Hyundai H-CDM8030 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Hyundai H-CDM8030, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Hyundai H-CDM8030 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Hyundai H-CDM8030. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Hyundai H-CDM8030 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Hyundai H-CDM8030
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Hyundai H-CDM8030 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Hyundai H-CDM8030 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Hyundai H-CDM8030 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Hyundai H-CDM8030, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Hyundai service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Hyundai H-CDM8030.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Hyundai H-CDM8030 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    EXCELLENCE by H-CDM8030 CD/MP3/WMA RECORDER CD/MP3/WMA    Instru ction m an ua l       [...]

  • Page 2

    2 Dear customer ! Than k y o u f o r purchas i n g o ur product. For saf ety , i t i s stro n gl y recomm ended to read thi s m an ual caref ul l y b ef ore co n n ecti n g, operati ng an d/or adj usti ng the product an d kee p the m anual for ref eren ce i n the future. Table of contents T abl e of con tents .......................................[...]

  • Page 3

    3 Im portant safeguards Usin g t h e device at tem perat ure bel o w -10º  m ay cause the b reakage o f t he devi ce. BEFORE USING PLEASE HEA T UP THE P ASSENGER COMP AR TMENT TO THE RECOMMENDE D TEMPERA TURE ! Read caref ul l y thro ugh t hi s m anual t o f am i l i ari ze y oursel f wi t h thi s h i gh-qual i t y sound s y stem . Di sco nnect[...]

  • Page 4

    4 Installation/ connection Attention: REMOVE THE TRANSPORT CD STOPPER (2 SCREWS) BEFORE USE. Din front-m ount (method 1) Af t er in sert in g t he ho l der in t o t he dashbo ard, select t he appr o priate t ab and b end them i nwards t o secure the h o l der i n pl ace. In sert f i n gers i nto the groove i n th e f ront of f ram e and rem ove i t[...]

  • Page 5

    5 Din rear-m ount (m ethod 2) In stal l ati on usi n g t h e screw hol es at b ot h si des of the un i t . 1. Sel ect a p osi ti on whe re the scre w h o l es of t h e m ain unit a re f i t ted f or al igne d, an d t i ghten t h e s crews at 2 posi t i ons at eac h si des. Us e ei ther tru ss sc rews (5 x 8mm ) or fl ush surfa ce scr ews (4 x 8m m)[...]

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    6 Attaching the control panel In sert the ri ght si de of the con tro l pa nel i n to the m ai n un i t. Note: the con tro l pa nel m ust b e at tach ed i nto the T-Joi n t. Pres s t h e control pa nel on to the l ef t si de of m i ddl e o f i t un til a  cl i ck  sound i s h eard. Caution: DO NOT i ns ert th e control pa n el f rom th e l ef[...]

  • Page 7

    7 El ec tri cal connection Caution: Do not in t erchange the conn ect i o n o f t he wiri ng!!! F or s om e ca r m odels y ou m ay ne ed to m odify wirin g of th e suppl ied powe r cord. C ontact y our au thori ze d car deal er bef o re i nstal l i ng thi s un i t .[...]

  • Page 8

    8 Panel controls Front panel 1. REL EASE button Pres s it to detac h the f ront pan el . 2. VOL kn ob/ SEL button Rot ate VOL kno b c l o ckw ise t o increas e t he vo lume level; rot ate anticlo ckw ise t o decrease t he volume level. Pres s SEL button o n ce to enter t h e Audi o sel ec t m en u. Press i t repeatedl y to se l ect t h e m odes: VO[...]

  • Page 9

    9 3. IR sen sor 4. PW R b utton Pres s PWR b utton t o turn t h e po we r on, pres s agai n to turn t h e po we r of f . 5. MODE button Press to se l ect t he m ode: TUNER => CD => SD/MM C => USB => NA ND => A UX. 6. LCD (LIQUID CR YST AL DISPLA Y) 7. OPEN b utton Pres s i t to f l i p do wn the f ront pa nel to i n sert or ej ect th[...]

