blades c a n be inserted in the bh7800 c hassis . T h e 1 s lot, 1w ay IA-32 blade server is a self-contai n ed syste m. It in c ludes all me mo r y , processor , f irmware, I/O adapter s , and core I/O required to install the o pe[...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview Net w or k Bl ade 17 Net work Bl ade The network blade is a 24-port 10/100 swit ch with a gigabit uplin k connecti on. Th e b l ade pro vides 16 of t he 24 por ts to th e backplan e , and 8 rem aining p o rts out to th e bulkh ead. In addition, th e netwo rk blade comes in three up link options: Tx (copp[...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w Manageme nt LAN Blade 18 Manage ment LA N Blade The t wo Rear Tr ansition Mo dules (RTMs ) are unique in the bh 7800 produ ct. The RT M is a pseudo s tandard CompactPCI solution. Each RTM i s a 3U blade rather than a 6U blade. Compac tPCI card for mat and t he bulkh e ad is not a CompactPCI sta ndard[...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview Manageme nt Blade 19 Manage ment Blade The bh 7800 includ es a man agement blade th at allows r emote an d local m anageme n t of the in dividua l server and n etwork blade s. The blade monitors the chass is envi ronment such as power , te mperature , and ov erall serve r blade health. T he blad e can be[...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w F an Modu les 20 Fa n M o d u l e s There are two fan mo dule assemblies in the bh 7800. They are ho t swap modu les. Each fan modu le has an LED to ind ic at e fan f ailure. A lso, each fan can go int o th e fan mod u le o nly one w ay du e to the len gth and locat io n of th e fan cable with its bl[...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview Slot Bloc ker Assembly 21 Slot Bl ocker A ssembl y The bh 7800 uses a c losed, pressu rized cooling s ystem. F ans draw air in the bo ttom at th e fron t of the chas sis , dir ect i t upw ards ac ross th e fron t blade s, ov er t he top of th e bac kplane, do wnwards over the rear bla des and into t he p[...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w Cabl e Manageme nt T ray 22 Cabl e Management Tr ay The ½ EIA uni t high (1/2U) cable man agement t ray provide s a c hannel for c ables an d helps prevent the acci dental discon nection of cab les fr om thei r respec tive blades . Th e tra y is provide d for H P Rack System/E four post ca binets, N[...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview Front Vie w 23 Fro n t Vie w The c omponents av ai lable at t he front of this 13 EIA u nit high (13U) serv e r are • Eighteen individua l CompactPCI slots support ing defined config urations for 1 s l ot and 2 slot PCA ’s • One front LCD displa y panel • The syst em backplan e is remo vable from[...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w Rear View 24 Rear Vie w The c omponents avai lable at t he rear of this 13 EIA uni t high (13U) server are • Two hot swap N+1 p ower supplies • Two hot sw ap N+1 fa n modul es (hi dden behind the rea r pane l dis play) • Eighteen individual Compa ctPCI slots suppor ting defined confi gurations [...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview Ai r Fl ow 25 Air Flow Fi gure 1-13 b h7800 Cooling Airflow (Chassis Rear V iew) The b h7800 u tilizes a f ro nt to bac k c ooling scheme. F our 150mm d iameter 48 V D C fans c ool t he syst e m, one in each power sup ply and two in in d ep enden t carr iers. Ref e r to Ap pendix A for Syst e m Sp ecific[...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w Ai r F low 26 suppl ies and up through the front card cage. Air t hen passes over the top of the backplan e, thro ugh the top re ar fa ns a nd down t hro ugh the re a r car d cage . It tr av els thro ugh the rea r sec t ions of t he p o wer s uppl ies and out thr ough the re ar power supp ly fans. Fi[...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Server bh7800 O v erview Shipping Di mensions and W eights 27 Shippin g Dimen sions and W eights T ab le 1-1 lists the dime nsions and we ig h ts o f the bh 7800 server with the shipp ing pa llet. T able 1-1 bh7800 Server W e i ghts and Dim e nsions as Shipped on a P alle t Equ ip ment W idt h (c m) Dept h/Le ngt h (c m) Heig ht[...]
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Chapter 1 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 Ov erv i e w Sh ippi ng Dimensions and W ei ght s 28[...]
