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HP NetServer LH 3/LH 3r to LH 4/LH 4r Upgrade Guide HP Part Num ber 5967-5271 Printed November 1998 Revision A, December 2000[...]
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ii Notice The information contained in this do cument is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard m ak es no warranty of any k ind with regard to this m aterial, including , but not limited to, the implied warranties of m erchantability a nd fitness for a particula r purpo se . Hewlett-Packard sh all not be liable for errors contained h er[...]
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iii Contents Preface ................................................................................................................... 1 Purpose of T his Guide ....................................................................................... 1 Related Docum entation ...........................................................................[...]
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Contents iv 4 Updating Firmware ........................................................................................ 29 Update Sy stem Firm ware ............................................................................ 29 Update the Operating System...................................................................... 31 5 Warranty and Suppo[...]
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1 Preface Purpose of This Guide This guide describes the steps y ou need to perf orm to conv ert the HP NetServer LH 3 to the HP NetServer LH 4. T his guide includes the follo wing topics: • An introduction to the LH 3 and LH 4 • An expla na tion of c ha nging the LH 3 c onfigura tio n to the LH 4 configura tion Related Documentation The follow[...]
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Preface 2 Tools You Need To install this accessory kit, y ou need the f ollowing tools: • An anti-static service kit (3M 8501/8502/8503 or equiv alent ). This kit includes a static-dissipating work su rface, a chassis clip lead, and a w rist strap. Pow er Supplies Needed NOTE You will need to install an HP NetServer LH 3/LH 3r Redundan cy Kit[...]
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Preface 3 Precautions Follow the procedures listed b elow to ensure safe handling of components and to prevent harm to yourself and the NetServer. WA RNING The HP NetServer L H 3r we ighs u p to 160 pounds (73 k g.) wh en fully loaded. If y ou are rem oving th e LH 3r from the rack, rem ove the pow er su pplies an d hard disk drives bef ore doing s[...]
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5 1 Introduction Installation Ov erview This guid e descr ibes the p roc edure s for insta lling ne w hardware and so ftware in you r LH 4/L H 4r NetServer. The h ardware u pdate take s 10 or 15 mi nutes. The firmw are upda te can take up to an ho ur , not inc l ud ing time taken by backing up and restori ng y our hard dis k drives , or by rein sta[...]
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Chapter 1 Introduction 6 CA UTION After the system inform ation upda te, your NetServer will revert to the default NetRAID settings. You mus t restore y our NetRAID c onfigura tion fro m your worksheets o r from note s before y ou can access the NetRA ID arrays. If you do not s ave the NetRAID confi guration details before perfor ming the system i [...]
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Chapter 1 Introduction 7 15. Reconfigure the system w ith the Setup and NetRAID utilities, using the configura tion de ta ils you saved in step 2. 16. Verify that the system is restored to its o p erating configuration. NOTE T his procedure assumes th at you are n ot performin g other procedures, such as in stalling new PCI cards, tape drives, or o[...]
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Chapter 1 Introduction 8 Sav ing the Current Operating Environment Before you start the u pgrade, follow th ese instructions to preserv e the current ope r ating enviro nment. CA UTION You must back up all disks on your system - the disk containin g the NOS and an y RA ID arrays. Failure to perform this step leaves you vulnerable to potential lo ss[...]
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Chapter 1 Introduction 9 ∗ Cache Policy (Default: Cached I/O) ∗ Virtual Sizing (Default: Disabled) C. SCSI Channel: ∗ Transfer Rate (Default: Ultra-2) 3. If y ou are using th e Integrated Rem ote Assistant features, ru n the Integrated Remote Assistant. Record all configuration settings. 4. Ensure that th e followin g features in th e Integra[...]
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Chapter 1 Introduction 10 Upgrading the Rack (LH 3r) Configuration You can upg rade the LH 3r rack con figuration w ithou t removin g it from the rack, but you m ay find it easier to reinstall the CPU baseb oard and install the chassis reinforcement bars w hen the LH 3r is removed from the rack and sitting on a work bench. When in the rack, the cha[...]
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11 2 Removing Cov ers and the CPU Baseboard CA UTION Wear a wrist strap and use a static- dissipating w ork surface connected to the ch assis at all times. Before you can install the new LH 4 C PU baseboard, there are several compon ents to remove from the LH 3: • Rem ove the bezel and covers 2 an d 3 to get access to the HP NetServer’ s interi[...]