  • Page 10

    10 16. P A USE b utton Use thi s butt on to pause pl ay bac k. Un der the paus e status, pres s i t to pl ay . 17. PRESET ST A TION [1-6] butt ons 18. A F/R EG button Pres s i t to enter the A F m ode. Press an d hol d for 2 second s to en ter t he REG m ode. 19. T A /TP b utt on Pres s it to acti v ate the TA f un cti on. 20. DIS/R EC b utt on Pre[...]

  • Page 11

    11 Rem ote control 1. DIS/R EC button Pres s sh ortly t o di splay cu rrent m ode an d t im e. Pres s an d h ol d f or 2 s ec ond s t o en ter t he Rec ord f uncti on. 2. MODE button Press to sel e ct the m o de: TUNER => CD => SD/MMC => USB => NA ND => A UX. 3. MUTE b utt on Pr ess i t to cut do wn t he volume o utput , press i t ag[...]

  • Page 12

    12 8. T A /TP b utto n Pres s it to acti v ate the TA f un cti on. 9. PTY b utto n Pres s it to acti vate the PTY f uncti on. 10. A F/R EG button Pres s i t to enter the A F m ode. Press an d hol d for 2 second s to en ter t he REG m ode. 11. / b utton s Pres s t o go t o the prev i ous/ nex t t rac k. 12. A S/ PS b utton Pres s i t to sca n the pr[...]

  • Page 13

    13 Changing the bat ter y 1. Pres s the catch an d at th e sa m e ti m e pul l out the battery t ray . 2. Ins ert t he 1 x li t hi um batt ery , t y pe CR 2025 3V b att ery w i th t h e stam ped (+) m ark f aci ng upwa rd. In sert the b attery tray i n to the rem ot e control . Warning: S tore the b att ery where ch ildren cann ot reach . If a chil[...]

  • Page 14

    14 Back of the f ront panel Pres s t h e OPEN butt on on the f ront pa nel to f l i p i t down . 1. MINI USB socket; 2. SD CA RD socket; 3. Panel status i ndi cato r; 4. RESET b ut to n ; 5. Di sc sl o t; 6. EJECT but to n. Note: Pres si ng the RESET b utt on wi l l era se the cl ock se tt i n g and stored stat i ons . Panel st at us i ndi cat o r [...]

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    15 General operation Rese t th e un it Opera t i ng t h e uni t f or the f i rst ti m e o r af t er repl aci n g the car ba t tery , y ou m ust res et t h e uni t . Pr ess OPE N butto n o n t he panel t o open the panel and pr ess the RESET butt ont to r es to re the uni t t o th e or i g ina l f actory setti ngs . Power bu tton Pres s PWR b utt on[...]

  • Page 16

    16 Setting other char acteristics Dur ing F M m o de, keep pressin g SEL b utto n f o r 2 seco nds to enter another m o de. Sho rtly a nd rep eat edly pr ess the SE L butto n to sel ect t he setting: DSP => IN VOL => STEREO => LOC => LOUD => CT => T A VOL => EO N => PTY. a. DSP m o de: select t he f o ll o wing equa li z er [...]

  • Page 17

    17 Display ope ration s 1. Pres s the DIS/ REC button to sh ow the f ol l owi ng curren t tun i n g i n f orm ati on an d ti m e i n an y pl ay m ode: PS (Def aul t) => PT Y => Ra di o f requen cy => CT. 2. Pres s an d hol d f o r 2 secon ds t o en ter t h e REC ORD m ode. Setting the tim e 1. En ter the CT m ode (b y pre ss i ng the SEL b[...]

  • Page 18

    18 Program m ing tun er s tations You can s tore up t o a t ot al of 30 radi o stati ons i n the m em ory (18 FM , 12 MW ), m an ual l y or au tomati cal l y . To store a stati on : - Sel ect a ban d (if needed) - Sel ect a stati on b y T -UP/ T -DN b utt ons - Hol d a Preset button (1-6) wh i ch y ou wa nt store th e stati on f or at l ea st 2 sec[...]

  • Page 19

    19 The RDS pr o gram w i ll be autom at i ca l ly searched and receiv ed. Af t er turnin g o n , if t he RD S signal i s week or even no si gnal , t h e un i t wil l search an o t h er f requency wi t h t hi s RDS program. Def aul t sett i ng i s ON. Reg i o n m o de: Pres s a nd h o l d AF/REG but to n f or 2 seconds, the unit will be u nder REGIO[...]