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Chapter 2 29 2 General Sys tem and F ac ility Guidelines This ch apter provides ge neral com puter fa c ilit y guideli nes for pla nning an d preparing t he site. Car eful site plan ning and preparati on ensures troubl e-free inst allation and r elia b l e operat ion of HP servers. F actors that may contri bute t o less than op timal e quipment ope[...]
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Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines Elect rical F actor s 30 Elect rical F act ors NO TE Electric al p ractices an d sugges tions in this guid e are based on No r th Amer ican pr actices . F or countr ies a nd areas outs ide North Am erica, local elec trical codes will tak e pr ecedenc e over Nort h American electr ical codes . An[...]
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Chapter 2 General S ystem and F acili ty Guidelines Electrical F actors 31 Sources of V oltage Fluc tuations V olta ge flu ctuations, someti mes called g litch es , affect the qual ity of electri cal power . Common sour ces of thes e fluc tuations a re: • F luctuatio ns occurrin g within th e faci lity’s distribut ion syste m • Utility s ervi[...]
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Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines Elect rical F actor s 32 Racewa y Systems (Electrical Conduits) LAHJ Racew ays (elect rical conduits) form part of t he prot ective g round pat h for pe r s onnel and equipmen t. Racew ays pr otect the wiring fr om accident a l damage and also provide a heatsin k fo r the w ires . Any of the fol[...]
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Chapter 2 General S ystem and F acili ty Guidelines Electrical F actors 33 Dual Power Source Groun di ng When dual power so urces ar e utilize d, s tr on g cons ideration should be g iven to measur e vol tage pot e n tials. The use o f dual power mi ght c reate an el ectrica l poten tial that c an be hazard ous to personn el and mi ght cau se per f[...]
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Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines Elect rical F actor s 34 Equi pme nt Groun ding I mplem enta t ion De tails Conn ect all Hew le t t-P ackard equ ipment cabi nets to the site gro und gri d as follo ws: 1. Attach one end of each ground strap to the appli cable cabinet gr ound lug . 2. Atta ch the o ther en d to the near est pede[...]
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Chapter 2 General S ystem and F acili ty Guidelines Electrical F actors 35 System Inst a llation Guidelines This section c onta ins infor mation about in stallatio n prac tices. Some c o mm on pitf alls a re high lighted. Wir i ng conne ctions and d ata c om munic ations cable inst allations are discussed. NO TE In domes tic installa tions , the p [...]
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Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 36 Envi ronm ental F actors The enviro nmental factor s discussed i n t h is section a re: • Comput er Room Preparat ion • Space Requiremen ts • Floor Loadin g • Coo ling Requirements • Air Co nditio ning Ducts • Hu midity L evel • Du st and P ollut ion C[...]
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Chapter 2 General S ystem and F acili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 37 Deliv e ry p lans should inc lude the pos sible removal of walls or doors. The ph ysical dimen s ion s for applic able compu ters and peripheral equ ipment are summarized i n Appendix A . Operati onal Spa ce Requirements Other fact ors must be con sidered along w ith [...]
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Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 38 Fl oor Lo ad ing The co mputer room floor must be able t o s uppor t the total weig ht of the ins talled co mputer sys tem as well as the weig ht of the ind ividual cabin ets as they are move d into positio n. Floor loading is usu ally no t an issue in no nraised fl[...]
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Chapter 2 General S ystem and F acili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 39 Co olin g Re qui remen ts Air conditionin g eq uipmen t re quireme nts and recom mendation s are describe d in t he follow ing se ctions. App e nd ix A summar izes air conditio ning requ iremen ts for t his HP server . Basic Ai r Conditi oning Equipmen t Requirement T[...]
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Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 40 • Chil le d water p ac kag e unit with rem ote chilled water plan t. The se systems ar e av ai lable with up or dow n disc harge and are usually loc ated in the co mputer r oom. • Cent ral st ation air ha ndling units with re mote r efriger ation equ ipment. The[...]
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Chapter 2 General S ystem and F acili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 41 Ba si c A ir D ist ri bu tio n S yst em s A basic air distr ibution syst e m in cludes su p pl y ai r and retu rn air . An air distr ibution s ystem should be zoned to deliv er an a d equate amoun t of su pply air to the cooling a ir intak e ven ts of t he c omputer s[...]