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Chapter 2 Removing Covers and the CPU Baseboard 12 Cover 1 Cover 2 Cover 3 LH 3r Cover 1 Co ve r 2 Cover 3 LH 3 Figure 2-1. LH 3 Covers Refer to the HP NetServer LH 3/LH 3r User Guide f or details o f rem oving covers 2 and 3 an d the bezel.[...]
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Chapter 2 Removing Covers and the CPU Baseboard 13 Remov ing the LH 3 CPU Baseboard 1. Remove cover 2. 2. Open the CP U b aseboard retaining latches until they point away from the chassis, and the C PU baseboard has come out of its socket. 3. Slide the board out of the chassis (see Figure 2- 2). Removing the CPU Baseboard Guide and A ir Baffle The [...]
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Chapter 2 Removing Covers and the CPU Baseboard 14 LH 3r Remove air baffle Remove CPU baseboar d guide LH 3 Remove air baffle Remove CPU baseboar d guide Figure 2-2. Removing the LH 3 CPU Baseboard, Guide, and A ir Baffle[...]
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15 3 Installing LH 4 Components WA RNING Do not use m em ory or VRMs f rom th e LH 3/LH 3r C PU baseboard w ith t he LH 4/L H 4r CPU baseboard. This m ay result in damage to components and put data integrity at risk. Upgrading th e HP NetServer LH 3/LH 3r to an HP NetServer LH 4/LH 4r requires several steps, but there are f ew dif ferences betw een[...]
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Chapter 3 Installing LH 4 Components 16 Figu re 3-2 sh ows t he CPU baseboard parts and slot la yout wit hout th e processors, termin ators, VRMs, mem ory cag e, processor cage, or structural h ardware attached. VRM 1 / Process or 2 Process or 3 2 V R M1 V R M2 VRM 3 / 4 VRM 4 VRM 3 Process or 4 Process or 1 Figure 3-2. CPU Baseboard Lay out Proces[...]
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Chapter 3 Installing LH 4 Components 17 Table 3-1. Processor Module and VRM Relationship VRM Name on Baseboard Proc 1 Proc 2 Proc 3 Proc 4 V R M 1 / 2 x xxx V R M 3 / 4 x xxx V R M 1 x xxx V R M 2 xxx VRM 3 x x VRM 4 x Note : x = VRM installed Ta b le 3-2 shows the installation r e quirements for one thro ugh four p roc e ssors: wh at processor slo[...]
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Chapter 3 Installing LH 4 Components 18 Installing Processors 1. Po sitio n the LH 4 CPU baseb oard, as sho wn in Figure 3-3, on an anti-static mat . 2. Unfasten the two captiv e screws securing the processor cag e cover, then lif t it off and put it aside. You will see tw o empty slots for processo rs 1 and 2, and tw o term inators instal led in s[...]
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Chapter 3 Installing LH 4 Components 19 Installing Memory CA UTION Memory com es in pack ages of f our DIMMs. Do not install all four DIMMs into one board. Pr o per interleaving requires mem ory in each board, bank by bank , in pairs. 1. Unfasten the captive screw on the righ t side of the m emory cage cover, as show n in Figu re 3-4, and lift it u[...]
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Chapter 3 Installing LH 4 Components 20 Figure 3-5. Removing the Memory Cards 3. Position the mem ory board on a static-dissipating w ork surface and rem ove the DIMMs from their packing materials. 4. Remove a DIMM from its container, handling the m odule by its ends; do not touch the pin s. Lay it on an anti-static su rface. 5. Locate the slot in [...]
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Chapter 3 Installing LH 4 Components 21 6. Align the notches on the DIMM with the key s in the slot (see Figure 3-7). Notches Clips Keys LEDs Figure 3-7. Inserting DIMMs into Memory Board 7. Hold the DIMM at a 90-deg ree angle to the sy stem board. 8. Insert the DIMM carefully into the slot. The retaining clips will close automatically if it is ins[...]
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Chapter 3 Installing LH 4 Components 22 10. Replace the boards in th e mem ory cag e. Lower th e ejection levers to lock the board into place in th e cage. 11. Close the cov er of the m em ory cage. A dditional Processor, VRM, and Memory Configurations The LH 4/L H 4r CPU baseboard is s hipped w ith t wo proces sors, tw o term inators, and four VRM[...]