  • Page 20

    20 CD/ NAND/ SD/ MM C/ USB opera tions L oading a disc 1. Turn t h e po wer o n . 2. Press t he OPE N butt o n o n the pan el. 3. In se rt the di sc wi t h the pri nted si de fac i ng upward i nto the sl ot . 4. Pres s EJECT button on t h e i nn er si de t o ej ect the di sc . In sertin g the SD/ MMC ca rd/ USB devi ce In se rt the MM C/ SD card or[...]

  • Page 21

    21 Note: USB f ormat s upports 2.0. Capaci t y : 8 MB ~ 1 GB. SD car ds bran ds: Can non, Fuj i f i l m , Pal m , Moto rola, Mi croso f t , IBM, HP, Co m paq, Sharp, Sam sun g, et c. Capaci t y : 8 MB ~ 1 GB. MM C car ds b rands : Eri csson , Noki a, Mot orol a, HP, Pal m , San y o, Mi crosy stem s, etc. Capaci t y : 16 MB ~ 1 GB. Playing / pausing[...]

  • Page 22

    22 3. Use t h e T -DN o r T -UP / or buttons to go t o the p rev i ous/ n ex t track b y one. Scanni ng forward and backwa rd Pres s an d hol d f or 2 second s t h e T -DN or T -UP buttons to f ast th e pl ay i ng i n b ac kwa rd or f orward di recti on. Note: Duri ng the disc play back w h en Fas t/ Re v erse Pl ayback gets to t h e b egi nni ng o[...]

  • Page 23

    23 Sea rch fun ct i on In C D/ NA ND/ MMC/ SD/ USB m o de, press A S/PS but t on to en t er t h e Mus i c f i l e se arch m enu. Press agai n to sel ect t he s earch m o de: F ILE NUMBER SEARCH => FILE NA ME SEARCH => FOL DER SEARCH. Audi o CD support s t h e FILE NUMBER SEARCH o nl y. File number search 1. Pr ess AS/PS butt o n once t o en t[...]

  • Page 24

    24 File m anaging Encoding (re cording) f unction Enco d in g (Reco ding) funct i o n enab les sound source f ro m T uner, CD, AUX- in , NA ND flash m e m o r y , USB dev i ce, SD socket t o record di rectl y to NAND f l ash m em o ry , USB dev i ce or SD/MMC c ard. Note: Def aul t recodin g l o cati o n i s NAND f l ash m em o ry . Recoding at tun[...]

  • Page 25

    25 NA ND ALL : Recor di ng al l t racks f ro m disc to NA ND Fl ash m em o ry . MM C A LL : Record al l tracks f ro m di sc t o SD/M MC card. USB ALL : Re cord al l tracks f ro m di sc t o USB storage devi ce. NA ND ONE: Re cordi ng curren t t rack to NAND f l ash m em o ry . MM C ONE: Record curren t t rack to SD/MMC ca rd. USB ONE: Record curren [...]

  • Page 26

    26 Sel ect i n tended l o cati o n b y pres si ng DIS/REC b utt on i n the sequ en ce o f MM C => USB. T o exi t rec ordi n g m ode, pre ss DIS/REC m ore tha n 2 s econds . T o s tart rec ordin g, pre ss BA ND . Pres s agai n to sto p rec ordi n g. 2. In SD/MMC m o de: en codi n g t o NAND f las h m em o ry or USB socket i s avai l ab l e. In US[...]

  • Page 27

    27 Fi le download to front panel Y ou ca n enj o y the m usic f rom pre -rec orde d m em o ry on f l ash m em or y o f th e f ront pan el . Copy m usi c f ile s f ro m com puter usi n g USB cab le provi ded. 1. Ch eck y our operati on sy stem of y our com puter - supporti ng operati on sy stem i s W i ndows 98, 2000, XP . Note: W i ndows XP suppo r[...]