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Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 42 Air Co nditi o ning Ducts Use s epa rate co mput er ro om ai r condit io ning du ctwo rk. If i t i s no t s epa rate f rom the rest o f the b uil din g , it migh t be diff icult to contr ol co o ling an d air pre ssure leve ls . Duc twork seals ar e imp ortant for m[...]
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Chapter 2 General S ystem and F acili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 43 • Eatin g or drinkin g—Esta blish a no e ating or drinkin g polic y . S pilled liqu ids can cau se short circuits in equi pment such as keyboa rds . • Tile floor s—Use a d ust-a b s orbent clot h mop rather than a dry mop t o c lean tile floor s. Special preca[...]
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Chapter 2 Gener al Syst em and F ac ili ty Guidelines En vi r onmental F act ors 44 Acoustics (noise reduction) Computer equ ipment and air condi tionin g blowers cause comput er rooms to be noisy . Ambient n oise level i n a co mpute r r oom ca n b e re duce d as fo llo ws : • Dr o ppe d ceiling— Cover wit h a com mercial grade o f fir e -re s[...]
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Chapter 3 45 3 HP Bl ade Server bh7800 P ower This c h apter provide s par t number s for a ll the c ord sets (power c or d s) available for the bh 7800 ser ver . Basic power up an d power dow n is covered. The power distribu tion unit i nformati on and cord set part numbers comple te the chapter .[...]
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Chapter 3 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 P ower HP Blade Ser ver Initi al P ower- Up 46 HP B lade S er ver I niti al P ow er -Up Before applying power to the bh7800, verify that t he te rmin al (a PC with a termi nal emulat o r inst alled will suffi ce) is connected to t he man a g ement b lade an d turned on . P ower Cords Suppli ed Each bh780 0 po w e[...]
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Chapter 3 HP Blade Serv er bh7800 P ow er HP Blade Server I ni t ial P ow e r - Up 47 HP S erver P ower-Up Step 1. Locat e the server blade i n slot F1 (s erve r front, slot 1) and plug in a VG A monit or to t he monitor port . Step 2. Pl ug i n a keyboar d to one of the two USB ports o n the same serve r blade in slot F1. With out further inter ac[...]
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Chapter 3 HP B lade Ser v er bh7800 P ower Connect ing A C P ower usi ng a PDU 48 Conne ct ing AC P ower usi ng a PDU The b h7800 tem porarily draws a large inrush c u r rent, when first conn ected to an AC power source. The inrus h curren t is much greater than th e bh7800’s normal ope r at ing curr ent and generally , the AC pow e r so urc e c [...]
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Appendi x A 49 A Syst em Spec ifications a nd Requi rements This appendix contains specific p aramete r s applicable to t h e b h7800 s e r v er . T e mperature, p ow er requirem ents, an d power diss ipation figures ar e prov ided.[...]
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A ppe ndix A System Speci f ications and Requirements System Sp ecificatio ns 50 Sy stem S pecifi ca tio ns NO TE The M ar ke d Electrical for the bh7800 ser v e r i s 16 A. The recom mended c ir cuit breaker s ize is 20 amps for Nor th Ame r ica. F o r c oun tr i e s or areas outsid e North America, c ons u lt you r local elec tric al authority ha[...]
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Appendi x A System Specificati ons and Requi rements System Specifications 51 Fi gure A-1 P ower Supply Label[...]
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A ppe ndix A System Speci f ications and Requirements System Sp ecificatio ns 52 T ab le A-2 Envir onmental C ondition s P a ra meter s Co ndit ions Te m p e r a t u r e Opera tin g 68 °F to 77 °F (20 °C to 25 °C) Recommended 41 °F to 95 °F (5 ° C to 35 °C) up to 5000 feet a a. Above 5000 feet, derate 1 °C per 1000 feet altitude to 30 °C [...]
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Appendi x A System Specificati ons and Requi rements System Specifications 53 This tabl e can be copied and us e d to plan your air con d itio n ing requ irements for your serv er(s). Us e the footn otes at the botto m of this pag e to assist in cal culating the va lues. See T able A-6 for an example of how to arriv e at a value requir ed for air c[...]
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A ppe ndix A System Speci f ications and Requirements System Sp ecificatio ns 54 T o illustra te how to us e T able A -5, le t us assu me t hat we have a single chassis s erver loaded with 10 HP serve r bc1100 blad es , one network blade, one managem ent blade, and two manage ment LAN blade s . T ab le A-6 indica tes that 0.167 to ns of air conditi[...]