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Chapter 3 Installing LH 4 Components 23 Screws secure CPU baseb oard to reinfo rcing bars LH 4r LH 4 Screw s s ecure CPU baseboa rd to reinforc ing bars Figure 3-8. Installing the Chassis Reinforcement Bars[...]
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Chapter 3 Installing LH 4 Components 24 Installing the CPU Baseboard in the Chassis The LH 4 CPU b aseboar d fits into the chassis snugly. Observe these precautions: • Check to m ake sure th at you h ave remov ed the card guide an d air baffle f or the LH 3 CPU basebo a rd . If it is still installed, it will prevent the LH 4 board from seatin g p[...]
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Chapter 3 Installing LH 4 Components 25 LH 4r Ejection levers Screw s LH 4 Ejection lever s Screw s Figure 3-9. Inserting the LH 4 CPU Baseboard into the Chassis[...]
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Chapter 3 Installing LH 4 Components 26 3. As th e CPU baseboard lowers into place, raise th e levers into a vertical position. When the CP U b aseboard seats in its slo t, push the levers flat to lock the CPU ba seb oard into p osition. 4. Attach the tw o T orx thumbscrew s to secure the CPU b aseb oard to the chassis, as shown in Figure 3-9. 5. I[...]
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Chapter 3 Installing LH 4 Components 27 Finishing the Hardw are Upgrade As th e last step in the LH 3/L H 3r to LH 4/LH 4r u pgrade, attach the new nam eplate to the top of the f ront surface of the front bezel, as f ollows: 1. Orient the n ameplate so that it can be read correctly w hen attach ed. 2. Secure the nam eplate to the f ront bezel, as f[...]
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29 4 Updating Firmw are The HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM shipped w ith you r upgrad e kit co nta ins new firm ware s pecifically f or the LH 4/LH 4r. Update y our sy stem firm ware n ow as part of the u pgrade procedure. Update Sy stem Firmware 1. Run the HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM. A . If "User P refer e nc e s" ap pear s, select the[...]
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Chapter 4 Updating Firmware 30 D. Insert a blank flexible diskette in the NetServer and click to select EXECUT E . The NetServer copies the up date file to the diskette. Label the diskette "NetRAID Firmw are Update" . E. Click <BA CK to return to the NetServer Utilities screen. 9. Update the s ys tem n ame (on the LC D) and the Em bedd[...]
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Chapter 4 Updating Firmware 31 CA UTION T his Embedded Net RAID u pdate only updates t he firm w are on the C PU baseboard. When y ou reboot t he NOS afte r this update, you will get an error m essage caused by conflicts between the NetRA ID information stored elsewhere in the system and the new inform ation saved in the CP U b aseboard firm ware. [...]
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Chapter 4 Updating Firmware 32 1. From directories on the HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM (for applications that have a uninstall/install o p tion), upda te: ◊ Top Tools Applicat ion ◊ Top Tools Agen ts ◊ PC A ny w he re 2. Follow th ese steps to create a driver diskette to update y our HP drivers: A. From the Navigator Main Menu, m ove to NetS[...]
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33 5 Warranty and Support The hardw are warran ty below applies to compon ents purchased as accessories. If your com ponent w as factory installed as part of an HP NetServer model, ref er to the w arranty statement prov ided with your sy stem docu men tation. Hardw are Warranty This HP NetServer accessory is covered by a lim ited hardw are warrant [...]
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35 A Regulatory Information For regulatory inform ation pertainin g to this HP accessory, please ref er to the regulatory section of th e user gui de for the NetServer in w hich this accessory is installed.[...]
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37 Index A Accessory kit contents, 7 Air baf fle, 13 An ti-ti p foot, 3, 10 B Backing up disks , 8 Baseboard gu ide, 13 C CAUTION Anti-tip f oot, 10 Chassis reinf orcement bars installing, 22 Contents of up grade kit, 7 Cover p anels, 1 1 Cover s , 11 Cover s , removing, 1 1 CPU baseboard installing, 24 CPU baseboard lay out, 16 CPU slots, 1 6 CPUs[...]
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Index 38 Redund ant fan, 2 6 Regulatory information, 35 Related documentation, 1 S Saving the envir o nment, 8 Shock hazard, 3 Software up gr ade , 29 HP NetServer Navigator CD- ROM versi on L.15.00 or l ater, 29 Static-dissipating w ork surf ace, 3, 11 System covers, re moving, 11 System Event L og, 9 T Tools needed, 2 U Upgrade time required, 5 V[...]