  • Page 28

    28 M P3 ov erview Notes on MP3: MP3 i s sh or t f or MPEG Audi o Lay er 3 an d r ef ers to an aud i o com pressi on t ech nol ogy stan dard. Thi s product al l o ws pl ay back of MP3 f i l es on CD-ROM, CD-R or CD-RW di scs. The unit can read MP3 files wr i t t en i n the f o r m at c omplia nt with IS O 9660. How ever i t do es not suppo rt t he M[...]

  • Page 29

    29 Make sure t hat when MP3 CD-R or CD- RW is burned that i t is f o r m at t ed as a dat a di sc and NOT as an aud i o di sc. You sh ou l d not wri te non-M P3 fil es or un n eeded f ol ders al o n g wi th MP3 fil es on th e d i sc oth erwi se i t takes a l o n g t i m e unti l t h e uni t starts to pl ay MP3 f i l es. W i t h som e CD-R or CD-R W[...]

  • Page 30

    30 Handling discs Di rt y , scrat ch ed o r warped di scs m ay cause ski p pi ng or noise. Han dl e t h e di sc onl y by t h e edges. T o kee p cl ean do not to uch i t s surf ace. Di scs sh oul d be sto red i n thei r cases af t er use to av oi d scratch es. Do n ot ex pose di scs to di rect s un l i gh t , h i gh hum i di t y , hi gh tem perature[...]

  • Page 31

    31 Troub leshooting guide Sy m ptom Cause Solution G ener a l No powe r T he ca r i gn ition is no t on . T he fuse is blow n. If the p ower supp ly is pr operly c onnect ed to th e car access ory switch the igni tion key to  ACC  . Replace the fus e. Disc Disc ca nn ot be loaded. Pr esence of disc inside the pla ye r . R e m ov e the disc in[...]

  • Page 32

    32 Specification Specif ica tion s ar e subject to ch an ge with out notice. Mass an d dim ension ar e approxim ate. General Po wer suppl y : 11-16 V DC Curren t consu m ption: m ax . 10 A Ma x i m um power output: 50 W x 4 ch annel s Di men si o n s (L x W x H): 178 x 175 x 50 m m W o rki ng t em perat ure ran ge: -10º  - +60º  Bui l t -i [...]

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    33   !            .                 ?[...]

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    34              -1 0º       .    ?[...]

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    35    /     :                  CD       ?[...]

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    36       ,    [...]

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    37       .         RELEASE  . 1). ?[...]

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    38        :       !!!    ?[...]

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    39   1.  RELEASE   ,   . 2.       VOL/  SEL [...]

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    40       2   ,       .  SE L,  ?[...]

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    41          . 12.  +10, -10     10 [...]

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    42    1.  DIS/REC  ,        .  ?[...]

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    43 6.  SEL      ,           .      ,     : VOLUME => BA [...]

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    44  : 1.      ,   . 2.   ?[...]

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    45      OPEN    EJECT     . 1.  MINI USB;[...]

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    46     RESET (   )      OPEN.      .        RESET , ?[...]

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    47          3          ,   ?[...]

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    48  .  PTY     ,  PT Y ON (  .) => PTY OF F (  .)   MU  , ?[...]

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    49    :    RDS (      )         .   ,       [...]

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    50  :              T -UP / T -DN,          ?[...]

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    51  PT Y (    ) FM-  ,    RDS,       . 1.   [...]

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    52     CD/ NAND/ SD/ MM C/ USB  1.        . 2.  OPEN  , [...]

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    53 7.  USB 2.0 .  : USB:    USB 2.0.  : 8 M  ~ 1  . SD:    SD   : Can non , Fuj i f i l m , Pal m [...]

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    54    1.         . 2.      ?[...]

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    55  Intro              10    .   ?[...]

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    56 2.   T -UP  T -DN,     ,    SEL,     .   [...]

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    57   BA ND,    .       « R».     ,  [...]

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    58  :     (SD/MMC   , USB)   ,        [...]

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    59              :  AUX-IN CD NAND SD/MMC USB Rec NAND 0 0 0 x [...]

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    60   3    3:  3           MPEG 3          ?[...]

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    61    CD-R  CD-R W ,    MP3 :                ?[...]

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    62     1.  POW ER   . 2.  REL ?[...]

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    63     ,                  [...]

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    64             .        (     ),   [...]

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    65              .  ?[...]

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    66                    ?[...]