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Appendi x B 57 B P ower Pl ug C onfiguration There are seve ral differen t cord se ts (power cables) desig n ed for the bh7800 . The coun try or area destinati o n will d etermin e which c ord set ships w ith th e bh7800. T his g uide pro vides the site pr eparation specialis t with the kn owledg e of what to ex pe ct to recei ve bas ed on their ge[...]
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A ppe ndix B P ower P lug Configur ation Cor d Set Description 58 Cord Set Descri ption The pow er cables (cord sets) shipping w ith the bh7800 wil l be 4.5 meter o r 2. 5 me t e r lo n g c ables. The cor d set below s hows a 5-20P pl ug on one en d and th e C19 fe male pl ug on the ot her end. F igure B-1 Cord Sets Fe mal e E nd of Cor d S et The [...]
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Appendi x B P ower P lug Configur ation Cor d Set Description 59 M ale En d of Cor d Set Depe nding on th e country o r area the b h7800 is sh ipped to, the m ale plug o n the other en d of the po w er cable will va ry . Fi gure B-3 Male Plug Types Unterminated Plug L 6-20 Plug IEC 309 Pl ug CEE 7- 7 Plug L 6-30 Plug NEMA 5-20P Plug IS I 3 2 P lu g[...]
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A ppe ndix B P ower P lug Configur ation Cor d Set Description 60[...]
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Appendi x C 61 C Conv ersion F act or s and F ormulas Conv ersion fact ors a nd formula s fo r data c alcula tions for systems not c onformin g specif ical ly to the conf igurati ons listed in this Site Pr eparati on G u ide are provided. Conversion factor s used in this document are pr ovid ed.[...]
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A ppe ndix C Conv ersion F actors and Formul as Con versi on Factor s 62 Co nve rsion F ac tor s Refrigerati on • 1 wat t = kc al /h • 1 wat t = 3.412 Btu/h • 1 wat t = 2.843 x 10 -4 tons • 1 t on = 200 Bt u/m in • 1 ton = 12, 000 B tu /h • 1 t on = 3 , 517 . 2 W Metric Equivalents • 1 ce nt i me t e r = 0.3937 in • 1 m e ter = 3.28[...]
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Glossa ry 63 Glos sar y A-B Appa rent po wer A value of power for AC circ uits that is calculat ed as t he produ ct of RMS curren t times R MS volta ge , withou t t aking the po wer facto r into ac c oun t. ASHRAE Standa rd 5 2-76 Industr y standard f o r air filt ration effic iency set forth by t he American Soci ety of H eating , Re frigerat ing [...]
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Glossary Latent coo ling cap acity Glossar y 64 64 L-N Latent coolin g cap acit y An ai r co ndit io nin g syste m's capabilit y to remo ve heat from th e air . Leak age curre nt A te rm rel at ing t o cu rre nt flowi ng between the AC supply w ires an d earth grou nd. The te rm do es not nece ssaril y deno te a fault condi tion. In power supp[...]
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Gl os sa r y Wa tt Glossa ry 65 U-Z USB USB is a ser ial bus u sed for hu man in terface devices as w ell as lo w-band width multim e dia devic es. It is fully plug and play and h o t pluggable . Va p o r s e a l A vapo r sea l is an e ssentia l part of preven ting mois ture inf iltr a tion into or migr ation out of a critical sp ace , such as a da[...]
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Glossary Wa tt Glossar y 66 66[...]
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65 Index A acoustic al noise red u c tion , 44 ai r co ndit io ning duct s , 42 air distri bution systems , three t ypes of , 41 air flow rea r v iew , 25 side vie w , 26 air in take tem pera ture , 26 B backplan e , 14 bh7800 front view , 23 inr ush cu rren t , 48 rea r v iew , 24 C C19 type plug , 58 C20 type plug , 58 ca b l e managemen t tray ,[...]
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Index 66 static cha rge con trib utor s , 43 precau tions , 43 sta tic pr otection measu res , 43 suppl y a i r temperat ure , 41 V voltag e fluctuatio n sour ces , 31 W wi rin g sel ect ion , 31 Z zinc w hiskers , 42[...]